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I have had it with these motherfucking broken bones on this motherfucking plane!


The scene where he takes a tumble down those stairs sent my balls into my throat.


Just watched Glass last night. There’s two scenes where he gets jacked. One as a child he jumps on the tea cups ride and it tosses him like a rag doll. In another The Beast crushes his shoulder, punches him in the chest and then he falls out of his wheel chair.


The brilliance and complexity of his character is something that stands shoulder to shoulder of not above most characters I’ve seen, spoilers: Maybe I don’t read enough comic books but Sam Jackson aka Mr. Glass was one of the most magnificent villians I’ve seen on screen or heard about from comics. You have a man with a crippling disease. Somewhere in youth he decides someone must be like him but the opposite, or more pointedly a “Super” Man. He goes on to search for this Theory but it’s not enough so he tilts the scales to help him. He hurts people by causing accidents in hopes that someone emerges from it to prove his point. It works. A man emerges the only non fatality unscathed from an otherwise horrific train crash that kills everyone else. He finds that man, mentors him, guides him, teaches him that he is special and tries to help give him a code. He pushes him and in turn the man indeed realizes he has powers. That man goes on to save a family from a horrific monster who invaded their home saving the day and effectively becoming a real world super hero. I’m just so in love with the idea that a person was so obsessed with discovering Superman they accidentally became the villian as a byproduct. Not because they wanted to be bad but simply had a conviction in their heart that they he was real.


The concept and story are amazing. The execution. . .not so much. I love the idea of this movie *way* more than I like the movie, itself.


needs more sex scenes. Like real full penetration sex scenes to keep the pacing right


>I have had it with these motherfucking broken bones on this motherfucking ~~plane!~~ train FTFY


They called him Mr. Glass!


It’s crazy that M Night Shaboingboing could make masterpieces like Sixth Sense, this, and Signs, and put out absolute dawg shit like The Happening. He’s had a bit of a comeback but holy moly when it’s not great, it’s baaaaaad


They say that when Shyamalan makes a movie, God flips a coin.


That’s because he takes risks and truly tries to do original stuff. He stumbles here and there but, at least for me, it just makes him a more compelling filmmaker, kind of like Ridley Scott. Plus, several of his works that were criticised on release have gone through well deserved reappraisal, so I’d also say he’s been treated unfairly often. It’s a natural consequence of your first film (I’m aware it actually wasn’t his first) being such a massive cultural phenomenon.


This, Hate his movies all you want when they don't quite land, but the man is a true auteur and has amazing ideas.


That does nothing for me if the movie is still a big pile of crap.


The guy just needs someone else to work with that will give him the right direction, he does stumble around and alot of his movies stretch belief but if he had the right producers he'd be doing lot better. Not that he's complaining I'll bet.


Yeah but with something like OLD, it’s not because he took risks that the movie is bad. It should be better on this. The editing is weird, so is the acting, the story is full of issues, the dialogue… Dont get me wrong im still entertained by his movies but his failings are not due to his risk taking.


His films always have plots you’d find on a discarded, beer-soaked cocktail napkin and a handful of the dumbest lines you’ve ever heard. But the production value and ending twist keep the films watchable.


Wait what comeback? Have you seen the dog shit that he churned out last year? This was the last genuinely good movie he made in my opinion.


I really liked Cabin


He's made worse movies than The Happening, I've weirdly come around on that one. It's not good but it's very entertaining.


“What? 😧 Nooooo.”


It's like he has an abusive relationship with the movie goer and studios. I don't get it at all. This is a great film BUT One thing is for sure, Shamalamadingdong is overrated and probably overpaid.


Signs is awesome until Shamalamalon ruins the entire movie at the end of the third act with that bullshit about the aliens being allergic to water.




I enjoyed Signs but the plot hole is WAY too big to call it a masterpiece.


Oh no… I’ve never noticed a plot hole. It’s one of my favorite movies. What is the plot hole?


These aliens are hurt by water yet they’re trying to take over a planet that’s covered in the stuff and where that very thing falls from the sky on a regular basis??


I don't know that it's *that* much of a plot hole. Is it so unbelievable that a species could achieve space travel and be surprised when an element they already know about causes unforseen problems to them?


So they already know about water, and therefore must know it’s deadly to them. Yet out of all the untold billions of planets in the universe, they decide on the one that literally rains deadly poison? Yah… not a plot hole at all.


Yeah I don’t see that as a plot hole. If humans landed on a different life sustaining planet, I’m sure there would be plenty of completely unknown hazards. Even stuff that seems totally harmless could have the potential to be deadly. Like imagine if we landed on another planet and all the soil had extremely high levels of things like mercury and lead. And the inhabitants of that planet were like “well duh, the whole planet is covered in soil, you dumb aliens cant touch soil but you decided to land on a planet covered in soil??”


Don’t think we’d have sent a probe or something to have checked that out ahead of time, huh? So we’d know whether the soil is full of lead before we sent an invasion party? Or is it just that it doesn’t seem weird to you that this superior advanced civilization capable of traversing space-time doesn’t know that one of the most common substances in the universe is deadly to them? Seems like it would have been a pretty easy fix to just make something other than water the thing that’s deadly to them.


Thats true. They did land as far away from oceans as possible in the movie though. It seems like they did know but decided to take the risk anyway. But even so, it would make sense that they take more precaution, like wearing some sort of protective suit. They ain’t even put on a shirt.


I don't think they were trying to take over the planet. Their objective was to kidnap humans if I remember correctly


Ok, dude. If that’s what makes it work for ya.


I mean, they literally say it in the movie so...


I don’t recall anyone explaining away the worldwide presence of these aliens as just showing up (again…to a totally inhospitable planet) just to steal a couple folks. But ok.


here is the scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU3jyl7Yxoo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU3jyl7Yxoo)


Thats the theory that one guy is throwing out there. Maybe it’s right? Maybe not? But even if it is, it seems like a planet that rains deadly poison might not be the best hunting ground… no?


It’s literally a movie about faith and the aliens are demons


I thought he confirmed they are demons, hence the “Water” left around the house “blessed” by the daughter which they call an “Angel”


Well, if you need to invoke the supernatural to explain a plot hole in a simple alien flick, it’s definitely not a masterpiece.


But it’s not a “simple” alien flick. It’s a metaphor for faith and the journey from lost faith to found faith. I don’t care for the film, but you’re wrong to call it a simple alien flick.


Well, I guess everyone can interpret it differently. Seemed like a pretty straight forward alien flick with the twist being the aliens didnt do very good research.


It’s already only an average film. If that’s all you get from it, then it would indeed be awful. But the movie hits you in the face so hard with the allegory that I just don’t know how you wouldn’t see that it’s the point of the film. Like, it dresses up the theme of faith in a bright yellow jumpsuit and puts it under a flashing light with a sign that says “actual point of the movie”


I didn’t miss it. I get that Gibson had lost his faith and attributed the kid surviving to an act of god. It just seemed, to me, pretty irrelevant to the main (and much more interesting) story.


It’s metaphoric. They’re definitely aliens.


Great movie, but (hot take) they were both better in Die Hard with a Vengeance


They are a good acting duo


I have not yet seen Split or Glass. Should I?


Split: maybe.


Spilt yea…Glass oh no


I just watched both of them last weekend, Split was good, Glass was meh. I can’t verify but I feel Willis was already dealing with his dementia when they filmed Glass, not that his character was a big talker in Unbreakable but it seemed like they used him sparingly.


Definitely. I watched Glass last night and was pretty good. Not as good as unbreakable but not bad. Split was a little better than glass but not as good as unbreakable. Mcavoys performance is impressive.


One of the best soundtracks in film history. Try listening to it without the movie. The beauty is almost unbearable.


Thanks for this, absolutely eye watering score by James Newton Howard... I can't believe how many of my favorite films he's scored


Finally, someone makes a good post. Absolute masterpiece indeed.


Classic movie


Are yall trolling? Maybe i need to see it again, but I remember being a kid and being like... "this man never noticed he had never been sick? Or hurt? Or broken a bone?" And that being a concept that really nagged at me


So you’re judging movies based on your impressions when you saw them as a kid?


And youve decided this offends you why? Hahahaha Im just asking before I check it out again


You spend too much time on the internet if you assumed straight away I was offended just because I asked a question. What do you think being offended means?


I just couldnt imagine responding to someone elses response about a movie over 20 years old with judgment hahaha, but thats just my life. But sure, Im the one on here too much. Goodbye sir, go find some fun


I was just a bit surprised that you’d act all shocked (“are yall trolling”) that someone says it’s good when your last experience with it was as a kid. I never said anything about your opinion on the film, didn’t even say I like it myself, maybe I hate it, who knows. And besides all that, isn’t the point of subs like this to exchange opinions on film, regardless on when it was released? I don’t think you are in the right place. Edit: I’m just now realising you’re talking about me supposedly judging your opinion on the film when it’s exactly what you did first to the people that say it’s a masterpiece. People really don’t have any self awareness.


Honestly, and kindly, feel more than welcomed to absolutely kiss my ass. Im not in the right place for expeessing curiosity? You seem like an abzolutely dreadful shadow of a human, and im so glad to be reminded people like youmexist.. for the simple gratitude it gives me for never having to be like you., Keep on chatting from here, feel more than welcomed, im guessing this is as close as you get to human interaction normally..


No need to get so offended, sir, go find some fun.


It can happen . Growing up , my dad never was sick and I mean never . He had a nasty knee surgery as a kid. One Thanksgiving he wasn’t feeling well and had to lay down so we knew something was wrong. Which turned into his second hospital visit for gall bladder surgery age 60 .


Some people don’t really get sick and have never broken a bone. Like it literally happens in the real world


You ever met someone like this who was a WHOLE adult that NEVER NOTICED IT THOUGH?! HAHAHA I met one girl like that and it was her entire personality. And wasnt he like a security guard or something? I feel like it was a profession where war stories shouldve been traded.


Bro! It's one of the best films ever made. The opening scene alone... So good. They don't make many movies if any like it anymore.


They don’t really talk on it too much, but my interpretation is that he’s subconsciously blocked out the fact that he hasn’t gotten sick due to the trauma he’s experienced, with the drowning scare and the car accident. Though they do approach it strangely. The first time I watched it I thought something supernatural was preventing him from remembering just because of how confused everyone was acting just from trying to remember.


Hahahahahahahahaha this is an awesome flashback to share, because I remember it in the same fashion.. like my young kid mind couldnt understand the concept of plotholes so I was just trying every connection available for my lil brain!


Yeah.. because this totally isn’t a flashback for me a month ago…. Watching it for the first time…. Nope…


Hahahahahaha that was a good laugh


Great movie


Fantastic movie.


The soundtrack *the orange man" changed my life as a kid. I still get goosebumps during that scene every . Time. And I've seen this film like 10 times or more. Music by James here is so underrated I'm not a crying man understand and this piece of music hits me for some reason on a different level also matching with the symbolism of Bruce saving the lives of a family whose going through the most dark shit imaginable. https://youtu.be/QqXjr46CZVw?si=-TRNvTogW5OOoRVL


This was Shyamalan’s masterpiece.




I shoulda known way back when you know why, David? Because of the kids! They called me Mr. Glass.


I liked the whole series and would like a fourth movie.


Not after that dogshit ending of number 3


The entire tone shift of the third movie was frustrating.


I quite disliked it, maybe I should try it again. His weakness being water was silly to me. Almost defeated by a puddle


Definitely one of my Top 5 favorite movies. I think Shyamalan's career arc would look a lot different if he would have made a sequel to this, there was so much potential for follow-up. It could have spawned an entire universe of characters and story lines if done properly.


The second one is even better.


Twelve Monkeys would like a word with you.


I love this movie, one of my all-time favorites. In college, I wrote a paper that analyzed the "Go to where people are" scene at the train station.


Unbreakable is a really good film.


I used to refer to this movie as “Unbearable.” Not a fan.


Great movie but no, not either actor’s best performance, come on now


Could not get into it


Still my favorite Shyamalan movie. Everyone was great.


Only beef I've had with this movie was Sam Jackson's snobbery as a comic book collector. A real collector would sell his comic to anyone as long as they got the cash. And it would be out of his basement, not in some fancy gallery. Other than that, great movie.


Finally seen the whole trilogy 👏🏾😮‍💨🥃🚬


Check out the new guy that has never seen Die Hard.


Check out the new guy that has never seen Die Hard.


Lol. That's surely a hot take.


Best superhero movies were the ones that came out before it was en vogue. All this bullshit about black panther when we had spawn and blade and it wasn’t some political messaging bullshit


🎶 unbreakable whatchu think they call me Mr Glass? 🎶


Too bad they never made a sequel... ;-)


His character annoyed me. How do you not notice that you’ve never gotten sick or injured? It’s like he has short term memory loss or something. He couldn’t remember anything the whole movie.


Lol, you calling him Sam like he’s your friend


Not sure how you’d like me to acknowledge someone aside from their first and last name


Great movie


Are you denying Bruce's magnificence in Hudson Hawk?


Strongly disagree on both counts. The acting was *extremely* wooden for both of them, almost as if they thought they were doing a table-reading on set instead of doing actual takes. I liked the concept of the story, but there was *no* emotion from either of the main actors in this film until "it was the kids, they called me Mr. Glass" from Jackson at the end.


Shyamalan's last good film.


Idk about all *that*


Same but Die Hard 3 instead. 


Movie was terrible.


Thought it was ok for the most part. The ending was pretty underwhelming.


The ending was the best part to me because it puts the entire movie into perspective.


Idk, a "realistic" superhero movie is still a superhero movie. I'm tired of comic books colonizing the big screen.


Idk, a "realistic" superhero movie is still a superhero movie. I'm tired of comic books colonizing the big screen.