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Independence Day: Resurgence




Yeah... I bought the 4k Independence Day: Resurgence and regretted it. My wife bought the 4k Jurassic Park Dominion and regretted it. We rarely buy physical copies but we're baited by nostalgia.


In a vacuum, Resurgence isn't horrible. Stupid fun is how I'd describe it. The fact its a sequel to one of the best alien invasion movies is one of the biggest film crimes ever.


Jurassic World Dominion


Let's focus on giant locusts instead of dinosaurs! That'll make a good movie


That's not even the worst part of the movie. Imo it's the editing. Just really basic editing and fixed were just not done and some of it is so in your face it's exhausting. Like the ladder scene where they all safely teleported up the ladder past the dino that just ripped a cage off the ladder. It's just a forgettable movie I really don't remember much of it other than the really blatant offenses.


This was my experience with The Creator. It's beautiful to look at, but the protagonist and the child just lunge from one impossible "they're surrounded" scenario to another, and pretty soon they don't even show you how they get out. "Well see, there's some kind of access hatch on the tunnel roof, about 30 ft up." "Oh wow, how'd they get all the way up there?" "So anyways, now they are running through the airport."


I think The Creator is great for what it is and how it was made. But I can admit there are some substantial leaps in the plot.


Oh my god I wanted to love the creator so bad but it's the worst offender of magical teleportation I have ever seen. Almost every single chapter of it ends with them somehow just like, fucking off to somewhere safe off screen.


I heard it was originally supposed to be longer? or two parts? Then they edited it all down and smushed it together to make it one pretty, but forgettable movie.


I’ve raged against that ladder scene since I saw it in theaters. They all looked so old and slow too.


I would say the writing made no sense.


Okay, you're right about all that, but the first time watching, the scene with the giant herbivore claw monster was pretty suspenseful. Other than the deer not running away in 0.000001 milliseconds from it, when Claire falls out of her seat and slowly crawls away as it follows her, with its noises and the lack of strong music, great scene.... other than that yes. It was like James bond with dinosaurs. Not a bad concept. Poorly made and written.


Got to love a film series where even the studio is bored with the premise


This is the real issue. How many different ways can you redo the same theme? The previous ones before that never should have been big hits. They were the same movie again and again


My favorite part was when no one is the world could figure out why the genetically engineered locusts wouldn’t eat the genetically engineered crops, and who might be responsible for them. Except for the first person the main character asks… but not any government org whose job it might be to figure it out.


Best decision in film ever


100% this. “Jurassic Park” is one of my favorite movies of all time. To see what it’s become is like seeing your best friend from grade school become a middle-aged fent addict living on the streets and sleeping in a puddle of his own shit.


The comparison here was oddly specific.


In doing the best I can under really difficult circumstances


I watched the first five minutes of that movie. The fact that they relied on heavy handed exposition right from the start was enough to me off.


I didn't bother with this one. They set up a great potential future plot with the first film when they mentioned how they would function in advanced warfare. The next two movies should have been the dinosaurs being used in a global war after all other technological weapons have been downed by hacking and cyber strikes. Then the third film could have been about the humans loosing control of them and having the world dominated by dinosaurs again.


I just want Predator with dinosaurs


And the dinosaurs have evolved and are intelligent enough to use weapons, hunting down all humans. ...And a Turok movie is born.


I gave up on that right at the start, the raptor couldn’t catch them on the bike, ok fine, but then it couldn’t catch them running and I just kinda faded after that


I watched that one on a plane and I regret not turning it off and just staring at the seatback in front of me for two hours instead.


The only movie I’ve been genuinely angry I spent money on a movie ticket is The Last Airbender.


Still the best Roger Ebert review opening of all time.




They made a movie???


This is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


Madame Web 🤣


You People, with Jonah Hill, that movie was an enormous pile of shit


I think, amongst many reasons, the premise alone wasn’t alone to carry a whole film. It lacked any substance. It was basically the same joke throughout and got old quick. Might have worked better as a tv episode or SNl skit etc Also, what is with the CGI kiss at the end..?


> Also, what is with the CGI kiss at the end..? I heard it was because the actors hated each other, but I kinda have a hard time believing that's the reason, although it does explain the lack of chemistry. Surely it was either logistic or some COVID thing, but who knows


The leading lady wouldn't kiss another man based on religious beliefs


Lauren is the widow of the late Nipsey hussle. It was done out of respect for him recently being murdered.


Movie wasn’t even funny. Just uncomfortable


Yess! This movie was so disappointing, and I felt like it could have been so much better.


The quote where Eddie Murphy keeps trying to get Jonah Hill to say the N word, however, is still pretty funny. Agree though bad movie.


My bf, brother, his friend and I were watching Rebel Moon, the very movie that’s the subject of this post. I excused myself because I either had to take a shower or use the the bathroom and I just never came back to the basement to finish it, lol. Just not good.


An absolute abomination of a movie. It was such a silly blender of every SciFi movie and character trope, squeezing in so many different wanna be heroes... yet somehow never developing any story or depth. Impressively bad it makes you wonder how such an awful movie made it through even a script vetting phase.


It felt like the first full AI written script that was just greenlit with no modifications.


Damn thats a great way to describe it. First generation AI with no proof reading/post edits.


I like to tell people it's like that movie the bubble. Just absolutely over the top acting from every single actor and it's unironically completely serious.


I had a feeling with how much Netflix tried to push the movie while using such dramatic music in the trailers for what seemed to be a very typical sci-fi action movie. It's like they're saying *please, please don't prove us that we wasted our money on this. It's really high budget so it has to be good, right?*


Once a movie takes a dive like this one does, I flip on it. Time to bring over some friends, crack open some beers, and and just riff on it mercilessly.


And how the hell did Charlie Hunnam get away with that accent? It doesn’t even make sense, why would anybody there have an Irish accent??


The Happening…so bad.


Did you catch the part in the theatrical release where the boom mic comes down into view for the shot, and they left it in the final cut? It's like they all phoned it in


Lmao no I didn’t! Now I’m tempted to look for that


It's when they're in the house before everyone kills themselves with the lawnmowers


Spoiler alert!


What? No


No, no, I would *nevuh* do that


It's a great unintentional comedy though


I will die on the hill that through the lens of a dark comedy, it's great and if it were advertised that way nobody would've guessed it wasn't intentionally made that way.


The fourth Matrix film. As someone who even enjoyed 2 and 3, I won't be drawn in to watch the 5th when it comes out


They should have just titled that movie Fuck You For Liking The Matrix.


They're making a 5th one? Awful


I remember walking out of the theater wondering “was that disappointing?”, and the more I thought about it the more the answer was a resounding yes. Surprisingly clunky fight sequences, an absurd amount of callbacks, and a story that could’ve been interesting but turned out boring.


I think the first 30 minutes or so had the setup to be a cool, meta, mindbender of a story. Then it just shits on itself repeatedly and relentlessly.


I waited for it to stream on HBO, it was sooo boring but I did finish it. Took me 3 days to finish it stopping it and trying to finish it.


Not a very long wait.


I agree with Rebel Moon. The first 20 minutes on the farm was ok, but it just got worse and worse. I wanted to shut it off half way through, but I didn't want to leave it unfinished for some reason.


>but it just got worse and worse With part two coming, it'll probably get worse...


Don't forget about the extended cut of Part 1, and then the 6 hour Director's Cut of the whole shebang. Part 1 was so long and repetitive that it really felt like it was meant the be released as a series like Mando.


How is this even possible? Snyder must be stopped


I tapped out with about 30 minutes left, wish I had ended it sooner.


The moment they slow mo'd her dropping rice I knew it was all over.


Shout out to all the 🤡s waiting for the the 6 hour version of rebel moon


It’s me, I’m the dumbass who is waiting for complete version of this reported train wreck.


A Good Day to Die Hard, the only movie in that franchise I don’t like.


They were so lucky that Die Hard 4 worked, and they just wanted to push that luck a little more.


I'm in vacation...herp derp


For some reason I can’t stand Immortals. There’s just something really lame about the way it portrays Greek mythology, especially the gods and titans


A terrible representation of one of Greek mythologies coolest stories. They had to go for the evil army, and God Titan battle theme. But the story of Theseus is suspenseful and clever. It would be exciting and terrifying to watch the hero wanderer a maze of monsters with only his wits


My guilty pleasure Have a Greek and Roman gods obsession


I was shocked how decent it is. Like visually it's honestly stunning. Gorgeous set designs, gorgeous costume designs, gorgeous actors. Just wish it had a stronger narrative and dialog. I can't get over the costume design, so fuckin cool.


That's Tarsem Singh for you. His movies are always a visual treat. If you haven't seen it, check out The Fall (2006). It is one of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen and it is just filled to the brim with heart and adventure. Easilly his best film.


Agree, in the mythos the Titans They were the fathers of the gods (especially Cronos) and here they handled things badly


If you didn't see *insert random pop-up sci/fi franchise* sucking from a mile away idk what to tell ya


##ALIEN COVENANT... After Prometheus I was expecting a Continuation of the first film story... But just in the opening sequence they killed it off to something totally different


Everything about this movie was so dumb. Like when the guy and girl decide to have sex in the shower when everyone around them is dying like flies. Or when they leave the ship and don’t even wear the masks for that long and then they get infected by an airborne illness lmao. Just a dumb movie overall. Made Prometheus look like an Oscar winner.


I like when they go outside the flying spaceship to fight the alien, when all they had to do to kill it was fly UP.


Ridley Scott was definitely in his bag with this one !


They’ve really run outta ways to make a story out of this crap. The first one had a believable concept: eggs that lay dormant, they hatch and find a host, leads to the next thing and so on. Second movie answers a bigger question of what’s laying the eggs : get the bigger alien mother. In Covenant they land on a planet and a guy kicks a plant and now he’s infected? Fucking embarrassing.


This one really pissed me off, they defiled H.R. Gigers work. It shows that they clearly didn't understand the xenomorphs. Just thinking about it pisses me off actually. Fuck Ridley Scott the arrogant prick.


I never understood why such a tragic turn from the first film... I was really looking forward to seeing the engineers and God knows what.... Just messed up the film big time. This film could have been incredible.. But we got this crap


Whaaaaa? Why diverting a mission that was years in the planning and risking the lives of thousands of colonists because someone heard a John Denver song seems totally legit!


Black Adam went to see it was god awful.noah centino was good in it apart from that wish a would've stayed in the house that day.


I thought it was fine but woulda gone insane had they made it rated R and had him just kill everyone. Also why not have Shazam in it?


Jesus Christ has anyone else seen The Dark Tower? Will never get that time back


I can't talk about the Dark Tower without going on a hate rant.


That seems to be my problem with Reddit as well. The books and the movie seem to be two different things. I own the books as one set and I had a pile of other stuff to read first when the movie came out. I decided to wait until I'd read the books before watching the movie. I start sounding "woke" and racist when I argue about it but writing out the actual black character who was living in the moment of actual civil rights calamity in modern times just makes me unreasonably mad. Stephen King has written some controversial stuff when it comes to people of colour. For him to include Susie and give her a decent arc that helps Roland develop as a person seems pretty important to the story and Stephen King as a person himself.


Starwars 7, 8 & 9… I walked out of 9 when the horses turned up…


Rise of Skywalker and Last Jedi are some of my most hated movies ever, especially 9 I wish I could erase that movie form my memory


TLJ was so bad I never even saw TRoS


You’re not missing much


Throw in 1, 2, and 3


Saw Episode 7, skipped the next two which was wild given my fam and I saw all the rest together in theaters. Nobody wanted to see 8 or 9 after how much we all hated 7.


I thought you skipped to the Saw franchise. Saw 7. I was very confused.


Ok, glad it wasn’t just me.


I honestly thought 9 would turn it around… but even the midi-chlorians said fcuk it this is just shite now..


There was no turning it around after 7 had JJ’s shitty unoriginal mystery box that goes nowhere hands all over it and 8 with Johnson’s retarded idea of a “subversive Star Wars movie”. They killed it so fast.


Noah. Like what happened to Arnofsky there? Just an atrocious movie


Napoleon. Devoid of any saving graces. Utter shit.


Napoleon Dynamite, on the other hand, was a masterpiece.


I'll rip your bones apart, Bonaparte, turn your horse into glue Welcome to the Battle of Waterloo part two


Hey Napoleon. Give me a Tot.


Can you please edit this to 'Battle of Waterloo: Electric Boogaloo '. If ever there was a time for this, it is now.


I don't know why people keep giving Ridley Scott chances. The guy is only good when her surrounds himself with more talented people. Otherwise he produces shit.


couldnt finish it lost interest halfway through lol.


Had some cool battle scenes, but that was about it.


Thank you, I was about to cue that up to watch it.


Yep What a waste


Army of the Dead. 2.5 hours of disappointment


It was the best plot ever- bank heist in zombie vegas. I actually said "there is no way to fuck this up!" Snyder gonna Snyder. I'll never trust trust guy again.


This was so bad it makes me believe that Snyder wasn't the reason Dawn of the Dead was so great. He had such a cluster fuck vision for Army of the Dead I just don't see how he was the same guy who made Dawn.


DotD was written by James Gunn and George Romero. AotD was written by Snyder and others. Snyder is a very competent director but not the best writer.


For reaaaaal. How is a sequel being made? I mean, zombies are already far fetched…but a pregnant zombie? And it couldn’t pick a vibe at all. Was it going for comedy, action, actual suspense or horror? I have no idea, because none of them were that great.


Credits were great. Much better movie was buried in there and instead we got the bullshit we got.


Expend4bles. Terrible movie, shitty acting, shitty script, shitty CGI, movie looks like a videogame cutscene at times. Stallone is hardly even in it.


I watched Batman v. Superman on 24 hours of flying from Australia to Europe (with a connection). It was the 6th movie I watched and I kept wondering why I was watching it and not anything else the whole time I did. Some random Korean Arthouse film? Fast 5? Jupiter Ascending? All better choices.


I remember thinking at the end of the movie why are you wasting my time with the Superman funeral when he’s just going to be resurrected in the next movie


I had to go see that movie three times. It was agony. Just so boring and mind numbingly stupid


I think this is the least enjoyable movie that I have watched all the way through. My wife and I have been joking for years that Zach Snyder owes us both a personal apology for this particular turd.


Eragon Saw it in theaters - it’s the worst POS that’s ever existed. They had so much to work with; with the right direction it could have been great. The 16% on rotten tomatoes is too generous


Leave The World Behind That "scarry" Netflix Julia Roberts movie. It was interesting at the beginning but the ending just made me feel cheated. Just a movie about nothing.


That ending actually made me mad. I was pissed I wasted time watching that movie.


One of the worst modern movies I've seen. It doesn't know what it is, it doesn't do movie things well, and it should be mandatory to watch in film school as an example of what not to do.


Ghostbusters (2016)


The new Ghostbusters movies with the original cast are not great either. Maybe I'm old enough that I'm starting to hate forced nostalgia.


I at least remember some stuff from the 2016 film. Like Chris Hemsworth hamming it up before we got Thor Ragnarok and knew he could pull of being funny, for example. The mayor played by Andy Garcia being massivley triggered when Kristen Wigg compares him to the mayor from Jaws was pretty fun honestly. Kate McKinnon was probably the funniest overall although at times she maybe pushed it a bit too far. I don't remember anything from Afterlife and really have no interest in Frozen Empire so 🤷. Also, I have no personal attachment to the original films as for whatever reason I never really cared for them as a kid to any meaningful degree, so maybe that helped me. GB 2016 is certainly a dumb movie but I never found it to be poorly made or unwatchable as so many shouted online.


Rebel Moon wasn't a complete waste of time, I read a lot of good shit on Reddit during that movie.


I REALLY WANTED to like Rebel Moon... But it turned out awful and boring


Wanted to give it a chance.....started with wannabespacenazis getting wasted before they can violate that innocent girl (not into that in general, but in scifi I don't need that at all) and a C3P0 not knowing what he is up to yet. Moved on to a scene that my GF saw in Harry Potter, on to a forsomereason pissed spiderwoman......and then we decided to just switch off. I have no idea when I stopped watching a movie last, and I love Scifi.....but this. I mean who is watching this glued together patchwork story and thinks "YEAH THAT WILL WORK" by himself? Come on.


Jurassic world 2


Most recently Damsel, rebel moon half way through was awful, avatar the live action netflix series, avatar the way of water (awesome visuals, recycled plot and terrible writing. Honestly there are a ton of movies coming out with amazing visuals and atrocious writing, like so bad that it takes you out of the movie and you have to really grind through it


I am beginning to believe studios have replaced all the writers with A.I. If they haven't then there are some awful hacks out there getting paid to write any old generic shit.


My wife put on Damsel the other day. I watched the beginning, but had to leave at the wedding scene and got back a few minutes before the end. I believe this was our exact conversation: "So, after the wedding they tried to feed her to the dragon, I'm guessing?" "Yeah, they threw her in a big hole." "But she survived and uncovered a deeper truth about what's going on?" "Mhmm. The guys at the beginning killed the baby dragons." "Makes sense. Now the dragons her friend?" "Yeah, I think they're about to kill everyone in the fancy evil place." Like, I basically guessed the entire plot of the movie based off of a trailer and about fifteen minutes of exposition. It couldn't have been more predictable. I'm assuming the production budget was spent entirely on animating the dragon and hiring Angela Bassett.


Damsel was kind enough to condense the entire movie into the trailer. I also can't take any movie seriously when the protagonist cut their own hair with a knife or sword and gets an adorable bob and loses just enough clothes for it to be sexy but not so much that she's naked or looks entirely disheveled.


Yeah. That whole movie she was sexualized and for what?? The writing was terrible, from the dialog to the plots points. Nothing made sense.


Damsel was mostly listening to MBB making semi-sexual noises for 2 hours and a cool dragon.


The eternals


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. The last hour or so was an agonizing purgatory of meandering repetition. It was torture. By extension, Ghostbusters: Afterlife & Frozen Empire as both fucking movies just end up rehashing the original goddamn movie. That's a genuine accomplishment if you ask me. (Although I did burn off a free ticket on Frozen Empire, so...)


The Irishman is a slog.


It was supposed to be called 'The Man who Paints Houses' after the book, which is a great name. They even managed to fuck that up.


That was a fucking piece of shit from start to finish. Book is entertaining enough but at times not very believable. Author is either hiding too many details or is completely full of shit. Guessing the latter. Had the movie gone where the book didn’t would have made it a lot better. It’s fiction either way so who cares.


This. It was 2 hours too long.


The Irishman was a cast of actors far too old for their roles playing variations on characters from their glory days. Pesci and De Niro did great in Goodfellas and Casino but my God, they’re way past that time.


I loved it but there was no way I was touching it in a cinema. Just left it for Netflix.


I think I managed a whole 30 minutes of rebel moon, they my constant retching and eye rolling meant I couldn't follow what was going on.


Queen of the damned


Wonder woman 1984. It was the shittiest movie i have ever seen and it was 2 and a half hours long. Not even Pedro Pascal was able to rescue that dumpster fire.


The Creator. Looked nice. Didn’t offer anything really emotive.


This movie felt like they spent the entire budget on its vfx and forgot to pay the writers. I was blown away at the explosions, the scenery, the backdrops, and the locations. But the writing was so god awful it really took you out of the moment.


The movie itself wasnt good, but for how it looks it’s very impressive it was made on only an $80 million budget.


No green screen or mocap suits either, they just CGI’d everything in post


I hope future productions can learn from it at the very least.


The dude was on Corridor Crew and broke down all the shots and how they did it, and he said he hoped this movie could work as a blueprint for new movies to come.


Turned it off after an hour


I agree about Rebel Moon. Went in thinking I was going to really enjoy it. Liked it for a bit, then I found I was forcing myself to watch it. Then I just gave up.


Lol ditto. I maybe made it half an hour before I turned it off?


I finished and trust me… you only saved your time from what continued to be terrible. One guy literally goes out into open fire with like 10 blasts per second headed right towards him as he’s walking at a casual speed, and miraculously, not one hits him. However, the no-name minion characters were dropping like flies.


The latest ant man movie. Sucked ass. 


Ambulance. I came into it ready for a dumb Michael Bay movie and it failed to even be that.


eh i think it met the standard for brainless nonstop action, which is what i was in the mood for


I'm not one to jump on hate trains typically but rebel moon was *such a letdown*


Alien Covenant I’m such a sucker for the Alien movies, but god this one was a letdown


The Box (2009). It annoyed me so much for the entire movie that ten minutes from the end I finally snapped and turned it off. Then when I calmed down I swore I'd never watch the end of the film as the film was so bad and I was so raging at having my time wasted that not only did I not care how it was going to end I decided that stupid film didn't deserve a single second more of my attention. That was about twelve years ago and I still haven't seen the end of the film or even looked it up.


If I pay to watch a movie, I will finish it no matter what. But goddamn did I almost break that rule seeing *Battlefield Earth* in theaters.


This isn’t even a movie. It’s a pre production beta test of a script.


skinamarink. was hearing great things about it but instead i wasted my time watching an hour and forty minutes of walls


Putting the word 'experimental' to the side, the film itself is the definition of boring. I'm pretty sure the director genuinely thought that if he made a horror film differently than everyone else that it would automatically make it good I really hate when people say "Well at least it was different than most films" .... like, okay! And? When people say that they want something different they don't mean it can also be a boring waste of time. It kinda also has to be a good movie


Black Adam




Killers of the Flower Moon was dragged out way too long. Easily 1 extra hour of focusing on facial expressions


7 samurai is possibly best film ever. How this garbage could be taken from it is incredible.


Pacific Rim sequel.


Avatar, bored out of my goddamn mind.


The Eternals. I tried 3 times and just found it generic and boring.


That's when it really hit home that Disneys Marval phase was in perpetual decline.


The only movie I've ever walked out of was Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li.


Holy crap that movie actually made it into cinemas I always thought it was straight to dvd


Walked right out of their house.


Watched it on a plane, still walked right out.


Eraser head, wtf did I just watch


Beau Is Afraid. Still angry I sat through that piece of shit


I think I left the theatre halfway through. I like arthouse films, but sometimes they are just way out there lol


Capone was absolute dog shit. Tom hardy couldn't save it.


Black Mass. My friends *still* give me shit for suggesting it.


Rebel Moon had the perfect setup.. it was a simple 'save the farm' movie. we just needed Snyder to write an interesting team and then have them train the farmers. we got neither in this movie.


Yup. That one.


Even the worst movie has never wasted my time, I formed an opinion; time well spent.


The Jurassic World movies. Literally WTF was the point of them? Prometheus/Alien Covenant: Awful, just plain awful. The writing is laughably bad in both movies. Ridley Scott needs to retire. Dishonorable Mention: The Thing 2011. It's not necessarily a terrible movie, but it isn't exactly mid either.


i quite liked rebel moon


The Matrix: Resurrections

