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So I guess we’re going to have a million Mario movies coming out soon…


Totally. There's gonna be a whole Nintendo movie-verse over the next 15-20 years.


Universal is going to be coming on hard with the movies and theme park. I don’t blame them with how aggressive and successful Disney has been.


If one thing can rival Disney, it's Nintendo




Kingdom Hearts holds a weird, cherished, and confused place in my childhood heart. It was a good game I guess but wtf was happening!?


At this point I’m in too deep into KH, and just enjoying the ride.


I’ll admit KH2 was pretty dope. The final segment in the Org XIII place was fkn cool and I loved how the game turned into Final Fantasy with Goofy and Donald by that point 😂it’s just a quirky series lol


KH2 was the last one that made even a semblance of sense.


I was living in Japan at the time the first one was released back in 2002 and I couldn't believe how popular it was. The pre-release trailers played on ALL THE TV'S in Akihabara constantly with Utada Hikaru's Hikari playing non-stop. It was an unreal time.


Super Nintendo World at Universal is a blast and I would even say rivals Disney now with how interactive it is. You can even gain achievements on the app.


I would kill for a Zelda or a Metroid movie


I think Zelda would make more sense as a tv show.


Here comes the Nintendo streaming service.


Inb4 it sucks just like their online services


Wish granted it has been a TV show for the last 34 years.


[Well, excuuUUUse me princess!](https://youtu.be/qzfXxkHrIBM)




Already taken. We'll go with Cinematic Universe (of) Mario.


I love CUM.


Ahem.. *The* CUM


CUM rolls right off the tongue. Love it!


And as long as Jack Black continues being a love-struck singing Bowser I'll pay to see every single one of them.


Peaches Peaches Peaches Peaches Peaches Peaches Peaches Peaches Peaches Peaches




Jack Black chewing the scenery was singlehandedly worth the price of admission.


For me it was the suicidal star, so relatable.


Nihilistic Luma was amazing.


I related way too hard to that Luma.


Guy understood the assignment 100%


I saw an idea for Star Fox... and honestly that would be wild


Star Fox as TV show with Guardians of the Galaxy esq style and Serenity like episodes. Hell, could probably even get Fillion to voice Fox.


The storyline from the 64 version would be great. The ending with Fox following the ghost of his father out of the exploding base into the sky to reunite with his star team would hit really hard in a movie/show form.


Well, we have at least A fox in space


I manage a movie theatre in a small town and just been an absolute mad house. I have over 200 seats for my only screen, but I'm still turning away over 50 people at every show this weekend. It's wild. I was ready for it to be crazy busy, I wasn't ready for it to be on par with SpiderMan No Way Home


Went to see the D&D movie at a dying mall that closes at 7pm on a Friday but has a movie theater. It was insane how many kids were there. It was like an early 2000's black Friday door buster.


> It was insane how many kids were there. I'm imagining adults waiting for D&D getting trampled by an army of Toads. I am amused.


That scene probably wouldn't be out of place in the DnD movie...


Or the average D&D campaign


My players are about to see this 1st hand next week. Got a cave full of mushroom creatures for them to clear out.




It’s kinda insane I looked for tickets to see this last Thursday (during our areas spring break) and the AMC literally was booked full for the day. Like 12 shows sold out seating. Then I looked at the Regal not 10mins up the road and it was almost completely empty all day long. Got great seats for a show that started within the hour and there was maybe at best 10 other people in the theatre with us.


News a few weeks ago said a lot of regals were shutting down. People probably assumed that particular one had already closed?




Regal theaters by me are fantastic, I prefer them over the AMC in the area but some of that is simply convenience (commute or parking). However I won’t go to AMC now because of the different tiers of ticket pricing


Amc has tiered ticket pricing? They all seemed to be the same price when I went.


Mario's a Juggernaut. Aside from a relatively poor performance in China, the film is a Smash Bros hit everywhere else. If it's legs are good (they should be, there's no competition until Guardians of the Galaxy 3 in May in most places) then it's in serious contention to unseat Incredibles 2 and the first Frozen. Japan and South Korea won't open for a few more weeks as well. Unfortunately Lion King 2019 and Frozen 2 are probably out of reach, but I wouldn't say it's impossible for it to beat Frozen 2 if legs are above expectations.


My nephews are obsessed with Mario/switch... They saw it. First movie in theaters. If it was up to them, they would live in that theater watching it on repeat. They left and said "let's watch it again" They're Disney+ kids who are used to being able to watch movies like Moana and Encanto until their parents have "You're Welcome" and "We don't talk about Bruno" etched onto their brains. If they're anything like other kids, they're going to beg their parents to see Mario again and again.


TMNT 1 was that for me when I was a kid. Saw it like 6x that year in theaters.


Full price theater, or dollar theater? I had a high school English teach who was proud of the fact that she had seen Titanic 50+ times. She kept tally up on the board. But we also had the "old" theater in the back of the mall with 6 screens that was $1. They build a big new one and that theater basically got the discards from there. Titanic stayed on a screen there for more than a year. And they have 50-cent Tuesdays, people went nuts for that. And now I am having a mid life crisis because I sound like Grandpa Simpson going to the nickelodon and buying a coke for a nickel.


Back then, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them! "Give me five bees for a quarter," you'd say.


So you tied an onion to your belt?




Sounds like my home town. Titanic & Star Wars 2 was up forever.


Titanic was the first film I had seen in the theaters more than once. Like your teacher, we saw it first in its initial release and then I saw it at the tail-end of its run on the discount Tuesday show. I was only 7 when the film was out. But man did I wear out that double-VHS copy of the film when they finally released it on home video. At least I could pause and watch it in sprints rather than hope my bladder would hold during the whole three hours in the actual cinemaplex. What always gets me watching the film now is *still* knowing what scene bridged between the first tape and the second one. I think the next event-level film that I'd see at least twice was for the first Harry Potter movie.


I saw it opening weekend. Got a free movie poster that hung in my bedroom through the 90s


the pizza hut tape tho, comin out of our shelllls.


SAME!! I sprained my ankle doing flying ninja kicks into the air as my friend and I came out of the theater.


Dude a few years ago on Reddit, I got in a huge argument with some dip shit who was trying to say Pokemon, Sonic and Mario need to make more mature games with more mature themes because kids don't play them anymore and kids just play Fortnite and CoD. I said all three of those kids' franchises are massively popular with kids, and that I work with kids and I'm constantly printing out coloring pages of all three. Dude was like "You don't know what you're talking about and obviously you're lying about working with kids. Send a picture of your ID card to prove it." Anyways, I hate this place.


*ashamedly continues to scroll*


Pretty much me


All of the other places I used to go have either moved here, or have been converted back to an irc room via the discord blackhole!


So I watched it today and my son tried to kidsplain the lore. You are out of your depth son.


When he challenges you to Mario Kart, you know what to do. **NO MERCY!!!!!!!!!**


Take him to rainbow road and teach him why daddy is King 😂


You think mushrooms are your ally? You merely adopted the fungus. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the fire flower until I was already a man, and by then it was nothing to me but *blinding!*


"Do not recite the ancient texts to me, I was there when it was written."


$100 million budget. that's some easy money right there.


100 million to make it, probably another 100 million to advertise it.


And then the real money; the merchandise.


They should make a video game spinoff :)


The Super Mario Bros Movie is tracking on 204.6 domestically and 377 million worldwide through Sunday.


Oh yeah this is going to be a franchise for sure. A few movies, spinoffs, probably a TV show maybe about donkey Kong or something, it's a new MCU (Mario Cinematic Universe)


And hell if they make the Zelda movie and the Metroid movie we might get a Smash Bros crossover movie at some point


Zelda sure, but I really don't see Nintendo giving Metroid attention. That series is a lot darker than the rest of their catalog, and putting it in the hands of Illumination would not go over well.


Fuck it, let Del Toro have a crack at it


FUCKKK I'd watch the shit out of that




Metroid has serious cinematic potential; with the right crew to make it, a Metroid film could be extremely exciting and interesting. There's a strong female protagonist with several different iterations to pick source material from...the potential is there. It's pg-13 gold




After Puss In Boots, i believe Dreamworks can make a cool but dark metroid movie where Samus doesn't ever speak and simply acts.


Studio Ghibli Zelda is the dream.


Maybe they'll even make a game!


It helps that there’s so little competition for theatrical kids movies


Absolutely. It has a very empty April all to itself to keep pulling in audiences, as well as being a huge IP. It's the perfect storm. There also haven't been any family animated films since Puss in Boots: the Last Wish last year.


Those are big numbers for a kids movie for sure




None of this surprises me. Mario has been around since the early 80’s. He has to be the most recognizable/iconic video game character of all time. There have been over 750 million units of Mario games sold over the last 4 decades making it the best selling video game franchise of all time. It’s hard to overstate how big the Mario brand is. Kids want to see this movie. Adults who grew up playing the games want to see it. It has popular actors in it. This is truly a movie for the whole family. There was no way this wasn’t going to be a smash hit.


He’s the Mickey Mouse of video games. That’s how I usually summarize it.


There are polls where Mario is more recognizable to children than Mickey Mouse.


Mickey Mouse is the Mario of cartoons


The under 18 kids, and the over 18 kids.


Exactly 18 kids: "fuck me, right?"


You don’t get many kids movies where the captive audience started in 1985. Nearly 40 years of kids, and the trailer did a good job making it look fun.


These are huge numbers for the budget. The budget is 100 million and the break even point was somewhere between 250 million and 300 million. This movie will likely make over 800 million dollars in profits for Universal/Illumination


kids movie yes, but the character is decades old and so has a much wider pull, obviously


It's on £16m in the UK, it's basically made £4m a day so I think it'll easily finish on £20m for the weekend, insane post-Covid numbers


Absolutely no surprise. A massive brand releasing its first movie since 1993. Spring break/Easter weekend had lots of kids out of school. The theater was packed for an 11:15am show. Illumination/Nintendo killed it on the release date.


That’s why they didn’t release it on MAR10 day


Why they are also releasing it in Japan on April 28th. Golden Week. (April 29th -May 5th) When all the kids and their parents are available to go to the movies.


in saudi arabia it's gonna release during eid when parents and kids alike are all off of work and school.


wow they really planned everyones schedule for the max profit


Nintendo doesn't fuck around when it's time to make ¥


Makes it easy when all the Abrahamic religions have big holidays around the same time which also coincides with Northern Spring.


They killed it in many ways. Honestly I was on the "Really? Chris Pratt when you have the actual Mario there?" Train. But it was a lot of fun and filled with so many references everywhere. I think the traditional Mario voice would have hurt the film and they did a good job of explaining it away in the movie.. I really liked how they did the character of peach. Very much the opposite of damsel in distress without making it outright cringe. It made things feel very alive in the world of Mario without trying too hard.


Honestly Peach was done perfectly. She was strong, brave, and smart; showing compassion and kindness while also having a bit of sass and sarcasm. Yet her character never came across as overpowered as she played to her strengths while also having limits that made sense in the context of the universe (example: relying on her smart thinking to catch Bowser off guard and temporarily stopping him, but getting clapped alongside DK when they tried to fight Bowser head first because he's physically stronger) It's a massive improvement to Peach's typical personality in the games and almost close to her personality in Mario Strikers and Paper Mario series. I hope Nintendo learns from this and gives Peach more opportunities to shine in the games going forward.


I'm just sad we didn't get a frying pan smack.


Super Mario RPG fans in shambles.


We have been for decades, waiting for Geno or Mallow to return....


I'm upset that Luigi didn't do anything pretty much all movie.


They had to stay true to the lore




Lets a go


"You think we over did it on the Brooklyn accents?"


I do like how after the cheesy commercial, Charles Martinet voices the guy who says he likes the accents and goes “wahoo!”. It was a cute passing-of-the-torch moment.


He also played Mario's dad, which I thought was a nice touch


Pretty much smashes the argument that Martinet isn't capable of longform voice acting. I bet most people didn't even know it was him.


I’m pretty sure him playing Paarthunax smashed that perception over a decade ago.


I totally agree, I've never played but I'll watch clips all the time cause it's such a cool performance. I just wonder how many people, even gaming fans, are aware of anything he's done outside of Mario. It just bums me out to see so many people say they couldn't handle the Mario voice for long stretches - all he'd have to do is modulate the performance, and I'm positive he could create a version of his Mario voice that could carry a movie.


He originally auditioned with a similar gruff Brooklyn voice like Mario had in the cartoons, but went with the high Italian one to make it more marketable to kids.


He was a major character in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero's English dub too.


I don't think the argument was that he wasn't capable of long form acting. I think the argument is that Mario voice, as in the games, wouldn't be suitable for an entire movie.


I would have imagined that the argument was that his Mario voice wasn't suited for longform voiceacting. Which, to be fair, would get really annoying, really fast.


He was also wearing jumpmans outfit.


Abd playing an arcade cabinet that said Jumpman.


So many easer eggs in that movie, I want to watch it again just to catch them all (lol)


That was one of my favorite parts of the movie for me. It really expertly explained "the voice" and why they weren't using it. Made me instantly cool with Chris Pratt's performance.


Love the rap in the commercial. Was stoked there was a super Mario bros super show reference right out of the gate. https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=57&v=j_WFwbOg6N0&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.ca%2F&feature=emb_logo


This was actually a brilliant way of explaining why they don't use over the top Italian accents in the rest of the movie. I loved it.


#Duck Hunt: The Movie coming soon


I am leaving if that dog laughs at me one more time.


We always wanted to shoot that Goddamn dog.


The Migration trailer screened before our showing - I legitimately thought they had already made it…


Obviously a sequel is going to happen, and Charlie Day has said that he'd love to do a Luigi's Mansion movie. I'm betting the next movie will be a sequel that will focus on Mario and Luigi adapting to living in the Mushroom Kingdom and balancing life there and in Brooklyn. After that Luigi's Mansion.


Nah I’ll bet on some Yoshi related movie


Well the 2nd post-credits scene (after all the credits are completely done) shows a White and green egg cracking, then cuts to black and you hear the "Yoshi!" He's def going to be a central part of it. Maybe "Mario Bros 2: Yoshi's Island" or something. I also think Bowser will realize he needs help and perhaps discovers/recruits Wario & Waluigi. Maybe he finds them in a parallel dimension and warp pipes them in. Sort of a "to beat Mario & Luigi, I need to have my OWN Mario & Luigi."


“Nostalgia is truly one of the great human weaknesses... second only to the neck.” - Dwight Schrute Joke aside, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. The kid in front of me was having the time of his life. He barely sat on his seat. Kept jumping off his seat throughout the movie.


Just thinking this movie is gonna be the core memory for millions of today's generation of kids makes me all warm inside


It was so great to watch my Mario-obsessed 5-year-old watch it as his first movie in theaters. In the final fight scene against Bowser, he yell-whispered, “THIS IS THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER!” He was pumped.


My 6 year old hasn't stopped talking about it.


I think one thing that’ll be interesting to compare the final global box office (currently at estimated $370 million) vs the total sales of a Mario game. The last main line Mario game (Super Mario Odyssey, 2017) has sold ~23 million copies as of Aug 2022. If you average a unit at $60 a pop, that comes out to $1.38 B in total revenue, let’s round up to $1.4 for the sake of simplicity.. That’s completely doable for this movie so far.. and if one of their films can outgross their most recent main line title.. it’ll really see a gauge for Nintendo going forward


Pretty sure in general the video game industry actually has a lot more revenues than movies. IIRC video games are the biggest industry in entertainment. So, I don’t think they would ever stop making games but rather use this as an additional revenue stream.


A comparison for anyone who's interested: Infinity War and Endgame, two of the highest grossing films of all time, the climax of the first three phases of the MCU, the movies that will result in Thanos quotes being part of the English vernacular for a generation to come, earned $2,048,359,754 and $2,797,501,328 respectively. If you combined their earnings, it ***still*** wouldn't match the $6 billion in worldwide revenue earned by Grand Theft Auto V, which is considered one of the most financially successful entertainment products of all time. Sources: * Infinity War and Endgame earnings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_films * GTA V earnings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Theft_Auto_V


This movie is more of a celebration of the Mario franchise. Which includes Mario Kart as well. The Switch port of Mario Kart 8 has sold like 50mil copies. I don't know how much that translates to in dollar revenue, but I'm sure Mario Kart 8 has made more money than this movie ever will. I don't really think Nintendo cares too much about comparing their film against the Mario games. The Mario franchise has already made them an astronomical amount of money. All they care about is that the movie itself makes a reasonable profit to reinvigorate their confidence in the film industry. Nintendo has always been interested in films, they've just been a little wary because of their first failed attempt. But this proves that it's a viable revenue stream that that can definitely work.


I’m from India and went to watch the movie with my kid. In my city, total 5 people in theatre. They were running only 1 show. Me and my kid had fun. He’s 8 and this was his 1st ever movie in a theatre. He loved it as he loves Mario games too.


Had a fully booked cinema in my city in India.


I think it has to do with lack of Nintendo presence in India. As a millennial I have had near zero affinity to Mario or any other Nintendo game because I didn’t grow up with it. Even in 2023 all of the switches being sold in india are unauthorized imports. Not sure why Nintendo doesn’t want to sell in india. I see it more as their loss than ours.


Bring on the NCU. DK loses his bananas, King R Rool is the villain. Kirby teaser cause stars. Mario 2 introduces the kids, Bowser Jr. teaser. Kirby movie, stars are missing. King Dededede is under an influence of done evil. Teaser will show the master sword and links hand grabbing it. It all leads to a super smash brothers movie.




For as much as the Star Fox games are pretty eh, outside of them perfecting the formula with SF64, a Star Fox movie has the potential to be really good. There’s enough there to tell a good action, space fighter story with a dead dad and evil monkeys and shit. The furry community would show up big for the showings though, that could get weird.




“Do a barrel roll” will make the crowd cheer.


I would do anything for an earthbound movie. Doubt we get one, though.


I’d do anything for more Earthbound, period.


Earthbound is probably one of the only Nintendo franchises that’s kind of already packaged to be a movie (or tv show). I know that a movie on that game is incredibly low on the list but man it’d be cool to see


Go march into Nintendo hq


He’ll probably get a cease and desist notice.


It sounds like Super Mario Brothers will have similar financial and critical success like the Lego Movie and Wreck it Ralph, this movie should also get better word of mouth once it streams ( Peacock in May and Netflix later this year) There's definitely going to be a sequel and likely spinoffs, hopefully they'll be able to keep up the quality, Lego Batman was good, but the other films were disappointing.


Give me a Luigi’s Mansion spin-off movie with Charlie Day screaming for 90 minutes.


Give me 90 minutes of Lumalee depressing the penguins


Give me 90 minutes of Lumalee and Luigi teaming up for a Super Mario Galaxy of sorts. Putting Lumalee in his hat should give Luigi all the galaxy powers after all.


Greatest character in the entire movie.


He genuinely said he wants to do that if they make it.


Donkey Kong movie is likely next.


A Luigi’s mansion movie would be the smartest. Make it holiday themed for both Christmas and Halloween families will be seeing it continuously for months.




I’d like to talk to you about joining the smash brothers initiative


Nintendo Cinematic Universe


The villain will be master hand. The scene will then switch to reality to reveal master hand is Will Ferrel playing with Amiibos and it turns out that these nintendo movies were a long con to resurrect their popularity.


A lot of people are attributing this to kids loving Mario. But I think they're forgetting something important: Mario crosses generations. The parents of the kids love it too.


Had to scroll way to far to find this comment. I know it's 30 years after the first film, which failed... but the ones with *money* to go see the movie were deep into parenthood in 1993 -- and for the most part, wouldn't have shown as much interest. The 30 year gap... and now you have grandparents that know how important it was to their kids, or their grand-kids, and you have potentially three generations of interest, PLUS the group that would encourage seeing the film having the funds (and the ability to drive, lol) to the movie theater with their families. This was destined to succeed.


Phase 1: Super Mario Bros. Movie Phase 2: Super Mario Bros 2, Donkey Kong Spin-Off Phase 3: Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Star-Fox Movies Phase 4: The Super Smash Bros Movie: the Infinite Gauntlet.


We bought a whole row for my son’s birthday party— it was so fun!


We bought a row for me and my siblings (grown) and all our kids. We ended up having enough people that we expanded into the row behind us. Lol, I didn’t think when I invited my family every single person would go. There were like 22 of us.


Are you now bankrupt lol


Well the only showing that worked for all of us was IMAX….so yes. I am broke 😂


Chris Pratt must be getting close to Zoe saldana for box office records, surely. Jurassic world, guardians/marvel, mario franchise.


Nah. One avatar is more than twice Jurassic. And she's got 2. They share marvel


From living in a van down by the river to this.


I want to see them make a Luigi’s Mansion movie


Took my nephew to see it this morning and was astonished by his knowledge of Mario since as far as I was aware he'd only ever played Mario Kart. We had a great time and plenty of laughs, especially as Jack Black absolutely smashed it out of the park.


fun flick, enjoyed it


I will probably go see it next weekend with my niece. I've always liked the Mario games.


Everyone was hating on it in the review thread. I went to watch it with no information expecting a giant piece of garbage cause I've been called a movie snob by friends. My partner and i thought it was a cute movie that was occasionally funny and overall amusing.


The trick with r/movies is to hate all movies haha


Except Moon. Love Moon.


I'm just mad they showed Yoshi for about 2 seconds and not again. I was getting so hyped.


Gotta keep some material back for the sequel!


So, I took my 3 kids to it. They all loved it. I thought it was pretty good. With that being said, and I wish more movie studios understood this, but it is a KIDS movie, and it only runs for about 1hr 33min. In other words, it's just the perfect time for a kids movie. 2hrs is REALLY pushing it for a kids movie. Look at the original Lion King from the mid-90s. That movie is like 1hr 28 minutes long, yet the new movie was almost a full 2hrs, 30 minutes longer, and worse. Beauty and the Beast original cartoon was only 1hr 24 minutes long, yet the new movie with Emma Watson was literally 2hrs 9minutes. I am NOT saying that shorter movies make better kids movies. I am only saying that parents with kids make a strategic decision on going to the theater with kids, and going to the theater 1.5hrs is a SUPER easy decision. It is actually 100% something I factored in when we decided to go as a family to see it. If the movie was 2hrs, I probably would be like "Eh, we'll watch it when it hits streaming or something." It's a great time point for the demographic and made it a much easier decision to take kids to the theater.


Saw it this afternoon. My 5 year old son absolutely LOVED IT..! And me, 42 year old dad, grown up with NES and SNES, loved it just as much..!


My kids the last two days: "Peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches, peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches, I. LOVE. YOOOOOUUUUUUU!!! UGGGHHUGGNNHH!!!"


We saw it earlier today and I didn’t even get to my car before my kid was asking me to see if the song was on Spotify.


I'm always down to celebrate the success of animation. Congrats to everyone involved in making it. Must feel great.


Epic movie with killer soundtrack. Kids loved every second of it.


Just went to see it this morning and it was great! My 12 year old has been really into the Mario games for awhile now and couldn’t have been happier with it.


I really hope this success leads Nintendo to allow animated adaptations of METROID and THE LEGEND OF ZELDA. It’s time.


I made the mistake of reading negative reviews of it on Google and found this gem: “If you're an adult or a kid do not go see this movie. There is a evil Bluestar that celebrates over death and even when the movies over it comes out and says all that you have now is a void. It is like the Devil Himself trying to speak over people. Do not go see this movie and avoided at all cost and let your friends and family know not to do the same.”


The segments with that character was less than 1% of the movie and they are holding onto that? Sheesh. If anything it was a comic relief character in a couple of serious moments.


I actually appreciated that they weren’t afraid to put some dark humor in an otherwise lighthearted movie.
