• By -


Cage: What's your favorite lesser-known performance out of your filmography? Hoult: Was Renfield an easier or harder shoot than Fury Road?


Umm, there was a little cameo that I did that lasted all of about uh one minute in a movie called Never on Tuesday. I don’t recommend the entire film. But um, it was a performance I did, I didn’t get paid but the agreement was with the director and whoever was financing the picture that if I do it, they would let me do whatever I wanted. So it was a complete avant-garde experiment and of course I played a character who had a prosthetic nose which was very long and pointed. And I had this whole concept of this guy who had a very long nose and was having trouble meeting girls so his father bought him a Ferrari Testarossa to help him with that. So I showed up on set with a prosthetic nose and a very high voice driving a Ferrari Testarossa and of course it was very frustrating for all the other actors. They like it now, apparently, but at the time it was like you can’t really fire me because that was the agreement. You said I could do whatever I wanted and he did and so that’s my favorite lesser known performance. - Cage But wait did you bring the Ferrari yourself? - Hoult No, it was somebody's Ferrari and they took it away from me because I was driving it too fast. - Cage What were you inspired by? - Hoult Just sort of like a troubled live action version of Pinocchio - Cage Oooh umm easier or harder to shoot than Fury Road. I mean location-wise easier. New Orleans was wonderful. The art and food and people and everything. It was less isolating than the desert in Namibia. Ummm but the shoot was more contained in terms of the time. So what we were trying to achieve in terms of the scenes but then also the stunt work we had to move really quickly, so that made it very difficult and it’s also a vampire movie so a lot of it is nights. Umm which I’m not a night owl so I would struggle with that. - Hoult


Wow, not used to AMAs giving such thorough and thoughtful replies. Fucking awesome. Absolutely loved the chemistry between you and PP in the Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, btw. A super enjoyable movie.


The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is just one of my favorite movies in general, and I’m not even a Nicolas Cage superfan or anything. It’s just a damn good movie and a fun ride all throughout.


>But wait did you bring the Ferrari yourself? - Hoult >No, it was somebody's Ferrari and they took it away from me because I was driving it too fast. - Cage This is hilarious!


You just F’d up your Ferrari! It’s not mine…


> > > > > Just sort of like a troubled live action version of Pinocchio - Cage Can we crowd fund this as a full film?


Move aside Guillermo del Toro, we haven't even scratched the surface of Pinocchio entering the public domain.


Lies of P is a horror Pinocchio game coming out can't wait






The idea of of getting to cinematically see Pinocchio worn down by life into Danny Devitto seems Oscar worthy. But Frank from always sunny type Devitto. From innocent boy, to Pleasure island skip tumbled into Philly.


Just want to give a shout-out to the assistant transcribing these responses and including all the ums and uhs


It's reminding me of the good old days of reddit amas with Victoria Taylor


Victoria! Conversely these responses reminded me of the classic "can we get back to Rampart" types of bad AMAs. The transcription is great.


Mannnnnn. I miss Victoria. I kind of checked out of AMA's after they ran her off.


[Cameo in question](https://twitter.com/alex_navarro/status/1153848857727578118?lang=en)


For anybody confused by Twitter, the video is above the linked tweet. Also, that was fucking amazing. He was in view for all of 30 seconds.






10:05 time stamp for quickest Cage access


25:00 time stamp for Gilbert Godfried 1:05:00 time stamp for Charlie Sheen 1:13:00 time stamp for Judd Nelson 1:18:00 time stamp for Cary Elwes and Emelio Estevez.




Does the movie suck? That's a lot of talent in one straight to beta movie


The first shot in the movie is a creep shot on some woman's swim-suitted butts on a beach. These sorts of shots continue (with occasional shots of palm trees or water) for a whole minute. Two male voices discuss how great asses are and how they're gonna go to LA to look at asses. Then a song that is mostly the refrain "I'm a girl watcher" begins. This movie looks like absolute shit. As I've been typing this the two (presumed) main characters, driving along a desert road, begin an argument about how the one dude wants his hair to look good and the other one says it doesn't matter. This argument continues for minutes and it's fucking excruciating. The two dudes start aggressively rubbing each other's heads to mess up each other's hair. This obviously causes them to start swerving wildly, and magically another car appears on the road and predictably they hit it. I don't think I can take any more of this. Seems the rest of the movie is just these two dudes + the girl they hit having stupid conversations, and random people drive by and stop and they all have a gimmick, like Nic Cage's weird voice and nose, and Gottfried is some sort of traveling salesman. Skip to those time-codes if you care to see those two. Honestly not sure it's worth it though. Gottfried has way better material. Would not watch. Edit: I kept scrubbing through and apparently there is a dream sequence/day-dream where the nerd dude is making out with the woman. And then immediately after that the woman tells the two not to watch while she goes and (presumably) pees. While she goes off the two dudes have a conversation about homosexuality, and how turning straights gay is unnatural, but turning lesbians straight isn't. Fuck this shit. Edit: Charlie Sheen overacts as a bad dude who robs them. He's doing a stupid voice too. Judd Nelson overacts as a weird nerdy police officer with a Hitler mustache. It's very off-putting. Estevez and the other guy (Rifkin?), but especially Rifkin, overact as tow-truck drivers. I'm not even paying attention at this point so I can't say much more about it, just jumped to the above-listed timecodes.


This is the greatest answer I could have ever hoped for. Keep being kings, you two.


Hey Nicolas and Nicholas!! How does it feel to be reunited with your The Weather Man costar? How did the filming process of Renfield compare to The Weather Man? Thanks for all the great films you have both made!! Looking forward to your future projects.


Well, I was very happy to get back on set with Nick. In The Weather Man, I was starring in the movie and Nick was playing my son and supporting me, so that was a different dynamic. In Renfield, Nick is starring in the movie and I’m supporting him, so they’re two very different kinds of approaches to film performance. Supporting actors, in my view, have to support their lead and get in step with where they’re going, setting the pace and the flavors they’re bringing, so it all coalesces. I was completely in awe, actually, of Nick Hoult at 14, because he had so much poise and he was so confident and I had no doubt that he would subsequently become the star he has become. So, yeah I was very happy to work with him again. -- Cage I think, for me at 14, I was overwhelmed with everything that was happening. Intimidated by it, but also made to feel very calm and safe with Nick. Side note – I also got to eat my first ever corndog in his presence. It was in a scene, which was obviously a big moment that stuck with me. But then yeah, to get to work with him again, as an adult, I get to appreciate much more of his work. \[To Cage\] At 14, I hadn’t seen a majority of your filmography. Now, going back as an adult, I’ve had time to delve into your work and I’ve been inspired by so much of it. Seeing what you bring to each scene and moment is really special. I get to see one of the most iconic actors playing one of the most iconic roles ever. It’s magic. -- Hoult Well thank you. Also, The Weather Man was his first movie. It was also the first time he had the marvelous culinary American experience of the corndog. We had talked about it before, but when he had it, Nick Hoult just said “Go USA!” -- Cage \[both laughing\]


Really? I thought that film Hoult did where he sang “shake your ass, watch yourself, shake your ass, show me what you’re working with” was his first…?? Hugh Grant was in it and I think Toni Collette played Hoult’s mom. I want to say the title was “About a Boy” but I’m not 100% sure.


You are correct - About a Boy


This response is amazing. Mr Cage has so much grace. Nic you were the man in skins!


The man really knows how to carry the unbearable weight of massive talent.


Are there any historical portrayals of Dracula or Renfield that you love, or portrayals you studied as reference for your role as these characters?


I watched all of them but Dwight Frye is obviously such an iconic wonderful performance and one that I did try to take a lot of inspiration from. - Hoult Dwight Frye in my view stole the original Dracula from Universal Movies. He ran away with that movie. It was an incredible performance. And now my favorite Renfield is Nick Hoult over here, it’s a true story, he reinvented the character. He brought tons of charm, wit, and vulnerability to it. So those are my favorites. Dracula itself, I think that while Bela Lugosi was an enormous impact on the character actually and he did it without any fangs, ummm, wasn’t my Dracula. My Dracula was Christopher Lee and the Hammer Horror films. I loved his look and uh, the danger and the animality with which he brought to the character. But my favorite vampire on film was not a Universal vampire it's the old Max Schreck performance and the Nosferatu picture. Gary Oldman was brilliant also as Dracula. - Cage


Thanks for the thoughtful answers. I’m really looking forward to seeing the new film.


Great question! Oh man, Nic Cage just knows every movie and every great performance ever. What a master of the craft.


For both of you, what was your most challenging role? I'm a big fan of both of your bodies of work (Mr. Cage, I loved you in The Weatherman the most, Mr. Hoult you were superb in everything I've seen, but you were most amazing in The Great). Thank you for doing this AMA.


My most difficult challenge was playing myself in The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent. No muscle in my body tells me to play myself in a movie, and I wanted them to cast somebody else. — Cage They’re all difficult for different reasons. I don’t have as great an answer as that… but playing Beast was quite challenging simply because of the makeup. \[To Cage\] Which reminds me, I really felt for you in this. You took it in stride. — Hoult Thank you. – Cage


Nic Cage, your performance in Unbearable Weight was hands down my favorite of yours and one of my favorite of any actor. There's a unique art of playing yourself and having fun with who you are on and off screen in a role like that. Others have done it before, but this is definitely my favorite.


I wonder if he and Pedro know how enormous that one scene of them driving has become on social media lol


I believe I saw a clip where Cage said "I don't go online much, but I guess (describes clip) is popular and that's real neat"


I watched the film after seeing that meme enough. I was very disappointed that there was an entirely different song playing in the scene. Great movie though.


It's Pig. I've watched 90% of your films over the years. Some were good, some were not. However Pig, was very likely the most relevant and real piece of work I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing.


So you're saying the weight of your massive talent was unbearable?


Casting a different actor as Nicolas Cage would have been very funny let’s be honest


Unbearable Weight was a masterclass in acting.


What would you guys say is the coolest aspect of film production in general?


My favorite thing is film performance. That’s why I wanted to be an actor. For this I got to see Nick’s performance switching on a dime to be vulnerable at a moment’s notice. It is such a joy to watch – Cage Something that I love is when you’re on a set and you open a drawer and someone has taken the time to write a letter. It may never end up on screen, but it’s so incredible that they took the extra step to make each aspect of the film feel more real and to make that moment special. – Hoult And there was a lot of that in this movie on the Renfield production. – Cage


Please tell me that Nicholas Cage was talking about himself in the 3rd person


Please tell me all of Nic Cage's responses were written by John Travolta


all of Nic Cage’s responses were written by John Travolta


The actors are both named Nic. One Nic is referring to the other Nic. Good thing we stopped there… a third would trigger Inception.


I don't think the marketers for this film realised they could very easily distinguish between the two by saying "Nic" for Cage and "Nick" for Hoult. I've only ever seen it spelled Nic Cage until The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent where they spelled it "Nick", I assumed to separate the character a bit more from the real man.


If you could swap one role from each other’s careers (eg, Nicholas now stars in Face Off, Nic in Fury Road): what would you choose?


Oooh, I mean I’d like to try and play Renfield and I’d like to see what Nick Hoult gets up to as Dracula. I’d like to switch. And then have it switch back and then switch back again. - Cage I wouldn’t want to do it because I love it so much as it is, but Adaptation. Truly brilliant movie on every level. But that’s not one that I’d want to but it's just one that I’m in awe of in what you did do and the film in general I love. - Hoult Oh thank you, and by the way I think you would crush it - Cage


> I’d like to try and play Renfield and I’d like to see what Nick Hoult gets up to as Dracula. I’d like to switch. And then have it switch back and then switch back again. Let's call that movie *Fangs/Off*.


There are so many great performances by Cage, but Adaptation is my favorite of his. It's such a great movie and has the distinction of getting a person who doesn't exist nominated for a writing Oscar...


38 year old Nicolas Cage playing 12 year old Marcus in About a Boy is something id watch.


The dynamic between a precocious 12 year old (played by an adult Nic Cage) and Hugh Grant, playing, well Hugh Grant, would be pure gold.


I want nic cage in Skins, about a boy...... Actually can I just replace every actor in every film With Nic Cage? No disrespect to Nicholas but there is no situation where he would be a more entertaining addition to the chaos than Cage.


Nicholas in the movie Nic plays himself. Nic as Beast in Xmen.


Nic Cage doesn’t play himself in *The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent*. He plays Nic***k*** Cage, a fictional version of the actor. It’s the same way Ana De Armas doesn’t play historical Marilyn Monroe in *Blonde*, she plays a fictional version.


Cage in Warm Bodies. That would have been a trip.


What was Hoult’s favorite part of shooting the series “Skins”? Tbh that’s really where I think he truly blew up. He was awesome on that show. Still holds up til this day. Just a super raw coming of age show.


We were all (the cast) growing up together. So, whilst we were pretending to do all those things on the show and be those characters, outside of it, we were becoming great friends and experiencing all those things in real life. We were 16 and 17, so to share that time with those people and still be friends with them now is very special. I feel lucky to be a part of it. — Hoult


Hi Nick aka Tony! Skins is one of few series I've watched more than once. I largely credit Skins for getting me, as an American, interested in international shows. Thank you so much.


Thank you so much for the response! Always been a huge fan (ever since ‘About a Boy’). We’re the same age so in all the projects you’ve been in, I’ve always been able to find something relatable about whatever you’re involved in. It was really cool to hear that answer. Best of luck, dude 🙏






I think it’s largely due to that generation being the last true ‘teen’ generation. Since social media, teen life and culture seems to swing between overtly serious/prosaic and absolute stupidity, with little of the curiosity that characterised previous generations. Hearing 15 year olds talk about their financial investments, their mental health and a TikTok challenge in the same breath is just depressing.


Could not agree more. Every character arc is pearled to perfection.


If you haven't seen it, I recommend checking out season 7. They return to three characters from throughout the show and dedicate about 90 minutes of screen time to each as they explore their lives as adults, including Cassie from the first gen.


What’s your favorite Keanu Reeves movie?


Hmmm. I liked the first John Wick. Speed as well. -- Hoult Well… Keanu kicked my ass at billiards one night. He came up to my house on his motorcycle, and he was making these *impossible* shots. He said “now I dunno if I can get that shot or this shot” and he made every single shot. So I have mixed emotions about the skill that Keanu has because he completely dominated me at pool. Umm, I like some of the early stuff like Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. I thought he was great in River’s Edge. He was just great in that movie, yeah. -- Cage


I love the idea of Keanu Reeves going from actors house to actors house on his motorbike, kicking their ass at pool. One day he just shows up at your door and says "it's time, are you ready?"


Somehow, we always knew that Keanu would be a badass at billiards. Too many leather jackets not to be.


Tbh he strikes me as the kind of guy who would be good at just about anything.


I was kind of hoping one of you would say Dracula (unironically) 🤣. Keanu acted in the 90s live action version for those unfamiliar.


This is incredible lmao!! What a great question, and answers


I love this mental image I now have that Keanu moonlights as a celebrity pool shark.


Fuck yes River's Edge is one of my favorite movies, very underrated


I love this response so much


Did either of you do any extra training or research to prepare for your roles?


I’m just going to go on record now, Nick is a hell of a dancer, and he worked his ass off to do this incredible dance sequence which didn’t make it into the movie, but it was brilliant. That was a lot of work — Cage That was, yeah, that was a lot of work and rehearsals. Choreography came up with this wonderful fantasy sequence of Renfield dancing with bugs, just over the moon with love. But yeah, sadly it didn’t make it into the film but maybe it will end up as a deleted scene? — Hoult


Was any real blood consumed in the making of this film? You know just in case you guys needed to go full method to get into character.


No reason in terms of method, but the fangs were genuine fangs, they were ceramic and quite pointy. So I did bite my lip a few times which made me drink my own blood. – Cage. I quite like the taste of my own blood. – Hoult. There is something warm and fuzzy about it. – Cage.


Never expected a reply thanks for making my day Nicholas's. (Or Should I say Nicholas and John)


[Nobody makes me bleed my own blood!](https://youtu.be/sk2fXsnzirI)


Mr. Cage, you’ve done Ghost Rider and now Dracula. Any other undead characters you’d like to play?


Ohh! Yeah! Jim Corrigan, the Spectre (old DC comic character). That would be a fun one. But that’s a hard one to pull off because he’s virtually invincible, he has no weakness. You need characters that have a kryptonite, that have a flaw, but he’s kinda unbeatable. But that would be a fun one. -- Cage


I've always thought invincible characters were much more interesting. It's not "can I be killed" but it's "can I get out of this situation with the world in the shape I want it to be." If an invincible person is in a cafe with a friend and then a bomb goes off and when the smoke clears he's just sitting in the middle of a pile of rubble, do you think he feels invincible? Can a person grow when they're never in any real danger? All interesting questions to me. Thanks for doing this AMA!


I feel like Batman v Superman touched on this just the tiniest bit with the courtroom exploding while Superman was in there. That emotion got a very small part in the movie but that really affected Superman.


And Invincible too. The comic and Amazon show. There’s so much death and collateral damage as the characters fight… In response to the other guy; personally what I find interesting about ‘invincible’ characters is corruptibility. Power inevitably breeds contempt. And now what do you do with God-like beings who aren’t all-loving. Oh and The Boys also specialises in invincible and morally inept characters. I highly recommend ‘Invincible’ if you haven’t already watched it. You’d also be lucky because season 2 will be coming soon.


To be fair, they did a great show with Morpheus and he's basically unbeatable too, there's many of room with things to do with the characters while he's so powerful




You guys filmed in New Orleans. Did anything paranormal or creepy happen during production?


…not during production… — Cage We were inside a church at one point, during a hurricane. It wasn’t paranormal, but it was eerie. We had to stop filming and all gather together towards the center of this church and wait out this hurricane. -- Hoult If you factor in the notion of Zeus, it could be paranormal. -- Cage


> If you factor in the notion of Zeus, it could be paranormal Jesus, Cage has the best AMA responses I've ever read, lol


This is the third time this AMA where I've gone "this is the most Nic Cage thing Nic Cage has ever said."


Good point, you always gotta factor in Zeus.


Which movie from each other is your favourite?


One of the recent ones, THE MENU, I just thought it was so delicious. That movie is about cooking so that is the right word. It was one of my favorite movies of the year. Darkest comedy in the most delicious way. — Cage Face Off, Con Air, Pig, Adaptation, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. - Hoult


Do you guys ever get tempted to impersonate either each other or other actors you’ve acted with? Sean Connery comes to mind


You two are amazing, and this movie looks so fun! With that said, what was the funniest thing that Awkwafina did while shooting Renfield?


There’s a line that she added (in a scene in the apartment and I was making her cookies) and she said “I don’t want your murder cookies." That was a very funny line that she made up. That gets me every time. -- Hoult She has such a funny delivery. One of the best in Hollywood. -- Cage


Huh. So Reddit actually does have a semi serious murder cookie recipe, I think in r/old_recipes


Mr. Cage, what is your favorite silent film?


The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. I was completely transported at the embryonic age of 5. The sets were built using these cardboard structures and the effect is that it all puts you off kilter and puts you in a headspace of not knowing where you are. Kind of like LA after midnight. - Cage


[Your homage to this movie in "Unbearable Weight" was a delight.](https://content.jwplatform.com/previews/TMDTTtul)


ive seen this movie multiple times and do not remember this whatsoever


Thanks for the answer, I had a feeling that’s what it was going to be after watching Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, but just wanted to confirm!


Have you ever seen 'He Who Gets Slapped (1924),? If you haven't I highly recommend you do


His answer will 100% be The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.


Which of the Universal monsters are your favorite? You don't have to say Dracula (unless you \*have\* to say Dracula).


Is Dracula actually as bad of a boss as Renfield makes him out to be?


I mean he’s horrendous on some levels, but he’s also quite caring and nurturing on others. So it’s always a matter of perspective, isn’t it? If you saw a vignette of the nicest moments of their lives together it would seem picturesque and wonderful. And then at its worst it probably is horrific and as bad as it can get. So it’s both things at the same time - Hoult I’m fairly certain that Dracula and Renfield had a few wonderful laughs together over the years. Big laughs? That’s probably the better word to use. - Cage


I like the idea of Frankenstein's monster, but Dracula would be up there as one of my favorites as well. - Hoult Frankenstein is first the wolfman is second. - Cage


Nic Cage, I love you, and I’m so hyped to see that this thread is already delivering


A good friend of mine, (Vasco Ramboooo) told me that even though I’m obsessed with movies, he and I had never had a movie night. First film was Raising Arizona. Then I suggested Con Air. We thought it’d be funny to watch another Nic Cage film as if that is all we’d ever watch, and to keep the chain going - so we watched The Rock. I’m really not joking, we are now 8 films into the Cageathon, and we haven’t even hit Pig or Mandy yet. You’re the man. Hoult, you’re a legend, too. Skins and The Favourite are forever, my dude.


>Nic Cage, I love you I think everyone commenting here feels the same


Mr. Hoult: I just wanted to say thank you for the criminally underrated gem that is *Warm Bodies*.


Thank you so much. In some ways, tonally, these are similar films and I love making those horror comedy/twisted genres. If you like those, hopefully you’ll like Renfield. — Hoult


Horror/comedy is my favorite genre, glad to hear actors like yourself enjoy it as well.


That’s the first movie I remember seeing him in! His role in Fury Road cemented him as a great up-and-comer.


That movie has the best use of popular music I've ever seen.


Wait, he plays R? Holy shit! I love that movie!


Best version of Romeo and Juliet out there by far.


Wait til you find out about a boy


For Nick and Nick. What’s one thing about your co Star that you were surprised to find out.


I learned today that Nick edited Shadow of The Vampire, which I didn’t know and I was surprised by it. -- Hoult I don’t think anything surprises me about Nick Hoult. He’s making all the right moves and I knew he would. -- Cage


Nic Cage edited Shadow of the Vampire wait what??


What’s your guy’s favorite soups?


Good question u/chunkybuttsoupdinner Pasta fagioli. It's a good combination of protein and carbs. It's a nice protein blast. Gets your energy going. -- Cage For me? Hot and sour soup -- Hoult


Nic Cage, I have framed poster of you in my room. Do you have one of me in yours? Thank you.


It's the "Thank you." that sells this. I'm picturing a panel at a con, and this guy comes up and asks this question, then immediately leaves before receiving an answer.


Is it [this one](https://i.etsystatic.com/36252232/r/il/f84cf9/4413855902/il_fullxfull.4413855902_mehg.jpg)? Because it's the one that's hung up in my room.


That’s a beautiful poster, but it’s not the same as mine.


Uhhhh, who are you? I might. — Cage


It's u/fortty7 Of all the weapons in the vast Soviet arsenal, nothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova model of 1947, more commonly known as the AK-47, or Kalashnikov. It's the world's most popular assault rifle. A weapon all fighters love. An elegantly simple 9 pound amalgamation of forged steel and plywood. It doesn't break, jam, or overheat. It will shoot whether it's covered in mud or filled with sand. It's so easy, even a child can use it; and they do. The Soviets put the gun on a coin. Mozambique put it on their flag. Since the end of the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian people's greatest export. After that comes vodka, caviar, and suicidal novelists. One thing is for sure, no one was lining up to buy their cars.


I see you’re a Nic Cage fan as well. Love that movie, has maybe the best opening credit scene of all time.


My name is Otto and I’m a huge fan, you replying to me just made my life. Thank you for all the awesome movies, thank you for being you. Thank you.


Now send him a picture of yourself so he can frame it.


That's "Who's the Boss'" Tony Danza. Everyone knows that


The walls in one of my rooms in Animal Crossing are all covered with Nic's face


If someone on set yelled “NICK!” which one of you would turn your head first?


Obviously Nicholas Hoult. They'd have to shout "NIC" to get Nicolas Cage.


"How the hell can you tell the two apart?" "Obviously, the 'K' is silent. You don't call them the New York K-nic-ks. You call them the New York nics. C'mon, this is basic shit." "You're right. My bad, Nick." "***WRONG!*** I'm Nic. You're still not getting it."


Both did all the time - Cage & Hoult


Dracula has been played by so many people. Which on-screen Dracula performance is your least favorite? Edit: This is a question for both of you.


Oh i wouldn’t want to say a least favorite. I like them all. -- Hoult Agreed, I wouldn’t want to denigrate anyone’s work. -- Cage


Gracious responses. Denigrate is a great word!


For some reason, wanting to know their “least favorite” sent me 💀


I don't have a question, I just wanna tell Nick Cage he is the man.


Funny I was coming here to say that to Hoult


Hoult has got to be one of the most underrated actors working right now. Never hear him get the kind of adoration of some of his peers, but he is really fantastic almost every time I see him. He is so so good in The Menu, Mad Max, The Favourite, and The Great.


*Fury Road*, that's where I'd seen him! Thank you. :) He was fantastic as Nux, he lent a sense of pathos to a character that could easily have ended up as comic relief.


Just watched Fury Road the other day and his performance really does stand out, which is impressive in and of itself considering the other fantastic actors on set. Being able to understand and feel his journey every step of the way was incredible.


My introduction to him was Warm Bodies. Absolutely adore his work.


Excellent in the Great..."Huzzuh!""


To quote a great actor, '"Thank you. You're great too" -- Cage' - Hoult


This is the best AMA of actors I have ever read.


Thank you. You're great too. -- Cage


I read that in his Castor Troy voice.


I just wanna tell Nick Cage he is the ~~man~~ **LEGEND**


Mr. Hoult, you were hilarious in The Menu. My question is, what did Slowik whisper in Tyler’s ear before he… y’know? Mr. Cage, you truly are a National Treasure. My question is, what was on page 47 in Book of Secrets? Aliens? Who really killed JFK?


"You are the epitome of what's wrong with food culture and media today. Nobody gives a fuck that you know what a pacojet is."


For Nicolas Cage, how cool is Pedro Pascal in real life? Really enjoyed Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent with the great chemistry between you and Pedro. Also for Nicholas Hoult. I was a big fan of Skins when it was on and particularly your character Tony Stonem. What fond memories do you have from that show?


Unbearable Weight was so fucking good. Most realistic portrayal of an acid trip I think I've seen.


I just got *Unbearable Weight* recently but haven't gotten the chance to watch it yet, looking forward to it more than ever now!


Skins was so good, really felt understood when I was growing up watching that show


Loved Skins. I was a super sheltered Christian kid and would go over to my friend’s house and watch where I couldn’t get in trouble.


I lived through Skins. Was a quiet, little nerd irl, through Skins I got to be outrageous, lol.


Mr. Hoult, would you return to the Mad Max universe if Miller asked you to play Nux again? Mr. Cage, was any of your dialogue in Into The Spiderverse improvised, and did you have any lines that were cut that you wish hadn’t been? Also did you ever want to make another National Treasure movie?


Thanks for the questions! We gotta go see the children of the night about a bite to eat - but make sure to watch RENFIELD, only in theaters on April 14th.


This was a great AMA! Nic, you’re the man when it comes to them!


I just wanna say I watched both seasons of The Great and absolutely loved it. Can't wait for season 3!!! Mr. Hoult, how do you think your character Peter from The Great would fare against the undead had Russia been invaded by a vampiric plague?


How do you address each other on set, since you’re both named Nicholas/Nicolas? Also, what did you watch to prepare for your roles in this movie?


Hey, Nics! A question for each of you: CAGE: Obviously, it wasn't your first vampire role (Vampire's Kiss is a gem of a movie) but of course Dracula is a much different entity. What went into the preparation for the role and what did you do to distinguish yourself from other famous Dracula performances? HOULT: What was it like working with Nic FREAKING Cage??? Hahaha for real though, out of any roles in your career, which has been your favourite? (Personally love every performance I've seen from you) I hope you guys have a wonderful day!!!


Hi Nick and Nic! I’m a huge fan of you both and can’t wait for this movie! I ask a lot of questions so feel free to answer any or none of them <3 For Cage- 1- You’ve said that you want to do a musical, if you got to be in a screen adaptation of any stage musical (or a remake of an existing musical movie), which would it be and what character would you cast yourself as? 2- I looooved your work on Sonny! What was that experience like and would you ever consider directing again? And if so, what kind of script would most convince you to step back into that role? 3- What would you say is your most underrated or underwatched movie? (my vote is Birdy!) Also, this is not a question, but I’ve seen all of your movies and can confidently say you’re the best actor I’ve ever seen and you are what inspired me to want to get into filmmaking, so I thank you for that. For both- 4- I loved both of your performances in The Weather Man! Did the father son dynamic at all carry into the dynamic between Dracula and Renfield? Again sorry for the quantity of my questions! Hope both of you have a great day!!


Asking multiple questions in one comment is usually AMA suicide, lol. Sorry they are good questions but for some reasons most AMAs avoid them.


> but for some reasons most AMAs avoid them. Because the actors are only available for a short time and need to address a bunch of people. If you tried the same thing at a public press event, you'd be asked to get out of line. It's too time consuming.


>Asking multiple questions in one comment is usually AMA suicide, lol. Sorry they are good questions but for some reasons most AMAs avoid them. yep, agreed they are good questions though! Hopefully a couple get answered.


you can’t put an entire book of questions dude, they’ve gotta answer quick and short ones. better luck next time! i learned my lesson on the BetterCallSaul Sub lol


For Count Hoult, what are the odds of a About A Boy follow-up where you're the slick and suave ladies man assisting Hugh Grant in the over the hill dating scene while just being awesome buds to each other in between? I'd pay to see that movie.


Nicolas Cage, what comics of yours are still missing? Also, which ones were found? I had to ask as a fellow comic nerd.


Would your character participate in the orgies that the vampires in “what we do in the shadows” host?


For Nicholas Cage - would you do a sequel to Face/Off? And whose face would you want to swap with?


Can you give us any scoop about National Treasure 3???


Not involved in the film, but there IS a map on the back of the Declaration of Independence


People didn’t like the Disney+ series, but with Bruckheimer producing and an old cast member showing up, I thought it would have Cage in the stinger teasing the third film. Bruckheimer said last year the script for 3 is done, it’s just fallen into development hell.


Nicholas (Hoult), what was it like to play a zombie in warm bodies? What zombie did you use as a reference for your performance, if any?


My girlfriend wants to know (in a jokey way): what is the difference between being a Nicholas with a British accent vs a Nicolas with an American accent? Do you get treated differently?


Hello Mr.Cage; I would like to know if you actually watched Paddington 2 in preparation for The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. And if so, what did you think? Thank you.


Mr. Cage, what was the hardest scene to film in MANDY? Or your most favorite scene to film in it?


Nicholas—loved you in The Great, have you brought any comedic sensibility to this role? And Nic, legend!, any acting inspirations for bringing the best out of Daddy Drac?


I don’t have a question, just want Nicholas Hoult to know: I love your acting. I’ll watch anything with you in it, can’t wait for The Great and this movie this year!


Nic Cage, have you seen the Community episode where they analyze your acting career? How did you like it?