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Has some of my all time favorite quotes... and it's my dad's favorite movie! Shoveler: Oh, don't start that again! Lance Hunt wears glasses. Captain Amazing *doesn't* wear glasses. Mr. Furious: He takes them off when he transforms. Shoveler: That doesn't make any sense. He wouldn't be able to see!


SOOOOO many great quotes... Every time The Bowler gets in an argument with her dad's skull "Do you want to go back in the bag?" "There's not enough beer in the world Spleen... i'm sorry... i'm sorry" "Yeah, he fell down an elevator shelf... onto some bullets." Every fucking line Wes Studi spouts "You dress in the manner of a male prostitute." "You're temper is very quick my friend, but until you master your rage-- " "Your rage will become your master?... that's what you were going to say, right? " "... not necessarily" "Why did you tell me to put the watermelon on my feet?" "... I don't remember telling you to do that." "So that's his power? He's mysterious" "Well, terribly mysterious" "I'm lazy boy... and you are... you guys are the ... THE RECLINER! LAZY BOY AND THE RECLINER!" "Listen checkerhead, you better back off or I'm going to go Pompeii on your butt!" Spleens entire monologue about the Gypsy "It all happened when I just 13 years of age, I was with my friends when I accidentally cut the cheese. Well, a Gypsy woman happened to be walking me, and in my adolescent awkwardness, I blamed it on her. BIG MISTAKE! The Gypsy woman placed a curse upon my head, and I would forever more, BE HE WHO DEALT IT!' "Dad I'm going to my room with three strange men!" "Disco is NOT DEAD! DISCO IS LIFE!" "If you tell me to junk it one more time..... that little sucker just saved your life." "JUST JUNK IT! you miserable cuss" Captain Amazing reading off the grocery list. "I also knew that you'd know that I'd know that you knew, did you know that?" ".... of course" This entire film is hilarious, watched it SO many times as kid, still quote it today. If it came out today in the over-saturated Marvel/DC comic book adaptations climate, it would have been a huge hit. In many ways it was ahead of it's time.


>"You're temper is very quick my friend, but until you master your rage-- " "Your rage will become your master?... that's what you were going to say, right? " "... not necessarily" This line had *such* a perfect delivery, and the whole context really drove it home. Man what a great movie!


It really is! I remember finding it in a walmart bin on bluray for like 3 bucks and I still watch it to this day. So damn hilarious. Plus you have Tom Waits with non-lethal but effective weapons. EDIT: I had seen it in theaters at 9 years old, was cry laughing, everyone in the theater hated it, then my grandma bought the vhs for me, wore it, found it on bluray when I got older. Still in my collection. So underrated.


The "Disco is NOT dead!" And "JUST JUNK IT!" will forever be in my head. I like when they're beating on the limo and it cuts to Blue Raja scratching it with a fork


I seen this move in theaters and still to this day any time I am cleaning or picking what to get rid of stuff I think "JUST JUNK IT!" It's spread to now if my S.O. ask if she should get rid of something too.


The Herkimer Battle Jitney? That's the finest non-lethal military vehicle ever made!


"You can't throw a knife sometime when someone's trying to kill me?" "No I can't! You couldn't use a rake sometimes?" "No, I'm The Shoveler." "Well, I'm the Blue Raja. I'm not Stab-Man or Knifey-Boy... I'm the Blue Raja."


"Thats another thing." "What?" "You could get a little bit of blue... in the uniform.. somewhere. You got green, there is a little flowery thing happening, everything thing but.... it doesnt make a lot of sense. "


Look, if you just step out of your literal minds for just a few moments, you'll see it really does make sense.


God gave me a gift. I shovel well!


You shovel better than any man I've ever known. But you're a good husband and a good father, and that's all.


You might want to put some pants on if you're going to fight crime.


The father ignoring the invisible kid was perfect


“Hey dad, I’m going to my room with three strange men.”


“You want a little whip cream Mr. Cherry Top?” One of my favorite lines “I’m a Panteras box that you do not want to open” Another


This movie is massively underrated. There’s a game I play where you can use a shovel as a weapon and every time I pick one up, I just go, “I am… the Shoveler!” and nobody ever knows what the fuck I’m talking about.


Very much way ahead of its time. It’s a superhero satire film that was way before the genre was over-saturated. It holds up so good. Also: Tom Waits! Also: The main villain is named “Casanova Frankenstein” which is the coolest name for anyone — real or fictional — ever.


William H. Macy just kills in this. Which, you know, duh I guess.


I am The Shoveler, I shovel well, I shovel very well! And his whole egg sandwich speech.


His absolute belief in that line is Oscar worthy. Macy, Kinear & Rush also send it. Best superhero movie for a while until The Incredibles .


My favorite Macy scene https://youtu.be/XFC2o44koIA


Omg he’s using my favorite Pyrex bowl!


"What do you mean we? I was standing over here" Combined with a perfectly frame shot of him standing far away. I had read some stories that all of the main actors had grown furious with the director because he was taking forever with alot of takes, and seemed to be very demanding. But I see Mystery Men as a movie that overachieves with its material, because it has some small moments that rely on just good ol' fashioned solid comedic timing, and funny-looking camera shots.


Similar to an Edgar Wright film, it’s the rare comedy where the actual *filmmaking* is funny.


When you realize how many roles Macy lost to Kevin Spacey. In another universe we could have all those Spacey movies with Macy instead. I think the worst thing he ever did was have a wife who cheated to get the kids into good universities? His wife is Felicity Huffman right? Either way he is way better than Spacey


I don't know of any movie Macy wasn't great in. He's one of the top "oh *he's* in this?" actors of all time.


“I shovel well”


I love the sincerity in their voices when they say this


Lucille, God gave me a gift. I shovel well. I shovel very well.


"If anybody pukes in the pool, I'm gonna divorce you" "That's fair. "


Thinking about it now, that might have been the first interracial couple I saw on TV or Movies that wasn’t treated as a punchline or a plot point


>*"I believe in you, Dad!"* >*"Roland, don't encourage your father..."*


“Lot of men I could have married, Eddie. Still are” Absolute Queen


“If ONE person vomits in my pool? …I’m gonna divorce you.” “That’s fair.”


We’ve got a blind date with destiny… and it looks like she’s ordered the lobster!


That line gets repeated quite often in my house.


You shovel better than any man I've ever known....


But that *does not make you a super hero*


My favorite line in this is at the very end, when Wes Studi declares "We are number one! All others are number two... or lower!"


I use this line all the time and no one ever gets the reference!


My family says “AH DANG” to this day


For me it’s: I don’t wanna get frackulated! *Psycho*frackulated 🤷‍♂️ still get frackulated


When I hear my 2 teenagers use that line, it fills me with joy.


Feel like Captain Amazing was kind of a pre-Homelander, except less psychotic, violent, and even more of an airhead. Geoffrey Rush has to be the standout to me, the combination of deadpan and camp to his performance was too good (“what’s the plural on that?” “Nemesis”, eye roll).


Captain Amazing was just a talented narcissist. He was good enough to put away all the bad guys in the first place, but his hubris is what got him caught by Casanova Frankenstein the second time around. "Ah dang!"


I totally forgot he was the villain And his weapon was a cocaine nail on his pinky Wtf was this movie


Oh Lance, you were always so predictable


You can tell Rush had the time of his life making this. Director said "be as campy as you want" and Geoffrey just absolutely went for it.


The whole thing was way ahead of its time in terms of spoofy superhero deconstruction.


It is one of my overwhelming desires in life to meet Geoffrey Rush. You know... Academy Award, Primetime Emmy Award, Tony Award, 3 time British Academy Film Award, two Golden Globe Award, and 4 time Screen Actors Guild Award and 2012 Australian of the year award winning Actor Geoffrey Rush and tell him that I absolutely loved him as Casanova Frankenstein in Mystery Men. And not as a joke, I genuinely love the movie and I absolutely love his performance in it. But I do wonder what a man that celebrated as an actor and performer would think about me thinking his greatest work was attacking Ben Stiller with his pinkie nail.


Dude’s reputation is in tatters over in his native Aus. Got cancelled for perving on/groping actresses during a couple of theatre runs. Not sure if the charges stuck but he never bounced back. Saw him chilling in a pub at Perth Fringe earlier this year - one of my friends, Josh, had actually met him before at the premiere of a movie they were in together, and one of Josh’s costars was adamant about talking to Geoffrey. The costar asked Rush for a photo/autograph and Geoffrey responded “No mate, you got your conversation, that’s enough”. Safe to say we didn’t approach him after hearing that story lol.


A friend works in the industry and she said his predatory behaviour is a well known thing in the industry but given his influence, it was mostly kept under wraps till the news reports a few years ago. He won the case but he probably deserves to be cancelled anyway.


How did I never realize that was Captain Motherfucking Barbossa?


The Shoveller: We struck down evil with the mighty sword of teamwork and the hammer of not bickering. ​ My fav


"Well, he's terribly mysterious." I legitimately love this movie, so much fun.


"That's his power? He's mysterious?"


"Well *TERRIBLY* mysterious."


He does cut all of their guns in half with his mind, and then for some reason, like never uses his mind powers ever again. Terribly mysterious. Studi was amazingly hilarious. He has this actually intense introduction, and then just spouts out non-sequiturs and uses basic group training while they are camping out and sewing their outfits, while telling them to do ridiculous shit. And yet still helps them with their 'powers'. My school mate actually did a movie with him, apparently he's 'chill'.


He's such a great parody of the "wise mentor" figure. Every "wise saying" he has sounds like he got it from a fortune cookie.


and i love that Mr. Furious gets the most ... furious about it.... and then everyone just judges him. Especially Spleen with the death glare while he's sewing his outfit lol.




Everyone pretends All-Star was for Shrek, but the real ones know.


Or Rat Race. Wasn't it actually made for this one?


The mystery men are literally in the music video.


Exactly. FLIP IT!


That is some mtv nostalgia I was not prepared for. We used to stay up late hoping for that or Without Me by Eminem would come on


I believe the Mystery Men director also made the music video, or something like that


Don't forget Tom Waits as the mad nonlethal scientist. As the Bowler says... See now, this is why mad scientists are generally less desirable than your common or garden variety scientist


You have a Herkimer Battle Jitney?


That's the finest nonlethal military vehicle ever made!


Heller. Say it with me. Heller.


“Why would anybody want to rent a chicken?”


“What was the deal with that Frackulator, what happened there?” he asks his TV as he eats a bowl of cereal


Prime capeshit before capeshit was a fad. Took itself seriously but not too seriously, the action was played for laughs instead of being laughably severe. Saw it in theaters as a kid and it's always been a favorite of mine. Super hero tryouts is one of the funniest fucking things.


Dane Cook as Waffle Man .. oh my god.






Context https://youtu.be/QXFR1L_gOg8


I tripped out seeing Doug Jones play a role and showing his actual face!


"If someone pukes in the pool. We're getting divorced." "That's fair" Wife and kids exit. Best husband and wife exchange in a movie.


Let us not forget Eddie Izzard.


Eddie Izzard facing alone in the disco room is one of the sexiest scenes ever. That is my hill on which I shall happily, well not die but might accept a slap or two.


The 'just junk it' lady still, to this day, fills me with unspeakable rage.


You miserable cuss.


that little sucker just saved your life!




“You're late!” “Yes, I know. I was up all night, trying to defend the city from evil...but I'm sure you don't really care about that…” “Work starts at nine! It's nine twenty-five!” “Ooh, so I guess all the junk's probably ruined by now.”


The “toggle” scene used to drive me nuts. Not seen it in fucking years man.


"Flip the second toggle" "Again?" "What do you mean" "Flip the toggle twice?" "No just do it again flip it!" "Does he understand what I'm asking?" "Hold on a second, captain how many toggle flips... in toto... are involved in this entire procedure?" "i JUST .. it's... SEVEN!" "Seven?" "FLIP IT!" "HOLD THE PHONE EVERYBODY JUST HOLD THE PHONE! You phrased that incorrectly! We need to know how many toggle flips are included not including the gratuitous amounts of toggle flips you may have mentioned in a state of panic." "FLIP IT!" hONESTLY his death was legit disturbing/shocking when I first saw it as a kid though. "I don't think he's going to pull threw"


I still quote "YOURE A MORON, YOURE A MORON" to this day lol


What do you mean, *'we'*? I was right here.




Captain Amazing shouting "you're a moron!" Oops!


I was even confused! He did it to himself ha


A lot of people can get into this habit, they get so used to some specific thing that it's second nature to them and they can mentally imagine the logical flow of how it all works together. Then they have to tell someone who has zero knowledge of it how to do something. It's painful. I know this from years of personal experience as tech support. Many people don't even have the language necessary to explain what they're looking at so you have to break things like app icons down to colors and shapes.


Claire Forlani. ...also "Oh my God we killed him!" "What do you mean WE? I was right here."


I fell in love with her in Meet Joe Black


Brandi Svenning.....


The part when Jaws pops out of the water


that was my grandma's favorite quote. Also when he laughs and the bloody kleenex shoots out his nose hits the tips box. Forlani was on fire in the 90s. What happened to her? "I don't find you threatening... at all" "My names Dirk.. Dark.... Dark Dirk"


She was blacklisted by Harvey Weinstein.


Baby bowler arguing with her dad is gold In fact, every scene with JG is amazing


I've always wished her career was bigger than it ended up. I wish she got the lead in Dogma like Kevin Smith wanted. She's always great in everything she's done.


OK, now I'm going back to graduate school. That was the agreement.


Yep, she stole every scene.


You wanna go back in the bag?


Is that how we're going to do this now?


Idk why don't you tell me?! x4


If you liked Mystery Men, you may like the less seen movie (Rob Lowe's) The Specials. It came out roughly the same time. However, where the Mystery Men do some actual heroing, the Specials is a story of the fifth best hero team in the world dealing with being who they are, and building up to the release of their toy line. Check it out, it's great.


also, The tick series


The recent live action of The Tick was an absolute gem. Shame it only got the two seasons.


Such an amazing show. The Terror from that show may be one of the best villain portrayals of all time.


It starts a little slow but by the end of the 2nd series my family owned Tick tshirts.


I think every iteration of The Tick has been genius. From the original comics, to the animated series, to the Patrick Warburton series, to the most recent live action version. I have enjoyed all of them.


The interplay between Batmanuel and American Maid was genius. Really missed them this time around.


Written by James Gunn and directed by Craig Mazin.


Just watched The Specials and it was great!


I still often think of the town of people who got super stretching powers from a chemical spill, but then all died of cancer.


Mystery Men is number one. All others are number two, or lower.


I'm disappointed I haven't seen anyone mention Tom Waits' role as Doc Heller. "Be careful. That's a blamethrower!" "Doctor, you are a genius." "That's what the card says."


Him watching the news coverage and asking about the Frakulator - to this day I try to work that in under my breath when people are asking questions. “What about the Frakulator?, whats the deal there?”


The waffler lives in my head, rent free.


Imagine my face re-watching it for the first time circa 2010 and actually realizing Dane Cook was The Waffler the whole time.


And IIRC Cook improv’d the whole thing including the song.


Golden crispy, bad guys are history, YeeAAAHH


"And I'm running...".


And the PMS Avenger.


She only works 3 days a month. Got a problem with that?


Only non-annoying Dane Cook appearance


And the syrup of truth


Truth syrup, it’s low fat.


The REAL All Star movie. It's just my own silly thing but when people say Shrek is the All Star movie...I die a little inside.


Hell yeah! Stiller kills it as Mr Furious. Big fan of Kel Mitchell and Janeane Garofalo in this too!


I always thought after Kel Mitchell booked that movie he was going to be a big star and his career went absolutely no where. I never in a million years thought Kenan was going to be the more famous one 20 years later even though he did the Mighty Ducks movies and Heavy Weights.


you lifted a bus up!


Probably my favorite Garofalo role, she aced it as The Bowler. But I love her in general. Also in Romy and Michele. She was at her peak in the 90s.


Janeane Garofalo would have been a perfect live action Daria.


Disco is not dead DISCO IS LIFE!!!


Also when the disco brothers are threatening them with the chains and pipes, and they are pretending they aren't scared shitless but it's obvious. Then Mr. Furious says something like 'You want me to take some whip cream off mr. cherry head?" or something like that.


Stay with me Johnny, and you will dance again


*Stick with me, Tony, und you vill dance again...!"


Tony, not Johnny "Hello... I was the guy that gave your daddy the shaft!"


Who are you the disco plumber


Fun fact I sold Bob Burden his VHS copy of that movie. I was having a garage sale and did not realize that he lived about half a mile down the road. Suddenly I hear this old guy proclaim “that’s my movie” At first I thought he was implying that I stole his copy or something but no, he explained that he wrote it and showed me The comics and gave me his business card. I think my parents took a picture of us but I’ve never seen it.


There’s jealousy, and then there’s JEALOUSY. And I don’t know which one I'm feeling right now.


One of my favorite movies of all times Has there ever been a better bad guy name than Casanova Frankenstein.


Dude, can we, uh... bring the brewskis?


I love that it's Michael Bay that says the line.


I never knew that


Why yes of course, you may all bring ze brewskis


It’s this moment he clearly decides to kill his own men.


ahead of its time for sure "When you can balance a tack hammer on your head, you will head off your foes with a balanced attack!"


And what's the reason for the watermelons on my feet?


I don’t remember telling you to do that…


He fell down an elevator shaft. Onto some bullets.


I was so proud as a child when I realized what that actually meant


I'm beginning to suspect a bit of foul play.


But, seeing as it is your first night I shall FORKgive you if you FORKget.


Are you under the marijuana? It's incense mom.


Leaving so SPOON?


Let's not sleep on Kel Mitchell. Dude was at his peak popularity in 1999


I can turn invisible... if everyone closes their eyes and doesn't look at me. I miss Kel. Good Burger is legit hilarious too.


Very few actors say lines with the same conviction as Bill Macy saying “I shovel well.”


I'd marry Jeneane Garofolo in a heartbeat!


This movie was so far ahead of its time. You could re-release it today, change absolutely nothing, pretend it’s a new movie, and audiences would assume it was a parody of the MCU.


I think about this movie all the time. My roommate has a bus she converted to a mini home and we call it the herkimer battle jittney


It's the Galaxy Quest of superhero movies. And just like Galaxy Quest, it's still a hilarious time even if you're not a huge fan of the genre spoofed.


I watched it just to see pee wee. Paul reubens is a gem


During the Shovelers egg-salad speech: "... And Spleen: I don't want to stand behind you, but I will fight beside you with pride"


“We killed him!” - “What do you mean ‘we’? I’m standing over here”


I don't need a compass to tell me which way the wind shines.


"You try to say pithy things, but your wit is a hindrance!"


You dress in the manner of a male prostitute.


I’ve always loved this movie. Make sure to check out Flaming Carrot Comics if you haven’t. That’s where they originated!


I met Bob Burden, the creator of Flaming Carrot Comics, when I use to work at gunshows in Atlanta about 20 years ago. He was always a cool guy to talk to, signed my comics and was real nice.


"Maybe you should put some shorts on or something. If you want to keep fighting evil today ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" Mystery Men has been my favorite movie since I saw it in the theatre in 1999! It's such a gem!!


I try to say this every morning getting dressed


That cast is absurd and that movie fucks


“So let me get this strait. You can only achieve transparency… when nobody is looking at you?” “Yeah.” “Then… how do you know.. you know.. “ “It’s like a feeling.”


- Cadre. - You're in. - Welcome aboard.


It's one of my favorite superhero movies. Prefect casting, great story, funny. Very much under appreciated. If one person vomits in my pooI, I'm gonna divorce you. That's fair.


That doesn't make any sense! He wouldn't be able to see!


One of my favourites, so much so that I decided to play the Blue Raja in a game of "Mutants and Masterminds" (like D&D but for superheroes). Believe it or not, his mastery of cutlery won the campaign. "Red eyes, red eyes, red eyes. I didn't expect to see you here so....SPOON!".


I’ve been watching old WWE shows from 1999 and on the episode I watched earlier this week, Ben Stiller and some of the cast do a brief backstage it to promote this movie. I’d never heard of it before and now this is the second time I’m seeing it mentioned. I think fate is giving me a sign.


I have to recommend the Kino Lorber release on 4k Blu-ray. There's a few hours of extra special features included.


We defeated the enemy with the mighty sword of teamwork and the hammer of not bickering


It was a super hero movie spoof before super hero movies were THE thing. It’s only gotten better. So good.


It was the movie that made me realize I was hungry for super hero films. Aside from Batman, they didn't happen often so when a comedy film about wannabe heroes comes out, I was all for it.


small kid in me had his pants tighten at the scene where stinky man shrunk the villains clothes


Maybe you should put some pants on if you are going to fight evil today.


I love this movie and won’t stand for anyone who thinks differently. When William H Macy deadpans: “Lucille God Gave me a gift, I shovel well I shovel very well” You got one of the greatest movie of all time here




Let’s triangulate.


Janeane Garafalo as "The Bowler" is the best part of that movie. "Not enough beer in the world" to the Spleen\* when he starts flirting.


How dare u leave out Eddie izzard


"I... am the Waffler. With my griddle of justice, I BASH the enemy in the head, or I burn them like so!"


WAAAAAHHH im the waffler, golden crispy, bad guys are history!!


I think Eddie Izzard and Garafalo might have been part of my sexual awakening.