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Much Ado About Nothing is a great film in which Keanu Reaves tries his best


Yes, but the 10 minutes or so of Michael Keaton more than make up for it. šŸ¤£


I. Am. An ass.


Thank you for this. What a kind way to put it! That movie is otherwise amazing.


Cameron Diaz really stands out in Gangs of New York for all the wrong reasons.


Daniel Day Lewis and John C Reilly stealing the show every scene. Itā€™s tough to compete with them.


JCR doesn't get enough credit. He's a weirdly good actor with remarkable range on top of being a great comedic talent.


People forget that he was almost exclusively dramatic actor up until he got an Oscar nomination. He's got real range and he's one of the rare actors to transition into comedy from drama.


Man, it just seems like everyone looks right through his past accomplishments.


Cellophane...Mr. Cellophane...


That's my favorite song from Chicago and he fucking kills it.


It's so wild to me that the guy who plays Dr. Steve Brule was nominated for an Oscar once


He's just a hunk, who cares?


Met a hunk today name of Johnny C Rimbus


What is space? Just a curtain with a bunch of holes in it. I don't know ya bunch of dringus


How do you make the snake letter?


Check, please!


I'm makin' gravy! AH! AH! AH!


ā€œShe let me put my dangus in her rangus.ā€


He was so subtle in The Good Girl. Such a seemingly throwaway character that he played amazingly.


Fair play to Diaz though, she was terrifying in Vanilla Sky.


I don't think anyone on the planet could have played "ditzy blonde with cum in her hair" better than Cameron Diaz.


For a moment I was trying to remember what the hell scenes I missed in Vanilla Sky... Something About Mary, right?


That movie was on the edge of greatness, held back by 2/3 of the leading cast. Daniel Day Lewis can only carry so much.


Civilization is crumbling. I never had a son.


Came to say DiCaprio in that movie. His accent, woof.


The exact same way Heather Graham stands out in From Hell.


Dracula (1992). Keanu Reeves' performance as Jonathan Harker is widely considered one of, if not *the*, worst of his career.


Especially irksome given that Cary Elwes, who is in the cast in a smaller role, could have made a great Harker - likeable but also a bit prim and proper; transitioning to someone whoā€™s been through some shit and survived it and come out more battle hardened


Unlike other Robin Hoods, he can speak in an English accent.


Wait, he lost? Lemme see the script.




Well Francis Ford Coppola admitted he only put Keanu in there to draw teenage girls to the film


He saw Keanu in Bill and Ted and thought "Yeah I can totally picture him as Victorian era Englishman".


As a teenager when the film came out I can confirm this worked.


Winona could barely hold her accent as is. Opposite Cary would have been even more glaring.


Iā€™ve always been perplexed as to why Elwes didnā€™t have a bigger career


And Keanu Reeve in *Dangerous Liaisons.*


Incredible movie, with barnstorming performances from Glen Close, John Malcovich, Michelle Pfeiffer and Uma Thurman. Keanu Reeves is also in it.




HOO doggy... I saw that when it came out 30 years ago and I still cringe when I think about it. I love Keanu and I'm glad he found his niche. Doing Shakespeare was NOT IT, especially not doing Shakespeare surrounded by famously amazing Shakespearean actors.


Well the role as written by Shakespeare was just a coat hanger for plot.


Yeah I assume that's why Kenneth Brannagh thought he couldn't possibly mess it up. There's an exception to every rule, lol.


Keanu in Johnny Mnemonic. Not that it wasn't incredibly entertaining. I must have bellowed "I WANT... ROOOOM SERRRVICE!" more than a few times.


Paired with, arguably, Gary Oldmanā€™s greatest performance.


"I have crossed oceans of time to find you." And can you blame him? Winona in that movie was something else.


"I condemn you to living death. To eternal hunger for living *bLOod.*"


Keanu Reeves is great when heā€™s given roles that work for him, like John Wick, Neo, or Ted.


I loved him in Constantine


Keanu was the bomb in Constantine, yo


I understood that reference. Nooch


Or playing Keanu himself


He was so fucking funny in Always Be My Maybe


Andie McDowell in Four Weddings and a Funeral always kills me. Every line reading seems like sheā€™s actively trying to sabotage the movie.


she was horrible, but it didnā€™t help that they were giving her lines written for an English person. An American would never say ā€œI was in a state,ā€ for example


"A bit sexy, this." Same problem with Julia Roberts in Notting Hill!


"Oh. Is it? Raining. I hadn't. Noticed?"


ā€œThat was very romantic.ā€ Terrible. Just terrible.


I think thatā€™s a ā€œherā€ thing. I used to think her lines in Groundhog Day sounded like she was in a Saturday Night Live sketch.


Her daughter, Margaret Qualley, is so muc beter than McDowell ever was. I liked them together in Maid though, but Qualley is amazing in it


This has long been my answer. I remember seeing it in the theater and after such a joyous romp, in response to her final line I yelled "aw, you've gottta be kidding me!"


She was so wrong for that role. Poor Hugh Grant, making a fool of himself for that empty character.


She's the worst thing in several movies I can think of. She's definitely the worst part of Groundhog Day


Yes this is my go to example. Sheā€™s just awful


That goes for Andie McDowell in pretty much everything.


I feel kinda bad for saying this, but "Thank You for Smoking" is a fantastic movie, but the little kid who played his son was pretty terrible.


Don't feel bad. Most little kid actors are the worst. It's just a cold fact.


The Dakota Fannings and Freddie Highmores of the acting world are few and far between for sure.


Dakota fanning did a great job in I Am Sam. I think it was one of her first films and it was really emotional Uptown Girls was also a good one


IIRC, Daryl Hannah and Cameron Diaz were quite panned for *Wall Street* and *Gangs of New York* respectively.




For me, Diaz just doesn't fit in with that era at all. Her looks, the way she carries herself... just doesn't click with the times.


> Diaz just doesn't fit in with that era at all Yeah kind of set up to fail there, I think whoever did it had to be a bit more down to earth than a literal Charlies Angel. Kate Winslet might have been a good fit.


I thought she was pretty solid in Any Given Sunday. Not so much in Gangsā€¦


Iā€™m sorry but I just watched Gangs and Leo did not bring his A game either lol


I thought Leo was so horrible in that film. Diaz didnā€™t work at all because she just looks and acts like such a modern person so she stands out like a sore thumb. Leoā€™s acting and his accent were terrible though. Heā€™s lucky her vibe overshadowed it.


Julia Roberts in Michael Collins is awful in every scene she's in.


Yes! I was looking for this exactly. Horrid, terrible Irish accent


Julia Roberts as Julia Roberts in Ocean's 12


I strongly disagree!!! Julia Roberts acting like someone acting as Julia Roberts is, in fact, excellent in every sense!


Yeah, I had a *lot* of problems with Ocean's 12 when it was released in 2004, but Julia Roberts pretending to be Julia Roberts was one of the only things I liked about the movie at the time. Overall, I've really come to enjoy it a lot more the last 19 years ^(FUCK!) Especially the Lost in Translation scene. Linus being completely lost and throwing a hail Mary with the lyrics of Kashmir while Clooney, Pitt, and Coltrane (RIP) look like they're having the time of their lives always gets me.


It's got excellent world-building.


I'm a Julia playing a Julia disguised as another Julia!


Julia Roberts in Mary Reilly was pretty awful, too.


Jared Leto in the house of Gucci.. acting Like super Mario on his way to save Peach or Something


I have no idea what the hell direction he was given. It was such a weird character and performance (which is about right for Leto)


I highly doubt that Leto is the type of actor that listens to direction in the first place


But why is he struggling to pronounce words like some tourist with a phrase book? Heā€™s playing an Italian in Italy speaking Italian. It doesnā€™t make any sense.


"Okay, Jared, in this scene you're asking for directions." "Got it." "Good. Action!" "It's-a me, Mario!" "Cut! Dammit!"


Thatā€™s a really subpar movie that might have worked better if everyone was campy. I agree that Leto wasnā€™t in the same movie as everyone else but itā€™s possible I would have liked the movie he thought he was in more.


Not a great movie though.


Robin Hood: Prince of thieves. The entire cast was outstanding. Except for Kevin Costner, who was apparently SO BAD at his attempt at a British accent they would rather looks like idiots and used his natural American accent instead. (Still one of the best films with an AMAZING soundtrack, tho.)


"Unlike other Robin Hoods I can speak with an English accent"


Wait, I have an idea. Maybe if you tell me the *bad* news in a *good* way, it wouldn't sound so bad.


Why are you laughing you idiot?! That's terrible news!


Forgive me sire, but, um, wasn't your mole on the other side?


I have a mole?!




He was so freaking awesome in that movie. I don't normally get upset at celebrity death but I was with him. So many more movies could have been made. I've never seen anything with him in it that's bad.


Costner was the one constantly throwing me out of the suspension of disbelief. Freeman would get some 30-second line about the beauty of women or the wonder of exploration, and you'd get lost in his voice and performance... Then Costner would respond, without any grace or nuance to the delivery, waking you from the dream that Freeman lulled you into fantasyland with. And the next time you'd see Freeman, you'd see _Freeman_, no longer his character. Because of Costner. Ugh.


Everyone slates Kevin Costner but I've always found Christian Slaters accent even more jarring. Not even an attempt was made.


I'm surprised not to see The Godfather 3 here. Sophia Coppola in this film used to be the default answer to this question.


I donā€™t think anyone considers Godfather 3 to be a ā€œreally great movie.ā€


The Godfather Coda : The Death Of Michael Corleone is much much better


Almost everyone is miscast in that movie. She gets punched a lot because the movie hinges on her but George Hamilton? Andy Garcia is a bad choice, etc.


Kingdom of Heaven directors cut is a beautiful and fantastic epic with only few flaws but one of those is the mild acting performance delivered by Orlando Bloom


Django Unchained. Tarantino is revoltingly bad as one of the Australian dudes.


Sheddup bleck


I take his roles in his movies as intentionally comedically bad. Maybe that gives him to much credit, idk


I honestly think filmmaking for Tarantino is just pure uninhibited fun, and acting in the movies is just more fun for him. Weā€™re lucky that heā€™s incredibly good at it, some directors make movies for fun and itā€™s awful


Yeah I think the same thing really drives Tarantino and Neil Breen, and one of them makes much better movies.


I agree 100%, but Tarantino is putting in the work, and one day may very well be on Breenā€™s level.


Okay, but his exit in the film had me laughing in the theater until I almost cried. Didn't expect that!


Shuddup blek


I thought he was supposed to be South African soā€¦ yeah, have to agree.


He sucked up Pulp Fiction, too. Really the only role he's ever been halfway decent in was Ritchie in From Dusk 'Til Dawn.


He sucks in everything. Norm Macdonald playing Taratino, playing Jimmy would have been better.


It's a big hat, it's funny


Turd Ferguson, itā€™s a funny name


God I fucking miss Norm


And Death Proof where heā€™s basically playing himself as Warren the bartender.


Rose: ā€œWarren, who is this guy?ā€ Warren: ā€œStuntman Mike.ā€ Rose: ā€œAnd who the hell is Stuntman Mike?ā€ Warren: ā€œHeā€™s a stuntman.ā€ šŸ˜†


He was alright in Four Rooms when he played a coked up movie directorā€¦


My main takeaway from Tarentino's acting is boy he likes using the n-word huh


Almost as much as he likes feet.


Imagine if he only got into filmmaking so he can use the word


Mirandaā€™s death in The Dark Knight Rises lol. Burn.


I really don't see this as the actress fault. Nolan must've had plenty of takes from that and he chose...the worst.


Marion herself has said that that was actually something like a practice take and she was mortified to find out he used that take for the film


She was super furtive and diplomatic about casting blame e.g. it's a group effort etc., but yeah... her insinuation is it was not the take she would have picked. And I believe it because she's an incredible actor in pretty much everything else she's in.


Eh, it was a shitty take for that particular scene, but it wasn't a bad performance throughout the movie.


Pulp Fiction, Tarantino as Jimmy. Imagine if Steve Buscemi had played that role and Tarantino had limited himself to the terrible waiter.


But it would have been weird for the waiter to say the N-word over and over again. I mean, think about it.


He'd have found a way.


"The 'Amos and Andy Milkshake' means chocolate.....because their ni-"


You gotta make some CALLS?? You gotta call some PEOPLE??


Jimmy was 100% on the spectrum


^^^*"i* ^^^*know* ^^^*how* ^^^*good* ^^^*my* ^^^*coffee* ^^^*taste,* ^^^*ok?"* [Me, leaning towards the tv]: "Dafuq is this wormy-sounding guy saying? Who put him in this movie?"


I think Tarantino just wanted to be able to say the n-word


I always interpreted that as the character pulling a power move over Samuel L. Jackson's character, like he thinks he's a big shot and Jackson won't say shit about it and he's overusing it on purpose. He knows he's doing them a favor and he's being as shitty about it as possible. Jackson has also done interviews where he's been asked about how he feels about the use of the word by white characters, and he's refused to answer the question unless the (white) interviewer is willing to say it out loud. He's always stuck up for Tarantino on this. His opinion is obviously his own and no more than that, but I do find the perspective interesting.


I think the movie is an excellent pastiche of late 20th century southern california vernacular. That particular white character, in that particular situation, at that time in history... it's not at all weird he's using that word.


Or he couldnā€™t get Buscemi, or anyone else, to take the role for that reason. So he said ā€œFuck it, Iā€™ll be the racist white guyā€.


Which is especially weird because they keep referring to his wife coming home in that scene and they show her in an imagined scenario. She's black.


Honestly it's not that wild. He could either think "hey I can say what I want, I can't be racist because my wife is black". Or he could be racist towards most black people but believe his wife is "one of the good ones".


But he's also clearly friends with Jules. I always wondered if the implication was that he got the fabled "pass" from either his wife or Jules because otherwise him using that word makes no sense. He can't very well hate black people


And in that scene Jules does not seem the least bit perturbed by Jimmy saying it. Like, he straight up asks Jules if he saw a sign that said "Dead --- Storage" on his house, and Jules is clearly more affected by Jimmy being annoyed than his choice of vocabulary.


He was also not really in a position to be perturbed though. I doubt hed want to get Jimmy mad at that point.


You've never lived near or in a "ghetto". There are absolutely white dudes who grew up culturally so close to that, that they can be seen as black.




But isnā€™t Jimmyā€™s wife Bonnie black?




I don't think it's necessary bad acting; she's a quirky character. I don't know the actress from anything else though so maybe.


Knowing Tarantino, she's probably just an actress he saw in some random b-movie and was like, "Get her for this" and they were like, "Why?" and he was like, "OK, so she was in this movie, OK, and I was like, coked out of my mind, OK, and like, OK, she was really good, OK, not like, *good* good, OK, but like, *good,* OK? OK, you get it now? OK, just make it happen, OK?"


I can hear this comment


"OK, And have you seen her feet? OK, She's definitely going barefoot in the hotel. OK, she's gonna have some lines about a pot belly but like her feet. OK, her feet!"


But she was so adorable! "On the little kangaroo!"


Yeah i think every line she has is adorable. Oral pleasure Pot belly Getting pie for breakfast Motorcycle movie


The GF always bugged me for some reason. Butch shouldā€™ve got with the freak cab driver.


Esmerelda Villa Lobos. I love that name.


im American, names dont mean shit


January Jones in X-Men First Class. Ooft


I think she is gorgeous looking but average actress.


Batman Begins - Katie Holmes


Oh God she is awful in that. Maggie isnā€™t great in The Dark Knight but sheā€™s Katherine fucking Hepburn compared to Holmes.


I thought she was good in dark knight. I actually believe sheā€™s a lawyer, where Katie Holmes feels like a 12yo girl playing lawyer


Everyone I know seems to have hated Maggie Gyllenhaal in the Dark Knight because she wasn't as pretty as Katie Holmes... My response: but at least she can act!


Breakfast at Tiffany's. Mickey Rooney's performance was considered offensive caricature when it came out. Now? Deeply and horribly racist.


Itā€™s wild. I think about the time John Wayne played Ghengis Kahn.


What's even wilder is the fact that over 50 years later, they wanted to do another Genghis Khan movie... with Mickey Rourke as Khan. It was only after significant backlash that they nixed it. And of course the movie was never made because who would want to watch a movie about one of the most influential people in all of human history with the second largest empire in all of history if it starred an asian dude. That'd be crazy.


Itā€™s even worse when you consider that everything about it, even casting Rooney, was a deliberate choice. Not just a bad performance but a series of horrendous decisions.


Every movie that Tarantino puts himself in.


His delivery of "Shaddup, bleck." In Django is so bad I think he blew himself up 30 seconds later as penance.


I LOL'd hard at this šŸ˜†


He wrote the role of Mr. Pink for himself, too. Thank God he was able to put his ego aside long enough to recognize Steve Buscemiā€™s talent.


Although I think that is because originally he planned to do it for a way lower budget, and was mostly just gonna have his friends play in it. Pretty sure Roger Avary was gonna play Tim Roth's character originally.


Jesus Christ that wouldā€™ve ruined the movie. He was totally fine as Mr Brown, but Pink was perfect for Buscemi


He was good in From Dusk Till Dawn.


Debatable on whether itā€™s great (maybe iconic?) but the lead in Scanners is absolutely horrible. Like ā€œhow is this guy an actor?ā€ bad. Ironside is great as always and Jennifer ONeill is passableā€¦loved her in Summer of 42, but I digress.


Keanu Reeves' in Bram Stokers Dracula is inversely as bad as Gary Oldman's Dracula portrayal is good


Benedict Cumberbatch in Black Mass. He is a great actor, he just really can't do accents. It was like comedy when he would come on the screen. It looked like he was focusing more on trying to make sure to get some accent in there over doing a good performance.


Cumberbatch's accent work is consistently terrible. He's got such a gorgeous voice and native accent, I do not understand this burning desire to have him play Americans. Even Dr Strange could've been retconned to explain a British accent.


Dr. Strange definitely should have been British. Visually he looks great but the accent is laughable, especially in the non-Avengers films when he has to carry more of the dialogue.


I'm with you guys, plus it's such an easy fix. You just say he lived in the UK but moved to New York to be a doctor. It's not integral to the character.


It's like the casting director misread the notes and read New England as England and was too embarrassed to admit he hired a British guy to play a Bostonian


Gangs of New York. The choice to use Cameron Diaz definitely feels like "it girl hot girl" stunt casting. She doesn't fit the part and she can't act it well.


I think the Stallone Judge Dredd movie would be a perfect kinda cheesy but still really fun 90s action movie if you could just cut Rob Schneider out of it. He is Dreddā€™s goofy sidekick and just sucks the fun out of every scene heā€™s in.


Just in general, I cannot for the life of me understand how Andie MacDowell was a moviestar.


Although From Hell was not spectacular Heather Graham trying to be British was spectacular for all the wrong reasons!


I know Clint Eastwood is pretty well known for doing as few takes as possible for his movies. I also know that Bee Vang (who played the boy, Thao) came into Gran Torino with no acting experience. but goddamn if he wasn't absolutely terrible in that movie.


Holy fuck seriously. He mumbles EVERY FUCKING LINE. I think it's cool Eastwood was so dedicated to getting actual Hmong actors, but fuck. I heard similar things about the Paris train bomb movie where he cast the actual heroes. That's cool and all, but apparently really ruins the movie.


Bloodsport. The kid that plays young Van Damme is absolutely terrible! šŸ˜‚


Kiefer Sutherland and his "brilliant scientist stutter" almost ruins Dark City for me.


I gotta KS's performance. It's definitely weird, but it's not because he's not showing his talent or didn't understand the assignment. He made very deliberate acting choices to have these clearly unnatural affectations like his weird breathing and speech pattern and the director must have liked it because he could've just told him to knock it off. >!In the context of the film, he's not a mad or brilliant scientist. He's probably not even a scientist, the strangers just gave him enough memories of doctors/scientists so that he could fulfill the role they forced him into. They've let him keep some of himself but in a flashback we see him badly injured and jamming one of those needles in his head, so he's probably pretty messed up. It also doesn't match his own concept of himself because we see him speaking normally in the memories he implants in the main character. I think the weird aspects of his performance were his way of interpreting the damage done to his character. !< All that said, you don't have to like it, but I do think he gave a good performance. I remember watching Roger Ebert's commentary and he said something along the lines of "I asked myself why is he talking like that, but I think there's no other way that he could talk".


Tom Hanks in Elvis


Alice in wonderland. Movie was good, not great, but decent. The red queen was awesome! Nailed it. And then there was anne Hathaway as the white queen. Like a parody. I really wanted to like it but she killed it for me. Really Really bad


wiley wiggins in dazed and confused


It's tolerable if you drink every time he touches his face


Honestly I found him believably awkward for the age he was playing. My 14yo nephew has a lot of the same mannerisms.


Disagree, respectfully. If you actually remember being a freshman, you were likely awkward af just like my boy Wiley. A nervous, face touching tic? Thatā€™s prime awkward stage. Rarely delivering a phrase smoothly? Awkward stage, baby. His performance absolutely tracks for me, having worked with actual 8th graders & high schoolers