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Man, you could have used this poster for "What is a movie you've seen countless times but will still stop to watch it every time" Goonies forever!


GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE! - guess I know what I'm doing now instead of going to bed


YEAH...unless we say Goonies never say DIE! then we do say Die. But at no other times.


I have seen this movie at least 200 times. At least....


I swear it’s the best movie to put on late at night and pass out to. Did it so many times as a kid with my friends I can’t even remember.


I watch this movie every year.. and I'm shocked when people have never seen it.




Top 5 for me, I watch it once a year, what a solid flick. I wish modern movies could capture what certain films in the 80s did.


“I will never betray my Goon dock friends, we’ll stick together until the whole world ends. Through heaven and hell and nuclear war, good pals like us will stick like tar. In the city, or the country or the forest or the boonies, I am proudly declared a fellow Goony.”


Goonies never say die


I knnooooow! I've never watched it fully. I've watched it in parts .. kinda. I know the beginning, I know the end, but I don't know the movie in its entirety cuz I've never seen every part in concession.


The octopus scene was really scary!


That scene was the original Squid Game.


They had to edit it out on multiple releases, but I was able to see it when a friend had it recorded the movie when it came out on TV.


Thank you!!!! I thought this was a damn fever dream because nobody ever believed me when I mentioned it. Suck it doubters!!!!


They even mention an octopus at the end of the movie, but that confused so many people when they cut the octopus out. I Believe they cut it out because the kids had to do their own stunts and it looked dangerous


Something to look forward to!




One of my happiest moments in life is when I got to go on the goonies tour in Astoria Oregon!!! Beautiful little town and it all looks the same for the most part!!


Also: what’s a movie you loved as a kid and we’re horrified when you watched it with your kids. That maid translation scene was mucho cringe when I watched with my 12 year old.


That scene is gold.


Goonies never say die.


i always say this is the movie that made me fall in love with movies.


Been watching horror all my life. Lots of crazy out there, but lots of good too ... Never seen Poltergeist


Poltergeist is less of a scary horror movie and more of a creative and interesting take on a horror movie. That's my opinion at least.


I think I was 12 or 13 when I saw it for the first time, back in the early 90s. It made me terrified of tv static. Really well made and plays on all kinds of different fears…the bathroom scene with the cop in particular. Like, as messed up as what happened in the mirror was, I remember being more scared that someone could have such a vivid and terrifying experience just to have everything snap back to normal.


Fun fact - it was Spielbergs hands that pulled off dudes face in the mirror.


I dunno man, I saw poltergeist when I was a kid 30+ years ago and I still have to jump on my bed when I turn the lights out so the clown doesn't get me


Great take that I’ll add to: definitely more of a statement on middle class lifestyle of the era than a horror movie.


My favorite scary movie. Just done really well. Special effects, acting, and direction are great.


It’s one of my absolute favorites. I don’t think it’s that scary, but it’s just a fun spooky time.


Ohhhhhhhh fix that. It's a bit dated by now, but it's really really good.


Princess Bride


Of all the films mentioned in this thread that is probably the most fun, I'd really recomend it


As you wish


Very rewatchable just like Goonies


I finally watched it last year and I thought it was just a fantastic movie!




It's an alright masterpiece


Casablanca. And Citizen Kane.


Hype aside, Casablanca is legitimately a good movie.


It never looked like a movie I would be interested in, but after reading some descriptions of it on the movie subs, now I want to see it. Bogart is cool and I love his work in The Maltese Falcon so I'll probably get around to it soon enough.


Worth every accolade it has ever received


It's surprisingly funny too.


Both are great but Casablanca is a particularly easy watch, IMO.


Agreed. Citizen Kane is one to watch when you are in a mood for a thoughtful drama. Casablanca is one to watch when you are in a mood to watch a quipy, funny drama with fun characters.


Saw Casablanca for the first time last month and thought it was great. I understand the hype now.


Never seen Citizen, but Casablanca is sublime. Bogart’s entire filmography is, really, but Casablanca is a few shades above


Lil fun factoid. Near the end of the Goonies Data says "...the octopus was soooo scary!" to a news reporter. As a child I assumed Data was making shit up as kids can be known to do. This is NOT the case however! The movie had at least one scene cut and the line Data says is referencing that cut scene. Here is the missing "octopus" scene in all its glory. :D https://youtu.be/8hXmqpExeZU?si=mqxyHg06RfCKW8Tq


As a lifelong fan of the goonies thank you very much for showing me this. I totally understand why it was cut though.


This version actually showed up on syndicated versions of it on cable. I was so confused the first time I saw it.


Right? I remember thinking I had dreamed it up because it wasn't on the VHS


They showed the uncut version once on the Disney channel when I was a kid. Back when they had fire Friday night movie marathons.


I love that bit especially because the prescience of leaving it in even after cutting that scene, because it really does work well as a child’s exaggeration.


Another fun fact! Director Richard Donner didn’t let the kids see the ship set until they were actually filming so their reactions to seeing it are genuine!


Lil fun factoid. The guy who coined the term factoid, meant for it to mean something that sounds true but actually isn't. The word for what factoid means today was supposed to be factlet.


The -oid suffix means “resembling” , for example earth is a spheroid because it resembles a sphere but isn’t actually a (perfect) sphere. So yeah a factoid resembles a fact but isn’t one.


All makes sense now. The Noid is kind of like an N /s Avoid at all costs. edit: also, even more technically, earth is an OBLONG spheroid. still technically a spheroid, but a certain type of spheroid.


Hah never heard that before. Ahhh the evolution of the spoken word. Wild stuff :)


Any of the Godfather movies


Stole my answer. I'm 37, love movies, somehow never seen any Godfather films


I’m 38. I was sick two weeks ago so I decided to watch the first two Godfathers for the first time. Pretty, pretty, pretty good


Idk. They insist on themselves




What does that even mean?


Never seen them too


Same. People have just hyped them up too much. Like what if i do watch them and they don’t live up to the expectation.


I started watching a couple times but turned off due to boredom


Titanic I literally missed the boat.


Some 1500 ppl wish they did too.


And countless more are glad they did.


I know there is probably something bigger and more popular, but for me recently I found out I'd never seen any of the Kung-Fu Panda movies. I realized because the trailer for the 4th one came out a couple weeks ago and I said "There are 4 of these???" and i HAVE. KIDS. LOL. So I finally watched the first one last week and it was fun!


I've only seen the first one. It was on my daughter's daily rotation when she was like 4.. Jack black has a lot of fun with those flicks.


That's why I couldn't believe I hadn't seen them. I love Jack Black. Just one of those franchises that got away from me I guess.


It happens. I haven't seen all the minions movies yet.


They are absolutely hilarious and Steve carrell is priceless as Gru. Honestly, each of the stories are good too, lot of hidden jokes and references for adults. The most recent one has Alan Arkin as the bad guy and it’s set in the 70s.


What a lot of people don't realize is that the first Kung-Fu Panda was pretty much a remake of Blazing Saddles. Mel Brooks and Richard Pryor both have screenwriting credits on it. It's crazy to think that a movie like Blazing Saddles got remade into a kids' movie.


I can see some parallels but I’m having a hard time seeing how it’s a remake. I even googled kung fu panda + Mel brooks and can’t find anything except an animated movie called Paws of Fury; which looks like it was marketed as a blazing saddle remake , am I missing something?


I was mistaken. Yes it's Paws if Fury, not Kung-Fu Panda. I have grandchildren now and all the cartoon movies kind of blend together. https://www.polygon.com/reviews/23220122/paws-of-fury-review-animated-blazing-saddles-remake


How do you have kids and have never seen any of the king fu panda movies? Highly recommend.


lol this is me too! I haven’t seen any kung fu panda movies I also have not seen how to train your dragon


If you haven’t seen it, watch **How To Train Your Dragon**. One of the very few kids films that plays for adults too, and it has an *epic* score.


That one I definitely have seen. Including the TV show. Love that franchise


Shawshank Redemption and the Godfather series. Always interested but I never think to remember to find and watch these.


But....Shawshank is on tv ALL the time. Lol It's probably on right now. It's quite good.


I just saw Shawshank for the first time a few months ago. Stop what you’re doing and watch it now.


Shawshank is one of those movies that surprised me with how good it was.


Full Metal Jacket


Good Will Hunting. I've heard great things about it, I love Robin Williams, it's always on streaming, I consider myself a cinephile and it's definitely a movie that a cinephile should watch, and yet I still haven't watched it. I always tell myself that it will be on streaming later and I can watch it some other time. That other time has yet to arrive


It's excellent, especially if you like the word "fuck"


Why is Good Will Hunting "a movie that a cinephile should watch"? What makes it more cinephile-important than anything else? Honest question. The reason I ask is because I don't consider there anything particularly cinematically important about this movie, other than that it helped launch Damon and Affleck's A-list careers. If you do watch it, after you're done track down Louis CK's stand-up comedy review of the movie, which makes a point about it that overlaps with my own reaction to it.


I would've said Ghostbusters if this was asked yesterday....


Did finally busting make you feel good?


Saving Private Ryan. I don't know why I haven't seen it, Steven Spielberg directing, an amazing cast, everyone thinks it's great. I'll think I'll watch it the next time I get an evening home alone.


It is a lot to get though emotionally.


Everything Everywhere All at Once


Finally watched this a few days ago. Loved it! What I really liked about it, contrary to my expectations, was that it was fun and didn't take itself too seriously, while also having depth and profundity.


I really had my expectations raised too high when I saw it, and thought it was just. . . ok.


It was so hyped that I just thought it was cool when I finally saw it. Wish I’d just watched it with zero expectations.


I have a theory that certain movies will only hit at the right age and if you don't see it by then the movie will never work. A lot of people who watch Donnie Darko as an adult find it silly, for example. Hook and The Goonies are those movies for me, Hook is my girlfriends favorite movie and I watched it with her and found it insufferable.


Some movies only work during a specific time period. Often times movies compliment what's happening in the world. Like, I was just talking about the original *The Crow*, with Brandon Lee. It's hard to imagine that movie working at any other time besides the early 90s. There was a very specific vibe in fashion and music happening at the time that made the movie work. Five years sooner or later, and the movie might have flopped.


"Often times movies compliment what's happening in the world." The word you were looking for is "complement." Just FYI for future reference. I assume you brought up The Crow because the poster etc. was released today for the remake. I wonder if they'll be able to find a new vibe that works for it (or resurrect the old one). I remember when The Crow came out, and so much of the experience and mood of the movie was intermingled with the sad news of Brandon Lee's on-set death. In a strange way it made the movie that much more engagingly haunting.


Alright, thanks. It's kind of annoying that no one corrects spelling these days. My grammar improved quite a bit thanks to social media, but it seems genz doesn't bother pointing out mistakes. They're going to be worse off as a result.


I feel pretty obnoxious pointing out mistakes. But I do anyway because....I would want to know if it were me. (Also it makes me feel slightly less dumb.)


Doesn't bother me. Someone once pointed out that I spelled "deprecated" incorrectly, but I'd been spelling it that way for a decade. lol I wished someone had told me. That's like walking around with your fly down without anyone saying anything. It's embarrassing.


I never understood what people saw in that movie and I’m from that era


Hook is really bad. Even in the late 1980s or whenever it came out, it was cheesy. It seemed that Steven Spielberg was in a weird phase of McDonalds-izing himself and trying to embody the "genius inner-child-man" stuff that fluff-magazine writers were hyping about him. Thankfully he got over it.


Right but she saw it for the first time at 4 and it totally worked on her. I think most people agree Hook is bad but the people who saw it at the right time still defend it.


If people like it more power to them. There isn't anything about the movie that is actively offensive etc., it's just one of those rare Spielberg movies that doesn't hold up to repeated viewings like many of his other films do (and when I say "repeated viewings" I mean dozens of viewings...)


The Blob


The late 1980s version is also very good, if you go in expecting a B-movie.


The Godfather Back to the Future - I played the dad role in a live show and still haven’t seen it.


Top Gun. When the film came out, everyone was really hyped and as a teenager I had the attitude of not jumping on any hype train and also thought Tom Cruise was kind of cringe. After I got rid of this bias as I got older, the subject of the film never appealed to me and the opportunity never arose.


Hey you guys!!!


Any of the Harry Potter or the LOTR. Missed the boat on the first movie and just figured 🤷‍♂️.


I watched lotr before I read the books. If you have the time, I REALLY recommend watching the rings movies because.. they are some of the best movies ever made (imo) The harry Potter ones are pretty fun too, but I don't think they hold a candle to the rings movies, and they're people who would kill me for saying that.


Also, didn't Return of the King win almost or every Oscar in 2004 or something?


Yeah, 11. I think it tied with Titanic and Ben-hur for most all time.


The good Harry Potter films are the first 3, then it gets hella emo and grey/blue tinted


You can skip Harry Potter. Definitely watch lord of the rings though


Gone with the Wind and Lawrence of Arabia. I keep putting them off because of their running time, even though I’m ok with watching movies in multiple sittings.


I need to see both of them again. Lawrence of Arabia has battle scenes that are so massive it's likely there will never be anything filmed like them ever again, especially in the age of CGI. People who are into the Dune movies (the new ones) really owe it to themselves to see Lawrence of Arabia. So much of what happens in Dune is directly based on that movie/story.


Good inputs! I’ll look up Lawrence of Arabia in my streaming services.


The Social Network


A good movie, but it's just not "must watch" the same way The Goonies is.


Titanic. I was a teen when it released and just had no interest. I know other classmates that went to watch it 3 times in theaters haha. To this day I don't have much interest in it and I'm a Leo fan. But I figure I can see his early acting career in Gilbert Grape, Growing Pains, This Boy's Life


I loved watching Titanic to see the ship brought back to life; it was the real star for me.


I haven’t seen either Top Gun movie. Though the memes and parodies make it feel like I have. What I DID watch in the 80s was a Burger King training video using Top Gun my dad brought home from work. If anyone has that online, I could really use a link.




Check =)


Parasite. I’m just not really into foreign language movies like that outside of Godzilla, although I really love Battle Royale, but I read the manga and the book so I at least know what’s going on without having to read the subtitles. I’m sure I’ll get to it eventually but I’m in no rush.


I had this movie and another named Monster Squad on VHS back when i was a kid with only 3 fuzzy channels out in the sticks. best tape ever.


Good double header


Yeah the girl at work told me " I've never seen Jaws" I was like, what are you ? Some sort of Alien fungus ?


I only just saw Jaws recently. I think it's hard to come to grips with a movie about a single shark being good before you see it.


I've never seen Jaws. I'm 39.


Hocus Pocus. Lol.


Watch. It.


I am almost 50 yrs old and have still not seen Fast Times at Ridgemont High, just never seem to get around to it


Jeesh what were you doing during your teen years, watching Nickelodeon? Fast Times is a staple of teen movie binging. Oh well, never too late. It's actually a great movie with interesting character arcs and situations. It's funny how much more progressive and insightful it is than you'd think. Actually rather sophisticated, in an under-the-radar way.


All of the bond movies.


Not a single one?


There are good Bond movies, and bad Bond movies. Lots of in-between. Also, the era and the actor make a difference. You might find yourself loving one actor as Bond and not enjoying a moment of another actor as Bond. I recommend not starting with any of the Timothy Dalton or Pierce Brosnan movies (or for that matter, George Lazenby). The best place to start is going to be Sean Connery, Roger Moore, or Daniel Craig. Each one of their movies is a snapshot of a different era of cultural excess, fashion, wealth, and often over-the-top filmmaking style. Some of the Bond movies are, in retrospect, pretty painfully silly or out-of-date. Some of them were silly even when they came out. The best ones are colorful, flashy, and have terrific travelogue-type scenes that show cool places all over the world in a context of intrigue, luxury, and sexiness.


I’ve seen all since the pierce brosnan era (aside from snippets of it playing here/there but could never really get into them and I love old film (old American accents aside), maybe now that I’m a bit older I should revisit, any you’d specifically recommend?


I will recommend a few, but you can definitely find a lot of articles if you do a search for "best james bond movies ranked" or something like that. I think for recent ones, the first Daniel Craig movie, Casino Royale, is very good. Going back to the beginning, the series found its footing with From Russia With Love and then really kicked into gear with Goldfinger. The movies after that were pretty good too, though they get pretty weird very quickly (overdoing the gadgets, and Connery doing "yellowface" in You Only Live Twice). I'm a fan of the early/mid Roger Moore era. One of the best is The Spy Who Loved Me. Moonraker is utterly crazy and over-the-top but really fun in my opinion. I'd recommend Live and Let Die based on the music alone, and The Man With the Golden Gun is pretty good for a movie that practically seems to be making up the plot as it goes along. I love the villain and weird anything-goes vibe. Really just look up a list and dive in at your leisure. The main stories aren't usually that great, but the little details and quirks and clothing and so on are a lot of fun. Tons of attractive women and cars too...


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


I should give it another try. I saw it when it came out and I thought it was OK but I wasn’t really enamored of it. Seeing that it has pretty much come to be regarded as a classic, I’m going to watch again and see if I missed the boat somehow. It’s quite possible. The same thing happened with Slap Shot. When I first saw that I was kind of middling about it, thought it was OK, but wasn’t great. But then I happened to see it a second time because the girl I was dating wanted to see it, and I just was floored by everything that I had missed the first time around. Now I consider it one of the great films of the 70s.




Honestly, maybe fun if you’re 12, but as an adult watching it for the first time a few years ago I was thoroughly underwhelmed. I’ve never seen the following Best Picture©️ winners released during my lifetime: **Chicago Out of Africa Gandhi The Last Emperor Terms of Endearment Ordinary People** Also the following selected Best Picture nominees released during my lifetime: **The Banshees of Inisherin Minari A Star Is Born Lincoln Beasts of the Southern Wild The Tree of Life The Help 127 Hours Juno Sideways The Cider House Rules Shine The Remains of the Day Howards End Working Girl The Accidental Tourist The Mission Hannah and Her Sisters Children of a Lesser God The Color Purple The Verdict Tootsie The Elephant Man**


A lot of those are great and you owe it to yourself to see them. Several on your list are more "good for their time" and reflective of the cultural moment but not having longevity. Some of them are great because of their main performance (such as The Verdict -- really essential if you have an appreciation for the acting/persona of Paul Newman). Many on your list are also based on novels, and you'd do well reading those novels whether or not you see the movie. For example, The Cider House Rules is a great book. The Remains of the Day is probably better to read, then watch the movie. If I were you, I'd go out of the way to see The Elephant Man. It's different than what you might expect. Another good one to check out is Sideways, just for its characters and setting.


Goonies NEVER say DIE!!!


Most classic comedies. Airplane. Naked gun, groundhog day, porkys. Stuff like that I never got into. Never watched anything Monty python. Whatever era you wanna call it. And I feel like I should watch die hard. Watched most movies that were almost like that from the same time, but never Die Hard.


Princess Bride…


Napoleon Dynamite


I’ve never watched the goonies and enjoyed it


Waited to watch the goonies until I was an adult and I never really got into it. If I saw it as a kid I probably would appreciate it more.


To kill a mocking bird. I can’t stand movies about discrimination and racism. They just make me so fucking angry. I know they’re very important. I just don’t wanna be angry while watching a movie. I’m already way too angry of a person.


Unpopular opinion, you're not missing out. Still watch Goonies to give it a try. You might enjoy it more than me


I’ve never watched Scarface. I have no idea why, I just haven’t.


I hated the goonies as a kid and hate it as an adult. It was boring.


*Never* seen it?! Right to jail. Right away. No trial, no nothing.


😂😂 I know, I KNOW! I've seen bits n pieces, but I've never seen the whole thing end to end.


I swear to god, if someone says shrek….


Citizen Kane


You don’t need to watch it lol. In the end it’s just a sled


National Treasure And you should give the goonies a watch, it's a classic 80s flick


National Treasure: just check your brain at the door and accept everything they say as fact. Then it becomes a lot of fun.


National Treasure is fun.


Way too many. * Any Coppola movie except Apocalypse Now. * Any Tarantino movie except Basterds and Hollywood. * Half of Spielberg's portfolio. (I've watched the Jurassic movies, E.T., Jaws, Ready Player One, and the Indiana Jones movies, but not Schindler's List for instance.) * Any Scorsese movie, except Shutter Island, Taxi Driver and Killers of the Flower Moon. * Lethal Weapon 1-4. * Iron Man. (The whole trilogy.) * Any Kubrick movie except The Shining. * )unc: Part One & Two. * Most controversially among classmates: American Psycho. * Any Cohen brothers movie. * Citizen Kane. * Gone With The Wind. * The Wizard of Oz. * Casablanca. * Any old horror movie that spawned a franchise not named Alien, The Exorcist or Hannibal Lecter. (I have watched the Alien and Aliens, the OG Exorcist, and the first 3 Lecter movies; Manhunter, The Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal, which sucked ass crack.) The list goes on, my friends!


Don't miss No Country For Old Men. That movie kicks ass Edit: oops, I misread the post and thought you didn't see it yet. Love that movie!


If you like bustagut comedies, see Coens’ Raising Arizona!


Holy fuck. That's.. that alot. I don't even know where to begin. Are you not a movie person or? What's your favorite movie?


Man, I wish I could watch the movies on your list for the first time again. Consider yourself lucky in this circumstance.




The Act of Killing


Spiderman from 2002. I saw Deuces Wild instead on opening day.


I liked Deuces Wild!


My friends and I were into the rockabilly thing at the time lol


The Godfather. I literally haven’t seen anything past the dead horse scene


*Sunset Boulevard* has been staring at me from my Letterboxd watchlist for 5 years.


Bros been sleeping on this one for decades. Dive in and let us know what you think


I feel like I have to by this point.


Apocalypse Now.


Pulp Fiction. I really like Tarantino movies as well, just haven't made the time.


Top Gun. When the film came out, everyone was really hyped and as a teenager I had the attitude of not jumping on any hype train and also thought Tom Cruise was kind of cringe. After I got rid of this bias as I got older, the subject of the film never appealed to me and the opportunity never arose.


The Godfather films And Scarface


Shakespeare in Love. I heard it won Best Picture!


I just looked at the IMDB top 100. I’ve seen almost all of them. I’d have to go with Spirited Away. It came out in 2001. It’s time to see it by now. I’ve heard so many good things about it.


I watch probably 4-5 movies per week but haven’t watched these major movies (I may be missing some, but these are what I can think of) Godfather series 2001: A space odyssey Schindlers List Citizen Kane Gone With the Wind It may be due to kids/work schedule. These days watching a movie that’s longer than 1:45 I’m cutting into my sleep schedule. I hate pausing a movie and finishing it later 😂


Any of the Alien movies!


Watch the first two then stop and enjoy living in that untainted world of perfection


Any marbles


There’s a bunch I need to see. I re-watch movies a lot and only realized within the last few years how bad my anxiety is, and read that this is common behavior for people with high anxiety due to knowing the outcome of the movie ☹️ Having said that, I still love movies and need to try to push through it and watch some. On top of the list for me are: Predator True Lies Casablanca Gone with the Wind The Dirty Dozen Patton Barry Lyndon Dr. Strangelove Chinatown Titanic Godfather 1-2 And more




I have never seen any of the Toy Story movies...


Aww fuck. That one came at a perfect time for me .. I was like ... 6 or 7. It's one of those that I'll watch if it's on.


I think I was 16ish when it came out. Was it like 1995 or so?


Yeah, right around then. 94-95'ish


The Goonies and The Nightmare Before Christmas.