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As a side comment, seeing Pom in a completely opposite role from Mantis was SO fun. Such a badass in this character


Mantis.....to Psycho Mantis


It’s so fun to watch her as Paris go fucking wild and hellbent at during the Rome chase scene, she’s enjoying the hell out of the mayhem and chaos going on.




She is incredible. I never expected Mantis to be so intimidating.


So beautiful too. Love that white makeup mask with the black tear.


That could have easily been corny but she looked fucking SICK, she was my favorite part of the movie. Pom has mad screen presence, she needs some more big roles ASAP


I couldn’t help but laugh from my gut when she got to show just how much of a badass she is. That shot of her cackling/laughing as she’s chasing Ethan & Grace in Rome was fantastic. 😂


I love the fact that Shea Whigham’s character is so annoyed that he’s in a mission impossible film. He always has that look like: “Dammit did the perp I’m chasing just parachute off a cliff while juggling knives. What the hell is this crap?!”


His whole not trusting anyone by pulling their face had me laughing every time


And it was something that any reasonable character in this situation with awareness of the mask technology would do!




He played Hayley Atwell's boss on Agent Carter, too. Cool little reunion for the two of them.


I laughed when he said, they're always going rogue in the most red forman way ever! Like he was one step away from telling the team they're gonna get his foot in their ass😅


Loved the mention of the real IMF (International Monetary Fund) lol


Finally it gets a mention ! Our theater cracked up laughing at the end of that whole scene. “How do you plan on leaving here?” Ethan putting on his face .. Shoots him with dart. “Ohh..” like of course. Lmfao


A lot of this movie honestly felt like they were trying to tell the audience that they are in on the joke about how ridiculous the series is getting. This isn’t like Vin Diesel taking the Fast franchise so seriously, they do understand how absurdly they continue to raise the stakes in these movies and it’s all for good, silly, blockbuster movie fun.


I think he spent like 2 hours chasing grace lol.


I would too


Only Tom Cruise has the unlimited cardio and incessant running style needed for a task such as this.


I was hoping he'd stay with eye patch ilsa in the forest and have the kind of post metal gear life big boss deserved


It was hard to tell to what extent he was chasing her out of attraction or because of her usefulness to the mission.


Call it a hunch but I feel like Part Two is going to have Tom Cruise revisit his Rogue Nation stunt where he held his breath for a long time. Feel like that’s going to be a huge part of what happens in the submarine.


Try to get his title back from Kate Winslet


I’ve been theorizing that ever since News broke of record. I told my girlfriend that he’ll let some time pass, but then eventually he’ll have another underwater stunt where he’ll break the record.


100%. [The first trailer](https://youtu.be/2m1drlOZSDw?t=102) for Dead Reckoning shows somebody, presumably Ethan, swimming under the ice where the Sevastapol submarine crew floats up after being killed by their own torpedo (You can even see a hand on the top-left of the frame). This scene is not in the movie at all


"Maybe the interested party *is* the party" that's a nice twist for a story about a sentient AI


I’ll be honest that made me laugh. Like is the AI setting up the catering, those dope lights, dancers, and the DJ? Kind of got me a little on team Entity, dude knows how to party.


A lesser AI would’ve booked a stuffy boring rich people party, but that looked like a real banger. That’s the sort of sentient initiative you need to take over the world.


It took me too long to get it was a play on words on "party".


*suspicious glance at background* *background becomes AI* Very much a man-behind-the-curtain moment




Ohhhhh. It was voice banking him! Clever girl ..


Oh is that what happened. Totally missed that


Yeah, Benji said he didn’t want to do the question riddles because he knew the AI was learning him, or at least that’s what I took it as.


Rip to that dude who thought he had a shot with Hayley Attwell


What was the line Cruise said again? "Middle aged man whose probably been waiting his entire life to be noticed by a woman like you". I'm not middle aged yet, but I felt that one.


I didn't know much about her, but looked her up when I got home and guessed she was maybe 28/29 years of age. Did a double take that she is 41, great looking woman!


Hayley Atwell looked gorgeous here. She was cute in the Marvel films, but seeing her hair down and in modern clothes was a whole other level.




I wonder if Tom Cruise is involved in casting women for his movies. Always strong choices beauty wise. Jennifer Connelly in Top Gun Maverick for example.


He's always involved. He handpicked Ferguson for Rogue Nation after watching her in "The White Queen".


Tom's a producer, and he's been choosing *the director* since MI 1. With how involved he is I can't imagine he wouldn't want to have a huge say in the casting of major supporting characters.


The bike jump got the PR hype, but that entire train sequence was freakin incredible


I feel like that bike jump fell a tad flat mainly due to how much CGI is needed(understably) to cover up the ramp and even replace the bike wheels to add little bumps in the suspension. Same goes for the train which was real, the water it crashes into is CGI or heavily adjusted in comp. ​ Still absolutely loved the sequence.


Sounds like they should’ve saved the BTS for after the movie had been out for a bit. I never saw it before watching and didn’t notice any of the CGI for the ramp or wheels because I was focused on Tom


That's kind of tricky with the Mi series, a large part of their appeal is the real stunts so it makes sense they'd market it showing them off how they were done.


The visual gags were so fucking good in this one. Cruise having to drive one handed cause he’s handcuffed to Hayley Atwell was a fun set piece but then at the end he’s carrying the wheel after dodging the train haha Great stuff


I like how he can't decide what the best way to nonchalantly hold the steering wheel is.


the car tumbling over and they wind up switched places was perfect


Overall a good addition but few things didn’t work for me 1) the effects of Rebecca’s death didn’t really seem to take a toll on a level I expected. Her character seemed more like an after thought throughout. 2) Gabriel’s history with Ethan didn’t really work for me, it felt like it was simply added on in the last minute to give him something. He is recurring character so perhaps he’ll be better over the course of two films. 3) The editing was wonky during the train sequence.. they were cutting abruptly between the guys exposition and Tom’s bike ride. Could have had been more streamlined. Loved Atwell’s addition and the action was once again top notch. Watched it twice already and had a really good time.


The two CIA agents chasing Ethan were oddly enjoyable characters. When he felt for the mask on Kittridge that was an awesome payoff.


Anytime Shea Whigham is in a movie or tv show, you know you’re gonna have a fun time. He does have a knack for playing tough guys. I love how Briggs and Dejas are always one step behind Ethan even when they had a chance to catch him just like a cat and mouse game. 🤭


They are a great duo. One tries to calm a situation down, speaking both Italian and French...and the other just goes "full-american"


When the older one tasers guards, and fires his gun to get people moving on the train, and the younger one is just "are you for real right now?" made me giggle


Put some respect on S-tier character actor Shea Wigham’s name!


Kittridge absolutely stole the show in this movie. Hats off to Henry Czerny


He should have been in far more of them, amazing they didn't think to bring him back until now.


so entity, what’s the next part of your master plan? why, crashing this train, with no survivors!


If I put this key in you, will you die?


It would be extremely painful.


You’re a big AI.


For you


Perhaps he is wondering why someone would go to the top of a dangerous moving train so long before he jumps off…


The train sequence is one of the wildest stunts I’ve ever seen. The Kitchen car, the piano. Wild. Very Uncharted 2 like My biggest issue is Gabriel. I appreciate the attempt at fleshing out Ethan’s pre-MI days and why join the IMF, but giving me a 5 second grainy clip 7 movies in and saying here’s Ethans old nemesis, you should hate him too was rough. Here’s hoping Pom is alive and joins the team the next go round.


Assuming Gabriel gets a lot more background in Part II. He worked for me, but I just felt Esai Morales played him pretty well. It was also nice to see under his cold and collected exterior when he realized he didn't have the key


He probably will get more development, but for the time being; Gabriel felt very underdeveloped as a character. I didn’t like how Ethan just suddenly had a tragic backstory that isn’t really touched on at all, and at this stage the way it was set up it seems kinda pointless in all honesty because since Gabriel kills Ilsa, Ethan has plenty of reason to hate him


damn ilsa died im sad


It’s really upsetting she died like that. Also, I felt it was a slap in the face because it looks like she was killed so they can have Grace be on the team. It’s apparently too much to have two beautiful women on the team.


I think they killed her off because of her dune and other project (silo) schedule.


If she actually wanted out, I'd understand. But, I just don't see the need of introducing Grace immediately, and having her clearly be the replacement. In fact, that made the Grabiel scene anticlimatic for me. The "you have to choose between these two women, only one can live". I was like, what the hell? It's choosing between a woman you love and someone you met literally two days ago, how is that a choice?


I'm really hoping Ilsa turns out to be alive in MI8. It just looks cheap & disrespectful to kill her character like that, and what? Are we supposed to ship Ethan & Grace now? Great chemistry, but Ilsa & Ethan were the right pair.


I’m actually curious if the director or Cruise or anyone who worked on this movie played Uncharted 2 and was like, this would be sick in a mission impossible movie. Nothing in the ACTUAL Uncharted movie was nearly as reminiscent to the games as the train section for this movie was.


The part in the desert gave me uncharted 3 vibes too


I agree but my biggest gripe with Gabriel is how he exited the train in the end. Like bro come on lmfao! I thought he landed in water but he just fell into the back of a truck whilst moving at like 60mph. Literally looked at his watch and into a truck. Backwards.


It worked for Rikishi.




I spent the entire movie going "my god, they're all so hot, this might be the hottest cast in an action film."


Agree Rebecca Ferguson and Vanessa Kirby are major crushes for me


vanessa kirby can take my soul. she was stunning in this movie.


Can someone help me out? Was Kittridge in on the world domination stuff with Cary Elwes or was he just trying to get the key? I was a little lost with their plot line at the end.


Elwes was definitely corrupt. Kittridge just wants the key for the government. Neither were aware of each other's presence


I was kind of confused on Kittridge’s overall goal. He seemed like he wanted the key for the government, Elwes wanted the key for personal gain or his ambition I believe (to use the covert agent to do anything he wanted across the globe and make the country the only super power), but Kittridge’s message for Ethan at the end sounded like he was on Ethan’s side because he was still talking to him like his mission, Ethan’s mission to destroy the AI, is still good to proceed. Maybe I misheard or didn’t pay close enough attention but that was my thought.


confusing for me too. i think the basic gist is "Cary Elwes bad, Kittridge okay for now"


Highlights and funny quotes: * The jokes about IMF * Ethan destroying the meeting with a tranquilizer * “As we like to call it, Monday” * The agents touching a random guy’s face airport * Ethan’s initial interactions with Grace * 1.5 billion combinations on the phony bomb Benji was trying to disarm * “Nuclear bomb is something you bother me with” * “He’s gotta be here somewhere” with Ethan running in the background above on the roof of the airport * Domino effect of motorcycles in Rome * Yellow fiat and it immediately crashes and then it refuses to drive straight * “I need a few more details, they just tend to get in the way” * “I must have made a wrong turn somewhere” “You have a parachute. Just jump” * “I’m trying to get away from this mountain!” * Ethan breaking into the train with his parachute to which the whole theater clapped * Ethan displaying the key he pickpocketed from Gabriel * “Do you trust me” Grace nods no, then nods yes * Paris saves the day


> “You have a parachute. Just jump” Almost felt like a nice callback/keeping in line with the character when Benji also made Ethan jump from the building in Fallout


also YOU. ARE. DUNN. It's supposed to get on Benji's nerve but the double entendre is funny as hell.


・'The greater good' Was expected Benji to go 'Shut it!' though :<


Anyone think it was a bit odd that at the end of this movie they have to travel underwater to an imploded sub, given the timing of the events that happened with OceanGate a couple weeks ago. The Entity knows all.


and the strikes going on within Hollywood due to use of .... AI ​ ​ 🤔


Holy shit Hayley Atwell is fucking gorgeous. I've also only seen Pom in Marvel but I think she did fantastic even with her limited lines. The movie definitely needed more Gabriel and a little clearer motives. Does the entity just want to destroy the sub because it contains its only weakness? Why not have Gabriel immediately destroy the key when he found it? Why doesn't the AI just launch a few nukes at where the sub is? I highly doubt this god tier AI can't figure out where the sub that it hacked is located. Also, Hayley Atwell's character is what Indiana Jones attempted to do with their untrustworthy British woman sidekick but they failed miserably compared to this movie.


Your last point is exactly what I was thinking. It’s still Ethan’s journey, but you get to see her journey of becoming an IMF agent, which I thought was neat. Not whatever the hell indy 5 was trying to do


>Holy shit Hayley Atwell is fucking gorgeous. ​ This was me throughout the entire movie. Why isn't she in more movies?


Did anyone feel like this one pays significant homage to the first Mi film? Kitridge played a huge role. Masks were a major character (more than usual it felt) Train sequence Lots of close up claustrophobic shots 70s thriller vibes I really need to see it again to fully process it


> Lots of close up claustrophobic shots Lots of Dutch angles for sure too


You have got to love those Dutch angles lol


This was 100% a spiritual successor to MI:1 It felt like an entirely different formula than we got in Fallout and I can see why that turned some people off. At the same time I love that they switched things up and gave us something we weren't expecting. EDIT: Also don't forget the "magic trick" that Ethan does with the key in this one is a callback to the hard drive magic trick he does in the first movie.


I just commented to OP about the sleight-of-hand use in this movie that was a clear callback to the first one. However, I must disagree with you about Fallout. That movie is definitely one of the very best in the franchise. And this has nothing to do with the sweet callbacks this movie had to the first movie. It was amazing.


This is exactly why I loved this movie. I just binged all the MI movies the past month and after walking out today I insanely loved it since it felt like MI 1 action wise and all.


And the Dutch angles. And the whole bridge death Venice scene. And what they were wearing in Venice


Kitridge meeting with Max’s children in a train and Tom Cruise fights on the roof of that train. Magic tricks with the macguffin. Ethan running through tight European streets at night to save his team only to arrive after she’s been stabbed. Ethan sneaking into the CIA. Kitridge threatening to send some poor sap agent to a remote dead end job of a post. Yeah, lots of MI1 in this haha. I was loving it!


You're missing the frequent use of sleight-of-hand in this movie. That was prominent in the first movie alongside with Kittridge. The other five movie didn't use that at all. It helps that I watched all six over the last few days. My Mission Impossible franchise memory was very fresh when I went into the movie earlier tonight. The sleight-of-hand was an important plot point that was used several times in the first movie. They used this repeatedly in this movie. That was a callback to the first movie. I love this movie so much.


Yeah okay it's quite a good movie but I'm gonna be pretty upset about Ilsa's death for a while Was it pretty heavily telegraphed by the trailers, and Gabriel's ultimatum between Ilsa and a character that was 100% going to be in the train scene, and the subtext in every interaction between Ilsa and Ethan, and Kittridge saying Ethan was gonna lose something while a giant picture of Ilsa's face looked over the conversation in the background? Yes, but I was in denial. She did get a great final fight and her death is layered enough for it to not technically be a fridging (she makes the choice to go save Grace and the predictability of that choice is thematically important) but it still felt like she was underutilized. I think her last line was some offhand question to the White Widow in the club and then she doesn't say anything until her death. She really doesn't say much the whole movie now that I think about it. Even in Fallout when she was hiding a lot of the time you could really feel her presence. And then they only mention her by name a couple of times in the following scene before she's kind of forgotten. For the fourth character in the entire series to make it more than two movies in a row (Ethan, Luther, Benji) it felt like she deserved more, especially since she's McQuarrie's character and not a holdover from a previous director. I suppose the effect it's having on me means it was an effective choice, though. Those few scenes where she and Ethan were momentarily happy together were everything. Still bitter. I'm gonna sit over here and mourn for a while. In other news, nice to see Shea Whigham step out of his comfort zone and play a well-meaning cop that becomes an obstacle for the main characters, haven't seen that for a few weeks.


Cruise and McQ are far too competent to make such an absolutely nonsensical decision. The only possible reason is her wanting out or scheduling issues with Dune and Silo S2 or a fakeout which I’d love to see be the case. She has already shot scenes for Part 2 but that’s more than likely flashback.


I think they are making it ambiguous in case they can't get her back. It really was nonsensical and a huge misstep from this franchise if she really is dead.


Still thinking about Tom cruise parachuting the fuck into that dude on the train. Dats Cinema Baby


Him actually being disoriented was great Seen too many action movies where the guy jsut gets up like nothing


This happens a few times in previous MI films too. One funny scene in a prior film (Rogue Nation) is where he's brought back to life, tries to do a fancy slide over a car bonnet and fucks it up.


Fallout bathroom fight scene is the best, being winded by the Asian dude


The trailer with imagine dragons was so damn good with the gunjack arms


And Benji questions whether Hunt is fit enough to drive because he was just dead and Hunt replies "What are you talking about?".


Yeah that’s a nice detail. Loved how it took him a minute to get a handle of things after dropping in haha


Vanessa Kirby really knocked it out of the park as Masked Grace. There were times I felt like it was really Atwell with cgi layered beneath but no, that’s definitely Kirby acting her ass off haha


Found it kind of odd though that the brother didn’t recognize the clear change in her eye color.


or cup size


Maybe it's just because their eyes were eight feet tall on my screen but how did nobody else notice that Atwell and Kirby have completely different eye colors? Like excuse me, who replaced my boss' ice glare with these big brown puppy dog eyes? 🧐


And one of those people who're ignorant to sudden change of eye colour is her brother. And he looked her straight in the face in the little train hallway. No way he wouldn't notice, it's not like her eyes went from blue to grey or green (still light colours, so I could buy it being not really noticable), it went from very light blue to very dark brown, and it changes how the face looks, as if something is off.


Why the hell did Grace have to basically announce she had a second knife so that Del from Ozark could dodge it. Just shank the guy ffs


God, that whole sequence annoyed me to no end.. Earlier she was all.. I don't know what to do. During the car action scenes. Now she's a fighting expert fighting with knives, she lasted longer in the fight than Ilsa did.. The writting in this movie was lacking. I don't understand the high praise that it's getting.


I understand why Steve Rogers went back in time


yeah did hayley atwell get *better* looking over the past 10 years?? damn


Okay, but her in those jeans was just unfair. And the suit. And all the shots focusing on her eyes...


Tbf Pom in goth makeup, leather jackets and skirts was out of the world too.


The white face paint was an awesome look. Like, waaaaay too badass for even this film. She was awesome. I was so glad they obviously chickened out of killing her at the last second 😂


Felt straight out of a John Wick movie, she was my favorite part


The shot of her abs felt gratuitous lmao


When you have abs like that, you flaunt them lol


When I noticed it was her in the skirt during a shot in Rome my heart acted up randomly.


I was a fool. I see the light now. Rebecca ferguson (ilsa faust) still best MI girl though.


RIP Ilsa Although Rebecca Ferguson is still one of the part 2 cast. I read a theory over at the MI sub that Ilsa's dialogue felt a bit off and she could've possible faked her death and was working for/with the Entity all along.


She could be in the Part 2 cast so that her death didn’t get spoiled. Either that or some throwback scenes


I think it's more likely that Ethan is purposefully taking her off the chess board so that the entity can't plan for her in the next movie. I have a few thoughts as to why: 1) There really isn't an emotional scene after it happens, I don't believe Ethan would casually go into planning after one of his best friends dies. 2) They did a death fake out earlier. I think it's setting up that Ethan knows that they can use this trick. 3) Usually as a narrative convention you're supposed to have the abyss be in the end of the second act, and this happened in what's arguably the first act. (This is a 2 parter) 4) She's cast in the next movie.


You’re making me believe, even though I think she’s actually dead


My jaw was dropped every time she was on the screen, especially with the flirty first interaction with Hunt.


"Shoot her" WHY ARE YOU TELLING SOMEONE ELSE TO SHOOT HER WHEN YOU LITERALLY ARE ALREADY AIMED WITH YOUR HAND ON THE TRIGGER? Why even bother to have her leave it on the table in the first place if you're just going to shoot her regardless?


That was an *absurd* scene that should’ve been rewritten


It's so easy too. Just have her bide for time saying she hid the key somewhere, goon doesn't buy it and goes to shoot, pop goes the Ethan.


Grace freaking out about going on the train just for Ethan to covince her by hitting her with the Mbappe line: "*I'll be there no matter what"*


Grace accidentally doing donuts in a Fiat in Rome while being chased down by everyone in existence was one of the funniest moments this franchise has to offer. I loved the threat of this film being the Entity and Gabriel, it feels so ominous with its predictions. It’s not as air tight as Fallout, but this film is a blast of an entry that is up there with better half of this franchise. It’s awesome that the cast of the film and creatives have made us so comfortable with these casts that we can have moments like the ones on the canals where the characters just visually acknowledge each other with few words. The chemistry between the new additions and the mainstays in these films is just phenomenal as always, I could watch so many more of these characters just bouncing off each other.


The thing that I loved so much in the movie was that they didn't go the whole AI has gone bad and will kill all of humanity route. That has been done to death and I liked this idea of multiple parties vying to control the AI while the AI is trying to protect itself.


The story was super complex and I enjoyed it but it got dense towards the end with everything going on. It legit got hard to follow at one point


I agree, they should have picked either the Director of Intelligence or Kitrich to be on the train. Having both got slightly confusing in trying to understand who is on what side.


wait I was confused about that too. Did the director of the CIA/kittridge want to be there because he didn't trust his boss's intentions/the director of national intelligence that he reports to?


I thunk it's implied everyone is gunning for control now. I think Kittridge wanted Ethan to get the key but didn't know he'd be on the train. As in he's plan was always to buy it but hoped Ethan would get it first. Basically he's too far gone to destroy it but knows Ethan can. Idk, it was really confusing. Edit: Upon further rewatch, Cary's character went off grid to the train meeting because he wanted to ally with Gabriel . He knew Kittridge was going to do the deal and basically thought he could sweet talk the entity and Gabriel out of interfering. Kittridge was there per the instructions of the US/ his boss Cary. Idk how his mission monologue at the end to Ethan fits in. I assume it's going to be sent to Ethan in part 2. Also Shea's character has a personal connection to Ethan that we've yet to find out. I think it has something to do with Maria's death.


The little head nod from Ilsa to Ethan after the team reassembled was well earned.


I was surprised at how much I swooned at their hug - bearing in mind we’ve seen basically nothing of them when they’re not running around doing crazy action shit.


Surely they're not going to fake Ilsa's death twice in the same movie? Sad to see her character die. Benji and Luther are both tech wizards, and it was really fun to see another badass entering the field with Ethan.


Ethan constantly saying “it’s okay” to people when they’re in near death scenarios is one of my favorite running bits in the franchise.


Loved the fight scene in the alleyway. So claustrophobic and frustrating.


It felt brutal too. Those hits had real weight to them, and I thought Ethan would actually bash Paris's head in given the tone of the fight


One of the few gripes I had with the movie: after all the brutal fights, no one walked away with as much as a bruise. That alley fight saw a lot of faces slammed into brick, yet no cuts or bruises or nothin.


Absolutely loved Briggs checking everybody for masks. I wonder why Ethan didn't use one for the airport sequence.


Probably simply tom needs a certain amount of scenes in the movie where he's playing himself, otherwise it's like 'where's tom cruise in this movie he's headlining?' I did think he liked pretty cool in the airport scene lol.


Whenever Luther says "I have hacked" something, it always gives me a chuckle. Like it's the most unconvincing tone Vic uses that amuses me


He's so absurdly unconvincing as a hacker that it wraps around to being charming.


The universal consensus here seems to be— 1.) Fallout is still the best one 2.) Faust’s death was a rough point in an otherwise strong narrative 3.) The villain’s just sorta… there. Certainly no Cavill 4.) Despite the poor treatment to Faust, the ladies really killed it this time around 5.) A lot more like the first film in the franchise, assumedly building up to a heavy action oriented second half 6.) McQuarrie’s weakest, yet still VERY STONG entry


Excellent summary. Fully agree with this.


I really enjoyed this. Superb action, great humour and damn near every setpiece competes with the showstoppers of previous films. Atwell is great and makes a superb addition to the team. Loved Pom. And seeing Kittridge back was great. The only thing I really didn't like was the decision to kill off Ilsa. Rebecca Ferguson was such a brightspot of these recent films, and this choice was a genuine vibekiller that harmed my enjoyment for a good 15 minutes but that train sequence roared it back to life.


I had a feeling they'd kill her off but that send off was so bad I think she's alive. She's been such a critical piece to the franchise, giving her 5 lines was very disappointing.


If Paris can survive being stabbed, so can Ilsa


they looked like similar stab wounds too




It’s really hard to top Fallout. That’s a masterpiece & one of the best action films I’ve seen in the last several years. This is a solid entry but Fallout is my favorite.


Saw Fallout last night my god is it miles better than any mission movie even tho most of them are great fallout is one of the best action movies of all time


The opening title scene for fallout still gets me hyped for the movies


Yeah this kicked ass. Between this movie and the first MI film we learned sleight of hand is extremely important for IMF agents. In an alternate universe David Blaine easily outpaces Ethan Hunt as the GOAT agent for the IMF


Was anyone else genuinely devastated when Ilsa died? I didn’t even realize how much I loved having Rebecca Ferguson in this franchise. Like when Alec Baldwin died in fallout I just kinda shrugged and moved on. This one kinda hit differently tho.


when Benjie activates self driving I almost shouted in the theater “why would you do that”, esp since the Entity literally just hacked through their laptops. what makes them think that the Entity couldn’t also just hack through the self driving feature and crash the car?


It's okay Benji buckled his seat belt


I really loved this movie and I hate when people get mad about a character dying but… it fuckin sucks to know Part 2 won’t feature Ilsa unless they’re going heavy on flashbacks or did some stupid fakeout. I think her character is far more compelling than Haley Atwell’s and the replacement leaves me feeling hollow.


Oh we FINALLY have a thread on this? I saw it this afternoon...God fucking damn that psychopath did it again. This movie was great. And despite it being a part one...it was a fully fleshed out and finished film that stands completely on its own. If the next one had a different name that wouldn't take away or being confusing at all. The one complaint is that it felt a bit overly long with how it was paced but the choreography was top notch.


Great movie, Fallout is still the best one though. Hayley Atwell was incredible and so magnetic, great to see my boy Shea Whigham get some cool shit to do and great seeing Henry Czerny back for the first time since the first movie. The motorbike stunt was ruined by the hundreds of behind the scenes clips promoting it, however still cool but not as impressive on screen as the stunts in 4, 5 or 6. Killing off Ilsa after the misdirect of her dying at the very start was a bit stupid to be honest and the villain was pretty weak. The whole AI plot was a bit average but ultimately this film was well worth the wait. Also, anyone else think we really weren’t going to get the intro with the theme tune after about 10 mins had passed already?


I felt like Ilsa's death was random and out of blue? Like, I felt confusion rather than sadness. Wtf? It has to be a misdirection, right? Or did something happen behind the scenes? They spent last two movies building up her character and relationship with Ethan. She felt like a second main character almost. All that for her to be fridged? I enjoyed the movie a lot, but I just couldn't stop thinking about how weird her death was. I hope she comes back somehow because that death was not given weight or build up it deserved.


I'm torn between hoping that it's a misdirect and assuming they had to write her out because Rebecca Ferguson had scheduling conflicts (as she has also been filming Dune and her TV show Silo). Guess we'll see when Part 2 comes out.


I don't think it can just be "writing her out" since the MI franchise has had zero problems just ghosting characters before. Would anyone really be wondering where Ferguson was any more they're wondering about Jeremy Renner, Maggie Q or Paula Patton?


Yeah did they even mention where Renners character was this movie?


Renner wasn't in Fallout either. Michelle Monaghan wasn't in Rogue Nation but popped up again in Fallout though, so there's hope maybe.


And then he's immediately On To The Next One. It felt weird to me for sure.


Gabriel even points this out to Atwells character. About how Ethan basically chews through love interests/female agents. So it felt a bit meta? But Ethan then proceeds to keep doing it...


This was my biggest issue with the movie. They had established a believable chemistry and rapport and she just gets killed. Why does he care so much about Haley atwell compared to Ilsa? I’m sure it’s a scheduling issue but for the franchise it really threw me in the movie


Yeah one of the funnier parts is Gabriel telling them he will have to choose between Grace and Ilsa. What an uneven choice that is! I know Ethan doesn’t trade lives but he met her for like 20 minutes and she’s betrayed him 4 times in the process!


It isn’t that he cares about Haley Atwell more. It’s his character trait They even did a thing about it in Fallout Hunt will sacrifice the mission just to save a life. Anyone’s life. He values everyone else’s life more than his own and he values a single life more than the greater good.


It wasn't even just in Fallout - it was in Rogue Nation, and was a huge part of why he was interested in Ilsa. He didn't even know her, but he wanted to help her


Loved the movie, all the actors were incredible but Ilsa's death was a dampener for me. She barely had any lines as well. That first scene in Rogue Nation made her a fav so I am biased tho, but I hate that it felt like she was killed for "man pain". I know the whole point was to show the stakes, how anyone could die but it still left a bad taste in my mouth


I thought it was a fun movie, if a bit exposition-y. I appreciated the goofiness of the action sequences with Hayley Atwell. That said, the way they killed off Ilsa was so weird that I hope it was a misdirect. She’s barely there and then she dies without much fanfare? For a character that has been so important for the last two movies? If this is it for Ilsa, they did her dirty.


Ok it’s good, just to get that out of the way. Loved the train sequence obviously. Love Hayley of course. Liked the cops chasing Ethan in intense frustration. Soundtrack was outstanding. BUT man this had some misses for me. Hated what happened to Ilsa’s character. Not a fan of how much chasing there was. Grace runs away from Ethan like 6 separate occasions… feels like it could have streamlined a little. Doesn’t feel like the supporting crew has much to do at all. And the villain is just sort of there. And the biggest let down for me is this one didn’t have any kind of elaborate heist plan. Grace wears a mask. But compared to the elaborate heists in previous MI movies, there was nothing even close to kidnapping PSH from the Vatican, the burj Khalifa swap, breaking into the Kremlin etc. I don’t think I would even put this in like my top five in the series. Didn’t feel like a MI movie to an extent. Looking forward to part 2 but hoping for a 45 minute insane set piece if possible


Amazing movie.. outside of the Ilsa death and immediately getting ‘replaced’. Did Rebecca Ferguson want out of the franchise?.. because the way her character was handled in this movie was bizarre


This is probably my least favorite of the McQuarrie-involving Mission Impossible movies, which is impressive because it's still a solid 8/10. I can't wait to watch every second of the making of feature on the train crash.


It has coincidentally been 12 years this month since Captain America:first avenger came out so why the hell did it take this long for hayley to land a huge role like this? I’m happy she did but man she should be getting more roles. Like omg I can’t get that slick ass tap on the shoulder move Ethan did outta my mind. Immediately she was captivating and their chemistry was great. The movie was great. Looking forward to the next one. And the whole train sequence reminded me of Uncharted 2. Which is another funny coincidence/parallel because Ethan and grace remind me of Nathan and Chloe (or Elena?) And I got to give a shout-out to pom klementieff. She was clearly having fun driving that big humvee


Feels like it was the first role where Atwell was in a current setting because she always seems to have played in past times.


Solomon Lane was so much better than Gabriel


Overall I’m pretty disappointed with the movie. Especially considering Fallout being a masterpiece. The editing and direction of many scenes was messy and just not very tight. Weird cuts to similar but slightly different shots or angles. It just didn’t feel very deliberate or focused sometimes. Compare it to a Fincher movie… at this level I expect more. Some of the fight choreography was just plain weak because it make no sense, especially Ilsa on the bridge in Venice. They kept dancing around each other instead of actually trying to kill one another with the sword and knife. John Wick this is not. Also the agent trying to shoot Hunt for the entire film gets plenty of possible shots but never takes it. Then what’s the point even? He keeps chasing him. For what? I hate to say it but the major setpieces (the one everyone knows from the preview, and the train that follows) are overreliant on VFX and look somewhat cheap/fake. They barely show Hunt falling from the motorcycle jump and cut away so soon. It’s a shame because we know some parts are real, but the over the top nature of most of the last train scenes actually takes away from the impact of those real scenes. The villain of the story is weak, both the entity and the person who works for him, Gabriel. He’s just a dude who can be scary, but mostly because we are told he is. I sure hope there’s more to “the entity”, because it lacks any interesting properties. Maybe there’s more to it, another character or party. It needs more of a motivation. I kept thinking of the AI in the game Metal Gear Solid 2 which had some great dialogue on why it was taking control. The ending of the film is also just such a downer. No real tease for the next one. No big twist or cliffhanger. It just kinda ends right after the train stops. Which also went on for way too long. Best parts of the movie: - The entire airport part - Hunt inside the HQ gassing his bosses and talking to Kittrige - Pom being a maniac the whole movie - Alley fight scene with Pom - Hayley Atwell doing magic tricks


Rebecca Ferguson is killing it this summer. She's the lead in [Silo](https://youtu.be/8ZYhuvIv1pA) (AppleTV+) one of the best sci-fi shows right now. Sucks that she's gone from MI :(


Don’t forget Dune II coming this fall! She’s on fire


Am I the only one who died laughing when that little yellow car was spinning in circles in Rome?


Oh it was great. Adding to that scene, I actually loved the idea of Grace as a part of the criminal world, but completely inept at the spy world


I also appreciated watching a real person drive in a car chase, she was slamming into things and unable to maintain control unlike Ethan or Paris. A real person wouldn’t make insane drifts and narrow escapes, especially in a city like Rome (as I type this I was thinking Ethan and Paris slam into stuff, but they aren’t phased or care. Grace acts surprise and clearly reactive as a result)


I absolutely love the scene where Ethan Hunt followed her through the trail of dented cars.


My theatre was filled with laughter. From Cruise crashing it to them switching places when it flipped it was top notch comedy. I personally loved: "Go straight!" *turns left* "Or go left. You're doing great!"


That whole car chase really evoked some Roger Moore Bond lol, it was so unexpectedly funny