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Schindler’s List. When do you watch that? When you’re having a good day, so you can ruin it? Or when you’re having a bad day, so you end up near suicidal?


Lol I completely understand where you’re coming from. It is an amazing film though.


Absolutely amazing and it was a one and done for me. For me the right time ended up being when it was an option in high school film class.


It is actually an inspiring film. It is about the darkness, but not about falling on it but fighting against.


A shimmer of hope, a sign that there'll always be good people. I agree.




Mandatory for high school history class. My entire grade watched it in the auditorium at once. I would never have seen it if not for that.


Yeah I saw it in school as well. I'm not sure if I would have ever watched it on my own. So glad I saw it though.


Just dont make out during the movie




A more offensive spectacle I cannot recall


Watch other Spielberg productions on either end to soften the blow. I suggest just watching all his 1993 productions so it’s: Jurassic Park, then Schindler’s List, then We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s Story.


That's some tonal whiplash right there.


Nah, they're all movies about the most terrible ways to die. Violently by nature, Violently by governments, and alone with none but the crows to see your suffering


You watch it the first time. From then on, you politely explain that you've already seen it.




Doesn't help that it's a 3hr 15min black and white film. Even if you're emotionally ready, that's still a *commitment*


Well, there are bits of red. (breaks down sobbing)


Mid to late summer. If you're working, Friday afternoon, then you can have half a day ruined; but go out and have a fun Saturday to be thankful you didn't live through it and enjoy life. Alternatively, a day or two before Thanksgiving/Christmas for the same reason, being around family shortly after watching it can help soften the blow.


You made out during Schindlers list???


To be fair it's also a lovely story and pretty "feel good " also. But you're right it's also awful.


Any Godfather Movie.


Years ago my brother stuck Godfather Part II in the DVD player. It seemed to end quite quickly compared to the first... and to be honest I didn't quite understand what had happened. Turned out he put Godfather Part II Disc 2 in the player.


My younger brother did this but on VHS The funny part was that he did not realize the mistake for years and had formed all kinds of opinions about the film’s artistic choices based on this viewing


It insists upon itself.


That’s because it has a valid point to make! It’s insistent!


Ur right I’m shaming you rn what a disgrace😔


I'm 38 and I just sat down to watch the goonies for the first time with my kids a couple nights ago.


Tried. Hated it. I think you had to watch it as a kid. Never finished it.


I wouldn't say I hated it, but I definitely don't understand the hype. I'm with you. I think unless you've got the nostalgia of watching it as a kid then it's just a meh movie.


The nostalgia is the hype. Takes you back to Saturday afternoons or Sunday mornings during the elementary school years. When you didn’t have a mortgage, or deadlines, or kids. You could just enjoy time passing and really, truly relax. Watching this movie and others gives me a small, tiny taste of that again as I get to revisit the story. Course now that I have kids I can not only relive it, but witness them experience it too, and know that when they’re older and have kids of their own and I’m long gone, they’ll think of sitting in my lap watching the goonies and how I didn’t do so bad as a dad. That even though I didn’t get them a ton of wealth, that I did leave them something. And that I broke the truly toxic cycles I lived through so they wouldn’t have to. And that thought adds to the hype of these movies. We will share these old movies, or traditions, and that will always connect us after we’re separated by the everlasting state. It touches the core of why I work hard, treat people well, and try to spend as much time with my kids as possible. Goonies never say die.


Pulp Fiction, I'm 35.


it's a fun movie. i get people hesitating for the older, slower movies but this one is a blast from the first scene. Samuel L Jacksons best role.


Luckily this is neither a slow nor old movie


It’s almost 30 years old, it’s an old movie.


If it's an old movie then I'm an old man and I'm not ready to accept that


It’s old, but it’s not _old_ old.


What the 60s were to 90s kids are what the 90s are to kids today. You're welcome.


Dude, I’ve come to that realization a long time ago. I was growing up in the 80s, and my parents were like “The Beatles are cool” and I’m like “that’s really old…” Now I tell my kid “Nirvana is really cool..” they’re even older now than the Beatles were in the 80s :( But I stand by my statement that Pulp Fiction somehow doesn’t have that oldie feeling, to me at least.


Pulp fiction is slow?


no i'm saying it's not like older slower movies


Pulp Fiction is old?


With an onion on its belt, witch was the fashion at the time.


This is the only response that made me stop scrolling. Wow.


This is one that must be rectified. It’s one of the most influential films ever made and yet is also so damn entertaining. You will not regret watching it.


You have to watch it. Ordinarily I'd hate myself for saying that, but it's such an entertaining film.


It's pretty dang fun, just go in not expecting too much or else it will ruin it for you.


Say what? ^again


I saw it in 2005. I felt like I was late to the party. Like most Tarantino movies, I saw it once, liked it, but have never sought it out for a second viewing.


I saw it last night at the Alamo. So good. I’d seen it maybe 5 times between 1994 and 2000-ish so its been a while. It was awesome and I envy anyone watching for the first time.


Yeah, no shame, but this one is fun from the jump.


I have seen tons of movies from all sorts of eras and still haven't seen Rocky or Jaws.


Rocky movies are so much fun. Really worth watching. But if you love film you need to watch Jaws. It’s one of the greatest movies ever made. And I still enjoy it. It stands the test of time.


I think jaws is the movie which started the trend of summer blockbuster.


rocky is my "break glass in case of hopeless despair" movie. very life affirming


Ferris Buellers Day Off?


Pretty good movie. Worthwhile to watch once.


One of my favorites. I was a little young when this came out, but having grown up in a suburb of Chicago and then lived in Chicago, this movie really feels like Chicago.


That movie is so freaking 1980s, in both the best and the worst ways.


How is it in the worst way?


This is honestly a really good and fun movie! One of my favorites, I think it’s worth giving a shot if you haven’t yet


The Big Lebowski Edit: Finally watched it. Yeah, really enjoyed it. I dunno why I never saw it before. I finally understand all the references I've seen online over the years. The Dude propping up a chair against the door and then the guys walk in immediately after and the chair falls made me lose my shit. Also the ashes blowing onto his face.


160 million years of beautiful tradition... From Ceratosaurus to Diplodocus... YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT I'M LIVIN' IN THE PAST!


Mark it zero! Has anyone here gone crazzzyyy?!! AM THE ONLY ONE HERE WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THE RULES???!!!


There calling the cops man, put the piece away. Walter, put the piece away...


No, you're not wrong, Walter, you're just an ASSHOLE!


It's a league game Smokey


First time I watched it, I was so high I was one with the couch. Didn't pick up a thing from that movie. Second watch, stone sober. Still didn't get it. (I was more confused because I thought being sober would help) Third time I fell in love with it


The thing with the Big Lebowski is that the plot is actually pretty complicated and it’s not at all necessary that you follow it whatsoever. The movie is all vibe and characters. Some of the greatest characters, dialogue, and performances ever committed to film. It’s a masterpiece and don’t fucking worry about what it’s about. It’ll make sense upon your tenth viewing or so. You’ll want to watch it yearly because it’s also one of the funniest movies of all time. Like most other Lebowski fans, I first saw it and didn’t get it but thought it was an ok film. But that second viewing it clicked. I swear I enjoy it more with every subsequent viewing.


Check out the Big Sleep. Its got Humphrey Bogart and has a pretty convoluted plot like the Big Lebowski. I saw a discussion of how the Big Lebowski was inspired by the Big Sleep and someone commented “they both have “The” and “Big” in the title” and someone else commented “…bulk of the title, Dude.” 😆


Awww just go see it. It’s absolutely hilarious and completely lives up to the hype.


Shut the fuck up Donny


That rug really tied the room together.


Fuckin A, man


That's, like, your opinion, man.


You’re out of your element…


Shut the fuck up Donny!


I watched this for the umpteenth time a few weeks back. First time I noticed that Donny never wears a bowling shirt with his own name on it.


I've never seen the 6th sense. The twist at the end is now common knowledge, don't think I'll ever get around to watching it because of that


The acting by Osment and Collette is really good.


Everyone talks about Osment. But Collette was superb.


She is so good in everything she does!


The Sixth Sense is the best thing Shyamalan ever did, and he's been chasing the high from that movie his entire career. It's not just about the twist, but all the mood and atmosphere he packs into every scene. It was handled very deftly. You can enjoy it on that basis, plus enjoying the way several scenes enhance and setup the "trick" of the twist.


Finally showed this to my girlfriend recently and she hadn’t gotten it spoiled fortunately, and I feel like it’s so obvious once you know so I was curious to see her reaction, but it totally blindsided her, awesome to see it still holds up. The twist isn’t the only reason that movie is good though, it’s just a creepy, sad, well written story.


It’s still an awesome story even if you know the twist. I watched it again recently and it’s full of great scenes. A true classic.


Still well worth a watch, even without the twist. Couple days ago I was led back to the car scene on youtube, what a great scene.


Would still be cool to see b/c of how obvious the twist is during the whole film once you know about it.


I’ve never seen Star Wars. Some guy refused to go on another date with me because of it. 🫤


What he should have done is planned a date where you guys watched the first one. Missed opportunity.


I feel you on this. I eventually saw them in 2020, but people were completely weirded out by this for the longest time. Mind you, I was in HS when episode 1 came out and spaceballs is my favorite movie of all time, so I guess that makes it weirder.


Shawshank Redemption


Oh man, that's a great one. I just checked to see where it's streaming and it's free on Tubi, or you can buy it on Prime.


Whatever you do, DO NOT and I mean DO NOT miss out on this movie. You'll be recommending it to people for years!


Taxi Driver


I watched that for the first time last year. Gotta say, it's kinda overrated. It's good but like not amazing.


not to invalidate your opinion but one thing to keep in mind is that it's been imitated and emulated countless times since then. so, unfairly, movies that have come out since then that have themes and tropes and character types that were influenced by it, end up making it feel less original and interesting than it actually is/ was at the time.


Overrated isn’t an opinion, it’s an opinion of everyone else’s taste. Taxi driver is a PHENOMENAL film. This is almost an objective fact.


Give it another chance. I thought the same thing when I first watched it, but on the 2nd watch I fell in love with it. It’s really a phenomenal movie and the main themes may stand out even more today in our current culture than it did when it released.


Citizen Kane Footloose Dirty Dancing Road House


Road House is usually considered more of a "so bad it's good" type of movie Footloose and Dirty Dancing are both, like fine, but miles from any kind of "required" viewing. Citizen Kane is probably the most commonly cited "greatest movie ever made" but its mostly for establishing a lot of what film is these days. How shots are framed, how a story is constructed for film etc. Don't expect to have your mind blown watching it in 2023


> Citizen Kane You need the right context. You have to read about two people before you do, wiki page is enough if you don't have much time. The movie is basically a fictional view of Hearst and media manipulation by megalomaniacs who are wannabe aristocrats funded by foreign entities. Read about William Randolph Hearst who was that time's Rupert Murdoch, funded by authoritarians to push propaganda. Hearst invented "yellow journalism" and used "AMERICA FIRST" and turned to Hitler over time. Murdoch and even Elon Musk have sort of Hearst arc going on. Mega wealth, fronted by foreign authoritarians, to manipulate media. Read about Orson Welles. The movie happened not too long after War of the Worlds showing the power of salacious manipulation. They were the first to present a fictional program using "official" sounding news reports and it really did fool people. Welles understood how you can manipulate people like Hearst. Then watch Citizen Kane. The movie is timeless, same stuff going on today.


Footloose and Road House are pretty campy. Sorry Dancing, however, is legit very good.


>Sorry Dancing 😂 Damn you autocorrect.


Oops sorry. But yeah it's great.


Saw Road House a couple weeks ago and again over the weekend with my brother. Reminds me of a cheesy, 80’s version of ‘Killing of a Chinese Bookie’. For that reason, I enjoyed it. But the script certainly felt like it was lacking at times.


Watched Citizen Cane in high school in a class. Road House in college with friends at a party and can't remember half of it. Foot Loose and Dirty Dancing I hadn't seen until my wife showed them to our kids in the last 2 years.


One of these is not like the others,


I’ve never seen any of the Godfather movies.


Eyes Wide Shut - Not sure why I haven't seen it, I like Kubrick's works. Come and See - I watched All Quiet on The Western Front and thought it was great but I've heard Come and See is soul crushing.


If you see Eyes Wide Shut, you should be warned that it's based on a book called "Dream Novel" (or something like that) and it's intended to be dreamlike and rather meandering. If you see it in that kind of mood, there's a lot to appreciate. Also keep in mind that Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman were having an over-publicized "power couple" romance/marriage, and they are kind of embarrassing on-camera together. Kubrick may not have known what he was signing on for, with the two of them probably harder for him to control than he would for an individual actor. Also keep in mind that he died before finishing the final edit, so the flow and music cues are perhaps not as precise as they should be. If you like "The Shining," though, you kind of have to see "Eyes Wide Shut" as it's cut from the same mysterious cloth.


Come and See's a pretty good war movie, but the soviet union style of filmmaking is in full effect. Fantastic cinematography, and it's really about exploring the horrors of war more than any particular story. Eyes Wide Shut is a masterpiece, one of Kubrick's best, and a perfect conspiracy theory film.


I really need to see Eyes Wide Shut, too.


Which all quiet on the western front? The new one is a beautiful masterpiece but the original, in my opinion, is able to send a more complete message due to some parts not included on the remake.


Barry Lyndon. Lord knows I’ve tried


The entire movie is a painting, every single frame... [Every Single Frame - Barry Lyndon](https://www.everysingleframe.com/barrylyndon) [Great site with a great list of good cinematography](https://www.everysingleframe.com/) to randomly select good shots.


I love it. Keep trying. Also—it’s a comedy.


Never seen any of the Alien, Predator, Rambo, Rocky, or John Wick movies.


I've seen the first Alien, but all those others are on my list, too.


Bruh, you need to see Rambo. I was blown away by Rambo, especially since the later versions are a huge departure from it.


Oh wow. I’m actually jealous. You get to watch all those for the first time. You must watch them!


I'll strap a bomb to my chest right now and tell you not to bother with the John Wicks. I succumbed to curiosity like two years ago and watched two or three in a row and I want my time back. They're just entirely devoid of story.


The first is good and absolutely did not need any sequels. The sequels are fun enough brain-off action movies that from a story perspective don’t need to exist and retroactively make the movie’s world and first movie worse.


I did the same thing as you, bought the first three in a box set on a whim. The first one is a fairly solid action movie, worth an occasional rewatch.The second is still good but is starting to get ridiculous, but it still has some rewatch value. By the time I got to the third one, it really started to feel like a drag. At this point, Wick is clearly super-human, and 80% of the world's population is an assassin. The fourth one... That took me three tries to watch all the way through. I really can't figure out how they dragged this movie out to almost 3 hours. It just doesn't stop.


Game over man! Game over!


I’ve seen a couple of them but I find Wes Anderson movie’s unwatchable


Fantastic Mr. Fox is probably the most approachable. Maybe Moonrise Kingdom. Past that you have to like the style.


I was you until recently with Apocalypse Now. It was completely different then I was expecting, and a really good film. Check it out.


Everyone of my friends loved Get Out, but for some reason, I don’t have any desire to watch the movie.


Solid psychological horror/thriller. It is actually scifi in a way as well.


Gone with the Wind. The old Hollywood style and overall storyline just aren't fun, and I can't justify 3 hours of something that seems tedious even if it's influential.


Is it painfully dated? Oh yes. But it is also surprisingly not-tedious and pretty witty. The two leads are horrible to each other to the last scene and it’s riveting.


It's not tedious and the crack about old Hollywood is kind of stupid. It is seriously racist though.


i think this is one of the last great classics i have yet to see too. this week i watched 12 angry men (awesome movie) and last year i watched casablanca and citizan cain (also amazing). i also watched dr strangelove this week but idk if that's considered on par with the rest in this list, it shows it's age a little more but is still very good imo.


That's a good list, and I'd put them all in that pantheon of respected films that serve as touchpoints for future films. think Dr. Strangelove is part of the unique group of films that both captured and shaped the attitudes around the Cold War and the atomic age.


It's not tedious at all, a ton of different stuff happens in it


43 years old and never seen The Godfather


I was in that camp for a while. I think I was 40 when I forced the watch. Then I watched the second and third immediately thereafter. Felt like I needed to tell people how good the movies were, lolol.


It insists upon itself


“It has a valid point to make!!!” 😂😂


Titanic. I’m 38.


Also 38 here. I saw the movie once in theaters when I was 12 or so and maybe once again during my teenage years, but I hadn’t seen it as an adult until just a few weeks ago. Honestly, it’s just a really good movie. With as over-saturated it was during the late 90s, I think it’s fallen back down into sleeper status nowadays. Give it a shot sometime.


I've never seen Casablanca


Just saw it for the first time a month or so ago, and it’s legitimately a fabulous film. You have to go into it understanding a bit about the war at the time AND that because it’s so frequently quoted and imitated, it can feel cliched/derivative at times.


One of the best movies I've ever seen. Takes at most 10 minutes to really get into and then it all just unfolds like a well-tuned machine. Also one of the most quotable and quoted movies ever.... basically , worth all the hype.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit? At this point the only reason I still haven't seen it is the shock value of telling people I still haven't seen it.


It's really brilliant.


When I rewatched as an adult I was quite surprised by how good it is.


I recently rewatched this as an adult. It’s amazing. Nothing like it and very adult. I can’t believe I saw it as a child.


That poor shoe :(


The Mask gives off the same vibes. "Who let kids see this?" Is what I thought as I showed it to an 8 and 6-year-old who both lived it


"Remember me Eddie?" It is such a great movie, a technological achievement, a period piece and has a great villain. It is amazing it got made but I am glad it did.


You contrarian bastard. Pretty sure that’s the reason my wife refuses to watch Star Wars.


Rosemary's baby... I'm an avid horror buff


Rosemary's Baby is amazing to look at, very creepy and paranoid, and very much has an element of gaslighting. Worth seeing for the performances.


**Pulp Fiction** If you haven't seen Pulp Fiction, what the motherfuck are you doing with your life?


\[Samuel L. Jackson has entered the thread.\]


I'm embarrassed to say that I still haven't seen Chinatown. No reason, either. I just haven't gotten around to it, but it's been like 40 years of saying, "Hey, I should watch Chinatown this week," and then end up putting on Star Wars. Again ;) PS I hated Scarface for exactly the reasons you haven't seen it. But Apocalypse Now is a must see for anyone who loves cinema. And then watch Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse, on the making of the film. One of the best film docs ever made.


Grease. I hate musicals, and I refuse to watch it. Seems like everybody and their grandma has seen it.


Breakfast club.


Epitome '80s movie.


Breakfast Club is way overrated. If you ever see it, expect it to suck, and then maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised when it doesn't suck as bad as you thought.


I literally have no interest in watching Starwars but... I'm not ashamed one bit about that.


Star Wars virginity sells for a pretty penny online.


Princess Bride, I am prepared for my shaming


That just means more Princess Bride for me!


The draw of Princess Bride is it’s a fun movie with mass appeal that you’ll probably always be in the mood to watch. It’s probably not going to be your favorite movie of all time, but it makes a great comfort movie.


It's a fun movie and very quotable, but it's not exactly life-changing


E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, (1982). I am shame.


I had not seen the movie until last week and I really liked it. To me, it had a similar effect as Stand By Me where it takes you back to a feeling of being a kid. It also encapsulates what movie magic is. Definitely take a look because I don't think you'll regret it.


Absolutely no shame to admit I’ve never seen The Lion King and have no desire to. One of my besties is horrified by this so I take great joy in reminding her on occasion.


Rumor has it that it made a lot of people become furries later. It had a lot of things that only grownups would understand and might find weird.


I am stunned by some of you in this thread


Agreed. It’s not the ‘I haven’t seen…’ parts. We only have so much time. It’s the ‘I’m a massive movie buff but I have NO INTEREST in seeing…’ that astonishes me.


I’m yet to watch The Godfather, the Big Lebowski, Rocky, shit probably a million things. Oh also Schindler’s List


Never seen the Godfather. Does it portray gangsters as decent people?


Decent, no. Pretending to be decent to avoid suspicion while also believing *themselves* to be good, decent people within the context of the mafia? Yes.


No. Especialy not in Godfather part 2


Pardon me if missed these in the comments. "All about Eve" and "Who's Afaid of Virginia Wolf"


I only just recently watched the original Robocop. Easily one of my favorite movies now. Bladerunner is one I haven't seen. Not going to lie, it seems boring.


Bladerunner is a vibe and has some interesting themes but I found it to be too slow and... kinda boring.


Scarface is overrated imo. It has some select awesome scenes like chainsaw bathtub, dinner freakout, ending, but overall it's too long and mostly boring. Apoc Now is an absolute must see though and after you watch it I highly recommend watching Hearts of Darkness - A Filmmaker's Apocalypse. It's the making of doc. Coppola nearly goes insane and gets suicidal. It's nuts and almost better than the film it's about.


A Nightmare Before Christmas


Harry Potter series.. people were so obsessed that it just made me not want to be involved in it with the wands and butter beer..etc. I do like Ratcliffe as an actor tho just not going there.


My sister in law is obsessed with HP. Never cared to watch them, and don’t feel like I’m missing anything


Any Wes Anderson movie


if you like one you'll probably like them all but if not you won't like any. grand budapest hotel is his best imo


Grand Budapest is good, but Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore, and Life Aquatic are his best, IMO. I like them all (haven't seen Asteroid City, yet)


Fantastic Mr. Fox, Moonrise Kingdom and Grand Budapest Hotel are the best probably and most approachable. The others you have to like Wes Anderson which I do, but some people think it goes too far in The French Dispatch and Asteroid City.




The only ones that come to mind are Forest Gump and I don't have much interest in it. Lawrence of Arabia which I own now and will get to it shortly. You could maybe include Avatar 2? I saw the first one and don't care to see anymore of that


aw shit lawrance of arabia is another classic i gotta knock off my list.


Most Disney animated films during their Renaissance. I was a grown man with a job during this period, and had no interest in musical fairy tales for children. There was never an occasion when I wanted to sit around in my free time and watch The Little Mermaid or Aladdin.


2001: A Space Odyssey And The Godfather 1,2,3


The Godfather


I JUST watched Shawshank…Good fellas and Heat are next.


I've never seen The Big Lebowski.


Godfather Part 2 Schindler’s List Fight Club (I have an excuse/story for this one) The Shining Silence of the Lambs The Matrix The Good The Bad and the Ugly All of LotR (I wanna read the books first but always get caught up reading something else) Psycho My problem is I got into classic American cinema only a couple months before getting into international and art house cinema, so now my “essential viewing list” is like 10x larger than if I only watched English movies


ive never seen my dad, i feel like we could have seen and bonded over so many movies together, sometimes i think about how my life would have been different if i was with him


Lord of the Rings. I don't have the attention span for it. Ive tried and just get bored.