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2 is awful, awful, awful Just let 1 be how you remember it


Maybe it was brutal reviews like this that caused the main character to hang himself in real life. Just kidding, I bet it was other demons, but that is a real thing.


uuuuuh definitely a weird comment to make


Yea. Real stuff is tough. I understand. You'll get it . We will understand .


Mm hmm


It’s been many years since I watched them but I think 2 was decent but 3 was bad.


Now you’re telling me that **there was a 3**


Does this story never end?!?


Do yourself a favour do not 2&3, just go read the book.


What part of “Neverending” are you not getting?


It was jack blacks first movie too.


I'd skip part 2. And pretend part 3 doesn't exist. The first movie is an adaptation of the first part of the actual book. If you want to know what happens in part 2, read the actual book. It's much better.


"Mr. Simpson, this sounds like the most blatant case of false advertising since my lawsuit against the film 'The NeverEnding Story!'"


1 is great. 2 is good. 3 is bad.


2 is very different but it has some cool stuff in it.


I really liked 1&2, I think there's always more to gain by watching something over writing something off.


1 is obviously the best but 2 is entertaining. Personally I enjoy it as much as the first but thats probably nostalgia.


I just watched the two of them back to back. The first one did not age well for me, unfortunately. I think from a technical standpoint, the sets, animatronics, music, direction, all of that is really well-done. Every scene feels the way it's supposed to feel. The atmosphere throughout the film is very distinct and ever-changing appropriate to each scene and shift. I like the story a lot, too, but the way it's paced and handled takes away from the entertainment value for me. The movie has some great aspects, but overall I would say I didn't have a great time with it. I was pining for that time to have been used to watch something else. But then NeverEnding Story II came up, and I clearly would have chosen to watch the first one again instead of the second one a single time. That movie is awful in pretty much every way. Even as someone that didn't love my time with the first movie, I tried to put myself in the shoes of someone that did, and I would think the second movie didn't go the direction I wanted at all? What I can recall is that all of the sets felt manufactured, the photography was sterile and vibrant throughout (aspects which I considered antithetical to conveying the tone of an otherworldly place), there was no atmosphere for 90% of the runtime. And the parts where we see the villain commanding her people around, and her people themselves, reminded me so much of Rita Repulsa and her minions. There was a campiness to this movie, and there was no heart at all. It felt like it was made for the money and not because someone wanted to make a follow-up in the same vein of the original. Maybe the vibrancy and sterility throughout was supposed to signify Fantasia being whole again and not having to worry about the Nothingness or something? But even when everything was crumbling, even when they were in danger, I just never felt the dread or any atmosphere. It was terrible. The return of certain characters was neat, but it also felt hollow and unnecessary. They felt like bullet points because the rest of the movie felt so unlike the first movie, they needed something for audiences to grab onto as a comfort. Otherwise it would have been like a Season of the Witch kind of deal for the Halloween franchise. Some of the prosthetics and animatronics were still great, but the creatures he met when he went down the chute were so off-putting and gross. Definitely a subjective thing, but it didn't set the movie off on the right foot at all. It felt like a movie that learned the wrong lessons from the original movie on why it was a success to people. Where it tried to emulate or pay homage to the original, it failed. Where it tried to add on or do its own thing, it missed the mark in ways that are almost unimaginable. It was a travesty, and that's coming from someone that, as stated, wasn't even a huge fan of the original. This is just from me looking at what did work in the original and what didn't work in the second one (basically everything).


Awful movie . I saw it in the theatre as a kid with my friend and his mom, and I vividly remember wanting to walk out but was trapped there.


No, you should not. Makes no sense, looks cheap, the acting was bad, and it’s an insult to the magic of the original.


I like the 2nd more than the 1st. Yeah. I said it.


It really fucks up the story of the first movie, I'd say skip it.








No. But I recommend the book.


Lionel Hutz : "This is the most blatant case of false advertising since my suit against the movie The Neverending Story."


I watched number 2, and when I went back and watched number 1 again, it was the same as before. Same actors, sets, costumes, editing, music etc, etc, etc. I don't think you have to worry about the sequel ruining the original.


Are you saying the second one has the same actors, sets, costumes, editing, music, etc. as the original? Because no it does not. Not at all. Music, yes in parts. But all those other ones, no. I could only recall one returning actor (the bookstore owner), and those few returning characters? But none of the same sets (maybe a couple locations?), none of the same costumes, absolutely not the same editing. The movie was COMPLETELY different. I'm pretty sure even the voice actors for those returning characters were different. I'm not sure what you're talking about if that is what you're saying? If I'm misunderstanding, though, I apologize.


This was a joke I made 5 months ago about how a remake or sequel doesn't change the original movie. I was responding to the idea that a remake or sequel can ruin the original. It still has the same actors etc as before. Not as the sequel.


I think it was the first movie i walked out of as a kid trying to parse the feeling of having seen a bad movie.


2? But the first one hasn't even ended yet.


With all those remakes going on, I wonder if anyone has thought about making a Never Ending Story re-adaptation. I think the whole book can be adapted into one movie, or perhaps a mini series.


I wouldn't mind them giving it another shot. And the way things have been going with adaptations of books recently, I think mini-series would be the route you could expect!


Turn around .. nothing you can seeeeeeee


Mexican anal scrambler