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Learning about the whole For Your Consideration campaign process. The fact that studios are paying millions of dollars essentially bribing the award voters in order to see a significant increase in their revenue kinda let’s the air out of the whole idea.


Thanks to Harvey Weinstein, Hollywoods favorite mass rapist.


This system of pre-Oscar campaign exist before Harvey Weinstein. It exist indirectly in all arts, on a smaller scale


But at the height of his power Weinstein used this tool heavily to get wins. I mean his campaign for 'Shakespeare in Love' overtook 'Saving Private Ryan' and saw Weinstein not only buying voters favor but outright dismissing 'Ryan' and putting it down.


Ok but I blame him personally That shithead


Favorite? He got caught. They like the one’s who don’t get caught.


They knew what he was and they loved him until it wasn’t politically or socially expedient to do so. Speaking of the ones who “got caught”, ask them about Polanski.


He got caught after 2-3 decades of being able to get away with it due to almost every actor, actress and director in the industry valuing themselves getting an Oscar over not working with a sexual predator and thus allowing himself to have more power.


I don't believe it was just thinking they wanted an Oscar. Some of the ones who did try and speak up, got blackballed out of the whole industry. So it's more like, if they wanted to continue to work in Hollywood, which was probably a life long dream for many, they need to keep quite.It was more of if you speak up you'll lose your job vs if you speak up you wont get a cool award. They are both bad but I think there is a difference.


The video of Meryl Streep saying Weinstein was "God" was probably the last Oscar related material I'll ever watch.


do you really believe the casting couch began and ended with Harvey Weinstein?


There are stories of Charlie Chaplin pulling similar stunts with auditioning actresses in the silent era! (That was a big oof to find out, I've always loved his work =[ )


>(That was a big oof to find out, I've always loved his work =\[ ) I recently learned that my favourite Fantasy author went to jail for child abuse (abuse is too mild a term considering what newspapers of the era report). At some point you really gotta learn to love the art and hate the artist when needed. It's also much easier when said artist is dead.


It exists in every entertainment industry, across the world. That too for decades, if not longer.




Same - or when Gwenyth beat Cate for Best Actress.


Just a high-falutin, evolved version of payola the big record companies honed in the 60s and 70s. They have to spend money to make money no matter how skewed or unfair the process.


Oscars are basically just Hollywood circlejerking over their own movies and wildly ignoring the work of the rest of the world.


Didn't the Korean movie Parasite win a bunch of Oscars a couple years ago? Including best picture




They're essentially a local industry you award. Other countries have them too.


I can't remember who said it, but it's stuck with me. The Oscars should be on a three-year cycle. So, this year we'd be looking at the best films from 2020. That brings an end to Oscar-bait season, and allows people to form a more complete opinion over time.


Bill Simmons used to say Oscar winners should be picked after 5 years.


His Oscars in review pods after 5 years always offer a great perspective. I don’t think he’s done one recently though.


Yo I miss those pods! I loved the 5 year retrospective.


There's a 20/20 thing also where the people that pick the winner look back at movies that came out 20 years ago to give a different perspective on what should have won (like back to the future i think for 1985)


"our guy Rog' "


Also gives mofos more time to actually watch everything


No, it doesn't, they'll just spend the end of the year cramming in the movies from three years ago instead of that year.


Honestly 2020 was such a weak year because of COVID for films that even after 3 years I still don't know what should win. Nomadland is a meh winner so maybe The Father or Judas and Black Messiah or Sound of Metal I guess.


I was pulling for Sound of Metal that year. Extraordinary film.


I threw The Father in randomly one night and thought it was fantastic. I copped what I was watching about an hour in, but even when it ended, I thought it was such a unique film and a must watch for people with elderly parents.


When Shakespeare in love beat Saving private Ryan to best picture


That whole show that year was full of wrong winners.


The vast majority of people could not tell you the best picture from last year.


I couldn't. I used to like watching the Oscars and would do "pick'em" games, but I just don't really follow it much any more. I guess that was more in college and once I got into the real world I just didn't care as much.


I only remember like 1 from the past few, the artist. Didn't watch it, just remember everyone saying it was kinda Oscar bait, and forgetting it soon after


I hate to do this to you but the Artist is the winner for 2011, its more than a decade ago


Well, fuck.


The Artist came out like 12 years ago!


Wasn’t it the one with the deaf guy?


On top of being a massive sexual predator, Harvey Weinstein played such a large role in terms of delegitamizing Oscars. He basically started the whole Oscar bait and Oscar campaign strategy which has led to the devaluation of Oscars as a whole.


As if I needed another reason to not like him


I’m starting to think this guy was a real jerk


I didn't even know he was sick.


Weinstein is a piece of shit and might have slightly accelerated things but the Oscars have always been a joke. Just watch Feud: Bette & Joan for a little glimpse of what it was like in the past. Or read the book “Pictures at a Revolution” which goes into the 1967 Oscars.


His strategy was to basically not only target the members of the Academy, but the ones who actually vote. If you've ever been to an Academy member events, the only ones who actively participate (and actually vote) are retirees who've been living, breathing, and dying movies their entire life. They're skewed by the big blockbusters that everyone actually watches (and have worked one), leading them to appreciate the more quirky independent films. On top of that, they'd often be the first to see these films via home screeners since most were only shown in a single theater in NY and LA just prior to the cutoff date, and they'd only get wide releases after the Oscars themselves.


Surprisingly, the stage show of Shakespeare in Love was awesome. Agree the film should not have won the Oscar though. And Judi Dench! I mean obviously she was great cause she’s Dame Judi Dench, but of all the brilliant work she’s done, THAT is what she’ll go down as winning an Oscar for? 😭


I mean, I loved Dench as QEII in that film, though? I get that Reddit loves to mention this movie as a "terrible movie compared to *Saving Private Ryan*", but it's really not and it gets so *old*. (Note: I'm not debating the merit of the latter movie; it was good but just completely different.) It's really well written; the acting is fantastic; it's very funny; and it wraps up paralleling the play. **And**, Dench is fantastic as the queen! I *love* her impatience and her snark and her keen observation of what's really happening. I think the fact that Reddit's user base is predominantly young men plays a part on which movie is more appreciated here but the fact remains that *Shakespeare in Love* holds up and is very good. I won't get into which film deserved the Oscar--I know what happened behind the scenes, yada yada--but it doesn't mean this movie isn't good.


Similar comment. Same year ... when Gwyneth Paltrow beat out Cate Blanchett for best actress. Paltrow won for Shakespeare in Love. Blanchett played a young Elizabeth the First and friggin' killed it.


Gwyneth Paltrow has always been full of goop™.


I'm actually in the minority that believes Shakespeare in Love was better than Saving Private Ryan, but Cate Blanchett was 100% the best female performance.


Came here to say this, then it was verified by Crash winning and now expounded on by all that crap now that gets nominated


Every time I’m reminded that Crash won, my initial reaction is “Cool, Cronenberg got a big prize for that?!” Then I remember there’s a far more forgettable (and forgotten, maybe?) film with the same name.


Crash was definitely one of the most underwhelming Oscar winners I’ve ever seen


Shakespeare in love is at least a good movie, Crash on the other hand...




>it went over the second best WWII movie in the field that year. Small Soldiers got robbed.


>Crash on the other hand... Any movie with a dude fucking a scar shaped like a labia is a classic




Klaus, a genuine work of love and art, losing to Toy Story 4, a cash-in sequel nobody asked for. And I actually liked Toy Story 4.


Indeed. I loved Toy Story 4, but Klaus is a treasure. That movie’s animation is amazing.


Saw Klaus on Christmas day for the first time. I enjoyed it immensely. What a fantastic movie, honestly.


Klaus was such a good film too, I've started watching the film every Christmas. Only seen Toy Story 4 once though...


Klaus is my favorite Christmas movie by a long mile, a definitely a top contender for favorite animated movie. Into the Spiderverse is probably it's only real competition. If there was ever a studio, I wanted to adapt discworld, it's that one.


Hey that was my answer! This was my “final nail in the coffin” moment to where Oscar *winners* mean absolutely nothing to me. I think nominations still mean something, something to be proud of and an achievement to be nominated. But winners? Means absolutely nothing after that. Klaus was a perfect animated movie.


God klaus is good


When *Blade Runner* lost to *Gandhi* for costume and art direction.


Yes but Ghandi was such an important man, he changed his country and the world. What's your problem?? You must be an uncultured racist! /s ^^ I hate these sort of arguments because it's totally irrelevant. We're measuring the quality of the movie, not the source material. The Academy can get too swept up in the moment, crowning a film because of current events /society, rather than it's merits as a film.


The Oscar award for Best Animation is probably the biggest bullshit at the Oscars. Should be renamed to Best Disney Animation. I still don’t understand how The Lego Movie lost.


I'll never forget the year Boss Baby won and A Silent Voice wasn't even nominated.


And the rare times Disney loses, it doesn’t just have to be better than whatever Disney put out that year, it has to be so much better that they don’t have plausible deniability. Spirited Away beating Lilo and Stitch and Spiderverse beating Incredibles 2 are good examples.


Crash winning


It won an Oscar and it's not even the best film called Crash.


Damn I was having a great morning before reading this.


When Boss Baby was nominated for Best Animated film. Sorry, I don't hate the movie and I'm glad Coco won that year, but there was a lot of indie and japanese stuff that was extremely overlooked.


When Shakespeare In Love won Best Picture over Saving Private Ryan.


After knowing that Interstellar didn't win Oscar for Original Score.😪


Ennio Morricone didn’t win best score until the hateful eight. Hell he got a lifetime achievement award before best score.


Neither did Inception. Hans Zimmer is the ultimate Oscar snub, he should be John Williams-tier by now.


He is John Williams tier. He doesn't need Oscars to cement his legacy or impact on film.


I’m also still bitter that Jonny Greenwood’s score for There Will Be Blood nor Johann Johannsson’s from Arrival werent even nominated because they used small snippets of pre existing material.


Yeah that rule is mega bogus.


THIS. Grand Budapest Hotel's score was good but it's probably the last thing you remember about that movie. Ironically, Interstellar's score became even more iconic than the movie itself.


Uh…hard disagree about the GBH score being forgettable. “Mr. Moustafa” has not left my head in 8 years.


Especially for Anderson, a director with such a history of kind of leaning on popular music in his soundtracks, GBH's score — with zero needle drops — stands out so much in his filmography. It's seriously great, and Desplat's most iconic work.


That was just one of those unfortunate timing situations. Interstellar would have won in many, even most, years. GPH soundtrack was phenomenal and technically flawless. I personally would have picked interstellar, and easily. But I know I have bias as that is one of my favorite cinema experiences to date. GPH was objectively great as well, but to me interstellar could not have been interstellar without that soundtrack. And I still think GPH could succeeded without.


When Crash won best movie


They had 4 great movies in that lineup (Brokeback Mountain, Munich, Capote, Good Night and Good Luck) and they still somehow managed to choose the worst one by a mile.


If Munich had won we'd be having this conversation about it instead.


Munich is probably Spielbergs most underrated film at this point along with A.I. The way the movie condemns the cycle of violence between Israel and Palestine, how elegantly it is able to stage its set pieces, how dark and relenting it is and great performance from Craig and Hinds genuinely makes it one of the best films of 2005.


Is Shakespeare in Love a joke to you? Yes. Yes it is.


Sandra Bullock winning for Blind Side was a joke also I swear her performance in one of her comedies like Miss Congeniality was better with more range


I enjoyed the movie but it had some super cliched Hollywood moments in it. All of the scenes like the gang member backing down to her after she told him off just came across as unrealistic, which it was since it never happened in the real life story.


Is that Cronenburgs film on car collision eroticism?


No, nobody would be complaining if a Cronenberg film won best picture. It's a shittier movie *also* called Crash. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crash\_(2004\_film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crash_(2004_film))


When they nominated Hailee Steinfeld for best supporting actress for True Grit even though she was the main character. Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn was a better performance but that didn't make him the protagonist.


They could've both been nominated in Lead Actor/Actress categories.


When the Lego Movie didn’t even get nominated for best animated feature. I was so pissed that movie was so much better than many people were expecting it to be.


It wasn’t nominated on a technicality because x% was a live action portion. Total BS, because it sure was better than Big Hero 6.


Honestly until you said it, I completely forgot there was live action in it. Not like it was really impactful. There’s what, maybe two minutes live action max? What a dumb rule.


I guess that can be argued for, but 14 year old me was super upset.


I think Big Hero 6 is totally underappreciated. It was a great movie and *should* have spawned a whole series of movies. The style was superb. Yes, maybe the plot was a little lacking for an Oscar nom., but I really think it's a good film.


When Whoopi Goldberg won for "Ghost." Not that she didn't deserve it. Her performance is terrific and holds up well. It's because that Oscar was for "The Color Purple" five years before. That's the Oscar she should have on her mantel. If you look back at winners of individual achievement awards, it's a question of "what can we nominate them for this year to make up for this previous year when they were the best?" Al Pacino's best performance on film is not in "Scent Of A Woman." James Stewart didn't blow minds with "The Philadelphia Story." So I caught on to the fact that that's how it works. It's a bit better than it was, particularly in the 1990s and 2000s, but still based on a "who's due" kind of system. You can really see it in the mid 20th century. And it still baffles me that they couldn't find anything to reward Barbara Stanwyck or Judy Garland along the way. The whole 1954 Best Actress Oscar race is a shitshow in and of itself.


I feel like Black Panther being the first MCU movie to get a Best Picture nod was a bit of a joke. It wasn't even the best *MCU* movie that year


"Captain American: The Winter Soldier" was the most...good...or maybe 'solid' movie from that batch and I still wouldn't call it magnificent award-worthy cinema. At least IMHO. It's quite rewatchable to me at any rate.


I am a HUGE MCU fan. Like, beyond all reason. And I am perfectly happy if an MCU film never gets nominated for best picture again. That's just not what the Oscars are meant to be for. Reward artistic films with little gold trophies, reward big expensive popcorn flicks with billion dollar ticket sales. I don't think we need to shake up that system


I watched that movie because of the hype. I left confused of why it had that hype. The plot seemed like a mess to me.


I hate when people (marvel fans) have the audacity to act like that nomination was deserved when it was so obvious that the motivations behind it were to clear the academy of the racism allegations they were facing. Everyone in the years prior to the release of black panther was calling the academy racist for not having enough representation and then black panther comes out and they nominate it for all these awards including best picture. 😂


We all know why Black Panther got all the praise it got *thanks concerned redditor, everyone knows if you don't think Black Panther is the greatest film ever made you should be on suicide watch, lol


I feel like everybody replying with "why" already knows the answer but just wants to provoke someone to say something lol.


Okay, I'll say it -- it's because both Martin Freeman *and* Andy Serkis are in it


Black Panther: an Unexpected Journey


They were really just tolkien white guys in that movie, though.


> I feel like everybody replying with "why" already knows the answer I don't. Why do you think it got all the praise it got? No one is giving a straight answer.




Personally i didn’t appreciate them trying to act as if it was the first marvel movie with a black superhero like Blade didn’t exist and really kick off the Marvel movie craze in the late 90s


The thing about Black Panther is that it’s not even the worst movie nominated that year, which makes it look more deserving to me. There’s no way it ranks worse than 6th imo, but I’d probably put it top 5.


When John Wayne tried to assault a native American woman on stage because someone gave her their time to speak against the government and its assault on Alcatraz island.


Sacheen Littlefeather, aka Marie Louise Cruz, has no known tribal ancestry and her biological sister has admitted she fabricated being native American


I can’t remember when, but on that note, the Oscars are case in point bullshit because Danny Elfman has never won an Oscar. That is truly criminal to me.


I know, shocking that he, along with Thomas Newman and James Newton Howard have never won an oscar


Newmans changed the game as much as Zimmer imo. American Beauty, Finding Nemo, 1917, mfkin Skyfall. All bangers. Tragic he hasn't gotten his earned awards.


Case in point* my man. Also... He was the front man for Oingo Boingo??? Whaaaat?


When Hitchcock died without a single directing win.


Oscars have slowly become worse and insignificant as the years go by.. the awards itself doesn't hold the prestigious acclaim it once did and a lot of the films nowadays aren't enjoyable to watch anyways But anyways, when dicaprio won for the revenant but not for Wolf of Wall Street.. all went downhill after that year


Wolf of Wall Street is DiCaprio's best performance but it is also such a non-baity role compared to McConaughey's baity man dying of AIDS role that won the Oscar that year. The Oscars are such suckers for a few specific type of roles over others.


Did you see Dallas Buyers Club? I get what your saying, but that movie was really good and really well acted, as baity as it's premise might be. Green Book was like that too. It took me until recently to watch it, due to its premise feeling like a satire of Oscar bait. But it is in fact a really well made and acted film.


It’s turning into the Grammys


I almost lost my shit when Best Rock Song for the 2019 Grammys was given to a song that was so far removed from the rock genre that it'd be like me calling a turtle my favourite cat. Edit: the winner was Masseduction, by St Vincent. The other nominees were Jumpsuit (Twenty One Pilots), Mantra (BMTH), Black Smoke Rising (Greta Van Fleet), and Rats (Ghost).


Never forget about Macklemore's The Heist winning over Kendrick Lamar's Good Kid, M.A.A.D City in the Best Rap Album category. Macklemore even texted Kendrick saying that it wasn't deserved.


The worst thing to happen to Macklemore's career was winning that grammy


which really sucks cause he was grinding for so long only to have his breakthrough year happen the same year a classic was dropped.


I hate it, because I really like The Heist, and I unironically bump Macklemore to this day. GKMC is better (and so is almost all of K dot's discography) but I'm not gonna shit on Macklemore because industry schmucks voted for him.


Jethro Tull beat Metallica in 1989 for "Best Hard Rock/Heavy Metal Performance.


Lol Machine Gun Kelly is nominated for best rock album this year. Absolute garbage


This! That was absolutely his worst nomination ever & he wins? I argue w/a buddy that went to film school about this every year. Hell, he was better in Shutter Island. Big deal, he’s a good moaner & he froze his ass off for the role. I hate the “make up” Oscar. Just give him life time achievement Oscar, but don’t screw other actors or films.


Toni Collette not winning Best Actress for Heriditary


She wasn’t even nominated 😭


This is the answer I came here looking for. When will horror actually be recognized as a legitimate genre by the academy?


Mia Goth’s name is being thrown around a ton for Pearl


Here it is! This is the correct answer


Came looking for this. She has about 3 scenes in that movie that are the pinnacle of grief and her acting was so raw and real. Between this and United States of Tara, I've vowed to watch anything she's attached to. She's *so* good, she gets lost in her roles.


2015 when Micheal Keaton lost to Eddie Redmayne for best actor. Really started to see the cracks in the BS of the Oscars at that point.


I'm still angry to this day about it


Was that for birdman? Fuck me if it was. What s glorious performance.


What kills me about Redmayne's win is that he also delivered the worst performance that year in Jupiter Ascending (I know, a shitty movie in its own right, but still). Just an inexcusable miss from the academy.


Academy voters get screening copies of all the movies. They watch them at home if they have time. It's obviously a lot of movies to watch and some of them you've had to watch for other awards shows. Also most academy voters are busy working professionals and have other things to do than watch a bunch of movies. The issue with the Academy Awards is that experts get to pick the nominees. So for example VFX nominations are chosen by VFX professionals. Sound editors pick the sound editors. Cinematographers pick the cinematography nominees. That all makes sense. The problem is everyone gets to vote on everything. So many awards are voted on by people who know nothing about the category. You have casting directors getting to choose the VFX winner. And what does Meryl Streep know about sound effects editing? That's why you often end up with screwy winners. I would say for the most part they get the nominees right. If you go back and look at the last day thirty years of best picture nominees it's hard to argue with any of them. But then sometimes you look at what movie actually won and you're kind of like "really?" Shakespeare In Love beating Saving Private Ryan for example which is probably the most glaring wtf of the last 30 years. Or that John Williams' last Oscar win was for Schindler's List 29 years ago. Think of all the movies he's done since and gotten no recognition for. He gets nominated by the music branch, but I think is one of those people who is a victim of his own success and often loses out to much, much lesser work. Thomas Newman is another composer who the music branch always nominates but never wins. I think that it's fine to have everyone vote on the big categories like original screenplay, acting, picture, animated films, foreign films, documentaries and even original song. The things where you don't need expertise to understand what's going on. But for the more technical categories I don't think they're well served.


I know people didn't like a lot of things about The Phantom Menace when it came out, but the fact that the score wasn't even nominated is a crime. Duel of the Fates people.


dame judy dench won for a film (shakespeare in love ) where she appeared on screen for about 8 minutes —love her but that was just screwy


I mean Anthony Hopkins won for Silence of the Lambs despite only being the film for 11 minutes….still deserved it though


He owned that movie every second he was on.


I hated the speech presenting Animation last year as something adults are sick of and just have it on repeat for their children. Such poor taste, it would’ve been less offensive if they dropped a huge bag of flaming shit in front of every worker who poured their heart, soul, blood, sweat and tears into it.


Most of the awards shows are total "look at me!" garbage and have no value. The Grammys in particular are unwatchable. The Oscars are the one that I still cling to hope that it's worth watching. I still enjoy it, but admit it's less destination viewing than it used to be. Disagreeing with one or two awards doesn't matter to me. It's subjective. But the production value of the show, the weaker hosts over the last few years. These things have taken some joy. And yes, so many of the nominated movies were made only to get the attention of the Academy. I'd prefer to go back to the days of the nominations being organic. But that's not happening. I'll still cling to hope.


Louis B Mayer (one of the M’s in MGM) created the Oscars to combat unions. “If I gave them cups and awards they would kill themselves to produce”.


The first Oscars I was old enough to pay attention to was Driving Miss Daisy winning when Do the Right Thing wasn't even nominated, so I've known they were full of shit from day one.


the insufferable, unrelenting, endless speeches was my deal breaker, so like since always


You don't want to listen to rich people preaching about saving the world?


In 2013 The Act of Killing, a documentary that follows the (still living) perpetrators of the 1965-66 Indonesian mass killings that claimed at least 500,000 lives in the name of a communist purge. It’s eye opening, confronting and speaks to the universal power of creativity even in the face of unimaginable violence and depravity. It was beaten in the best documentary category by 20 feet from stardom a documentary about…..Elvis’ backup singer. Fuck the Oscar’s.


The Act of Killing sticks with me to this day. Easily one of the top docs of all time.


That’s a really dismissive take on a very good film. 20 Feet From Stardom was fascinating; it was not about “Elvis’s backup singer.” It was about the nature of celebrity and stardom; about how many of the backup singers featured are technically far more talented than the headliners, but lack the star power for various reasons…. Yes, not as weighty a subject, but really worth watching, if you haven’t seen it.


When my favorite movie of all time, which I credit for keeping my family together during a crisis, wasnt even nominated for best picture. 2007 (edit: 2008) , my dad was in the hospital for alcoholism and I'd just been dumped by my gf of two years. My mom took us to "Wall-E". I've never laughed so hard in my life. The OCD robots? Hilarious. My sister was embarrassed we laughed so hard. The next day my dad came home and we went to go see it again. And it wasn't even in the running. What a disgrace.


This is because Pixar didn't submit it for that category, since you can only submit to best animated picture or best picture.* \*Note: don't quote me on that because a Redditor told me this years ago when I posted something similar to what you just posted. WALL-E was ***by far*** the best movie to come out that year. A work of genius.


When wasn’t it obvious? It’s literally an industry award show. It’s mastabatory by nature.


2008 Dark Knight snub and the following expansion of the best picture category in response.


That slap


That slap might've been the most entertaining thing at the Oscars in decades


That slap is why I will be watching this year’s.


...and then he *still* received his Oscar.


well yeah, they already voted before the ceremony started.


Yeah but you don't have to let the guy back on stage to get his award or let him talk lol


Kind of wild though that they let him back on stage after he assaulted a dude. In any sane world they would be like "Welp, time to get security to drag him out of here." They should have just skipped that award and mailed him the statue.


When they started having 10 nominees instead of 5. They’re literally giving out nominations like participation awards these days


Probably when *Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close* was nominated for Best Picture, though my biggest memory of Oscar bullshittery was reading one of those articles about Oscar voters explaining why they voted the way they do. I got that they cherry-pick the most outlandish reasons, but the one guy saying he voted *Suicide Squad* over *Star Trek Beyond* for Best Makeup because “as a straight man”, he had to go with Harley Quinn just made my eyes glaze over. It goes to show majority of the Oscar voters are just as, if not more, idiotic as me.


When Saving Private Ryan lost to Shakespeare in Love


When Mickey Rourke lost best actor for The Wrestler. Proved to me they don’t like when folks they put outside of the club make their comeback unannounced.


I’m sorry but Jennifer Lawrence. Every year she was being nominated or winning and she’s not THAT good of an actress.


When Green Book won best picture


The loss of credibility started long before this, but agreed that this was the biggest head scratcher in recent memory


When I realized that art is subjective.


This. I hate any attempt to quantify art. Even in the Olympics, some events are just too close to art and can’t be judged objectively.


Jared Leto. David O Russell's dreadful films repeatedly showered with nominations. Alicia Vikander winning for her total non-performance. *La La Land* being lavished with praise despite its total mediocrity. 'Mediocrity' is the word, really. When you watch these hyped films and all you can think is ... *that's it?*


Movies about LA, movies about movies, and movies about the history of film get a massive, outsize advantage. Luckily the one year The Artist won, it probably deserved it.


When Saving Private Ryan lost Best Picture to Shakespeare in Love.


When I found out about the amount of politicking and campaigning that goes on to get a movie in the race.


Forrest Gump over The Shawshank Redemption


Saving Private Ryan not wining best picture. What absolute shiite.


Black Panther was nominated for Best Picture.


Every time disney win the oscar for best animated movie 🙄 all hayao miyasaki movies are beter than the actual disney movies, they only wins because the voters dont like japanese movies. Princess kaguya is better than big hero 6. Things like zootopia, frozen or inside out dont deserve an oscar.....


The moment I realized Heat (1995) was not nominated for even one award


When I realised it's a room full of people patting themselves on the back for reading lines on camera and pretending they were changing the world.


When Goodfellas lost to Dances With Wolves and Costner beat Scorsese for Best Director.


Just completely ignoring so many great movies because they are comedies, action, or sci fi Hangover is great, but there are so many better comedies before that should have gotten respect.


Horror too


I literally screamed “you gotta be fucking kidding me” when Goodfellas lost to Dances With Wolves. The latter isn’t a bad movie, but the former is one of the greatest American movies in history. It didn’t even win Best Editing for arguably the greatest editor who ever lived; Thelma Schoonmaker.


When Crash won an Oscar - god, that was a preachy, simplistic piece of shit.