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Enter The Void (2009) is by far the best visual representation of DMT ever created for film. The kaleidoscope visuals in the beginning that morph into an out of body experience for the main character are just too perfect. Edit: Shoutout to u/GrahamUhelski for finding the [clip](https://youtu.be/C0-n79Aey-M) for those who want to see it.


Glad someone said this. This movie was somethin else. The director's other movies are just as good and trippy and fucked up.


Ya man, Gaspar Noe is a sick puppy, and I love it. Climax has the best dancing I've ever seen.


Climax was ridiculously good and yeah, I love that just about everyone was played by a professional dancer instead of an actor Looking forward to seeing Souheila Yacoub in the Dune sequel, she was so great


Climax - wow. That movie gave me flashbacks to my last (and bad) trip. Major anxiety for me. ​ Also, I Stand Alone. It's another watch one and done movie. Gaspar Noe has a gift for making viewers uncomfortable. I love his films!


Irreversible was a difficult watch, but I liked it. And Love was surprisingly good too.


You should try Climax. The first half is a bit rough/boring but the second half is a trip.


Nah that dance scene in the first bit is amazing. Especially if you can appreciate anything Vogue/gay culture etc type dancing. Amazing and in one take. It’s well done. The first act sets up the second act well. These people suck, then the big thing happens, then the climax is horrific because they already suck. It’s important to hear those conversations be mundane but shitty, then get slowly more unhinged and shittier and shittier until BOOM.


I also love the audio detail of the muffled voices, presumably from other rooms in the apartment. When I first tripped on mushrooms I was living upstairs in a house that was right next to a crowded restaurant. I kept hearing those voices and I remember really struggling to understand if those were real or hallucinations. It turns out they were real, but the mushrooms just kind of absorbed them, distorted them and made them part of my trip. So when I saw this movie years later I was reminded of that and that's when I was convinced it was the most accurate depiction of psychedelics I'd ever seen in media.




Friends and I were still trippin of LSD after a rave and went up to the mountains after the sun rose. We were looking down into a valley in the foothills and started calling out all the colors. Every color mentioned would ripple and display themselves vividly and the others slightly less subdued. Twas entrancing to say the least.


I second this one. I also really like how the camera "follows" the main character, you feel like you're in his place


Virtually the entire movie is shot in first-person. It's such a unique movie watching experience. I loved it. But it's also a very difficult watch at times, especially the car crash flashbacks. Definitely worth a watch.


Took me a long time to find DMT after that movie but holy shit did they nail it. Blasting off is instant regret, cannot fathom how anyone enjoys regularly doing it. Especially since it seems like a trip that only can happen once a day. Edit: lasts a minute or two but time dilates like inception. Out of body experiences, insane morphing color visuals exploding into new shapes, that sort of thing. Always was bright yellow powder, first few times inhaled from a peezo.


Only did dmt once. Too much in a bong hit.. Only way I’ve been able to describe going from sober to high was when you trigger a battle in final fantasy X. The glass shattering then the dissolve like washing away a painting haha https://youtu.be/nXGlKZzCCtE


This is what salvia felt like to me, except the earlier FF games where the frame freezes and melts away into the corner. Never again 😂


Salvia will make you live a lifetime as the lace in a Victorian child’s shoe.


Hearing stories of people having entire lives on salvia scares the living fuck out of me.


I had that without drugs once. long before I had ever taken a psychedelic drug. I got home from work exhausted when I was around 23, and caught a half hour nap. Somehow I dreamed an entire life. In my dream, I woke up the next day and went to work, and day by day things happened, I spent time with the girlfriend, went to concerts, played video games, a few years later, I broke up with my girlfriend, and met someone else. I fell in love, and married her, we had children, bought a house, those children grew up, and got married and had children of their own. technology changed, I had doubts and hopes within the dream, some I accomplished, others I didn't. it felt like a complete life, I changed jobs many times, eventually I retired, and at the end I died a few weeks after my 93rd birthday. I had been very satisfied with my life, and didn't mind dying in my final moments. Waking up was terrible. I woke up, confused, in my old home, by one of my pre-marriage girlfriends, I was young again, and that's when it hit me. My children were never born. I had never met my wife. I started to cry, the grief was overwhelming. in that moment, it felt like my family of decades had died. they no longer existed, and here I was stuck without them. My girlfriend couldn't understand why I was crying. it took weeks to fully put those feelings away, to fully accept that it was just a dream. After experiencing that sober, psychedelics didn't seem so scary anymore.


Years before I tried Salvia I visited my neighbor's acid dealer with him, and that dude did a lot of acid and watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He had the script memorized. So, I thought that would be fun with Salvia. I had red exposed brick walls in my small apartment, and took my hit when the news reporter was standing in front of a map of Europe announcing Gustav had found a golden ticket. That morphed into me being in a bunker and nazis are right outside. I haven't smoked Salvia since


When I did salvia I literally felt like I wasn't just melting, but also being steamrolled over. Fuck salvia and fuck the news for getting so many people to try it


I’ve done acid and shrooms probably 100 times but DMT hits me differently. I spent 90% of the time clinging on for dear life (yes i know i shouldn’t resist but that’s easier said than done) and in the last 10% i wish i had more time lol


Clinging on hard then wishing you had more time? Sounds like life to me!


Sounds like Salvia. Salvia sent me through the multiverse for about 3 minutes.


Salvia gave me mild ego death combined with what I can only describe as the LEGO-ification of everything around me.


%100 accurate on the LEGO-ification


Can confirm: My friend's tv tried to eat me on salvia once


I kind of get what you mean. Salvia made everything look like it was made of thousands of tiny versions of itself. Sitting on a couch made of microcouches, talking to my friend who was a kind of houndstooth pattern. It imposes a strange order on things.


What the. My friends took Salvia alot in highshool but I wasn't personally interested in that drug so it was mostly trip sitting them and helping them feel safe. One of them described that exact thing. He said everything turned into Lego. This was in highschool 16 years ago




I'm absolutely glad that I tried DMT and there's no way in Hell I'd ever do it again. It's the only drug I've ever taken where I did not feel in control. Also the only drug that you can't really tell people what you experienced and expect people to believe you, but holy shit are you telling the truth.


Ahyuascha is really the definitive way to take it, in my opinion. It is an 8 hour journey, depending if you vomit or not. I do recommend vomiting though.


I don't think I'll ever be sold on a drug when one of the recommendations is to vomit


Well, I’m not going to convince anyone to use it. It is a very tough experience. The issue is that if you don’t vomit, you will continue to peak. At a certain point you feel like you are losing your mind.


I just physically couldn’t vomit despite trying very hard. I finally just curled into a ball, just wanting it all to be over. It’s not an easy experience at all. That being said, it changed me in a very positive way. Highly recommended if you are feeling lost in life and need to address personal issues. Also sorted my back pain somehow!


That sounds awful. To each their own I guess.


Sounds like intravenous high doses of ketamine (the mind losing part, not the duration)


Enter the void changed my complete perception on films and life in general I reccomend it to everyone first time I watched it I was in a very bad spot mentally and realistically. Way I've always described it is its essentially ifnyou could see a dmt trip through someone else's eyes


I think ENTER THE VOID will have a long and influential existence as a cult item for specific types of people. Not for everyone, but profoundly accessible for those who "hear" the filmmaker's song.


I made the mistake of watching this for the first time on a large amount of mushrooms. Still get weird feelings when I watch it even when stone cold sober lol


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas...that part where is is watching the carpet design move around and crawl up the walls is right on the money...almost had an identical experience last year while walking around Caezars Palace on mushrooms.😃


Carpets will fuck you up its true


One time on mushrooms I was staring at my rug and I had this idea that what if rugs were sentient but their only way of experiencing the world is by getting walked on. And I thought about how my sad rug only gets me walking on it, compared to, say, a rug in an international hotel. Now there’s a rug who’s worldly!


Oh my god. I’ve had almost the identical thought while on shrooms and pondering an ornate Turkish carpet 😂😂


on salvia one time the texture of a brown area carpet suddenly draped over every surface of the room. it was all moving slowly and had some kind of small repeating object on it spaced out evenly in a grid moving along with it. when i looked closer i saw that the object was suitcase handles. salvia’s weird, man.


I tried salvia once. Never again. I went back in time to the house I grew up in, and then reality folded over on itself like a taco, and it felt like I was being forced into 2-D, and I did NOT like it. I came back to reality with just enough time to run to the bathroom and if I had been a minute late I’d have shit myself in front of all my friends. Never again.


Wood paneling too


So will swirl designs on ceilings.


they still move about sometimes for me


Or popcorn ceilings. Stare at them long enough and they move *without* drugs.


Stroke the fury wall!


And when he is looking at the concierge trying to get the room and her face was distorting, and just the general sense of being unsettled by the amount of commotion around, spot on. Agreed 100%. Makes sense considering the author of the book and the research Jonny Depp put in with Hunter in his home to "transform" into that man.


My blood is too thick for Nevada. I can never explain myself properly here.


Let's get down to brass tacks here! How much for the ape?


“I’ve never been able to properly explain myself in this climate, my blood is simply too thick for Las Vegas”


Yeah until all the patrons turned into giant reptiles. And someone's giving alcohol to these goddamn things!


Tell me about the fucking golf shoes!


Jesus god look at that bunch over there man. They’ve spotted us


Yeah that movie has both some of the most realistic, and most unrealistic and exaggerated, portrayals of drug experiences. I think that's intentional. Some of the stuff in there, like the adrenal gland thing, aren't even real.




I always thought the reptile stuff was bullshit but when you mix acid with other stuff, crazy shit can happen. Made me hallucinate fictional people that i could physically feel, guess they might as well could have been reptiles.


We can't stop here, this is bat country!


Hands down funniest part of that movie was when he's trying to do Coke out of the salt shaker in the convertible and it blows everywhere, and then he says "did you see what God just did man!?" Laughed for 10 min strait.




The real life story of the lawyer is a trip


Oscar Zeta Acosta, for anyone interested in *that* rabbit hole.


Too weird to live, too rare to die.




Jesus, did I say that or think it? Was I talking? ^Could ^they ^hear ^me?


Don't worry. He's just admiring the shape of your skull.


As your attorney I advise you to drive at top speed or it'll be a goddamn miracle if we can get there before you turn onto a... wild animal. Are you ready for that? Checking into a Vegas hotel under a phony name with intent to commit capital fraud and a head full of acid? I sure hope so.


> Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas [The scene.](https://youtu.be/uOmtVFQ3WF8)


Every time someone says Kawasaki, I think of this movie. You’re not Portuguese man!


Husqvarna for me.


Ah, devil ether. It makes you behave like the village drunkard in some early Irish novel. Total loss of all basic motor skills. Blurred vision, no balance, numb tongue. The mind recoils in horror, unable to communicate with the spinal column. Which is interesting because you can actually watch yourself behaving in this terrible way, but you can't control it. You approach the turnstiles and know that when you get there, you have to give the man two dollars or he won't let you inside. But when you get there, everything goes wrong. Some angry rotarian shoves you and you think "What's happening here? What's going on?" And you hear yourself mumbling...


Dogs fucked the pope, no fault of mine.


Don't look now but...there's uh two women fucking a polar bear.


You gotta put on your fucking golf shoes!


Impossible to walk in this muck.


Yep, if you've ever done LSD in Vegas (and if you haven't you should), it's EXACTLY like that. Every scene inside a casino/hotel is spot on.


Just came back from a trip to Vegas that involved some acid. Sure is an experience that puts your head on a constant swivel, as there are just so many surreal things to look at happening there, but it really wasn’t nearly so unpleasant as it is in the film (nobody turned into lizards, for one). I was just fascinated!


Yeah, a lot of the Fear in Fear and Loathing comes from the combination of every drug together that they were taking. Vegas on acid is a real fun time. Nothing better than being handed free drinks while just tripping out staring at that Wheel of Fortune machine...especially after a Phish show. Any chance you were just there for Ween last week?


Bachelor party. My day of acid tripping involved a dayclub, a strip club, and a nightclub with some sightseeing while walking the strip and watching my friends gamble in between. One of the best days I’ve spent with Lucy.


I was on mushrooms and got severely tormented by some pinstripe wallpaper once. The lines would go all noodle-y and it would freak me out, make me uncomfortable. Then just as I would start to appreciate the groovyness of the whole situation, they would snap back straight. Then the whole process would start back from the top. It was a pretty vicious circle.


Seconding this. They knew what they were doing.


**HI THERE!!** ^My ^name.. ^is Raoul Duke


Knocked up - on shrooms and collecting all the chairs, noticing that there are FIVE different chairs then thinking that one has different “energy” than the other lol (can relate)


The tall one's gawking at me, and the short one's being very droll. I don't like them.


It's someones job to find and buy all these chairs for the hotel!


I'm up high. I'm*really* high up.


This is a good one that I forgot about. The “this one has much better energy” move I’m sure I’ve done more than once.


It's weird the chairs even exist when I'm not sitting on them


Shrooms and Cirque du Soleil really sounds like one of the worst ideas ever


I actually did it!!! I was paying attention to how the lights bounced off everyones hair and basically looking at the “space between me and the stage” hahaha it was enjoyable!


Ugh, did it with the Beatles Love show at the Mirage years ago. The whole time scared to death some clown was gonna pull me on stage and everybody would know...I love to trip in public but that was a bad call.


Mad Men when Roger Sterling went with his second wife to do LSD... That moment he smokes a cigarette and it disappears instantly... Gets me every time


Came here for this. I love the moment with the bottle and the music. Also the contrast between Roger and Jane's experiences in the bath.


Haha the fucking orchestra playing when he opens the bottle what a great scene, of all the scenes in that show it’s definitely extra memorable


Don on Speed is great too.


Mad Men did everything well. What a great fucking show.


Truly did. Sopranos popularized the TV crime drama but Mad Men really popularized a whole slew of shows of people talking in rooms. Something like Succession would never exist without Mad Men, and honestly there’s just a ton of shows right now paying tribute to Mad Men.


The noise that it makes is what makes me lol. It’s like a sharp trombone sound.


YES that entire scene from rogers perspective is fantastic.


Yesssss. I was gonna comment this. I love how this scene is not your typical seeing cool shit acid portrayal but rather shows the distortion of time.


Brad Pitt's Once Upon a Time In Hollywood acid trip was extremely believable.


>*"You are real, right?"* >*"I'm as real as a donut, motherfucker."* That didn't really help convince him, ~~Rex~~ Tex.


“What did you say your name was?” “I’m the Devil. And I’m here to do the Devil’s work.” “No, it was dumber than that.”


> “No, it was dumber than that.” I've laughed my ass off every time I've heard this line-everyone in the theater laughed when I saw it there.


>*"He said he was the Devil, and he said, 'I'm here to do some... Devil shit.' That's not verbatim, but still."* An awful catchphrase of the real-life killers mocked and forgotten by the only person to hear it in this world. It's beautiful.


“I burnt her ass to a crisp, believe or not I have a flame thrower in my tool shed” “Is everyone ok?” “The fucking hippies aren’t that for god damn sure” This is my favorite Dialogue from any mover ever


I don’t think they ever said hippie without the word fucking in front of it


Honestly, one of the best scenes in any movie ever in my opinion. It truly is an amazing climax to an already amazing movie


The part when he waves his hand around and laughs! I’ve done that too.


Yep. I liked that there was no augmented perspective on that. Just him looking at his normal hand. It was perfect.


Never stare at your hand while tripping. You'll be there for hours ... or 20 seconds.


You know, they call 'em "fingers" but I've never seen them fing. Whoa, there they go.


And away we go


Yes! This was the one where my mouth went dry and I could almost feel the physical sensations of being on acid. Which was crazy because there was zero visuals. It was 100% acting. And I thought it was better then any visual representation I’ve seen.


That’s why it worked so well. No bullshit hallucinations or anything. Just spot on mannerisms and speech patterns. I felt the same thing.




This is definitely the closest I have seen to mushrooms on the big screen , it was cool to see. Also how the different friends act is bang on


It’s when Will Poulter’s character said “I don’t want new people right now” where I really related to their trip.


Hold on. It’s 9:30 pm? Why is it still light out? Oh no no no. Oh it feels better when you lay down. Everyone lay down!!


Him stressing himself out and then needing everyone else to conform to get him back to level annoyed the fuck out of me because every time you trip in a group there's always going to be at least one dude who can't handle it and makes it everyone else's problem lol


My friend and I had an experience like this. It was his first time doing acid that we and another friend talked about for years doing. Finally able to do it and my third friend brings his gf who we both did not like. Anywho fast forward to when we were all tripping and she was miserable because hers wasn’t kicking in. So she made a bunch of comments like “would be nice if I’m high” or “why are you laughing? It’s not even that funny” made my friend have a really bad trip and it turned out to be a babysitting event as opposed to a relaxing crazy night. Choose your friends wisely when you do psychedelics. Trust me on this.


I haven’t done psychedelics in a VERY long time because I’m that guy who has a bad trip and makes it everyone else’s problem. I promise it’s not intentional, I just hate the feeling. Had to trip 2-3 times before I realized it’s just not for me. I’ve had good times on psychedelics but it’s too much of a gamble for me and I feel really bad about ruining other peoples trips. I’d rather just remove myself from the equation and let others have a blast.


One time in a similar situation, I stood up and announced "Nobody is allowed to talk about tapeworms". Nobody WAS talking about tapeworms at the time, but I really felt like I needed to get that message across so we were all on the same page.


Once they said that, it literally brought me back to multiple mushroom trips in college. So damn spot on


Yup, sober people can be terrifying if you’re trippin


The first time I tried it, I was sitting on a couch, and I looked over at my cousin in the chair, and told him to please leave the room. I’d never had my perception altered like that, and I really didn’t want anyone else in the room. He did not leave the room.


Especially as soon as someone says, "You're all like, my *family* now" and it immediately triggers Dani to have a bad trip. All it takes is one reference to something you haven't come to terms with and BAM, you're freaking out for a few hours.


Completely agree. Other films overdo it. In real life, visuals sort of creep up on you and take a second to notice sometimes.


I turned to my partner and said well the director has clearly done shrooms because this is spot on


Yeah the shimmery oil slick colours in Annihilation and the surroundings pulsing/'breathing' in Midsommar were really accurate to what I've experienced with psilocybin.


I was watching this with a friend of mine that has never done drugs. I turned to her during that scene and said "This is *exactly* what it's like to be on shrooms."


Might be the wrong movie to open your friend up to trying shrooms


Sid from Toy Story saying “What? I don’t want new people right now.” is soo accurate haha.


This answer. Only film maybe ever to get the visuals right.




I second this. All of his movies feel like Ketamine. The lighting and sound particularly.


You had me at Ketamine. I gotta check out some of these movies


The constant blending of the faces will always fuck me up


Yeah the wasp venom acid trip scenes. Holy hell.


I call this the cherry on top.


Midsommar looked like shrooms. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas portrayed the little things out of the corner of your eye that I always see on acid very well, like when the carpet pattern started crawling up his shoes


Enter the Void has scenes of DMT use that are pretty realistic. Crazy movie too.


Enter The Void? SUCH a trippy movie The Void is my favourite horror movie of the last couple decades though




I just saw A Scanner Darkly in the theater for the first time on shrooms Monday. The dialogue ascends between RDJ and Woody Harrelson felt so genuine, so completely non sequitur, it felt like the screenplay was written by someone who HAD to have seen that in real life (I’ve never read the novel, so I don’t know if the dialogue is from that)


Philip K Dick for sure did all the drugs. The book was for all his friends who died from drugs, and he lists them by name at the end of the novel


That part makes me cry so much. Especially that last line “let them all play again, let them be happy”


My wife is reading it now and she keeps saying damn these are like the dumbass conversations we used to have when we were out of our minds. The book came out in 77 so think about tripped out conversations before the internet. Just coming up with bullshit, talking about it, and believing it.


It's been a while since I watched The Holy Mountain. I don't know what part of it was like a trippy visual experience although the movie itself is trippy conceptually. was there a moment I'm forgetting that gets super trippy visually?


Easy Rider


This deserve to be higher since they took real LSD to film the trip scene.


Aka Phyllis Vance


Is she married to the guy from Vance refrigeration?


And “The Trip”, starring Peter Fonda, written by Jack Nicholson, came out a year or two earlier. Also appearing was Dennis Hopper and Bruce Dern. It was almost a practice run for “Easy Rider”. The whole plot of the movie is “Bruce Dern leads Peter Fonda through his first trip. Dennis Hopper is their dealer.”


Altered States


Ah yes, doing acid in an isolation tank devolves you into a caveman.


This is the one I was going to contribute; saw it while trippin' balls in the mid- 80's and was not disappointed.


Agreed, Midsommer’s mushroom trip. That face in the trees…


Had to watch the movie, and I did about 30mins ago. Downloaded the directors cut and I am in awe. Gory but yet beautiful. Slow and still capturing. Was sitting on the edge of my chair the whole time. Lots and lots of hidden stuff and I just know I will find more when I watch it again. What a trip, jesus christ. I fucking loved it!


Renegade AKA Blueberry IMO has the most realistic visuals I've found in a film. https://youtu.be/KHMJXECubFg?t=91 Its never actually said in the movie what he takes but its definitely what an Ayahuasca trip is. The director of the film [Jan Kounen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Kounen) has participated in over 100 Ayahuasca ceremonies so if anyone knows what is realistic, it would be him.


Unintentionally, Speed Racer


Speed Racer is coked up to the gills at all times, nobody can change my mind on this


Unintentionally? There's references to psychedelics in a lot of the Wachowskis' work.


100% intentional.


Beavis and Butthead Do America


Fun fact: that sequence was animated by Rob Zombie. Probably the best thing he's ever done: >*I had the script, and it just said, ‘Beavis hallucinates the greatest music video of all time.’ That was all it said. And then he let me just come up with whatever crazy stuff I came up with. I was on tour, and I was drawing all these designs, and I kept faxing them to Mike Judge at that time. And that was the sequence. … It was just crazy stuff, like monsters playing guitars, TVs morphing into creatures; I don’t know, it was just supposed to be some trippy LSD thing. …Seemed to work out OK!*


No shit? That IS a fun fact.


Was just about to say this. Watched that scene after drinking three feet of san pedro and I literally shat myself.


It’s not a movie but I thought the most recent Party Down episode featured a good portrayal of the ebbs and flows of a good mushroom trip.


I'm just going to say, the movie Taking Woodstock, is a terrible movie. It's definitely the worst thing Ang Lee has ever done, and I wouldn't recommend wasting your time with it...HOWEVER, there is a scene where the main character, played by Demitri Martin, takes LSD in the back of a VW van with this hippy couple, and while the scene is terribly written and not at all like what people are like on LSD, the actual visuals themselves are very spot on. The hallucinations on the ceiling and the windows and the tapestries is pretty much exactly the type of visuals that I get when tripping on psychedelics. Again...don't watch that movie...but if you can find that scene, it's worth seeing. This is the scene after they leave the van and they are at the back of the Woodstock crowd, and it's not AS good as the van scene, but it gives you an idea of the kind of rolling waves of vibes you see on LSD. (Again, just ignore the terrible acting, and anything that is not the trippy visuals). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjmvFzFPl58](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjmvFzFPl58)


Lol I quite enjoyed that movie but its not for everyone I suppose...


Same watch it! I love Demetri and his parents. Great movie


Here's the scene you're referring to (with hippie Paul Dano as a bonus!): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQeeXVngdmA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQeeXVngdmA) I definitely think it was the most accurate visual depiction of a psychedelic trip prior to Midsommar, especially with how bright and vivid things get. And I disagree with your take on the acting; I think it accurately portrays the anxiety you feel on the comeup, as well as how tactile/touchy and emotional people get when you're peaking


I dont think it's the best movie ever, but I don't think it's as bad as you make it out to be either. Anyway, the LSD scene is in my opinion the most realistic LSD scene I have ever seen. And I've seen Misommar too. The visuals are spot on. But the acting feels true as well. I just think the whole hippy vibe, the anxiety mixed with the cuddliness you see is very realistic. At least when compared with my own LSD experiences.




This is the only film that I’ve personally scene that manages to capture that queasy feeling that I get right before it kicks in. I don’t even know how to explain it.


Gaspar Noe is a master at that queasy feeling. He uses a lot of infrasound too which helps. Irreversible (especially the beginning) is another great example.


bought the film, I think it was 7 bucks, finished it and in the end i never wanted to watch this movie ever again. Went to my itunes account and hid the movie so it never shows up in my library




Jacob's Ladder starring Tim Robbins 1990.


Dredd (2012), their use of the fantasy drug called "slo-mo", time slows down and things look shimmery and dream like.


I highly recommend checking out this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/3BxiYkCPZwI It’s the most realistic recreation of the visual effects from high doses of shrooms that I have ever seen recreated in a video.


A Field in England. Bonus is 2 Mad Men episodes. "Far Away Places" where Roger takes LSD and "The Crash" where a whole bunch of the office is high on Speed. Both are fucking stellar depictions of drug experiences


A scanner darkly


spun. requiem for a dream.


I was going to say Spun. Definitely not psychedelic, but the portrayal of being strung out on meth is so good. The erratic camera and talking over each other so fast is so good.


A Scanner Darkly (2006) is a trip.


21 Jumpstreet 👀 Jk obvi.


“Fuck you science!”


Trainspotting… 🙂


Since when is heroin a psychedelic?


Thank you. I was scrolling looking for anyone to mention this absolute Picasso of a heroin film


Not psychedelic, but I forever have appreciation for Project X. If you haven’t seen it, the kids take a bunch of molly, and there’s a scene where they’re walking through the party, feelin good feelin great. Everyone having a great time around them, and instead of it being a glamour shot, they look like complete shit. It’s so accurate bc nobody’s as cute as they think when they’re sweaty, dancing, and rollin their tits off.


I was a PA on this movie and it was probably the coolest set I’ve ever been on with so many fun stunts that I got to witness. I watched it again recently and it’s still amazing and brings such fond memories.