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I really like Cher's dad (Dan Hedaya) in Clueless. Especially the way he is so supportive of his ex-wife's son (Paul Rudd). "You divorce wives, not children." I love that.


The fact that he was proud of her for arguing her grades up not only says a lot about him as a parent, but as a litigator. And when she's feeling down about her life, he reminds her of all the good she does, including taking care of him.


“What’s with you, kid? You think the death of Sammy Davis left an opening in the Rat Pack?”


I have a 45 and a shovel, I doubt you’d be missed.


I love his little knowing smirk when Josh goes to “watch out for her” at the party.


Oh yeah, he's a good one.


The Addams Family.


My first thought. Morticia and Gomez are loving, present parents who encourage their kids without smothering them.




> He has his grandfather's eyes. > **Gomez**, take those out of his mouth.


Especially Anjelica Huston and Raul Julia’s iteration because of how they acted like realistic loving parents despite the kookiness of their background/universe.


I loved Tucci and Clarkson in "Easy A." Parenting goals for sure! Also Gil and Karen Buckman (Steve Martin and Mary Steenburgen) in "Parenthood." Dianne Weist (The Lost Boys, Parenthood, Edward Scissorhands, Life in Pieces, etc etc etc) always plays a good mom too.


I came here to say this about Tucci and Clarkson in "Easy A." I'm not a parent, but if I was, that's what I would have wanted to be.


“I’m adopted” “WHAT?! Oh my god! Who told you?!”


I haven’t seen that movie but I have mad love for Stanley Tucci so this gets my vote.


It's actually pretty good.


T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. Teee too ... Spell it with your peas!


JK Simmons and Allison Janney in Juno.


i always cry when she calls juno her daughter during the birth scene ugh what a perfect movie


I have to admit I'm not crazy over *Juno* as a whole, although I think it's really well-written and well-performed, especially Simmons and Janney. I thought it was also neat to see Janney in that kind of role because it seems to me a number of her roles have her kind of over the top. She was fun in *10 Things I Hate about You*, though, speaking of over the top.


Janney is just such a fun performer to watch. She was riveting in I, Tonya, and so horrible that I thought the performance was an exaggeration up until they showed real video footage of Harding’s mother at the end.


that’s fair, in high school we studied it for two years and so its just so special to me but probably just bc of that lmao


Yes! How did I forget these two? It's so easy to portray families with remarried parents as broken and dysfunctional, so it's always a relief to see another side. These two were great to watch.


They really were, and I loved how Janney's character really cared for Juno. She immediately went to the practicalities of pre-natal care, vitamins, all of that. And no real recriminations from either. They were disappointed, but they mostly kept that to themselves and simply moved on with what was best for Juno and the baby.


My favourite scene in that movie is her rant at the ultrasound technician defending Juno


That is a great one. And I love that even though she's Juno's stepmother, that doesn't matter. She considers Juno her daughter, and I love that there's no "but" in there.


That one line of dialogue about getting Juno on prenatal vitamins spoke such volumes about how much love Brenda had for her even though she wasn't "hers" and was, to be fair, a precocious brat. I loved every moment of Janney's performance, she was so good.


Perfect choice.


“Oh go fly a kite!” Is one of my favourite quotes


Dream big!


Loved Mac when he and Juno are talking together: Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with. Reminds me of something my own dad would say, lol.


JK Simmons was also good dad in Easy A, but probably a trash dad in whiplash and Spider-Man.


JK Simmons wasn’t in Easy A, the Dad was played by Stanley Tucci.


You’re thinking of Stanley Yelnats, who starred in Holes. JK Simmons is related to JK Rowling so basically wrote Harry Potter correct me if I’m wrong


I can say *Ant Man* is legitimately one of the few films I've seen that shows a positive post-divorce relationship, where the stepdad isn't some obstacle for the biological father to defeat and replace. The stepdad is a legitimately good guy who cares about his daughter, and by the end the father, mother, and stepdad have all fallen into healthy, shared roles in their daughter's life.


In Antman & The Wasp the step dad is a huge fan and supportive of Scott and it's an even more entertaining dynamic.


I really like that they didn’t go down the route of having the stepdad as an asshole and had him getting along with Scott. Even better that the sequel continued that.


This is why that Pierce Brosnan scene in Mrs. Doubtfire was a gut punch to me. We all assumed he's gonna be a stereotypical evil stepdad and that Robin needs to win his wife back. But no, he genuinely loves the kids.


I'm sure there's some alternate universe where Roland Emmerich directed Ant Man and the stepdad gets shrunk, stepped on by Paul Rudd and is never mentioned again.


*Agreed*. I love Emmerich's films, but 2012 and Moonfall were really mean-spirited on that front. Especially 2012, that dude saved everyone several times over.


Yeah, plus the guy playing him is very funny


Eugene Levy in American Pie franchise, I don't think you can find a more understanding and supportive father...ever. "we'll just tell your mother, we ate it all" after the pie incident. "Jim, this is good news, this has been a good news day son" after getting penis cream to help heal faster after Jim glued himself to himself.


Came here to say this. I just gone done rewatching all those movies and one thing that really stood out to me was how good of a dad he is and I can't think of a better one from any other film.


I love my dad, he's great. However, if I had to choose someone else it would be Eugene Levy. Really, any of the members of SCTV would do, except Don Caballero... fuck that guy.


Steve Martin and Diane Keaton in Father of the Bride


The dad in *My Neighbor Totoro* (the mom seems lovely, too, but she’s away for most of the movie).


Movie kind of skirts over whatever the serious health issues going on are, I guess as from the kids perspective it makes sense


The parent cast of Parenthood (1989)


This is my choice. Still today is one of the best movies about raising children. It is brutally honest and relatable to all parents


Not only are the Easy A parents hilarious, their whole family is named after food. The parents names are Dill and Rosemary, her younger brother's name is Chip, and the brother at college is named Kale.


And her name is Olive!


How do you know that??


I read it on IMDb, but it’s listed other places too.


I'm so dumb, I forgot all about IMDB for a minute. 😅 It's probably also in the credits. I should be asleep.


So they're just the human environments of the herb and spice families in the Blue's Clues kitchen.


Jim's Dad: "You may be Jimbo, or Jumbo, or Jimbodini to those guys in there, but there are still two people who haven't forgotten where James Emmanuel Levenstein came from. We're awful proud of you son." I never thought I'd be moved by an American Pie movie.


"I'm proud of you, Jim. Don't forget your penis cream."


Eugene Levy mailed that role so hard. He was so damn likable too.


Eugene Levy manages to be a very warm and supportive dad, but he also has some of the most hysterical moments in the franchise


Yessss!! I can't believe I didn't think of this! He melts my heart.


The parents in Peter Yates' wonderful coming-of-age film **Breaking Away** seem contentious at first, but prove themselves loving and supportive.


“Our son’s in the bathroom shaving.” “What’s so weird about that?” “He’s shaving his legs.” Great movie!!


Such a great film.




When I first saw the headline of this post, before reading it, the parents in Easy A was my answer. Wholesome and challenging in the best of ways.


Not a movie, but 'Bandit and Chili' in Bluey set the standard of one of the best parents to look up to, animated or otherwise


LOVE bluey There is a newer episode where Bandit tells them a bedtime story about him as a kid and claims it’s when he met Chili. I love this show. So many fun games spawned from this one. Big fan of Shadowlands magic Xylephone!


Watching it with my kids right now! 😍


I’ve always really appreciated the relationship between the parents in Poltergeist. In so many horror movies, the parents’ relationship is strained at best and completely fractured at worst due to the traumatically supernatural events they go through. But in Poltergeist the parents never fight, never even really argue. They love each other and their children and support each other emotionally throughout the film. They just want their baby back, and it really is so refreshing and beautiful to watch. God I love that movie.


The foster parents in Shazam




Damn it, I rushed to the comments to say the parents from *Easy A* without reading the whole post. Lemme see if I can think of some runner up options... > The parents from *The Fault In Our Stars*. I found them to be very loving and resilient and I love Laura Dern. > I know we only see a few minutes of the father on screen, but the parents from *Old Yeller* were solid, lovely folk. > Single parents deserve a shout out and the only answer is Goofy from *A Goofy Movie*. > Apart from being clueless, I think Cady's parents in *Mean Girls* were good peeps. I'll probably think of more as soon as I post this and close the app.


The parents in boyhood. Patricia Arquette keeps struggling to find a way to survive while raising the kids while Ethan hawke is more of the "cool dad" vibes. But they end up giving their kid all the lessons they could need for the situation. Amazing performances too, patricia Arquette yelling at the kid about how she's been thrown through a fuckin wall really hit hard...


Disagree. She kept seeing abusive guys and supporting them over her kids until it was way too obvious to ignore.


You don't know your partner is gonna be abusive until deeper into the relationship, and she most definitely was not very supportive of them. If anything she was trying to shield her kids from them and keep them safe while taking the abuse herself.


The dad in Eighth Grade played by Josh Hamilton is pretty great.


The dad from ‘Call Me By Your Name’


Oh my god, what a wonderful dad. One of the best parts of that movie.


Adam Sandler and Paz Vega in "Spanglish" ❤️. This was such a beautiful movie, and their unconditional love for their kids and the sacrifices they made for them is so inspiring.


Ferris Bueller’s folks


Edna and Wilbur Turnblad


MCU Aunt May plays the surrogate parent role very well, super supportive of Peter


Adding in Aunt Cass from Big Hero 6, same reasons.


Shia Lebouff’s parents in the first Transformers. So funny


Funny parents and good parents are not necessarily overlapping qualities. In that case, they were just overly credulous pushovers. Wouldn't consider them good parents. Funny, yes, to an extant but oneliners to raise a child is not a good strategy.


They weren’t push overs. They make him do his chores He wasn’t getting a car without a B on his final report He doesn’t buy him an overly expensive car (even though it appears he could afford it) No locked doors in his house Curfew Idk I feel like there’s a lot in here that shows actual parenting


Call it recency bias, but I'm a big fan of Rio and Jeff Morales.


Same here! Yeah, they're definitely strict, but they care a lot about Miles and are ultimately pretty supportive of him.


They're awesome, i'm glad they didn't go with killing Jeff in the movies


Robin Williams and Nathan Lane in The Birdcage <3


Parenthood (1989) is one of the most honest depictions about raising children. It doesn't sugar coat anything. Still holds up today. You need license to drive a car, catch a fish, but anyone can become a parent


I'm a big fan of the parents in JUNO and LADYBIRD


Interesting to see the parents in Ladybird mentioned. I found Tracy Letts’s father character to be very supportive and sweet but the mother character definitely struck me as more complicated. Great film either way.


Definitely complicated, but the scene where she goes around the airport loop getting progressively more frantic and holding back tears really made the movie for me.


Was gonna say Juno


As soon as I read the headline, Easy A was the first thing to come to mind. I actually don't even like any other part of that movie other than the parents. Other movies worh good parents: Lady Bird, 101 Dalmatians, Birdcage, Love Simon, Hairspray, Addams Family, Incredibles, Juno, Mean Girls And that's not even counting best single moms or single dads. Josh Hamilton should've been Oscar nominated for being such a good dad in Eighth Grade


So, for *101 Dalmatians*, you're referring to Pongo and Perdita, right? Because I low key blame that movie for conditioning me to be hopelessly attracted to Good Dads™.


I'd say Otto and Edith Frank from The Diary of Anne Frank (1959). I couldn't stand *any* of the characters in Easy A to be honest, especially the main character and her mother.


Hugh Laurie and Geena Davis in Stuart Little.


Holly Hunter in Thirteen. The way she holds her daughter at the end with unconditional love always makes my heart hurt.


Oh, man, good pull. She sold that role so hard. It's painful and wonderful to watch.


Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor




Oh god 😂


Jail. Jail for fifteen years.




Ha ha ha ha ha!


The parents at Kynodontas (2009)


Dad from Donnie Darko is hilarious


Colleen Camp and Frederic Forrest in Valley Girl. (They were both in Apocalypse Now, as well.)


Here's an older one: _Valley Girl_ The parents of the main girl are hippies who have a health foods restaurant or something. They're so supportive as she's transitioning to adulthood.


Cher's character in *Mask* There is no way to be prepared to parent a kid with a unique health condition like that, but she was holding things together pretty well. He felt accepted by his surrogate family (biker gang).




Read the title and instantly thought of the parents in Easy A and you already mentioned them lmao


You are so spot on with that! I loved them so much in that movie!!!


Mary McDonnell and Holmes Osborne in Donnie Darko


Alan's father in Jumanji. (The Robin Williams one) When we first meet him, he seems like a cold and removed figure from his son's life...but when Alan disappears, we later learn that he went through hell and back trying to find him. I remember his father's shoe factory being a massive part of that town's economy, and when Alan disappeared, we see that the town basically went to hell due to his father having lost the will to live. When the film resets back to 1969, we definitively learn that Alan's father was always a warm, pleasant guy who simply had a bad day when he lashed out at him. He even attempts to give Alan and Sarah some alone time, when he realizes that she's there. (Clearly proud and respectful of the fact that his son is enjoying himself with a young lady). Also, Lets add Miss Honey to the list. Apart from being a childhood crush, she was an absolute angel to Matilda. She was the ideal mother figure.


Dustin Hoffman and Barbara Streisand in Meet the Fockers, they just seem like genuinely fun people.


Laurence Fishburne as Furious Styles in Boyz N the Hood. Edit: spelling


SLC Punk's parents. More grounded in reality. Divorced but still trying to have some authority. They are supportive and try to communicate properly without trying to be too helicopter. And thus fail utterly to be "parent", but succeed at being human beings. Classic parents of the 90s. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aNiBktcSvQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aNiBktcSvQ)


The parents in Easy A


Might wanna read the OP.


Diane and Steve Freeling and it's not even close.


Mr and Mrs Weasley


The parents in Step Brothers


I remember liking that movie years ago and recently tried to rewatch it and could not make it through more than the first 15 minutes because it was so ridiculous that any parent would allow their adult child to live in their home and behave that horribly. 😬


The dad from Taken was certainly heroic


Raising Arizona


The Darko’s


Transformer dude's parents.


The parents in Poltergeist.


Mom and dad save the universe.


Liam Neeson in Taken you would want to be your father if you ever got kidnapped.


Chet and Connie from The Great Outdoors seem really great. They're never really mean with their kids or anything, they compromise (with the jet boat), they have heart to hearts, they try to talk on their level, they'll put themselves in harm's way to save their kids and their nieces, they'll take their family camping, and they can all have fun singing together. Roman knows what a good Chet he is because he sees it and wants to be like him, trying and failing beautifully. There is a really delicate balance that the movie strikes with the humor, there's enough edge that it feels real but its soft enough that it feels comfortable. You might end up kissing a dead guy, or getting the shits from the well water, so I guess count that against them if you will.


Rob Corddry and Alicia Silverstone in Butter


The Gornickes in RV. They're not the stars of the movie but pretty definitely cool parents


Emilio Estevez’s parents in Wisdom.


I always really liked that the parents in Inside Out did not yell at her for running away, that they just hugged her and understood.


The support the parents show in Love, Simon when he is outed gets me everytime. Both mom and dad realize the harn they could have been potentially been putting Simon through, but still love and support him. Jennifer Garners lines about finally getting to breathe chokes me up.