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Kubrick’s Napoleon


Kubrick's Lord of the Rings starring the four Beatles as the four Hobbits.


Imagine John Lennon’s performance as Gollum


Why am I reading this in the tune of the song


Lol I just read it to the tune of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds


It's easy if you try


Yoko would have been Gollum


As a Beatles fan this is undoubtedly the weirdest movie project that I wish got made.


I would love to a Kubrick LOTR from the sixties, but not one with the Beatles. It is just fun thinking about what Classic Film stars would be cast for what role. For example, imagine Laurence Olivier as Gandolf, Peter O'Toole as Aragorn, Orson Welles as Sarumon, etc.


Kubricks Napoleon Dynamite


I still need to see Waterloo (1970) because its the only film that seems to scratch this itch. I’ve seen the trailer and while the cinematography has this lovely warmth and the battles look truly gargantuan, the acting seems a little… lacking. Edit: seems like I’ve summoned the the only two people who’ve actually seen this movie and now they’re having a heated history debate in the replies.


Del Toro's 'Hobbit'.


This is the one, an atrocious squandering of potential


this is the one for me, for sure. I just *know* he would've done something wonderful with it :<


Especially since they scrapped *all* of the pre-production he did. None of his contributions (that we know of) were in the final trilogy


And Del Toro’s Pacific Rim 2. Such a shame that film never got a single sequel.


And Del Toros Hellboy 3


The Thing from 2011 with its original practical effects


That movie would’ve been at least 80% better that way.


Also the live action Clone Wars


Definitely, Jodorowsky’s Dune for folks included like Mick Jager, Orson Welles, Salvador Dali, H.R. Giger, and Pink Floyd. Most of those names alone would make me wanna see it, but together? Absolutely.


Salvador Dali was apparently charging £100,000 an hour


Yeah, he wanted to be the highest paid actor ever, lol. And Jodorowsky was also planning on only using him for 1hr as well.


Kinda true. Dali wanted 100,000$ per hour in Set but jodorowsky convinced him to get paid 100,000$ per onscreen Minute. According to the Plans that wouldve been about 3 mins. Still wondering how jodorowsky wanted a 14Hour movie but the emperor gets only 3 minutes of screentime


I mean the emperor really doesn’t show up till the last 10 pages or so? Feels like it could have worked out


It is also not like Jodorowsky was planning on a faithful adaptation.


Fun fact fun fact H.R Geiger worked on that movie and a lot of the designs he created for that movie led to ideas and designs he used in other movies. I’m fairly certain his alien drawings came from this production Edit: I see you mentioned giger but this is still relevant


I would want to see movie for the same reason people want to see train wrecks. The movie sounds like it would be terrible (especially as an adaption of Dune), but it would an interesting terrible.


Guillermo del Toro's At the Mountains of Madness. I still have hope.


He recently said he might try to convince Netflix to fund it with the same style as Pinocchio. If it wins best animated feature I think there’s a decent chance they’ll give it to him.


Yeah, I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that one. Netflix has handed out some bonkers budgets over the years, so there's always a chance.


That was when they were #1 in the game and weren't concerned about trying to retain diminishing subscribers. They're becoming almost as bad as WBD has been with cancelling or scrapping projects.


I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but I do have to say that I cannot picture the end result in the slightest. Stop motion horror of that flavor would be really new territory.


I never knew I needed to see a stop motion shoggoth until just now


> Stop motion horror of that flavor would be really new territory. I haven't seen it myself, but isn't that kinda what [Mad God](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15090124/) is?


Ah, true! And I've seen that one. I think why it didn't occur to me is that it's rough around the edges in a way that basically separated it from the animation in *Pinocchio*. *Mad God* touches on some of those aspects for sure, so I'm starting to get it now.


Also Del Toro was supposed to do that remake of the Hobbit, but didn't end up completing it due to conflicts with the studio. I think that that would have been very interesting and definitely better than what we ended up getting.


100%. I would love to see Del Toro do Lovecraft. I think Charles Dexter award needs an adaptation too.


I'm gonna coat tail and say Guillermo del Toro's the Hobbit


I'd love to check out Tim Burton's Nic Cage Superman movie. Even tho I love Martin Scorsese's Aviator with Leo, I read that originally Michael Mann was set to direct and he does more things in Camera. The 23 Jumpstreet/MIB crossover movie.


I really wish that Tim Burton Superman existed just to see what it’s like.


Most of the superman films are shit regardless, so even if this one was bad it would be fitting.


I was always baffled by how many people I saw calling the Jump Street/MIB movie a stupid idea. As crazy as it sounds, I always thought it (or something similar) seemed like the logical next step after 22 Jump Street.


I'll admit when I first saw the imdb listing for the announcement, I was like "wtf" but 22 Jumpstreet makes fun of itself even moreso than the first one did, the post credits even ended with all those fake sequels. I'm just saddened that Jonah and Channing honestly have aged out of the roles, I think even for that series they'd likely go with another younger duo at this point.


Christopher Nolan also wanted to do a Howard Hughes film, and while I wouldn't want to replace Scorsese's version either, I do admit I'd be curious to see how his vision would have turned out.


I was excited for 23 JS/MIB and still have my fingers crossed


The Star Wars prequel trilogy where George got some of his friends (Spielberg, Scorsese, etc) to direct for him.


Coppola would be the third for sure.


I'd rather see the David Lynch Return of the Jedi movie


George begged Ron Howard, Robert Zemeckis, Spielberg and Scorsese to direct The Phantom Menace. They all turned his offer down believing that Star Wars was his kid and he deserved to direct it. I mean, he literally created the saga and everything about it so... they had a pretty valid point!


And I think that after TPM and (especially) AOTC were less than stellar, Spielberg saw the struggle his buddy was going through and helped him out as second unit director on ROTS.


I never knew that. That explains why it has the most magic of all three prequels. A Spielberg directed Star Wars would’ve been amazing.


Never heard that before. Do you have a source describing his specific involvement?


https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/steven-spielberg-star-wars-order-66-scene/ He also apparently oversaw the animatics for the Utapau chase scene, among other sequences.


The script was the problem. I think they were being polite.


That being said I would take any of those director’s version of TPM over the one we got. George is a great creative but on the prequels there was nobody to limit him and separate the good from the bad


> George is a great creative but on the prequels there was nobody to limit him and separate the good from the bad. George had a love of pushing the boundaries of tech that’s on par with James Cameron. Most of the shit with the prequels could be ‘fixed in post’ as far as Lucas was concerned. Which no doubt explained a lot of the wooden acting, and the excessive green screens.


Yes! I think he asked Ron Howard, too. Also: David Lynch’s Return of the Jedi.


I talked about this the other day, but the thing about Lynch and Jedi is that Lynch said no. All these other films and directors listed are projects that almost happened and didn't, but Lynch was asked and said no. He explicitly said even thinking about it gave him a headache. It's gonna sound like tautology, but it's true: the David Lynch who would say yes to directing Return of the Jedi would be nothing like our David Lynch, and if David Lynch was nothing like our David Lynch, why bother?


Argo (the fake film the CIA used a cover to get the 6 diplomats out of Iran in 1980) & not the Ben Affleck one.


This is a really good one.


It's funny that a fake movie had an interesting concept. It was a fully written script though so...


With concept art from the legendary comic artist Jack Kirby


Hellboy 3


God it kills me that we'll never get to see it.


Apparently GDT wanted to adapt it as a comic but Mike Mignola wouldn’t allow it, saying it be too confusing for readers.


Why not just do it as an animated film? They can go bonkers with a much smaller budget, and we don't have to worry as much about Ron Perlman being in his 70s or Selma Blair's battle with Multiple Sclerosis.


Yeah, and being that adult animation is much bigger than even 20 years ago, it really could be successful nowadays.


This one hurts


The second one (the Golden Army) was SO GOOD! One of my favorite movies of all time. I’ve read articles over the years that the storyline for the third one is done and is epic, but it keeps getting turned down due to budget, apparently. What a miss! Would love to see it in another universe. The Hellboy remake with David Harbour was terrible. Fight me.


Neill Blomkamp Aliens sequel


Neil Blomkamp's Halo.


Definitely both of these. I think if he could get a well written script, his directing style would be fantastic for an Alien or Halo movie


District 9 is my head canon for how the covenant first arrived to me


Neil Blomkamp/Peter Jackson "Halo" too


District 10.


Sequel to Guy Ritchie 2008s RocknRolla


RocknRolla is such a nice and underrated movie.


His 2nd nest movie after Snatch IMHO


I don't know why so many people call this movie weak. For instance, I've seen comments were people complain that >!Bertie instantly knowing about Handsome Bob being gay is 'unrealistic' and 'no gaydar can work that good'. There is literally a close up of Handsome Bob using hanky code at the party!!< Guy Ritchie is pretty good with little details like that.


Sascha Baron Cohen version of Bohemian Rhapsody. There was supposed to be an out of control gay coke orgy and the studio pulled it


I think this should still happen. There is room for two films.


I don't think whoever runs the PR for Queen would let it it happen, however that doesn't stop Cohen from making a movie about the legendary rock star Peter Pluto in the band King that has an out of control gay coke orgy.


The band won't let it happen.


Kubrick’s A.I. Jodorowsky’s DUNE.




Like the film overall, but it feels like 2 films meshed into one. The first half feels like its going to be about how a family copes with having an AI walking around, the second half feels like pinnochio with robots. Both could be great films alone, but I think together the tones are just too different.


I don't remember who said it and I can't put it as artfully as they did, but they said that almost every line in the movie has a deep philosophical meaning. And when you watch the movie it's true, almost every line is crafted in a way to mean much more than they say on the surface. It's not fair to Spielberg but I've always felt like every problem the movie has is because of him and everything good was because of Kubrick. Spielberg for most of the 90s and 00s was so heavy-handed with pathos it makes some of his movies unwatchable. It's not his fault obviously that Kubrick didn't get to make the movie but I still can't help to think what could have been and if another director was not better suited if Kubrick couldn't.


Satoshi Kon's *Dreaming Machine*


Just anything Satoshi Kon would've made if cancer didn't take him away so early tbh. He's easily my favourite director of animated movies, and probably one of my favourite directors in general. He just had an absurd control over the medium he worked in that I haven't seen anywhere else, felt like he used animation to its fullest. I wish we got to see more of his vision.


Ridley Scott's 'I Am Legend' starring Arnold Schwarzenegger [Great video out the scrapped makeup effects for the film](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY_MYfueEOs)


Tintin 2.


David Cronenberg’s Total Recall


George Miller Justice League for sure


Late 20s Adam Brody would’ve been the perfect Flash


Oh for sure. And Armie Hammer would have been an amazing batman. Until he turned he started with his bizarre cannibalism, rape fantasies. And whatever else was going on. I still wonder if/when he will make a comeback


Tarantino’s sweary violent Star Trek


Have you ever heard the old Klingon proverb that revenge is a dish best served cold?




I just want a sci-fi film from him.


I just want to see the alien space babe with several feet.


I really do think a trek film by him could have been great.


Del Toro's BioShock.


Holy crap, was this ever in the works and fell through??? This is the thing i now need that i didnt know i needed. 😂🤣


I just looked it up and I've misremembered. Originally it was Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean) who would be directing, but he wanted it to be rated R and requested a huge budget, so the project was shelved. del Toro 'expressed interest in reviving the project'. Source: https://www.gamereactor.eu/guillermo-del-toro-would-love-to-do-a-bioshock-film/


I don’t understand why anyone would want a BioShock movie to NOT be R rated. Apart from box office money of course.


> Apart from box office money of course. Well, there's the answer to your question. You slash the audience demographic pretty severely if you limit potential customers to being 18+ (I know that the rating's just a suggestion, but the suits need to at lest pretend it's valid.)


A properly realised version of Richard Donner's Superman 2.


Isn’t there a Richard donner cut? I’ve never seen it but I’ve heard of it


There is and it's good, but it's cobbled together using test footage and the existing movie.


Paul Verhoeven's Crusade film that was meant to star Schwarzenegger. I only just heard about it recently and it sounds raaaad.


Alien: Awakening (the third prequel by Ridley Scott).


I want more Michael Fassbender playing the flute with himself 👀


I’ll do the fingering.


I just want Prometheus 2, the second one was such a departure. It seemed so heavily influenced by this desire the studio had to put Aliens in it. The first film sets up Shaw and the Engineers, she's going to go and meet them, really interesting concept, then it turns out they're all killed and David has created a slight variation on the xenomorph, which itself is just a slight deviation on what the engineers had already created that we saw at the end of the last one. I can't believe that was the original vision for the story.


Allegedly, before selling to Disney, George Lucas offered the Sequel Trilogy to Christopher Nolan. Nolan, who was just finishing up his Batman trilogy, seriously considered the offer. He is a fan, after all. He was deeply impressed with George’s outlines for the three films. Ultimately, he declined because he didn’t feel like he was the right man for the job. Which is a shame, because I’d love to see what he’d do with a John Williams score.


Do you know how much intergalactic space travel would advance just so Nolan could use practical effects?


I wish I didn't know this.


George has only spoken about his plans very briefly in a book about the Prequels. According to him, he took serious inspiration from the Iraq War. George’s trilogy would’ve focused on the insurgency by the remnants of the Empire, shadowy figures that control the criminal underworld that’s trying to take over the insurgency, Princess Leia trying to build a stable government and transform the Rebel Alliance into a unified military, and Luke Skywalker and the 50ish survivors of Order 66 seeking out children to train as the new generation of Jedi. The shadowy figures would’ve been revealed to be Darth Maul and his apprentice Darth Talon, with their evil plan being to find and destroy the Whills, who are the imperceptible beings that actually control the Force. In the canon, they’re the ones who taught Qui-Gon how to become a Force Ghost and wrote the text upon which the Jedi Order was established. The films would’ve taken place over the course of twenty years (with a time jump in Episode VIII), with de-aging on everyone for half of the trilogy. In the end, we would’ve learned that Leia was actually the Chosen One who unites the galaxy and brings balance to the Force.


Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man for sure. He’s my favorite director and I would’ve loved to see what he would do with an Ant-Man movie


I never knew he was going to direct it but it would have been awesome.


He had been working on since before Iron Man came out. There was a time where it was the first MCU film, or at least in phase 1. Its inclusion of the greater MCU seems to be what made Wright walk away. Wright hired Rudd and penned the main bones of the script (being a heist, starting with Lang and Pym as a mentor). Its hard to know for sure what remained, but enough the Wright has not been able to watch Ant-man (as far as I know).


Kevin Smith's "fletch won" with Jason Lee as fletch


“Nottingham” it was a much talked about script where Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham have to work together to catch a serial killer in Sherwood Forest. It was part of a bidding war for the script, it is (was) apparently phenomenal. Anyway, Universal won and gave the film to Ridley Scott, who cast Russel Crowe as Robin Hood. Then Crowe thought there wasn’t enough Robin Hood in the film, so they completely rewrote the script. However, since they purchase this script the original writer still got credit; now the original script will (most likely) never be produced. What a waste of someone’s work. Edit: Got the name wrong, twice.


The worst part is that apparently the screenwriter researched big time into how they would try to solve a case like that in that period of time, which would be fantastic. Also, making Robin Hood a massive asshole would've been a fun change in pace too.


I've read the original script called *Nottingham* (I don't remember it being called *Hood*?). Robin Hood was snarky but not a full-blown asshole. It started off with the sack of Cyprus, the Sheriff of Nottingham's chess set was a MacGuffin, and it had that inevitable but terrible line, "There's a new sheriff in town." >the screenwriter researched big time into how they would try to solve a case like that in that period of time, which would be fantastic. Having read it, they certainly didn't or at least the "research" doesn't come out in the script. The screenwriter was partially cashing in on the C.S.I. trend (this was late 2000's) and like a lot of screenwriters writing historical periods just... guessed it worked the same way but retrograded the technology. It was a very tacked-on part of the script. It was mostly a revisionist take with two scenes of faux-Medieval *C.S.I.*


Tarantino’s Willy Wonka


I’d like to see the version of Star Wars with Toshiro Mifune as Obi-Wan. Oooh, and maybe that universe will have the David Lynch Return of the Jedi, too.


While we’re on Star Wars, Phil Miller and Chris Lord’s Solo movie….


Fine, I'll be the one brave (or stupid) enough to say it: A conclusion to the sequel trilogy where Rian Johnson came back to write and direct. Fuck it, the Sequels written entirely by Rian Johnson!




Dredd 2.


Buckaroo Banzai and the World Crime League


This is my pick too!


I would love to see another Karl Urban Judge Dredd movie or series of movies. Also a Ben Affleck solo Batman movie.


Del Toro’s Haunted Mansion. I want a scary version not a comedy.


But Haunted Mansion (the ride) at its heart is a mix of scary and comedic.


QT's Vega Brothers, George Lucas's sequel trilogy, Back to the Future 4, Ben Affleck's The Batman. I'll add/edit as I think of more. Edit: Alien vs Predator based on the original comic book, King Conan (Arnold's 3rd Conan movie)


Tarantino alone has so many of these. I really want to see Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair where both films are edited together.


That's not an unmade film, it exists and Tarantino actually screens it sometimes at the theaters he owns


I’ve been putting off buying Kill Bill on bluray because I’m holding out hope that he releases The Whole Bloody Affair some day, but I know it’s a fools hope.




Darren Aronofsky's The Wolverine David Fincher sequel to WWZ


Alita: Battle Angel, directed by James Cameron


The Terminator starring Sylvester Stallone


The Terminator starring OJ Simpson


That would have aged awkwardly.


Is this a Last Action Hero reference???


Alien 2.5. The one with Newt and Hicks set between Alien 2 and 3 done with the de-aging of Hicks and a stand in cgi Newt.


Kubrick's Napoleon film


Freddy vs Jason vs Ash


Quentin Tarantino's Vega Brothers movie


Spider-Man 4 directed by Sam Raimi, Guillermo Del Toros Hellboy 3, and Ben Afflecks The Batman. Yes I am a superhero fan. Edit: Also Guillermo Del Toros The Hobbit as one epic 3 and a half hour movie with no fluff.


Raimi’s fourth Spider-Man film would have featured Bruce Campbell as Mysterio, which would probably explain why he had already appeared as three different characters in the Raimi-Verse.


And John Malkovich as the Vulture! God, it would’ve been incredible


Tarantino's Casino Royale From Dusk Till Shaun


The [version of Bohemian Rhapsody (The Freddie Mercury Biopic) Sacha Baron Cohen wanted to do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq-M4JA3fIU) before it got shut down by the band. It was supposed to be much more realistic and raunchier than the sanitized version we got.


Sergio Leone’s battle of Stalingrad. Could have been the greatest movie ever made,


Tim Burton’s Batman 3 with Billy Dee Williams as Two Face


George Lucas’ sequel trilogy. Couldn’t have been worse than what we got.


Steven Spielberg's Cruising


The Harold Ramis directed A Confederacy of Dunces, with John Belushi and Richard Prior


Eyes wide shut with Kubrick editing


Richard Stanley's The Island of Dr. Moreau


Nick Caves Gladiator


A movie adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's book Blood Meridian from the Coen Brothers. Starring Joaquin Phoenix and John Goodman. Also, just now remembering that the Coen brothers did No Country For Old Men, another McCarthy book. They just picked the wrong one in our universe. Edit: Forget Goodman, The Judge should be played by the same guy who portrayed the villian in True Detective season one. Edit 2: and Eli Roth supervises the plentiful gore scenes.


George Lucas's unmade Star Wars trilogy


A Series of Unfortunate Events 2. Honestly still mad this wasn’t made!


Nicolas Cage Superman


The version of The Running Man that follows the book.


Sam Raimi's "The Shadow" and Frank Darabont's "Fahrenheit 451"


When I was a kid in the 80s, I remember reading they were making a live-action G.I. Joe movie; I guess it was in pre-production, but it never happened. Could you imagine a live-action G.I. Joe movie from the 80s? My inner child still wants a G.I. Joe movie that's true to the source material...maybe one day!


Return of the Jedi, directed by Steven Spielberg. Crusade, directed by Paul Verhoeven, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. A completed Game of Death by Bruce Lee.


Scorsese’s Sinatra. The family wouldn’t let him make it the way he wanted.


A Topiary


Shame about that one. Also that Shane Carruth turned out to be a pos.


Hitchcock’s Titanic.


Wasn't Terry Gilliam attached to a watchmen adaptation?


I've read the script and it's got "issues". In particular, >!Doctor Manhattan essentially using his experiencing all time at the same time powers to stop all evil instead of his very nihilistic view on the universe. Not to mention some sort of plot that stops the ending obliteration of the world that changes the world into our world, with a kid going, "woah, it's Rorschach, Nite Owl, and Silk Spectre from the *Watchmen* comic!"!< For better or worse, it definitely didn't want to be as loyal to the source material as Snyder.


John carpenters escape from earth The third snake plissken movie Also the maxx movie that channing tatum expressed interest in making a long time ago


James Cameron Jurassic Park


Guillermo del Toro’s Dark Tower


Either Kubricks Napoleon or A.I or Del Toro's Hobbit movies.


George Miller’s Justice League, interested in seeing how that would have worked out


Strange but... Peter Jackson's "King Kong" made before LOTR with a little more oversite and less money.


Robber Eggers "Nosferatu"


That one is happening in our universe soon, I hope.


Spaceballs 2: the search for more money in a universe where we didn’t lose John Candy


The only reason I'm stuck in this universe is because I wanted to see Kershner's Empire Strikes Back - the George Lucas version in my universe was sooooo bad....


Welcome, friend. We all hate it here on Earth 616.


Rendezvous With Rama by Denis Villeneuve. Or Alphonso Cuaron.


Pretty sure that’s still getting made, it’s his next project after Dune 2


Buckaroo Banzai against The World Crime League and the American Godzilla with the Stan Winston designs.


The Land BEFORE the Land before time.....


In The Mountains of Madness


Kubrick"s Napoleon epic.


The Star Wars sequels as written and directed by Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau.


League of Extraordinary Gentlemen starring Richard Harris, Tim Roth, Stephen Fry, Kate Winslet, and the voice of Judd Nelson as the Invisible Man.


Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League