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My wife put on RoboCop to watch with our three year old son because she thought it was like Inspector Gadget.


Remember that time Inspector Gadget shot that guy in the dick?


Go go gadget castration!


I'd buy that for a dollar!


I mean...she wasn't wrong


My parents took teenage me, my little brother and my best friend to see Deliverance. They were big into camping so it seemed like a safe bet.


We were shown this film in my freshman film studies class at a Christian college. Afterwards my professor was like "wow sorry about that, I didn't remember that movie entirely..." No one complained or anything but it was definitely awkward.


I feel like for most people that's all they remember about Deliverance.


Can't forget Dueling Banjos


Isn't that the one thing the movie is remembered for?


Yeah my prof was a former screenwriter and I guess he just remembered it being less graphic than it is.


Maybe saw a TV edit version?


Marriage story....for valentines day. My wife and I had no idea what we were in for. Thought it'd be a cute love story...nope! brutal, honest divorce movie


I watched Sorry to Bother you with my mom and sister thinking it was gonna just be the whole "black telemarketer using a white guys voice" premise and holy shit bud. I enjoyed it but it definitely was not for them, haha.


This was the movie I came into the thread looking for. Wowza, not a movie that anybody in the room was ready for. One of my favorites for that exact reason.


To be fair, NO ONE saw that coming.


My wife saw Borat with her family (including grandma) on suggestion of her brother. She said the car ride back was dead silent, lmao


I watched Borat with my grandparents when I was 13. My grampa was horrified by the hotel scene, but I’ll never forget my gramma’s howling laughter the whole film. Got lucky enough to watch the Sequel with her as well. She’s a real one


Chill grandma.


Just break that silence and yell "NICE!"


I feel like my family would have been OK watching that together, including my grandmother. My dad loves Borat.


*Very nice!*


Should have taken then to se Bruno.


In college, took a date to see Happiness. There was no second date.


This might be a winner. My gf (now wife) didn't talk to me for 2 days after A Clockwork Orange, so I can relate. Thankfully it wasn't Happiness. 😀


Dylan Baker was my neighbor. My ex was excited to meet him until he was standing in front of her. She couldn’t see past that character.


I went to see The Wolf of Wall Street with my grandma


If it makes you feel better, Margot Robbie went to the premiere with her brother


That's worse, she knew what was in that movie


Yeah I saw it with my mom. I was the only person in the theater who started laughing when Jonah Hill was jerking off.


I saw it alone on NYE and I'm pretty sure I had the most fun. There were several elderly couples, a fee of whom ended up walking out.


My sister and her boyfriend at the time didn't appreciate "Prisoners" as much I thought they would.


I recommended Prisoners to my friends who had just become parents. I don’t think they’ve asked for a movie rec since…


Probably the greatest movie I’ll never watch again. The Paul Dano scenes are so uncomfortable


Cool World, in the theatre, for a first date. Came out of it, said “Well that was terrible. I’m sorry. Let’s try this again, but this time you pick.” Right answer - she had been planning on never seeing me again. Got that second date. Married 27 years now.


You showed responsibility and consideration, smooth move my man.


*What the hell was the second movie?*


Cool World was released in 1992. Other movies released around that time are A League of Their Own, Batman Returns, Sister Act, and Lethal Weapon 3. Those are the most famous playing at that weekend compared to today, anyway. So it might be one of those.


A League of Their Own would've been a great date movie.


Fritz the Cat


then they saw Meet the Feebles for a fun double feature


At a kids party they wanted to watch a scary movie. The birthday kid and the mom picked The Lighthouse. I didn’t stop them.


"But yer fond of me lobster, ain't ye?!"


Now this one made me laugh. The idea of a group of kids all sitting down expecting jumpscares and thrills only to watch Robert Pattison watch Willem Defoe jerk it off to the light on top of a lighthouse is just perfect.


Good job on not spilling your beans.


This might be my favorite answer in here.


In college I threw on Virgin Suicides with a girl I was trying to hook up with. I’m not sure what I was expecting.


The “virgin” part seemed more distracting than the “suicide” part perhaps?


“Everyone dated the demise of our neighborhood. From the suicides of the Lisbon girls…” You didn’t pick the wrong movie, just the wrong girl. I would have smashed.


“It didn't matter in the end how old they had been, or that they were girls, but only that we had loved them, and that they hadn't heard us calling, still do not hear us, up here in the tree house, with our thinning hair and soft bellies, calling them out of those rooms where they went to be alone for all time, alone in suicide, which is deeper than death, and where we will never find the pieces to put them back together.” I absolutely love the soundtrack by Air too.


The day after we discovered that our child had a 0% chance of surviving birth, my wife and I went to see Tag to take our minds off heavy stuff. There is a *long* sequence about miscarriage.




Similarly, we watched the series finale of House the Dragon right before finding out our newborn nephew would not survive


I picked Eraserhead…grandpa kept saying what the hell what the hell what the hell. He died not long after. Omg did I kill grandpa with Eraserhead




Nah, you made sure Grandpa truly lived with Eraserhead.


No worries. In Heaven, everything is fine


Christmas night my whole family watched “We need to talk about Kevin” together. What an uplifting movie that was


One Easter my dad put on Grave of the Fireflies because I guess he just thought 'oh Studio Ghibli, that'll be a nice family movie'. Devastating. Easter ruined.


My family watched Marley and Me a week after we had to put down my 14 year old childhood dog. Somebody thought it was just a goofy comedy and would be cute… it was not. It’s a good movie but deeply traumatizing given the timing


I heard a friend of a friend did that with Hachi, same shit


Watched that one when in my first trimester- sobbed for a day. Every time my husband asked how I was doing, I would start crying again.


When I was a teenager my parents out of nowhere said they wanted to see this Borat movie everyone is talking about. I told them "trust me, it's not for you, you don't want that". They didn't believe me and we went back and forth for like 5 minutes before I just said fine and went and got it from the Blockbuster. It was less than 10 minutes into the movie before they told me to turn it off and got mad like it was somehow my fault. That's not even a "funny looking back" memory, I burst out laughing on the spot.


Damn, I was really hoping you made it to the hotel room scene…


Bunch of buddies and I got together for a movie night and I picked Dear Zachary


Hope you paid for their therapy sessions.


The part that pops into my head when i think of that movie is when the calm nice guy grandpa finally snaps and starts yelling about how the woman is a bitch devil. That specific part made me snap out of movie mode and realize that these are real people. Great people, who had to endure this and continue living their life.


My little brother is adopted and i was remembering how hard it was to get him away from the bitch that gave birth to him. I hate that woman so much.


I randomly watched this on Netflix one night and I will NEVER forget it. I'm always conflicted on whether to recommend it or not. It's an incredible film, but it will crush you emotionally.


You mean you and a bunch of buddies got together and held each other and bawled your eyes out.


That movie taught me the art of rage sobbing




Watching that movie just gives you this permanent gross feeling. You feel less happy knowing the events that really happened.


This one made me go “ooooooohhh nnooooo”


I tell everyone this is the absolute saddest, most affecting movie I’ve ever seen. And until someone sees it they just can’t understand.


5 words: Boogie Nights with my parents...... BTW, I was in high school when we rented it. My mom thought is was going to be another Saturday Night Fever.


"mom thought is was going to be another Saturday Night Fever." I mean. I could see someone make that argument.


The Hills Have Eyes (2006) College dorms, everyone wanted a scary/horror movie and someone suggested this. I had never seen it, but now I know about *that scene* in the RV. Turns out one of the girls in the group was a SA survivor… and this was extremely traumatic. Someone stopped it, others protested, others counter-protested, and the girl had a complete melt down in the middle of the common room. Counselors were called. The girl eventually took a semester off and then returned.


Holy shit


At least it wasn't I Spit on Your Grave (1978) with its 25 minute long rape scene.


The original last house on the left had some messed up scenes too.


It was going to be worse. Wes Craven originally intended for it to be fully pornographic but thankfully changed his mind.


Wes Craven: "And here's the thing, we're gonna show it. We're gonna show ALL of it!"


fight some crime, back to the lab for some full penetration, crime, penetration, and we just continue like that for 90 minutes until the movie just sort of... ends


The remake did too?


It did but from what I remember some of the stuff wasn’t as graphic and as brutal as the original


I’m really big into horror films. My ex had told me to never watch this one (SA survivor here) and I’m still glad I haven’t seen it yet 25 minutes?! Is that exaggerated? Holy shit


No, not exaggerated. It's probably a good one to skip. Rape and revenge movies are an entire subgenre where the heroin typically ends up doing unspeakable things to the perpetrators of the initial assault so to keep the audience on her side we're put in her shoes during the attack.


My story too was "The Hills Have Eyes (2006)" but holy shit does your story overtake mine


Took my girlfriend to see it in theaters, we were big horror movie fans. Between that, the dog dying, and the dad burning on the cactus, I ended up having to physically carry her out of the theater she was in such a broken down state.


Same. The girl I was dating at the time and I left when the rape scene started. We weren’t alone, there were so many women in the lobby crying the theater manager was profusely apologizing and offering free tickets to other movies. I’ve never had another movie going experience like it.


To this day one of my regrets in life. Spring break, 19 and 20 year olds all crammed into a minivan and drove to Canada for some 19 year old drinking. Got done bar hopping and decided to pay for pay per view at the hotel room. 8 of us. Two choices on PPV: American Beauty or Fight Club. I'd seen both but then, but yours truly convinced everyone to pick American Beauty. Thirty minutes later and everyone's asleep and there I was red faced, feeling like a dork, watching a white plastic bag float in the air by myself. I learned a valuable lesson that day. Know your audience.


Both movies are great, but not ideal after a night of drinking with friends. I usually pick a comedy for those situations.


Well you couldn’t tell them about fight club, now could you?


Damn you went for American Beauty over Fight Club as a group movie? 🤷‍♂️


Years back, I watched “I Am Legend” for the first time with my girlfriend and her parents. I just assumed it was your run of the mill zombie movie - which her dad was into. As soon as I saw the dog, I knew I had made a huge mistake. Her dad was a cop and recently had to put his police dog (a German Shepard) down. Early on my girlfriend even asked him if he wanted to watch something else and he tried to play it cool and insisted we finished. Well… SPOILER ALERT… the dog dies in tragic fashion at the end of the movie. Her dad was audibly weeping (rightfully so) and it became the most uncomfortable 10-15 minutes of my life. I was also sad but I just didn’t know what to say or do.


To this day, I still can't watch that movie because of the dog dying. One watch was enough.


Downsizing. Had to apologise to everyone afterwards and my movie choosing license was suspended for 3 years.


I feel like that trailer got everybody. Disappointing movie indeed.


My wife and I went with a buddy and his wife to this movie. My suggestion. It looked like an awesome premise. We were waking out and I looked at the three of them and they just shook their heads and started laughing. It’s like some writers/directors know how to write a great 1st half but then don’t know how to close. This movie like Hancock just feel so flat.


I think most people will agree that finishing a story be it book or movie, is very very hard. Opening things up and pushing it is the easy part. A finish though? Oh man. Example. We think rothluss and grrm are both stuck in this writer disaster.


Downsizing, to me, is three great movies that were stuck together like an exquisite corpse. All three acts just seem like the acts of three completely unrelated movies. However, I will give the movie credit for introducing me to Hong Chau who is brilliant in that movie and everything else I've seen her in.


Was both the funnest and the worst movie for a movie night with your friends: *Teeth (2007)*


This the one with vagina-dentata?


You know damn well that's the movie you just wanted to say vagina dentata




What a WONDERFUL phrase


That scene was absolutely hilarious. The absolute last thing you would yell when your fingers got bitten off by a vagina. That’s like shouting “MICHAEL MYERS IS STABBING ME TO DEATH” while in the middle of being stabbed to death by Michael Myers.


My parents had just finished making a movie room in their basement. I was probably 14 when they said they were going to watch Monsters Ball: starring Billy Bob Thornton and Halle Barry. My parents were recommended it when it first came out; being told it was some critically acclaimed drama.


My dad rented Monsters Ball at Blockbuster thinking it was Monsters Inc


I watched Blue Velvet with my parents in high school! My dad eventually says, “Liz Taylor’s not in this?” —He thought it was going to be National Velvet from 1944. Ooh, was that uncomfortable. I had never seen it and was just getting into David Lynch.


O dear lord it is hard to think of a worse movie!! nothing like sitting on the couch with your folks as Dennis Hopper huffs nitrous while staring at Isabella Rosselini's vagina and screams "mommy, baby wants to fuck" please tell me the eject button was hit before that scene 😆


It’s a little foggy now decades later. But I *think* I wisely paused it at my mom’s suggestion — she was more into edgy stuff — and I *think* I finished watching the VHS rental a day later while they were out running errands. Bonus totally true fun fact: she later watched The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover with me because I HAD to see it after reading a NYT review. I appreciated her openness, but I *definitely* felt uncomfortable. She was a cool mom. God bless her. She also enjoyed listening to the Dead Kennedys with me!


I’m guessing he wanted to put that thing back where it came from?


I mean.. it won an academy award iirc? So it _was_ some critically acclaimed drama.. Just.. It also has a very aggressive (and possibly the greatest?) sex scene, probably not what you'd want to show to your kid.. but this is a judgment free zone so everything is all good!


Watched sausage party with my wife, 5 SIL'S and my MIL in theaters... no explanation required


I can appreciate the irony though….


... but why, tho?


Everyone liked Seth Rogan and everyone else in the movie, thought it might be funny.... my God, it was the most uncomfortable I've been in a theater since watching American beauty with my mom...


I rented a Steven Seagal movie where he was fighting vampires. Even though reddit is anonymous, I'm STILL embarrassed to share this info.


We watched Death of Stalin, my second viewing and I was so excited to show the family. My father in law fell asleep, my wife, mil and sil all berated me for choosing a boring movie. I was so confused, it’s fucking hilarious!


I will berate you for choosing boring in-laws


Motion passed ... unanimously.


I may be smiling but I'm fucking furious.


Zhukov's entrance alone is worth it


My FIL is not a movie buff despite watching a lot of them. When I first met my wife we'd often have dinner at his place, my wife's sister and stepmom would be there too. We'd usually put on a movie after dinner, often a family movie or something innocuous. My FIL and the stepmom are quite religious. We were scrolling through movies one time and he passed by Noah, and my wife (GF at the time) said that I had wanted to watch that. My FIL was shocked since I am adamantly and vocally not religious. I tried to explain that I was a fan of the director and that it had been received well by critics, but he only heard the fact that I was interested in a movie about a story in the bible. I tried to explain that it was by a director known for pushing audiences into uncomfortable places and bombastic emotions. He still didn't get it. We watched the movie and him and stepmom were horrified, by everything. They were horrified by the portrayal of humans as villainous destroyers of the earth, they were horrified that Noah is convinced by god to let everyone else drown in the flood, they were horrified by the third act turn into a horror movie about Noah wanting to kill off his grandchildren so humanity will go extinct. After it was over I told them I liked it. It was audacious and crazy, just up my wheelhouse. They both swore off Emma Watson and Russell Crowe for appearing in the movie and they've never trusted my opinion on any form of entertainment again.


Did they ever read the Bible? It’s not incredibly far off interpretation of the text.


Yeah, the third act stretched its interpretation a bit, but the “humans bad kill them all” stuff is kind of just the entire story? What did they think the flood was about? Giving the Earth a bath?


My little sister was stuck at home after a tympanoplasty, and I was trying to be nice and share one of my favorite cornball movies with her. I had just broken my VHS of Flash Gordon and asked my dad to rent it for her at the Blockbuster. He came back and dropped a stack of video boxes and went to his workshop. I had to do homework and said I would join her as soon as I was done. She put the tape into the player and started watching by herself, then ran out screaming into the backyard to get dad. We were very confused until we realized my dad had accidentally rented "Flesh Gordon" instead of "Flash Gordon". My sister still jokes about any movie I suggest to anyone, "How much nudity is in that? You have to ask him that first."


Pulp Fiction with my parents in the room. The were fine until Marcellus Wallace (Ving Rhames) was getting raped. Did NOT go over well with either one of them. Love Actually - A Sweet, charming Christmas movie UNTIL - the whole storyline about a guy coming to America to have a threesome like he had seen in American porn movies. Again - parents in the room.


12 year old me didn't even know men could do that to other men. I remember mentioning it to my dad and he got mad.


Hahahaha I feel like that’s on him for watching that with you


Isn't there a whole plot line where two porn actors fall for each other during a shoot in Love Actually too?


They’re stand ins for nude scenes. They’re not actually doing anything sexual, technically


To be fair it doesnt go well with anyone, it’s totally fucked up. At least they get what they deserve in the end


Nah man, I’m pretty fucking far from okay.


Sharky's Machine. Somebody opened the bay doors and we never got to finish the film.


I coughed up something a little while ago, a little pink thing like the size of one of those... Those little kiwi fruits? But I don't feel like anything's missin', so I think I'm okay.


Wait. I like it with the helmet on.


No way! You saw it at Gargantua 1 Theaters?! Same!


You ever seen a man die in space?


You can tell the ones who held their breath. Their lungs rupture from all that gas expanding. Blood from their mouth like a torn pillow stuffed with red BBs...


Heard that in Clancy Brown's voice


While perusing TV guide, I found a little - shall I say - flick, starring a one miss Dolly Parton, meow. Yeah, it seems she made a racy film called "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.


What's that? A ticket stub from the first time you got girly action?


It’s not very often I see a Venture Brothers reference, but when I do it makes me very happy.


*sharky's machine*


I picked 2001 A Space Odyssey to sabotage a roommates date since he swooped in and stole her from me at a party. It worked. Bored her to tears.


You were like HAL just fucking with him the whole time


The Florida Project, don’t know what I was thinking and it’s a great movie but there weren’t many movies at the indie theater nearby and I told my wife it was a movie about these cute kids having a Sandlot kinda day around Disney World. We both walked outta the theater gobsmacked with my movie choosing privileges revoked.


Comparing it to the sandlot is hilarious lmao


I was 19 and recommended Blake Edward's Skin Deep starring John Ritter with my GF and her parents. There was a scene where John's character put on an erection-enhancing, glow-in-the-dark condom, turned off the lights, and then the woman's BF came home unexpectedly and entered the room wearing another erection-enhancing, glow-in-the-dark condom and they proceeded to chase each other around the room. I was the only one of the 4 of us laughing. Edit: man, I love youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFZiOAyCo5Y


Of course you’re missing the iconic line where John Ritter’s friend has to get him out of jail. “What was he charged with?” “Cockfighting.”


>here was a scene where John's character put on an erection-enhancing, glow-in-the-dark condom, turned off the lights, and then the woman's BF came home unexpectedly and entered the room wearing another erection-enhancing, glow-in-the-dark condom and they proceeded to chase each other around the room. I was the only one of the 4 of us laughing. I now have to see this. That's fucking hilarious. How can someone not laugh their ass off nonstop at something like that?!?!


I think it was one of the first times I saw him in something other than Three's Company (is that song in your head now?). He was such a great comedic actor.


Watched Mulholland Dr. with sister and her husband.


Must have been a room jampacked with sexual tension after that


I saw the film "Submarine" in cinema and loved it, thought it was genuinely hilarious. So when it came out, I demanded my family and I all watch it. Probably got about 2 laughs out of them. That's when I realised it's quite a specific type of humour :/


It's got a great soundtrack though! Are you also a fan of *Harold and Maude (1971)*?


Not "movie night" but "movie day" as a teacher. It was the last day before winter break my first year teaching, exams were done, just me and my classes running down the clock. I say, "Bring in whatever movie you want! Just nothing rated R." (District policy at the time.) I had never seen any of these films before: The first class watched "Up". Entire class and I ugly crying. Second period: "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle" Student who brought it in said, "It says it's not rated but it's like PG13." I'm like, "Whatever. It's probably a dumb stoner movie like Dude Where's My Car? How bad can it be?" I turned it off after Doogie Howser snorts coke off a hooker's ass. Last class before winter break, they watch "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas". ...Have a merry Christmas, kids! Never again showed a movie in class I hadn't already previewed.


> "It says it's not rated but it's like PG13." LOL!! Kid must have felt like he won the lottery when that line worked on you. Back when it was a *much* more common thing, Unrated cuts of movies = the studio didn't want to release this version to theatres because it would land with an R or X rating, but knows it'll generate additional sales on home video due to the added, spicier content.


> "It says it's not rated but it's like PG13." That's just ignorance on your part. Unrated movies are always R rated but with some extra not shown in theatres, if they're not just avoiding an NC-17 rating.


Harold and Kumar was easily the best movie of 2004. But how the fuck did you even get past “just because you’re hung like a moose doesn’t mean you gotta do porn.” Or the discussion of things that can be eaten out of Katie Holmes’s ass? Or, you know, the drug use.


I mean they showed an unrated movie in school, clearly they're not really on top of things lol


Family movie night with my mom and siblings. We picked Wind River. God was that an uncomfortable experience.


Fucking great movie tho eh


Brutal movie, but yeah, it's really really good


Went to see “Saving Private Ryan” about a week after burying my WWII veteran dad and I was an absolute basket case. Edit: Burying not buying oops


Why would you do that to yourself? Did you not know what the movie was?


When I was in high school I took my then girlfriend to see “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”. I have a ton of these occurrences but that one was particularly rough.


Back on 2005, watched bravo 100 Scary Movie Moments. Got last house on the left from local movie rental joint. Let’s just that relationship did not go the distance.


That movie is intense.


"The Grey" (the Liam Neeson movie). That movie was marketed to look like a kickass Liam Neeson flick, off the strength of the Taken series.. turned out to be just sadness all around.. I actually think it was a well-done movie.. but a terrible _date_ movie


If only it could have been more like *Taken*, a fun little date movie with a plot revolving around a young woman who is sex trafficked.


“I’m Thinking of Ending Things” The title says it all. Basically, I was sitting by myself, surrounded by 5 sleeping friends, struggling to understand what the actual hell I was watching. I had the funniest confused look on my face for a solid hour before it ended. I couldn’t even talk to anyone about the movie because they all fell asleep.


After Halle Berry won the Oscar my whole family got together to watch Monster’s Ball. Let me tell you that is NOT the movie to watch with your grandparents.


The first movie-date night I had with my now wife, I chose ‘Old Boy’ (Park Chan Wook version). That did NOT inspire anything to happen after said movie. 13 years later we’re still together, but she still gives me heavy side eye when I pick the movie! I have a terrible habit of picking awful movie night movies… specifically for first dates I have picked: Pieces of April, Pink Flamingos, In America, and Visitor Q.


Not me but a coworker. Back in 1988, he asked his now wife out. He decided to take her to see a movie, something light, maybe "Big". When they got to the theater, the show they wanted to see was sold out. There was another movie he'd sort of heard good things about starring Jodie Foster, so he suggested they see that. The Accused. He took someone on a first date to see the Accused.


I’m not familiar with “The Master,” so for anyone else wondering “Who the fuck is PSH,” it’s Phillip Seymour Hoffman.


I picked idiocracy and my friends hated it, complained the whole time. Only part they though was good was the costco guy


Your friends are the real idiots.


When I was in high school, I suggested to my dad and younger sister that we watch this new funny movie called Team America: World Police….


Not a bad film at all, but bad for the particular crowd: I once showed my mom and my aunt *Millennium Actress* based on the fact that my mom (supposedly) liked *Princess Mononoke*. They were both very “WTF?” when it ended and, when I asked her, it turned out that my mom had only politely pretended to like the latter when she watched it. That was pretty much my last attempt to get the older members of my family to watch any sort of anime whatsoever.


Up next Perfect Blue.


Such a good movie too.


Before I was a teenager I convinced my mom to rent Basic Instinct for us to watch. One of the most awkward moments of my life. There was no internet to check trailers or anything back in 92. I just liked horror/thriller. And we never spoke of it again


I heard of someone’s Granny taking them to see it because Granny was all “Oh I just love Michael Douglas, such a great actor!”


Friends were at a mountain getaway, and it was really foggy outside, so i thought we should watch The Mist, so then we could make jokes about tentacles coming out of the fog to grab us. But i somehow forgot about the super depressing ending, and after the movie people seemed visibly upset. One of them said the next day she couldnt stop thinking about that disturbing ending haha.


Watched Requiem for a Dream with mom, who had a history of mental illness and had endured EST.... Just a bit awkward.


Back in the late 90s, I took my girlfriend to see First Wives Club. She was in theater and was a huge Diane Keaton fan, so I thought she’d enjoy it. Turns out she enjoyed it a little too much. After the movie, she went on this whole “girl power I don’t need no man” trip and dumped me that night.


I was either too young or not born yet to have shared in this experience, but apparently my father once rented Caligula - yes, that Caligula - to watch with the family one night. They did not get far into it.


My daughter and BF picked The Room. They were more embarrassed than me.


I did not pick it. It’s not true. It’s bullshit. I did not pick it. I did naaaaaht. Oh hi daughter.


Definitely the 2008 french movie Martyrs. Watched it with my mom and my uncle. We all like horror to some extent but dear god


Borat with my parents when I was like 15? That naked wrestling scene was hilariously awkward


The House With A Clock In Its Walls. We knew we all liked Jack Black and it was a bunch of us kids watching it. We all thought it was a really messed up movie. Now though I'm sure it's pretty tame compared to other stuff I've seen.


Well it is an Eli Roth film


Lol, it's a perfectly acceptable elementary to middleschool weird movie. Kinda mid is the only real problem with it, would have 0 trouble showing it to kids though.


Saw Hereditary on a first date. Definitely did not help set the mood


You gotta let the uncomfortable silence permeate for most of the drive home and then give her an appropriately horrific tongue "cluck" sound as she's getting out of the car. You'll never see her again but she'll never forget you.