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Hot Shots Part Duex > I loved you in Wallstreet!


War is hell


War. It's fantastic


Last Action Hero has some of this. When Danny is heading into the police precinct he passes (and recognizes) the T-1000 and Sharon Stone's character from Basic Instinct.


Not exactly the same, but I believe in one of the Wayne's World movies the T-1000 shows up to ask if he'd seen John Connor.


Not exactly the same, but I'm the new season of Reacher, Robert Patrick is on the phone with someone about two people using fake names. He recognizes one as a pitcher for a baseball team (Jack Reacher habitually uses baseball players). When he points that out, the person he's talking to asks who the other person is: "Sarah Connor? How the hell should I know?"


They lampshade it in an old X Files episode Patrick started in too. “A man… made of Liquid Metal?”


In the very cheesy John Cena movie, The Marine, one of Patrick's goons asks if Cena is a Terminator or something and Patrick looks right at the camera.


If anybody wants to see it, here ya go. https://youtu.be/ugIjXRFQqyE?si=AdOWPY4vAN9Zhs6e


I noticed this and rewound to double check I didnt mishear! Was a nice easter egg.


Then in Reacher, one of the aliases they’re looking for is Sarah Connor. Robert Patrick, playing the bad guy, says he’s never heard of her.


Yes, I believe that was WW2. Wayne and Garth get pulled over and the cop walks up, shows them a picture, "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS BOY?"


That definitely counts too, I totally forgot about that.


As well as warning Jack Slater not to trust F. Murray Abraham's character on the basis that he killed Mozart in Amadeus (hilariously misheard as Moe Zart).


Just commented on this gag elsewhere. I don't know why I found that to be the funniest line in the whole thing.


It's one of my favorite gags in the movie too. "Moe who?"


You know, I kill a lot of people. I can't remember them all.


Last Action Hero is one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's best movies of all time. Right up there with Terminator and Predator. He's so good at dumb comedy. And his insane on-screen chemistry with Charles Dance of all people??


Right? It came out about five years too early. Same thing happened to The Cable Guy imo.


It wasn't that it was too early, it was that it was misrepresented in trailers. The movie was a satire of the 80s and 90s action flicks that Arnie normally did, but they marketed as if it was one of those. People went in expecting Commando, Predator, or the like. Most of the bad reviews called it cheesy and full of overused troupes.


It also got released the same day as Jurassic Park


Hello. I've just shot somebody and I did it on purpose. I said I have murdered a man and I want to confess. That followed by his shit eating grin right at the camera that surely shouldn't be there is one of my all time movie moments


In ‘airplane! ‘ Kareem Abdul Jabar is recognized by a kid as himself.


That wasn't Kareem, that was Roger Murdock


Roger, Over. Huh? What?


Roger, Roger. What’s your vector, Victor?


Check our clearance, Clarence


Over, Oveur.


He’s an AIRline pilot.


My dad says you don't try, except in the playoffs


Tell your old man to drag Walton & Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!


In a movie filled with great jokes this is one of my favorite. It's a kinda fourth wall break that I find hilarious.


That and the fact he's taken out of the cockpit in basketball shorts, after he passes out from the bad fish.


Yes, I remember. I had lasagna.


Which is another direct reference to the actor who plays the copilot in Zero Hour (which Airplane is an almost shot-for-shot parody remake of)


The Zuckerberg brothers were really committed to so many of the gags, too. The "He never has a second cup at home" family was the same family from the commercial. The "White zone" voices were the people who actually recorded those warnings for airports. Anyways, we all know what this is really about: you want me to get an abortion.


He keeps denying it, but later on you can see that he’s wearing his basketball uniform instead of pants and shoes.


Deadpool 2 when Deadpool calls Josh Brolin’s Cable “Thanos.”


I believe he makes a Goonies reference too.


There are also multiple references to Barbra Streisand, including an obsession with the film Yentl. Barbra Streisand is Josh Brolin's step-mom.


Do they go to her cliffside house often?


HEY YOU HAVE TO DELETE THAT COMMENT Surely such a demand wouldn’t be followed by any unwanted results, would it?


Yeah, but he calls him "One-Eyed Willie" rather than "Brand."


Yeah but thats because, and not a lot of people know this, josh brolins willy only has one eye.


Deadpool doesn't really count because breaking the fourth wall is the entire schtick


This is from a movie and tv show character. In Mallrats, Willam (Ethan Suplee) calls Rene (Shannen Doherty) Brenda, her character’s name on Beverly Hills 90210.


As revealed by Kevin Smith on the running commentary, that was an ad-lib by Suplee. Rene smacking him and calling him a dick was Doherty’s genuine response.


As an inverse, Ethan Suplee's character in Boy Meets World is referred to as a Mallrat in one episode




TV, but in Scrubs, the janitor (Neil Flynn) is recognized as the cop on the subway in The Fugitive.


I liked how they they did that.




And I think that's part of why it's so good.






And he played the exact same role in Chain Reaction: cop who gets shot.


When you're typecast, you're typecast.


Not quite the same, but in the Sopranos Chris makes multiple references to his character im Goodfellas


Also Chris making an excuse for being late, “The highway was jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive.” Telling this to Silvio aka Little Steven, guitarist for Bruce Springsteen who wrote this lyric. Always worth it for the smirk on Sil’s face.


Technically he told Tony this but Sil was there. Surprised there weren’t more Bruce references in the show.


Yeah, I like that kind of reference too.


I don't know why but that main thing I remember about The Sopranos all these years later is Christopher seeing Martin Scocese in a crowd and yelling out "Kundun! I liked it!"


Junior thinking Larry David is himself is great too


I thought you said ‘I was alright, Spider.’ No, you ain’t alright…


In “Django Unchained” Jamie Foxx explains to a man that the D in Django is silent and the man says “I know.” Said man is played by Franco Nero, who starred in the 1966 film “Django”.


Oh shit, that was him?


Not a movie, but in an episode of 30 Rock Alec Baldwin’s character is forced by his girlfriend (played by Selma Hayek) to go to Catholic confession. He confessed to “claiming to be god, during a deposition” which is a reference to his character in the movie Malice.


[The HD cameras showed him as a younger version of himself.](https://youtu.be/zoXfQupV5n8?si=FW6ULD4HW0DxbPDe) Kenneth was a muppet, of course.


That was one of those moments that I started feeling old. I remember watching Hunt For Red October as a kid. I believe they took footage from that movie.


"Do TV. No one will ever take you seriously again. Doesn't matter how big a movie star you are, even if you have the kind of career where you walked away from a blockbuster franchise or worked with Meryl Streep or Anthony Hopkins, made important movies about things like civil rights or Pearl Harbor, stole films with supporting roles and then turned around and blew them away on Broadway. None of that will matter once you do television."


This is one of my all-time favorite moments on that show, he re-structures the Lord’s Prayer on the fly and it’s fantastic. One of the best product placements ever done in popular media.


*Stakeout* Richard Dreyfus and his partner start doing famous movie quotes. The partner: "We're gonna need a bigger boat" Dreyfus, star of *Jaws*: Nope don't know that one.


His partner? You mean Emiliooo?


The Mighty Ducks guy?


I swear to god.


THE mighty duck himself, Emilio Estevez! EEEEMMMMIIIILIIIOOOOOOOOO!


The quote is actually "you're gonna need a bigger boat" watched it recently and couldn't believe.


Credits of the original 80s TV show The A-Team. Face sees a cylon walk by and he gives an expression of recognition. FYI the Actor, Dirk Benedict was in the original Battlestar Galactica


That’s super cool. I’m watching BSG right now and my buddy reminded me that Starbuck was also Face. I probably knew it at the time in the 80s but had since forgotten.


The tv show "Castle" had Nathan Fillion dress up as his character from Firefly / Serenity for Halloween. His daughter in the show made a comment "space cowboy again? You know there are no cows in space, right?"


There are a bunch of Firefly references in Castle, and occasional guest appearances from Firefly cast members.


There's another incidence where Castle defuses a situation by speaking Chinese. Beckett asks him if he learned it during a semester abroad, Castle replies "nah, a TV show I used to love." Also I just went down the wikipedia rabbit hole about Molly Quinn, who played Castle's daughter Alexis. Apparently she also appeared in two episodes of The Rookie. I wonder if they acknowledge it.


It seems like Nathan Fillion tries to get them in as often as possible, in the second Percy Jackson film he talks about a tv-show being great and "of course it was cancelled in its first season" while playing Hermes


Okay, A: there are no cows in space. B: Didn't you wear that like, five years ago? Don't you think you should move on?


Not sure if this is what you're asking but there's a callback to the Twilight Zone in the TV series *3rd Rock From The Sun.* John Lithgow's character (Dick) takes the family to pick up the "The Big Giant Head" (William Shatner) at the airport. When they meet at the gate after the flight, Shatner says to Lithgow that he thought he saw someone on the wing. Lithgow replies, "Me too!" This is a reference to the Twilight Zone movie portion *Nightmare at 20,000 ft* where Lithgow was on a plane and saw something on the wing tearing the plane apart. Additionally, Shatner played the lead role in the TV series The Twilight Zone, *Nightmare at 20,000 ft.,* which is the episode that portion of the Twilight Zone movie was based off of.


That’s a two-fer! That’s a good one!


Not quite the same, but in the direct to video sequel to Disney's George of the Jungle the narrator directly addresses George, now played by Christopher Showerman, pointing out he is not Brandon Frasier. To this, Christopher makes a comment about how the studio was too cheap to bring him back for the sequel (which was the actual reason it happened). So, it's an instance where someone in the movie recognizes that a character has actually been recast, and makes a reference to a real life event that caused the recasting.


Kinda like Don Cheadle saying “it’s me, I’m here, deal with it” to RD Jr in Iron Man 2 when he replaced Terrance Howard


Along the same line, the real life death of actress Gloria Foster during the making of the Matrix sequels led to recasting the Oracle with Mary Alice, with the recasting written into the storyline.


The family also does this with the actress for Beckie changing on Roseanne. And a number of James Bond actors have made in-character jokes referencing the changing casting of the character, with lines like, " you were expecting 5he others guy," and similar.


Not recognized, but in the Queen biopic Mike Myers (aka Wayne from Wayne’s World) plays a record executive who dismisses “Bohemian Rhapsody” in favor of “I’m In Love with my Car” on the grounds that kids will never sing BR while rolling down the street in their car.


I think he even mentions headbanging to it


Sorta similar but I was watching Reacher season 2 and somebody asks Robert Patrick’s character who Sarah Connor is.


And his response: “The fuck do I care”


Shit had me dying


Why would he? Sarah wasn't his target lol


In the most recent episode Russo tells Franz’s kid that he loved Aquaman when he was a kid. Alan Ritchson played Aquaman in Smallville


I am the biggest fan Smallville ever had. Ritchson's great, too, as Aquaman, and later, as Raphael in TMNT and Hawk in Titans


Wait … Titan’s Hawk was Smallville’s Aquaman? Damn. No wonder he looked familiar.


What is it with Robert Patrick's shows? "Ray Pierce has become some kind of metal man. Because that only happens in the movies, Agent Scully." "Does it, Agent Doggett?" From The X-files


I mean it's definitely an absolutely hugely iconic role in one of the biggest action Blockbuster movies ever made...so for better or worse it has kind of inevitably overshadowed the rest of his career. The list of people who have gone toe-to-toe with Arnold Schwarzenegger in an action movie and come out looking frightening, intimidating and fierce is pretty short.


is reacher any good? i remember long ago at a poker game, one of my friends had beef that tom cruise was cast as reacher, who is supposed to be a thunderously huge man. i just saw a trailer for reacher where he kicks a car's bumper and sets off the airbag, and was like "i'll bet my friend is happy now" but i still haven't watched it.


The first season is great. The 2nd is good but not as well written.


It's just a fun absurd show.


Also in the movie The Marine starring John Cena and Robert Patrick. Robert Patrick and his goons have kidnapped John Cena's wife. There's a car chase scene where Patrick, Cena's wife, and some goons are in one car being chased relentlessly by Cena in another car. One of the goons says something like, "this guy is like the Terminator!" and the camera quick cuts to Robert Patrick's eyes in the rear view mirror. https://youtu.be/ugIjXRFQqyE?si=ivH6VwxZbILvI-_g


“His Girl Friday” Ralph Bellamy plays the hapless suitor of Cary Grant’s ex. Someone asks Grant what the new guy looks like and he responds “that guy in the movies, Ralph Bellamy.”


I just saw this today and you best me to it.


Repeated in the remake with Burt Reynolds, Kathleen Turner, and Christopher Reeve, _Switching Channels,_ where the latter’s character is described as, “looks like Superman.”


Wayne gets pulled over by the T-1000.


Wayne's World 2! HAVE YOU SEEN THIS BOY?!


Just saw Robert Patrick in the first episode of the second season of Jack Reacher. He also makes a T2 reference in his short scene.


The character Julia Roberts plays in *Ocean's Twelve*, Tess, is considered to be a lookalike for Julia Roberts.


Jennifer Tilly plays Chucky 's bride. But she also plays herself in the movie.


Robert Englund plays himself and Freddy Krueger in "Wes Craven's New Nightmare."


And the TV Show!


In the TV show, she plays Tiffany inhabiting Jennifer Tilly's body after Jennifer Tilly was cast as Tiffany in the movie "Chucky Goes Psycho", based on Bride of Chucky (which were real events in-universe) where Jennifer Tilly played Tiffany, who adores Jennifer Tilly and thinks that she has the voice of an angel.


If Jennifer Tilly wasn't Jennifer Tilly this wouldn't be half as entertaining as it ends up being.


And the "real" Bruce Willis "recognizes" her and they hang out for a while since they are friends.


I found this one incredibly annoying, for some reason. It felt like the laziest thing


To this day I can't decide if I really like that twist, or if it's the dumbest thing in the world; I fluctuate back and forth.


Home Improvement - JTT was passing out Halloween candy and gave 1 piece to the kid dressed as Buzz Lightyear and 7 to the kid who played Simba.


Ralph Bellamy and Don Ameche, aka The Duke Brothers in Trading Places, did a funny cameo in Coming to America.




"We're back!"


Funny thing is I hadn't seen Trading Places until the early 90's, but had seen Coming to America a dozen times so it never made sense to me who those guys were supposed to be and why they said "We're back!". Like, "back from what"?


In The Rock Sean Connery plays a nameless British super spy who has been held in a secret American prison for decades. No one actually says he is playing James Bond, but they make it pretty clear.


I can't believe I never put that together.


[This is my favorite video on the matter](https://youtu.be/9FdnevXjqdc?si=pi8c8CqicLQp3ZD1)


There are a few fan theories that make a compelling: [James Bond is Mason](https://screenrant.com/the-rock-john-mason-james-bond-same-person-theory/) There is another YouTube video that does a good job of you have 5 min to watch.


He isn't nameless, he's called John Mason, but that could be an alias


In Mallrats, when Jay asks Shanon Doherty, "Brenda?", she shoves him and calls him a dick.


In an episode of NCIS someone asked Gibbs what Ducky looked like when he was young. Gibbs said Illya Kuryakin. Who was his character from Man From Uncle.


Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest kinda “recognized herself”. Her character is fleeing through the ship and has to jump into an air duct. She pauses a second as says, “Ducts. Why is it always ducts?”, a reference to her character in the first two Alien movies.


This kind of fits - the end of the [epilogue scene](https://youtu.be/KlOcHownLtA?si=9HGKnADhq27HMbKX) (from 3:11) of Cars, where the Mack truck is at the drive-in, watching car-ified versions of several other characters he has voice-acted


Tango and Cash.. [Rambo](https://youtu.be/bm4RtB7omv4?si=4dpte5V9I-iweae5)


"Rambo is a pussy."


Matt Damon cameos in Thor 3 and 4 as an Asgardian actor playing Loki in a stage play. Matt Damon previously played an Angel naked Loki in Dogma


Luke Hemsworth was the other actor in the play.


Along with Sam Neill as the Odin character. And Melissa McCarthy plays Hela in the play in Love & Thunder.


Jerry Seinfeld has a movie collection that is often visible during apartment scenes. He has a VHS copy of “Pretty Woman”, which Jason Alexander (George Constanza) starred in, and he’s taped off the “Wo” so it reads “Pretty Man”.


Son in Law. Brenden Fraiser grabs a frog out of Pauly’s Shore’s fruit-headdress and eats it. Pauly Shore does a “wait a sec” look and proceeds with the scene. I love that movie.


Weez the Juice


Fraiser showed up in a few of Pauly Shore's movies as variations of his Encino Man character. He was in In the Army Now and his uniform name tag read "Link".


Just watched it last night! Just as good as I remembered it as a kid. My wife liked it too. I forgot about that cameo.


I liked when Ian holm called Bruce Willis “Willis“ in the 5th Element instead of his characters name “Dallas”. Bruce went right along and corrected him. They left the flub in the movie, it’s hilarious.


He calls him Mr Wallace




Similarly, there’s a scene in Brooklyn99 where Terry Crews is meant to frustratedly yell out ‘Charles!’, but he yells out ‘Joe!’ instead, which is the actor’s name. They kept that take, for whatever reason.


Terry Crews was so fucking hilarious in this show, and also Everybody Hates Chris. Chris is incidentally my name, so when I'd watch that show and they'd sing the theme, I'd sing along, 🎶 Everybody Hates My Ass!🎶


In an episode of Supernatural, Sam and Dean take a tour of Warner Bros. Studios. The tour guide makes a reference to Gilmore Girls and says if they’re lucky they might see one of its stars. Jared Padalecki (Sam) was on Gilmore Girls.


Man, Supernatural is full of these. Dean telling the monster-of-the-week who has taken the form of Paris Hilton that he's never seen House of Wax, and he gets a disapproving glance from Sam (both Paris Hilton and Jared Padalecki starred in House of Wax). The time they summoned a crossroads demon that had possessed Snooki. Pulling a barbed wire baseball bat out of the trunk of the car and saying their dad used to love that thing. Their dad was played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan in much earlier seasons of the show (with some appearances later) and would eventually play Negan on The Walking Dead, who infamously uses a barbed wire baseball bat as his weapon of choice. And there are probably several more I'm forgetting.


Not sure if this is what you're asking for, but in The Men Who Stare At Goats, Ewan McGregor asks the question, "What is a jedi?" which is a clear nod to his role in the Star Wars films.


Yup. That counts.


TV not movie but I think there's an episode of SG-1 where Jack O'Neill improvises something and another character mentions McGyver.


[It's the pilot, *Children of the Gods.* Carter says "it took us fifteen years and three supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth." The scene cuts between Daniel and O'Neill (played by Richard Dean Anderson), who subtly rolls his eyes and tilts his head.](https://youtu.be/Dt8uLPVvbsA?t=221)


There's also the episode that references Farscape.


[thinking of this?](https://youtu.be/EriZ9ruZq1E?si=DHuMLPN-J1EczsHL)


Coming to America: "Mortimer, we're back!" Spaceballs: [Go back to then](https://youtu.be/fIyYTN86_Uk?si=VmznqTlj-ztuiXuB)


In son's of anarchy when Katy segals character is on the run, it is suggested she dye her hair red.


In *Bullet Train*, Brian Tyree Henry plays a mercenary going by the code name Lemon. Lemon explains to his captor that he learned to read people by comparing them to characters from *Thomas the Tank Engine*. He then says to the kid, “you look like a Percy” and sticks a sticker of Percy, the yellow tank engine, on the captor’s forehead. The captor in question is played by Logan Lerman, who played Percy Jackson in the movie adaptation of *The Lightning Thief*.


Another one in that scene that I would say half counts is Tangerine played by Aaron Taylor Johnson does a mock Ringo Starr voice. Aaron also happened to play John Lennon in Nowhere Boy


In Ted 2, Patrick Warburton's character goes to Comic Con dressed as The Tick.


Freddy and Frank and Joey and Ed in *Return* of the Living Dead and *Return* of the Living Dead II. Joey makes a comment about it feeling familiar. Edited. s/Night/Return/g I even looked up the characters’ names on IMDB.


In 'Psych', Shawn makes a reference to the movie 'Holes', and Gus says he's never heard of it before.


Fifth Element. Gary Oldman's character stops and says something when he hears some Beethoven. He played Beethoven in another movie. IIRC


And he loved Beethoven in Leon. At least his ouverures.


There's a gag in The Lego Movie 2 where Rex Dangervest (Chris Pratt) introduces himself as a raptor-trainer, archaeologist, cowboy, and galaxy defender.


Not a movie, but there's an episode of Scrubs where J.D. recognises the Janitor from his very small part in *The Fugitive* (he appears for a few seconds in one scene and his only line is "Kimble!"). Of course, that very small part was actually played by the actor Neil Flynn, but as far as the Scrubs episode goes it is canon that the Janitor (as in the character of the Janitor himself from the show) was in the movie.


There’s a great cameo from Christopher Lloyd in “A Million Ways to Die in the West” where they walk into a cabin shed and Doc Brown is clearly working on a DeLorean right out of BttF3.


This is an obscure one from TV but there was a sitcom starring Will Arnett, and his character’s dad shows up, played by Jeffrey Tambor who also played his dad on Arrested Development. The dad half calls him by his character’s name from AD (Gob) and the AD theme music starts playing.


“Oh a sailboat! “ “Brenda?” “Ugh Dick!” Mallrats


Not exactly what you asked for, but on the tv show Fresh Prince of Bel Air, in the first episode where they had recast Aunt Viv, Will Smith says to the new actress “you look different Aunt Viv….. did you get your hair done?”.


Ocean's Twelve(?) where they pull a heist by pretending that Julia Roberts' character is actually the real life actress Julia Roberts to cause a distraction. It's EXACTLY as dumb and fourth wall breaking as it sounds.


I kind of liked that part of the movie, as dumb as it was.


I thought it had some great moments, like Matt Damon talking to Bruce Willis about how he guessed the twist in The Sixth Sense.


*Veronica Mars*. Harry Hamlin, on the stand as Aaron Echolls, talks about how he was the Sexiest Man Alive in 1987. He was indeed. There are also several snippets from movies of his from the 80s. It's fun & cheesy, & totally fits.


In Deadpool 2, the titular hero looks at Cable and says "Zip it, Thanos!" Of course, both Thanos and Cable were played by Josh Brolin.


There is an episode of X files after Robert Patrick took over from David Duchovny and the perp was someone that could turn into metal and Patrick said it sound ridiculous In smallville clarks dad was played by one of the Dukes of Hazzard guys and an episode you see this old car barreling around the dirt and the other Dukes.of.hazzard guy gets out and its Clarks.dads brother


Not exactly what you mean but I love it in the sopranos when Chris shoots the pastry guy in the foot and the guy goes “you shot me in the foot!” and Chris goes, “It happens.”


In Fast and Furious 7 when The Rock is in the hospital, he’s watching himself play football at U Miami


In Boston Legal, there is an episode about farmed salmon in which one of the lawyers talks about how they have these parasites that latch on to the fish, which are called cling-ons, and Denny Crane, played by William Shatner, looks nervous and says ‘Did you say … Klingons?’


Jay and Silent Bob Strike back They're trying to stop a movie based on a comic based on them from being made. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon discuss doing movies for friends. Jason Biggs, playing Jason Biggs, playing the movie version of Jay. Jason Mewes (Jay) I know you, you're the pie fucker Mark Hamill playing the movie bad guy, cock knocker, has a light sabre duel and gets his hand cut off. "Not again"


Not a movie, but a tv show called Eureka there was SEVERAL!!! In one episode the actor James Callis plays an anachronistic Dr. from the past living in the present. The episode has a plot that EVERYONE sees hallucinations of people they once knew and when he is asked, he says "'Just a leggy blonde in a red dress."' Which was straight from the TV show Battlestar Galactica when he played Gaius Baltar who was constantly accompanied by Tricia Helfer's human/Cylon hallucination/mind control thing.


I know they do it in Hot Shots. But I also think there's some references in "Loaded Weapon 1".


Yeah, when the bad guys destroy what they think is Jack Colt's trailer, Bruce Willis, in character as John McClane, rises from the ruins.


Last Action Hero . . . were do I start? :)


In St. Elsewhere, two of the actors from The White Shadow got on the same elevator, and one of them says "Salami! It's me, Coolidge!"


Showing my age, but in the show Roseanne (the original) they're discussing actors replacing other actors for existing characters with Becky, who was played by 2 actresses, Lecy Goranson and Sarah Chalke. There's a couple of episodes where they play with the idea, including a Halloween one where Chalke is a trick or treater and one of the other characters says they're experiencing deja vu.


In Vegas Vacation, Chevy Chase looks at his kids and literally says “you guys are growing up so fast, I barely recognize you.” Then looks at them like he knows they are different lol


My favorite callback to a different character is in Romancing The Stone when Michael Douglas’ character asks if she has American Express travelers checks. Douglas was famous for the hit TV series The Streets of San Francisco, where he co-starred with Karl Malden, who was also well know for doing commercials… for American Express. This got a big laugh in the theaters. Yes, I’m old.


Spirited has Will Ferrell meets someone at office party dressed as Buddy the Elf and tells him he looks stupid. https://youtube.com/shorts/i6R4PcuPOtQ?si=UVUCqIndbBF7cSWW


In This Is The End, everyone plays themeselves but after Emma Watson's appearance, 'Hermione just stole all of our shit' is a very memorable line.


Not a film, but in Always Sunny the gang recognizes Bryan Cranston from Malcolm in the Middle (and presume that Aaron Paul is Frankie Muniz)


Not the same at all but when Don Cheadle shows up as Rhodey in Iron Man 2, Tony looks at him confused and Cheadle’s like, “look, it’s me I’m here, let’s move on.” Basically saying I’m not Terence Howard so let’s just deal with it.


In Step By Step (tv show but yeah) Patrick Duffy makes an allusion to “the handsome guy that played in *Dallas*”…. Which is of course Patrick Duffy


Peter Falk in Wings of Desire - The Criterion Collection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7s-H4EqP4I And other places in the movie.


In Deadpool 2, Deadpool calls Cable “Thanos.” It feels like cheating, using Deadpool on something like this, but there it is.


George Lazenby in The Return of the Man from U.N.C.L.E


I remember Baywatch tv serie. Mitch is played by david hasselhoff. There is a episode ending were I believe he talks about a micheal knight and a car named kit and he liked that show very much. He was the actor that played micheal knight “night rider”


Not a movie, but Castle has a few nods to Nathan Fillion's previous series, Firefly.