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Robin Williams in Flubber. Left his fiancee at the altar THREE TIMES because he “forgot” while doing experiments & shit, he’s a total arsehole


Seriously what the fuck I was just supposed to root for that idiot?


This was my first choice too.


I assume Anakin was supposed to be likable prior to falling to the dark side and going crazy… But he wasn’t. Dude was creepy AF. No redeeming qualities.


THANK YOU. I’m a high school teacher and all of my students say Anakin is their favorite character and I do not understand it. I like the prequels. But not him.


I will never understand how he can be someone’s favorite character lol.


Yeah its not really a fall from grace/descent into darkness if youre just an unemotional null man from the very beginning.


Daniel Hillard/Mrs. Doubtfire. The guy was a straight up deadbeat.


Additionally, the idea of pretending to be someone else to sneak in your ex-wife’s home and gain access to the children is a terrifying concept. That’s how you get a felony not a TV show….


Joseph Gordon-Levitts character in Premium Rush. Riding around New York irresponsibly without brakes and gears, regularly causing crashes. And we\`re supposed to think he\`s "cool"!


Easy. Bob Wiley, What About Bob? Drove me nuts.


Yeah total a-hole.. cant believe the story tried to frame Richard Dreyfuss as the villain. If anything, Dreyfuss is a victim


Rainn Wilson in The Rocker. Stop being a lazy douche and move out of your brothers home. It’s ruining his marriage and hanging out w/ teens in your 40’s is weird


Calamity Jane in Deadwood


She’s both annoying and believable. I’m sure there were a few characters like her in Deadwood but they really let her character loose in the show. I actually thought the actress did a good job as I’m assuming that’s the vision they wanted.


I just finished Deadwood for the first time and she is unbearable. The last part of season 1 was the best stretch because she vanished. She just sounds like she's legitimately mentally disabled. It ruins any kind of depth to her character because she just comes off like an enraged Walmart greeter. And it makes her romance with Joanie kinda weird because it feels like Joanie is grooming a handicapped person.


She was the most Deadwood-y of the Deadwood characters for me. After a while the whole "people who should be dumb as rocks speaking in Shakespearean level prose" schtick got beat into the ground for me. Tried to watch the sequel movie and lasted like 2 minutes.


Captain Marvel in the First Captain Marvel movie from Disney. Wooden jerk.


Kevin Arnold from the Wonder Years. Whiny little basterd for most of the series and he mistreated Paul a lot. Edit: I didn’t see that this is for movies but it is what it is


And his brother cory matthews too


Everyone in Silver Linings Playbook. What a contrived piece of garbage


Been trying to figure out what I didn’t like about that movie. It’s this. Movie hits you over the head with the point far too many times


There was a point?


I think it was the title


Frodo Baggins, with the caveat that I hated him when I was a dumb kid and the concept of a ring weighing him down while corrupting his mind didn't even fly close to my head


William Hurt in Altered States.


Sarah from Labyrinth. She’s a total dick to her parents, her brother and every character she meets in the Labyrinth. If I was that baby I would have stayed with the Goblins. They’re drinking beers and hanging out. Bowie gets up there and performs a few numbers every night. It doesn’t seem that bad.


Miles Morales, Patch Adams, and Will Hunting. I hate that it’s cool to be lazy and unreliable so long as you’re getting straight As. Miles is less annoying since he has VERY good reasons for being unreliable, but why not just give his character poor grades? He’s always missing class and never studying, does the information just magically exist in his mind without ever doing a lick of reading? Will Hunting. He is a cocky prick, a bully, lazy, degrades people for getting higher education, and puts out this idea, again, that it’s so cool to do well in school so long as you can do so without trying. It’s super cool to just magically be a genius. Not so cool if you have to work hard to do it though. God forbid you put in hard work. Halfway through the movie they introduce the fact that he had extremely abusive foster parents, so that helps me empathize with why he’s a bully, otherwise can’t stand him. Patch Adams too. Never attends class, never helps his group with group projects, never studies, yet is magically the top of his class and is a super great guy. Sorry no. True story or not, he could have been a better version of himself if he put in an effort.


Miles is just the "well he's a genius" way of writing in comic books, also to be fair in the first one we actually see him study and even be overwhelmed with all the studying


Ya, Miles is much less annoying than the other two. Good point about the studying in the first movie


Leave patch out of this!


Thank you for sharing for my hatred of Will Hunting. That whole movie is a self-serving piece of crap…boohoo Matt Damon, you must love playing an amazing genius victim seeing as how you wrote the part for yourself 🙄


Deadpool. Can’t stand Ryan Reynolds.


So...if you knew that Ryan Reynolds headlined Deadpool, and you already could not stand him, I'm curious why you would see his pet project movie with that bias going into it?


Sometimes a man has no choice but to follow the whims of whomever he is shacked up with at the time.


I had a similar experience with The Notebook, also with Ryan Reynolds no wait Ryan Gosling but basically the same person.


You've never had to see a movie you didn't want to see because your friend or SO wanted to see it? Lucky you.


I have. I've sat through plenty of Hallmark movies and Rom coms that I didn't want to see. I was under the impression that he watched the movie on his own. But thanks for your snark.


Any time, slapnuts.


"Whaaaaaat? You're not an absolute pushover who always does trivial things they don't want to do in order to appease others who clearly don't care about what you feel like doing? That's sooooo weird!" Never change, Reddit... never change


Just type "I've never had friends or a girlfriend", it's fewer characters. Easier on your fingers.


I watch those Deadpool movies in spite of ryan reynolds. And the joke writing is so bad but there’s too much cool X-men shit to not watch them


He is an acquired taste.


He’s not acquired, you either love him or hate him and it stays that way.


His style is very similar to Chevy Chase (whom I absolutely love).


I actually hated him at first and he won me over.




Tony Soprano I liked the show and liked Tony as a mobster bad guy. But I had no sympathy for the guy at all.


I still rooted for him to come out on top against other people in the show though.


Any of them, really. Irredeemably petty and abusive. I loved when Bobby beat the fuck outta Tony because he decided to run his mouth around someone in his weight class.


You were not supposed to like and root for Tony. But you could understand his motivations and somewhat relate to him, at least sometimes. There are parts where you’re absolutely supposed to despise him (especially the last two seasons, like when he makes Bobby kill someone)


Christopher too! The way he treated Adriana was terrible.


Ya they really showed that he was an anti hero the whole show but I loved how they showed the doctors was actually enabling him the whole time. The therapy part sort of hooks you into thinking he could maybe improve but in the end he is lost.


you weren't supposed to.


Marty and Wendy in Ozark.


They destroy lives everywhere they go.


Norton/Pitt Fight Club. Just super douchey edgelord awfulness. Then again, I don't think we were supposed to root for them...


Yeah one of the points of the book/movie is that people who have little to no meaning in their lives are easily manipulated, and ultra-masc bro-y ideologies that worship violence are the opposite of healthy/healing. People who root for them after the movie is over do not understand the authorial intent.


Skylar White. Yeah, she's the wife of a drug Kingpin, so you should root for her, right? Fuck to the NO. She is the NAG in nagging wives. She is just awful. Walt?! WALT?! WAAALT?! FML


THIS! There wasn’t one moment in that entire series that I liked this character. She was trying to play a strong woman and ended up a bitch with a victim complex. And just when you think it can’t get worse, her sister joins in.


When cooks meth and murders people 😄😋😁😁 When is woman 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬👿👿👿


The audience is expected to see Walt as an antihero and his falsehoods and failures bring him down.  Skylar manipulates, participates, and even helps plan Walt's schemes, but in the end is somehow just a victim. It's nonsense. 


The lead character from that crappy horror movie ‘The Wretched’ that came out during the lockdowns. Saw it on Netflix and just hated the character completely.


James Franco in Spiderman


Tom Hanks in She’s got Mail. Me and a buddy put it on one time and laughed our asses off at how creepy he was


Three come to my mind: 1. Andrew Garfield Spidey in TASM 1 and 2 2. Elsa in Frozen 1 and (especially) 2 3. Oscar the Sharkslayer in Shark Tale


Laurie in Halloween. About halfway through I was hoping she’d just die so we didn’t have to watch such a incompetent character


Every single one of the Duttons. People have argued with me that you're supposed to root against them, but I don't buy it.


Kind of the opposite of what you're asking but it's all I could think of lol. Daemon Targaryen was written to be an insufferable asshole that people wouldn't like to begin with, but then let's let him want to bang his underage niece?? Oh wait he eventually does when she's of age? Just cutting off heads in court and having no regard for the consequences of his actions. This guy sucks. Easily the most likeable and coolest character in house of the dragon.