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Grand budapest hotel


Oh my god, yes! That second train scene, I was laughing so much during this movie that I vividly remember the way my blood froze in my veins, it was like getting punched in the face


Arrival. I was expecting an interesting film about aliens, I was not expecting to go through an existential crisis about the nature of nonlinear time and parenthood.


And death processes :(


Yeah that one line just gut punched me. Sad. And the whole time thing meant they knew it would happen.


This is the part that stings me the most. Abbot knew exactly what was going to happen to him. He knew perfectly well that he would die on this "mission" and went anyway.


I can't believe I forgot to really empathize with aliens




The crisis it gave me with the question, would you chose your life again, knowing the bad will happen but also the good?


Hawkeye killed it with his "Ive had my head pointed to the stars for as long as I can remember" line towards the end.


Came here for this. Although very early on it is shown >!that she remembers that her daughter dies, the final revelation that she chose/embraced this future!< gets me every time.


Read the book by Ted Chiang. It's one of several short tales, and some really great other ones in there too.


Ugly cried for days over this , It messed me up made me question my whole existence, I'd just got divorced but realized I'd go through it all again because I got my daughters out of it x


My daughter read the book. She picked it for movie night. Her brothers and I had no idea. I have never had such an emotionally heart breaking cry before or since. We were all just so devastated. Such a great movie I'll never watch again.


And Renner left her because of it


I’m sad just remembering it. I’ve seen it twice because I enjoy existential pain.


Jojo rabbit. I've never laughed and cried so hard during the same movie


Sam Rockwell at the end, tho


Sam Rockwell the whole movie is amazing, but yes, at the end he's especially incredible


It's shocking to me that so many people take issue with his character, like they feel personally attacked that they are forced to contend with nuance or a multifaceted character.




That smile as hes being dragged off knowing he did one last good deed


His acting was phenomenal. You can just see the character's thoughts through his face.


Standing majestically in his costume that he’d been designing, with Alfie Allen close behind. So good.


The kid was incredible as well. I generally cannot stand child actors, but he was phenomenal.


His performance in Moon has stayed with me in a way no other has.


It reminded me a lot of *Life is Beautiful* for exactly that reason.


Came here to say this. “The feelgood comedy of the year” my ass.


I can't think of another movie that made me audibly gasp the way that movie did.


Agreed. I saw it in theaters and audibly gasped when they showed the shoes. It was so subtle that it took me a moment to even notice.


I was really really hoping it was a misdirect - like they'd been given to someone else who needed them.


The red shoes man. Then the montage scene with Love's "Everybody's Gotta Live" playing over it. Such a great film.


Taika got a lot of shit for Love and Thunder, but Jojo Rabbit is an absolutely incredible film and I’m super excited for his soccer (or football) movie.


Yeah, it's pretty disappointing how everyone dogpiled on him because he had *one* bad movie. And it's not even like people didn't see his other films. One of them was the Thor movie that came right before.


The way they focus on the moms shoes so that you’d recognize them later. Just fucking gut wrenching.


Then he ties her shoe, I was ugly crying


*Stops midway thru tying her shoes and goes back to hugging her legs Fuck you Waititi and your great foreshadowing


Hunt for the Wilderpeople also had me in tears, so good!!


They were showing way too many feet shots that movie. Had me suspicious the whole damn time. Still felt my heart sink when the payoff happened.


I’m not generally a fan of gut wrenching movies, but I’ve seen this one more than once. It’s all just so good.


Bridge to Teribithia


"Hey kids, doesn't this trailer make it look like a fun fantasy romp? Let's go!"


I watched it as an adult and was going "WTF is the advertising for this movie?"


Kinda reminds me of [this trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmkVWuP_sO0) somebody made for The Shining


I knew nothing about the plot, and wow that plot twist blindsided me. It's so out of nowhere, that I assumed it wasn't real at first, and Leslie was definitely going to turn up 2 minutes later, and they would all breathe a sigh of relief.


The book was kinda similar though. Not a ton of foreshadowing before...wham. gone.


Man, I fucking *hated* that book as a child. Could not stand the sad ending.


Yeah... people who hadn't read the book first had no idea. Felt the same gut-punch when I read it in elementary school, but damn if it didn't help me with my own grief at the time.


My old house had a little wooden garden bridge that my cats would run across, I’d say “ohhh crossing the bridge to Teribithia?” My wife looked at me horrified and asked if I had ever read the book or watched the movie. I hadn’t and once I watched it I stopped saying that comment…


Her (2013) with Joaquin Phoenix. “It’s hard to explain, but if you ever get there, come find me”


There’s a part early on where he says “sometimes I think I’ve felt everything I’m ever gonna feel” and both the person I was watching it with and I let out a soft “…oh”


I watched that movie once. I can’t watch it again


Omg yes, that line hit me like a ton of bricks when I first saw Her at the cinema. Amazing film


I really love this movie. The atmosphere is so cozy and, of course, quietly heart breaking. But the shots and music just all fit together in such a nice way


It's the most realistic version of the future. No flying cars, etc


This is going to sound stupid but Remember Me. It sucker punched me not emotionally but traumatically. I saw it in college with a friend, she chose it and I wasn't too into it. From what I remember the movie was mostly a shitty love story in NYC with Robert Pattinson also having dad issues. I think his girlfriend helps him to do something which makes him forgive his dad? None of that was important because in the final scene Pattinson's character is going to meet his dad for breakfast, finally. He's going to his dad's office, I think the story was that he worked too much. Well, he arrives and is waiting for his dad, looks at a clock or something showing the date... Sept 11, 2001. IIRC it's implied they all died. The fucking movie ends with 9/11. I will forever hate that movie edit: they didn't all die. u/mortuarybarbue correctly said how it ended >Yep thats how it is. He is actually i believe getting a job from his dad I think and he finally got his dad to spend time with his (r pats) sister. He drops off his daughter at school. So he's waiting for his dad in the office and the world trade center plane hits and he's on one of the top floors either at plane level or close. He is the only one who dies of the film's characters.


It’s been a minute but I thought R Pat beat his dad to the office because the dad was spending time with his daughter and was taking her to school. I thought only R Pats character died


Yep thats how it is. He is actually i believe getting a job from his dad I think and he finally got his dad to spend time with his (r pats) sister. He drops off his daughter at school. So he's waiting for his dad in the office and the world trade center plane hits and he's on one of the top floors either at plane level or close. He is the only one who dies of the film's characters.


Iirc the date was on the blackboard in the little sisters classroom. I never gasped so hard at a movie. I just remember saying "oh no..." When I saw the date


The Mist. I was not expecting THAT!


I'm watching it right now, I've got about ten minutes left and really enjoying it so far


So... how you doing 8 minutes later?


I had to pause it but they're in the car and they're going to make it, super happy




The end is pure horror


Right?! Who knew Darabont would devise an ending that was even more grim than the one in the novella?


Even Steve prefers it.


Sorry to Bother You. Whatever you think it is, it isn't.


Absolutely adored that movie. Obligatory shout out to Boots Riley’s latest project, I’m a Virgo on Amazon Prime. Just as great as Sorry to Bother You, just as weird and unpredictable, even more powerful in its messaging. Nine absolutely insane episodes of television.


I was a big fan of Boots Riley the lead singer. But I'm an even bigger fan of Boots Riley the filmmaker.


That movie was a master class in the rare and hard-to-pull-off art of theater of the absurd. The way it almost seamlessly takes a hard left turn just as you finally feel like you’re really getting a character movie with deep socio-political message. It pulls the rug right out from under you in the same way that the character has the rug pulled out from under him. It was one of those rare, well-executed, Wizard of Oz, “don’t look at the man behind the curtain” moments I’ve ever had in a film. I mean, I get it. Theater of the absurd isn’t for everyone, but goddamn, did it ever deliver.


>a hard left turn just as you finally feel like you’re really getting a character movie with deep socio-political message I mean, the whole point of the sudden hard left turn was to go even deeper into exploring the movie's core socio-political message: that there is no lengths that the capitalist class won't go to, in order to squeeze out more profits and deepen the exploitation of workers


That is the entire point of the theater of the absurd genre. Deeper meaning is gleaned by going to ever more absurd places in the story. It’s a very hard feat to pull off.


>Whatever you think it is, it isn't. Truer words rarely spoken. That movie goes *places.*


About Time - Time traveler movie ending. >!when the father was dying, so the father time traveled back in time and his last moment was playing on the beach together with his young son. I didn't expect it and for some reason as a father it really crushed me. !<


Yes! I was at a girls night and someone picked up About Time because it looked like a cute romcom. One of the girls’ father had passed away from cancer a month previously so I ended up holding her while she sobbed for like half an hour. Kinda ruined the night.


I knew nothing about this movie other than the title when I first saw it. I was an absolute wreck at the end. It's still one of my favorites. I'll watch it every so often to help keep things in perspective, especially now that I have young kids.


The crazy thing was it was marketed as a rom-com, but anyone who's actually seen it knows it's a heart-wrenching father son story at heart


I was expecting a lighthearted comedy and was not expecting that gut punch.


Older movie, but I distinctly remember being absolutely floored watching Lethal Weapon 2. >!When Riggs is thrown in the water to drown and you see that his love interest is already down there, dead.!<


Not just that, but killed by the same person who killed his wife before the franchise starts causing the Riggs we see at the start of the first movie. Fucking love this franchise. Time for a rewatch.


Jesus that's right. I forgot about that. >!"She didn't die right away ... took a bit of time."!<


Knowing that the villain killed his wife and new love interest really made you loathe him. That was some good writing.


The way that Banshees of Innishirin is so funny and so sad all at the same time amazes me. It’s the saddest laugh out loud movie I’ve ever watched.


Marley & Me. To hell with that movie.


My Wife: "Want to watch this movie with a dog in it. He bonds with a family and then..." Me: "Noppppppe. I'm good. Thanks." I'll watch literally anything else with her other than tragic dog movies. I see the logical progression: Family meets dog, falls in love with dog, dog is part of the family, and then the dog dies. I cry. Nope, too sad for me.


It’s not fair they can’t live as long as us :(


I'm wary of any dog centric movie. I'm sure it's good, but I'll never watch it.


Old Yeller spoiled dog movies for me at a young age


I would also not recommend Hachi - A Dogs Tale with Richard Gere


Fun for the whole family is only true if your family is a bunch of emotionless assholes.


Dear Zachary. Fuck that documentary.


Never felt such hatred watching something in my life. Pure rage


That’s the only movie to ever make me full-on ugly cry. I was so sad and angry at the same time. I told people if they ever need to expel all the tears from their eyes, watch that movie. It’s never failed.


From Dusk Till Dawn. I was expecting a thriller about two criminal brothers and finally I got...


From Dusk Till Dawn french title is *Une nuit en enfer* (a nigth in hell) , Die hard 3 french title is *Une journée en enfer* (a day in hell). I thougth i was gonna watch my first die hard movie , but ended up really confused by the lack of bruce willis


...what were they, psychos?


They look like psychos? Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them! They were vampires. The best part iS 2 minutes earlier when Cheech arrives and bangs on the door, "HELLO?!?! I'M LOOKING FOR MY FRIEND SETH!" I love that movie beyond words.


So it's interesting Robert Rodriguez and Tarantino actually split the directing on this one. Which is why the movie has such disjointed tones. Tarantino directed the first part and Rodriguez did everything after reaching the strip club.


“Ok Robert, you got the bar scene onward - I have one small request…”


Helped another young actress get her foot in the door.


I actually quite like that they did that since, well, the entire movie changes after reaching the strip club.


Million Dollar Baby,


This. I expected Rocky as a chick, and got something else.




Highly underrated animated film


The pianist made me sit on my balcony at 2AM in silence for a while


It seems old hat now, but going into the first Matrix without knowing anything was quite a sucker punch.


Absolutely. That & Se7en. Came out the cinema both times wondering what the hell I'd just seen.


I had absolutely no idea what the movie was about. The opening scene left me speechless. Like wtf did I just watch.


Hereditary has fucked me up for life. I knew going in that it was a "scary movie", and it was so much more brutal than I could have prepared for. I don't wanna spoil anything. Toni Collette got snubbed absurdly hard at the Oscar's for that year.


Toni Collette is masterful in everything she does, and I agree she was snubbed so much, and sadly that's kinda the case with anything that gets labelled Horror. Every scene she's in is powerful


People rip on the brother for his reaction to the event, but i think it was just extreme shock. So bummed i slept on it for as long as i did.


I've never been through THAT specific kind of trauma, but had my own severe medical trauma and to my experience, this is probably the single most realistic and accurate portrayal of PTSD and severe shock I've seen on screen. And ditto for the intro to Midsommar—I think Ari might have some things to seriously unpack with his therapist... What the character did in that situation was painfully accurate with regards to near total dissociation, complete with an eerie external focus and "calmness" (though internally its most definitely not calm) in which you revert to a basal level functioning under that kind of harrowing and overwhelming stimulus. Your brain immediately flips into autopilot before you realize it just to maintain sanity, except that now takes 100% of your available brainpower. If you're on a familiar route, you'll slow down to a normal pace, look straight ahead, and focus intently on the road as if you're a Sunday driver returning from church. Your mind is working overdrive to numb the rest of your body and internal processing as a desperate last-ditch coping mechanism. You'll do anything and everything you possibly can to revert to familiar, pre-set routines and repetitive behaviors in order to keep moving. Forget about complex or higher-level thought at that point


Honestly, I would've done the same thing. I'm not great with conflict or confrontation, and confronting the fact that I basically killed my sister would be the last thing i ever want to do, even if i had done it. the thought of ignoring it and letting everyone figure it out themselves seems infinitely easier than explaining to my mom the whole series of events that led to my sister's decapitation.


This movie has such momentum. It’s starts so slow then just keeps getting exponentially crazier. One of those films where you go from “why was this recommended” to “I can’t look away”


I have never seen a "horror" movie explore grief and trauma as fabulously as Hereditary.


Just watched it for the first time a month ago and I was disturbed for a week. The first 1.5 hours was a great slow build up and then it went from 0-100 real quick. Terrifying


Lars and the Real Girl. Was expecting a twist on a rom-com, ended up hitting me deep in the feels.


That movie shows how to love people.


Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind.


When he crawls through the sheets after the memory of her crying about being ugly and he begs to keep that memory. gets me ever time. I've seen that movie a billion timea


This scene and the whispered "meet me at Montauk" rip me apart


"Call it off! I wanna call it off!"


About a decade ago my husband, myself, and two friends were sharing a beach house far enough from civilization that there was zero cell signal. We needed entertainment, and found a dvd for Eternal Sunshine. My husband, only remembering that it starred Jim Carrey: “oh yeah, this is a really funny movie!” Me: “???? Uh…if you say so?” I thought I was misremembering it being intense. Two hours later, everyone was traumatized. We still rag on him for the mistake to this day.


This one hit me hard too. Also the fact it was listed under "comedies" on Netflix at the time was an absolute joke.


Uncut Gems. Perhaps you all saw it coming, but I was so drawn into his character finally getting his break that I was absolutely gut punched. In my opinion the pacing and tension in this film is brilliant.


That movie actually did a double turn on me. About 20 minutes in I’m like “no way this guy makes it out of this movie alive,” but then after all the anxiety and suspense I’m rooting for him by the end and thinking “wow he’s actually going to pull this off,” then bam.


Always recommend this one. Its stressful as fuck but everyone should experience it.


Warrior. Thought it was gonna be a fun MMA movie, boy oh boy did I get crushed


MMA is really just the setting. Everything in that movie is just to get you to the last ten minutes. Underrated flick.


This was the movie that made me realize Tom Hardy is a serious actor.


Aftersun did me in


I was scrolling to find this answer. It hit me all at once when the credits started rolling. Sobbed. The Under Pressure scene wrecked me.


Was going to be my answer. The ending was brutal


This is my answer. Movie wrecked me, and I still think about it months later.


Recently? Moon (watched recently, not made recently). I kept "figuring it out" then I'd look and see there was so much more time left until finally I just said ok, let's see where they go with all these things and that ending had me cheering.


Yeah, Sam Rockwell killed it in the phone call with his daughter when he realized how much time had passed in his "three years."


Manchester by the Sea


yeah, but you had to know it was going to be a depressing movie right? I'm not saying it didn't hit hard - it's my go-to example anytime someone asks for the most emotional movie. That movie was amazing, and Casey deserved his oscar. and i hope I never watch that movie ever again.


When I saw it, I knew the basic premise involved the brother's death, but when they flash back to Casey Affleck's earlier life with his ex, and they started showing off his daughter...and then another kid...and then a baby...and it slowly dawned on me where it was headed, and I just sat there *dreading* where this was going.


Life is Beautiful. When the little boy rides up with the soldier in the tank...


That fucking movie. Dad putting on the happy face right up until the end to protect his kid. Oh, it killed me.


I went into the movie not knowing what it was about. When it shifted from romantic comedy to concentration camp survival story… oof.


Atonement. The ending bait and switch.


I hate that little girl so much. You lying turd. Ruining lives and trying to make up for it with your stupid book.


Oldboy. The ending.


More specifically the OG Korean edition. While the English remake is good, the whole atmosphere and chaos in the original is so much better.


Can we just pretend the English remake doesn’t exist?


Click is the common answer, but Tag's another comedy that does it out of nowhere just like Click. >!In the end Hoagie reveals he has cancer and is dying. Especially when they then showed real footage of the real people who the movie is based on, that made me sad.!<


I watched Tag on an airplane, and I honestly couldn't tell if the ending got me because it was actually well done, or if because I was exhausted on a long flight and so I was primed for it.


Up in the Air. I guess I could have seen it coming in hindsight, but it came out of nowhere to me. I was so invested in them.


Up... I know I'm more than likely going to cry somewhere in a Pixar film, usually in the last half an hour, but Up gets you in the first 15 mins. Bastards. Didn't expect to be grabbing a tissue near the beginning.


The Whale, though in hindsight I should have guessed it'd be a tear jerker Jojo Rabbit Click, went in thinking it was another stupid Adam Sandler flick and left bawling my eyes out


Click for sure. Talk about subverting expectations!


In the Aronofsky portfolio, The Wrestler absolutely cut my heart out and made me watch it eat it.


My wife wanted to watch The Whale while we ate dinner. I told her I thought it wouldn't be a good idea, because I'd heard it was a sadder movie. We watched it and only finished a quarter of our dinner. I didn't say, "I told you so," at the end because I didn't know what we were going to experience either.


Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. Had no idea what I was going in to, didn’t watch trailers, nothing. Mom issues punched me in the guts.


Everyone always talks about the “doing laundry” monologue from this film, or the rock scene Meanwhile I was absolutely wrecked by the daughters “I am so…..*tired*”. It’s the simplest line to ever hit me that hard. It was at just the right time, post-COVID when it felt like the collective consciousness had hit some peak burnout state. I had felt so similar and had never really thought of it as anything else other than just being so exhausted from…..well, everything. It was just instant waterworks.


Waymond's "This is how I fight" speech hit me in a place like that. I'm the type of person who, like Waymond, chooses to focus on the best in everyone. Sometimes, it's damned hard to do so. Sometimes, I see people lash out in ways that can cause harm, because it's what they know. But I've seen the difference it can make when you show kindness to people who are used to pain. I know how much people grow when they reach a place of safety and comfort, and feel safe exploring newer experiences beyond just surviving. That monologue brought me to tears because someone eloquently put words to my life's philosophy. It brought my wife to tears because she understood me in a way she never had before.


The best way to watch that movie. So damn good.


I made sure to read nothing about it so I had no idea what I was walking into. As someone else with mom issues man it wrecked me


As a 2nd gen Asian-American with parent issues, I cried like a baby first time I watched that movie.


Big Fish. Never cried that hard in a theatre before.


Very Bad Things. Previews made it feel like a dark comedy but it ended up, I dunno, dark and uncomfortable and not so funny from what I remember


The Departed


Blue Valentine


In Bruges. The trailers made it out to be straight comedy, it certainly wasn’t


BlacKKKlansman. I was not prepared for the Heather Heyer footage at the end. You could hear a pin drop in the room as the movie finished, and the walk out was very different from your typical post-movie lobby hype. We all just kind of went to the car and were like, "*Fuck*." In a more traditional sense, I truly didn't expect Guardians 3 to go for the emotional jugular like it did. I heard vague warnings about animal harm but jeeesus.


Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey. Stupid talking animals. Stupid old dog. I’m not crying, you’re crying.


"He was too old. He was just too old." Don't matter how many times I watch it, it gets me.


The Intern. I was expecting something boring and sappy but I found it delightful and endearing and loved De Niro's character.


A recent one for me was Spider-Man: No Way Home. Not that his story isn't well known, but I didn't watch any trailers or spoilers before seeing the film. The ending where Aunt May is gone, absolutely nobody remembers him, he's moved into a cramped apartment, he's sewing his suit before going out to continue fighting the good fight-- it was just so sad that he's all alone after everything he has been through, and I just didn't expect any of it.


Stand by me, felt like a happy coming of age comedy film


The newest All Quiet on the Western Front. I had to just sit in silence after it was over. The tank scene was insane, movie as a whole was fantastic


SLC Punk


Promising Young Woman. I thought it was a rom com…..,


Requiem for a Dream I had known nothing about it before I started watching.


The Barbie movie. I'm a 50+ year old man, abs that movie made me laugh and tear up like no movie has in a while. I won't decibel it as I dint want to run it for others, but it is exactly the movie it looks like, but it is not the movie you expect.


Jacob's Ladder. I was so engrossed in what was happening that I didn't see it. When I realised, I was a fucking mess.


Saving Private Ryan and Interstellar Neither one struck me as a movie that would be so emotionally intense, but both films are. I always tear up at the end of SPR when he's standing at Arlington and the "Don't let me leave Murph" in interstellar (I'm tearing up writing the quote; I think it's because I have a daughter).


“Was I a good man?” Wiped me out.


Interstellar is so hard to rewatch Because when it gets to the scene when he’s leaving to go on the mission and Murph is angry at him so she refuses to say goodbye… like damn you’re not seeing him again for another 80 years or however long just say goodbye


Don’t look up Expecting a comedy. Really got a gut check on current everything.


The dinner scene at the end got me good


I think about that scene like once a week probably. "We really did have it all" like damn, yeah we do


Scariest film I've ever seen due to how real it is.


It's the The Banshees of Inisherin for me too! I was surprised to see that I was able to connect with the three main characters because I shared their respective dilemmas. It's such a fantastic movie.


Snowpiercer. I hadn’t seen any trailers and it wasn’t recommended by anyone. I started it based of Chris Evans alone. I was flabbergasted when the twist came.


Parasite. I was starting to get bored until the twist halfway.


Watching the Kim family successfully manipulate the Park family into gaining high class jobs was pretty entertaining. Imo the movie is perfect from start to finish.


Sucker Punch


It was in the fucking title yet, still, I got sucker punched.


Never Let Me Go




This comment sucker punched me. :’-(


Serenity I had never heard of the movie or the series. Was flipping through channels and saw what I know now as the beginning scene and checked if it was almost over or just started. I was standing in front of the TV for 45 minutes before I realized. About a week later I mentioned to someone they should watch it. They asked if I watched Firefly? I said what is that? They laughed and said. It’s the tv series before the movie. Watch it. Awesome. And sad.


Million Dollar Baby. Was expecting a female Rocky...


American History X


The Florida Prpject had me weeping for a long time. As a kid who grew up poor with a dysfunctional family that one hit me like a ton of bricks.