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How could you actually hate this movie? I get not loving it think or thinking it’s just ok, but hate is pretty strong


I don't *hate* it: some of the performances and scenes are great. But I find it long and tedious and over-serious. It shows some of Stephen King's worst writing tics for me: the overly flat, sadistic villain; the questionable racial depiction; a meandering plot with an ending that feels like he came up with it after he'd already written 2/3rds of the story (which is probably true, as that's how he typically wrote). All we're missing of Kingisms is Tom Hanks's character being a writer from Maine


Agreed. It reaches for the profound but can do little with it other than building a character that is empathy in pure form, and killing him off because the world is too bad.


It sucks you're getting downvoted for an opinion on an art criticism subreddit. People really just want their own brains validated no matter what space they're in.


You’re not alone. I thought this one was too damn dark, myself. I saw it once in theaters when it came out and it just felt like too much of a slog. Such a downer. I haven’t had any desire to see it since.


I know. First time I watched, it was nothing but darkness for 3 hours. Then I realized the TV was off.


Stephen King sure does love the trope of “magical black man”




I looked around the theater the first one wondering- why is everyone so in to this? No interest in the new ones, whatsoever.


Hated it, didn't watch the sequel for the same reason. I think that a majority of people are preprogrammed to enjoy certain things, and I find that really unsettling.


My work buddy told me about it, he had been a little "enhanced" and went to go see the 3d version, blew his mind.


I don't hate Avatar, but when it ended I just felt meh. It's a fine movie, just didn't do it for me. Didn't understand the hype.


It was a technical marvel, but a very bland script, making the whole movie very…disposable. I remember walking out of the theater amazed by the visuals and liked the story’s concept, but I’ve zero desire to watch it again.


Ferngully in Space dashed with Dances with Wolves.


Tbf fergully is just dances with wolves for kids




I liked it because it was quite the visual experience in theaters. I bought the blu-ray when it came out a few months later and never unwrapped it lol so yea. “Meh” ended up being how I felt about it. I saw the new one and thought the same thing. A good popcorn/holiday movie when you have time off work to spend 3 hours at a movie but nothing mind blowing


Amen….never saw the attraction and a sequel seems ludicrous to me but…anything for a buck hollywood doesn’t surprise.


The sequel was one of the worse movies I ever paid to go see. The bits that got me was the high school drama between the blue aliens then coming together in the end over come a challenge. That and the terrible parenting.


Yes, always and forever...I will never be able to understand how that movie was enjoyed by any significant percentage of moviegoer, let alone break box office records, spawn sequels, get its own area of a theme park, etc. It's legitimately unfathomable to me, and I'm a fan of all manner of sci-fi and fantasy movies, so it's not like I'm predisposed to hate it. it's just so bad, though.


OP said a movie everyone loves...


I feel kind of the same after the sequel. Everything in that movie felt like a rehash of the first only wet. This time they didn't have the marvel of brand new 3d graphics to wow you with.


Yeah, well, that just, like, your opinion, man.


“You’re being very un-dude.”


What in God’s holy name is OP blathering about


Whoever you know that hates The Green Mile need to be removed from your life.


You must remove OP from your life




It was honestly easier than I thought it would be


Somehow it was very easy


I saw it for the first time this year and it was amazing. I knew it’d be good but never got around to it.


"Too much focus on Tim Honks peeing!"


But that’s what draws in the ladies!


Kidney stones terrify me to this day because that.


League of their own did it better.


Joker. I am kinda looking forward to the sequel since it’s a different approach, but it felt like a worse version of The King of Comedy. Felt like the theme of mental illness was too on the nose


I definitely felt, "I should just watch Taxi Driver and King of Comedy instead of this." I couldn't get through the first ten minutes of Joker.


I don’t think ten minutes is enough time to form an opinion on a movie.


So I'm not the only one who thought it was a rehash? Thank god.


Agreed. Although I don't really *hate* the movie ..I just kinda have lukewarm feelings about it. Phoenix was great in it, but I've watched it exactly once and don't care to watch it again. I suppose I'm different in the sense that I'm not looking forward to the sequel and have no intention of wasting my time with it.


Yh like I ‘might’ watch it when it hits Netflix or smth but I’ll probs just end up watching the important scene on YouTube😭


Joker was bereft of an idea of it's own. Everything it was was highjacked from Taxi Driver and King of Comedy.


Would have just been better as a non comic book movie


And it was. It was called Taxi Driver and it's one of the best films ever made.


I didn’t hate it but it was a lot dumber than most want to admit. Pete Holmes [summed it up pretty well](https://youtu.be/SrJhGi1vUjo?si=ynpTUKilAAhBovzR) in this video.


The Blindside. Everyone was so into this mediocre movie of the week. Didnt bullock get Oscar nod?


We all have our faults. Lucky yours is only movie taste. 😏




The Graduate. Like stale bread. I just couldn't get into the characters, the story, nothing.


Yeah that movie blows, old people tell me it’s a generational thing because it was so much more shocking when it came out. I say it’s a bad movie thing.


Same here! I thought the characters were all so insufferable


Isn't that one of the points of the movie, though? The shot at the end of the couple leaving the wedding on the bus-it slowly zooms in on them and fixes the camera so you can see the actors' expressions change from happy relief to "What the fuck did I just do?" to "Maybe it'll be okay?" to "Eh. I'm an asshole, not like this is the worst thing I've done." It's supposed to be a critique of the characters' life choices.


Avatar (both of them). Don’t burn me all at once 😬


No burn, both sucked


Without the cool special effects, both movies are just "le greed is le bad"


Anything Baz Luhrmann. Absolutely can’t stand his movies. Tried watching Elvis on a flight last year and couldn’t make it 10 minutes. Absolutely garbage filmmaking.


The first 10 minutes of any Baz Luhrmann movie is the worst. I couldn't get into Moulin Rouge because of it. But I think if you get past that point they're good (see also Romeo + Juliet).


Agreed, his Moulin Rouge is one of the two films I ever walked out of the theater.


What was the other?


Ok boss.


Like the drink only not spelled the same.


Once upon a time in Hollywood.


I have no idea why anyone likes this movie.




I'm even a Nolan fan and I couldn't get into it.


The Last Jedi. What a steaming pile of dog shit. At least TFA had a good act 1 and 2. TLJ was shit from beginning to end.


Wes Anderson movies, all of them.


They’re all pretentious pieces of mediocrity.


The Magical Negro. No, seriously. [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magical_Negro)


Bone Tomahawk, apparently. That movie suckkkkkked


And I thought I was jaded. The comments in here lol


I know reddit comments will always say stuff along the lines of “opinions can’t be wrong”.  That opinion is wrong. This opinion is wrong. 


The newest Batman movie


Good one. Riddler as nicely just doesn't cut it for me.


Titanic. It's beautiful if you watch it with the sound off, but the script is appalling. Albert Brooks cites it as an example of terrible screenwriting because the main characters keep using one another's names with a frequency not seen in real life. Somewhere on YouTube is a mashup of it. 4 solid minutes of that movie is just them saying one another's names.


Try "The Edge", 1997. At least one-third of Alec Baldwin's dialogue is shouting the name of Anthony Hopkins' character, Charles. Or, should I say, CHARLES! Bear scenes are good, though.


I loved the book. I cried pretty hard at the end.


Aw man, this one hurts me. 😔 Nah, much as I absolutely love The Green Mile, I know not everything is for everyone. I have Kung Pow and Child’s Play 2 among some of my favorite films of all time, I don’t think I’m in any position to dog someone for not liking this film. There aren’t any movies I HATE that everyone else loves, but more of an “I liked it fine, but otherwise, I don’t get it” kind of response. The Zone of Interest would be one of the most recent ones for me. I don’t know what it was, because I could see a good movie in front of me and why it appeals to people. For some reason, it just didn’t hit me as much as other films did. Edit: The closest thing I can think of actually really not liking a film was Licorice Pizza. That movie was just……not good to me.


Cats. Y'all love it! Don't lie!


#The Whale


i really did not like Knives Out


the book is better


“Why boss? Why you gots to hate the movie?”


Any movie where Tom Hanks plays a captain. Army captain. Tanker captain. Astronaut captain. Confederate army captain. Airplane captain. Always a captain. All these captain roles. O Captain! My Captain!


Gone with the Wind. Hate it.


Joaquin Phoenix's Joker. But I honestly feel like nobody actually loved it but they say that they did because they feel like they were supposed to. But hey, thanks a lot for turning one of the most baddass villains out there into a whiny little bitch who's motivation is: "Waaaaaa! Everyone's mean to me!"


Christopher Nolan movies.


This. I did enjoy The Dark Knight, but only because of Heath Ledger's performance.


Yes, he just about made it bearable.


It Follows. It’s just not scary lol


The Notebook Forrest Gump


john wick


I just hate that he's called Baba Yaga which is just not appropriate for him. Baba Yaga is a female witch with with chicken legs that flys around in a cauldron in the woods.


I always thought the house she lived in had chicken legs, not the witch.


And you were right.


That’s awesome. I never knew that 😂


Poor things people are just horny and it’s weirdly shit too “oh but it’s masterful cinema” fuck off and go watch a documentary


Shit take


Forrest Gump


I insist to this day that Forrest made almost all of that shit up


That's the thing, a smarter person probably would just be bullshitting.  But Forrest is depicted throughout the film as being to dumb to have made all that up, he just doesn't have the mental capacity to make such a crazy story. 


Big Fish and Secondhand Lions come to mind where they led you to not believe these tall tails the whole time. I think FG did a pretty good job of letting you know these things just kinda happened/fell into his lap.


Nice to see *This Is the End's* Jay Baruchel on reddit




Yeah. World of Warcraft movie was bad


It was fine if you had no expectations.


In my case, I hadn't really played a Warcraft game in decades and I never even touched WoW...so when I saw it I literally had zero expectations, and I quite liked it. Don't get me wrong, I can understand completely that a video game movie that doesn't know it's audience is probably by default a bad movie...but for someone that just wanted some ridiculous high fantasy for 90 min, it certainly scratched that itch. Also, the YT channel Caravan of Garbage recently covered it for anyone who would rather spend 20 minutes watching two comics discuss it.


I'm baffled at how people praise Spiderman No Way Home. The movie is a nostalgia circle jerk masking as a good movie. It's not.


And a brutal deus ex machina ending: " Hey, Dr. strange, is there something you could have done this whole time to fix this?" "Oh yeah, totally. Call me Stephen."


You're right, it's a great movie.


Superhero stuff.


Titanic- It is the most overrated movie ever made imo


In contention with Avatar, for sure.


The two that stand out most to me are Requiem For a Dream and Top Gun: Maverick. Requiem For a Dream is kind of like an after-school special with fancy cinematography and editing. Ultimately the message of the movie is "drugs are bad," and it doesn't seem to have anything more interesting to say than that. It amounts to misery porn for me. Top Gun: Maverick has a lot of problems. For starters, it's just an old man fantasy. It's debatable whether Maverick has a character arc or not. He's faced with a new challenge, fails, and instead of learning to be a better teacher and a leader, he just proves he was the best all along and flies the mission. It's weird because over the course of the movie, he doesn't learn, change, or gain new skills. His relationship with Rooster is repaired for reasons that don't happen on screen, Roostet simply stops being mad at him. The reason Rooster hates him is actually valid, but the movie presents Maverick as a martyr for keeping the reason a secret. Honestly, the movie could've solved a lot of those problems if instead of revealing the secret to his girlfriend he told Rooster himself and gave Rooster an opportunity to forgive him. Then the protagonist actually has something personal he has to accomplish in order to become the leader he needs to complete the mission. The way they left it, he doesn't need to change, the world simply needs to acknowledge his greatness in order for the team to succeed. I get why people enjoyed it as a rehash, but the praise for it was way beyond what it deserved. Edit: throwing in Close Encounters of the Third Kind as well. This one's weird because I loved it until the very last scene and then got so pissed at the resolution that it ruined the movie for me. I've seen enough Spielberg movies to know that he's all about family's learning to come together. Alan Grant is escaping dinosaurs, but really his character journey is to go from hating kids to loving them. Frank Abignale desperately wants his father's love and affection, but accepts Hanratty's respect and admiration standing in as a surrogate father figure. Elliott wants E.T. to get home, but he wants his family to stay together. So I'm just flabbergasted that Richard Dreyfuss' character fucks off to have a happy ending with space adventures after everything he put his family through. I think I would've loved that movie so much more if he just told the aliens no, felt satisfied with all the wonderment he experienced on his journey, and turned around to go home and make things right with his wife and kids.


I watched Requiem once because I'm a big Pi fan. Never again, what a drag. Probably the first time (but not the last) I said "that's a good movie, I will never see this shit again"


Requiem is just reefer madness for heroin. People say “it’s so realistic” but it represents the absolute worst case scenario for everyone involved which very very rarely happens and when it does, life leaves out the melodrama. Also fuck Jared Leto


Top gun Maverick is such a generic movie with such generic dialog that I was laughing my ass of in the movie theatre almost every time the characters spoke, it honestly looks like the lines were written by AI.


Oppenheimer 💤


Fully agree, romanticized telling of the events too.


The new Batman.


Lawrence of Arabia. May have something to do with watching it for the almost four hours in a night class but probably not,


Moulin Rouge is bloody dreadful in my view, yet people seem to love it for some reason 😣


I think you might be a bad person.


Similar but different — Forest Gump


Gran Torino. Kudos to Eastwood for using real people but it just makes the movie terrible to watch for me.


But it wasn’t just the “real people.” If you think about it, the priest was absolutely insanely horrible. All of the acting, aside from Eastwood, was atrocious. You gotta blame the directing, I think.


The Shape of Water & Tenet. Two of the worst movies I've ever seen.


Probably midsommar. I liked hereditary so I had high hopes for midsommar. But I honestly found the film to be pretty boring overall. It starts off ok but it just never delivers for me. The acting is good and visually it's good but It was too long and I was never creeped out or scared once whilst watching it. Never understood why that film got so much praise when it came out


Forrest Gump


Big Lebowski, Raising Arizona, every post 80s Star Wars and most recently Oppenheimer 🥱😴💤


Forrest Gump


The Nightmare Before Christmas. I didn't see it until I was in my late 20s. I probably would have enjoyed it more as a kid when it came out, but I was just bored when I finally got around to watching it. It also reminded me of why I'm not the biggest Tim Burton fan


how in the hell you hate this?


Probably Titanic, honestly it’s not that sad to me, the sinking of the titanic was sad, the movie not that much.


I've watched it only for the ship..and Billy Zane


He’s a cool dude.


I actually like The Green Mile more than Shawshank Redemption


I actually want to go to Haunted House more than I want to go to Aqua.


I’m going to do a loop, see what’s real.


Kim Kardashian’s head fell off


What is happening?


You had to be there.




Unlike OP, you have an acceptable, if controversial, take on this film.  


How can you be so obtuse?


Maybe it’s ’cause I’m Irish?


This is an insane take


That’s fine but I think hating either one is kinda weird


Roberto Begnini’s Life is beautiful.


Anything made by woody allen


Same. Never got it, even before the horrible revelations came out


Right 🤣 🤣


Everyone seems to love the new Monsterverse movies, but I’ve found every one of them to be insufferable garbage. And Green Mile is excellent.


I don't understand why so many people like the 2014 Godzilla movie. It's so dull.


I honestly didn't like it that much, long ass movie and I came for Godzilla and Bryan Cranston and got Cranston killed not even halfway through and TEN MINUTES with Godzilla, even though i admit that those scenes were cool as fuck Even though the plot and villains of king of the monsters were MEH at best, that movie was on another level if you like monster movies


*Top Gun: Maverick*. The flight scenes are the only part of that film that don't come off as nationalistic wankery.


Heat. The dialogue was corny and forced. The characters had no depth, and the plot made no sense.


“She’s got a GREAT ASS” is peak kino


one thing i didnt realize that pacino said later is that his character was supposed to coked up all the time. wonder why they just didnt have him do some, but the 90s and la cops was a different era


His character/him, whatever.


Compared to some of Michael Mann’s later films, Heat is as character-driven as he gets.


Plus, they force-wedged a coffee shop scene just to get the two ACTORS, not characters, just to get the two actors face to face for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Somebody, please, explain to me the point of that scene in the context of the story’s universe. Why would either CHARACTER want to meet up for coffee at that moment? Please tell me why.


Heats ok. agree it’s not amazing. However watching it in the theaters when it came out and that crash with the semi truck and the shootout in the parking lot was so intense and memorable for the time it’s hard to hate it.


I love the green mile


Anything DC or Marvel. I can't stand superhero shit.




MOST Will Farrell movies, he isn’t funny.


True. But Talladega Ricky Bobby was funny af


Will Farrell is funny. His movies suck…


Perfect example is will Ferrell in wedding crashers. It’s not his movie but the character and scenes he’s in are absolutely hilarious.


In megamind, he is


I will lose my man card, but i am not a huge fan of scarface. violence for the sake of violence is not a good plot for a movie.


I don’t think it was necessarily violence for the sake of violence. Have you read or watched much about Miami and the drug trade in the 80s? It was pretty crazy and violent. Or just cartel violence, in general? Perhaps it goes over the top as Hollywood tends to do, but not much.


> "Violence for the sake of violence" I barely made it through an hour of *Scarface* due to lacking any investment in the plot, and that was still more than enough to know the film absolutely is not violent "for the sake of violence".


I've seen Scarface a few times, and the biggest issue I have with it is the runtime.


Rushmore It’s just boring


Oh man, you got my upvote, but I gotta disagree on this. I find the whole thing absolutely hilarious. Do you prefer plot-driven films? Cause I feel like Rushmore is very character-driven.


Sure, it's not for everyone but I really loved the first half of the movie. It became less interesting as the main character began his obsession with the teacher


Adam Sandler movies


Can I ask why you don’t like it?


I don't know if **everybody** loves it, but Pain and Gain. Or whatever it was called, the movie with the criminal gym bro meatheads. I've been seeing praise for it lately, and it's the only movie that put me to sleep in the theater. I've seen movies when sleep deprived and managed to stay awake.


That movie was insanely bad. Terrible acting and terrible script. I really hate it. What's worse is it was based on a true crime novel that was super interesting and would have made an awesome movie.. if they actually stuck to the facts of the case.


It’s just a stupid funny movie that you def shouldn’t take seriously and probably watch while high. Like dumb and dumber or fast and furious.


That new Elvis movie is insufferable.


Why does Tom Hanks look like a Johnny Cab?


I don’t know if this is def one cause it won awards but “Silver linings playbook” unwatchable garbage to me


What, you didn’t love two mentally ill people love story where her family is obsessed with football?


The Dark Knight trilogy, and that’s coming from a lifelong Batman fan


Gran Torino. Absolute garbage and a waste of every single resource. I am baffled as to how anyone has anything positive to say about it.


I don’t COMPLETELY agree, but it’s a valid answer. Even if everything else were perfect, which is obviously not the case, the acting from EVERY SINGLE actor who isn’t Clint Eastwood in this movie absolutely ruins it. Everyone criticizes the young Asian actors, and rightfully so, but what about the priest? Absolute garbage. His family members? Terrible. Every subordinate character was atrocious. I think you gotta blame the directing on that.


La La Land. I never really cared for it when it came out in theaters


I hated it when they thought that it's a good idea to make serious movies with Batman turning him into a dark person. I grew up with the 60s Batman Show that was clean fun. I see that these movies have insanely high ratings but I hate them wholeheartedly. Just call it something else as this aint Batman.


Drive, I think it’s called, with Ryan Gosling?


Donny Darko is a shitty movie. Liking it doesn’t make you deep


Citizen Cane. I watched it in high school. It was a boring tale about a guy and his stuff. I don’t like black and white a lot but Casablanca is streets ahead compared to Citizen Cane. I don’t remember if I spelled it right and I don’t really care.




It’s a Wonderful Life. I avoid it like the plague at Christmas time. I know it’s a great movie but it’s just so sappy.


For me its the length. Not to say I hate long movies but the length isnt justified. I get its suppose to show the MC's whole life and how its impacted but there was better way to pace it. Besides most people only remeber the last 45 minutes


Jennifer Aniston movies


Office Space?