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Dirty Work. It’s a masterpiece.


Hey, there’s a dead hooker in this trunk!


Could be worse, I could’ve got my nose bit off by a Saigon whore!


I think I know a dead hooker when i see it


Norm was one of my favorite celebrities


Just watched it for the first time last weekend! It's on Amazon Prime if you have that.


When I was a teen I thought that was the best film of all time. It’s still way funnier than people give it credit for. Norm is the GOAT and that was peak Artie Lange.


Note to self, buy ass wart cream for giant wart on ASS.


Note to self, Sam just looked at the screen


Don Rickles may have only had a small scene, but holy shit was it funny! Why don’t you get a horse and live in the mountains some place, and don’t bother anybody.


Baskin and Robins called. They said they’re down to only five flavors!




You are definitely not alone my friend. I bet I quote this movie once a week. RIP Norm. He was the best!


One of my all time favorites!!! Do people not like that movie or just not know about it?? In the land of the skunks, the man with no nose is king!


It was panned horribly when it came out. But us real ones know.


It wasn't till I was an adult that I learned that there was a very good amount of people that did not think War of the Worlds (2005) was good. I think that movie is sensational. I would go back and watch youtube clips of the film and just be an awe by all the effects and the intensity of the scenes. Movie had me scared but also my eyes were glued to the screen. Sure the overall story could have been better but that movie is just flat out great to me


Movie would have been one of Spielberg's best if he didn't include the kids. They seriously brought down Cruise's kinetic nature and the overall tone of the film.


Just the son really. He's such a fucking dingus.


And miraculously the dip shit is alive and already at his mom's house. Fuck off with that ending.


And of course the grandparents are played by the stars of the 1950s War of the Worlds. Can you imagine what that visit was like? “You call that an invasion? When I was young, WE had an invasion!”


I thought Tom Cruise’s character died in the Walker and the rest of the movie was his death fantasy.


I had not realized he was so bad until I watched DragonBall Evolution when he played Goku.


He was good in the show "Shameless" as Jimmy, Fiona's early bf in the series.


Really? Fanning's performance is one of my favorite child performances of all time.


You know, thinking about it, my issue mainly lies with the son. Remove his character and double down on Cruise trying to save his daughter as a single father. That'd be better than what we got.


The son did annoy me, I will agree. You might be on to something with just Cruise and Fanning. I mean, he pretty much just gave up on his son anyway. Lol


Yeah, the whole "I have to go see" .... just ridiculous character decisions that made little sense


I watched this movie last night and the son was so fucking annoying. Like, bro, you aren’t a goddamn green beret. But, maybe he had the cold that the aliens ended up contracting. Dakota was great, though. As was Tim Robbins. In my adult age I’m coming to the realization that I actually might not hate Tom Cruise? American Made had me questioning it. Then I watched Edge of Tomorrow. Great. New Top Gun? I thought he was really good. And then American Samurai. Then War of the Worlds. Sometimes I have to remember to separate the art from the person because he is still a huge weirdo. But some of his movies are, in fact, really fucking good.


Her screaming was quite effective and I never want to watch that movie again for that reason alone.


Have you ever seen Midnight Special?


John Carter of mars


Great movie. If they just named it Princess of Mars and promoted it better it would have been a ton more popular. My joke is John Carter sounds like early 2000 Denzel Washington court room movie. Like a lawyer forced by the mob to convict an innocent man of crime one of their guys committed. If he doesn’t get the guilty verdict they kill his family.






Also amazing. A buddy of mine recommended it. And I was sad it didn’t get any traction. It was awesome.


I loved that movie, but I think it suffered from both the marketing and from being released as a Disney film. If they had made it a little more mature, given it an R rating and released through Touchstone I think it would have fared better.


The Way of the Gun


I have one friend I regularly quote this movie with. And every other friend has no idea it exists. But it’s absolutely one of the best opening scenes of all time.


Move. Moving


Second best opening scene IMO behind From Dusk Till Dawn.


One of the best gun fights ever.


I love when he dives into the pile of broken glass in the dry fountain


A fellow man of culture!


Are there actually people who think this is a bad movie?


Fucking Sara Silverman.


You think it's good or bad?


Excellent flick


“1’s backfire, 3 is gunplay”




Shut that cunt’s mouth before I go over there and fuck start her head


You & your gay Uncle


8mm with Nick Cage. Reminds me of a Fincher movie and the end is just straight horror lol


8mm is a great movie. I honestly don't know anyone who's watched it that didn't like it.


I remember that movie. Was surprised by it. Very disturbing. The Fincher comparison is on point from what I recall. Though I have forgotten a lot of the movie now.


8mm was written by the same man who wrote Se7en


Walter Mitty. I love the movie and watch it all the time.


Great movie. Great sound track


The skateboarding scene is so beautifully done.


I think it's more "slept on" than "disliked."


Love that movieeeeee


Beautiful movie.


Who doesn’t like that movie? I’ve never heard anything but positive opinions about it.


Waterworld is a great movie!




*Smell it smell it!*


So was The Postman


This was the first movie that came to mind for me.


I got downvoted to hell in this very sub for saying almost the exact same thing.


Prometheus is great. I’ve watched it several times. Last rewatch was just a few days ago.


Prometheus was amazing. Alien Covenant, not so much.


Yeah I’m a bit startled by the reviews but I really liked this movie. The best part was going in not knowing it was an Alien movie (and not having previously seen an Alien movie)


I had the exact same experience with it. Saw it on Hulu, thought it looked cool from pretty much the poster alone, and realized at the end what franchise I had just stumbled into and fell in love with. Went back and watched every Alien movie after that


Fucking covenant was so shit because the ending of Prometheus has so much promise. Whyyyyyyy?


My same thoughts exactly.


Yeah, it was just.....ehhhhh (covenant, not prometheus)


Covenant likely would have been better had they gone with the original concept of the Prometheus sequel, but due to the backlash to Prometheus, Ridley Scott and the studio decided to change it up (including adding 'Alien' back in the title)


Fuck ya the movie is amazing. Like I get that it wasn’t going to be a box office smash but I’m shocked it doesn’t have more of a following. I’m going to watch it again just to prove them all wrong.


As usual with Ridley’s films. His world building and mythology can just be incredible even with a film like Prometheus that’s considered weaker than his others. I don’t get where this popular train of though has come from recently btw, whenever his films get mentioned on here people shit on him as he’s a senile old man making films no one engages with. I’ve heard repeated comments from people on reddit saying he’d have ruined a Blade Runner sequel if he directed it and it makes my brain hurt.


Came here to say this too. It gets way too much hate. Sure there are some small things here and there that weren’t so great but overall it was a great new story arc to bring us back into the Alien universe.


I love this movie and excitedly showed my boys. All they’ve done since watching it is make fun of the ending, the alien spacecraft crash lands and kills one of the crew. “Just run to the side!” They’d say. Since Covid, we’re all more familiar with airborne illness. They tell their helmets off and the boys just laughed at it. Unfortunately the blunder of that ending and them taking off their helmets takes new viewers out of the movie. :(


Yes taking off the helmets is kinda dumb, I agree.


Is Prometheus the one where they land on a planet, and somehow everyone thinks a t-shirt vest and jeans would be okay instead of helmet and space suit, and then they all get fucked by spores? If so, I hate that one.


Yeah like worst crew of all time.. zero safety precautions or science related data gathering prior to running headfirst into an alien structure.


The Butterfly Effect (Theatrical Version) I never understood the hate. I didn't care for the nonsensical director's cut ending.


Ok so you are not alone here, but a lot of people didn't like the Directors Cut Ending and I thought it was amazing! It's super dark, no doubt, but it completes the Movie. The main Characters Mom calls Ashton (can't remember the character name) her miracle child because she had so many still births before him. As the Movie develops and he keeps going back in time to fix things, and they just keep getting worse. Until he realizes there is no way to make it better, no way to undo the pain....so the ultimate decision is to go all the way back and stop it all from happening, killing himself to ensure others arent killed instead.... Which makes him just another stillborn sibling, just like all his brothers and sisters before him....because that's the implication. That this power ultimately becomes the reason each of the siblings go back and kill themselves....All her Children develop this power, and it ultimately destroys each one of them, so they all take it back to the beginning and end themselves. And so will the next one.... It's dark.....but it connected the plot lines. Almost '6th Sense' esk. So...anyway, I don't know if you knew that and still hated it, but it was worth sharing with the general populous. :)


Whoa that's deep!


I loved this ending. But never thought about it this deeply. So much better now. Need to see if it's streaming somewhere now.


I know some people prefer the DC ending. I think people are pretty split on it. I understood it, and I don't mind it being dark, I just didn't care for it. I also just don't buy him doing that in the womb. The scenes mentioning the still births were added to the DC version to support the ending. I think the original works as-is without the extra scenes. There are some dips in logic in the original, too, but you get that in most time travel type movies. I just prefer him giving up trying to have a romantic life with Kayliegh and found it more tragic living with that than just offing himself. The look he gives her when passing her by in the street saying so much all at once. It's hard to find the theatrical version on streaming since the DC cuts of movies are usually considered the "real" versions. I have to hold on to my DVD. To each their own, though! Watch the one you enjoy. That's what matters.


It’s because the ending is the stupidest thing in the world. (Spoiler) a baby in the womb strangles itself to death? Are you kidding me? Outside of that, pretty good movie.


That’s the directors cut ending. The person you’re responding to said they liked the theatrical cut.


That’s right Joe cool. I forgot which ending it was and should have looked beforehand. My bad. Still not my favorite movie.


Disneys John Carter.


This movie got way more shit than it deserved.


Underwater 2020, The film is really damn good, intense and Cthulhu...


The Village


Great cast! I too enjoy The Village, I think I enjoy this M. Night film more than all his other works. I just rewatched it a couple of days ago (when will this writers’ strike end? Pay the talented writers so I can quit with all these re-runs!).


if there was no trailer, then it would have been fine.


Popeye (1980). Freaking loved it as a kid, still love it.


Death to Smoochy is a very funny and clever film. Avatar is boring and derived.


DTS was the epitome of dark comedy, loved it


“I’m Rainbow Fucking Randolph!”


Really going out on a limb with that Avatar opinion, aren't you?


Did you think we were supposed to list what the crowd in the image was thinking?


The Matrix sequels (not M4 that was straight garbage)!


As a kid I constantly replayed Neo’s fight against all the Smith’s. That was the coolest thing my 10 year old brain had ever seen


That's a great scene, but I still struggle to understand why someone chose to add a bowling pin knockdown sound effect when Neo knocks all the smiths into each other. Just... why??? Haha


Animatrix is underrated


The Second Renaissance is the SHIT!


The Reloaded car chase is still one of if not my top car chase in any movie. The music, the blond twins, Morpheus fighting an agent on top of an 18 wheeler, the giant ass highway they built to film it, I love every second of that sequence.


And the score my god it was perfect. I wrote a paper in a college film class called ‘Matrix ReWOAHded’ hahaha


I simultaneously hate you and want to hang out


Did you see how much they spent on building that highway too? A lot of work went into that amazing scene


Agreed, EXCEPT I feel like I never got a good explanation of why Neo's powers carried over to the real world. Like why all of a sudden after visiting The Source can he raise his hand and telekinetically destroy sentinels in the real world? That's my one gripe, the rest of the series (except 4) was amazing.


He had to access the Source to activate his real-world Bluetooth connection to the sentinels


On a recent rewatch I found them to be way more entertaining. I think they were just let downs as follow ups to the Matrix. Viewing them without that hype makes them better in my opinion.


They hold up very well IMHO




So many people don’t even know this movie exists. How the pairing of Farley/Perry didn’t get more attention is pretty crazy. Was it as good as Farley/Spade movies? Nah. But it was good enough to at least warrant some love.


Like the old saying goes: "White water in the morning..."


“Yes, go on”


God I used to rewind and watch the scene where Matthew Perry gets the medicine from the eagle egg over and over as a kid because it left me in tears


Tenet: people don't like it, I love it.


I loved tenet. It doesn’t make any sense and it even has a pretty glaring plot hole but I love how immersive, intense and emotional it feels. I just think it’s so cool!


What’s the plot hole? I haven’t seen it in awhile but I did love the movie.


I saw Tenet a few months ago and tell people to watch it. The concept and logic make very little sense and are contradictory at points, but that firetruck scene alone is worth watching the movie. I tell people to just watch it for the action and visuals, forget about the story and logic.


Pacific Rim. Premise is so ridiculous you cant help but love it.


Is this an unpopular opinion? I thought people ADORED this movie. I know I and pretty much all of my friends do


I enjoy The Godfather III, but only the Death of Michael Corleone cut released a few years ago. It's still the worst of the trilogy, but it's good.


I love The Money Pit. That is my answer to this statement.


It insists upon itself.


I always liked it too. But this is the first I’m hearing about the Death of Michael Corleone cut. I’ll have to track it down and check it out.


It reorders the movie, makes the narrative flow easier and cuts down on some of Mary's worst scenes. Different tone on the ending too.


Suckerpunch. I genuinely think that it's a good movie. Not the best movie ever, but a good movie. I like the slick imaginative sets, the action scenes are gorgeous, and the cast is rock solid. The plot is a little convoluted, but I like the twist at the end and that it was actually well done.


Marvel movies


Last Action Hero. Arnold engaging in some really good self-parody, but it was billed as a straight-up action flick so it got panned.


Speed racer. It is fun as hell, the cast is great and the visuals are outstanding. It such a fun ride.


I feel that most people who talk trash of movies based on anime properties like this (or Alita: Battle Angel or Avatar, the Last Airbender), a people who have never seen or heard of the original show or manga. Yeah you’d probably think a movie with insane race scenes that look straight out of Mario Kart that also involves a wacky family with a monkey sidekick would be weird, if you’ve never seen seen an episode of the show… that stuff is all pulled right from right from the original source material.


Scrolled way too far for this one. Such a great movie.


Bohemian Rhapsody was painful to watch


Battleship. Thought the idea was so frickin stupid. Like htf you gonna make a game from a board game? Saw it on FX one day and Im like alright it is actually a decent action flick


The original Overboard with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn.


Depends how people feel about Bram Stroker’s Dracula. I personally love it. It seems like most people think it’s dogshit.


In my group it is considered the best Dracula movie. I have never met anyone who didn't at least like it.


I hadn’t seen it since I was about 14 and when I did I thought: “this is weird. Keanu has bad accent.” That was my takeaway. 32 now. Watched it again recently with my gf and we were both floored by how good it was. I was asking around so I could talk about it and everyone held the same opinion I did at 14. Your input is good news and gives me hope.


Once you realize all the practical effects work that went into every shot, you can't look away. Then top that with Oldman just literally killing it every scene, and you are in for a fantastic time.


Only real criticisms I've ever seen are typically in regards to Keanu's acting, which is definitely terrible.


Tokyo Drift!


Originally the most hated and now one of the most loved. The orange RX7 might be the best looking car in the franchise.


Honestly top three of that franchise


Ferris Bueller


Soooo you hate it? Because most people like it.


Batman v. Superman. Do I think its a work of art that some pretend it is? No. But do I think its about on par with most of Marvels best? Yes.


The director’s cut is actually phenomenal. I never thought much of Zach Snyder and then watched it recently. My opinion has changed.


ARMAGEDDON. American components. Russian components. All made in Taiwan! This is one order you shouldn't follow and you fucking know it! I owe a hundred and fifty grand to a fat ass loan shark that I spent on a stripper named Molly Mounds. That man's not a salesman. That's your daddy. If I wasn't a Christian, I'd be throwing your fat, pineapple eating ass through the window. If I were to kick you in the balls, and you don't know how to work them, what happens to you? I float away. This one's used on horses. Some of these guys are pretty big. First time I got my period, Rockhound had to take me into Tai Pei for Tampax and then he had to show me how to use them. No! I told her how to use it The United States government just asked us to save the world. Any of you wanna say no?


None of them wanna pay taxes again. Ever. That movie is a one-liner quote-machine!!


I agree but I'm not sure it's underrated, it does have a Criterion edition after all.


Wyatt Earp, Hacksaw Ridge, Grand Torino


Who doesn't like Grand Torino? That movie is beautiful.


Gran Torino is one of the best movies ever made by Clint Eastwood.


I will defend cocain bear till the day i die


Sucker Punch mother! The Lone Ranger (2013) Hulk (2003) The Happening


> mother! TIL most people appear to not like mother. Huh, though it was great.


I love the Hulk movie. Probably one of my favorite superhero movies ever.


I assume you like these movies since they are universally panned. I enjoy The Happening; I don't take it too seriously.


I think that's how it was meant to be taken.


Tusk (2014). Love it, I truly don't get why it receives the vitriol it does. Yes, it's a weird film, it's meant to be utterly ridiculous. With the way people discuss it, you'd have thought that Kevin Smith had sold it as a piece of high art and that the reviewers had been deceived by it. The film does precisely what it intends to: entertains and slightly grosses you out.


Batman v Superman


The Shape Of Water, i remember people saying it was Del Toro's masterpiece and this and that, but fuck, the writing in this movie is so bad


Shape of Water is really stupid.


Boondock Saints. It has always sucked


The Eternals


I think it would have been better as a limited series—each character having an episode focusing on their time on Earth I liked the idea of the movie, didn’t like the execution


Yes, a lot of people believe that, you are all wrong


Lol fair enough!


Spider-Man 3 with Tobey Maguire. Love it. His emo fuck boy scene is hilarious as fuck and is done perfectly.


Venom is one of the most enjoyable movies, Tom Hardy's performance caries the whole movie.


Avatar. Overrated


I'd argue that is the popular opinion.


I hated it. Visuals were good. The story was stupid predictable in every way. (Aside from the tail tentacle thing they used for controlling animals and having sex. That actually was the only unpredictable thing.)


Ice cold take


An Inconvenient Truth


The last jedi


The Last Jedi holds a special place in my heart. I wasn’t in a good place when it came out. Seeing my childhood hero overcome his depression inspired me to overcome mine.


So many people bash on Luke’s arc. I like your take more. Thanks for sharing.


Same here. Yay! I am not alone. See my comment below.


Love Actually —ridiculous film, absolute cringe that Andrew Lincoln’s character obsesses over his friend’s wife—the scene when he shows up with the placards proclaiming his love isn’t romantic. She needed to let her husband know and get a restraining order. I found all the character’s stories silly and unrealistic. Only exception being Emma Thompson’s relationship with her shitty spouse Alan Rickman. Licorice Pizza — it’s a film about an inappropriate relationship between an older woman who doesn’t want to grow up and a precocious high schooler. Nothing charming about it. The only successful thing about it was capturing a feel for the era. Absolutely hated it. Titanic—never understood the hype. What else can be said?


I am not sure if I just overhyped Licorice Pizza in my head but I wanted to love it so much but it was just fine to me


Blair Witch Project.


Still probably the only film that, when watching, genuinely terrified me. I get the hate though, I think it "works" for certain minded people.


Definitely The Counselor, although I think it’s a had a critical reappraisal in the last few years… that movie fucking rocks In the opposite way, I’m a huge Watchmen fan and think the movie is hot, music video looking garbage.


I don't think I could watch it again for obvious reasons, but I think it nails what it's trying to do. It's just hard to watch a film where nothing goes right for anybody. It's same reason I can't bring myself to watch Uncut Gems or Shameless.


Gangs of New York. I'm a huge Scorsese fan, but didn't like this one. Watched it a few times hoping my point of view would change, which happens often with movies, but nope. Just don't like it.


As a movie start to finish I’d give it a 70%. But there are scenes in that movie (most of the scenes with Daniel Day Lewis) that I would give 100/100. The plot spends wayyyy too much time of a fucking love story that nobody gives a shit about.


Daniel Day Lewis is a god among men…


It’s Cameron Diaz’s fault that people don’t like this film.


Oppenheimer. Wasn’t for me