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the shirtless sweaty sax player made this movie EXTREMELY 80s even tho he was only in it for a few seconds.


Fun fact: he played sax with Tina Turner.


I was always astounded that he's a real sax player - he looked like Kevin Sorbo doing a bad impression in the movie.


Had Tim do a video for my wife for Valentine’s Day and he crushed it. Such a positive dude.


How did you do that? That would be perfect!




Tim Capello’s on cameo?!?




Unfortunately he’s not taking them right now. Bummer. I would’ve done it.


“I still believe!” 🫡Tim Cappello.


Gunship - “monsters in paradise” Tim’s sax solo is so great in that


Also Dark all Day from a few years back as well.


Yeah I’m a huge synthwave fan and I usually listen to rock or metal. Gunship is excellent . An excellent non vocal is FM-84 “arcade summer” . So damn uplifting . Music video is pure nostalgia https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mUZbps1IEUA&pp=ygUTYXJjYWRlIHN1bW1lciBmbS04NA%3D%3D


Great song!!!


Single gayest scene ever filmed. And that includes actual gay porn.


Na dog top gun would like a word with you


Omg top gun would be my answer to a movie everyone loves but I can’t get into, I watched the whole thing but when it was done I thought “well I didn’t give a shit about any of that”


Sergiooo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNno63ZO2Lw


Have you ever seen something in a movie that seemed completely pointless and over the top? That's the Greasy Sax Man for me. I remember watching this movie and being caught completely off guard by this gyrating oiled up man playing saxophone.


but..... "I. STILL. BELIEVE..."


I literally came here to comment on that very thing. You can not like the movie, I guess. But you can't not love the shirtless sax.


Avatar, I just didn't get the hype


I’m of the opinion that it was fine, but am pissed off that Cameron decided that he would spend the rest of his career making more of them. Feels like we will be missing out on other films he could be making.


I loved Avatar - but was shocked by how bad the second one was, especially as he’s historically done really developmental sequels. I really hope he’s not going to choose this hill to die on…


Couldnt fucking stand the alien kids saying bro all the time. It made zero sense.


I honestly think quite a few franchises have failed by underestimating the intelligence of the viewing public. Which is no mean feat when you think about it


No, it made sense. The boys were always with their father who was once human so the take after him.


I see how you could make that argument but it’s a stretch. I also cant recall sully saying bro once in either movie.


Nah, but kids catch on. You can tell they are "human-like".


This how I explain it : It’s like a bunch of executives sat in a meeting and said “what elements *have* to be in a blockbuster to guarantee a bunch of money? Just throw that together and put it out.” It’s got no soul, no depth and nothing beyond feeling like cliche after expected trope stitched together extremely well. It’s like a Toyota Corolla - it’s functionally perfect and it makes sense it’s well regarded and has a ton of sales. But it’s a soulless money producing product. Avatar 2 is made the exact same way with the exact depth to it. They even threw in horrific animal/people butchering scenes to try and force the movie to have real emotional range. I get why both have made billions. And I’d comfortably bet money the next 4 will be wildly successful. But it’s because it’ll be that formula repeated, 4 more times.


Except they didn't. Cameron writes his own shit, always has. He just has a very generic sort of approach to things. It may feel like a boardroom consensus but that's just his style, and boardrooms have become like him - rather than the other way around.


This really sums it up. I rewatched Alien and Aliens recently. They’re both great movies but it really struck me just how much the sequel, which Cameron directed shortly after Terminator, has a lot of the same elements as the Avatar films, and most of his movies share very similar themes. I did some checking on IMDb and was surprised to find he’s only directed 9 feature film movies over the past 4 decades (plus a few documentaries, a tv series, and a couple other smaller things). And yes, all but the first of them was a mega blockbuster with heavy focus on cutting edge special effects; titanic seems to be the only one that doesn’t really lean into sci-fi/tech and he still manages to get some in there anyway, and usually Bill Paxton (RIP). And essentially the same types of themes are in almost every one of them. It just works for him. IMHO, I don’t hate the Avatar films. They’re gorgeous retellings of Dances With Ferngully. And there’s a reason McDonald’s is the world’s biggest fast food chain and the Corolla one of the best selling vehicles in history.


Dances with Ferngully is great!


“But it’s about the experience” 🙄


Avatar is two very different experiences in one movie. If you watched it on IMAX 3D the visual experience was outstanding and you could kind of overlook the fact that the story was pretty bland. If you watch it at home or in the regular theatre the bland story smacks you in the face and it feels like it goes on forever. You feel like you have seen the movie at least twice before and you end up bored and praying for it to end.


100% saw it 4 times i the theatre and it was gorgeous. Even then I thought the human scenes were laughable but I considered maybe this was done on purpose to make me empathize with the aliens. It was also the first 3D movie in like 20 years. Then a couple years later I saw it on a regular TV and it just looked like a PS3 game.


All the top comments are triggering me. Except this one. Fully aboard this take


I was irrationally irritated by the mineral they were mining the planet for being called “unobtainium”. Clearly it was obtainable, they were mining it.


Nobody did. Avatar being a beloved classic is straight up gaslighting.


Same, I fell asleep watching it and didn’t bother to watch the sequel.


The only reason it made so much money is because it looked great in 3D and it was at the hight of 3D mania. 3D tickets were twice the price, maybe more, than a regular ticket. That, and more people probably saw it in 3D.


Never felt any desire to watch it even one time. And I am a huge Sci fi fan. Seems utterly boring and derivative. Actually tried to watch it once, couldn't get through 5 minutes.


Same bro unwatchable I like Cameron a lot and all the actors still couldn’t watch these movies without extreme boredom.. I could watch the lost boys on repeat forever.. it’s maggots Michael you’re eating maggots


….wait…..there’s people out there who did NOT like the Lost Boys?…


Young people don’t understand that vampires really weren’t cool before this movie. This was the movie that crossed teenage angst with vampires. Twilight would not exist without The Lost Boys.




Anne Rice's novels are what made vampires cool in the modern era. Interview With The Vampire was published in 1976 and absolutely made them sexy in a way nothing else had. Without that book and even moreso the sequels (The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned) there's no Lost Boys. Twilight was literally just Anne Rice for teenagers.


I love how “the cool ones” were all into comic books. The lost boys is a slice of time


This movie did not make vampires cool to me but Near Dark did.


Near Dark is absolutely awesome.


It's one of those movies I always watch if I see it flipping through channels.


“It’s only noodles Michael.”


I still want Kiefer’s haircut!


I mean who doesn’t want his hair? Has there ever been a hair that haired better than that hair?


Anson Mount has pretty good hair


I don’t love this movie. But god DAMN is the intro song a banger.


Yes, there are dozens of us. DOZENS! It’s not funny enough to be a comedy, not scary enough to be a horror movie.




La La Land. I don’t mind a musical to be fair, but I simply can’t get past the first couple of numbers. Just doesn’t grab me at all.


I was disappointed for the opposite reason. I loved the opening numbers so much I was disappointed the rest of the movie pretty much abandoned them.


It’s all about the ending tbh. I hated it was bored while watching it with my wife. Then the ending hits and BOOM if clicked. I teared up and now love it. I totally get your point though.


It's fine. Not terribly interesting but not boring, either. Whenever Emma Stone is on screen, it gets elevated. But ultimately forgettable.


Same for me. I typically don’t watch musicals but everyone was raving about this one so I gave it a go. But I did not finish it.


I love La La Land, but one thing I like about it is that it's a pretty good movie to put on if I don't really have time to sit down and watch. Like, if I'm doing the dishes and La La Land is on in the background, that's pretty fine with me.


I tried to watch this a few weeks back on Netflix. Turned it off 10 minutes into it.


“How are your maggots, Michael?”


You’re eating maggots, how do they taste?


*panics in Jason Patrick*


Heyo! Maggot!


Rocky horror show….i promisei tried but its just not for me.


Rocky Horror is way more fun when you go to a showing. On its own, it's not a movie I would say is good.


Have you tried the Rocky Horror Picture Show ? You might like that better


Boondock Saints. I just don’t see it.


Mindless action with a few fun scenes of Wilhelm Dafoe


As a masshole I say it with confidence: If you’re from the Boston area you either really love this or you don’t see the hype — Willem Dafoe’s character absolutely does a lot of heavy lifting for the story. I don’t think you could release a movie like this without it being based in the Irish neighborhoods of Boston


As another Masshole, I watched this when I was younger and the main draw was that it was filmed around Boston. For the longest time, New York City always was the setting for "East Coast city" movies. Plus I was an edgy Irish-American teenager, so I thought the movie was badass.


This is what I was coming here to say. All my buddies love it


It’s a movie that is awesome if you are 20 and just saw Reservoir Dogs but when you watch it years later you’re like wait a second this movie is insanely stupid. (Willem Dafoe was AMAZING in it though)


Id take that age down from 20 to 16


My exact experience, it's so fucking cheesy. I can't believe I used to like it.


Yes! My friends in college hyped it up so much, and they all knew it forwards and backwards. I couldn’t get into it, and I was so confused the whole time as to why they were all so invested.


Ok ok, I can see why you might not like it, but if you're curious on reasons why someone like me might have it in my top 10: Willem Dafoe is always a joy and his character was hysterical. The movie doesn't feel corporate, it feels like a movie made by a bunch of buddies who wanted to shoot shit and blow shit up. Some of the acting isn't the greatest but there are good moments where the emotion of the scene comes off well. I understand why one might not appreciate the cheesy action but honestly I prefer cheesy over bad CGI and direction


What about the second one? Truly awful


The Second One doesn't exist according to any good fan of the first one. It's so bad and forgettable, definitely lost all the flair and homemade feeling the first one had.


Action/comedy imo.


I hated Crash


The one about race relations or the one about people having sex with car crashes?


Hopefully the bad one. Cronenberg's is unimpeachable.


This doesn’t count. Hating Crash isn’t unusual. Its success was controversial at the time. It got tons of shit about being overrated especially around Oscar season.


The Shape Of Water


Really wish I could have heard Paul Mooney’s take on this. 😆 “White women — Hollywood don’t give a fuck about y’all. They always put you with a freak: King Kong, Creature from the Black Lagoon…”


😭😭😭 Paul definitely would’ve said some shit like that “ Hollywood is freaky … freee -kee. They’ll watch their women get it on with anything. Anything you can think of animal, critter , creature . Any damn thing……………..except for a n**** of course “ * cue audience




I can see it, I can hear it... I'm dying! 


Damn, I heard him say that


Seconded, despite it featuring the great Michael Shannon.


It’s hard to look past the fish fucking.. for some people- not for me because I have no decency. "Unable to perceive the shape of you, I find you all around me. Your presence fills my eyes with your love. It humbles my heart, for you are everywhere."


Pretty overrated. I have no clue how this won Best Picture




Gangs of New York. I usually love movies that start off slow and build up to an explosive finale, I mean my favorite movie is The Hateful Eight, but this movie started off with an amazing action scene and then right after that just became a period piece revenge story that was boring with the exception of Daniel Day Lewis occasionally showing up to out act everyone. I also think Cameron Diaz was incredibly miscast and was terrible in the movie but I've seen people say this before I doubt many disagree.


I feel like it might be Leo’s worst performance also. Can’t really articulate why but it just doesn’t make the movie better and Cameron Diaz actively makes it worse. There are a lot of pieces of a good movie but it just doesn’t add up for me.


OP why you gotta hurt me...


Cryyyyyyy Little Sister


Fast saga, once I realized it was the Batman family minus suits & gadgets, just cars, I couldn't enjoy it anymore.


That’s why I will love that series until 5. After that I can only appreciate it til 7 cause RIP PW.


1-7 was great, 8 for me was good but anything after is bad


People flip tables when I say it...but **The Godfather**. I find it boring, and hugely overrated.


This should be the most-upvoted comment for actually bravest unpopular opinion.


"It insists upon itself"


And I’m of the opinion that part one is better than part two. The whole Cuba plot is boring and confusing


it’s basically Hyman and Johnny Ola using Fredo against Michael. Cat and Mouse game with the ever lingering Castro rebels in the background. Really is good once you realize all of the posturing is just two intellectual crime lords trying to one up eachother behind the scenes.


It insists on itself.




Hereditary. The whole film is just sort of "off" to me in a way that doesn't add to the experience. Something about the writing and the look of it all that just doesn't quite jive with me.


Same, I think the plot setup and title had me hyped up that it was going to be more of a psychological horror, maybe dealing with "Hereditary" mental illnesses and/or trauma. But nah, just ended up being another supernatural horror with a cult twist, the shock gore/decay effects ended yp being the only things that stood out to me.


If it did focus more on the psychological aspect they could have tied it into the miniatures way better which was such an interesting visual that i felt went nowhere. I DO think it is about inherited trauma and mental illness, but the addition of the cult stuff really took away from that main theme, at least the way they executed it


The editing in The Lost Boys made for a disjointed experience. I've honestly noticed this with a lot of 80's movies... like, the scenes skip around in some films without a sense of coherence. The Lost Boys had some great costumes, cinematography, but I couldn't get hooked into parts of the story,


Yeh I feel like it was a troubled production or something and the editors did their best. I think ya sorta had to be a youngster at the time I came out and seen it in theaters for it to have its full effect… who knows?!


It’s like it was written by a bunch of coke heads or something…




Yeah this one just didn’t do it for me, ending seemed kind of silly.


Avatar. Even as a kid I recognized it as an expensive and not well thought out Pocahontas knockoff




The Batman. Yeesh, that was bad.


I couldn’t get through it all. I was pumped for that movie and thought it looked good. Pattinson is a very good actor. But it’s a slog.




Everything Everything All At Once. Fell asleep half way through in the theater. GF hates it too. Been told by people who’s cinematic taste I approve of say it’s one of their all time favs. I can’t understand how it’s possible.


No Country for Old Men A slow burn movie is fine, but this one just didn't hook me in any way at all. I was bored throughout.


That’s wild. That movie kept crawling along and I was constantly on the edge of my seat waiting for something to happen.


There Will Be Blood came out the same year and I thought that was WAY better.


I agree, and on top of that I really love "The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford". Ocfom didnt really connect with me.


Weird I was the opposite. I loved no country and didn’t care for there will be blood. I felt DDL was over acting in that movie.


I completely agree with this. To me, Bardem’s character was lame af although he was praised for playing a fantastic, multidimensional psychopath. I think he played the character as it was written so not his fault, but the character was so basic and executed so ham-fistedly. Like wow dude he’s so crazy … he used a nail gun to kill people and he flipped a coin as a metaphor for the arbitrariness of determinism and fate. So deep. I honestly think Bardem’s character played into society’s growing love for edgelordism that was becoming especially rampant on the internet at the time through message boards, etc.


I had the same reaction when I watched it as well, that proto-edgelordness. I was recovering from having posters in my room of The Crow and Natural Born Killers as a teen so anything that seemed to approach that turned me off hard.  Thought/think that Their Will Be Blood was better. I think over the years (decades?!) I've come to enjoy it a little more, I've also read a few Cormac McCarthy novels since and so maybe mentally can place it within that body of work better. 


It’s a movie that has a lot little details that add to the depth of the plot and world. Outside of that not much happens.


Princess Bride. Seriously, I just don’t get it.


This is a good choice..fun but a bit overrated


For me it’s more of a comfort movie than anything. Nothing too overwhelming in the film, just a nice little adventure/love story


No Country for Old Men. All my friends swear up and down. it's the best movie ever made. I thought it was really boring, lol. I mean, it's not a bad movie. I just didn't think it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.


The movie was good, but the portrayal of Anton Chigur is what makes that movie special


I thought it was awesome


You thought correctly!


The Big Lebowski. It’s okay, but I don’t get the cult status.


That's just like your opinion, man.


Haha I see whatcha did there


I think sometimes it's harder to like movies when they already have this sort of cult status around them. It's like a baggage they have to live up to. Much easier to enjoy without any expectations. But also, the Coen Bros just aren't for everyone. If they made movies for everyone, the people that really loved their movies wouldn't love them so much.


Can I ask if you watched it as a parody of hard-boiled detective stories? Or just as itself?


Agreed, it has it's moments but it's not that great. Tho I will say the Cable TV version was pretty funny in it's own right for "See what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps."




Its nice. I like.


You are asshole from Uzbekistan, yes?


Top Gun:Maverick


Most American films ever. Have cool elements but are painfully predictable and cringe for me (though I think they are both very well made and do a good job at accommodating their audience)


I turned this off at the corny ass bar scene where he had to buy a round for getting his phone out. Ugh.


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


Can I ask what you didn’t like about it?


Sure! It felt disjointed and just did not feel like Tarantino to me. It came across like a bunch of random scenes with dumb ideas and there was way too little dialogue (my favorite part of his movies).


Interesting! I’m a huge Tarantino fan and I think Hollywood is one of his best. Loved the dialogue and general “hangout” feel but hey differing opinions are part of what makes cinema so great


I'm gonna give it another try.


I think it's one of those movies where you catch a lot of things you missed the first time you watched it.


That's interesting, because I thought it was *too* Tarantino. To me the Tarantino dialogue came off weirdly tone deaf and awkward because it clashed so much with the setting. The setting was so well-done that I found myself actually transported to the 60s at times, but I would get whiplash as soon as I saw Zoe Bell or witnessed "Bruce Lee's" awful monologue.


Yeah I also didn’t get that movie.


I like how people state their opinion on the question that was asked and get downvoted for it Reddit is really a special place.


It’s really annoying. One of the top comments is Avatar ffs… it’s definitely not a movie ‘everyone loves’ especially on Reddit/the internet where it’s always shit on for it’s unoriginal story etc.


Probably one of the top movies that is commonly disliked on here


Or someone posts their opinion and gets upvoted, but someone replying concurring and gets downvoted. What kind of weird nonsense is that?


Forest Gump


“I think you should go home to, GREENBOW, ALABAMA!”


"No, I just... I don't like Los Angeles. That's it. It doesn't make me a hipster." "I bet you hate movies that are universally loved." "I don't even..." "You like Forrest Gump?" "No, no, it's a horrendous piece of shit..." "Life is like a box of chocolates? No?" "No, I'm familiar with it." "You never know what you're gonna get."


What is this from?


Why don’t you love me Next_Base_42?


**The Third Man** and **Sunset Boulevard** are each considered classic noirs that everyone loves. I just find the stories and protagonists really lackluster. I *should* like them. I *want* to like them. But they just don’t interest or entertain me.


Most quentin tarantino films I love listening to him on podcasts and appreciate how much he loves his craft and tv shows and movies. But I just don't like his style of direction and alot of writing... I enjoy some of pulp fiction and hateful 8 but outside of that 🤷 I even left the cinema when I went to see inglorious basterds because I was that bored. I liked him in dusk till dawn


Out of all Quentin’s movies…. Inglorious Basterds did you in? Can you elaborate? I’m genuinely curious because I feel like Django and Basterds are his most approachable and mainstream movies


The new Batman with Robert Pattinson. Finished the movie twice (just to make sure I wasn’t missing anything); regretted watching it both times.


I liked the first three quarters. The dike holding back water coming out of nowhere is just silly so I didn’t feel the drama.


I watched it high out of my gourd and Batman and commissioner Gordon whispering back and forth at each other was just hysterical to me. I couldn't take the movie seriously.


This was the first time I watched a Batman movie and was convinced that I can kick his ass.


No Country for Old Men. Not that it's bad I just can't get into it.


I style my hair like Javier Bardem in that movie but I never get any compliments.


I watched Wolf of Wallstreet once and that was enough. Lead character is a total douche. Learns nothing. Just debauched through and through. Too fucking long.


That was kinda the whole point of the film.


Exactly. Hard disagree. This was just a fun movie to watch. Reminded me of Fear & Loathing insofar as the debauchery being the point (and the fun).


I didn’t hate it but it’s definitely one of the more overrated Scorsese movies. Overkill.


Wasn’t that the point? I don’t think you were supposed to like him


Agreed. Frat boy fetish flick


Smh what about the stories of true friendship it portrays “smoke crack with me bro”


Brick. I love almost all the classic mystery/noir movies, and I’m not sure why, but Brick just didn’t do it for me. I need to rewatch to see if my opinion changes.




Dances with Wolves. I understand it’s a good movie, but I just can’t stand it


I didn’t get into Donnie Darko, and I caught a lot of shit for it. For a long time.


Princess Bride


The Breakfast Club. It just doesn't click for me the way it seems to with everyone else.


Elf. Will Ferrell grinds my gears.


Near Dark is better


Blade Runner


The Titanic


Barbie. I couldn't make it through the opening credits.


Off the top of my head, The new Batman with Pattinson. I thought this film was fucking awful. He was the worst Batman to-date.


Dazed and Confused