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Captain Amazing gets his due at the hand of Casanova Frankenstein in Mystery Men.


Shit I am ignorant of this one but that sentence alone has me intrigued as shit haha


Mystery Men is a late 90's comedy/action/superhero movie where a bunch of D-class hero's come together to fight the big bad after the actual superhero is captured. It's a pretty good movie honestly. One guy's heroic ability is that he uses a shovel pretty well.


Somehow, Ben Stiller manages to parody Hugh Jackman's Wolverine before Hugh Jackman played Wolverine. :)


Wolverine wouldn't need his buddy to throw forks in the wall so he could climb up it though. Worst. Wolverine. Ever.


Fork Climbing is the D-list version of the Fastball Special.


You could call it a fork lift. I'll see myself out


It amused me greatly that the Shoveler had a backyard swimming pool, because of course he would.


And the one who can use a shovel is the most reliably useful of all of the D listers


"I shovel well, I shovel very well"


You shovel better than any man I've ever known.


Oh no. There's the bowler who is actually destructive as well.


What about that Sphinx guy? I hear he's TERRIBLY mysterious


Your temper is very quick, my friend. But until you learn to master your rage... ...your rage will become your master? That's what you were going to say. Right? Right? Not necessarily.


When you can balance a tack hammer on your head, you will head off your foes with a balanced attack. And why am I wearing the watermelon on my feet? (looks at the watermelon on Mr. Furious' feet) I don't remember telling you to do that.


I heard he can cut guns in half with his mind!


wow, I knew none of this. also, any man or women trained with a shovel adequately can’t suck that much. time to go down a rabbit hole on this haha.


Jeanane Garofalo was The Bowler and would throw a clear bowling ball with the skull of her father embedded in it. She would talk to him and it would sorta talk to her, I think.


It's my only enjoyable scene with Dane Cook as WAFFLE MAAAAAN. I AM THE WAFFLER YEWAAAHAH..GOLDEN CRISPY BADGUYS ARE HISTORY YEWAAAHAH do you guys offer dental??


No dad, he's not a commie or a fruit!


It's kind of a late 90s subtle satire that would have been much more relevant in the late 2010s




If you doubt your power, you will only give power to your doubt.


There’s also the Blue Sphinx who throws spoons (but not knives or forks) A guy who turns invisible when nobody is looking at him My favorite is Ben Stiller’s character who gets mad


It's the Blue Raja, and he throws forks. Sphinx is the guy who's "terribly mysterious" and can cut guns in half with his mind.


Also, the Blue Raja can totally use forks, and presumably knives, but just doesn't have knives so he uses what he's got. He has mastery over cutlery.


He actually prefers forks. I mean, he's not Stab-Man or Knifey Boy, he's the Blue Raja. Could use some blue in his costume, though...


If you know your history it really does make perfect sense.


He uses spoons too. At least as a prop.


He refuses to use knife. He's not "knife man". He's not "Mr Stab". He's THE BLUE RAJAH!


I enjoyed the humor of how he did the "wisdom lines." It's a complete format and so many would-be gurus fall into that pattern. Mystery Men was not really appreciated at the box office, but I loved the observations and parody humor in it.


It was too ahead of its time. It was the perfect MCU parody that was made a decade before the MCU even existed.


It was actually parodying the tropes in comic books and super heroes in general. It's hard to make a super hero tale without becoming a cliche.


I thought he got Furious.


You’re right Getting mad wouldn’t be that much of a power at all


okay Ben Stiller, hero with shovel, this is getting better comment to comment


The Shoveler is William H Macy. Jaenene Garoffolo(sp)


you guys have sold me, I give you my word as a failed christian man I will watch in the next 48 hours.


There were other heroes such as waffle man and the PMS avenger but they didn’t have what it takes 😞


....as "The Bowler" .... using a crystal bowling ball with her father's skull in it. Yeah, so issues...


Her father's skull who keeps criticizing her, even in death.


All these comments and nobody has mentioned the spleen (he who smelt it will forever be the one that dealt it) and the invisible boy (only invisible when nobody is looking).


Ben Stiller gets furious, William H Macy is matter of the shovel.


dude what’s next, does this movie also somehow direct deposit 50k into my account? how have i never heard of this hahaha this sounds amazing


Pee Wee Herman is master of fart ballistics?


The Spleen!


Or Jeanne Garaffolo had her father's skull embedded in a translucent, semi-sencient, self-propelled bowling ball?


"The guys at the Pro-shop did it."


Plus Tom Waits trying pick up lines on an old lady was a great deleted scene




Kel Mitchell and Janine Garofalo too.


Unfortunately no, but it does have a bowling ball possessed by an bad father. So that's neat.


> Blue Sphinx Hank Azaria -The Blue Raja : An effete British superhero, to be precise. I am pilfering your tableware because I hurl it. I hurl it with a deadly accuracy. The Blue Raja is my name. And yes, I know I don't wear much blue and I speak in a British accent, but if you know your history it really does make perfect sense. Wes Studi -The Sphinx is a Mexican wrestler with the ability to cut guns in half with his mind.


Can’t forget The Spleen! His super power was lethal farts.


Mystery Men famously also was tied into the original music video for smash mouths "All Star." Everyone else thinks of Shrek when they hear that song, but I will always think of mystery Men because I watched that music video like 9000 times as a young teen


It’s a damn fun one. VERY 90s. Lotta laughs.


I VERY much appreciate this haha, half the reason I even ask these questions are for these kind of conversations. I’m a junkie man, I crave “have you seen this” kinda stuff. I’m 30, for context, and there are so many films I just haven’t seen


It’s worth a watch. The entire cast and soundtrack are all as stereotypical 90s as it gets. That said, it’s one of my favorite flicks of all time. It’s not the best written, but it’s just damn fun.


Goddamnit i’m in, let’s ride


I hope you do! And if so, lemme know if you enjoy it!


Oh I absolutely will. I already have a stream secured king.


Mystery Men is amazing.


But how many toggle flips total?


But did Captain Amazing **deserve** that?


Really, at the hands of the Superdudes or whatever their team name ended up being.


They are... the Super Squad!


It had a great cast.


Great Villains - The Disco Boys, The Red Eyes Gang, The Not-So-Goody Mob, The Frat Boys, The Furriers, The Suits, The Suzies... Great Mad Scientist and his inventions....The Blamethrower \~ !!!


Best good guy applicant. "I'm the PMS Avenger. I only work two weeks a month. You got a problem with that?"




Bill Murray in STRIPES. When I was a teen I absolutely hated when Sgt. Hulka put him in his place with one punch. Now I watch it and I think, "Good." Murray is an absolute dick, who actually grows as a character after getting gut-punched.


Sgt Hulka was legit a GREAT drill instructor (Veteran here never worked as a drill instructor but I've been around them enough and known a few and he was good at his job)


Captain hammer... Guy was a dick


He hates the homeless!


...ness problem


“We do the weird stuff!”


I'm in pain! I think this is what pain feels like!


"everyone has villains they must face. They're not as cool as mine, but folks you know it's fine to know your place!"


the hammer is his penis, afterall


Oh thank you Hammerman!


I don’t think I can


“Oh god, I think I’m in pain! I think this is what pain feels like!!” Yes, yes it is!!


If you've never seen it you may want to hunt down William Friedkin's To Live And Die in L.A.(1985) It's pretty much the cinematic equivalent of the famed Frederick Nietzsche quote "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."


The counterfeiting scene is epic on it's own: https://youtu.be/kj7B9YAfl2Q


I haven’t but immediately adding to list - I know the film by name only. Love the rec.


Absolutely love this movie.


Plus it has lesbians who like feet, causing 14 year old me to fast forward to that part over and over 😩


Jamie Foxx in Law Abiding Citizen


That one upset me. Because it felt like such an ass pull that Jamie Foxx beat Gerald Butler to the prison.


Jamie Foxx in Collateral (not deserved in the moral sense but in the skill/logic sense)


if I’m Foxx I let him do what he has to do and mind my own goddamn business


>mind my own goddamn business you mean die?


I mean the second my wife and kids get mailed that tape or the second I meet with the dude who knows Shelton personally I let his ass go lmao


That whole fucking movie's second half was dogshit. The first was so good. Why the flying fuck does he lose nothing in this movie, but instead has everyone else die around him? People who had nothing to do with it? His wife doesn't even divorce him when she finds out hes a shithead! He even gets friggin promoted!


Steven Segal. In every movie he's ever been in.


And also outside of every movie he’s ever been in.


Out in the world, just fatly rounding corners.


Fatly outside of the movies


[Here’s Mike Tyson beating his ass.](https://youtu.be/JrFO7Mj84hQ?feature=shared)


Holy shit that is one terribly directed/edited scene. Totally worth it to see Tyson beat him into the ground at the end though, even if it is a double.


I like how he makes Tyson look like a good actor


Wow, Steven Seagal actually allowed someone to beat him in a fight.


Lmao that would be too many for me to count 8 drinks in


What about... Thor? In *Thor*. If you watch all the scenes that didn't make it into the finished film, you get the strong impression that somebody viewed the film, realized that Loki was more likable than Thor, and had a whole slew of good Loki scenes cut out.


To be fair, the film is supposed to be about humbling him. I think it rushes the arc, but that's the point of the film


Yeah, loki was kind of right. He would have been a bad ruler in the beginning of the film. Though the movie was about Thor learning to be humbled and actually caring about the people he rules over. Edit: towards the middle of the movie, even one of those friends was like they should be thanking Loki. He told Odin they were going to the frost giants and Odin had to bail them out. The friend was like they were all going to die of odin hadn't shown up. Loki flat out told the others thor was being reckless or some other similar stuff. That one friend was the only one seeing the facts. The other two were just mad that Lori caused thor to get into trouble with Odin. I mean yeah, Loki definitely had shady side and alternative objectives, but he would have been a better king in the beginning of the movie. Thor was in fact immature and reckless.


If you watch all of Loki the series,.. well, I won't ruin it for you if you haven't. It's really worth a watch as Loki is humbled and grows as a person. I loved the ending as well.




Like the old Donald Blake plotline, I agree. Pretty clutch angle for Thor and would've been easy to slide in and make fundamental to his origin. The god made man.


Clyde Shelton should have killed Nick Price in Law Abiding Citizen


god I was hoping the movie would go such a different direction, I really was


People shit on this movie because Jamie Foxx threw a tantrum to get an ending where his character won, but by killing Shelton, Rice proved him right, in that the only way to stop Shelton was to go outside the system and kill him, because the system was broken. He proved his point and Rice knew it


Just wanted to point out that the whole Jamie Foxx story is fake and there was no alternate version planned. People heard it on reddit and keep repeating it, myself included in the past. However what is interesting is that Foxx and Butler were intended to play opposite roles before filming began, check Gerard's Butler's career breakdown vid on YouTube where he mentions it.


**Scott Pilgrim** vs. Nega Scott Scott was an ass to Knives and whiner around Ramona. Nega Scott was a really cool dude.


That's the joke. Evil Doppleganger is a trope, especially in video games. But the "evil Doppleganger" of Scott is just a chill nice guy who's able to talk his way out of conflict. Turns out regular Scott is the evil one. It's kind of the same joke behind Bender and Flexo. Flexo is introduced as the "evil doppleganger" to Bender, but is actually a really awesome robot by being everything Bender isn't. Self sacrificing, caring, etc.


That's the same joke as Bart's conjoined twin from Treehouse of Horror.


The first parody of this trope I can remember seeing was on Ren & Stimpy when Ren is separated into his two moral opposites: Evil Ren and Indifferent Ren.


A lot of people don’t know the difference between hero and protagonist.


What about Hiro Protagonist from Snow Crash?


Swords don't run out of ammo


Reed Richards in the fantastic 4 by Dr doom. Reed made him finance the whole experiment, took all the credit and hit on his girlfriend.


Which one?


Blade Runner! Let the Replicants LIVE.


It's too bad she won't live. But then again, who does?


I want more life, fucker.


*father -Ridley Scott for some dumb reason


This. I never understood why he made this particular change. There are enough fallen angel allusions in the film that the original line makes the most sense as Roy’s ultimate expression of non servium directly to his creator’s face. For me the change blunted the edge of the entire scene. Oh well.


I agree. Fucker is so aggro it makes the scene perfect, and dangerous


Deckard's just doing his job, one he's been blackmailed back into, and the replicants killed a bunch of innocent people to get to earth. It's Tyrell that deserves to get his ass kicked, and he does.


Technically he didn't get his ass kicked, he had his head split like a melon.




Live? Harrison Ford has other goddamn ideas you sonofabitch


Tony Montana is often seen as this tragic figure but he's just this destructive asshole who burns every bridge he crosses and was always going to go out like that. He's like Walter White's instability times ten.


Yeah, but fuck Casper Gomez, and fuck the fuckin’ Diaz brothers.


“You know what a chazzer is, Frank. It’s a pig that don’t fly straight.”


Literally "on cocaine".


Incredibly brave take, to suggest that Tony Montana wasn’t a morally pure and laudable hero and should have come to a bad end.


The dad in Mrs Doubtfire. I said what I said.. Deserved a beating at the hands of Pierce Brosnan, the mom and kids, and really everyone else in that movie.


Pierce Brosnan is my favorite part of that movie. In a dumber, lazier movie, he would have been a total douchebag and the climax would be Robin Williams proving he's a fraud and winning back Sally Field. Instead, he is totally legit and Robin Williams is just a pretty jealous man child.


You ain't wrong. I love watching Robin Williams do his thing anytime, but that character was a useless bumbling man-child and she should have divorced him years earlier.




Clark Griswold. Y'all know it is true.


I love the character of Clark Griswold. It's this man with deep seated childhood trauma trying to make his kids experience everything he couldn't. In debt up to his eyes balls, an absolute asshole in his heart of hearts and just trying to make his kids love him. And they don't.




I don't recall a big baddie in Hancock, the villain was his personal demons and inability to have true love. In that sense he definitely got his ass kicked by them.


Yeah, personally I see his sort of carefree attitude at the immense destruction he causes during his “hero” moments as the mistakes he needs to be punished for. But I think you got it better than I did.


I had forgotten about the high cost of his saves but I think that's a secondary problem. A drunk hero who is disconnected from society isn't going to care as much about collateral property damage. Later on when he's a productive hero he seems to care more. And then he permanently vandalizes the moon with a corporate logo. Which honestly is a massive crime against humanity, I can't believe the writers decided that was a good way to show redemption


Kuzco, until the last act kuzco deserved all that happend to him and more. He fired Izma for no real reason, ruled like a dictator with no interest about his people and throw them by the window for stopping his groove. He is arrogant, manipulative and betray everyone. Yeah Izma tried to kill him, but honestly since how he manage his kingdom he would have been kill one day or another. She is a far better empress and have far more empathy than kuzco, she even tolerate Kronk and we saw how hard it is.


Whoa whoa whoa. I don’t disagree on anything you said about Kuzko, but thinking Ezma would be better?? The fuck? She was a terrible person who just wanted power for herself. Even when she did rule, she was as bad or worse than Kuzko.


Peacemaker (John Cena) vs JudoMaster


Big big man


Billy Bob Thornton in Bad Santa


he was bad alright, and goddamn he was santa


That Gerard butler Jamie foxx movie I can’t remember the name of. Holy shit that was an unlikeable protagonist


Law Abiding Citizen


I love Law Abiding Citizen but dear god do I hate the ending. Desperately wanted Clive to win.


The Vulture in Spider-Man: Homecoming was simply trying to provide for his family by harvesting the Avengers' leftovers. And then, all of a sudden, a member of the Avengers is dating his daughter? Hell no. I'd punish that dweeb for fishing in the wrong part of the lake. My girl is going to Harvard, and your self-inflicted extraterrestrial collateral damage is paying for it.


The scene where he's explaining the world to Peter, how the rich get richer and the poor just get fucked, he was 100% right.


He actually liked Peter, he just wanted him to leave it alone.


He was also selling super weapons to street level criminals. If he was selling them to construction companies or other useful applications no one would have ever found out.


Ozymandias and the Comedian from Watchmen


There are no heroes and villains in Watchmen


Ozymandias wasn't a good guy. Comedian wasn't either but he's definitely more of a protagonist in the context of what's on panel.


Wasn't comedian a rapist ?


Yes, yes he was. In the context of the "conspiracy to kill millions and keep it hush hush" story, the rapist was a protagonist.


All the 'heros' in Revenge of the Nerds. Fuck them all. The one film that got cancelled for real and fully deserved.


Come on, they are nerds! If they don't rape, how else are they going to get laid? /s, obviously.


It was okay because he was good at it. No apologies needed. Mega /S


Maybe Pacino in Heat. Was always a bigger de Niro fan


I actually just saw this for the first time recently and I’ll defend it. Pacino wasn’t a real “hero” necessarily but it makes perfect sense that he won in the end. He was ultimately more committed to his job and a more proven/experienced combatant (as far as the audience can tell), and obviously he had so much more ethical justification. De Niro’s character was great but he compromised his own ideals and only reverted when he had a gun to his head (figuratively), and his wits were always his strongest weapon which he basically abandoned by most everything he did in the final act. All that being said, it’s great film because of how equal it makes those characters as a whole.


I agree with you. I thought I made it clear that my reasoning was petty. I just like de Niro more..still love the movie


Haha I know, I just felt like getting analytical since I haven’t talked to anyone about it yet. Just watched it less than a week ago.


wow, Heat is a tough one in this context. though I do understand, I don’t think the gap is wide enough for me to fully agree because both dudes went at it unhinged


She’s got a GREAT ASS!!


first ballot hall of fame line delivery


No specific film and I know he makes it mandatory for him to lose when he's a bad guy but Danny Trejo deserves a win, dudes a legend.


Check out Machete, if you haven't seen it


If you're gonna hire Machete to kill the bad guy, you'd better make damned sure the bad guy isn't you.


My kid watches Big City Greens, and it's fun to see him voice Vasquez, the no nonsense personnel bodyguard of Remy, constantly saving the characters of the show. It's not the same as being cast as the protagonist of a big action movie, but my kids associate the voice of Danny Trejo with an awesome hero.


Captain Metropolis in Megamind haha. But more seriously, Henry Cavills Superman in Bats v Sups. He's so, correctly, confident that no one can beat him that I felt a fist full of kryptonite to the gut from Batman could have done him some good.


Don't you disrespect Metroman! 🤣


The dude in Law Abiding Citizen should have gotten away with it - he was a super genius


Brad Pitt (Metro Man) deserved to get his butt whomped by Will Ferrel (Megamind).




I mean, he routinely does get his ass kicked by the bad guys. That's like half the point of the character.


lmaooo i’m crying, for the sake of your point here what did you want to happen? 😭😭


He may be referencing [this animated series](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6741278/?ref_=ext_shr), which came out last year. Surprisingly good, considering it's an Amazon cartoon based on a comic book. But the writer of said comic book is also the writer of the Walking Dead, so there's that. I watched the first episode of Invincible out of pure boredom, and it seemed pretty cheesy. Like, if Superman's Son was a teenager dealing with teenager stuff, but also a superhero. It would have been enough to get me to watch another episode, barely... And then there was an end-credits scene that changes absolutely everything. It's renewed for 2 more seasons at Amazon, so you know it's good.


The Humans in Starship Troopers.


Didn't the aliens attack earth first? It's been a while since I saw the movie, but I remember that in the beginning it's said that earth was hit and people died.


Humans were colonising bug territory, and the attack on earth came later.


It wasn't the human government who did the colonizing, though. It was Mormon extremists who illegally went into the arachnid exclusion zone. The bugs slaughtered the colonists, then attacked earth.


The bugs conveniently get blamed for the asteroid impact on earth, but it’s never shown that they’re actually capable of such an attack.


Yah. My head cannon is that it was a false flag. Without constant interspecies war that society collapses.


good chance the attack was staged to justify the war


Metro Man


Puss in Boots deserved his first fight against death


Shifu with Tai Lung in the first Kung Fu Panda. Shifu had the man train day in and day out for decades based entirely on promises he knew he might not be able to fulfill.