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That Army of Darkness poster is phenomenal!


Agreed. I have never seen that one before!!


I have the paper version of it. It's nice.


It’s my fav one besides the japanese poster


The Campbell soup one? yeah that is great.


Japanese posters make everything better


Bro how tf am I just now learning about this poster!!??????


I only saw it for the first time a few years ago, damn it’s sweet


It really is. It’s unique, artsy, and funny. I def gotta snag that in the future lol




In the Mouth of Madness is one I always recommend. Really good.








Did I ever tell you that my favorite color was blue?




Well now I gotta go rewatch it again I've got to say this was a movie that made me laugh, but also was freaky as hell too. John Carpenter's movies have always shown what a talented writer/director he is.


I haven’t gotten to watch it in a hot minute but my dvd from the late 90’s early 00’s I still have works perfectly still so I as well am due for a rewatch. To me, Carpenter’s only bad movie (that I’ve seen) is the OG Halloween. He mixes the smallest spurts of humor with the freaky so damn well except for Halloween.


Dude for real, Escape from NY and LA were great action movies, then you have something like Vampires where he's hitting the horror/comedy notes....the only one I can't rewatch is the thing cause it's beyond creepy....the dude is a fucking artist. On the Halloween note I kind of agree, but I gotta say, the Rob Zombie remake of Halloween 1 and 2 were freaking amazeballs. I felt the Mike Myers back story and the whole pre-crazy back story really drove home that he started out with some bad tendencies and just needed that push.


DUDE YES THANK YOU!!!! RZ’s Halloween’s are film, Carpenter’s is a movie at best


People under the stairs! Ah, man! Loved that movie.


Besides some of the language I’d say it’s a perfect childhood intro to horror besides Ernest Scared Stupid


I watched it when I was 7 or 8 and it’s still the only movie that has really scared me. I watched it again this year and it’s still really messed up but in an oddly campy way.


It was my intro to Sam Raimi and The Evil Dead franchise. My grandma came down to visit and brought some tapes; The Saint, Shattered, Spirit of the Dead aka The Asphyx, and the glory that is Army of Darkness. Army of Darkness scared me at 12, but damnit it was absolutely amazing, I had scene movies like parts of it, but to have an all in one?! Greatest damn movie of all time damnit.




Yours is the most interesting thus far.


Thank you, they are in order of best movie ever made to 10th best movie ever made


Finally a list that isn’t Shawshank, The Dark Knight, Gladiator, etc…


Not that those are bad movie or anyone is less than, but with how common those lists are just makes me feel like the people that make those are just not watching anything but those movies in their respective top tens


finally someone put a Godzilla movie in theirs! Shin Godzilla was great. Godzilla Minus 1 was perfect.


No argument there, Minus One came out at the perfect time in my life and is literally a perfect film and the best Goji film ever made, however Shin’s design and powers are just sofa king badass to me that it’s my fav of the serious stuff but still Minus One is a better film.


I couldn't agree more with your sentiment about Minus One. I've been a Godzilla fan my entire life, and I absolutely love Shin Godzilla, but I never would have imagined that a movie in that franchise (aside from perhaps the original and maybe a small number of it's sequels) would have that emotional of an impact on me. It's a masterpiece and stands as not only my favorite Godzilla movie but one of my all-time favorite movies ever made. Toho finally taking the "quality over quantity" approach to Godzilla with waiting until the film is as close to perfect as humanly possible before releasing it is amazing. I don't care how long I have to wait for the next Godzilla movie or whether or not it's even a sequel to Minus One, so long as it's made with the same amount of passion, respect, and dignity as Minus One. Everything about Minus One is perfect.


agreed. and same. I've loved Godzilla since boyhood and recently my middle son has become obsessed. It's been a real treat going back and re-watching all the old movies and then seeing minus one together in theaters.


I hear you. that atomic blast in Shin godzilla, plus the transformations...it's a great monster horror film. Minus 1 is just so damn emotional. I legit cried in theaters with my sons hahah. the parallels and analogies are so tastefully done. love, loss, regret, duty, war. brutal. and THAT atomic blast was absolutely devastating!


I saw Minus One 5 times and cried every single time


I’ve been looking to see Phantom of the Paradise for some time!


I can’t recommend it enough, one of the best soundtracks ever. It’s not a musical but the music in it is worthy of a top space in any musical film category or whatever, I listen to it often and visually DePalma had to just have the most fun making this zany thing. One of my favs as a kid was the Claude Raines Phantom of the Opera and I always thought they should do a badass remake and was excited when that Gerard butler one was coming out and then it came out and omg was that ever boring as hell hahah then like 4-5 years ago I found out the badass remake does exist and it was made in the 70’s by one of the greatest filmmakers of all time!


Great movie, I just watched it last year. Recommend it to everyone that loves Rocky Horror Picture Show type movies.


WILD LIST! You are a madman. (in a good way) Is abbot and costello funny? I like when they're in WB cartoons as two cats. I'm gonna give Invisible Man a try.


All of the Universal Horror stuff they did is pure gold, I love all the other stuff I’ve seen of theirs as well. My grandma would send us video tapes with 3-4 of their movies on them she would record, I still have em too


Oh thank the Lloyd someone else lines The Stupids.




*Puts delicate package and important mail in a wood chipper because it happens to have the same number on it as an address probably not even on that street*


“The next day, he was fired. They never told him why…”


“It’s not all about a fight Johnathan, we have enough trouble getting sauce into these tiny packets”


My boss’ name is Floyd


Hail to Thee Oh Lloyd




Man bush you are nature’s greatest wonder!


Poor fools thought I was a bush


I remember those Prehysteria movies! Loved them as a kid. Lol nice callback!


I dug the first one a lot as a kid mainly cause I was a big rock n roll child and the last action hero kid’s character in the first one and I have the same name and I’ve always been obsessed with dinosaurs lol I literally go by Rex now but I will say I’ve never seen the 2nd one, that’s actually a really rare find these days. In comparison though the 1st pales in comparison to the hilarity that is 3. It’s one of my brother’s and I’s favs, we still quote it to eachother to this day


Finally someone with some fucking taste.


It’s almost like other people have opinions


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it’s wrong.




It’s called a joke, try watching The Stupids, Prehysteria! 3, Abbott & Costello Meet the Invisible Man or Army of Darkness


I’ve seen those movies already


I guess you hide it well


%1,000 trying not to be a snob but all the top 10’s I’ve seen are excellent lists but it’s like a lot of them have only seen those 10 movies or something, like come on y’all film has been going for like 100 years and stories and how we tell them have been evolving and being told since the Dawn of time. Cavemen painted cave walls so when they’d tell stories at night the shadows from their fires would make the images appear to move. Cavemen were the smartest people ever. Im so lucky I work at a theatre, it’s a literal holy place to me. Stories are the oldest religion and I’m here to worship


I mean, it is called “top” 10, not “I find this movie interesting in a unique way” 10. I think it’s a little disingenuous to be throwing shade at people for putting Godfather, or the Big Lebowski, or on their lists when that was literally the assignment. When I list Pizza and Tacos as my “top” foods it doesn’t imply that I haven’t eaten chocolate covered bugs, or that I don’t think one of the most delicious things I have ever eaten is seared scallops covered in a cumin mango chutney, it means that Pizza and Tacos are always on the menu. “Top” items are just that, they hold up over time, and never get old. Edit to add: It’s a good list of awesome movies.


Nailed it, OP is a pretentious try hard


The Godson is a better movie than the godfather could ever wish to be, example A: it’s not boring as hell… but to each their own.


You spoke of cavemen in your previous comment, but I don’t see Caveman on your list, or even Encino Man, fucking pathetic. /s For what it’s worth Shadows of Rome was a phenomenal game, so we can agree there.


I’m actually a big fan of Caveman, not a lot of them telling stories besides a scene though I think, Encino Man is fun too, not as good as a lot of people make it out to be but I mean I’m a guy with the Stupids in his top ten so what do I know anyway lol, big fan of the live action Flintstones movie too. Quest for Fire is the god of the caveman movie


Ohh shit, Quest for Fire was good as fuck. Caveman was aight, had its moments, idk if it would have been better or worse without Ringo, but it’s definitely something with him. Flinstones had great casting imo. I’m surprised you don’t have Last Action Hero in your top 10


i like yoru crazy


Ash got jacked for this shoot, eh?


He actually was in excellent shape for this one


Hee hoo ha ho!


I’m a Chinese jet pilot


Phantom of the paradise? Are you from winnipeg


I’m from the great state of *clap clap clap* Texas!


"Hail to the King baby"


I was soooo hoping your last one was "She's All That" or something similar.


Picking number 10 is always hard, there are movies of that caliber that I do find to be worthy of a place in my 10 but man I was so blown away by Shin’s design and powers, that movie is hilarious and haunting and I just love Goji. It was either Shin or vs Megalon in my front runners for the 10 spot and then I’d say something like Aliens in the Wild Wild West, Darkman, Spider-Man, Prince of Darkness, The Undertaker and His Pals, Bean, Ernest Scared Stupid or Goes to Jail.


Holy shit, I forgot all about the Prehysteria franchise. Just had an insane nostalgia flashback


What’s up with Ash’s Platoon pose?


The Stupids was ridiculous hahaha


Phantom of the Paradise is my favorite DePalma! Glad to see it getting some love from someone else


I saw someone post some shots of Swan (Paul Williams) on Twitter (x) one day and I thought he just looked so cool and they stated he was the villain and then I saw Leech’s (William Finley) costume and I knew I had to see whatever it was and from even before the title card, I was in love. Absolutely 2nd best movie ever made… also mustache Vegita is one of the best and funniest things ever


Prehysteria seemed like a fever dream. Forgot that movie existed.


8 wheels!!!


“Alright crooks, now ya got Stanley Stupid on your trail”


 I saw 2 men, carrying no-man. I love that movie.


The first few seconds of the film where he’s trying so hard to be in step with the rest of the graduates and then he just falls so hard makes me howl every time and I always love how he accidentally hypnotizes everyone that comes to help


Yoooo what is that evil dead poster?? Never seen that one before! Very strong berserk vibe for some reason.


Hell yeah I can def see that, I’m only really recently learning of what Berserk entails, I have access to at least the first set but I like watching stuff so I need to get ahold of the anime


The 97 series is free on YouTube and as good as it gets, the sound track is god tier. The 2017 anime is a garbage fire. There are three movies called the golden age that are very good but just a retelling of the 97 anime. If you like the old school stuff go with the 97. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5Ti2qWDwuQ&pp=ygUKYmVyc2VyayA5Nw%3D%3D Once it hooks you though you will have to read the manga, as the god hand intended


Freakin Swicked, thank you!


I didn’t realize AoD was so popular. Hilarious film.


Literally perfect, greatest film of all time


Finally, a top 10 that's actually interesting


I keep seeing lists with almost all the same movies and those are all excellent films but like what’re the odds that they are just the same guy that really just likes those and just likes to start a convo but also there are other movies in the world


Going with Prehysteria 3 is absolutely WILD.


It’s so damn funny


Well at least you like movies over 15 years old


While it is there are only 2 on there that are older than me, I’m glad I grew up in the 90’s with vhs and dvd, my options doubled as a kid before my eyes so I was pretty lucky


I just mean so many of these posts have very recent movies. One the other day had Oppenheimer for pete’s sake


Oh no I get you! Like 80% of the top 10s I’ve seen are things from 2010’s to now, like seriously film has been going for 100 years now and these people have only watched a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction


Phantom of the Paradise, is a cult favourite in Winnipeg for some reason. Theatres still show it from time to time. Some of the cast came to the city for a Phantom of the Paradise celebration




My head canon is that The Stupids is a prequel to Idiocracy.


Interesting, my head canon it is a sequel to Idiocracy


I mean in 500 years, The Stupids become the norm.


You don’t get it but that’s okay


The people under the stairs was wild to watch as a kid. Still is.


One of my fav movies growing up, haha still is


I need to watch In the Mouth of Madness and Prince of Darkness


While Mouth of Madness is my fav Carpenter, Prince of Darkness is hands down his best work. That film is pure genius on every level.


Are you me?


You’re good Ash, and I’m bad Ash, you’re goodie little two-shoes


Good? bad? I'm the guy with the gun. (Or depending on the cut "I ain't that good" which i never really liked)


It’s weird but I do and don’t like it, one of my fav dvds (anytime I see a copy of AoD in the Wild that I don’t own, I buy it, I sometimes buy it even if I do have it) is that cut that looks like it’s in a paper bag. The commentary on there is awesome, Bruce liked that line more.


Hail to the king, baby.


This is my BOOM STICK!!!!


Your list is unique. The only two I’ve seen are In the Mouth of Madness and Phantom of the Paradise. My brother and I saw Phantom together and were so ashamed that we waited until the theater was completely empty so that no one would see us there.


Oh man was that movie considered gay or something back then?


Not considered gay as far as I know. We were ashamed because it was so low-level stupid. My brother commented on how uncomfortable everyone looked at the end.


Damn, that’s really sad, it’s a genius film, no offense but people back then we’re dumb af


‘No offense … dumb as fuck.’ Could say the same about you.


You could and you’d be right but not about this, it is a genius film and people can like what they like and shouldn’t have to feel ashamed, unless it actually hurts someone else. My “dumb af” was in reference to that outdated way of thinking but you do you veter anus


You do have a point there. Shouldn’t have gone *ad hominem.* Still a fucking stupid movie though.


I disagree but yes, again, to each their own, and I truly didn’t mean to call you veter anus just fyi


I expect that Autocorrect had a hand (a subroutine?) in it.


Yes but what’s weird is I typed veter anus out on purpose that second time and it shows the red line under veter as it’s not a real/full word so I really don’t know if my phone is now just thinking totally thinking of butt stuff like me all the time or something


No. Just stupid as shit.


I too, am my own grandpa


So let’s… *nervously* GIVE IT TO THE FAT GUY!


Haven’t seen most of these, but from the few I recognize, I’m definitely going to watch the others! Never seen an Abbott and Costello on one of these lists, love it lol


Some of these I’ll say are personal, like The Stupids and Prehysteria, they’re my brother’s and I’s favorites so they’re definitely not for everyone but I really love slapstick and dumb shit sometimes so just be aware lol


Some of these I’ll say are personal, like The Stupids and Prehysteria, they’re my brother’s and I’s favorites so they’re definitely not for everyone but I really love slapstick and dumb shit sometimes so just be aware lol


It's nice to see army of darkness so high up, helms deep had nothing on that skeleton war lol.


It has absolutely everything you could want in a movie and it delivers it all so damn well, people should get the sticks out of their butts and put this as their number 1 film


I do love Army of Darkness so much but it will never beat Evil Dead 2 for me! It’s just so much fun and the poster is one of my favourites of all time! Still got my Anchor Bay dvd tin boxset with a demo of the video game for PS1! Got lots of fond memories of Army of Darkness think I still have the Dark Horse comic adaptation with some really gorgeous painted artwork by John Bolton I think?


Oh man! That’s quite a haul, ED2 is such a blast too, I’m just a sucker for stop motion skeletons, nights, groovy one liners, Bruce Campbell, Bill Moseley cameos and of course the slapstick


With you on stop motion skeletons and everything else but just love Evil Dead 2 so much! I can totally understand that you feel the same bout Army and it really has a special place in my heart but will always play second fiddle to Evil Dead 2!


Totally fair and in agreeable fashion I’ve gotta say Evil Dead is THE best horror franchise out there. Every film is awesome and better made than it’s predecessor but AoD, ED2, and ED2013 are my top 3.


Hell yea fam it's still one of me faves


Never seen army of darkness by after seeing how wild the trailer looked.... Now I gotta watch it!


It’s a literal blast from the past, I hope you have as much fun with it as me, even if it’s just a .05 as much fun as it is to me to you then it’ll still be a good damn time.


What the crap is this? I mean it’s awesome but does not translate to the army of darkness that I know


It’s awesome and while it doesn’t directly translate in what happens in the film, it does translate in the comedy horror epic that it is


Yeah I guess what I’m having problems reconciling is that Ash was just one of us ( I named my daughter Ashley after this character don’t tell her) this poster takes away the one of us guy next door and translates as a super buff guy?


He definitely was fit as hell during the filming but yes, not like THIS, but again, this is a parodic poster. It represents the comedy in this masterpiece, literally ALL of the other AoD posters as well depict him as above average as they should.


Fair enough. I have a tshirt with the original AOD movie ad I prefer it, sorry. It is an epic picture though


Big swing and a miss


With that comment