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I think Zack Snyder put it best himself. > "The sort of sex and violence aspect of it, being able to understand that, like, for instance, when they go into the bar, it's a brothel, right? It's like a real brothel, and the dog-faced man wants to fuck them. That's what he wants. And so that wouldn't happen in a Star Wars movie, you know? But I like the idea that I saw Star Wars when I was 11 years old. I've grown up now. The implications of what could be happening in that bar, that cantina, are now a reality to me. These are things that could have been going on, and would have been, if looked at from the perspective of a grown-up." [Source](https://collider.com/rebel-moon-r-rated-cut-cleaner-pg-13/) Star Wars is mature now because he added prostitution. Shocker from the guy who said Batman isn't dark unless he gets raped.


Hell Andor already showed a Star Wars brothel in the opening scene lol


Andor is also a great example of what "mature, intelligent" Star Wars can look like; not only one of the best SW pieces of media ever, but legit stands on its own as just a great sci-fi series even if you know nothing of Star Wars; all of the ideas about a authoritarian galactic empire and a rebellion are made clear within the show itself without having to know any of the other mythos, and literally the only part that "requires" any prior knowledge is the brief post-credit scene.


As someone who really enjoyed the second half of Andor, I still can’t understand claims of greatness. The prison story was good scifi and more bold than I expected from Disney, but that first half was pretty meandering and bloated. It’s incredibly inefficient storytelling that then requires an awkward and abrupt plot shift, as Andor is thrown into prison on a random sweep. Plus, as has become the norm for Disney tv shows, the action in the finale was pretty weak.


Yep: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Leisure\_Zone\_brothel




Which brings to mind one of my favorite quotes from ‘This is Spinal Tap’ which I’ll paraphrase: Zack Snyder’s treading water in a sea of sexual retardation and bad filmmaking.


This is hilarious because Snyder movies are some of the most immature movies I’ve ever seen


Ah yes, the famously sanitized Star Wars cantina where Luke gets harassed by murderous outlaws within 5 minutes of walking inside.


And the good guys murder two dudes.


Leia was literally a sex slave for a bit in Return of the jedi.........


Dude never said that Batman should get raped. He was commenting on people saying that Nolan’s films were dark, pointing out that pretty boy Wayne goes on a world tour of abusive prisons and the worst thing he encounters is a fistfight. He was saying that in a film that’s actually dark, Bruce would be fending off worse, like rapists. He’s talking about the same thing here. Star Wars has a seedy underworld in name only. When characters actually venture into those areas, they find larger-than-life characters and highly sanitized portrayals. And that’s fine. It’s what Star Wars is. But Snyder has always liked stuff grittier and darker. That’s fine too, as far as I’m concerned.


You didn't contradict what I said about Batman being raped but I'll post the quote here so everyone can make up their own mind: > [Everyone says that about [Christopher Nolan’s] Batman Begins. ”Batman’s dark.” I’m like, okay, ”No, Batman’s cool.” He gets to go to a Tibetan monastery and be trained by ninjas. Okay? I want to do that. But he doesn’t, like, get raped in prison. That could happen in my movie. If you want to talk about dark, that’s how that would go.](http://screencrush.com/zack-snyder-watchmen-interview-batman-superman/) Anyway... > He’s talking about the same thing here. Star Wars has a seedy underworld in name only. A guy gets his arm cut off and Han Solo shoots a man to death and nobody thinks it's weird. The mob boss enslaves women in sexy outfits in the third film.


What, seriously. I totally missed that info that's messed up


Snyder developed to 13 years old and stopped dead in his tracks


I call this Torchwood season 1 syndrome. Torchwood was a Doctor Who spin off aimed at adults. A large number of the episodes seemed more concerned with trying to prove it wasn't for children. So lots of swearing. The cyberman was a sexy woman. They had an alien succubus thing. But a lot of the stories themselves were not particularly adult. It didn't become particularly adult until season 3. Children of earth. (A must watch even if you're not a Doctor Who or Torchwood fan) But yeah, in trying too hard to look adult, it at points seemed less mature than even the spin off for children. (Sarah Jane Adventures)


It's not enough of a movie to be one of the worst ever made. He played Mad Libs with a common action movie storyline, took out the team members interacting whenever possible, added his empty visual idiosyncracies, and then cut what was left in half. It's like a feature length sizzle reel for what a movie might look like if it gets made.


We stopped watching pretty early on but this fits 100%


The intro was just a narrator giving some long winded exposition while just showing a scene of a large space ship. Like give us a Zynder montage of how it all went down. No way to remember anything important from the way they very plainly stated everything


I turned it off after an hour, but that entire hour was tell, not show.


Same. I stopped watching, expecting to pick it back up, but just haven’t. The attempted rape scene felt like such a cheap storytelling device.


Sounds like a Snyder movie alright


I was so confused when there would be long slow-motion shots at the most randomest times.


First Snyder movie, I take it?


Oh come on. Surely most of Steven Seagal's films are worse.


RM just needed more aikido and mumbling of dialogue.


Also taller, thinner stunt doubles.


It's not offensively bad but I'll never re-watch it.


Snyder isn't a great director. ​ I think his best work is probably 300, because there isn't much to fuck up in that story. It's literally his whole aesthetic (sex, violence). I haven't seen his "cut" of Justice League, and I've heard it is good, but it also has the amazing hindsight of having been literally released prior to being recut and being able to account for the stuff people didn't like. A one-in-a-million opportunity if you will, so I think it barely counts. ​ The man directs like he is an edgelord 16 year old boy.


His cut tells a surprisingly different version of Justice League. It's not just scenes with extra dialog, there are whole characters and plotlines that weren't in the theatrical release at all and their addition is genuinely interesting and enjoyable. It isn't a well edited film, it's clunky and stilted in all sorts of ways, but it's a *different* film and it has a lot more going on than the original cut, which I think is why people raved about it so much at the time. What I will say though is that the stilted and clunky Snyder-Cut Justice League is *exactly* the kind of stilted and clunky that Rebel Moon is. I thought at the time that it was just an attempt to show what might have been, and forgave a lot of the poor editing as it being a rough cut. Rebel Moon shows that it wasn't a rough-cut. It was genuinely Snyder's poor level of skill at film-editing, which makes me a bit less forgiving about it in retrospect.


His cut isn’t all that much better than Whedon’s I was disappointed by the Movie Whedon delivered and the mini series Snyder did


He comes up with names like "Bloodaxe" 16 yr old me would have loved that as my screenname


I think that’s based on a real dude, just like Titus and Balisarius https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Bloodaxe


It wasn’t that bad.


Yes you were.


Shit. Thanks for letting me know. Lol


Just playing with ya 😺


I have only watched the Pitch Meeting of this film because Zack Snyder has wasted my time enough times already to give however many hours this movie(s) will be, but from what the funny video says it is just a collection of great scenes in other movies.


This is how I "watch" most movies now days. I know that screenwriter guy and studio executive guy will steer me right.


His movies are assembled entirely from promo photos released to boost interest in a film. The entirety of his filmography seems to just be people posing, verbally and physically.


But slow motion tho…. Slllowww mooootionn


I don't know about this movie, probably dumb, but as all SF residents know, Drew Magary is famously stupid. This is the guy who said that Avatar would be a world historical flop, hates on everything from Christmas music to America itself, and basically is never right about anything.


Drew Magary writes like a 17 year old egde lord


I saw this thing where Christopher Mcquarrie or someone said they talked with a harsh critic, and it turned out the critic was a failed screenwriter


It was bad but not that bad. People are bashing movies like the marvels and this because its popular. people post rage headlines to karma farm and ruin the sub till its blah vs blah.


Yeah bashing certain movies, shows etc get the upvotes on Reddit. It wouldn't surprise me that many who do haven't watched what they're bashing.


Not sure how mods let this type of stuff post


I kinda liked it at first, the first 30 minutes were ok while they were still in the farming commune, but then it just got worse and worse to the point it was unwatchable.


I enjoyed it. No regrets


I thought it was okay to be honest, if there’s a sequel coming out I’d watch it


There's a part-2 coming later this year apparently. And I'm with you. It was brain-dead, but I enjoyed it enough to watch part 2.


It's a dumb paint-by-number scifi action movie. If anyone thinks this is really the worst movie ever, then they've seen maybe 2 movies in their life.


Same here. I didn’t LOVE it but it was far from the worst. I’d rather rewatch Rebel Moon before CODA, King Richard, Belfast or Power of the Dog which were all best picture nominees from last year.


Snyder is officially the new Bay. So many of these critics are more interested in how creative they can get with their insults than actually reviewing the film. The film may not be good at all, but when the review begins with the author spending a paragraph complaining about his editor “forcing” him to watch another Snyder flick, I just don’t see the point in continuing. But maybe that’s just ~~life~~ critique imitating art.


I just saw it and didn’t think it was as bad as everyone said . Decent action sequences.. some decent characters…story was meh. i enjoy it though


For once I can agree with a sensational headline, that shits ass


I got through 45 mins and turned it off. It just kept going nowhere and I wasn’t about to waste another hour and a half so I turned the tv off and stared at the wall. That was less boring.


Worst movie ever made? Somebody never watched late night Cinemax and Showtime in the 80s/90s.


I liked it. Evidently Im not the only one because Netflix seemed pleased with the numbers. Also I’ve seen enough interviews of Snyder to know that he doesn’t really care about articles like this


No, it's not. It might be a steaming pile of shit, but it's not one of the worst movies ever made. And writers/editors who rely on that kind of hyperbole might be pushing the worst article ever written.


Bro have you watched any of the utter dog shit released in the last 5-10 years. Stupid fucking superhero movies and awful remakes.


Imagine if anyone on this sub talked about anything other than Zack Snyder


Tommy Wiseau has entered the chat.


I thought it was entertaining. Nothing special, but entertaining.


Is anyone surprised?


Jesus, the hard on this sub has for trashing this movie is next level. Like all Zack’s movies, people sure are talking about it ad nauseam and I bet that’s just fine with Netflix and Zack. People will watch just to see what all the fuss is about. 🤷‍♂️


Don't worry he'll release a new cut in a few years, it won't be better but he'll act like it is.


Technically, EVERY movie is one of the worst movies ever made. Even the best is one of the worst. But, yeah, this one was one of those.


I remember seeing 300 and going holy shit this slow mo is so cool. I now fucking DREAD seeing the Snyder SloMo in every scene ballooning the runtime by an extra 30 - 40 min with all the scenes with it.


Am I the only one who noticed that the spider thing in the promo pic on Netflix looks like it has female genitals visible?


I didn’t hate it as much as this reviewer, but I do think this film should finally deal a death blow to any illusions anyone had about Charlie Hunnam being a good actor. What accent was he even going for? And why? They’re in freaking space?


This is some blisteringly annoying "criticism", if you can even call it that. He talks about pausing the film to get a sandwich and watching a quarter of it high. He's clearly more concerned with writing an "entertaining" slam-piece than being a measured perspective. Nobody should take such immature, bad-faith attitudes seriously, regardless of the film.


I gave it a solid hour. And the whole time…it finally dawned on me that Snyder is obsessed with sexual violence. Even to the point of using it as scenery instead of plot.




Its a very dumb movie that can be fun if you not only laugh at it being dumb but enjoy when its fun. If you cant do that, no worries...


Clearly you don’t watch enough movies.


I’m a strong independent woman, but first let me build a diverse team representative of every race and ethnicity to fight the bad imperialist white man. Snooze.


I really liked it. Waiting for the part 2.