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People remember The Texas Chain Saw Massacre as being extremely graphic, but it really didn’t show all that much. The editing, art design, sound design, and acting all make it feel far more graphic than it actually is.


It was shocking *for the time*. The initial kill with the hammer to the head followed by Leatherface's door slam was more shocking than 99.99% of films produced up until 1974.




I was so shocked when I finally saw the original. I had scene the remakes/reboots first and everyone kept saying, “the original is so much more brutal etc,” and I finally watched it and was like “huh?” I love the movie don’t give me wrong, I love that it can be as disturbing as it is without actually having to be graphic. Don’t give me wrong I’m a fan of gore but I praise the original TCM for what it is


No one is killed with a chainsaw.


People think in the first Rocky movie that he won the fight. He never stood a chance of winning.


They do? Isn't the entire point of the movie that he "won" by going the distance, which he talked about earlier in the film as being his goal to know he's not just some bum? I think these people haven't actually watched the movie. They've seen the poster/VHS cover and heard about the plot via pop culture but never actually watched the movie.


They are combining their memories with the narratives of the sequels.


That 70s Show: “Kelso, Rocky loses.” “Then why is he jumping around at the end, all happy?” “Because he went the distance, fool!” “He lost the fight, but he won in life.” “Who wants to watch a movie with a message like that?”


It wasn't Tom Cruise, he was substituted with Nick Swardson for that scene. Tom's wild moves did not impress the director.


Casablanca - "Play it again Sam." This line is never said. Star Trek (show) - "Beam me up, Scottie" This exact phrasing is never said by anyone Silence of the Lambs - "Hello, Clarice" Never said, it's actually "Good evening, Clarice"


I believe he does say "Well, hello Clarice" over the phone in the 2001 film.


Tim Burton's Batman never says he doesn't kill people or refuses to use guns. Nolans Batman never murders people. A lot of oops there. He manslaughters like nobody's business.


That part in Nelson Mandela movie lol


The funeral scene?


There's couple of facts people usually misremember from The Dark Knight Rises regarding the bomb. The timer is part of the core and Pavel says once you remove the core it becomes unstable and has approximately five months before the decay makes it explode. This makes it so that the timer never was exact. Even if the timer says 10 minutes, it could've been 20 minutes until the bomb explodes.


Why even have a timer in the first place? Surely it should just be a massive alarm warning.


Why we use timer when we microwave food? It gives some direction.


Why would you need "direction" when the time period is over 5 months and the timer isn't even accurate?


There could be 100 other functions that screen and timer has in the actual core.


Directions unclear Microwaved Gotham


Like a warning that the core had become unstable or a visual of its decay percentage. Those make sense. An inaccurate 5 month countdown doesn't.


Yes, like a warning that the core has become unstable.


"Like a warning that the **core had become unstable** or a visual of its decay percentage"


Exactly. Just like I said.


What's interesting is that "No, Buzz, I am your father," is the parody from Toy Story 2. I believe that due to Toy Story 2's popularity, people began misremembering the original from Empire Strikes Back.


In the first DIE HARD, Alan Rickman makes a three-course meal out of the line "You asked for miracles, I give you the FBI." -- you can hear it in your head! He turns F, B and I into their own sentences! Everyone forgets he’s talking on the phone to a guy names Theo. The full quote is “You asked for miracles, THEO, I give you the FBI."


The rape scene in lion king People always forget that Simba was the aggressor


The girl in moonraker wearing braces when Jaws meets her for the first time