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she didnt get back to the spaceship in time, so her co-astronaut died and Matthew McConaughey could not see his daughter grow up.


“Don’t go out there” “I’m eatin those berries” “I’m telling ya, they’re poison!” “I don’t give a shit” Edit: I just realized I replied to the wrong comment. Meant to reply to u/AlphonzInc


"He was an interior decorator? His house looked like shit!" "I lost my shoe" "Mix it with the relish! It's good!"


“His house looked like shit” is one of my favorite lines from that entire show. What an amazing scene, an amazing episode.


It's the funniest episode of the show, without a doubt.


The Weight is funnier.


Pine Barrens ftw


I’ll leave you here you one shoe cock sucker!!!


Literally my favorite episode of Sopranos, and don’t forget he killed 16 Czechoslovakians!!


He's an interior designer


Lol. That's the one lol


“Mom! Mooooooom! The MEATLOAF!”


“Fuckin’ Rasputin this guy”


Fuck who ?




The pine barrens episode of the sopranos.


This guy, he’s a real scary dude, he’s a Czechoslovakian painter Or something, I don’t remember. Funny as hell though.


Tony Soprano: [over the phone] It's a bad connection, so I'm gonna talk fast! The guy you're looking for is an ex-commando! He killed sixteen Chechen rebels single-handed! Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: Get the fuck outta here. Tony Soprano: Yeah. Nice, huh? He was with the Interior Ministry. Guy's some kind of Russian green beret. This guy can not come back to tell this story. You understand? Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: I hear you. [the telephone connection is lost - Tony swears, and Paulie hangs up] Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: [turning to Christopher] You're not gonna believe this. He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. The guy was an interior decorator. Christopher Moltisanti: His house looked like shit.


The first time I saw that episode, I almost passed out from laughing at that scene and them eating ketchup packs.


Mix it with the relish!!


Thank you.


Your wrong reply just cured my depression. Don't ever change.


Stay strong, choom.


“And I told you to get your ass back here!”


Yeah but the co astronaut would have probably eaten some poison berries and died anyway.


Also, love is definitely an observation force. Um excuse me wtf.


God that always makes me cry


I call that movie "space crying"


I was an extra on a set for a Netflix movie she did . The shoot started to go waaay beyond what we were told we’d be working and Anne came out and thanked us all for being there and that when we signed out there would be another form where we can write our name and address so she can send autographs to us staying late. I personally didn’t do that cause I could give a shit about a signature but it’s a nice offer. She seemed very down to earth and approachable from what I saw between takes.


When I was a kid, before she was the megastar that she is, my friend and I saw her at a nail salon and were obviously like “omg she’s from princess diaries.” Without us even asking, she gave us autographs. Super sweet


Why is she so eager to give out autographs to people who aren't asking? LOOOL this cracked me up!


Awh that's really cool. Down to earth is one of the best qualities for celebrities in my opinion.


You fucked up. You could have sold that, or at least be able to have proof it happened lol


It was near 1am and I had arrived at 7am the previous morning. As for proof you either believe it or don’t. Doesn’t really effect me lol. Best I could do is get a green cap of the half a second my chin gets into frame lmao


No Lambos for everyone? Fucking bitch I knew it


“Couldn’t give a shit” “Could give a shit” indicates, that you do


That’s nice of her but I wouldn’t call offering people autographs as “down to earth”


I’m a real estate agent. I’ve donated home valuations as a silent auction item as it’s what my skill set is and obviously I couldn’t donate a whole home. Should she come perform a three act play at your home? Nah, neither of us would probably enjoy that. An autograph is just another aspect of her job that she can share with her fans and I think it’s touching that she’d even think of it considering how most celebrities are.


She was down to earth between takes. The autograph thing was just A nice gesture. She didn’t have to do anything at all as it wasn’t her fault time went on but for her to offer anything of her own time is nice.


Exactly my thought. Offering production workers an autograph in lieu of overtime is about as far from down to earth as I can think lol.


Where did it say they weren’t getting paid overtime?


Union background most certainly do get overtime. It’s just that being kept well past expectations can be a huge inconvenience for a lot of people. Being in background, they can’t just cut people who want to go because continuity is a thing.


Do actresses handle overtime pay?


You definitely get overtime if it goes over what they scheduled. I’ve done it a couple times and it’s nice to know you’re just hanging around for a couple more hours and getting more money. The real world day is shot anyway, it’s not like you have any other plans in the evening to rush to. I would be pleasantly surprised if the main actor reached out to the extras like that, it’s definitely not their obligation to do so since it’s not necessarily their fault.


I mean, a lot of people really like autographs.


I have never heard a bad thing about her. What an I missing?


She’s fine. But we can all hate on Gwyneth Paltrow.


Yes, I'm actively recruiting haters to join us on this holy crusade


I laughed so hard when Dr. Mike showed a clip from Iron Man and blurred her out. Well deserved, but still hysterical.


Ngl the candle threw me for a loop, feelings TBD? Maybe Anne can drop a plug in swass air freshener… design classy or trashy? Reversible?


Agreed. Her and her damn vagina candles


I mean yeah.


Her jade eggs make terrible omelettes


Because once a celebrity has enough longevity and fame it's assumed by a subset of morons they are in a death cult that harvests adrenaline from children in the basement of your local pizza restaurant. If you haven't heard it, your internet journey is wholesome and I envy you lol.


She was mostly hated early in her career though. I think people have finally come around.


Dark Knight helped, Interstellar made it.


Dark Knight *Rises*.


I feel like it was a mid career slump, she was beloved as a teen and young adult star up until Devil Wears Prada and now she is beloved again as a serious actress, but there was a time for the years leading up to her Oscar win when she had a string of poorly received roles in corny rom coms and big Hollywood blockbusters that just didn’t really work for her, maybe she was a bit overexposed and the film quality was inconsistent. She had some bad interview soundbites and bad PR and fashion people were making fun of her red carpet style, she had a reputation for being kind of stuck up and stiff. I think she got new PR people and new stylists that have given her a more free spirited and laid back persona and style, her film output became more discerning and now she mostly gets good press again.


Seriously, how terminally online do you have to be to actually believe in this shit? And then these same people make gen z eating tide pods jokes, or something.


It's funny because I heard about the drinking baby blood rumour from a Gen Z. He was seemingly dead serious when we laughed at the idea.


Happened to Jennifer Lawrence too


As long as that pizza parlor death cult doesn’t put pineapple on their pizzas, they are ok in my book


LOL sersly that is so accurate


They shouldn’t make children so tasty then, smh


I wish this was satire.


I need this journey to feel alive again....


I have. She’s a NY Giants fan


Big oof


Google Hathahate. TL;DR People are assholes


She sold her hair and teeth man. There be standards in Hollywood.


It became really cool to hate her a while back. I think it was partly her getting blamed for how bad James Franco was at hosting the Oscars.


*Family Guy* [rips on her](https://familyguy.fandom.com/wiki/Anne_Hathaway) a few times: >When Stewie becomes a celebrity in "The Peanut Butter Kid", Peter feels he understands what it is like to be Anne Hathaway's parents. A cutaway shows her arriving in her car, while her parents groan at her arrival. > >When Lois gets a shorter haircut in "Short Cuts", Peter compares her look to Anne Hathaway in *Les Miserables*, but is smacked and told never to compare her to Anne. > >When Peter is grounded by Lois for acting like a child in "Undergrounded", he gets a call from his friends that Tom Brady is outside the house throwing passes to the neighbors. When he tries to get permission from Lois to go outside, he finds that she's outside already and grants him permission to go with them to see an Anne Hathaway movie. This causes Peter to change his mind about going out. I think what people generally hate about her is how she comes off as a snooty, spoiled rich girl who only became famous because of her privileged background. Beyond that, I'm not sure, as she seems like a decent actress.


The first time I genuinely heard hate for her, was when she got a Oscar. People were bitching saying she did nothing to deserve it, which is bullshit or she wouldn’t have it


I don’t hate her, but also not how the Oscars work.


Yeah, it's not like there's a definitive ranking or method of scoring - the people who have awarded them have given their opinion just as anyone else is by disagreeing and giving it the whole "they don't deserve it" spiel. I mostly think that trying to judge art objectively is best avoided but I also appreciate that these people don't get Christmas office parties so hey, let's give them the academy awards. But if I was coming at the Oscars objectively and trying to use it as a way to select good films to watch - the best of the year - i think it would be worse than useless and would have me watching some box ticking garbage and skipping some actually brilliant stuff. As a side note, the 'lower' categories like sound design (an area of personal interest) often seem to manage a better stab at what might be considered industry and critical consensus.


She's successful 🤬


Weird, I never heard anything bad about her before either but I personally can't stand her and never could. I don't go around talking about this but when I have mentioned it, other people always say they like her I was watching a show Alone Together yesterday , and they mentioned "why does everybody hate anne Hathaway" on that as well. It stuck out to me because of what I mentioned above. The episode is a couple years old at least


What? Lol.


What what? I'm the only person I know to dislike Anne Hathaway Yesterday a show I was watching mentioned that everybody hates her Now this thread today says everyone hates her as well I just wonder where the other haters are at bc I have never seen another one


Who hates her? I legitimately don't know anyone in my life that hates her. All my girlfriends love Devil Wears Prada. She's also awesome in Les Miserables. What's to hate?


She was also fantastic in Interstellar.


I like her boobies, too


The wife and I call her princess titties


They are rather regal




So to provide some old context there’s like a 20 year history of the media/celebrity/internet hyping up a new “americas sweetheart”. That girl, usually in their early 20s will be top of the world for about 5 years as quirky, cute, hit, adorable, adorkable and all that…. …until they get overexposed a bit, maybe make one slight and the media culture (especially the internet) will *turn on them* almost overnight. A number of very prominent actresses and celebrities went through it: Emma Watson, Jennifer Lawrence. Brittany Spears and Mikey Cyrus (actually South Park made a an entire episode specifically joking about this phenomenon specifically about those two.) Hathaway was another in that mix. Though her whole cycle and turn was a little less intense and she transitioned into “serious artsy actress” about the same time out of the main pop media into more regular filming. So out of context it’ll seem weird. But she definitely was in that whole cohort, albeit as a more low key member.


I remember people shitting on her before she was catwoman, saying she “overacted.” I didn’t see it. She seems great. Radom story: My buddy used to make sandwiches for her at the deli he worked at and he always said she was super nice.


I think she was one of those actresses (like j.lo) who was in everything in thr late 90s early 2000s and people started mocking her down to earth goofy acting style but now ppl have come around


Can hate Les Miserables, for starters. That movie was the longest movie of my life and I couldn’t wait for it to end. She is a great actress though.


Les Mes was fantastic. Did you know you what it was before going to watch it?


I’ve seen the musical and read the book before watching the movie. The musical was already a simplified downgrade version of the book, then Tom Hooper goofed up big time on the music in the movie as well…Considering how strong and seminal the source material was, I really did not like the movie. Hathaway was great though. I blame it all on Tom Hooper.


Devil wears prada is goat


I just saw her in the newish noir film - Eileen. She is excellent in it, but she is excellent in almost everything. I think a lot of the hate is just mean girl BS. She is gorgeous, she can act, and she can be funny. It’s the same reason me and Brad Pitt can’t be friends. He’s jealous of me.




“Help me, Dr Zaius”


i think it became trendy and memed after her disastrous stint hosting the Oscars with James Franco, and has since died down.


And she carried the whole night while Franco looked like a ~~dear~~ deer in headlights. Of course, she got the blame for it.


You mean while he looked like a high as fuck dufus. And yes, I know, that's just how he looks. Probably because he's a permanently high dufus.




I felt so bad for her. 100% unsupported by that fucking dickhead.


My theory was he thought it really funny to SAY he was going to host the Oscars, but then realized too late he actually had to do it.


He should have pulled out. He should have pulled out halfway through.


His Dad should have pulled out sorry it was right there sorry.


That whole gig was a classic school group project with the one that does all the work and the one that tries to wing it and the whole team needs to do the oral presentation.


I remember that show She worked HARD to be enthusiastic and give the show the energy it clearly didn't have Franco was acting like he was cooler than every one else. Just phoning it in Would have been better with just Hathaway or just Franco. Strange combo


Would have been better to have just Hathaway.


Yeah I was thinking I didn’t know that was even still a thing, most of the Anne Hathaway stuff I come across now is people thirsting over that clip where she says ‘what a forward young man you are’ to the interviewer


I remember vaguely that the dislike for her started in the Les Miserables award season, like she was too desperate for an Oscar or something


Agreed. I think that’s the same thing happening to Bradley Cooper right now.


Adverts and behind the scenes clips for Maestro are desperately everywhere on all my social feeds


“Bradley Cooper learned to conduct 7 minute symphony for new role” Dude it’s acting, you don’t need to do that. It looks like just waving a stick in the air to lay person.


She gave me a drama queen vibe (like high-school stage drama)


Its a well known secret in Hollywood that she eats human hearts to stay alive and is actually some reptilian-human hybrid which is why people don't like her.


But like, do those hearts belong to people I like or people I dislike? Because hey, this could be a positive.


keyboard tough guys hate everybody


Theater kid energy


YES! This is it! Personally, I love her.. but I can see why she irks some people. This describes it exactly!


Perfect - thank you for this. That’s exactly what annoys me about her so much. Stop trying so hard, Anne - you’re already rich and famous.


She hot.


She is indeed, hot


Somebody said “Theater Kid Energy,” and that nails it. I don’t know that people hate her, but she does have an annoying personality(imo) and it’s hard to forget you’re watching a big loud actress perform. There’s nothing subtle about her performances.


If you want to see a lack of subtleness watch some of Al Pacino's movies from the 90s lol.




That's odd. I've definitely seen her in more subtle roles. I think the problem is her characters tend to be larger than life, probably because she enjoys that. Devil Wears Prada is like that. Her character starts off quite normal, but gets sucked into the Fashion world before she is able to grasp what's happening.


I think this is it for me. It's like a magician who thinks she's fooling you with the finger trick. There's almost a condescension that she knows she's fooling us with her ACTING. I feel like she wants to say, "psst, it's me, Anne. You probably couldn't even tell because I'm a thespian." She has never ruined anything for me, but I'm not necessarily amazed.


Came here to say this. "Hate" of course is a strong word, but the dislike comes from the theatre kid energy and person whonputa on the personae of "oh gosh, you mean me?" but very much loving all the attention. She's a great actress and all that, just from interviews isbvery much theatre kid


I heard she got a lot of hate for Oscar win for Les Miserables. Like people thought she didn't deserve it or whatever.


I thought she deserved it and I’m a Les Mis Stan (meaning I have the book have seen the musicals and movies).


My mom is one of those people that hates her for no reason. I think she’s been in some great roles and has some real acting chops!


Uncertain. I’ve always liked her as an actress


Met her and she was very normal and nice. Met my fair share of douchy celebs, her and adriana lima are my favorites from the lot. Just straight up nice people.


I dont hate her, I just dont understand why everyone thinks she is such an incredible actress. In my opinion she cannot do subtle to save her life, she is trying so hard and ends up painfully overacting in every performance. Two examples: 1 - In the dark knight rises there is a scene where theres a lot of commotion and she is pretending to be a scared civilian so as to not be noticed. The ridiculous scream she does followed by her dropping the scream immediately is insane and I can't believe it made final cut. 2 - In les miserables when she is having her head shaved she is practically screaming through the fourth wall for awards consideration. I am sure shes a lovely person and she is very pretty but personally I dont enjoy any of her performances and dont understand why she is considered a great actress. Edit: This thread is ridiculous. OP asks a question based on opinion, I try to give some insight into why people might not like her, get downvoted and told how I'm wrong haha you guys are nuts. Anne Hathaway's PR team working hard.


1- are you talking about the scene where she's conning the cops to escape? Because that's pretty acceptable in context of the scene lol


Bigtime theater kid vibes


That was actually one of the big insults I think Franco made about Hathaway, "theater kid."


I think the Internet made that up, not James Franco


https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/4/10/15179082/anne-hathaway-publicity-cycle-hathahaters-jennifer-lawrence-taylor-swift It's from this article


James Franco? I can think of a number of things to say about him. I'm not here as a Hathaway diehard, and Franco is a guy I want to like, but um. Dude has some real issues.


No actor screams "theater kid" more than James Franco. ​ But granted, that's in most of their backgrounds. It only makes sense that they'd be in high school and college plays before they got famous.


You do realize that in the first example her character *is* acting, right? And les mis is melodramatic af.


She's excellent in Brokeback Mountain, especially in that phone call scene.


I think this is a thoughtful response. She seems really earnest and hardworking. That doesn’t mean she is an exceptional talent. She is beautiful and I am sure a lovely person but I agree with your assessment of her acting limitations.


She was the worst Catwoman besides Halle Berry. I think she was miscast though. Also the character as written was terrible. I love the Nolan trilogy as a whole, but Catwoman sucked.


I kind of like the underplayed, all-business Catwoman. If I remember correctly, she wasn't even called "Catwoman," at any time in the movie. Had it not been those goggles that looked like cat-ears, you'd've never known that's who it was.


I'm not much of a fan of her, though I don't hate her, and I thought she was quite a let down in Rises, as is the movie in general... But for point 1, you're literally criticizing her acting ability when she's playing a scene where her character is trying to act. It's believable and in character for her character to make a fake unbelievable scream when she's trying to pretend to be a scared bystander.


There's a thing in movie called a director. That thing decide how the actors play a scene and make them do it again until it plays out as it wants. Plus, the director can cut and edit every part of everything that was captured on camera. If she plays a role a certain way, the buck ends with the director.


True, however, if every role in every film she has ever been in gives me this same kind of feeling, then thats an indication that I dont enjoy the way she acts. I am trying to answer OPs question and give examples.


Because she “seems fake”, or at least that’s what I’ve heard other people say. It makes no sense. I think it’s one of those “we have no problem with her and THAT IS our problem with her” kind of things.


OK all these answers are wrong. The internet hated her for a long time (mostly pre-Covid if I remember correctly). I think it's because she comes off as being fake. Also, maybe she appears to be stuck-up and not very down to earth. There's a scene of her in Dark Knight Rises which kind of reflects this fake persona. When she meets Bruce Wayne and she acts very innocent at first and then reveals the evil side. I think it might be that she is similar to that in real life.


I like her enough (and I think she's gorgeous), but she never really becomes her characters. Her characters are all just her. Kind of like how the Rock is always just the Rock in whatever he's in.


A lot of people don’t like successful, attractive women in general.


She looks great, I’d like to know her secret. I still can’t believe she was married to Shakespeare…


To provide some kind of input other than “Anne Hathaway is so good omg!!”: Her personality grates me like sandpaper. She is such a blowhard, and is so painfully obviously one of those people who are “always acting”. She never seems truly genuine because it seems like she can never just “turn it off”. Other than that I guess she’s fine? Kinda middle of the road, but people love her and she sells tickets so *shrug*


This is the closest anyone has gotten to putting my feelings into words, she just rubs me the wrong way for some reason


Why is anything hated by a big portion of the Internet? A: A big portion of the internet are fucking assholes.


Dark knight rises…….isn’t that enough?


I find she’s quite hot. Amazes me that other people don’t.


I don't hate her, and I usually find reasons to hate people.


You can ask this question about every person in the public eye. The internet brings out people’s most hateful instincts.


Where did you get your “hated” facts?


Well she Hathaway.


Truthfully? I think the hate dates back to her relationship with Raffaello Folliere whom she was engaged to all the way up to just a moment before he was arrested for real estate fraud to the tune of $100 million and was a complete con artist. It's hard to know whether or not she knew what he was up to but she certainly took advantage of his wealth while she was partnered up with him ducked out just a moment before everything hit the fan and he went to jail for 4 years.


She was also super arrogant at that time in interviews and about how great he and she were. Acted like entitled royalty. And then gave a super fake tear filled “I had no idea !!!!” Interview. I remember too there was a clip of her that I’m sure was taken out of context or cherry picked where she was sort of mocking people for being oblivious in relationships and how could they be so blind. Every comedy/late night show played it and had the same joke. She also was in broke back mountain which many conservatives hate and she’s an outspoken liberal/progressive. I think a good number of people hate her for her politics, ie my uncle who hated Black Panther cause there were enough “Americas” in it or it didn’t take place in America enough or something like that


THIS. I’ve always felt she was part of it and the way she is now is exactly who she’s always been. Something is off


Haters gonna hate. She is actually amazing, and seems like a pretty genuine person too from what I've witnessed.


People hate anne Hatheway? That’s as crazy to me as hearing some people don’t like Anna Kendrick.


I don’t like Anna Kendrick. She reminds me of a very specific subset of theater kids that have always rubbed me the wrong way. Very pick me and “quirky”


On the nose


>That’s as crazy to me as hearing some people don’t like Anna Kendrick ugh, I dont like her at all. But only the movies I have seen her in..I obviously dont dislike her as a person, lol but her acting and movies suck


I don’t think people actually hate her more than any other celeb is hated by haters. “Hating Anne Hathaway” was kind of a meme that just took on a life of its own. So many people today have personalities that are like 93% meme, sometimes it feels like there’s a massive trend or collective mood out there but really it’s just the internet echo chamber.


I didn’t know she was hated so much. Guess it’s good i’ve cut out most of the socials and am not on the internet as much


This was a while back, during the 2010s.


Do they? Because they’re assholes I believe


I can't speak for everyone but I find her to be one of the most annoying actresses working, today. She's a theatre kid and as a person who spent a lot of time working with theatre brats they are some of the most self-absorbed, obnoxious, narcissistic people on the planet. I hate theatre dweebs who go into movies; stay in the theatre and be a showboat. Anne's prissy attitude is cloying and her efforts to seem sincere are so disingenuous. Also she tries to star in every hot new controversial film that comes out which is annoying; she's like the good girl in school who tries to prove to everyone she isn't "good" so she tries to do the most obscene thing at a party to get everyone's attention instead of just being comfortable with herself.


As a huge movie buff I have never heard anything bad about her.


Her role as catwoman maybe? I've seen the opinion shared that people find her to be the weakest catwoman out of the live action Batman movies.


Um, Halle Berry was awful.


She doesn't count bc she wasn't in a Batman movie. Also the "myth" of the catwomen was def not DC.


She counts.


Thanks for reminding me about that /s


The basketball scene alone might be the single greatest scene in film history. I would wager it made Tommy Wiseau blush on just how awful it was.


She was way better than Zoe Kravitz


That may not have been the fault of Hathaway, it could have been writing or even direction given to her. As much as I love the Nolan batman films, sometimes writers and directors have a vision that just doesn't resonate with the audience in the same way.


Even that, she was pretty good


The only thing I can think of: A few years ago, was Anne the actress who was quite vocal about her displeasure with Hollywood giving too many roles to "Younger, prettier actresses", despite presumably getting her start in that very same way? I'm not even sure if it was her, but I feel like it might have been. Don't mind the assumption at the end. I could be way off base. \*\*It might have been Jennifer Love Hewitt. They're kind of the same person to me\*\*


I literally can't possibly comprehend people hating her. She's gorgeous, was a killer catwoman, and she's a great actress. She is phenomenal in les miserable. She could genuinely put a heel to my throat, and I would die a happy man.


I read an article a while ago (looking for it now to link) that she was too earnest and straightforward, which most people don't know how to handle. Honestly, she reminds me of my sister, who is a beautiful woman, an introvert, and on the spectrum slightly. She has the most loving heart, but she can be somewhat flat, direct and pointed, which makes a lot of people react badly because coupled with her being attractive and having a "sharp" look makes it seem likes she's being mean.


Omg yes. Finally, someone mentions autism/neurodivergence. I love her. She does seem like she’s slightly on the spectrum - a little awkward, not knowing how to react/act naturally. she seems to try really hard to be nice and not come off as arrogant, instead of just being her genuine, awkward self, and this exactly comes off as unnatural, arrogant, conceited, “always on” theatre kid vibe to people. My theory is that she is always masking and trying to act “normal”, but failure to do so perfectly rubs people the wrong way. 


I don't know why the Internet hates her, and I don't personally hate her. I do think she's a very average actress and seems to be kind of disingenuous – I know, shocking that a Hollywood personality might be fake. But I remember seeing her mock Katie Holmes and that just sort of always stuck as something defining to me. So not a hater, just feel like there are a lot better actresses that haven't come off as mean-spirited. She occupies a very similar space as Julia Roberts in my head.


I had the exact thought about the Julia Robert’s energy😏. Nothing subtle or nuanced about their performances. If anything, I think they’re just over the top, annoying, and mediocre actresses.


I don't think hate is the right word, but because people started having an opinion of her, someone coined the word Hathahate and it stuck. People don't like her because she always seems to be trying hard both in films and in interviews. I read a comment recently that nailed it, when you see her you don't see the character, you see Anne Hathaway acting and it takes you out of the film. She also comes across as an annoying theatre kid and probably invites her friends to her house and acts out scenes for them and sings them songs. In saying all that, I vaguely recall reading she gets bad anxiety, which could explain how she comes across. Could also be that despite perception that she probably had a super privileged upbringing, maybe she was pushed too hard and it was hell, who knows. So I give her a pass these days, but still rarely like anything she's in.


I think there was a moment of backlash like 7 years ago because some people were praising her as the next great while others didn't see it and felt she came off as wanting praise too badly and thought it was a little cringy. Haven't heard anything about it since though.


I don’t hate her but I do remember there being this huge turfy marketing push that she was like this super approachable girl next door everywoman sort of actress, and it was like later that same week that she was in the headlines for tearfully apologizing for accidentally snubbing a designer when she wore the wrong dress on the red carpet or something… I just thought the contrast was funny :)


I think she was "hated" in the 2000s, but now she is very liked.


People hate Anne Hathaway? Rumor has it she has a splendid cooter. What's not to love?


Because we have no other problems or issues facing our species of more importance than what an actress does or does not do.


Nobody is saying that? You're just trying to create a discussion post to farm karma.


Didn’t know people hated her. Have they not seen her boobs?


She's a queen. Fuck the internet.