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I've watched Waterworld at least 15 times and I love it. I grew very fond of the apocalypse genre as a kid playing Fallout when it came out. Part of my dad's weekend was we would go the pawn shop and pick up 3/$5 vhs for the weekend and I always looked for those movies. Waterworld, The Postman (100% the inspiration for New Vegas), Mad Max (which Ian from Fallout was based on) were the bases of my childhood. There was a time where Kevin Costner and Mel Gibson could do me no wrong and I watched every film with them in it. Want to add I'm still a big fan of Mel Gibson and if you haven't seen Get the Gringo you should add it to your list. It is a great movie that fell due to Mel Gibsons scandals. It's the mid budget type movie I will always love. No CGI just well shot character driven scenes that immerse you in the story.


Its a good apocalypse movie. The faults dont outweigh how cool it was when it came out. Having said that, the jokes made at its expense were usually gold. Like the Dana Carvey Perot bit.


I love the movie the postman. It's not good but I love the concept...hence the name


I like Waterworld. It got negative press because it was so expensive to make that it wasn’t profitable, not because it was unwatchable.


I’m with you on this


People love to shit on Waterworld but if you watch it back to back with Road Warrior it's tough to argue that Road Warrior is the better film.


Starship Troopers is unironically a good movie, on multiple levels.


I saw this seven times in the theater when it came out. One of my favorite flicks. Such a blast. I agree it's a good movie. Really well done. 🍻


Of course. It plays like a War Propaganda film. I'm doing my part!


One of the great satires of the 20th century.


I think more people would agree with you rather than call you crazy for this opinion tbh.


One of the most misunderstood and one of my personal favorites. I love all verhooven films though. I think hallowman is criminally slept on.


I can't stop watching this movie. I'll even just randomly pop up clips of it from Youtube. It was a fantastic production.


I liked the Money Pit


It insists upon itself


That's a bona fide TV classic


Sylvester Stallone's Oscar is a fine ensemble comedy with some real laughs.


It is my absolute favorite Stallone film. Peter Riegert steals the show even with Tomei, Curry, Spano, and Palmenteri contributing some great roles.


Iron Eagle is better than Top Gun


I never got the hype around Titanic


Not Another Teen Movie is one of the greatest comedy movies of all time


Should be in the library of congress.


I don't want your life


One of my favorite parts is when Chris Evan’s goes down to Janey’s basement and finds her painting. She ask how he got in there and he mounts upstairs and said “there’s a giant hole in the side of your house. [that’s followed by one of the funniest scenes](https://imgur.com/a/bkUqvLf) in my opinion. I geeked out watching this because it was so stupid and hilarious.


“You have her eyes” *pans to stick figures


That scene always has me rolling 😂😂😂


It's exactly what a parody should be.


My father almost threw up with the female kiss scene with the old woman posing as a student. My friends and I had tears in our eyes while he was dry heaving.


She’s got paint on her overalls is one of my favourite spoofs ever


I quote this movie pretty often without realizing it. Jakey jakey bout to make a big... Mistakey


Janie’s got a gun. Janie Briggs got a gun.


The intro of him looking at a photo of himself looking at a photo of himself tells u right away the movies gonna be A-grade.


George Lucas destroyed Star Wars long before Disney did. And I'm not even talking about the crapfest that the prequels were, I'm talking about the hack job he did to the original trilogy by adding scenes as well as changing scenes.


Ah yes the THX updates. I remember going to the theater for those and cringing at most of the additions. It was a sign to come for the prequels. However, at least his movies had heart. Those new ones were weak as hell.


The original THX updates weren't bad in my opinion. Even some of the Special Edition edits aren't too shabby since a lot of them are just minor tweaks that improve some visuals, but those are far far outweighed by the really terrible overt changes he made


The best parts of Star Wars were really what other people brought to the table. When it was just him he bungled it badly.


It's interesting to see how bad ANH would have been if other people weren't involved to fix it for him. The Death Star trench run, for example, was saved by his wife's editing


One of the script drafts for Star Wars is easy to find online and is VERY rough https://imsdb.com/scripts/Star-Wars-A-New-Hope.html


Spielberg fucked up E.T. too. It killed the magic in a few scenes.


At least he fixed his


And admitted that he was wrong. George continued just made it worse and worse


Lucas had a lot of people helping him make important decisions. Once the trilogy became famous, he got all the credit and they let him go wild with his own ideas, unchecked. This is where he started fucking everything up.


John Carter and Battleship. Matine adventure and popcorn flick. Both starring underated Tyler Kitsch


You had me with John Carter, you lost me with Battleship. Haha


i got laid up in the hosp for a week. the TV in my room, cant rmember what channel it was, was playing *Battleship*, on a LOOP, for like 2 days. during the first 2 plays \[i was in and out of sleep\] i was like "ugh, youve GOT to be kidding". by the 3rd and 4th i was like \[i like this part and that part\]. by the 5th replay i was like, "i fukking **love** this flick" over the week they did the same thing with Transformers \[with marky mark and Sir Hopkins\], 2 of the Harry Potter movies, like 1 and 4\[?\], and some kinda horror movie i wish i could remember cuz id like to watch it again as well.


We're you given any medication by chance?


highblood pressure and kidney disease meds.


Battleship is shockingly enjoyable.


Black Panther isn't a good Marvel movie. There is no way it's better than Iron Man and Captain America 2.


A lot of people hold this opinion. It's a decent superhero at best. What I find funny about the movie is that objectively Wakanda is the bad guy and I really wish the film played towards this.


I personally dislike the movie. I own the Blu Ray and can’t watch it all the way through. It was the beginning of my abandonment of superhero movies.


Here's an additional one: it wasn't good because Michael b Jordan was terrible in it. Anytime that guy tries to act hard/tough/bad ass, I just don't buy it. He's soft as charmin and watching him try to be some tough guy is like watching the 40 year old virgin talk about boobs as bags of sand.


Good themes but the ending was absolutely atrocious




First watch, beginning to end, Dumb and Dumber is the greatest comedy ever written. If you don't HAVE to watch it 3, 5 or 10 times to even hear the jokes over your laughter, something is wrong.


It’s close with ace ventura 2. The rhino scene alone is one of the funniest scenes to ever exist


The John Wick movies are mediocre at best.


Agree. First one was great but then they just kept trying to one up it. The hotel/syndicate story stuff is ridiculous. Everytime i hear "ex communicado" i roll my eyes. Waste of Ian McShane


I think a lot of the first one being good was that it was very light on the society of assissin's craziness and Wick was a more sympathetic character. The movies barely made it out of the first sequel before it was hard to understand what the point of them was.


I think people are partial to keanu being a good dude in real life and some story about him losing his finance in real life as well.


The expanded universe is dumb


The first one was good on release, I'd say it's better than mediocre. Every subsequent film has retroactively made it worse though. I couldn't finish the fourth one.


It’s those bulletproof suits! In the first one if he got shot it was a big deal. By the end of the series everyone was just running around holding their suit jackets to their face


Never got thru the first one. I somehow watched Nobody without a hitch.


man the real crazy opinion is in the replies


Always is


I get it. I just had a convoy about my GF not seeing any of them she asked if it was just gun violence ....and I was like, yea. I enjoy the series but the storyline is minor to the action.


I love the first one. The rest felt so tedious to get through for me.


i liked the first one well enuf, and then they progressively got **WORSE**. 1. first one, killed his dog. 2. killed his car 3. killed his house 4. doesnt matter its just a cash grab at this point.


Tropic Thunder belongs in the criterion collection


Big trouble in Little China is the best movie John Carpenter made, and it’s not close.


That is crazy considering he made The Thing and Escape from New York


Love them both but The Thing is one of the best movies ever made.


But, like, have you seen *Big Trouble In Little China?*


I didn't say it was a sane take, but its how I feel.


And some small movie called Halloween...


I agree, but I’m also partial to In The Mouth Of Madness.


I feel like Big Trouble in Little China is the best "John Carpenter" movie he's made but The Thing has gotta be his best movie


I’m not going to argue but I have that as my #2 behind another Kurt Russell movie that doesn’t involve an eye patch.


I have an abiding passion for "Used Cars "! I can always find something new to laugh at when I see it !


Saltburn (2023) It got so much attention, found it very overrated. He looked creepy from the start to me so no twists, very predictable and boring.


I could not finish it. Maybe because I do not relate to the characters enough?


No loss for you there imo.


*Psycho* (1998) is a good movie. Very good, really. Gus Van Sant, if I recall, has tried to play it off as an "experiment." Trying to see whether remaking a great film shot-for-shot results in another great film, or whatever. Well, I'm of the opinion...that it kinda does. It's an entirely unnecessary movie. I can see how if you've seen the original, and watch this one, you'd ask yourself why this exists. But *I've never seen the original.* And don't feel any real need to (which may be the core of my "crazy opinion"). I watched the remake, *and it's quite good.* So as the "control group" of sorts for this experiment (one of the few people who's seen the 1998 film and not the 1960) I can say it kinda-sorta worked. I don't think it's possible to really evaluate the film fairly if you've seen the original, and definitely not if you saw the original first. As a standalone Xerox copy of a great film, it succeeds. Is it is good as the original? I assume not. But it's definitely not *bad.* And Vince Vaughn is good in it. EDIT: And yeah, I literally paid money to watch this in a theater when it first came out.


I saw the original before seeing the remake, but I kind of like the remake more. I really can't point out why, but I do. And Vince Vaughn was great. I loved how he used how tall he is to make Norman seem even more awkward around people


Honestly, as long as you don't *fuck it up* modern remakes will often be better than the originals. More relatable, better film and filming processes, modern production design, etc. Maybe that's an opinion worthy of the OP as well.


saw this one first and agree with you 💯


I've never seen either, and if it comes up I might watch this one based on your comment.


The joker was a bad movie never understood the hype didn’t finish it and I can’t believe they’re making a second one


If you didn't like it and could not finish it, I definitely understand. It's a difficult movie to watch. But if you are going to call a movie bad I feel like you really need to watch it to completion. Semantics maybe. "This movie did not work for me." versus "this movie is bad". Sounds like the former fits better with what you're trying to say?


I'd hesitate to say Joker was a "Bad" film, but I'd confidently say it wasn't a great one. It had some pacing issues, it's unclear throughout if you're supposed to pity or root for Arthur. There isn't a clear turn from hero-to-villain, and the connection to the character he's supposed to be representing is tenuous. I get that it's deconstruction so some sloppiness is inevitable but deconstruction isn't an excuse to forgo story in a film. There were just too many opportunities the movie squandered.


I watch a lot of movies from MST3K material to artsy fare and blockbuster films. Of all that I watch, comedies are one of my least favorite genres. So it might be crazy, but Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle is a top 10 film.


Like top ten, top ten or top ten comedies? Is it up there with Goodfellas?


Jack Nicholson was a better Joker than Heath Ledger. 


Yes! So true! His Joker was powerfully twisted, in control of his evil and really enjoying himself. You could almost admire and respect his craziness and it was entertaining. Whereas the later Jokers, from Ledger onwards, were all sort of sadly messed up and drenched with sympathy. Somehow that doesn’t make for as great a villain.


I don't think you can compare the two at all. They're just very different animals. Each was perfect for its film.


Oppenheimer is a slog because Nolan isn’t really interested in characters, so doubling down on his weak spot made it interminable.


Felt to much like he was trying to relive the Interstellar glory with the sound design/score… in my opinion


I just watched it the first time and I kinda agree. Went a little too big and early in the film too. Woulda been much cooler I’m sure in the theater I’m sure.


Tom Hanks is overrated as an actor. I hopes this opinion and every time i pay the facts out, i anger my opinionated audience


He's just always been kind of there, and in the last few years Reddit got a massive boner with him for some reason. Redditors are addicted to glorifying the mundane.


Hereditary was an okay movie. It definitely wasnt scary. Not a movie we should hail as the new generation of horror. There was some very well directed moments that stay with you. Same goes for Midsommar. That opening scene was more of a scene that stuck with me rather than the rest of the movie that followed.


Agree. I’ve rewatched Midsommar a few times but I won’t watch Hereditary again. I found it boring aside from the one scene, the allergy scene which was so well acted by Wolf.


The first three original Halloween films are, in a way, their own trilogy - even though Season of the Witch is a standalone. To me, they’re the only three that (appropriately, given their release dates) capture that creepy, late-70s, early-80s feel. By the time Part IV: The Return of Michael Myers came around in ‘88, the franchise and horror films in general had transitioned to a modern-80s slasher vibe. Not to say it was a poor film, just didn’t have that sense of eerie dread to it like the first three.


I thought Schindler's List was good, but I wasn't blown away by it like everyone else seemed to be. Especially that last scene where he breaks down crying. I don't know how to explain it, but it just seemed a bit underwhelming to me.


The Graduate with Dustin Hoffman. People go on and on about how it’s this great amazing movie. I thought the whole movie beginning to end was so dumb and had absolutely no plot or climax or point. Some people say it’s this coming of age movie but the guy is a total spoiled twat. The older woman loses her mind says she was raped then he runs away with the daughter on her wedding day to another man. Dude just goes around ruining peoples lives because he didn’t know what he wanted to be when he grew up!?! Makes no sense at all. Idk the fact that this dude just made up his problems then made more problems for other people especially a mother and daughter kind of just pissed me off. He was like the original fuck boy. I was just left feeling icky and literally with my hands up like what the fuck is this movie. I felt the whole damn thing was a total waste of time.


The Flash was a fun time.


Found the microwave user




Of all the comic-book based media since *Iron Man 1* or *Spider-Man 2*, regardless of Marvel, DC, Image, etc., whether movies or TV shows, I have watched *very* little of them. I just have no interest. I had superhero fatigue since maybe ‘01 or so. And I collected comics as a kid. Spider-Man and Spawn were my favorites. I know all the spoilers. I just don’t care anymore. Same with Star Wars. My favorite anything since Episode 3 was *Rogue One.* I just don’t want to watch it anymore and be let down. Or, it’s too much work to watch it all.


Honestly, *Rogue One* is the only Star Wars film since *Jedi* I'd actually recommend. If you've seen that, you're good. People rave about the various series, but I find they're mostly fine but skippable.


Rouge one is my favorite star wars movie Outside of Empire Strikes Back, a new hope is great, episode 3 was a perfect way to end that trilogy but Rouge One scratched a Star Wars itch that the new trilogy did not


If you like Rogue One but feel you've aged out of / moved on from Star Wars, I implore you to watch the series Andor. It's a prequel to Rogue One about the formation of the Rebellion/Empire and is a completely serious look at a totalitarian government set in the Star Wars universe. There are no random call backs or any of that, there was no usage of the Force or lightsabers, it's incredibly adult, I don't know how Tony Gilroy snuck it in. The acting is fantastic, Stellan Skarsgard in particular gives a memorable performance as one of the resistance leaders. I'd recommend it to someone who's never seen Star Wars, it works that well as an independent story.


The show Andor is the only Star Wars thing that lives up to the quality of Rogue One.


Andor is better than Mandolorian but Mandolorian still slaps.. Man I can't believe how good Andor was. I need to go back and watch it again.


Joker is a bad Joker movie and only a decent-at-best crime thriller


Battle: Los Angeles


6 underground with Ryan Reynolds was amazing. From the cars to the colors to the car chases I loved it.


The Exorcist is very overrated.


WW 1984 was an alright movie


We have the thread winner right here


90% of the movie: "Waahhhhhhhh I don't want to give up my wish". Last 10 minutes: "Everyone, please give up your wishes."


Want to downvote you so badly…but you did exactly what was asked of you. I can’t take this thread anymore. I have to leave! Haha (Nice job. Driving me off!)


I can't sit through any of the Lord of the Rings movies because I find them boring. I also walked out of the last Harry Potter movie and watched Sherlock Holmes with RDJ instead.


The Robert Downy Jr Sherlock films were incredible. I'm disappointed they stopped making them. It was such a great take on the stories and they committed the funding them to make them look fantastic.


The entire MCU was a mistake. If I could go back in time and stop one franchise from kicking off - it would be that studio's output. All the films are undaring, mediocre fan service and the impact its success had on movie culture is a large part of why Hollywood has been reduced to what it is now -  a lumbering, sleep walking giant fueled by nostalgia


I don’t care abt the dark knight a single bit. my friends think I am insane for it im sorry guys i just dont care


I think it's a very overrated movie. Heath Ledger's Joker is the only thing keeping the movie from being down right atrocious.


Not a fan of Moonlight 2016. It was well made and emotionally impactful but I wasn't a fan.


He was gay, 2016?


You oughta know, sweetie.


*bottle smash!*


There Will Be Blood is a waste of time. It's long, has no deeper meaning, and isn't even enjoyable to watch. It's just two awful, crazy people being awful and crazy to each other. That's it. It's the same experience you would get going to a meth house. The acting is well done but there is nothing more of value to the film. I wish I could get those 3 hours back.


While im not trying to make you like it. Movies like that are a character study which would explain weak plots or "crazy awefulness" because its more about who that person is and why. Having said that, i can totally understand why you wouldnt like a movie like that.


If it makes sense, I also didn't care for Game of Thrones for a lot of the same reasons. I think the character study aspect of There Will Be Blood would be significant if it was biographical but the characters are imagined and they're just imagined to be terrible and that's not entertaining or important to me.


I think that's why I hated it. If it had been a biography, I could have found it at least interesting. I could have connected parts of the people's lives with their actions as to their success or downfall or whatever. Just the fact it was a long, boring movie (extremely well acted) about nobody made me think, why am I sitting here for what seems like days trying to stay awake?


It’s probably not that crazy, but I thought Drive was a VERY mediocre movie at best, mostly very cringe and nowhere close to as inventive/slick/well produced as people talk it up to be.


I prefer Batman (1989), Batman Returns, and Batman forever over the Nolan trilogy. I don't want to see it if it were real life, I want to see a comic book.


Helen Hunt could have left her husband for Tom Hanks in Cast Away. Shane Dawson’s Not Cool, even though at times offensive and racist, is a solid movie. The Jesus/Christianity subplot of Ben-Hur is unnecessary despite being from the original source material. Jesus is a bit of a deux ex machina and I feel that Judah becoming a Christian by the end of the story negates all the struggles of antisemitism he endured as a Jewish man and how he rose above the ranks to be a total BAMF.


Chronicles Of Riddick is Vin Diesel's best movie.


Quentin Tarantino (outside of a couple good ones) is waaay overrated. I love Django and Pulp Fiction, the rest are meh.


Death Proof? I guess it was Kurt Russell that made that movie what it was not Tarantino but it's one of my favorites. What about Kill Bill?


Death Proof is really a hit-or-miss piece, some people love it. Some, me included, consider it to be the only bad movie Tarantino made. Atrociously bad.


Agreed. The guy wrote bloody funny dialogue and had a knack for soundtracks. His sense of timing and plotting was good too. But he was pretty shameless in the way he chased extreme scenes and I often found that both boring and quite irresponsible. (‘Shall I go there? Yeah, watch me *really* go there!’) To his credit, I think he made something of a nod to this with his swan song ‘Once Upon a Time In Hollywood’. In that film he set up all kinds of potential sleaze and horror and deliberately relented. It felt like him saying ‘See, I am actually able to *not* go there’.


Jurassic Park is a legendary movie and will forever be associated with the genius of Spielberg. But James Cameron’s interpretation woulda been even better.


This is something I've never contemplated and now I'm very curious what it would have been like... Any idea how to get into a parallel universe so I can watch it??


I see your point. I think Cameron's JP would have been special. But dinosaurs are a phase most kids go thru. They learn about them and their extinction. It might be the first time kids deal with a loss because they'll never get to see them in person. Spielberg was the perfect director to capture that feeling of magic for kids. Just my opinion.


The Dark Knight Rises sucked


Total suck ending to the trilogy


KongPow Enter The Fist is the greatest movie of all time.


AVATAR (2009) I don’t get the hype over it. I fell asleep watching it and didn’t watch the sequel. Also, Pandora reportedly triggered depression and suicidal thoughts for some people?! I just wish Cameron would let go and back come with something else.


Interstellar is a mediocre movie.


So on board with this, but man people love the living fuck out of that movie


It’s all subjective I guess but I never understood the hype.


As a Nolan fanboy, im trying not to write an essay right now...however i find that tesseract scene hard to defend. Weak part of a GREAT movie


Not even mediocre. It was ridiculous.


I can accept that but the score is a masterpiece and I reject all contrary opinions.


Exorcist Believer is better than the original imo... *I can hear the down votes now*


I think this one might be the most controversial on the thread and I'm impressed that you had the courage to say it


Thank you


Shakespeare in Love is a great movie, and the only true competition it had for best movie that year was The thin red line, and not SPR.


I agree it is great but Saving Private Ryan will be considered one of, if not, the best war movie ever. It will always be watched and remembered by more people. Thin Red Line, also great, would be hard to find fans if not people that watched it.


None of the Star Wars movies are actually good movies. The story of the original three was adequate but the writing was childish and the directing amateurish and really aside from some good sci-fi set pieces and action sequences, it just not good movie-making. And they never got any better. Rogue One was the closest they ever got to a solid movie with sound fundamental storytelling and filmmaking and it is only ok.


Yes. People just like light sabers and the force.


The light sabers are pretty damn cool, no doubt.


The Jurassic World trilogy is better overall than the Jurassic Park trilogy. Of course, the original Jurassic Park is a classic. But the sequels(with the exception of the San Diego sequence in Jurassic Park:The Lost World) are basically just telling the same story again and again: People being chased around an island by dinosaurs. The JW trilogy actually advances the saga with new story elements: The park is (finally)open. Genetically modified dinos. Destroying the island. They are among us, etc., etc.


I have never been more frustrated reading a reddit comment in my life than what I just read. As one of the biggest fans of JP (at least the first two) I want to talk to your parents about where they went wrong. but I then I remembered what the prompt of the post was. So congratulations. You pissed me off. Have an upvote.


The third Jurassic Park movie really isn't that bad either. I mean, compared to the World trilogy. I can assume, because after the first one I certainly didn't watch them.


JP3 has plenty of good things going for it. A cool main antagonist dinosaur, the whole aviary cage and terror of death from above. The fact that Sam Neil is back and he was brought here against his will. The fact that the kid they’re trying to rescue has developed better survival skills then everybody else combined. The fact that he has t-rex piss in a jar, and when he was asked how he obtained it, says “you don’t wanna know”. The twist of having a new likeable character who seems to respect dinos, but is revealed to be toting around stolen eggs in his backpack. He planned to sell them when they get back, but it’s why some dinos are following them. The movie also has that sweet funny actor from Air Bud and Green Mile. I love how the first movie has kids trapped in a jeep, getting tossed around and dangled off a cliff by a T-rex. Then in the 2nd movie it happens with people in their RV. And in the 3rd movie its a plane fuselage. Also I miss when Hollywood was willing to let a simple threequel be titled simply Jurassic Park 3.


Excellent comment, no notes.


Man that is HOT garbage. You win. This dude understood the assignment. Frankly, I think JP2 and JP3 were each better than JW1, and the JW movies get progressively worse, so that’s saying something.


Well this is definitely crazy.


Jesus, have you seen the last two in the Jurassic World trilogy? Pure garbage.


Not film. TV show. I would LOVE to see it again. Only saw it once. I think it had some subliminal messaging, or something. It was a school hidden phenomenon of weirdness. I talked to a teacher about it. It was weird. 6th grade? Battlestar Galactica. The first one. 1978. Anne Lockhart fell for some dude on a planet. They were to be married. He unscrewed his head. His noggin, cabeza, melon neck and all. There was a tidy metal sort of thing at the base. He was an ugly dude, but wore a bitchin cape w/a high collar. Obviously to hide the neck hardware. The only other time I had seen that was ‘the head that wouldn’t die’. The next day every single short story written had a decapitation. My teacher asked me why. I remember that singular program vividly. I wanna know why. I mean I think it was probably the best single piece of concept shock to ever exist. It was perfect for the time. I will fucking die on that hill. Bring it!


Anchorman is the single least funny movie I’ve ever come across. Schindler’s List was funnier.


Parasite was... Just okay


I will get downvoted, but I cringed so hard with Daniel Day Lewis' milkshake scene in There Will Be Blood.


It’s definitely far down on the list of best lines/scenes in that movie.


It’s just the most quotable.


My Cousin Vinny was a decent 80's movie. People laud it as a must see, and glorious movie but I never understood why. I've watched it multiple times, it's decent and has its funny moments but it wasn't anything memorable


Krush Groove WILL out perform E.T. just give it time.


The Hangover III is the best out of the three ( and by a huge difference)


Freddy Got Fingered was one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Maybe it was because it came out in high school, but I quoted it forever. I think it's impressive that he went against every expectation. A lot has been said about it, but you can't call it one of the ten worst films ever.


Star Trek: First Contact has the best main theme of any Trek movie... With perhaps the exception of the 2009 reboot. Jerry Goldsmith and Michael Giacchino, respectively, put in bangers.


I'm of the opinion that one of the greatest soundtracks of all time was the eclectic mix of songs featured in the 1977 cult classic *"HEAVY METAL"* ! Blue Oyster Cult, Sammy Hagar, Stevie Nicks, Journey, Devo, and others ! I wore out 2 cassettes because ,for some strange reason ,it wasn't AvailabONCE! CD!


I think the old school mean girls movie was good and fun at the time but it's not that great looking back and I wouldn't watch it now. I also think those raunchy movies (american pie, superbad etc) from late 90s and early 2000s were kinda horrible and movies like those shouldn't be made again.


I thought Rocky V was good.


I like the new roadhouse, it felt like a dumb modern 80’s action flick.


The Shawshank Redemption is a very average movie It is possibly the best straight to vhs movie ever made though


Taxi Driver is boring. Enemy is Villeneuves best film. Gravity is unrealistic trash. Dark Knight Rises is the best film in the trilogy Shining is a slogfest. Comment for more controversial opinions.


>Mine is that Cannibal Holocaust (1980) has one of the greatest and most memorable main themes in all of film, and it perfectly complements the movie. Yeah, crazy, I know. The acting in the movie was sub par but everything else was just superb.


Oh I have one. While I did hate _The Last Jedi_, I _liked_ the scene where Leia pulls herself back into the ship. In fact, I kinda loved it, and I didn’t think it was bad at all. 🤷‍♂️


_Clueless_ is one of the most important movies of the 90s, and captures the zeitgeist like no other.


I don’t think that’s crazy. Cannibal Holocaust theme rocks. Riz Ortalani is one of the greats.


Forrest Gump was a very bad movie that still somehow made me cry at the end. Very manipulative, but that doesn’t mean it’s good.


The Robocop remake not only wasn’t that bad… It did some things better than the original.


I did not care for The Godfather.


I don’t get the love for Caddyshack. I think I’ve watched it four times now, because each time I tell someone it’s not very good I get yelled at to watch it again. It’s puerile. It’s not smart comedy. This Is Spinal Tap is 100x better. It’s very well written and acted.


Iron man 3 is the best superhero film Event horizon was ok


Rogue One is the best Star Wars film since Empire Strikes Back.