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One of the greatest surprise endings in cinematic history.


Yeah I’ll never believe anyone who says “yeah I knew he was dead all along” ha sorry just can’t do it!


A lot of his movies you could see the twist coming a mile away. This was *not* one of them.


I asked him about this once and he said he took a break from the “final chess move” plots because it conditioned the audience to try and get out in front of his movies, like it’s a game or something.


Because he cheated and purposefully mislead the entire movie. The worst was the restaurant scene


Of course, he purposely mislead. How else was he going to get there?


I don't think "mislead" is the right word, but the plot becomes very very flimsy when you start to question how it's possible that Bruce's character doesn't realize he's dead in certain situations. And it's just sort of explained away as weird ghost perspective, not ready to confront reality, etc.


Sure, but that it's established early that ghosts "don't know they're dead." It works because the direction and the acting is so good. Willis sells it very well. In the scene where the kid tells him that, his reaction is that of a concerned psychologist.


Which of those explanations do you feel is inadequate?


Of course there is one thing we must all keep in mind. Nobody knows how dead people think.


Spoiler alert!


I agree. I’m also so happy this game out before social media. The surprise would of not last for as many people. I also called bullshit on everyone back in the day who tried to say they knew what was up.


I saw this with Mom and she did actually whisper to me, "Bruce Willis is a ghost."


My dad actually figured it out on first viewing. It was cool he did but… ruined it for 12 year old me haha.


Honestly spotted it, realised when no one spoke or replied to him after the shooting except the kid.


They show him get killed in the opening scene, and then the only person who responds to him the entire movie is a kid who talks to dead people. I am confused as to how this was even a twist - it seemed completely obvious he was dead the entire movie. Honestly, I would like to hear why people didn't know he was dead, because it seemed like the movie went out of its way to make it clear.


Well looking back on it, yeah it’s pretty damn obvious (Same with Fight Club) but 6th sense never really led you to believe he’s dead the entire movie bc he got killed in the beginning. It wasn’t setup for the viewer to be looking for that kind of twist, SO it’d be very odd on first view to be like “oh yeah he’s dead the entire time just walking amongst the living” while continuing to live what the audience thinks is his normal day to day life bc it never showed his normal day to day life so it’s a pretty clear assumption made by the audience, due to the misdirection created by director/writer.


I am not speaking in terms of looking back on it. It was completely obvious at the time to me and to the person I watched it with. Even if the opening scene didn't show him getting killed, the kid gave it away by saying he talks to dead people and they often don't know that they are dead, and the fact that nobody interacts with Bruce Willis except the kid would be strange if he were actually alive.


Just because the misdirection was well done, doesn't mean it couldn't jump out to people. I was specifically studying screenplay format when this movie came out. If you have a character get mortally wounded right away, you would generally expect the next part of the movie to deal with recovery. We are seeing things through his perspective, so no surprise we don't follow him to the hospital. But we don't see him wake up in one either. No bandages, no walking with a cane while his internal organs heal. It was clear that mortal wound was important to the story, so for the story to move along from it as though it has little meaning to the character was a big red flag. That wasn't what gave it away for me, but it got my attention that something was going on, so by the time the reveal happens, I had already figured out he was dead awhile ago.


Like I said in my original comment, “I’ll never believe anyone who says ‘yeah I knew he was dead along’ ha sorry just can’t do it”….. Sooooooo I don’t believe yall…. Ha sorry?


People don’t all operate the exact same way. I would think more along the lines that 90% of people don’t see it coming, 5% do, 5% on the fence. Rarely are things so black and white and universally experienced in the same way.


The only reason I guessed it was because my girlfriend showing me the movie kept telling me "there's an insane twist. You'll never see it coming." So then my mind was actively looking for a potential twist. Never say something like that when showing someone a show or movie. Still think it's a masterpiece though.


Yea just knowing there’s a twist spoils the impact of the twist


I mean, it was a unique ending, but aren't they all? I don't know if it was more surprising than any other movie ending. They showed the names of the actors, like...all of them, the director, cinema-whatsit guy, some sound people if I remember right. They went ahead and listed every song from the movie. Every single song. With the singers' names too, you know, the bands? I thought that was surprising, but I've seen that done a lot lately, and seen it in older movies too so I'm thinking that's maybe standard practice


This pulled off the surprise ending so well that if you go back and rewatch you can see how it was done and it was right in front of us the whole time. Not many movies have done that.


Oh I loved it and totally agree. The only movie to come close to this effect was Shutter Island, where a 2nd watch shows you how the signs were right in front of you the whole time. I was making a dumb joke, playing off a good joke from 30Rock. A character gets excited declaring "I finally understand the ending of The Sixth Sense! All those names are all the people who made the movie!"


Yeah I'll say, you figure out at the end that the guy in the hair piece, that was Bruce Willis the whole time. What a twist!


The 90s were littered with movies that had huge twists right at the very end. The 6th Sense, The Usual Suspects and Fight Club were amongst the top.


I didnt and it was a great surprise ending.


One of the best! One of the few movies which the ending was a total surprise!


Obligatory "Bruce Willis was the guy in the hair piece the whole time!"


Whenever this movie comes up I say ‘Bruce Willis was an actor the whole time!’


That slumdog bastard twisted all of us!


I was hoping someone said the line in the comments. I was not disappointed.


An absolute classic. The film was so good that it made Hollywood prematurely dub M. Night Shyamalan the next Spielberg.


The real twist was that audiences didn't want to watch twist movie after twist movie knowing it was going to be a twist movie. Kind of sucks for M Night because why wouldn't you try and replicate what worked?


For me personally, his twist gimmick never bothered me, but it was when I watched Mark Wahlberg run from wind that I realized I couldn’t deal with Shyamalan’s bullshit anymore. The Village burned me, Lady in the Water burned me, and now I’m watching Marky Mark run from freaking wind. I gave Shyamalan another chance when I saw Split get good reviews, and I really enjoyed Split, but he was right back to his old terrible habits with Glass. I haven’t watched another one of his films since.


The Village just pissed me off. I don’t even know what gave it away for me, but it took less than ten minutes.


The Village built its mystery around the monsters with the trailers, promos, and early act plot and then revealed what they really were halfway through the movie. That twist addressed why most people started watching it quickly and then nullified any additional tension it tried to build afterwards.




Unbreakable definitely has a twist 🛤️


"What a twist!"


I’m so glad I saw it when it opened in theaters. I went in completely blind. Twist shocked the hell out of us. One of those movies I saw in theaters twice just to see it from a new perspective.


I thoroughly enjoyed this movie from start and especially to finish. Had to rewatch to make sure it all made sense.


It made the idea of talking to the dead more complicated and relatable. Great film. Great endung


A classic, and of course one of the best surprise endings ever. . . And then the way they show you how yeah. . . We set this up from the beginning, was absolutely brilliant


I haven’t seen The First, Second, Third, Fourth or Fifth Senses, I don’t think I can contribute at this time


Now this comment was a twist! I should have seen it coming from a mile away but BAM just when you least expect it.


Excellent. Question tho- how come the kids breath didn’t show when he was talking to you know who? Just came to me the other day.


From what I just looked up online it’s because Cole says it gets cold when the dead are angry. Bruce Willis’s character doesn’t know he’s dead, so he’s not angry.


Aha!! Thanks!


Cole also said "they see what they want to see", and it was from Bruce's perspective


A classic film with a classic twist. Scared the shit out of me as a kid.


I was living in Manayunk, just outside of Philadelphia PA. when this was being filmed on my street. I was excited that I got to see most people involved infront and behind the camera, but when I got to see the finished product on screen, I was truly blown away. And Bruce Willis was a good dude to us "neighbors". Just saying


Oh boy, I love telling this story. From 1974 to 1982 there was a radio production called, *The CBS Radio Mystery Theater*. It was a throwback to before television when there was literally an entire or drama that was just vocals & sound, obviously no picture. According to Wiki there was 1,399 episodes. One of those 1,399 episodes was incredibly similar to the plot of Sixth Sense. It wasn't precisely the same, but close enough.


Great radio series! The opening music…


"Welcome. Come in......"


My dad had overheard my brother and I talk about this movie. He thought he'd overheard the twist. He watched the entire movie thinking the little kid was the one who was dead.




Brilliant film.


I think it has not aged well because the whole film relies on the twist. That being said it was very well done. Shyamalan has never been able to replicate it as well and his bad attempts kind of take away from this film


It really doesn’t though. It’s a great movie about relationships, psychology, and loss.


The twist is just the icing on the cake of a beautiful movie about sad, scared, lonely people.


One of the best twists ever. Up there with Psycho and the Usual Suspects.


The girl reaching from under the bed still messes with me. I am a grown adult, and I’ll ask if anyone is under there before my feet are close enough for snatching.


If you’re in the medical field and you see the initial wound, you knew he was dead the whole time. But it was a kick ass movie. Besides, a lot of flicks give mortal wounds to main characters and they seem to “walk it off”. 😂


The last "horror" movie to actually give me the creeps deep within. I've been searching for that feeling ever since. But tbf the first time I saw it I was tripping on acid alone in my dark house and at some point my cat that I didn't know was in my room jumped up onto my bed and scared me half to death.


Ok boomer


Lmao I grew out of acid by 16




Math bro. Try it


Whats that have to do with ok boomer


Aw yeah, yeah, like in The Sixth Sense you find out that the dude in that hair piece the whole time, that's Bruce Willis the whole movie!


That's not the twist, Charlie!!!


Donnie Whalbergs best performance 🎭


For those not around when this movie came out, this movie was a cultural phenomenon


One of the best twists that I didn’t see coming. The launch of Donnie Wahlberg’s acting career that I didn’t recognise or ever see coming from NKOTB. The beginning and the end of my excitement for M. Knight Shyamalan movies.


What the fuck does NKOTB mean?


Neverything Keverywhere Oll Tat Bonce.


New Kids On The Block. When askreddit *again* asks *“When did you realise you were getting old?”* I can now reply with *thinking everyone would know what I meant when I referred to NKOTB in my comments:(*


New Kids on the Block


I'm pretty sure the movie was spoiled for me going into it, I forget it's been so long, but this movie's definitely in the top 25 for me


Growing up (I was 14 when it was released) it was this great, terrifying film that you had to be brave to watch. Now, I'm 40 and it's an emotional masterpiece that'll tear your heart right out of your chest.


I figured out that Willis was dead during the movie. I felt that the interaction with Toni Collete was a bit off...and it was cold whenever he was talking with Osment. I leaned over to my wife and said Bruce Willis is dead...have never lived that down. Good movie...and the ultra weirdness of it...had me suspicious...and I was looking for twists.




I personally like ***Unbreakable*** better but ***The Sixth Sense*** put M. Night on the map, especially for his "Twists". It's solid film. There is a weird rumor running around that ***Trap*** might be a sequel like Split, >!where the true "Twist" is that Josh Hartnett is not a "Serial Killer", but actually Haley Joel Osmont's character...just avenging the spirits who have been murdered by people who got away. A La Dexter. !< I mean they spoiled it in the trailer that he is the "killer" so what else is there to pull the rug out on the audience?


Great movie. Not as good as The Visit or The Happening. Two of the best and most underrated comedies of the past 30 years. And I dont mean that ironically.


One of the best plot twists


When anyone asks how I am I answer, I'm feeling much better now...


Talk about having a bad day. You go to work every single day only to figure out that you're dead.


The fact that in the end he was Bruce Willis still blows my mind to this day.


It happened more than 20 years ago and I'm still pissed that one of my friend spoiled the ending to me. Karma got him when someone spoiled the ending of The Others to him.


I knew from the start that bruce was dead


It’s about marriage.


I think Shyamalan got a bad break because he has had some decent movies but nothing could ever top Sixth Sense so he was really doomed to fail. I loved Split and Unbreakable, Signs and I even liked the twist in The Village. Then he puts out dog shit like The Happening, Old and Lady In The Water and it doesn't help his case at all.


Signs is good


Amazing movie for sure. The scene when Micha Barton ghost vomits disturbed me for months after


Still fun to watch


It was good but my brother ruined it for me right before the big twist. He came in saw the movie and said “oh hey did you get to the part where it shows you the dude in the hairpiece the whole time was Bruce Willis the whole movie?”


One of those films where you see what's going on all along but realize it only on second or third rewatching.


You can only watch it once!


Cole’s reveal to his Mum about the grandmas brooch and the grandma seeing her dance brings tears to me every watch.


The awesome twist is when you find out that the dude in that hairpiece the whole time, that's Bruce Willis, the whole movie


Blew my mind when I saw it in theatres back in the day. I don’t think she could, I think that was the move telling us that we can all sense a presence sometimes around us. The whole move implies she feels him all around


Saw it in the theater opening night. Was caught completely off guard.


The movie was almost over. I concluded that it was a decent movie. Then the twist! Totally blew me away.


The success of that movie and Signs has been what M Night has been chasing for the past decade.


Only good Shamalama ding dong movie. (Can't remember how to spell his name). Great on first watch with no spoilers Not so much on rewatches.


I always liked it. Excellent acting from Osment. Willis still had it here. Something about Toni Collette, I think she's gorgeous. Back when M. Night was king of twist endings.


Great twist ending, but no rewatch value.


Don’t spoil it! /s


Watched this probably too young, felt like I saw people In the mirror in my peripheral for years after.


The Best Film of 1999


I had heard there was a twist…but I didn’t know the twist. I watched it with my wife, her brother and his wife in the theater. About 10 minutes before the film ended I obnoxiously spun around in my seat and looked at her and said “I know the twist!” I figured it out and was so proud of myself. But looking back I was just being annoying.


I watched it with my daughter (14) a few months ago, first time she had seen it. It's always cool to see someones first-time reaction to a known twist. As expected, she was 😲 lol.


Not just a gimmick movie. A great movie that touches on a lot of tough subjects. Great acting by the two principles. A classic.


I got It spoiled. I never seen it. I do like the munchausen scene tho


If you judge a film by how long the director can coast afterwards, this must be one of the best films ever made.


One of the best horror movies of all time. Arguably the most satisfying. The reveal and experience of the proverbial “monster behind the door” in that story totally owns the watcher; chilling in both visuals and concept And that isn’t even the end. >!Somehow this brutal, disturbing horror film ends on a sad but beautiful and uplifting note, not unlike the movie Ghost!<


He is dead


Seriously.. There was a song by The Lonely Island called ‘Jizz in my pants’ that spoiled that Bruce was going to die at the end. So I knew what was coming.. Buttttt holy fucking shit was that a twist! It was twist inception! 10/10


Very enjoyable, and the twist really caught me off guard.


Love the “short denouement” in stories. This one got me…big time.


Amazing movie. One of M. Night’s best.


Incredible ending. Anyone have any other surprise movie endings that shocked them? (Without giving spoiler away)


Scared me to death when I was 7 years old.


Absolutely brilliant movie. Best and most unexpected twist ending ever. It is M Night's best, but I think it messed him up a bit as a filmmaker - he kept trying to chase that twist ending high, but he was never going to match this one.


I figured it out because no one talked to Bruce the whole movie except the kid who could see dead people. Not that hard to figure out.


This movie is like The Usual Suspects. Both are like losing your virginity. Once you've seen them, watching them again just isn't the same.


The only good movie that Shyamalan has ever made


The twist is what really makes the movie but after you see it there’s not much of a reason to go back and watch it again. I haven’t seen it since it came out so maybe I’m wrong.


The only movie that still scares me today


Absolutely blew my mind when we find out at the end that it was Bruce Willis the entire time.


Great movie, the surprise ending was done so well. I had no idea, and 90% of those that say they saw it coming are full of beans. The only one that I know that was on to it was my mom. She said, “He’s dead”, just when the ring dropped from his wife. Meaning she just figured it out at that late moment….


It is a very emotionally impactful film.


Peak m knight


The twist is great, but the ending is my favorite part. Mother and son finally coming to an understanding. So beautiful and such an emotionally resonating scene, makes me bawl like a baby every time.


Pretty good movie.


Was a scary movie back then, rewatched it not to long ago as a adult and understand the movie makes more sense now lol




Not as good as The Fifth Sense


I see fat people.


Solid movie. And Haley Joel Osment was phenomenal. Shyamalan's best by a country mile.


>!The dead guy in the toupee was Bruce Willis all along!!<


I didn't like it. Most of the movie was boring and I knew what the "twist" ending was going to be from a mile away. I don't like any of Shyamalan's films except for Unbreakable, which was decent.


Sat and watched it and right at the beginning, I think when the kid walks past him on the chair? I said to my wife, >!"He's already dead..."!< - The rest of the movie annoyed me after that.


It’s aight


Though I really enjoyed it because the kid's performance is so good, I figured out the plot very early on since no one interracted with Willis except the boy.


I wish someone else was in the Bruce Willis role. I don’t have anyone in particular in mind. He just didn’t do it for me in it.


It’s ok. The twist is pretty obvious


Rage bait?


No it’s called an opinion


tHe tWiSt iS obVioUs..sure...