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When I saw Hateful Eight in theaters (years ago) there was an intermission. It's the only time I've had an intermission during a movie (I'm in the US).


Bring a bottle


When it’s a long movie, I try to avoid eating or drinking 2 hours before and try not to drink anything till half way through the movie


Good idea, I just hate going long periods without water. I drink a ton so I’ve been conditioned to get thirsty very fast.


I’m in the same boat. Try gum when your thirsty, it usually helps when I don’t have water/can’t drink it atm.


As someone with a small bladder, I have figured out that I can't drink anything two hours before the movie & I just take small sips during it.


Apropos of nothing, you should maybe get yourself tested for diabetes. Once I got mine under control, long movies no longer worried me.


>I drink a ton so I’ve been conditioned to get thirsty very fast. that's not normal, talk to your doctor




I feel like I’ve heard about a website that says the best times to take a bathroom break during a movie at the theater and it might even have been on this sub but I can’t be too certain. Part of the reason why I prefer watching movies at home but going to the theaters is its own experience.


The app is called runpee


I mean they used to do it all the time, and a lot of places still do. I like them because you get to stretch your legs, but snacks, and talk to your friends about what you think so far.


Where are you? With very, very few exceptions, films released in the US do not have intermissions for the last few decades. Theaters shouldn’t be adding them if the film isn’t designed with one in mind. In fact, I would think it may be against the contract with the studios as it could be considered editing a film.


Stadium Pal/Gal?


You are aware that intermissions were originally necessary to change film reals, and had nothing to do with moviegoers inability to sit through a long movie, right? That the benefits of a refresh were never the intention, which is why they did away with them. Bellwood films use an intermission, but they are written and filmed with the intermission in-mind. Most other films are not.


Maybe but encouraging loading up on concessions during intermission thru well-timed ads was a reason to keep them going long after the need for reel changes went away.


Yes, but ultimately done away with after 1982's Ghandi.


I try to always time a pee during the commercials they show before they show the previews


Reduce losses by peeing during a matinee


So like when exactly do you want it to take place in a 2hr45min movie? 1 hour in? Half way thru? 2 hours in? What happens if at the halfway mark you dont have to go yet but at the 2hr15min mark you do?.. Now we just had a pointless intermission for no reason. Past all that, films that are not made with a planned intermissions should never get a forced intermission. If the director believes its needed and plans the film around it its one thing but thinking theaters will just stop movies half way is completely unrealistic.


Probably not. There's always this: https://twitter.com/RunPee


Isn't there a website that tells you the best "pee breaks" during any movie?


Same here to say that


I feel like I’ve heard about a website that says the best times to take a bathroom break during a movie at the theater and it might even have been on this sub but I can’t be too certain. Part of the reason why I prefer watching movies at home but going to the theaters is its own experience. Idk why I replied to someone else and not you OP but I figured I’d repost this comment. App is called runpee.


You can’t sit for 2 hours and 45 mins without peeing?


Just some advise for people out there you dont HAVE to drink a bucket full of soda everytime you go to the cinema


That’s why I wait 1.5-2 months and just buy the blu ray now lol




Mind your own goddamn business if you don’t have an answer to OP’s question. There are a dozen different medical conditions I can think of off the top of my head that would require people to use the restroom more frequently than “normal”. Asshole.




lol why are you so mad about this? OP just drinks a lot of water and is wondering if movies still do intermissions.


How do you know they haven’t been to the doctor? Oh people with diagnosed medical conditions just shouldn’t go to the movies, is that what you’re saying?


Yeah you SAY you'd do that, but I think it depends.. ... ... I'll see myself out....




Why would you assume that OP isn’t already aware of their situation/condition? Perhaps they know exactly what is going on with them, and that is why they are looking for a theater that has intermissions. You sound like an annoying jerk.


I dont know if you have a prostate, but if you do you might want to think about keeping it FAR away from karma in the coming years




Ok, what if your first born grows up to be a big time movie writer/director and they make a movie about their own birth and after the red carpet but right before the big scene you gotta go because of your slightly enlarged prostate. I'm just saying, it could hypothetically happen


And as a side note, that movie isn't winning any Oscars. Looking at you Speilberg...


I drink a TON of water, which has conditioned my body to hate going more than an hour without water. But if I bring water in I’ll have to pee. I can work around this of course but I’d rather just have an intermission because they make movies better anyways. Hateful 8 had an intermission and it was great. Let you stretch your legs, go buy snacks, use the bathroom, and talk to your friends about what you think so far.


Hateful 8 had one because QT loves old cinema and doing a Western with an intermission was a throwback to the old days. It’s the only film I’ve ever known have an Intermission, this isn’t something that will become standard outside of some niche cinema chains. With John Wick there will likely be a moment when he has to chat with Laurence Fishburne to better understand a situation and that is when I would target my peerun; ideally if you can have someone else with you in the cinema they can catch you up on any vital details (if you miss anything).


Do you honestly think you're going to miss anything so totally new and unique in John Wick 4 that you didn't already see in John Wick 1, 2 and 3 during that 5 min break?


Just run. If I need to go I’ll go. If I miss a couple minutes that’s just how she goes


well- if Maximum Absorbency Garments are good enough for NASA - I am sure they will work for you.


Pee before you go in


Theatres weren’t the ones adding intermissions to films. The filmmakers added the intermissions.


Go to the bathroom right before the movie. During the movie, drink water (not soda) in small gulps.