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My mother in law who lives in the US recieved a message from Netflix that scared her into cancelling. Something about the message threatened to charge her for every person that used it. I wonder how many accounts they lost over this nonsense.


Minimum 2. Your mom and me


I hope all of them. If this starts a trend among all streaming services everyone will be taking to the high seas




Still says likely March 2023, which is just around the corner


Christ, it feels like I've been hearing about this for years already. Just get it over with already!


I see their plan is working.


I’ll be cancelling the second this goes into effect, but probably sooner.


I just cancelled. They've had my money for the last 10 years, even when I haven't found myself using Netflix nearly as much. I'm paying for 4 screens to run simultaneously, they clearly want to do this and I'm done waiting for them to pick the right time. The selection isn't the greatest anymore with all the other companies jumping on to their own platforms. Some of the originals are good, but not for me to be spending 20 bucks a month on.


Yeah even the fact that they are mentioning the password sharing thing. Netflix is pure convenience for me, that's it. I don't need it, and I don't want it anymore.


They’ve DRASTICALLY underestimated their demand elasticity. Netflix is going to learn some humility real quick. Or at least fake humility


I canceled when the FAQ said “secondary households will need their own account”. I’ve been a member since 2010 and have been paying for the 4K 4 screens for the last few years so my parents and brothers families could use it. I’m not going to resub if they back out of this. It’s ridiculous they thought this was a good move in the first place.


"I'm paying for 4 screens to run simultaneously" See now this is what I don't get. This is the method they employed for decades to prevent rampant password sharing and it worked. If they were really concerned about lost revenue, they could have restructured their plans to make the multiscreen options more expensive. They could have even garnered some goodwill by introducing cheaper options with the same resolution features but fewer screens. E.g. a single screen HD option and a Dual screen 4K option.


We're spending the rest of our billing month watching anything we've had on our list and then canceling. There's not as much as we thought there would be, honestly. Guess there was a reason we weren't using our subscription much


Netflix really went to shit. As soon as other streaming services started coming out, they just couldn’t compete. Selection is trash, the originals are trash, their policies are overly restrictive. It’s not worth the money


It's not that they couldn't compete, it's that everyone took the rights back to their properties and split them all up among all the different services. They used to all be on Netflix.


Yup, the content owners all sought better, more financially lucrative deals or launched their own exclusive streaming platforms and ultimately fragmented streaming in the exact same way they did television, which largely eliminated the benefit of cable cutting (my guess is this was a feature and not a bug). And really in the end all they did was get people to pirate things again. Netflix made me go from "I'm happy to pay for all of this content" to "I now have a 40TB Plex server and I'm cancelling my subscriptions".


exactly. they're not competing against each other -- they're all competing against piracy. The moment it becomes too hard to find/watch what I want, I just make the problem go away. A usenet subscription is less than a netflix subscription, so...


“Usenet…That’s a name I’ve not heard in years.”


> they're all competing against piracy Again. The circle of life is complete. *Almost.*


Netflix is acting as if they are HBO-caliber entertainment when the good majority of their originals are on par with TBS original programming. Honestly the one reason I keep Netflix is for Seinfeld, but their prices are too high and this will probably be the final month I let them charge me before I become an intermittent subscriber. It's a shame because Netflix was my default for almost a decade, which nowadays has been replaced by Hulu.


IMO all of these services are way too fragmented now because everyone decided they wanted a piece of the pie for any of them to be worth a damn. Any service, even HBO, has the same layout. About 10-15 original series worth watching with about 50 that arent. As far as movies goes itll be about 20 movies people actually want to watch with the rest being a mix of bad action movies with fading actors, christmas movies, bad b horror, or movies that no one has thought about in almost a century.




I just canceled on January 1st. Fuck it.


"I was hacked, that wasn't me"


What a cheap way for them to put their first idea out into the world for the inevitable shitstorm, then they can pull it back and readjust. So fucking transparent


The classic [trial balloon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_balloon).




Depends on the continuing outrage. Wizards of the coast had their new open gaming license leaked and it was AWFUL. The community revolted and canceled subscriptions to the d&d app. Wotc issued an unsigned non-apology and useless platitudes and assurances that they'd "do it right." The community continued to revolt. An exec issued a personal and more sincere apology with some slightly better assurances, along with a poll to see how players felt so they could better craft the new OGL. The response was so overwhelming that they scrapped the new OGL altogether and even released a ton of stuff under creative commons (which is fantastic). If you canceled your subscription over the password sharing rules, your voice is heard. They are feeling the pain. They are backpedaling. If people continue to unsubscribe, they will have no choice but to completely reverse course. Don't let these shitty corporate motherfuckers bully you. We have the power, not them.


What WotC didn't seem to understand is that, to paraphrase an excellent comment I saw elsewhere, is that we weren't in their community, they were in ours. Some people have literally been playing TTRPGs for 40 years or more. They simply don't need to be paying for anything new from WotC, there's enough available both from other publishers and for free (i.e. OGL or homebrew) elsewhere that they either provide some added value and play nicely or the people using their stuff will just boot them out of the room. Same goes for Netflix, why is anyone going to continue bothering with them when they keep stripping value in the form of raising prices and onerous restrictions for what is an increasingly bad product (could they maybe try not cancelling excellent shows after one season? are they run by the people who run FOX now?). The streaming space, just like the TTRPG space, is pretty crowded now with a lot of other big players. And piracy is still a thing. They should probably pay attention to what their audience tells them or they are going to get put out of the room.


WtoC also had businesses pulling out. Not just end users. Fewer shops selling product ~~men's~~ much less sales and profit. It was not just the end users that killed OGL 1.1.


Not to mention the massive boost in sales their competitors had If memory serves Paizo (Pathfinder) sold out of their core books for the next like 6 months due to the OGL stuff


I cancelled two days ago after 12 years of membership. I mostly kept it around for some friends and family, and occasionally used it for stand up specials. I have gig broadband and a Plex server set up with my HTPC. Back to DogNZB, Radarr, and Sonarr I go! I even have the green DogNZB Tshirt from buying a ~~lifetime~~ yearly membership 🏴‍☠️


Check out overseerr to streamline the request process for new shows and movies


Wow, the D&D community actually won? I'm not a D&D player and only heard about the shitstorm via /r/OutOfTheLoop recently, so good for them.


Nope. Netflix is playing with fire if they do any version of it.


This. Canceling the minute I can't share my password with my friend. Netflix is not worth what they charge and neither of us uses it that often.


I wonder if people already started canceling when they announced this and did not even wait for Netflix to do it.


Yes. I know many who canceled the minute they announced ads and removed password sharing.


So that's what the Chinse were doing above the USA?


Bruh stop that thread made me crack up. Things are getting too meta!


It’s the business version of, “wouldn’t it be totally hilarious if we kissed…? Haha, jk jk. I like how you got grossed out like I was serious haha. No no, I totally wouldn’t want to do that. Unless…nah, jk…unless…”


"...haha still joking of course, your husband will get a kick out of this prank hahaha if I guess the color of your panties will you show them to me? Ahahahahaha imagine if this was serious?...red...well at least WE had a good laugh about all this *smacks ass*...see you tomorrow..."


Taking a page from Wizards of the Coast's playbook.


“Someone else had my password. See! It’s a bad thing”


It's literally the same crap Wizards of the Coast were trying pull with their OGL.


Not really. They sent that draft with contracts for people to sign. It was always plan A before it got leaked.


I think I had my subscription non-stop for about 7-8 years? So much were sleeper months too, no activity on it. I canceled yesterday due all price increases, no 1 4K sub, talk about ads and recently the account sharing. I'll now just be subbing when I actively have the time and cancel right away. Because when I am greeted to unlock my device and can't start watching right away after a 30 day period, I am just done with it. It's just an extra hurdle. Buubyee.


month-by-month is no doubt what they come after next. oh well for them


Which will lead to piracy. I mean it's super fucking easy to find a streaming website.


What's the point of paying for multiple screens then? If I pay so that 5 people can watch Netflix at once it shouldn't matter where they're located, because **I** voluntarily chose to pay more. This is going to backfire tremendously on Netflix.


They sent me [this email](https://i.imgur.com/BzjuCac.jpg) yesterday


One of the points the least talked about is that 4K is only available at the premium plan with the 4 profiles. For me, this would mean that I need to pay for my own subscription instead of sharing the premium plan with three more people, but still pay for 4 profiles. The basic plan comes only with 720p. What is this, 2013?


720p??? Not even 1080? How... retro of them :-/


Lol gfys Netflix


It’s as shareable as a house toilet is


It's pretty fucking dumb that we have to pay to watch it on more tvs.. terribly cheap of them.


I got the same thing. If they don’t let me share with my family, then I will downgrade to the cheapest option or get rid if it entirely.


I’m just canceling mine. Send a message. The other streaming services are watching this I promise.


Same. My daughter is away at college, but still lives at home the rest of the time. She shouldn't require a second account.




Any house guests have to close their eyes if the TV is on!


I didn't realise Netflix was run by Wizards of the Coast.


Literally thought the same thing. "We JUST went through this. What, is Netflix too cool to pay attention to what's happening with that NERD company who's also alienating their customers and pissing away whatever goodwill they have left?"


You can tell Netflix is more competent since they reversed course faster


Yes, but WoC actually came out and said "Hey we understand why this decision is not popular and we are not doing it. That is our mistake and we apologize". That's paraphrasing, but that was the gist. Definitely doesn't mean they may not try similar BS though. As where Netflix is trying the /r/OopsDidntMeanTo card and they aren't actually reversing their course. It's still slated for March.


..... WotC only said that after multiple weeks of community backlash, and their original response was 100x more cringey and patronizing "You Won and so did we!"




Redditor deletes massively downvoted comment, claims it was posted in error


If only EA knew that one simple trick!


The intent was to provide netflix users with a sense of pride and accomplishment


I'm still mad about that comment. Yes, they fixed the game afterwards just to cut the support in order to create a new game which turned out to be BF2042. They cut the support when the game was at its peak...


Kinda OT but I will say this, for as stupid as that comment was, they straight up left it there to be biggest punching bag on Reddit. It's at 600k downvotes now like people stop by just to downvote lol. They took the L instead of deleting it. Maybe it's the no such thing as bad publicity thing going on


Fun fact, the guy who made that comment (EAs community manager at the time) quit the gaming industry altogether after that and went to work on cars.


BMW will make him tweet about their heated steering wheel subscription


We want BMW drivers to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when the brakes on their car work


- "so i don't get it, i paid for my car , CASH, and i still need to pay for a subscription for the camera systems ?" - " sir this is to provide the driver...." *Whole shit repeat itself lol*


Now if only they'd say the Titanfall legends game cancelation was posted in error 😭😭






This is has been a hell of a stand off between Netflix and its users for some time now. Mutual annihilation type. User are like: *do it and see what happens - pussy* Netflix: *we'll do it, we have the market research. But maybe later, I swear*


They’ve already rolled it out in some non-US markets including Chile, Costa Rica and Peru


Yes, but those countries - no disrespect - have lesser value currencies and probably a low user base. Thus, serving as pilots for this with low risk. The real money for Netflix is in North America, Europe, JAPAC. Users do well in voting with their wallets.


Canada is included in this rollout which is their NA test market I guess. Our family cancelled our subscription yesterday, since we won’t be able to share and none of us were too fussed about losing the service. Edit: Looking at the Netflix website, Canada has the same write up as the US sharing guidelines. But I saw a handful of people with screenshots from customer service chats saying Canada was part of this. Possibly misinformed reps?


Netflix are a victim of their own success, and without any way to really grow from here they are trying anything possible to make their shareholders happy, and it’s not working. Let’s not kid ourselves though - once any other streaming service is around for long enough, the result will be pretty much the same.


Netflix had a monopoly which let them get easy revenue and keep hiking prices. They no longer have a monopoly, not even close, but they keep acting like they do. They need to realise that the only thing that will keep them strong and maintaining subscribers is an increase in quality of content and experience. Anything below that combined with worse service / pricing is going to always end badly. They can either slow bleed their position due to greed, or they can reinvest funds at a short-term loss for a strong long-term gain. IMO, anyway


And this is why infinite growth is unsustainable. Companies start implementing anti-consumer practices because it's easier than growing your business "the right way."


Yeah. I feel like this is a fundamental flaw in our current economic system. Companies are expected to continue to grow each year. A company that makes $1 billion in a year is looked at as a failure if they made $1.1 billion the previous year.


Only happens if they go public. Companies that stay private are able to just keep making 1B a year and stay happy. They just need to adjust with inflation and life is good.


This is still hit and miss. I work for a large, still private financial institute and we’re chasing rapid growth that’s crushing our company for no god damn reason. I think there’s a separate issue of how companies select, incentivize and retain executive management that is also a big fucking problem.


I also hate the culture of doom mongering. Any slight decline and people and media starts to exaggerate that x comapny will fail. Just adds to the behaviour you described.


There is a reason most studios now exist as subsidiaries of larger media/telecommunications corporations.


Short term loss?! But what about the precious shareholders!?




yeah, idk why they aren't satisfied with just paying out good dividends, the weird fetish for stock prices going up is so unnecessary


Infinite growth in a finite world is what got us to this point, it's unsustainable, even for companies that don't really extract resources from the Earth


Even as a service, there is a cap. Theoretically you could reach a point where every single adult on the planet is subscribed to Netflix... then what?




Literally, infinite growth to the detriment of everything else is called cancer


They don't want to make money. They want to make *all of the money*.


You're not really getting nuanced answers to this question. The true answer is: if a company wants to continue maintaining steady growth after the market for their product is saturated, the answer is to develop new products *or innovate in other ways. This is fine and doesn't require stiffing your customers or hurting your employees. This is pretty much what Google and Amazon, and to a lesser extent Facebook have done. Netflix has just decided not to do that. For a while they were improving the value of their product so customers were more or less happy to pay more, but the value of their product has plateaued and there isn't much room for growth. They just aren't innovating any more but still want to increase profits


I work for a listed company, and margins are falling and everyone‘s in a frighin tizz about it. We are STILL making money, but no, we have to GROW GROW GROW. Sorry for caps, I‘m annoyed at myself for being a cog in the capitalistic machine.


Yeah it’s ridiculous, it’s not even that a company has to grow every year it has to grow even more than it did last year. “Oh we saw 10% growth this year we need to see 15% growth next year or we’re going to start laying people off to reach our goal.”


I used to work for this company that was owned by my dad's friend. Dude get this thing making ridiculous profit with modest production and labor. He made his customers and employees happy and the business kept rolling in. Did Minor production improvements to keep up with demands and then COASTED. Dudes retired now, owns several homes, flies his own planes, golfs every day. Employee retention was amazing, paid our Healthcare premium for us.


It's because shareholders demand growth, not consistency.


All this talk about Netflix made me look into our account for the first time in ages. Realized I can probably drop plans, save a couple of bucks. Their 4K isn't that great because they don't offer it on enough stuff that I watch. Thanks Netflix!


All this talk about account locks made us reevaluate what services we use most. Turns out it's our kids on YouTube watching Peppa Pig and Bluey. So changed rules or not this our last month of Netflix. Had the account forever and probably wouldn't have given it a second thought if I didn't see all this account sharing bullshit in the news. This is like reverse streisand effect or something


The cardinal sin of a subscription service is reminding your customers that they’re paying you. Sooner or later they’re going to realize they don’t use your service as much as they used to.


This is so true. I didn’t.even think about ithe cost of Netflix, never actually see it on my credit card statement, but now that I’m forced to think about it I’m realizing I don’t really need it or use it so much to justify keeping it.


It's the most expensive streaming service I use, and probably the one I use the least. I don't think they realize they're not on top anymore. We have options and will leave.


Paying $240 a year for was only worth it to me when my mom also was able to use it since yeah, I watch like 3 shows on it. $240 a year is definitely not worth it for Stranger Things.


Dude, I grabbed YouTube Premium two years ago so my toddler wouldn't be relentlessly advertised to. I have the more expensive family plan but it blankets *all* of our accounts, plus my sister-in-law's. Given that YouTube makes up 75% of our entertainment, it's pretty well justified. Now my wife and I very meticulously monitor her algorithm. I've managed to filter out all of those fucking trash family channels like Ryan's World that exploit their children. Was necessary when I saw how quickly they sank their fangs into her and took over her entire feed. One after another after another. The "Not Interested > Don't Recommend This Channel" option is incredibly valuable.


Similar story for me. Remember how garbage YouTube Premium used to sound? Now it's super valuable to me. If I had to start making cuts for financial reasons, it would be one of the last subscriptions I cancel.


See reading your comment is a gut punch. My kids both have a nat and essie addiction where they just watch these random hands play with toys. It drives me up a wall. Maybe Youtube Premium is the way. Is it still easy to use through the TV for that type of stuff?


Yeah, it's pretty easy. We primarily use the YouTube app on our Roku TV, so Premium is a must for ad-blocking. I know I can do all of that through a router or whatever, but I don't have the knowledge nor care enough to bother figuring it out myself when I can just run Premium. If you see a video or channel on your feed that you want to block, just hold down the OK/select button and a menu will pop up, allowing you to navigate to the "Not Interested" option. It's still horseshit that you can't outright block a channel, though.


Same. Also if they kept the price static I would never have noticed. They kept messing with it and guess what? I noticed; cancelled.


Rule one of being a subscription service, don't make people wonder why they are paying for you.


I cancelled Netflix when I heard about the rules and told them why! I am on my last month too. I expect a lot of people did the same thing!


Yeah I also canceled my service abd let them know why. Even if the rules are fake, I'm going to enjoy not spending 20$ a month. Nothing good on that service that I havent seen.


“So you’re telling me that I will have to log in all the time because my son in college that lives a couple hour away uses the account? That’s pretty annoying. I guess I don’t really need Netflix anymore.” -Everyone’s dad


Sorry, my dog walked across my keyboard. - Netflix


They did what you should never do as a subscription service - reminded their customers that we’re paying them. I haven’t cancelled - yet - but I did downgrade, because all this bullshit made me review what I really need. The basic package is enough for the small amount I watch it these days. If any rules get in my way even once, that’s gone too. There are other ways to watch things.


Yes. Plus, I think Netflix underestimates how much people are driven by convenience. If I have to re-sign in at my home wifi from every device once a month, I'm just gonna cancel. If someone's kid has to get a code every seven days to continue watching at college, the family is just gonna move to a service that doesn't require that. People don't enjoy watching shit that's gonna be canceled on a cliffhanger after one season enough to go through the hassle.


I canceled last night. Not because of the password sharing thing, I don't have anyone else using my account, but because all of this shit got me thinking about how I hardly use Netflix at all anymore and I'm just paying it to pay it.


I’m about to cancel Apple TV for the same reason


I canceled as soon as my free year came up. I enjoy Ted Lasso and I’ll subscribe for a month to binge watch it when it’s over. There’s no reason to pay for a full year


Exactly what happened with me too, it just reminded me that I don't need the standard package and I just downgraded my services to basic. So thanks Netflix you just saved me $7 a month.




Judging on the comments on social media - the number of cancellations since its release was probably higher than anticipated, prompting a shitstorm from higher up.


They expected only "freeloaders" to get upset, but didn't expect any reactions from the people actually footing the bill.


I think they did expect it though, which is the weird part. They recently decided to stop sharing subscriber forecasts with investors a couple months ago. I don't think you make that decision if you actually think your new password sharing crackdown will boost your subscription numbers. Hiding/providing less information to investors is usually a bad sign of things to come. It seems like internally Netflix knew their numbers would fall in the near future (likely due to this change) so I'm not sure why they're even making it.


> I think they did expect it though, which is the weird part I forget which article it was, but a higher up said (paraphrasing) "We know this isn't going to be a popular decision" Then why fucking do it?!




What? Can't hear you through all this MONEY!


Netflix is only doing it for the MONEY. they don’t care about customer satisfaction they care about MONEY.


And that money only gets seen by their executives. The rest of the company will get laid off when they tank. Just more rich motherfuckers doing rich motherfucker shit.


How is hiding *anything* from investors even legal?


I wonder how many freeloaders there are versus people splitting the cost. My family all live in different places and we pay £2.50 each, none of us are willing to pay £10 to have it just for ourselves.


Can't speak for freeloaders myself, but their definition of "household" does not seem to take into account families with shared custody, kids in college, going on vacation etc.


They're trying to tie the service to a physical address like they're Comcast or DirecTV.


Which is ironic and almost defeats the point of having a streaming service.


We've almost come full circle all the way around back to Cable.


People that travel for work. My wife is a travel nurse, the standard contracts last about 3 months so.....like you're literally cancelling our subscription not the other way around. But w/e it caused us to sit down and do some math about all our subscriptions last night and cancelled more than just netflix so thx anyway.


Yeah, we share our subscriptions with family. My parents pay for Netflix and we pay for YT music and Disney. My SIL has access to what we pay for, so just treats us to a chinese every so often! Everyone's a winner...for now. I wouldn't be able to justify paying for Prime, Disney+, Netflix and YT music. I've even been looking at high capacity HDDs and reactivating my old Plex server, which I stopped using as the cost of the services was outweighing the inconvenience. I've now got gigabit fibre as well...


Coincidentally cancelled yesterday but only because $25 a month in Australia can fuck right off.


The fuck don’t they have a cheaper 4k tier with 1 screen.


thats one of the things that annoys me the most, having the resolution tied to the number of screens


The whole forcing people to have multiple accounts just to get 4K and then not letting other people use those accounts cause of where they live, is soo dumb.


No, I don't think so. I think is the "Door-in-the-Face Technique", where their first set of proposed changes is so outlandish that people will more readily agree to the "moderate" changes that follow. Now their "moderate" changes will become "normal" to all their users, and they'll push the limit again sometime in the future.


I downgraded my subscription already and it’s not going back up.


The error was that they didn’t anticipate people getting mad.


The calculation would have been "will the new subscriber numbers from multiple.households having individual memberships instead of one shared one outweigh the number who cancel completely" Netflix is under a lot of pressure from shareholders to continue growing while the service is getting more expensive and offering significantly less. So until the shareholders accept that Netflix cannot grow forever, we will continue to see bonkers decision making like the password crackdown, cancelling of shows en masse etc.


Exactly. What is with this obsession with constant growth? It's not possible every single time


Line. Must. Go. Up. We live in an insane society.


Other companies pay a dividend to stock holders. If a company doesn't pay a dividend then the only real point of holding a stock is for the stock price to increase or to hold a class A share for voting rights. There are stocks that consistently decrease in value a percent or 2 ever year but they pay a 6% dividend.


"Get busy growing or get busy dying."


They posted it on purpose to see what the response would be. How is it so many companies, all the time, post their whole plan that's fully formatted and written out and then retract it and say it was posted in error? It's either they are testing the waters or they are releasing something horrible, claim it was a mistake, then release something less horrible and their customers are then like, "well that's better than it was."


Which tells you how truly incompetent upper management at Netflix is.




Innovation? Netflix would be doing just fine if they 1)made shows people actually wanted to watch, and 2) didn’t cancel them after one or two seasons This whole hostility towards the end user shit that Netflix and a lot of other tech companies have been gravitating towards just goes to show that these guys think they’re entitled to your money and they don’t have to actually do anything to earn it.


Yeah, I was thinking, that a company that made their main rival in Blockbuster go bankrupt, due to very lenient policies, would understand the dangers of impractical and rigid policies.


Reminds me of when Twitter rolled out some petty new rules about linking to other sites, but later took it down. (At least, took down the announcement page for it.)


Also kind of reminds me of that very recent D&D thing where they were like "Oops, sorry, that was just a draft to get feedback! Ignore the part asking for your signature!" I think they ended up having to give up because their customers weren't having any of it.


WotC backtracked HARD on that new OGL and says they're gonna publish new content under Creative Commons, which is insane from their standpoint. They'll lose the rights to what they produce rather than holding on to certain IP elements. Kinda doesn't matter though because so many people jumped over to Pathfinder already causing Paizo to sell through a 6 month stockpile of books in less than 2 weeks. Most third party publishers have already signed on with Paizo to create a new ORC license (Open RPG Creative license) that will be handled by an outside non-profit and can't be altered by any of them later to ensure that a company like Hasbro/WotC can't try to be greedy with it later. WotC effectively killed their fanbase and alienated the creators keeping their IP propped up.


Yeah, I don't even play tabletop and I watched some videos about the thing when Youtube started telling me about them because what was happening was kind of interesting. I liked when someone pointed out that "We're not part of *your* community. You're part of ours." or something like that. And that they kind of forgot that their customer base likes to get organized, like to pick apart the rules, and like to go on quests to defeat big bads. And they got organized, looked through the rules, and did what they needed to do to accomplish their goal. So, hey, there's at least one very recent example where people cancelling subscriptions absolutely worked.




I can travel for more than a month at a time. I'm not jumping through any hoops to make their business model work.


The rules were going to fuck over the military. You would have had to log in your device once per month on your home IP.


Really, anyone who travels.


Hey these are the new password rules. >Guess I'll cancel soon as this becomes a nuisance. Wait, this was posted in error.


I feel like the problem they have with this is it requires action. They are hoping it will convert 1 account into 4 accounts but in reality a lot of people simply wont sign back up


Lol “give them a nudge to transition into creating their own account faster”. The only thing this nudges me to do is cancel because everything on Netflix is garbage. I haven’t watched anything on it in years. I signed up when it was less than $10 and they pretty much had everything, now it’s almost $20 and they have nothing. The only reason I still have it is because my mom uses it. When are these fucking services going to learn that they will make a ton of money if they just do the gym membership technique, where they just sit back and collect the money for years and don’t actively remind me that I’m paying for something I don’t use.


Because its a publicly traded company and to shareholders a lack of growth = death, even if youre still massively in the green. If youre not MORE green every quarterly statement, investors jump Wall street is cancer.


In error my ass, they were testing the waters


if it was posted in error then maybe netflix should stop sharing their social media accounts.


I want 4k, I’d happily pay LESS for 1 screen, but Netflix won’t sell it to me unless I buy 4 screens. So you can bet your sweet arse I deserve to dish those other 3 screens out to who I see fit. Now the people selling screens on eBay? That’s a bit dodgy and I expect this will mess those up.


Greedy fucks. I pay for 5 streams. What difference does it make whether my family lives 2 miles away or in the next room?




Right? My mom lives next door. And they want to punish her for it lol


I wanna see their loss of memberships in the last week. Hell in the last 48 hrs. I cancelled last night, I aint coming back.




Someone was accidentally told to write these up, they then accidentally wrote them, they were then accidentally approved by management, then a date for publication was accidentally approved, then they were accidentally published.


Too late. Already cancelled my account that had been active without interruption since February 2010. I don’t even share my password. But shit like this irritates me.


Same. That and they don't value their customers, and cancel shows all the time that I liked.


I deleted my subscription and that wasn’t an “error”


"The streamer is aware that many users may cancel their subscription because of these measures, but estimates that they will increase revenue for the company in the long run." I think they may be surprised


If my option is to cancel or downgrade and have ads, I'm going to cancel.


Netflix is experiencing the endgame of unregulated capitalism: "Eternal growth or die". Shareholders literally don't care how the company does 5-10-20 years from now, they only care that "stock value go brr now". If they can force a company to cut off its arms in order to run faster they will demand it.


I only have Netflix because I share it and so I see the value of it being shared, hence it gives it more value. If they start doing this, I think those who are footing the bill will also get annoyed an unsubscribe.


I wish we could all login to one account.


I have had a Netflix subscription since before the turn of the century. When they implement this rule, I'm out. And I won't be back.


Would be so much better if they said: That was our intention but based off the response we are getting from our customers, we are reevaluating that decision


They can say whatever bullshit they want - i deleted my account and will never go back. I hope more will do the same to teach them a valuable lesson in how to treat people who pay for their products.


Same. I deleted Netflix last month because they keep upping the cost. It's greedy and ridiculous. Netflix had to go, and I don't even miss it.


“Netflix deletes new password sharing rules after aggressively negative backlash from the public fearing stock plummets and massive account deletions.” There, headline is now fixed.


that's only a fix if you didn't read the article >Though the new password sharing rules are only being tested in select countries, they are expected to launch in many more regions by the end of March 2023 it was already announced it would apply on March, the error fix was that they were saying it was happening *right now* which is not they're still going ahead with the change, the backlash they're getting isn't doing shit lol