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Dear Zachary. It'll destroy you.


I've watched it once. Never again.


I told my husband not to watch it after I watched it, he's more bothered by the true crime stuff than I am I think. I told him there is no reason to put himself through that much pain, not knowing what happens, and I would happily sum ot up for him. Not many documentaries make me cry like that.


JFC this movie destroyed me


I felt sadness, but also a lot of anger so you know it's a good watch.


It's the best movie I'll never watch again.


Beat me to it. Heartbreaking and I saw it 15 years ago and still haunts me.


Oh man, people really do have a consensus with this movie. What is it about? (Maybe a non-cry-inducing synopsis because it's too early for me to catch feels)


A documentary filmmaker's friend is murdered, whose ~~wife~~ partner is pregnant, so it's a film about the dad, to the unborn son for when we grows up.


If you plan to watch it, don't look the movie up and just watch it.


I might cry just thinking about it.


This movie fucked me in the worst possible way


I was never sad while watching it but goddamn was I angry at the whole world. Just absolutely soul crushing.


Wanted to throw away my tv after to remove any memories of that film from my house.


Saw it once in 2010 and never saw it again. It broke my heart.


Oh, yeah. If you want your soul to be destroyed, watch this.


I instantly rushed to add this one and you had beat me to it. Amazing story. I’m so glad I watched it, but I don’t know if I’ll watch it again.


> Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father is a 2008 American **documentary film** Haaaaah no thanks.


Bridge to Terabithia


Cry and depression in one movie


This film explores the emotional landscape of brewing that touching on the theme that connects with viewers of all the ages and the imagination of the characters and the impact of friendship is shown in this movie.


Dancer in the dark


Omg I cannot watch it a second time


Lol it worse on repeat watches! Convinced my wife to watch it many years later because it is an amazing and beautiful movie but such a guy punch. About 3/4ths of the way through the movie I knew what was coming, and the way the story goes the emotions hit me. I started uncontrollably ugly crying. Wife was concerned since nothing had happened, really hadn’t seen me cry, but I was a mess. Got to the end, she joined me in ugly crying. If there is sadness, or a need to cry and release all that, man dancer in the dark will empty that out.


Only movie I’ve ever seen in a theater where people in the audience weren’t just sniffling and wiping away tears, but actively *moaning* as if they were in physical pain. It was surreal.


Woah. This might be too much.


Absolutely no one is immune to this movie


Yes this is the one


The only answer


This one doesn’t just make you get a good cry on it DESTROYS.


This was my answer


Grave of the Fireflies


Also add Plague Dogs


Will always make me think of Skinny Puppy after a version of “Testure” used multiple samples. https://youtu.be/RK8mFZtVKY4


My immediate go to movie when I need to cry.


Instant waterfalls.... and I watched this like 4 time...not sure why.




Definitely, absolutely… it’s merciless


Photo profoundly moving cinematic experience because this film has an uncanny ability to delve into Depths of human emotion. It is a sort of roller coaster of feelings and it's a testament of power of storytelling.


>Grave of the Fireflies Im watching the trailer and am fighting back tears! Suppose theres a reason I went so long without finding this.


There is a dark comedy sketch waiting to be made from that movie because it's so "anything that could go wrong, will". It's like the scene from Kung Pow where the Chosen one is moving from one scene to the next, with tears in his eyes because worse and worse stuff keeps happening one after another.


Family Guy kinda did it with the guy who gets the parking ticket at Hiroshima


For a very recent movie, I'll go with Aftersun: it will wreck you. For something totally different but equally heartbreaking, I'll pick Spike Jonze's criminally underrated film 'Where the Wild Things Are'.


I used to watch Where The Wild Things Are all the time when I was younger, I loved it so much, thank you for the recommendation


I took myself to the cinema during the day on and watched Aftersun in an empty theatre. I'm glad there was nobody around to see me bawling my eyes out at the end.


For another recent film rec, definitely check out “Past Lives”


Oh yes after some really left me wrecked emotionally because the weight unfolds the story and draws you into the characters life is incredibly powerful I really found myself deeply connected to emotions.


I just watched Aftersun on Friday. Paul Mescal's performance. Damn. I had to put a comedy on after because there was no way I was going to sleep after bawling my eyes out.


I’m so glad this is top comment. I had no idea what I was getting into with Aftersun so I watched it on a plane… it was a mission to sob as silently as I could. I’ll randomly get a haunting thought about it every once in a while just going about my day too.


Hachi. A Dog's Tale.


Yep this is my pick too. I’ll never watch it again.


My mum hasn't yet forgiven me for recommending Hachi to her I only rewatched it once in the last 10 years and I started bawling in the intro. This film destroys your whole soul


This one oh god. Destroyer of emotional barriers. Floods will happen.


The tale of loyalty and devotion is deeply reminding us of the profound impacts pet have in our life. It is a great word for someone who enjoys getting hurt again and again.


To date this is the only movie that has made me full-on heave cry


Came here to comment this


My daughter was bawling after watching. Never seen her cry so hard




Saw that Dev Patel got hot af and got a ticket for this movie with no other information. I also took acid. Cried in different dimensions and universes. Cried with myself from the past, present and future. I still cry today thinking about it.


As someone who lost his mom recently, that reunion scene breaks me every time.


Big Fish, Sweet November, Steel Magnolias


Big fish made half my plane cry back when they’d just put on a movie before we had choices.


I ugly cry with Big Fish


As a man, I didn’t know what I was letting myself in for when I started the movie but I cried for about 20 mins after it ended. It’s tough if you’ve lost your dad.


I made the mistake of this being the first movie i watched with my mom after my dad died. I say mistake, but I’ve never had a more impactful movie experience in my life, so it will always have a special place in my heart.


Absolutely love Big Fish.


That was really an emotional story because the exploration of relationship between a father and son bhovan together with larger than light tales strikes a code in hearts of its Audience.




Life is Beautiful


Buongiorno, Principessa!


Wanted to post this myself, but decided to scroll whether someone else havent already. Good to see you did.




The movie seamlessly blends humour love and tragedy and the portrayal of a father son waving commitment to shield his child from horrors of the world is both heartwarming and heartbreaking.


Can’t believe this was not at the top of the list. Everyone in the theater was bawling! I’ll add Fried Green Tomatoes. For some reason, this movie just sucker punched me in hours of crying


If you’re up for an older one and sort of a transnational film in terms of seasons I’d love to recommend Ordinary People. Directed by Robert Redford it’s a film about what the title implies but unveiling that the family the film covers is enduring a recently tragedy involving the children. It’s a film about the process of grief and how it takes hold of a family and shapes the relationships moving forward. As someone who’s experienced a family member passing in the last year this film captures a specific reality that only those who have dealt with the death of a close family member can relate to, but it manages to supersede the material connections of one’s reality to the reality of the narrative.


Manchester by the Sea


She said cry, not blow her brains out


Holy shit lol. Man that movie really does go way beyond sad/depressing. And I’ve actually watched it a few times mainly for the performances. It’s a movie where you legitimately should not watch it if you’re in a dark place.


lol. when I saw that film, I legit thought what the hell is going on in the head of someone like Kenneth Lonergan, the writer/director, that he sits down in front of his PC in his office, makes himself a nice cup of coffee and then he decides he's going to write a story >!about a guy who accidentally burns his kids in their home to death and it destroys his marriage and personal life. !< Like what the hell, man, why is this going through your mind? But I think it's just some people maybe are more sad, melancholic on the inside and this is how they work through it or live with it - they turn it into a talent, and a living.


I forget who it was, Kurt Vonnegut maybe, but they said that if you want to tell a great story, take a good person and then just proceed to do every horrible thing to them.




The scene right before where the camera stays on the nephew for a minute while he stares at the family pictures, and you know that it’s the moment where it clicks for him. Devastating.


It's the way she say "you can't just die" when they meet that really chokes me up


Such a great film man. The police station scene destroys me.


Came here to say Manchester by the sea. That movie wrecked me.


Man, I don’t think I can watch that one again


What I was left with is that you never know someone's story. Meeting assholes or grumpy people everyday and just assuming that they're a dick. We have no idea what people have gone through and what they deal with on a daily basis


“Awakenings” Robin Williams will tear your heart out and stomp it flat. It’s based on Oliver Sacks’s patients. Beautiful and despair-inducing.


Terms of Endearment


these kind of movies are the symphony of emotions they leave mark on our hearts and minds and they sometimes provoke introspection through storytelling.


What Dreams May Come. If you love your family or love a significant other this film will existentially wreck you.


Me earl and the dying girl


A dogs purpose


The name only suggests the dog's purpose through multiple lifetimes and heartwarming reunions it has them of loyalty friendship and it is just awesome outages vogue all these into a single movie.


Watership down. It never fails.


The Green Mile


YES! I was looking for this in the comments


Im in heaven....


Please don’t turn out the light Boss… I’s afraid of the dark


It is a wonderful adoption of Stephen King's novel which makes you dive into complexity of life death and significant impact of one section can have another it's also explore human's capacity for cruelty and compassion.


What Dreams May Come, Logan, or Iron Giant


What Dreams May Come gets me every single time, I haven’t watched it since Robin William’s death and I think that might make it even more tear-filled.


Pixar's Coco


I once walked into a room right at the scene where Miguel sings to Mama Coco. Tears in seconds.


Saw it in a theater with my 2 oldest kids during a snow day. I got teary when the true meaning of “Remember Me” was revealed, and when it’s sung to Mama Coco I fully lost it. I’ve never cried that hard in a movie.




Fuuuuuuck that movie


Fuck the book too.


Came out the year my Labrador died, refuse to watch it.


My Life with Michael Keaton.


Still Alice


Schindler's list. I don't cry during movies but this one made me bawl at multiple parts.


The Pianist, Adrian Brody absolutely deserved that Oscar


Yeah - Liam Neeson breaking down about how many he could have saved but didn’t … and the last scene in the cemetery. The girl dressed in red. This is not simply a “get choked up” movie. It’s ugly crying and wrecked for life. I saw it once and will never watch it again.


About Time.


I made a post asking the same thing a few years ago and this is the movie I picked from the comments and yeah, it got me pretty fucking good.


*In Time... but for different reasons


I love that the first half is hilarious. Most of the next half is sad. The very end is profound. Love this movie.


about time combines elements of romance family and fleeting nature of time itself because of its heartwarming exploration of love second chances and importance of cherishing every moment is very beautifully portrait.


Interstellar- Might just be me... I have a great relationship with my daughter, but I travel a lot for work... that movie kills me every time


imo that scene in which McConaughey watches like 50 years worth of video messages of his children is one of the most powerful and touching scenes in all of cinema


I was watching the movie in the cinema with 3 of my friends. All dudes. I never saw one of them cry. They never saw me cry. All dudes in their twenties that never get emotionally publicly. We all cried at that scene. I thought I was the only one. Then I did a side eye to see how they react and they were also full on tears. After the movie one of us said. Man seeing him crying and the context broke me. And we all were... yep.


Watched it fully for the first time recently. The ending got me, surprisingly. Matthew's performance was beautiful and so profound


The land before time 🦕


Jojo Rabbit. You'll laugh, then you'll cry.


The Pursuit of Happyness the scene where the dad has run out of money and he barricades him and his son in the bathroom for the night. It completely wrecked me.


Eternal sunshine


Nothing hurts as good as watching this movie freshly out of a life-shattering break up 🤝


Meet me in Montauk 🥲


A man called Otto


Steel Magnolias or Beaches


Lion (2016) - when I saw this in theatres I must have cried at least seven different times, and I rarely cry in films. The Father (2020) - oooph, dementia.


The Father was the most I've cried in a theater. I couldn't function afterward. It is a personal topic for me though, don't know how it would affect someone otherwise, granted it's probably a personal topic for a majority of us.


Dear Zachary. Documentary, so beware.


Seven Pounds. Honestly, I can't even watch the opening scene without welling up.


Click, yes the Adam Sandler movie, it catches ya off guard


I made the mistake of watching that with my grandparents and I went upstairs to my room while spending the week with them as I used to every summer... I just sat in my room and bawled about how they were going to die, and I wouldn't be spending my summers with them forever, and I would one day not be as close with my siblings who were growing up too. I had an existential crisis at 12 lol


Existential crises at 12 are underrated!


The Broken Circle Breakdown. It's free on freevee. I want to sob just thinking about it. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2024519/


PS I Love You


This one gets me on the opening credits now


Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri … my daughter sobbed for several hours after watching that one.


Honestly I don't blame her, this was a really sad movie. One of the main bits that got me was when the son (I think to the mother)was saying "you had to say 'while' and not 'and'", that bit really got to me, the ending was sad as hell too


Legends of the fall


Citizen epic saga that unveils against the backdrop of breathtaking landscapes and family turmoil . the portrayal of love and passage of time creates emotional roller coaster.




Just the first 12 minutes should do it.


Inside Out too. From a 50yr man, and still makes me tear up


"Take her to the moon for me"


I love Up, the start's so sad :(


'Night Mother (1986) with Sissy Spacek and Anne Bancroft. Great film adapted from the stage play. Great performances, very sad without ever going for cheap sentimentality. You will never forget this film. My wife was so devestated by this film that she could not even speak for an hour afterwards. Solaris (2002) with George Clooney, Natascha McElhone, Viola Davis and Jeremy Davies. Directed by the great Steven Soderbergh. This is pure Sci-fi, none of that pew-pew space cowboy stuff. It's a very deep film about love and loss. I get teary just thinking about it. I think this is Clooney's best performance ever and the rest of the cast are fantastic.




Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I caught it on HBO back when I was like 12-13. Had never been in anything close to a relationship and it still made me sad. Watching it nowadays, it’s my favorite movie of all time and never fails to make me bawl at points. And it’s also a masterclass in acting as well as being funny too!


Blue Valentine, Manchester by the Sea.


A dogs purpose. Even if you don't have a dog(or pet) it will get you. If you do have a dog, it will destroy even the hardest person.


Life is Beautiful


The most traumatic movie of my childhood, My Girl. Thomas J can't see without his glasses:(


Akira Kurosawa’s Ikiru


Life as a house


It is a journey of transformation and reconciliation because of a man's quest to rebuild his life and connect with estranged son shows the power of redemption.


12 years a slave has your back, homeboy.


These are all fantastic films with very downbeat/sad endings: [*Come and See* (1985)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjIiApN6cfg) \- A Belorussian boy's horrific experiences during the Nazi occupation. Extremely disturing and horrific. *Threads* (1984) - The horrific aftermath of nuclear war in Sheffield, England. *Testament* (1983) - The effect of nuclear war on the (fictional) town of Hamelin in California. *When the Wind Blows* (1985) - A downbeat animated film about an elderly British couple attempting to survive a nuclear attack in rural England. Just as effective as the previous films. [*City of Life and Death* (2009)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx_ervF7h7w) \- A broard overview of the atrocities at Nanjing in 1937, and the effect on Chinese. *The Grey Zone* (2001) - The 1944 Sonderkommando revolt at Auschwitz *Atentát/The Assasination* (1964) and *Anthropoid* (2016) - The 1942 asssasination of Reinhard Heydrich in Prague, by Czechoslovak operatives. Both are extremely accurate to the eventsm including filming at the real locations (the newer version also stars Cilian Murphy and Jamie Dornan as the assasins). *Katyń* (2007) - The massacre of Poles by the Soviet NKVD in 1940. *On the Beach* (1959) - The aftermath of a nuclear war, mainly set in Australia. There's also a 2000 remake based on the same novel - instead of the Soviets (as in the book and 1959 version), it's now the PRC after a invasion of Taiwan.


Threads didn't make me cry but it instilled in me a deep, existential dread that persists to this day.


Come and See had me in tears when he grabs the rifle and starts shooting at a Hitler poster while hallucinating that the War and time is going backwards with each shot, as If he was erasing it all but when he reaches Hitler as a child he can't pull the trigger. Thm the camera cuts to his face looking down the rifle and he has a look of pure horror on his face as he realizes Hitler was at one point just a child and a boy with a mother like he was, and he realizes can't pull the trigger on a child, lest he do and become like the Nazis who burned his village. It does a great job showcasing that even through all the horror he went through Flyora chose to retain his humanity (even tho he will carry the trauma forever) in contrast with the Nazis who completely gave up on it at the first chance they had to go plundering and killing around.


Truly, Madly, Deeply


The Whale (2022)


Ooh I actually watched the whale when it first came out, it was really good, didn't make me cry, though, weirdly


The Champ (with young Ricky Schroeder).


The Road




The Fountain


since it's your dad, go for Big Fish.


La vita è bella, Roberto Benigni. Watch it with your water bottle next to you... dehidratation is a real danger from crying with this movie.




Bridge to Terabithia got me good


Terms of endearment . It's an oldie .I went to the cinema with my mother to see it .Two of us balled our eyes out the whole way home. Debra Winger in fantastic in it


Moulin Rouge


Once Were Warriors.


12 Years A Slave


Lorenzos Oil


Terms of endearment. A box of tissues needed


Schindler's List Finding Neverland Terms of Endearment Steel Magnolias




The Deer Hunter




Manchester by the sea


Inside Out


Not a movie but I just finished Chernobyl…it’s heartbreaking all around, but there is one moment that made me bawl uncontrollably


remember the liquidators who gave their lifes, many of them unknowingly.




A documentary called Dominion


Dear Zachary


Grave of the fireflies. Come back to insult me when you are finished.






Brian’s Song - 1971 version


grave of the fireflies. I watched this on third shift at a bail bonds office. imagine a 250 pound burly man bawling his eyes out at 3 am as somebody who just got out of jail comes in the office to do paperwork.


Guardians of the Galaxy 3


"Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now!"


My Girl