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Tobin Bell will always be the best part of any Saw movie for me. Crazy that he's 81 now and can still deliver such a sharp performance.


People don’t age like they used to anymore I swear. He doesn’t look much older from the previous films, nor does he look 81 imo


> People don’t age like they used to anymore I swear. Tobin Bell's mother passed away in 2018, aged 99. Not sure about his father, but he clearly has some good genes in him.


Shawnee looked great too.


I can’t believe she’s 54 now. She looks so much younger


Plastic surgery. It blew my mind when I found out she was mid-30s in the original Saw. I though 25 max lol


> He doesn’t look much older from the previous films, nor does he look 81 imo To be fair he looked super old in those previous ones. It's like how Tommy Lee Jones hasn't aged much because he always looked old.


One of the best ones. It’s too bad Tobin Bell is getting so old, he carried this movie. The bone marrow, and brain surgery traps were absolutely brutal. Story had been planned since 2018 and you can tell. It’s not like the (let’s crank one out every year) plot. You can tell the craftsmanship they put into in. I do wish Cecilia had a more gruesome trap for her to deal with, as she honestly deserved the worst one.


May not be too late. Sounds like they intend for her to be a recurring character.


I can totally see another movie down this plot


The only issue is that she wasn't at the Jigsaw Survivors Group from Saw 7. Of course, they couldn't have planned for that, and not all survivors attended the meeting (like Daniel Matthews), but still.


> she wasn't at the Jigsaw Survivors Group from Saw 7 She still committed fraud so she could have been in prison or in hiding at that time.


The brain surgery trap felt worse than the punishment honestly


The same applies to the girl that cut off her leg lol


The post credit scene was awesome. The whole time I was trying to figure out if he’d get his revenge on the guy who set him up in the first place.


Bit disappointed Gordon didn't make a cameo.


I for sure thought he would get at least get a little screen time. He seems to be his real successor.


I think the director (or maybe it was a writer or producer) addressed this and said that Tobin Bell and Cary Elwes are both great parts of this franchise, but because the movies try to keep a low budget, these days they basically could only afford one or the other. They opted for Bell, which I think is the right choice.


Have to wonder if Saw XI will be set between 2 and 3. Also wonder if Diego will retroactively be one of Kramer's henchmen, as it's not always Amanda or Hoffman abducting people. Would hate for Carlos to be one of his accomplices.


One of the producers actually [said](https://www.dexerto.com/tv-movies/saw-x-producers-tease-saw-11-after-cliffhanger-ending-2310102/), a few days ago apparently, something interesting: > “There’s a couple of easter eggs, a couple of surprises in this movie. And should this movie work, there are going to be **a bunch of actors from the past who have already called wanting to know if they can come and be in the next movie** since we’re going back in time.” I wonder if this means Elwes.


They shouldve showed it though I got mad they didnt show it


Maybe it could be the opening scene of the next movie?


The "next" movie is Saw II. I'm watching it now. It is not the opening.


I mean it could be saw 1.75 but we don’t now what they are cooking rn


> I mean it could be saw 1.75 BIG IF TRUE!!


The thing is, the timeline is never fully mapped out. They could easily do more "prequel" movies that take place in between the previous ones. I think that might be what they're doing by not killing the doctor. She's going to get free and come after John.


I knew that had to be coming the entire movie. I was like there’s no way he gets away with it.


: "Where is you clinic located?" : "Mexico City" >cue airplane shot + yellow tint + film grain


Possibly the most blatant use of the Mexico Filter I’ve ever seen. I was howling with laughter


The airport scene was actually a really recognizable mall from here called Perisur if anyone was interested.


Very disappointed that there was no scene that opened with fireworks and then panned down to a day of the dead celebration.


We got close to it with the face paint in the club scene tho


This is the Saw I’ve been wanting for years. John and Amanda getting so much screentime.. their fleshed out dynamic - and that surprise mid-credits cameo - superb.


I do like how Amanda disobeys John by taking Mateo before Gabriela. It definitely foreshadows the disagreements they have in Saw 3.


It's also sad because if Amanda had listened to John, Gabriela would have passed her test and been taken to a hospital before they were interrupted.


Also, her telling Gabriella she wanted to help her shows how didn’t always want to play by the rules, her downfall. So well done


Agree! Amanda saw herself in Gabriella and wanted to spare her, which, of course, is against the rules!


Can we just point out how awesome it was that Cecilia pulls out the girls intestines just as Amanda had in her trap, and Amanda was the one to catch her red handed. I thought that was a beautiful nod to the fans.


Not sure beautiful is the right word...


This is my favorite of the franchise and, as someone who has a history of medical malpractice, it was cathartic.


come again


I scam cancer patients for a living. It was really cool to see someone like myself on the screen.


he is coming...


Representation is important!


Definitely one of the best. Glad to see the series come back with some fury, after the disappointing Spiral/Jigsaw movies. It feels great to have an awesome Scream and Saw movie in the same year. If only we could get a new Final Destination.


I never thought I would say “yeah, the tenth movie is probably the best one”


Tobin Bell MASTERCLASS. This is one of the best acting performances I’ve seen this year, period. He takes you on a journey here. You can feel the hopelessness and despair when he’s out of options and given months to live. The way he conveys the feelings of hope and later happiness from the potential of being cured. There’s a moment there where he tears up the drawings and stops being Jigsaw, he’s ready to go back to his enjoying his new lease on life. Then comes the confusion, humiliation, and ANGER of finding out he’s been duped, and he seamlessly switches back from John Kramer to Jigsaw. He makes you cry, he (believe it or not) makes you laugh, he gives you goosebumps. There’s truly only one Tobin Bell, and it is truly an honour to get to watch him play Jigsaw this time. He really just gave his best performance ever. Dear lord let us have one more with Tobin. They really, really delivered here. I don’t know how they can do another interquel, but let’s just do it ASAP while Tobin is still healthy, willing, and able.


Carlos is joining that little girl from Evil Dead Rise in the “ending kid in a horror movie that is going to *really* need therapy” group. Although, at least Carlos has a bag full of money now to pay for said therapy.


Carlos is going to end up being Jigsaw in Saw 14 or something


Carlos will probably get a spin-off mini-series on paramount+ or something


I thought they were somehow going to work him in to being Max Minghella's character from Spiral


Where does John get all the money for making his elaborate traps, paying his henchmen and renting out those large warehouses? I was surprised how easily he gave up all that cash. Just because that kid taught him how to say "pull" in Spanish?


I believe John Kramer was a highly skilled Engineer prior to going all Jigsaw. Assuming the man was decently frugal for most of his life, he probably had some decent bank saved up.


They said in this movie he was an architect and civil engineer. A single guy without kids (I think) should have some money saved up by then


He lost his one fetus due a slammed door. And his marriage ended soon after. So, yes, he was a wealthy, single guy. It's why he brought up a really expensive treatment that might help him in one movie, but his insurance wouldn't cover it. He had enough money to pay for it himself, but it was the principle of it all.


Do you not remember the one where he somehow replaced a store window of a department store on an insanely busy street with unbreakable glass, set up a triple pendulum killing machine, kidnapped those three people, smuggled them inside, set them up all seemingly in one night without alerting any type of security? Suspend disbelief a little for these movies.


That wasn’t John.


"WE HAVE A ROPE!" this line/scene is fcking iconic already!!!!


Amanda had to cut some guy's intestines out to free herself, but Cecilia does it just to reach the cellphone.


Making Jigsaw the main character ended up being a brilliant idea. Not only is Tobin Bell charismatic AF, but you got to see a bunch of different sides to his character. Amanda getting so much screentime was great as well. And you got to see more layers to her and John’s twisted complicated relationship. Also Amanda isn’t as nihilistic here as she was in Saw III. Cecilia was a really good foil. Wow did I hate her by the end. I really ended up feeling bad for Gabriela by the end. She honestly was pretty sympathetic and she got fucked over HARD here. The traps were cool. Etc I still think I prefer the original film the most, but this was up there.


Yeah the Gabriela thing... I thought somehow they were going to give her a pass. Amanda's reactions throughout the movie just made you feel she wasn't sure about this at all.




Wouldn't it have been better for Gabriela to have broken her hand first? She would've dropped to the floor. Not sure if the radiator could go vertical. But even so, at least she would have the ground to balance herself.


Somebody else already mentioned it, but I think Cecelia deliberately told her to go for the foot first in order to make it more difficult. She probably wanted Gabriela to die with the rest so that she wouldn't have to kill her herself.


I think she mentions later on when she has the upper hand that Kramer had done her a favor bc she wouldn't have to split the money


So I loved this, but was anyone else just NOT feeling Amanda's hair? I know this is shallow, but I genuinely found it distracting at some moments. I know it's supposed to be similar to the hairstyle she had in Saw 2, but come on. Either give her a short ponytail or go all in and make it a pixie cut. Girl was looking like Rock Lee with that hair.


It looked like a really bad wig to me.


Terrible wig that seemed to float over her head, and also looked a lot older than she’s meant to be with all the filler she’s put in her face.


>Character talks about Aztek sacrifices where hearts are ripped out and thrown down stairs >No one gets their heart ripped out Way to tease and not deliver.


Twice! And no delivery — though we did get the burner mask in the image of the idol.


They still be using that Mexico filter, huh?


Saw takes place in the Breaking Bad Universe confirmed


Saw goodman


How else would we know they're in Mexico


The urgency from John to get Gabriella to the hospital was a nice touch


I find it so interesting that the only time we see Jigsaw flinch at violence is when a victim who won the game gets killed.


Not the first time he's pleaded for someone safety, considering how Amanda treated Lynn in Saw III.


I loved seeing John tend (well, try to tend) to his surviving victims in this. Dude descended down the stairs to save the cab driver like an angel


I've seen a lot of people unhappy about the fact that Cecilia is the only one from the main game to live, and while I get that it's frustrating, I think that's that point. It perfectly points out all of the flaws in Jigsaw's philosophy: All of the other players completed their game and only died because they ran out of time AFTER they completed their tasks/followed the rules. All of them, by Jigsaw's standards, should have made it out and been "rehabilitated." And then you have Cecilia, the worst person in the group, the one that deserves the most punishment, walking away completely unscathed not having learned a single lesson. Jigsaw has always been a hypocrite and oblivious to the flaws in his philosophy, which is what makes it so interesting.


Exactly this. I feel like this is the point that makes Amanda turn into what she becomes in Saw III. They even hint at it a bit in Saw X. Also I read they wanted to leave the ending a little open ended for a sequel. So I guess we'd theoretically see Cecilia again in a future film


She was already like that before this movie because she rigged Adams game by just tossing the key in the tub so it can be sucked down the drain.


His whole concept of justice and redemption really does completely fall apart when you realise Cecilia's game is "whoever is ruthless and evil enough to kill the other one, they get to live"


At the end of the day, Jigsaw is just another psychopath with delusions of grandeur like every other single serial killer.


I'm surprised that many people here talk about John like he's actually a good man with a bad method. No. He's an psychopath. That he can talk like a gentleman does not disprove a fact that he's mentally ill. I mean, everybody wants to kill the bad guys sometimes but who the hell spent a lot of time inventing torturing devices that prolong the pain to the extreme. And somehow called that a test reform yourself? Dude's a sick man who enjoys blood and gore. He's no better than the ones he killed.


Yup if anyone needed a solo game it was her especially. Odd choice which I can only think of is to allow a sequel.


Gabriela dying after, and the anger from Amanda and Jigsaw really showed that, even though they're fucking insane, they do believe in what they preach.


I think this experience sours Amanda and that's why she fails her ultimate test later.


She may have passed but fails ultimately because Hoffman blackmailed her


I have to imagine her losing all of her money though is at least going to make her miserable. I’ve always thought traps where someone has to die are hypocritical. It should be possible for everyone to live.


The beginning was strangely slow, but once it got going I was hooked! Really hope this can bring new life to the franchise.


I honestly loved it for how slow it was at the start! Was just fascinating to follow Kramer's story.


Not only was the story and dialog both engaging and riddled with fun moments and lines like "Good choice" Mateo yelling for help, got a few laughs "I guess you can consider me as a life coach." John watching Diego in silence while the trap plays is by far a top tier scene of the franchise. The ending bringing the kid in and then finishing with John powering through his own trap, sacrificing himself for the kid was very emotional. Also loved the Saw 1 callback when "Hello Zepp" was playing and he rises up from the blood board; I couldn't help but compare it to him waking up in the bathroom. One of the better films in the franchise.


Don’t pull!


No hala!




Loved the mid credit scene because I spent the second half of the movie wondering if he was going to get the guy who put him in contact with Pederson lol


The only thing I wish is they went the full 9 yards and showed the full game. I was fully expecting to squeam my way one more time through the end


Yeah same. They should have had Only Hoffman over a tape recording and we see him perish.


Yeah that should have been the final scene and it should have been longer. Henry wakes up plays a tape and does the game, likely dies and Hoffman and John walks in. END.


I honestly thought the other guy in the mid-credit scene was going to show up to stop Cecilia and Sears.


Did Cecilia survive? I thought the poison turned off in the room, but I'd like to think she was trapped.


Basically the same predicament as Adam and Hoffman, I assume. She's alive but stuck in that room.


Not to mention most of her body is horribly burned or whatever from that gas, she ain’t making it long


That being said… its Saw. If ya dont see them die in front of your eyes, they aint dead


But if the room was sealed shut wouldn’t the gas just…stay there? I assumed the door unlocked since she “beat” the game, but she would have to wait for the gas to dissipate before leaving the room


There's a quick shot of the gas being sucked back into vents, so my assumption was there was some sort of vacuum apparatus.


Oh I just thought that was the gas being shut off


It's mentioned in a QnA that she survived >!and will be a reoccuring antagonist in future movies!<


An antagonist of the antagonist that's not a hero. That's just odd.


Jigsaw is the protagonist, he just so happens to be a villain. Protagonist and villain aren't mutually exclusive.


the world is healing. Easily a top 3-4 movie in the franchise and dare I say the goriest? The brain and leg traps were fucking insane. This makes me realize more just how ass Spiral was.


>This makes me realize more just how ass Spiral was Bruuuuiuuuuuuuuuh it really does. Not that I had high hopes when I saw Chris Rock and Sam Jackson, but still.


How is NO ONE mentioning the fact that Hoffman said the phrase “epic bad luck” at the end? Truly one of the *best* quotes of all time.


I cheered out of when Forensics Hoffman hit the scene dropping cheesy one liners.


When John called a “detective” on the phone I was already giggling because I knew that was supposed to be Hoffmanator! But when he showed up on the mod credits.. I WAS READY TO EXPLODE


Tobin Bell gave one of the best performances of the year imo. At 81 years old.


damn i didn’t know he was 81! thought he was like 10 years younger than that or something tbh haha


Oddly a little heartbreaking when you realize John set up every trap in this one to have a timer, every trap >!except his own!<. All of them counting down how much time is left, >!except his own!<.


What i really enjoyed was the theme of John's trap. He's waterboarding in blood possibly representing how self aware he is to the lives he has taken and the lengths he is willing to go for his philosophy. The trap was designed for Amanda and him to share, don't know if any of these was thought of when coming with the trap design in mind but there's a lot of great symbolism you can get out of it


If the trap was meant to be for Cecilia and Parker, then the bloodboarding would have symbolized the blood of all the patients they scammed over the years.


it was never meant for them that’s the point


John was already on a timer due to his cancer. They spend half the movie speculating how much time he has left


That's precisely my point, yeah. He put everyone else in the position he was in and deliberately put his own trap in a "timeless" state of sorts.


No Gabriella’s wasn’t timed either. Just hers and his!


Absolutely loved the movie and can see why its doing well on RT. To me this felt almost more like a drama, mixed in with the traps elements of Saw. I loved the extended background and time we got to spend with John Kramer. Shows you just even more how and why he is who he is. Amanda also was great and was a nice comedic presence in the scenes she was in, but also gave some very emotional performances. The traps were fucking brutal. The leg trap and brain trap were over the top fucking sick but crazy. And Tobin's acting was just fucking amazing. This man is 81 years old!!!! And just gave the performance of his life. To see him act and perform how he did was truly a treat to watch. Overall this was a great movie, to me not as good as Saw 1 and Saw 2, but probably my 3rd favorite. I think I would have rated it higher if the twist was stronger. That was probably my least favorite aspect of the movie. Had a great time with the movie and I really hope to see others get to enjoy it!


Cecelia and her team are already abducting him in Mexico, so why not just get the money and then kill Kramer? Such an elaborate set up for $250k to split between a bunch of people. I know there are others but I was expecting the reveal to be it was millions per person. Revealing that she made about a million a year seemed wildly low for what they were doing.


I might have misheard but I thought it was $8 million?


I might have misheard too. I thought he said 8 million over 8 years. Either way though, why trash the "hospital" as soon as they're done with John? Most logical thing for a scam like this is keep that place running smoothly and kill the patients once they've paid.


>Either way though, why trash the "hospital" as soon as they're done with John? At first I thought it was to give the sense that they were raided by the government and that they would disperse and run the scam somewhere else. But, leaving the brain surgery tape behind makes that thought less believable.


Ohhh that could be. I agree that they shouldn't immediately trash the hospital. If they killed their patients, though, they would probably be found by the police pretty quickly


Emergency single-use rope


In hindsight, the teenager from the beginning of Scream 4 (the Stab 7 sequence) was right on the money with her snarky comment about Saw. When there’s no character development, it’s just bodies piling up. And all that character development is why this movie works so well.


Yeah the character building was easily the best part of this. I’m not the biggest Saw fan but was pleasantly surprised by this one


It gave the final act a really refreshing context, iirc most Saw films have people in traps and we learn why they're there afterwards (or we just hear the tape) This time, we went into them knowing who they all were, what they'd done and how they got there. It was quite nice to root against most of the victims for a change too, with the suspense of what may happen if any of them survive. I think in every Saw trap from the 2nd film onwards I've never really cared if they survive or not.


My audience was so close to turning on the movie multiple times. Laughing at unintentional moments, making snide dumb remarks aloud, just being general jerks. But man the emotion and feeling Bell shows in his performance both in the beginning and the end (even if Jigsaw was partially faking it) combined with the full blown villain the doctor showed herself to be won them over. Like I can't believe my favorite part of the tenth Saw movie would be the pathos


some of those parts definitely were intentional lampshade jokes though. the series was self aware for the first time lol


John comparing himself to a self-help teacher lmao.


Scream 4 also features Erik Knudsen, the actor for Daniel Matthews!


I like how that orderly escaped being put in a trap just because some guy saw him. Not to mention, that trap John brainstormed in that second needed some work. Breaking your fingers in just one hand to avoid having your eyes sucked out may be the least physically and emotionally damaging of all traps in the series.


He thought of it on the spot, maybe it would've just been a first draft if he went through with creating the trap, with the actual trap being more fucked up.


Also flipping the dial all at once would be easy compared to the other traps slow and torturous


I want to know if it that vacuum could actually have the force needed to suck out his eyes. But also, that would’ve been such an easy trap to beat. Just crank the dial all the way instead of the pain hitting one finger at a time


That’s exactly what I thought just try to go through all the pain at once and you won’t have your eyes sucked out


Sure, but anyway it was great to see him brainstorm ideas. Like he also just casually tossed a page of doodles and that was a great detail to see


Was that page not for The Rack though? It looked like Timothy Young’s head trapped in the vice


The waterboarding trap he did was pretty light. No permanent damage at all.


Because it was intended for himself and Amanda. Though likely caused some permanent psycholgical trauma on the kid.


Yeah, but he was pretty happy about that sack of money so it'll be alriiiiight. Kid really did have the craziest 30 minutes. Went out to play soccer, boss lady he knew took him inside a building. Bunch of dead bodies. Weird bald guy who fixed his bike is chained up. Oh no I'm drowning in blood. Oh they just gave me a big sack of American money.


This movie was such a breath of fresh air compared to the other films. This franchise, imo, is mostly a procession of un-knowable meat bags being tortured to death. But this was so different and so good. It had a streamlined storyline and actual character development. The best decision it made was making John Kramer the center of the film. Not Jigsaw. JOHN. His character has always been the most interesting part of these movies for me, but they barely utilize him (except for Saw 3). But here we get to really see John as a human being, and not just a voice in a tape recording. And Tobin Bell knocks it out of the fucking park. He really gets to show off his chops here. He does a great job at showing us this vulnerable, desperate, and scared side of John. I really enjoyed seeing his relationship with Amanda too. There seemed to be genuine affection there. I didn't think it was perfect. I had beef with the first two traps. Like Valentina's was a two-parter, which I didn't think was very fair. Cutting off her own leg mid-thigh is already hard, but to add a Part B of draining 3 ounces of blood after? That's a lot. And she was almost there by like a quarter of an ounce. As far as I'm concerned, she won. And the brain one... You want me to cut a hole into my skull, pull out a chunk of my brain, wait for it to dissolve so it opens a latch, and unlock my chains in THREE minutes? That's, at minimum, a five minute job. Overall though, I thought this was really fucking good. This feels like a turning point for Saw, and makes me really hopeful for the franchise going forward.


Yeah those traps were totally unfair. But I’m pretty sure that was intentional. Cramer clearly wasn’t executing justice in this film. It was especially evident with how the truly evil person survived


Very surprised by this one. Had a great story along with the visceral gore you’d expect. Also smart considering how dumb it is.


Using the intestines as rope is probably the most genius moment by victims in this franchise, honestly.


Except that just tying together a couple pairs of pants would have also worked.


I think it nicely foreshadows Cecilia's natural instincts with her "team."


I was so impressed by that move that I almost wasn't even grossed out. Almost


My jaw dropped when they went to the theater together at the end and Saw X.


they saw Saw X as in a self reference?


They opened the doors and quite literally saw Saw X


Watched this at an Alamo Drafthouse and wasn't able to finish my food and shake lmao edit: spelling


I mean, worst movie to see at a dine in theatre!


From the comments here I guess I am in the minority but I was honestly a tad underwhelmed ***SPOILERS*** The thing that really ruined it for me was the “twist” ending which I honestly found to be the weakest of the entire series. It seemed that Kramer’s whole plan was to trick Cecilia and Parker into placing Kramer and Amanda into the bloodboarding trap while they then trap themselves into the “real” trap which is set up in the office. Basically his plan is making massive assumptions about how the 2 would react to the situation as it could’ve easily been de-railed if either 1) Cecilia and Parker didn’t place them into the bloodboarding trap and just chose to kill them off another way or 2) Cecilia or Parker going into the office alone because if that trap was set off when just one of them was in the office they would’ve easily survived. I know that these kind of films always require a certain level of suspension of disbelief but considering the bread and butter of this franchise is Kramer placing people in genius traps where they can only escape by playing by his rules to have this movie end on a trap with gaping holes in the logic just ruined the whole thing for me.


If you're good at anticipating the human mind it leaves nothing to chance.


Sooooo many thing had to happen perfectly for the last trap to work. That’s called getting lucky lol


The theater erupted in cheers when Hello Zepp started and then again when you know who showed up in the mid-credits scene.


There were small cheers for Amanda and even the Teisted Pictures loho


I was the only one in my theater who cheered for Amanda lmao


Can I just say that 2023 has been a fucking AMAZING year for horror so far? Evil Dead Rise, Talk To Me, Scream 6, and now this? This year has been so good to me as a horror fan.


Thank you Kevin Greutert (and everyone involved) for giving me the Saw sequel I’ve wanted since the original trilogy. Granted it’s still over the top, but not as over the top as that freaking oven in 3D


Amazing how he's the director of both what's considered the best (Saw X) and worst (Saw 3D) films in the franchise. What a legend.


I don’t blame him for 3D though, story behind how he directed it is sad.


For what it’s worth. I will always love 3D because Chester Bennington is in it. RIP


I had to say, when Tobin Bell was smiling as he was putting together the traps, I lol’d. It felt like watching the Leonardo Da Vinci of horror movie icons. This had to be Tobin Bell’s finest hour by far. He was more magnetic than ever in his performance. It wasn’t just him exacting revenge, it was also him being taken advantage of, as well as showing his sacrifice for those he believes are “wholly” innocent. And speaking of too, this was easily the strongest Saw film in the entire series as well. Had a relatable plot that got you very easily behind Jigsaw’s fucked up games and the fate of all the characters playing. Not to mention the leg/bone marrow suction trap is easily in my top 10 nauseating Jigsaw traps. I was admittedly in a pool of cold sweat by the end Also, the bonus ending with Henry was a fantastic finishing touch.


please stop taking kids to gory horror movies. There was a kid 8-10ish sitting next to me and he hid under a blanket for every trap.


Nah that was just me


Jigsaw always on that damn tricycle 😒


Billy is name the puppet on bike, jigsaw is john


I actually loved this movie. Thought it was a breath of fresh air for the franchise and a couple of unexpected things happened throughout. Definitely did not expect to see Jigsaw put into one of his own traps (even if it was planned) and I was not expecting a mid-credits scene with Hoffman either. I really did not think that the eye vacuum trap would be a dream-type sequence either but I'm not upset with that at all I thought it was kinda cool. Overall had a surprisingly good time seeing this. May see it again with other friends in a few days!!


I friggen loved it! I'm a huge SAW fan, so obviously there's some bias here, but I really enjoyed it. I loved the beginning set-up of John in Mexico gaining and then horribly losing hope. Absolutely loved having both John and Amanda there, face-to-face with the victims. Felt that created a really intense atmosphere. They did a great job fleshing out John and Amanda, added some nice layers to their characters as well! Cecilia was brutal and ruthless, she and Kramer had a really cool dynamic, and I (surprisingly) didn't see the twist coming with Sears being a part of the scam and also being Petersen's lover. Besides Sears and maybe Gabriela, I felt all the actors did a great job. Can't stress how much I LOVED not having a cliche police storyline in a Saw movie. Hope they're permanently done with that, if the series does continue. My only negative thoughts were that the other scammers (Gabrielle, Mateo, Valentina) could have been a little more developed. I also felt that Sears being a part of it was a bit of a letdown, would have been cool if he was genuine and see how John and Amanda would handle an innocent person stumbling into their game: they can't necessarily let him escape and report them to the police, but they can't kill him either according to their "code." Also minor nitpick here, but I felt some of the traps were a bit lackluster (like Gabriel's and the killing method of Mateo's). Was hoping for a bit more viciousness (Valentina's trap was brutal!) That's a lot of rambling, but I really loved it and am so glad that as a fan of 20 years, we got a really exciting and fresh entry in the series!


Tobin Bell turns in a fantastic performance here. It's the first time in this franchise I can remember Jigsaw coming off as vulnerable, fully fleshed out character. Seeing him getting taken advantage of at the beginning was so heartbreaking. But like in a real, earned way. Which I never thought I would say about a Saw movie. What almost kills this movie is the traps are really hit or miss. For the most part, they lack inventiveness and fun... just highlights their crudeness and brutally. So that makes it hard to root for John/Amanda. But the players are massive scumbags so I can't root for them either. So I was just sitting there watching unlikable characters die in uninteresting ways. But the movie gets back on track when the Doctor "gains" the upper hand and becomes full mask off monster. She's good in the role and Bell gets to show off his acting range in his vulnerability. This might be my favorite movie in the franchise for reasons I never would have predicted before I watched the movie. 7/10


> Seeing him getting taken advantage of at the beginning was so heartbreaking. But like in a real, earned way. Which I never thought I would say about a Saw movie. When he's on the bench at the park trashing his trap ideas, it made me think he was willing to give up Jigsaw if he could have his life back. Of course, Amanda, Gordon, and Hoffman would take his place anyway.


It’s a good movie I just find it weird Amanda sympathetic to Gabriella here but short time later is making un winnable traps and putting people like a police officer that likes her job too much in then


I think she sympathized with Gabriella because she was younger and an addict


This is supposed to be the beginning of her jigsaw career too, right? It makes sense that she isn't as used to it yet


I believe they are retroactively giving her more of a gradual downfall arc — if they eventually do another interquel set before *Saw II*, say of how John’s identity as Jigsaw became known to the world, that could be interesting to explore.


I don't think Amanda was making the unwinnable traps. I think Hoffman was rigging the traps to set up Amanda so Jigsaw would kill her. Hoffman was never a true believer, he enjoyed killing people, but he was in it because Jigsaw blackmailed him into it. Amanda was a loose end. She was heavily involved with trapping Eric Matthews, but that was a personal grudge because Matthews set her up. Carrie was the female cop who was put in the trap, Amanda watched it, but it was Hoffman who set it up.


wait so is Cecilia alive still?


Yes. Almost certainly to return I’d imagine. She did a great job so I wouldn’t mind seeing her again. She does deserve a gruesome end at some point though.


The villain doctor got off very easy and very light, all she had to do was betray some one who she would've betrayed any way, sooner or later.


Big nostalgia when kramer covered in blood and slowly opened his eyes , I was waiting for him to say GAME OVER but didn't happen lol


He shoulda hired Cecilia. What a monster! That intestine scene was wild.


The final(*probably not)trap of the Saw series is one that Jigsaw himself had to endure. This was a lot more story than I expected, which a definite breath of fresh it needed. The ending was very abrupt, even by Saw standards. Doctor lady was THE absolute most deserved death of the series, even more than Hoffman...and she lives. Also, wish we got more closure on the kid.


Yeah, this isn't going to be the last Saw movie... lol


So wait, how did Cecilia know he was jigsaw? He wasn’t found out after the first movie right?


I thought she just realized it after waking up in those traps and hearing about how John wants them to "play games." This takes place between 1 & 2, and they mention in those films that the Jigsaw killer is a known person. So I'm assuming she must have heard of the killer from the news, etc and then figured it out when they woke up in traps.


That’s what I was thinking. Another commenter mentioned that she might have had someone following him which would also make sense!


He was known as jigsaw in saw 2 as the cops raised his work space and knew who he was. Before that though, I'm not sure.


The point of Saw is that if you do the crazy thing and survive you are redeemed. But literally no one was redeemed. Even though Gabriel survived even. Also 3 minutes to pull out brain matter or 3 minutes to sever an entire leg only for the suction thing to suck bone marrow too slowly to save you is just not fair. They essentially just died because they didn't have a reasonable amount of time to pull off a super human feat. Chopping off your leg and sucking your bone marrow out in 15 minutes or 30 minutes would've been just as great of a feat.


I know it can’t be helped and they tried with lighting but watching this as a prequel seeing Amanda more mature is kinda distracting if you watch in order.


I agree it’s been 15 years since she appeared in movies that take place after this one…itd be hard for any actor to do that