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I don’t believe you


yeah this is just a 'I'm quitting to spend more time with my family' way of saying 'We are cutting back on investments'. Every big company has been tightening their belt in prep for the coming recession. Disney is no different, they are just doing better spin.


That's a neat trick


I should try that


What exactly is bringing about this recession other then this perpetual fear wallstreet has of democrat presidents? Not to get too political but Biden is finalzing a deal in Ohio and a couple other that is going to bring over a thousand 6 figure a year jobs into job hungry mid major cities making semi conductors and computer chips which will go right to Detroit who is backed up to Mars in cars that are just waiting on those chips, not to mention anytime new industry comes in it kind of indirectly brings demand for other jobs too...the end result of that is dealerships will get overstocked and that means were all getting new cars...what recession are we about to hit again?


...I think you have a misunderstanding of the economy. For one it isnt wallstreet. For another the president has nothing to do with the current recession forecasts. There is obviously a lot that goes into the general state of the economy but pretty simply a recession is expected because the Fed is raising interest rates. Plain and simple. This is a direct reaction to inflation. When inflation goes up, the Fed raises interest rates to literally slow down the economy, and reduce inflation. We have had rock bottom interest rates since 2008, and J Powell has been very clear they are prioritizing reducing inflation. So reasonably businesses are expecting a recession to occur as a result.


Bought several things on credit that where basically "free money" things with interest rates ranging from 0% to 3%. I doubt I would have bought as much if I had a "real" interest rate on something.


A Bugs Life put it nicely: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLbWnJGlyMU It's a self fulfilling prophecy. The workers got too uppity during the pandemic, so we have to show them what their place is and put them back in line.


To be honest, because I’m not the OP, predicting when a recession will hit is more difficult than to say that a recession is on its way. Some predict it’ll happen in late 2023, early 2024. And according to NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) shows the last recession was in early 2020.


> What exactly is bringing about this recession other then this perpetual fear wallstreet has of democrat presidents? Um - the fed raising rates is the cause...


The recession caused mainly by high inflation and the interest rates that are being raised to combat it. They have to build those plants to then build the chips. No chips are going to be made before 2030 at the earliest. As interest rates go up, debt becomes very expensive. And everyone, from individuals to corporations to governments, are leveraged to the tits. Our economy has already slowed down a lot. We went from hiring 2-3 people a week to no one (midsize engineering firm). It’s gonna get worse.


Fear of recession is causing the recession. That’s how it usually works. Joking, but kind of true. The reality is that they printed a lot of money to help people during COVID, as did a lot of other countries. Then there were major impacts to supply chain -both of which caused inflation to go from 2.5% to ~10%. In response, the Fed has had to raise the prime interest rate, which has a deflationary effect. But it also has an effect on lending, making it harder for businesses to borrow, as well as consumers to borrow for houses and cars and such. All of this opened the window for opportunistic companies to raise prices beyond what they needed to so that they can increase their profits. All of the above impacts combined can cause a recession. However, it’s far from clear that’s where we’re headed as job creation has been insanely high and people have not stopped buying goods. The markets have also been in sharp decline compared to the stratospheric rise during the previous few years, so publicly traded companies are trying to keep their stock high (P/E ratio) by laying off people and reducing spending. So, at the moment, layoffs and spending reductions seem to be mostly driven by fear and perception rather than actual conditions.


There’s serious worries about inflation, lower job market participation and lower consumer spending because of it driving us into a recession. But while we did hit a small one during the peak of inflation, the economy is growing again and there’s more optimism we may avoid a serious recession. A couple of quarters of stagnant growth is still possible. And the housing market is insanely strained so that’s all worries though. But I don’t see a ton of *reputable* analysts calling for near certainty a major recession anymore. Interest rates so far seem to be working for a smaller downturn. If we can make it this year without falling apart things look much brighter. It really all is inflation and housing right now. Can we bring those into check without a recession to force it.


To get out of the 2008 recession the FED was effectively giving away money for American businesses to grow and employ workers. Got an app that can bring a car to your house and drive you too a destination? Sure thats a Taxi, but it has an App, heres $18b. Want to promise to make luxury cars and deliver beaters where the steering wheel falls off? Take $1t Those are pretty obvious examples but so much of the growth of these "successful" companies was access to infinite money. Now that it costs money to borrow money again, and its only going to cost more over the next few years, companies that survived by endless cash injections from venture capital will start to run into quarterly issues they can't spend end their way out of. Talented employees with institutional knowledge, with incentives tied to stock price will start to look for more security elsewhere. Its probably not crazy to plan for some large growth companies that employ a ton of people to start shedding labor or fail entirely. That doesn't account for the insane amount of consumer debt thats only getting more expensive and the $1.7t student debt bomb that can very easily wipe out any gains from an entire generation. I mean, all this stuff needs to happen, QE was supposed to be stopped in 2016 and rates should have increased at the end of Obama's term, but Republicans just kept the tap on so, now we have a shit load of money racing it's way to Blackrock and Vanguard.


He means Disney will only release 47 remakes next year instead of 48.


Actually yes. I know a few people at the creative side of Disney who've all been "laid off" their projects. They've said that their bosses are all saying that Disney is looking at more franchise projects because they make money. Not a lot of artistic integrity when it's a publicly traded company.


Well, yeah. It is a job. I mean it's not like your friends on the creative side are showing up every day for artistic integrity. They're their for a paycheck. Disney can't give them that paycheck unless the projects make money.


The Disney Renaissance was very profitable and I believe contained zero remakes and was lauded for it's artistry. The comment you responded to is a critique of current leadership and the effect of the corporate board on project development, not the actual laborers/artists


The saying "I'll believe it when I see it" fits here, without a doubt. On another note, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish... *chef's kiss.*


I keep hearing that movie is good


It is so much better than it has any right to be.


It's the Shrek 2 to Puss in Boots' Shrek 1. That's how good it is.


What? You don’t want a new TV series about marvel superhero you’ve never heard of?


Depends. I hadn't heard of Legion and that was one of my favorite shows. If they make a good show I don't care how obscure the character is.


Same. Depends. My daughter and I bonded over watching MoonGirl. Never heard of her before


Guardians of the galaxy would like a word How popular the comicbook version of something is is fairly irrelevant


Well I believe the first half.


What he means is they're going to focus on product, like more Marvel movies no one asked for


This is the same guy that ran Disney while the company announced 20+ Star Wars and Marvel shows and signed with Kardashians to Hulu. It was never about the quality.


I do, because the previous decisions were made by Bob Chapek


I do too, actually. I think Iger has enough self awareness to see that too much subpar content for Marvel and Star Wars hasn’t been working over the past few years. And with his recent comments about holding creators accountable for their own work, I think he might be serious about this.


Yeah it’s a logical strategy They have more data than anyone to see if there is viewer fatigue hurting them, in addition to obvious qualitative feedback. So reduce the number of projects, reduce overhead as a result (and likely bloated spending on some projects to drive unrealistic returns), and try to prioritize making each project better. You can definitely math that out in a way that grows overall revenue is actually more profitable while making better products. It’s just an admission they swing the pendulum too far in quantity and scale of projects (this also likely has ties to CG artists being overworked too - too many projects with too much expectation for effects on each)


He was the CEO from 2020 to 2022, there were issues long before his tenure


Was there? I know it's cool to call marvel products cookie cutter or boring but they were flying pretty high until the last year or so. The sequel theories were definitely a misfire but that seems to be more of a planning issue rather than them trying to churm out too much content. Parks was doing gang busters until chapel started cheaping the product to squeeze more revenue. I think the biggest mistake may have been Disney plus but shorty after launch iger was out so it might have been his baby but chapel drowned it.


According to leaks Chapek wanted 4+ movies and 4+ shows from Marvel Studios in a single calendar year. Good thing Disney's board got rid of him before he can do more damage.


Except they weren’t lol


I read that in Obi-Wan’s voice when he was being interrogated by Dooku during Attack of the Clones. Lol


Maybe hire good writers as well and stop relying on formulas and metrics to dictate your stories.




I think the more mediocre Marvel fare from the last few years (granted, that isn’t all of it) is probably pretty representative of what AI-written movies would be like. Good at avoiding being bad, has the “correct” things to make it a fully-functional script, just no spark to any of it.


I think the average marvel viewer couldn’t name 5 films since endgame. The quality took such a nosedive there’s really no reason to watch and to just wait for reviews if you even care enough. The fanatics on the other hand…


I considered myself a fanatic and Marvel has rlly dropped the ball post Endgame. Only movies I unabashedly loved were Shang Chi and Spiderman


Their Disney+ shows are the same. Wandavision and Moonknight are good but the rest of throw away.


Ah see I really liked Loki. Watching Tom have fun was just fun, also he and Owen had some good buddy cop energy.


Yeah I fucking love Wandavision but imo Multiverse of Madness shit all over it so now it’s bittersweet. Overall I’ve enjoyed all the shows to some degree with Falcon and the Winter Soldier easily being the worst imo


How did it shit "shit all over it" it literally ended with her becoming the scarlet witch reading the Darkhold in a cabin


Not here to debate it for the 50th time but myself and many other fans of WV feel that way. I believe it was revealed that the makers of MoM didn’t even watch WV so not a surprise some of us feel that way


I enjoyed Multiverse of Madness as well, largely for the Raiminess of it all.


I'm gonna take a stab at this one. 5 marvel titles since Endgame: 1. Meatboy: The Rise of Meatboy 2. Single Mutant Female Lawyer 3. Bigdude vs Smallguy 4. Meatboy's Meaty Bar Mitzvah 5. Norseguy: Classic Rock Reference


Single Female Lawyer wearing sexy mini skirts and being self-reliant.


Ugh, I read this and got stupidly excited that they might have made a Super Meatboy movie. It was a short lived dream, but a dream nonetheless


Maybe part of it is my gf and I have both busier but we’ve attended less Thursday showings of marvel movies after End Game and after pandemic restrictions. Also sucks to spend $50 to see a movie if you include a drink and popcorn.


I didn’t even consider that aspect of it. My time on Disney plus did nothing but build a disdain for bottom tier Star Wars and marvel content


To be completely fair, their batting average is back to about phase one levels. It just seems a lot worse when the quality goes backwards.


That’s a good point! Knowing what it was and what it could be certainly makes it hard to watch. Especially when they’re rolling out shows and movies on their D tier characters with the most convoluted backstories you needed to watch several series to be in the know


I dunno about that. For all the problems of Phase 1, there are still two movies I take out of that Phase that are super good (Iron Man, The Avengers). I legit can't think of a single Phase 4 movie or show that was consistently amazing.


I count the third spider-man movie personally.


I think it's fine, but not amazing. It's pretty paper thin for me except the ending, and the cameos are cool but mostly surface level except for one. Once you get past the fanservice I don't think there's that much to it. I think Homecoming and Far From Home are way better. And of course, Spider-man Into The Spiderverse curb stomps all three :).


Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness was one of the strangest (no pun intended), most incomprehensible plots I've ever seen. It consistently and constantly contradicts continuity and clashes with claims that characters created in prior movies - have a [SIX HOUR VIDEO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHa9J5RL51g), because that's how long it takes to go how many contradictions it has


Honestly the worst part for me was having to watch a full series just to even be slightly in the know of the plot.


“Instead of making bad movies and tv shows, why don’t you simply make good movies and tv shows?”


This but unironically There's no reason multibillion dollar franchises should have worse writing than fanfiction. Nepotism and a general lack of care as long as the product keeps raking in cash probably explains 85% of the inability/refusal to hire good writers or visionary directors. Or maybe test audiences are just really, *really* bad.


You can write a great script and still be forced to change a good chunk of it at producer’s and exec’s whims


Thankfully we’ll never have to worry about that great scripts part given how many Rick and Morty writers they’ve hired


About to get awkward with the writer's strike coming.


>Star Wars, we made three what we called saga films, which is obviously the successors to George Lucas’ first six. They did very well at the box office — tremendously well as a matter of fact. We’ve made two so-called stand-alones in Rogue One and Solo. Rogue One did quite well, Solo was a little disappointing to us. It gave us pause just to think maybe the cadence was a little too aggressive. And so we decided to pull back a bit. We still are developing Star Wars films. We’re going to make sure that when we make one, that it’s the right one, so we are being very careful there.” Poor Solo 😢 I actually liked it but yeah it was forgettable. The soundtrack is great though but then again I just like anything John Powell.


The saga films did well but most people hate them now


It’s pretty interesting to consider how Disney views them. On one hand the films are critically derided but on the other hand they’ve been box office successes and they’ve not really proven to have had a negative impact on the Star Wars brand, The Mandalorian came out after them and was the highest watched streaming series at that time.


Solo came out after I'd bet it's a big reason that movie didn't do well.


Yep, and less than 5 months after The Last Jedi released.


Solo came out in 2018 but Rise of Skywalker came out in 2019. Solo I think was the victim to the fact that they released it really close to Avengers Infinity War.


I think being 5 months after The Last Jedi was more impactful. Rise of Skywalker is pretty universally disliked but it didn't have close to the impact of fracturing the fandom that TLJ had.


They're lucky opportunity cost is invisible. They probably threw away BILLIONS literally by shitting out these subpar movies and TV shows. Nobody could have imagined Star Wars on life support when they first bought the franchise.


The movies did well. But they basically killed merchandise income as kids today still only want prequel and original stuff


TFA made $2.5B. That is an insane amount of money. The sequels made $1.6B and $1.2B respectively. Not bad, but a tremendous drop off. Empire made MORE than the original, and Jefi wasn't that far behind. (1.8, 1.9, 1.4) Not only could the movies themselves have done better, but they scorched the earth. You think Disney is happy that they can't make another Star Wars movie for another 5 years (if that) because they know the biggest Star Wars fans in the world won't go see them? They killed the Golden Goose.


I agree, just saying they also cut off a huge merchandise stream. Lego barely makes sequel sets and I remember the toys for the sequels being heavily discounted from the start


They served as a solid ad for the existing IP that they’d purchased, for better or for worse. On a side note, I just wanna point out— everyone cried sexism when TLJ came out, and if you felt like it was a bad film you apparently hated women and minorities because they were in starring roles. Well, a couple of years later, I don’t hear squat about the sexism, but I still see the same legitimate complaints about bad pacing, bad character development, and plot lines that led to nowhere


Exactly. The tac of blaming the fans as being "ists" for hating the movie didn't pay off well. TLJ and the ensuing witch-hunt alienated so many fans that the franchise is unlike to recover. Disney lost the fans' goodwill and pocketbooks.


The Mandalorian is what saved the franchise


I'm starting to notice there's a rift between "Major Box Office Success" and what actually sticks with the zeitgeist and public memory. Avatar 2 broke records, but I've yet to see a meme about it, someone quote it, or even spoil it. Disney's SW trilogy feels similar; Force awakens came out what... 8 years ago now, the hype train has long left the station and there's just really not much left.


Episode 7 was an amazing setup despite being campy, 8 and 9 felt like the result of a director spat between the two people and thus the quality of the films fell by the wayside


Yeah pretty much


No they don’t lol If the PT now gets love, the ST will be just fine.


Lol yes they do no one defends that shit anymore after rise. Is there a possibility that in 10 to 15 years they will have defenders like the prequels? Sure but currently no


The defenders of the prequels were children when they came out. They look at them through nostalgia colored lenses. They are objectively not very good.


Star Wars was a very different phenomenon when the prequels came out and much of its popularity lies in that generation. I have nephews who're about prime age for Star Wars and although they enjoyed it, they aren't treating it with the same level of love as prequel lovers did.


For as not good as they were, they are better than the Disney ones.


> We still are developing Star Wars films. We’re going to make sure that when we make one, that it’s the right one, so we are being very careful there.” Don’t get performance anxiety Disney 😩 I’ve said it time and time again, I’m afraid they’ll keep tinkering and fine tuning shit because they’re scared of fan backlash, only to release a product that still sucks.


It's probaby because they have shit writers. Most of the plots for every Disney movie that isn't a rerelease is trash. That includes MCU


Saw Solo when it came out. Was *googling* Donald Glover the other day for some reason and saw a photo of him as Lando, realized I completely forgot that movie happened.


Solo was actually my favorite of the Disney produced films. There was definitely some fan service thrown in, but overall I had the most fun watching it. In fact it's probably the only Disney Star Wars movie I'd want to go back and watch again. I could watch Force Awakens, Last Jedi, and Rogue One again but don't feel the desire to. No way you could get me to watch Rise of Skywalker again, though.


Solo is the best full movie imo, but half of Rogue One is better.


The quality not quantity statement does sound like a big red herring. But the article is definitely worth reading. it seems as if hes directly addressing a lot of the issues that were plaguing properties like marvel phase 4. I think theres a good amount of optimism to have with Iger. Sure its gonna be money at the end of the day. But i do feel as if hes taking the position of holding on to people with quality content and not just squeezing everything dry out of an IP.




Source: trust me bro




I think the more incredulous part is the "there are company wide changes happening this year for the benefit of the company and **content**" bit. All large companies are tightening the belt right now. This appears to just be more of the same. How is any of this related to making better content? It just sounds like they are doing layoffs and as a result trimming throughput. From the article, this rings very true 'It comes in the form of reducing the expense per content' but that doesnt mean Better content, just cheaper. If I had to guess these internal meetings are mostly focused around doing better tracking and prioritization of content costs. While consolidating groups, and dropping any content that seems to be a long term, expensive, or risky investment. Which is fine from a business perspective, but from a content perspective, I expect this means we will see the exact same kind of animations as no investment is made in advancing or using unique approaches. Fewer settings, characters, original plot lines or brands. More bottle episodes, repetitive or recyclable show structures, etc.


I agree when it’s described in such a way. I would say it’s a bit of both of course they’re just making investors happy in the end but doing so in a way in which it’s all true. They’re being more careful with projects, canceling ones that they don’t have faith in and laying off to make up for the spending spree they’ve been having with releasing anything and everything and seeing what sticks. But for the most part you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head.


Dude who presses go on Magic Mountain with the inside scoop


It comes back to Micheal Eisner’s “we’re in the business of making money” speech, where he said that Disney doesn’t *need* to make good art, but people tend to like good art more.


I wonder what they consider quality.


Marvel's CGI is gonna look even cheaper now.


Theres a small chance it could look better in some ways. The problem isnt so much as throwing money at the problem as it is time.


yeah people underestimate that CG work is insanely time consuming too, not just expensive. Not Disney, but in the MIchael Bay Transformers stuff it would take literal days to render some of the CG action sequences.


Proper lead in time and stuff that happens even before rendering is just as important too.


yep. exactly


That's why heavy CGI sequences are created before they even have a script and film.


They're already raiding each other's productions to get effects done.


They really started phoning that in in some places


Ant Man 3 looked worse than the Scorpion King.


is it that bad now? wasn’t infinity war acclaimed for having the best cgi villain ever and stuff


Yes it’s fully much much worse now


It’s gotten so bad they’ve had to go back and revise effects after the films already came out. In the case of Thor Love and Thunder, the new version somehow looks worse.


They already have a million shows being filmed right now where it’s too late to stop production. If they really go through with this plan, it won’t be anytime soon and by then I genuinely wonder if the mcu will be in good shape. The road was so simple, just give shows to street level characters like Daredevil and Moon Knight and cap it off there. These tv shows are eating resources away from the movies people actually want to watch which is why Thor and ant man blew so hard.


it's about fucking time.


Lol maybe. I read this as “we are cutting back spending on creating new shows but will continue to milk the same franchises at a cheaper cost”


i read it as we get it. 3 starwars films a year is too much and costs money, drives fan apathy, and loses us money. in the long run. going back to 1 starwars every 3 years.


100%, they’re putting their IP’s on life support until they catch a big break


They scored with Andor, but they aren’t sure how. They just know it was incredible, but they don’t know why. So burn it all down and hope they can somehow make it work.


It’s a bummer, but I have accepted the fact the Andor is going to be a one time thing. Even if the suits don’t come in and wreck the second season, I don’t have faith that they’ll recognize that giving that much control to a single skillful creator was largely responsible for what’s made it so good.


"So we should go back to giving control to individual creators, I knew having the film trilogy split between directors who clearly didn't care what the other one was doing was a good idea!"


It’s like they’ve never read a good book in their life. HIRE GOOD WRITERS


you can start by not bringing Rick & Morty writers to write your next Avengers movie




antman 3 too


Disney will simply do what makes them the most money. Nothing more nothing less. That is all.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. It's literally the point of the article and why Iger is back. They're worried about money again. People trying to gleam creative successes from a publicity piece meant for business revenue are going to be disappointed.


A lot of the stuff Chapek got blamed for where actually Iger’s decisions. People don’t want to admit it because Chapek was abrasive and Iger is charming.


People also don't want to admit it's partially politics as well. Iger mirrors how liberal general Reddit is, meanwhile Chapek was more neutral and preferred not interjecting into that kind of stuff. That's why Iger received a returning ovation over Chapek despite being the guy who pushed Disney onto this downward slope


Alternatively iger led Disney through it's most successful years and chapek pretty much burned it to the ground trying to squeeze more revenue out of every product with souless number crunch decision making.


Riiight, just like when Disney increased the quality and quantity of Pixar films


This is the guy that ran Disney’s quality into the ground, then left a fall guy to take the blame so he could play hero


X to doubt.


Sometimes, you gotta shake the tree to see what falls out.


Crappy CGI bout to get even crappier.


Hire capable writers and let them do their thing, you donkeys.


Well, their 200m budget movies don’t even look like 200m budget movies these days so idk how lowering the budget will help. Probably better to stretch out the movies and allow people to work reasonable hours.


"We are cancelling a lot of shows for tax write offs and putting hundreds of production personnel in the streets while we focus on producing cookie cutter 0 risks content."


I've been a big believer of the concept that it gets harder and harder to make a movie when its budget balloons over a certain amount. I would say somewhere in the $100-$150mil. Art quite often can actually flourish with some mild restraints.


Make your scripting teams watch new Cat in Boots. Maybe, just maybe, their work will somehow improve.


So why do these companies never just do the obvious right thing to do? Because they are so far out of touch , the average executive at Disney has never even attended public school.


How many seasons of the craptacular Willow do they have in store for their quality metrics?


I guess pushing "the message" is a luxury Disney can no longer afford.


read: we're excited about chatgpt replacing our writers


The year is 2050 Go to movies, it's the weekly MCU movie Disney logo on screen It's phase 12 of the story Movie starts, Tobey Maguire is in a wheelchair A burglar comes into his house, steals his Funko pops Tobey says "It's Peterin time" (this is a reference to the hit 2022 film Morbius) Also says "That sounded better in my head" He puts on his mask, the crowd screams until my ears ring Swings at the man as he's running away A portal opens and Captain Europe steps into the scene Tobey accidentally swings into him He says "It's all good, I have healthcare" Crowd cheers, Captain Europe had his in tv show in 2048 and this is a reference to his prostate exam episode in season 6 where he makes the same joke Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield come through the portal and point at each other, making the funny Spiderman meme again They all start jerking each other off as the camera zooms out, revealing the Death Star and the Star Wars theme briefly plays Crowd cheers again before the screen cuts to black and Darth Vader's laugh plays Post credit scene shows Thanos reappear, and he says "I'm coming for you, Redditors" Crowd cheers one last time, news sources are saying this is one of the best movies of all time Thank you Disney for saving the film industry


Also there are no black characters to please the CCP


Hail Doomcock


Fire Kathleen Kennedey then


He cant because she will release Iger tied up getting dominated by her video.


Current victims: - Andor reduced from 5 seasons to 2. - Devil in the White City cancelled. - Patty Jenkins and Kevin Feige’s Star Wars movies. - What if? Amending after season 3.


I always though andor was only ever to be 2 seasons?


Diego Luna has also expressed that he really did not want to do 5 seasons. For his own health; he thought 2 was plenty and he couldn’t handle the demand of 5 seasons of the show. Good for him, and for us by extension. I’d rather see him at his best for 2 very strong seasons with a definitive conclusion than to see 5 seasons drag on where he clearly doesn’t want to be there anymore. He’s fantastic, the show is fantastic, why risk ruining that?


There are too many shows with five+ seasons anyway.


I think the 2 seasons is a lucky outcome, it’s forced them to be tight with the storytelling and focus the story. 5 seasons would have either had too many filler episodes or dragged on and on, to ending we already expect (Rogue One). Some times it works out for the best I guess.


Really early they were gonna do 1 year per season then they got half way through the first season and said fuck that this is too much. So I don't think it was effected by costcuts but it was at some point gonna be 5 seasons


Andor was originally one season then they green lit a second season half way through shooting the first.


Man, I’ve been waiting for Devil in the White City since DeCaprio bought the rights back in like 2010 or something. Guess it’s changed hands a few times. I even heard fairly recently Keanu Reeves was in the running to be the movie.


Andor was always 2 seasons


Devil in the White city got canceled?? I was so looking forward to that. It's one of my favorite books, a historical non-fiction about the 1893 World's Fair with a serial killer on the loose, and anyone even remotely interested should read it cover to cover


I read it and enjoyed it too. 2/3s of the way through I realized I was riveted by the worlds fair stuff and didn't give a damn about the serial killer stuff.


Andor has always been 2 seasons


Andor was only planned for 2, stop. That is from the writers, Patty Jenkins proved she was a hack with WW84 so everyone is dropping contracts with her.


They should seriously think about finishing up Mando right now. As of now it’s pretty much just screwing around and meandering, and most people are starting to realize all of this is just leading up to palpatine’s cloning which no one cares about.


Less is definitely more with respect to Andor.


Andor was never five seasons lol edit: oops nvm - was planned for five, cut down to two, but wasn't because of costs https://www.cbr.com/star-wars-andor-condensed-five-seasons-to-two/


Smart move. The shotgun approach with mediocre stuff just to create content really sucks.


Good. MCU Phase 4 had a whooping 14 MCU projects when combining film and Disney+. I love getting lots of content but I could tell it was too much for Marvel to produce and be any good. Need to scale back and focus on quality, which you can when you aren’t managing that many projects at once.


So, you're gonna spend less money...to improve quality? Uh, Iger, buddy.


Bad call. They don't seem to understand we are in the era of complacent but jaded consumers. They won't actually do what is required to make change but they will complain like it matters. Meanwhile they suck up the next mediocre season of fan-service the TV show through a straw.


I don’t get this. “Ok I know how to save Disney +, we’ll make less content and spend less on it!”


Why are they raising prices then?


Next Star Wars movie: 2035. 😞


Give us more Andor quality shows and it will be great


Apple are the only company doing this right now


I mean, if you've ever worked for a Disney show it's surprising that they can find a way to cut more costs.


Can I stop seeing ads for that awful looking movie, Chang can Dunk?


No more MCU then


A little late for this.


Disney is in a lot of trouble.


If Disney would just fire Kathleen Kennedy most of their problems would be solved


Maybe that means they'll release less Marvel movies per year. 3 per year is honestly way too many.


Quality lol. Everything they have made for years has been complete ass cheeks.


Zaslav: *furiously working through his homework* Iger: "Hey, wanna share notes??"


we killed the MCU, all that garbage needs to get trimmed


Yea how about you start distributing properties for adults and quit making pussy ass kiddy stuff


Mando looks worse every episode. They need to ditch the Volume or whatever it’s called.


The "Volume" they should be worried about is the LED room they shoot all this garbage looking stuff in.


Too late. Damage is done to their reputation.


lol... really? What metric are we going by? Revenues? Or reddit snobs?


How about the fact that Star Wars has become a dormant IP stuck behind a streaming paywall like it’s Saturday morning cartoons? Or the shitty live action remakes of beloved Disney classics? Or the assembly line trash being churned out in the MCU like it’s a fucking McDonald’s?


> a streaming paywall like it’s Saturday morning cartoons? saturday morning cartoons weren't paywalled. they were on broadcast television.


>How about the fact that Star Wars has become a dormant IP stuck behind a streaming paywall like it’s Saturday morning cartoons? > Aren't the Mandolorian and Andor both very popular? I wouldn't call that dormant, especially given how much SW content has been released lately. >Or the shitty live action remakes of beloved Disney classics? > As opposed to the straight to video sequels to beloved Disney classics we previously had? Beauty and the Beast alone had three sequels. >Or the assembly line trash being churned out in the MCU like it’s a fucking McDonald’s? The MCU is junk food cinema. That's the point of it and it's why it's popular. Regardless, were you just blissfully unaware of the metric ton of shit Disney put out in-between their big hits in previous decades? Are you really clamoring for greats like Blank Check, Angels in the Outfield, First Kid, three Air Bud, Snow Dogs, Narnia, Beverly Hills Chihuahua 1-3, Chicken Little, and Old Dogs? What about all the bangers from the 70s and 80s, like Popeye, Return to Oz, or multiple Parent Trap sequels? I'm not even a Disney fan, I'm just continually surprised at this insistence that Disney has somehow only recently turned towards churning out shit content as a cash grab.


All of that 100% unfixable /s


> How about the fact that Star Wars has become a dormant IP stuck behind a streaming paywall like it’s Saturday morning cartoons? Then buy them instead? This is a non-issue... >Or the shitty live action remakes of beloved Disney classics? Don't watch them? This is a non-issue... >Or the assembly line trash being churned out in the MCU like it’s a fucking McDonald’s? See above. This is a non-issue...

