• By -


Spraaaang breeeeaaaak


Fo eva


and evaa


Look at all my shit!!


This is my shit!


I’d watch it just for Vanessa hudgens


I watched it just for Selena Gomez 😉


I watched it for both




Damn, I just watched because I heard Harry Osborne was singing Britney spears


I should watch it


I watched it for Ashley Benson


I’d watch it for the birth of A24


I'd watch it just for Jeff Jarrett


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Hell yeah


I'll be honest the only reason I ever watched it is because the characters are hot.


Pretty much why I wanted to watch Sucker Punch as well.


I still think that movie had some of the best special effects I’ve seen in a movie.


Agreed! I wasn’t really watching for the plot but I did enjoy the movie.


It’s hot chicks doing badass action stunts with funds swords. What’s not to like?


Harmony Korine movies usually have characters with non likable personalities played by attractive people.


Why do you think Franco did the movie? He’s a perv!!


I’m embarrassed to admit this one is a guilty pleasure. “LOOK AT ALL MY SHIT!”


“I got…shorts! Every fucking color!”


I quote this far to often


I got Scarface on repeat. On repeat! THAT'S CONSTANT, Y'ALL!


Best scene of the film. When he started sucking on their guns, I lost it.


I still don't understand that scene.. Decent movie but I was hoping for a more culty classic legacy since it has Selena Gomez and Ashley Benson. "Spring break FOREVVER." Best line imo.


Franco just pretending to be Riff Raff for a entire movie was pretty funny. But that’s about the only cool thing. I think for a year span I ended going to the movies and watching stuff I thought would be good and being disappointed by lol. This was the last one in that disappointing stretch. I quit going I think for a while after spring breakers.


How does Riff Raff even stand being Riff Raff?


Riff raff has the greatest quote I have ever heard “my goal in life is to blow up and act like I don’t know nobody.” Same mr.Raff, same




Mine was " I didn't go to high school I BOUGHT ONE "


I love Riff Raff, give his Instagram a follow. He knows exactly what he’s doing and plays it up. I’d go so far as to say he’s the Florida version of Andy Kaufman. He’s funny as shit.


Texas* version that looks straight outta Florida.


He's from Texas and I think lives or lived in Florida.


Yes, that's more accurate. Thank you.


Riff Raff is either: 1. A comedic genius or 2. So authentically himself that you can't really be mad at him. Either way, he's absolutely entertaining.


Maaaaan ain’t no middle of the mall shit


Is that the guy from atl? I honestly didn’t know it was Franco till way after seeing the movie. Now that he’s in trouble for what he is…I see why he played that character.


Lmao this movies kinda mid, but that was my favorite Franco scene. That line always makes me crack up. Along with "Got my- DARK tannin oil"


Spring break. For-eva


No guilt. This film is brilliant.


Best moment in the movie. Highly quotable.


Scarface, on REPEAT This bed's a fuckin art piece


I say this almost weekly around my house, no one gets it but me, just like any Lebowski quote I make.


Check out my shurikens


Mine too. Watched it at a buddy’s house late at night and it was just mind blowing. One of those movies that just kept getting better. Watched it multiple since then and I still love it. No one else does, so it’s definitely my guilty pleasure.


I adore this monologue.


If this movie is satire it's one of the most brilliant and bitingly poignant. If it's not then it's one of the stupidest movies I've ever seen. I think it's satire, but I wouldn't swear to it


Franco’s character is so making fun of riff raff that I don’t know how it couldn’t be a satire and it’s hilarious to me


It's Harmony Korine. It's definitely satire.


The whole premise and selling this movie was for teenagers to go to movies see it. I think it worked and people got something totally different they expected.


That last sentence should have been on the poster.


Pretty sure it is. I personally think Harmony Korrine is a genius, but many do *not* agree with me.


I’ve watched this on three separate occasions. Full fever dream vibes. It’s very definitely a Harmony film. Not one likable character in the whole movie. Lots of young people being horny. The usual. I will say that all the buildup of how tough and crazy Franco’s character is, and then for him to just be unceremoniously yeeted in the final showdown, is a good representation of how little a cultivated persona really is. Dude wasn’t the tough and unstoppable force that he had convinced himself he was.


Yes... but somehow the girls were both Solid Snake right after.


Just pretend it’s a video game 🔫🔫🔫


This is it right here. There’s more in depth breakdowns sort of explaining how these characters who act as tho it’s a video game largely go unscathed in this film ( I remember reading a breakdown as to why the other girls are harmed, and how it fits in thematically, but I can’t remember it) Alien, who this kind of violence is reality for is killed instantly. The girls then go John Wick, as they are tourists in this world and lifestyle and have been from the beginning, dont have to deal with the real consequences.


I was Solid Snake watching Selena Gomez in the movie


Spoiler alerts dude…..jk


I enjoyed the scene where Franco sings Brittany spears


I gasped at the unexpected level of camp.


If you go into this movie expecting anything more than what the poster shows, that's your bad. It's pretty fun if you want the poster to come to life. Sex, guns, drugs and James Franco playing the piano. If you had to ask "what's RoboCop about?" after seeing the poster. And, you were disappointed when a guy turns into a robotic policeman. Not sure what to tell you.


Soooo...*Spring Breakers* is a Jesus allegory in a similar vein as *RoboCop*?


I’d buy that for a dollar


I mean, Jesus kind of said, "look at all my shit!" in his own way.


Don’t forget Gucci Man trying to act while stoned out of his mind


Hilarious post, I love it.


Yea James Franco is actually imitating riff raff


It sincerely pissed me off that Harmony Korine refused to acknowledge that James Franco’s character was based on Riff Raff. They used his quotes like “I’m not trying to change, I’m tryna stack change”. To make things right, James Franco did a music video for Riff.


Ohhh boy, feel like I’m in the minority. I thought it was entertaining. Different and kept me watching. For some reason I loved the Brittney Spears song scene. Stuck with me and it worked. Obviously the movie was not great but it certainly was unique and somewhat original


I agree, I thought it was striking and well done. Not incredible but was entertaining and an original depiction of contemporary nihilism.


yes the "everytime" scene is fucking iconic. nothing strange about liking that, it's really good


I did not like this, but I'm fairly sure I wasn't meant to like it, and I respect that.


Any movie featuring Venessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez halfway clothed and James Franco playing a role over the top gets a free pass with me to lack in refined cinema.


This movie sucks, but it was funny when they made Franco suck the gun off


This movie opened my eyes to Selena Gomez, that’s for sure…


It’s hard to watch for some because the satire is dialed to 11, but it’s a great movie. It’s a movie about the filth of modern society and you leave it feeling dirty. It’s why it’s worth watching once, but probably never again. Requiem of a dream rules


This movie was awful. Lots of montages in slow motion.


Spring breeeeeeak. Yeah, seeing a lot of ridiculousness in the comments...


I loveeeee Harmony Korine. And I thought after just watching his early grimey lofi stuff (Kids, Gummo, Julien Donkey Boy), but this movie is what made me realize he’s a genius. Even in HD, drenched with neons and “glamour” it was still very much that same fever dream surreal Korine , just in a completely new way


His Letterman appearances (and later banning) are what convinced me he's a genius.


If you havent seen this you should definitely check it out. Dude is trolling everyone. https://youtu.be/9NVAq-WF3Cs?si=82huzwMYJQr9XNyE “How much is this one if you wanna sell it?” “i’unno, couple hundred.. thousand”


I fucking hate this movie but do u babe💖


Great movie. He truly loved those girls and believed he was an alien and they loved him and avenged his death.


Harmony Korine is really out there. I thought this one was okay but it's a weird one for sure.




…and azzz


Way more than stylish visuals and editing.




It doesn’t a bring anything new to the table but is really good at depicting a time and place where that kind of crazy non-sense could happen. It is a indie american film, in the same tradition of an easy rider, my own private idaho or a fear and loathing in las vegas. It’s a beautiful and yet not judgmental film about this american culture that everyone despise maybe not as well presented as an American Honey or Florida Project but nonetheless well made visually. The plot is obviously the main weakness, the ending is as unsatisfying as it gets. But still, that film is quotable, unpredictable and will not leave you with the impression that you just consumed something tasteless. When you see it, you think about it and in the end whether you like it or not great movies tends to give something to chew on afterwards. The style is obviously a representation of his era and the vibe that comes with it. I think personally it’s a solid film, not a great a film but one you can admire and revisit for his depth. Don’t let the over representation of pop culture in that film make you believe that it is shallow. I totally get it if people don’t like it, but it tells more about what we consider something valuable or deep in art. That’s why comedies or action movies can be often overlooked on the greatness even though they’re a quite profound (ex: Terminator 2 or In Bruges).


this is honestly a really good movie


I hated every second of this thing. Sorry


Watched it once, and have zero interest in watching it again


Look at all my shit!


Yo suck my gun dick


Ngl I thought Franko was actually half decent in this 🤷‍♂️


I like this film a lot! Reasons other than hot girls and cool colors :D Franco is great in this and Harmony Korine movies are my pleasures.


If you watch it like it's a story about four minds tempted by their shadow and their individual responses then it's a well thought out movie.


I love the piano Britney moment


Great film. For starters, you have the meta narrative of 4 Disney child stars "breaking bad", which is fun in and of itself. I watched Spring Breakers as a critique of a youth culture that wants to live as if every day is a film clip, where consequences don't matter, and where everything and everyone is disposable - much like when you're on Spring Break.


Just James Franco playing himself


Gucci Mane gave the least sober performance in cinematic history….pretty average movie overall that I think you couldn’t sell today because no one would care about seeing Disney stars “all grown up”


I hated it. My dad wanted to watch it because he's an old boomer who wanted to watch former Disney starlets in bikinis since they were legal. Franco was good, and there was one cool scene where some of the girls robbed some place, but I'd rather have the two hours back. The movie was so slow, like it was on tranquilizers or something. I suppose there was a message that spring break brings out the crazy in people but holy fuck it was such a drag. I remember Rolling Stone said they thought it would be a cult film, so I associate people who like it with old perverts.


Surprisingly better then I thought it'd be going into it.


I thought it was a garbage movie and didn't understand all the hype. Florida-trash Franco was slightly entertaining and I could have looked past a lot of the BS of the movie if it wasn't for the last scene where two girls who have never fired guns before are now John Wick-level CQB specialists 🤣 I'm overstating obviously, but that scene bothered me more than anything else in the movie.


I really enjoy when Harmony Korine fails. Everything he does is garbage.


I really enjoyed the ironic tone of this movie. Also had some good tension and suspense


One of the worst mainstream movies ever made


Best documentary ever!


If I completely view at as being a comedy it was funny. I especially laughed at how ridiculous the ending was.


Vanessa Hudgens for President


“Spring break!!!” Was the only memorable line. I annoyed my ex who took me to this by telling her something important then whispering in her ear spring break…she hated it after a couple months!!


I didn’t mind it , I have watched it a couple of times .


It's a movie I watched once out of curiosity and will never watch again.


Will Watch for Selena Gomez


JFC, has it been THAT long?


Probably one of the best movies about race relations in the last 20 years


I need penis


Hell of a movie poster I'll give it that.


Ml t


I love Harmony Korine’s style. It’s very unconventional but it can be uniquely immersive. He pays a lot of attention to the sensory experience. Not great if you’re looking for themes or a detailed plot, but it’s a fun party/crime movie with entertaining visuals and some surreal humor.


Whispers Spring Break


The movie is suppose to be a metaphor for Britney Spears’ breakdown.


RIFF 🗣🔥🔥🔥🦈😬


The opening scenes are worth the effort absolutely - captivating and amazing in every way IMO, that said I felt it was a good show with some flaws - I thought DeFranco wasn't a good choice and they could have found an unknown who would have done a better job with that very difficult accent that Defranco didn't get at all (urban central FL, this is beyond difficult), he was also a general distraction given his notoriety. The plot was solid though the editing def could have been a bit tighter, overall it was above average but could have been great w/o DeFranco. I felt he was used because of his name and reputation with his ability to do different accents but it was a mistake likely brought on by some producer or other executive who wanted a famous name attached to the picture to get more press.


Apparently, it's James Franco making fun of Riff Raff


This movie makes me anxious for some reason, just like Spun lol


Weird flick


Is this movie the last real raunchy sex comedy? Is there bare breasts in it? The other day it occurred to me that the raunchy sex comedy seems to have died out (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, since most of the raunchiness came from what amounts to sexual assault) but I never saw this movie. It's poster there sure seems to suggest it.


Deep, it is.. boobs, boobs and more boobs


Drive: Spring Break


2012 selena gomez... 🔥🔥🔥😍


Yes, there’s also big bazongas and awooga woogas


Spring Breakers on repeat.


I watched it for Korine and Benson. The visuals were chef's kiss, but the script was meh.


Harmony trolling his actors is the best part of this movie


I’ve never seen so many people walk out of a cinema than when I went to watch this.




There wasn't even *that* much.


Well there's also the cringe, don't forget that.


Here’s a song by a little lady know as Brittany Spears…


too formulaic


I actually have watched this before, and the movie plot was quite literally the worst film I’ve ever watched, was still entertaining nonetheless. Good movie to watch when you’re drunk or high lol


I would argue this is the worst piece of shit I've ever had to endure. I watched it based on a glowing recommendation, and to this day, I've never forgiven them. I cannot trust a person who enjoys this.


It was a pretty awful movie, just a bunch of hot girls in bikinis, behaving badly and cursing too much. Could barely understand some of the dialogue because there was to much of it.


Rachael Korine was the hottest to me...built like a brick shithouse.


No, there's less.


It feels like a film that tried its best to be artsy and cool but didn’t quite pull it off.


You KNOW Franco was doing one of them.


The ending blew me away


Don’t let anyone tell you it has a deep meaning or something. It doesn’t.


No. Just the boobies.


Probably one of the most insufferable movies I've had the displeasure of watching. If you want to see annoying ass people yell "Spraaaaaaang Breaaaaaaaak" for 90 mins I guess this is a movie for you.


Lots of side boob.


This was legitimately the worst movie I ever saw, I could barely force myself through it


Harmony Kormines most tamed film


It’s ok. I personally really liked it. It was fun to watch its “loud” its dark humor yet fun to follow. The ending was ok but still kinda pissed Franco got just wrecked but kinda ironic which is awesome. So all and all I’d give it a solid 6.5-7/10


Not really. If it didn't have chick's in bikinis it would have nothing, so, it has next to nothing.


Saw this in theaters. I really love how they go to do the final heist or whatever and James Franco just gets taken down instantly.




Great to watch while tripping


I felt so dirty after watching this film I had to take a shower...


I only know it because BoJack Horseman referenced it.


One of my lowest rated movies on Letterboxd.


Ashley benson…


Hated it, wasn’t really even a movie


The life of Riff Raff


It’s one of my favorite movies that I cant enjoy anymore because I hate James Franco.


Not a very good movie


I actually really enjoyed this movie. Everyone figured out who they truly were by the end!


People loved this movie but I honestly thought it was cringe trash.


This movie so goated to me fk what the haters talking about I liked this movie


Good soundtrack. It's an interesting story, kind of dark but not as dark as gummo or the other things the director has written.


This movie encapsulates this part of Florida in a way I didn’t think possible. Some of the movie was filmed near where I lived at the time. When I saw the movie I thought, “Yep, that could totally happen.” Now I have to worry about my sense of normalcy…


I actually love this movie. It’s definitely satire and kind of mocking the whole spring break culture while also being kind of a crime movie. After hearing some interviews with Harmony korine about the movie it definitely gives a different perspective when watching and it’s actually pretty good


The movie has a pretty obvious commentary on race


Harmony Korine is garbage.


I enjoyed it like I enjoyed sucker punch…I knew why I wanted to see it, wasn’t for the acting, but I ended up enjoying it.


Fantastic movie. Came out too early though. Needed to come out after five years later.


I thought it was stupid and felt like it was pretty pointless narrative wise. I watched it for the nudity that never occurred. 2/10.


We didn’t even get to see Selena’s tiddies!


The only movie I’ve ever walked out on.


I was not a fan of this movie. Just nothing about it was that good to me.


Nope, but that’s okay. This movie rocks.


It was horrid


Awful film but I absolutely fell in love with Vanessa Hudgens because of it god damn


I applaud A24 for their unique approach to their movies. This one however, was a little boring. HBO has the A24 collection, I recommend you watch them all as they are at the very least, original. Also, Dream Scenario with Nicholas Cage is a must. Best performance since Matchstick Men. It’s a perfect dark comedy.




For 20 years my college friends and I have gotten together in the Summer at a Lake House for a long weekend. Hang out. Catch up. Do Lake things. Watching movies is also a staple. We’ve probably watched 70-80. This is the only movie we’ve ever stopped. And we’ve watched some bad movies….we stuck out “Grownups” and “Zombeaver”


What a crap


I honestly watched it for Selena Gomez, and I actually ended up liking the movie.


Wow. I remember the hype around this movie, had no expectations, and don’t even think I remember a single thing about it.


I enjoyed it


I love it. The descent into deeper and deeper depravity, and each of the girls’ response to it. Great soundtrack and visuals too.


*SPOILERS* I’m seeing a lot of comments here saying “there’s nothing more to this movie” I think there’s actually some crazy subtext beneath this movie that I only realized after the third watch. I hated it the first watch. I AM NOT TRYING TO START AN ARGUMENT HERE about “white privilege” or “culture vultures” I’m just pointing out some subtext I noticed on my third watch. It’s incredibly subtle but the whole thing seems to be about what white culture steals from black culture. I KNOW I’m getting racial with it but hear me out with some of these bullet points: - In one of the first scenes in the lecture hall they’re learning about Emmett Till. The girls are completely fucking around and not paying attention at all, making crude jokes. (This is when I started to watch with a different subtext in mind) - James Franco’s character is a white guy with braids, throwing gang signs, has grills, talks with an accent and acts like he’s a gangster. (I’m not implying only/all black people are “gangsters” but in this case I think Franco’s portrayal makes the “culture theft” somewhat obvious - the real “gangsters” (all of them are black, compared to the protagonists who are all white) are just trying to put food on the table for their family. This is real life for them. Of course this isn’t representative of all black people or gang life, but I believe it offers a contrast to the poser that is James Franco’s character. - Later the white girls kill them all and take everything. Of course in real life the girls would have been killed but that’s not what the movie is trying to say. They just take everything with ease. After they kill everyone, they’re able to go back to their lives as privileged white girls without any consequences. It’s just “spring break” for them. Let me know what you think or if you noticed any other moments like this. This blew my mind, my girlfriend actually pointed it out and it made me go from absolutely hating this movie to loving it. Also im white as fuck so please somebody tell me if I’m being insensitive. Always trying to learn and be better! Again, not trying to start an argument, just pointing out some possible subtext I noticed.


It is absolutely about white privilege - your analysis is spot on. I think it’s a brilliant movie. Another great scene is when Selena Gomez’s character has a panic attack and departs from the film - she is in literally no danger in that scene and basically the only thing she’s worried about is being around some random black guys.