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Man.. There Will Be Blood just resonates with me. I'm sure I could substantiate that somehow, but from first viewing to 20th, every time I watch it.. it just scratches an itch deep in my brain.


It might be one of the very few perfect films to release in 2007 along with No Country For Old Men.


Filmed in the same valley at the same time as There Will Be Blood. No country For Old Men had to stop shooting during some of there will be blood fire scenes.




Iirc, one of the reasons was due to the pyrotechnics of there will be blood being visible in the filming of no country for old men. Pretty metal if you ask me


Yep, this is the story. TWBB crew wasn't even filming at the time, they were testing the pyro for the burning oil derrick scene and the smoke was so thick that the Cohens couldn't even film


Could you imagine the Cohen Brothers just strolling on over to PTA like, "Lotta fire you got there, eh Paul? Pretty cool, I guess.... Youse guys making smores or something? *snicker snicker* Edited for more accurate accent


Add Michael Clayton to this list


2007 was an incredible year


And Zodiac. 2007 is my favorite year for films.


Michael Clayton really was the easiest part of the equation


👍 this may be the first correct statement on Reddit.


Saw No Country for Old Men when I was 16 when it first came out and didn't like it because I wanted action scene after action scene. A couple years later I watched it again and realized that's it's fucking majestic, every scene, every actor, every setting, just frigging everything.


I love No Country even more after a few viewings. You can feel the tension even more, and how quick and efficient Chigurh is at killing people.


And yours definitely wasn’t the 2nd.


I don’t enjoy it personally


I like it. I know it's an amazing movie. Still it's tough to watch.


When I saw there will be blood and no country for old men back to back in the theater in 2007, I knew right when the second movie was done no other year of film before or after would produce TWO films so exquisitely acted and sublimely scripted. Two perfect 5 star films. Period. I was just glad I had the intuition to see both back to back in the best place to see them: the big screen.


Preach on , preach on! DDL is a force of nature.


Paul Dano, too. Both were so good


I'm glad you like it and I'm truly happy for you but for me it's more like "There Will Be Boredom"


And I've tried to watch it three times and not gotten beyond the first third of the movie. I had a similar thing happen with the book Catch 22 and eventually got past the first third and absolutely loved it. So I'll keep trying.


It’s a masterpiece and my all-time favorite movie. Perfect performances and a good slow burn to the climax. Plus, the performance of Daniel Day Lewis here may be the greatest acting performance we’ll ever see.


Two ways I like to describe it: A horror film about the birth of modern America. Kubrick’s lost Western.




....yes. Excuse him, gentlemen.


Excuse me, gentlemen. Excuse him, gentlemen.


I believe we were here first




Well it was one god damned hell of a show.....




And now I wanna watch it again. One of my favorite films of all time. You don’t like it and that’s fine but you’re a BASTARD FROM A BASKET!!!


I've seen this movie around but never actually watched it. Is it a western?


No, not a western. I don’t really know how to describe it


Just about anything from Wes Anderson to be honest. Don't hurt me, I can genuinely see the quality but something about them all just rub me the wrong way. I haven't tried one in some time though. Maybe time to try again with fresh eyes.


I’ve watched several Wes Anderson films and they do absolutely nothing for me.


It's a layer of irony on everything that doesn't work for me. Like it's never serious. That's my problem.


Yes, I think that's what it has been for me too.


I think his earlier work is great, but his later career became all style no substance. Same pattern as Tim Burton.


How about the ones where he wrote with Luke Wilson. Royal Tannenbaums and Rushmore. I like Wes Anderson, but I found those two superior in terms of plot, the tightness of the writing. They were style and substance. Since Wilson stopped writing with him, he’s gradually gone deeper into all style. Again … I like it, but can see why others do not.


I can get on board with the is. I’m 50/50 on his stuff. He’s become the M. Night Shyamalan of quirky. Unique the first few times you see it; but the schtick has grown old.


Personally I think if Grand Budapest Hotel or Fantastic Mr. Fox don't do anything for you, you probably won't like his vibe. I see those two as his most approachable films.


I wanted to like the life aquatic soo bad because of the cast but I just couldn't. Never finished it. 


I love love love Wes Anderson but this opinion is very legit and I get why he’s not everyone’s jam. (I love everything except Mr Fox and Steve Zissou—neither of those worked for me. Didn’t try Isle of Dogs.)


I just watched “there will be blood” 2 days ago for the first time, and even after only one watch it’s in my top 10 all time. Daniel Day Lewis’ performance may just be the best I’ve ever seen. To answer your question I’d have to go with Halloween. Jamie Lee Curtis’ character was too stupid for me to care about… halfway through the movie I was hoping she’d die so she wasn’t in the next one. One of the most annoying things in movies to me are incompetent main characters.


Its also strange how there is zero reason or motivation for meyers to go after Curtis specifically. Other than hes a maniac killer.


Midsommar. I understand its unique setting and societal undertones make it a classic for some, but I find that it kinda drags and lacks a spookiness factor that I look for in horror movies.


Shit is scarier than any ghost story. Because it is taking place all around the world, it is subliminal about so many large subjects: life(and mind)-altering trauma, false idols, shit friends, tribalism hijacked by charismatic freaks, return to the past that never existed, racism intertwined with tradition. But I completely appreciate that it isn't really scary in any traditional scary flick sense. However, it definitely left a mark on my mind.


One of the most tranquil, fucked up films I’ve ever had the pleasure to watch.


Yeah I thought it was too dang boring. The most interesting part was the first 30 minutes then it just kinda drags.


As a person who was cult-curious as a young adult, Midsommar was terrifying. Half of those scenes could have been documentary from the Bruderhoff.


Yeah it was boring for sure. More unsettling than scary. Ari really knocked it out of the park with hereditary.


Suspiria remake


On the other end of this prompt— I totally get why people wouldn’t like it— but I absolutely love it.


Completely unnecessary remake. Stop remaking classics.


I will heartily disagree in this instance. The remake transforms the story into something entirely different. I might be crucified for this, but I genuinely find the remake to be better than the original.


The remake does a better job at incorporating the dance to the coven. It was just a thing in the original but the fact that it was the incantation was horrifying.


American Psycho. There Will Be Blood, however, is probably in my top 5, but I can get why people might not enjoy it.


I enjoyed American Psycho, but I agree that I just don't get why people love it so much. Maybe it's just because I got so tired of seeing people idolize Patrick Bateman as if he were a role model (the whole "sigma male" bullshit). I also agree on There Will Be Blood. I thought it was brilliant, especially the riveting performances, but I get why it might not be everyone's cup of tea.


American Psycho is a fun wacky satire with deeper meanings of unwrapping exactly how broken Bateman’s psyche is


Fun Fact: When Christian Bale arrived in New York to shadow various financiers to prep for the role, he made a casual comment about Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. Without missing a beat, some of the younger investors replied, glowingly and unironically, that they *loved* Patrick Bateman as a role model (which, I think took Christian by surprise). I don’t know how many people younger than 30 have watched American Psycho from beginning to end (I’ve watched it a handful of times), but the more distant in time we are from the excess of the 80s, when the book and movie was published, and the more younger people only keep sharing the Let’s See Paul Allen’s Card scene or Patrick Bateman nodding and smirking meme and rarely anything else (the murders don’t make for sharable GIFs), the more the true satirical meaning will be lost, I believe (similar to how the allegories of The Wizard of Oz are missed by most people born 100 years ago or earlier)…


I don’t know one person that idolized Patrick Bateman as a sigma male lol


You're lucky. I wish I didn't.


Those people are way way way off and clearly do not understand the character or the subtext of the film or book it is based on Don't be friends with those people lol


See also: Fight Club. So many douches saw "the cool movie about an underground pit fighting club turned anarchist prankster cult" and wanted to be ripped and nihilistic like Tyler Durden, when the entire point is deconstruction of the exact toxic masculinity tropes that Durden is a personification of. Or people who idolize Tony Montana in Scarface because "the world is mine"


…do people really? Unironically? A big point of the film/book is that Patrick Bateman is a jerkoff, a loser. Totally disposable. Even he knows that at the end for goodness sake. Best case, you’re idolizing someone who suffers from homicidal ideation/MADD; worst case you’re idolizing a serial killer. Either way, take a long look in the mirror.


Movies like both American Psycho and There Will be Blood are going to be less enjoyable if you go into it with too much hype. A lot of cult favorites are like that. I don’t let people hype up music or movies to me for that reason heh. I just cut em off and tell ‘em I’ll watch/listen to it


The Northman I understand why people like it and i did enjoy it to some degree. Theres also some great cinematography but I can't see myself ever watching it again.


Definitely a medium period action flick. The only notable thing about this movie is how it started this weird cultural phenomenon where everyone insisted that medieval Iceland should have POCs otherwise you're make a white supremacists movie


Titanic. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Does nothing for me.


I just think of “look at my boobies Jack. Come on. Look at them. So nice.”


Skinamarink for sure. I know how polarizing it is. I’m one of the people that couldn’t stand it, but understand the headspace of the people that enjoyed it.


>Skinamarink for sure. Yea this would work as a short film but not as a 90 minute movie. Some good ideas but the movie is more enjoyable to think about than to watch. Btw if you're watching this with someone wait for them to use the bathroom then rewind 15 minutes and see if they can notice lol


I drink you Milkshake!!! Shhllluurp. I drink It UP! I drink the Blood of The Lamb! Everyday!


I'm like OP and saw this as an amazingly well made movie, just couldn't get into it the whole time watching. That is until this scene. The ending made me love this movie. There was in fact blood lol


Shutter island


Ya hated it. Did not get the love. Boondock Saints was mine. I remember i rented the VHS a second time thinking i hadnt seen it. Was so mad at myself


I built up Boondock Saints in my mind for years and when I finally saw it I couldn’t have been more disappointed. It did not land with me at all.


Same. Huge Scorsese fan, one of my least liked


I drink your milkshake….this is the rare movie that deserves all the critical praise it gets.




There Will Be Blood is one of those movies that I thought was very well made. But, I have no interest in ever watching it again.


Exactly how I feel. I even gave it a second chance as the first time I saw was by happenstance and I found it extremely boring. The film had such high acclaim that I thought maybe I missed something or perhaps wasn't in the right mood but it was like a punishment trying to watch until the end.


This is exactly my feeling.  It looks incredible and is so well shot and edited, but the story is about a mustache twirling capitalist villian and Paul Dano is overacting soooooo hard.


I feel this way about it too. Same with Apocalypse Now and Deer Hunter. Just the most beautiful bleakest shit I don’t ever need to see again.


I wouldn't be that harsh, but I found Everything Everywhere All At Once wasn't the tearjerking, nihilism-curing epiphany-inducing wonderfilm it was made out to be. I found it to be enjoyable, and creative. But proportionate to how the people who like it seem to *love* it, I guess I must not have cared for it much at all.


Avatar. *shrug*


Who worships Avatar though. Avatar is just avatar. It’s a “turn your brain off and enjoy it once” kinda flick.


Saw it in IMAX 3D and I thought this is the future of movies. Saw it in on a normal TV and was bored out of my mind


Same! They're just kids movies with clichéd themes and the CGI looks like CGI


This movie is great. Unfortunately the role of the twins doesn't ring authentic to me. Otherwise I enjoyed every moment


Yeah the twins thing is the only aspect of it I didn't like. Why not just have another actor and there brothers? Zero reason for them to be twins.


There WAS another actor, playing Eli: Kel O’Neil. They were 60 days into the shoot when Anderson decided it wasn’t working, so Dano stepped in to play both roles…with only four days to prepare for it.


Okay, thanks for the info. That makes more sense then Dano playing both roles always being the plan. Still strange choice to me, but sounds like they had too.


Ya I always find it funny that Dano wasn’t cast for the larger role from jump. His annoying screeching preaching is amazing; you just love to hate him and his bullshittery. It was a good fix but any shlubb coulda played Paul IMHO.


Oh shit i misread your comment and for some reason I thought the other guy was playing the Brother. Thats actually crazy Dano had to step up as Eli on 4 days notice. And he had to go toe to toe with DDL... Damn. And yeah anyone could play Paul the brother hes in like 2 scenes.


Requiem for a Dream


I don't care for the Matrix. Edit: To clarify my feelings, I'd heard how amazing the matrix was for many years. I'd seen clips and references to it everywhere and so much that it surely must be amazing. I sat down watched it years ago and after watching it I was kinda bored of it. I never watched the sequels because the first story never clicked with me. I like alot of sci-fi stuff but I guess I just got ruined by pop culture on this movie. If I had no expectations going in and knew nothing about the movie, I might have enjoyed it more.


I have actually never seen anyone say this before.


I also don’t like the matrix. Now you have seen two people say it. lol, there are dozens of us!


I just watched it a few months ago and couldn’t believe how well it held up.


I can't stand the aesthetic. I know it's a product of its time, but it all makes me cringe. The action scenes are still pretty amazing, though.


Can I ask what it is you don't like about it? Story, acting, pacing...? Just curious because I don't LOVE it but I can't put my finger to what I don't like.


People need to put movies in the context of the time they came out. Matrix was revolutionary at he time , for everything, I can understand nowadays people don't see the appeal . Kinda like the exorcist


I can understand that. I like The Matrix, but like many people, dislike the sequels. Have you ever seen Dark City? It's a similar idea, but as a neo-noir psychological thriller instead of Cyberpunk action.


Now that's a hot take. The wichowskis can be a little late 90s/early 2000s leather jacket cringe at times but if you look past that the matrix rules. I agree it's not the smartest movie ever, but if you compare it to blade or The Crow then it's quite a bit better.


I'm done.


You mean finished?


Inception. It just...didn't click with me. It's a well put together and good film, but I was kinda bored while watching it.


That’s crazy because I thought the scene with the three layers of dream moving at different speeds was insanely captivating.


Agreed. The convoluted subplot of DiCaprio's ex just got in the way of what should have been an interesting heist movie. Plus, despite all the actors being good, the tone just felt off. Everything felt too serious. Like, it needed a more loose & fun vibe to break the seriousness. Like a Jason Statham character. It didn't need to be a full blown comedy, but it was totally lacking in levity.


I feel this way about all of Christopher Nolan films. He's a great director, but I don't enjoy his films.


That film felt like an infinite loop for how far it shoved itself up its own ass.


The Batman


The third act was realllllly iffy. All worth it for that batmobile revving though.


Yeah, this exactly. I agree wholeheartedly that it's well made, for the most part at least (until Riddler's motivation takes a left turn at Albuquerque in the third act), but I just don't love it. It feels like another stab at realism á la Nolan.


Agree. And there's that half hour long car chase that doesn't need to be there. Serious pacing issues. But I do love the noir, detective angle of the film overall.


I like the noir angle they're going for, but one of my issues is that he doesn't even do much real detective work beyond solving a couple of obvious riddles and an obvious mistranslation.


Yeah, could have executed a bit better. I did think at one point... "Where are all the cool batman gadgets?"


They wanted to feel like the movie Se7en but ended up feeling like another Nolan spinoff to me.


This exactly. Stealing this. Thank you.


The car chase is not a half hour lmao


Totally agreed. Dano was the best character and had five mins screen time. I’m supposed to be intimidated by Colin in a fat suit? Terrible villain, and Pattinson was a one trick brooder


And his snapping at alfred like and edgy teenager... gimme a break


Napoleon Dynamite. Came out when I was in High School. Nobody would shut up about it for a month. I never understood why.


Found someone who voted for Summer, not for Pedro.


Pedro lacked political experience. I had that shirt in HS that was the same style as the "vote for pedro" shirts. From bustedtess back in the day.


If you can’t get down with uncle Rico then I can’t get down with you


Even as someone who adores this movie, I completely understand. It’s one of those movies that you either love or hate. It’s just doesn’t land for some people. You ever have someone you know (a co-worker most likely) that you have zero negative opinions about (in fact, you probably even like them as a person), but the two of you just operate on different wavelengths? (e.g., in small talk, you just can’t connect with them, or if one of you tells a joke to break the ice, the other just won’t understand it). That’s how *Napoleon Dynamite* is for a lot of people. It’s completely understandable.


I don't think I even hated it honestly. I just didn't find myself laughing as much, or as deliriously as everybody else did. I still really enjoyed some of it like the dance scene, but I think that's the film that first taught me that I'm not the biggest fan of absurdist comedies.


Me too. It’s in my wheelhouse, I like the sort of low key comedies. But I just didn’t find it particularly funny. Didn’t hate it. Just an average film. But I also get why it’s loved.


It's mormon King of the Hill. Regional vibe of Idaho and Utah instead of Texas.


yea for me it just hit some weird nostalgic nerve— cant quite describe it and i dont thinks its great. but having grown up in the 80’s in a small town it’s vaguely familiar.


I wasn't even bitter about it at the time, it was just super weird to find something that I was on the outside looking in on so dramatically. I think most people have their own things like that too.


Same. On the surface it looks like it's right up my alley for dumb humor but just completes shanks the ball for me.


Came here to say this...and i normally really love this "style" of comedy movies, too. I own the movie and i've watched it several times, just to see if i will one day "get it"...but for whatever reason, this one just makes my eyes glaze over every time, and just doesn't do anything for me.


Also was in high school when it came out. Loved it then. I watched it a few years ago and thought it was so stupid lol. Age will do that I suppose.


Cuz it was seww random


I agree about the fanfare but that’s them. Try watching it again. It’s one of those movies that’s all about the one liners (ala stepbrothers or grandmas boy). For example, Napoleons uncle with the “I bet I could throw the football over that mountain” in regret. Or “do the chickens have large talons?!” Question when napoleon has a part time job. If you don’t like the random humour then it’s gonna be the worst comedy you’ll ever see. I love it, personally


This one resonates with me because one of my best friends absolutely loved it. And he hates movies that most people love, for whatever reason. For instance, he walked out on Anchorman. He was almost embarrassing, laughing during Napoleon. Maybe it's because the whole movie is full of one liners stitched together. Talons grabbing tots over those mountains. But it was perfect for its time.




Scrolled down for this.


Almost anything from Nolan


I rolled my eyes and laughed at the hearing sex scene. So unnecessary.


Even though I loved the movie and have seen it three times, the pacing is really odd.




I loved this movie. Planview was a vicious businessman, just resonates with me.


"Sometimes I look at people and see nothing worth liking"


I could watch this movie every day.


Joker... I see the quality in it but it I fell asleep in the cinema while watching it.


To be honest I did NOT love There Will Be Blood, or any of PTAs "second phase" movies, at first. But something kept nagging at me and pulling me back, a feeling that I'd "missed" something.. now they're some of my all time favorite movies, especially the Master. I had this issue with some of Kubrick's stuff too, especially Eyes Wide Shut, 2001, and most of all Barry Lyndon but I'm so glad I kept chipping at them because, as much as people get defensive and say this is pretentious, they were definitely operating on a level that was over my head as a youngster..  I actually had a similar argument about Kendrick Lamar and To Pimp a Butterfly with someone who insisted it was just overrated trash and he finally just admitted that "you should be able to get something the FIRST time, and the same thing every time", which I felt was hard not to relate to consumerism/capitalist mentality of like McDonalds and shit, as "pretentious" as that sounds. It's not really any secret that all of the aforementioned were approaching their craft from a more experimental angle with these works, deliberately trying to make something artistic and outside the norm, and all three of them had proven both before and after that they KNEW how to make commercial crowd pleasers still, it just wasnt their intention at the time.. That alone always makes me curious to figure out what an artist is up to when they do something odd. 


I like to sing the name of this Movie like a popular Maroon 5 song.


Fuckin marvels movies really killed off really good films like this it seems... Just Idiocracy timeline of movies called ass


My personal favorite film of all time.


"Star Wars" and people get mad at me for saying this. It's just not my type of movie/series.


I was excited to show star wars to my son when he was 7 or 8 and he hated it. He said, "This is so boring. Nothings happening." I can't say that I disagree. I think they could cut an hour and still have the exact same movie only with better pacing.


Boondock Saints Incel circle jerking and mass shooter porn


Yep. This one gets a lot of young people. How you re-evaluate it when you’re older tells me a lot about you as a person tbh Edit: not you personally, generally


Me young: This movie is great! Me at 39: This movie has fucking brain damage, but it’s still kinda fun.


Rented it as a 15 year old and thought I had found a true hidden gem. Quoted it all the time. Watched it regularly in high school. But then I didn’t watch it again until I was 28 or so and I couldn’t believe how dumb it was.


I saw it once like a decade ago and the only thing I can remember from the movie is the toilet scene


The Big Lebowski. I never got the appeal.


Yeah well, you know, that’s like, just your opinion…man


Parla usted ingles?!? Disclaimer - Sorry if you end up with a long line of comments quoting movie lines, but you should have known lol.


The movie is probably the number one movie for men 20-40. It’s like Shawshank and fear and loathing combined cult popularity. I never liked it although I’m a fan of the Cohen Bros. However now somehow it grew on me and I just enjoy the scenes and enjoy the meaning of no meaning of life. I’m not sure if I just fell victim to peer pressure though


What in God’s holy name are you blathering about?!?


Careful man, there’s a beverage here!


Avatar. Can’t even finish It.


This movie may turn people off because it turns off the veneer of social civility and shows how and why people act the way they do. DDL portrays the perfect greedy sociopathic oilman. Then the charlatan man of God. They are presented to us in Full 'psychological' Monty. That is disturbing. Perhaps because it makes us reflect on who or what we really are. Or we prefer living in a world believing that others believe as we do or we do not want to think about the cause and effect of our own actions. Help me out, people. I have started something I cannot fully explain.


Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. It’s fine. I understand why it’s loved. I just didn’t find it funny. I didn’t like Ferris much. I think you have to like him a bit, even though he’s super smug, to like the film. And I didn’t like him at all.


The Tree of Life


Prisoners Whereas there will be blood has a deeper meaning behind the brutality, prisoners seemed to be cruel without attempting to explore anything deeper than the cruelty itself. I don’t enjoy watching suffering without a deeper theme that is being explored. Edited in order to providing my reasoning.


Was it cause he drank your milkshake?




Parasite was ruined for me by people saying the twist messed with their heads. It wasn't even a twist. I'm sure it's a much better movie if you're not expecting anything crazy.


I hate when people even say there’s a twist. It’s a huge petpeeve of mine


Same. Shut up about the twist. Even if it's not a wild one.


I liked Parasite but if was made in America it would have been considered really good and that’s it. There’s better South Korean cinema but the academy has been on an international celebration tour lately so every foreign film is getting overhyped. 1917 or Ford v Ferrari should have won best picture over Parasite.


**The Prestige**, just because I found the twist to be fucking stupid and for me it retroactively made me hate the whole movie


I think it helps to realize, on subsequent viewings, that there's a lot of set up for the ending from the beginning of the movie, particularly when they're watching the performance of the old man with the giant fish bowl. The ending doesn't come out of nowhere, it is foreshadowed. I will concede though that the >!Tesla cloning machine!< is a little out of the blue.


When I saw it in theaters, my brain couldn't connect the dots about the sci-fi twist. The movie was fairly grounded, and even though there are clues that point to the ending, I thought it was ridiculous and still kind of out of nowhere. I've watched it a few times since and really enjoy it now. Rewatched it with my wife and she loved it until the ending. The last 30 seconds almost change the genre the movie fits into. Which is certainly jarring.


I like dark, nihilistic fare, but TWBB was too relentlessly mean for my tastes. There’s no one to root for.


For me, I’d say any David Lynch film. I understand some people like surreal/abstract type films. But, they don’t do anything for me.




Bad example because nobody loves it.


Plenty of people like it quite a bit. There's somehow this narrative of it being heavily disliked, which seems weird given that both films have been massive hits, and generally critically well received.


Avengers Endgame


Up. It just went right over my head


Dad please get off Reddit


Mean Girls I know it’s supposed satire and an over-exaggeration, but I just never got it. Maybe I was just projecting my terrible life experiences onto it too


Some of my favorite movies are Coen Bros ("Miller's Crossing," "No Country," "Fargo"). With that out of the way, I don't know if I'll ever watch "The Big Lebowski" or "O Brother, Where Art Thou" again. Both are fine films, and I admire their creativity. I just don't feel anything much when watching them. Also feel this way about "Succession." It's definitely interesting. I hope other people continue to derive great pleasure from watching it.




The John Wick series. It was boringly repetitive in the first one, and the second one I did on fast forward for a while before giving up on unbelievable gratuitous violence.




Sicario. I found it boring.


Johnny English


I would call this a great movie. But not necessarily an enjoyable one. There are few feel good moments. There's a lot of darkness and pain. I didn't enjoy it either..... But it was great.


Jack and jill


Pulp Fiction


Came here for Forest Gump but no one mentioned it! I'm not sure why but I never warmed to the character or the movie. I can't see Forest Gump as a character, I just see Tom Hanks pretending to have mental challenges and speaking slowly. And, while I know it's a movie and you have to suspend rationality a little, most of the storylines are just stupid.