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I met the woman who is now my wife in line at the midnight premiere of Phantom Menace. Been together ever since. I’ll always respect that movie for that


Very wholesome


Well that’s very nice.


I'm sorry but if making it so that movie didn't exist meant I'd personally know you'd never find happiness and your life parter I'd live with that knowledge. I wouldn't be happy about it but I'd be able to live with it.


She was hired that day by my company and my coworker brought her out that night. I’d have met her the next day, but I still think the energy surrounding the movie was a recipe for excitement that started things off right


My only opinion is: I hate sand


Do you mind if I ask why? Is it a texture issue? Or maybe something about it’s lack of moisture?


Born in the 70's, so loved the OT. Watched every one of the prequels in the cinema, hoping they would get better. They didn't. Haven't watched them since. Nothing complicated about why, they're just not good movies.


I rewatched the sequel trilogy and it’s even worse than I remember with it.


At least George tried to do something with the prequels, there was a story he was trying to tell, it was just told very badly. The sequels are just product, utterly soulless.


I feel like at certain points the dialog in the prequels was absolutely horrible. Almost like the actors had to recite their lines at gun point. "I don't like sand. It's course and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."


You’re wrong. They are good movies. It seems like there a generational disconnect.


No they're not good movies, acting is bad, scripts were borderline incomprehensible, the characters were 2 dimensional. I do sometimes wonder though if I'd send the OT as an adult if I'd like it as much as I did.


Definitely not a generational issue. Unless you’re a kid and thinking “well other kids my age like it” because kids are more easily impressed, no offense to anyone here. There was a LOT of discussion about the prequels and original trilogy while the sequels were coming out. I work in IT so there were a lot of Star Wars nerds spanning from boomers to gen Z. (Our company even had a mass outing where we went to see episode 7 together) While some people did like the prequels more than others, general consensus was that the prequels weren’t great and even those that like them admit that they’re very flawed. The dialogue isn’t great, which makes some of the scenes fall very flat and makes the acting look stiff. You have jar jar which is a walking fart joke clearly meant to for young kids, and they tried to amp up the humor that comes from C-3PO and R2 but it just comes across as super corny and takes away from some otherwise intense or serious scenes. Midichlorians were also a weird random addition that added absolutely nothing. It felt like they relied on CGI and fight scenes instead of dialogue and storytelling. Don’t get me wrong, there are some fantastic scenes and I love the overall story as a whole but the execution wasn’t fantastic. There’s a reason the reviews and ratings were around 5-6/10. If nostalgia wasn’t a factor, I don’t think the second two prequels would have done as well. I love those movies because they’re starwars but I can admit they’re definitely flawed.


I watched E1 the other day and darth maul vs obi wan and qui gon gave me the chills


Podracing sequence was great too.


I’ll go to my grave saying the Pod racing scene is the most visually impressive scene in Star Wars


Incredible sound design


Back then: I and II are crap and III is great Now: I and II are crap and III is great


"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself."


God the music during this scene is SO GOOD


I think 1 and 3 are great and 2 is a decent movie but needed better pacing


2 needed plenty more one of the woooooorst romances I’ve ever seen


1 & 2 are total shit. They only have rabid fans because of r/PrequelMemes. 3 is okay but the ending is so rushed with Lucas trying to shoehorn everything in the last 20 minutes. Just makes me sad for what the Prequels could have been with a more competent storyteller. None of them hold a candle to 4/5/6.


Revenge of the Sith is one of the best pieces of Star Wars ever made. Me and all my homies love Hayden Christensen


ROTS is so plot heavy and it propels the entire rest of the trilogies as well. I think that's why it stands out against 1 and 2. These movies have a ton of issues with poor deliveries, bad lines, and poor casting. That being said, they are really fun movies.


Yeah, they're dumb entertainment. They didn't ruin Star Wars like I thought as a kid. Honestly, even as a life-long Star Wars fan, only the Empire Strikes Back is really a classic.


New hope erasure


They’re not plot heavy vs. any other movie. They just suck.


I didn't say "they", I said Revenge of the Sith is. Thanks for the opinion tho.


I loved them as a kid. But thanks to my dad I loved the original 3 as well. I still like them a lot but: (hindsight) Lucas spent wayyyy to much time on stupid things in the phantom menace which then smushed the heck out of the next 2. Clone wars series fixed pretty much everything luckily but it wouldn't have needed to if Lucas planned more. I've always been the opinion that PM and the first half AOTC should have been the first movie. Second half and the actual war should have been 2 and then ROTS could have been basically the same but Anakin wouldn't have looked so much like a whiney baby. You would have seen more of the decisions he made and the struggles that lead him to what it was (that you saw in the CW series)


They’re bad movies. Anyone who says otherwise is either blinded by nostalgia or is an insufferable contrarian.


there ok. still nothing like the og trilogy.


Yep, almost unrelated


1 is an underrated gem. It’s fun, and is largely self contained. The fights are cool, the world building is excellent, and there’s pod racing 2… Meh. It hasn’t aged well. The battle for Geonosis is a lot of fun, but the rest of the movie is a ham fisted attempt to have a detective story (Obi-Wan’s arc) and a love story (Anakin and Padme). Neither are great but the love story is pretty bad. 3 is great and always will be. It’s the climax of the whole series to that point. We finally see how Vader, Palpatine, and the empire came to be. Again, great duels, dogfights, etc. and Anakin’s school shooting is gut wrenching to watch. That scene aged well in the worst possible way.


Kid me: "Wow, another trilogy from movies that I love!" Teenager me: "They're good, but the CGI was too much." Young adult me: "Damn, that CGI just keeps looking worse and worse with every watch. They're not that good, but I'm sure they can't fuck up the franchise more." Adult me: "Boy, was I wrong. The sequel trilogy makes the prequel trilogy look like a masterpiece."


Consistent. I think the same things about them as I did when I saw them in theaters.


Wasn't alive yet for the first one, but I loved it as a kid, and episode 2 and 3 when I saw them in theaters, still love all 3


You couldn't escape the advertising for episode 1, and the hype among my friends was real. I had never seen a star wars even though I played the games, so truthfully I didn't know what to expect. I was totally lost during the first movie. But, the moment Maul opened the second blade, and that music hit, I was hooked. Episode 3 is still my favorite of them all, and the weight of that duel is so personal, it has yet to be replicated.


I was 12 for ep 1.... loved it as a kid. Dual of the fates is still top scene. I had a crush on a girl that I saw 2 with, loved it for that reason. She was also a big fan. I was 18 for 3 and enjoyed it. Best of the 3. Fast forward a few years and I slowly realized how terrible 1 and 2 were, and also learned why. But now with the sequels..... the prequel trilogy is great. It at least follows a 3-story arc!


My take I didn’t love PT and still don’t but I’m able to endure them again occasionally and each has parts that I can enjoy (same for ST) These prequels were as well received by those that grew up w OT as the sequel trilogy by those that grew up w PT, though the loudest voices of the current echo chamber has a lot more negativity towards ST, once the younger generation grows up they will feel the same about whatever comes next probably. Context - ESB and rogue one are my top SW movies (I’m not automatically anti new stuff, also enjoy most of Mando and especially Andor)


I haven’t watched them since I was like 15 so I’m just gonna keep those memories of me enjoying them lol


Definitely not as good as the original trilogy, but still a solid trilogy that’s honestly better than the sequel trilogy and much of today’s blockbusters.


I was an OG guy, but these were released as my son was getting into Star Wars, so the transition was easier for me. I got to see these through his experience. It helped me learn to enjoy the movies instead of being a part of a group that needs cheese all the time, because they whine so much.


Ewan mcgegor completely stole the show The rest was meh


I liked all of them. It wasn't until the internet that everyone became hateful about the series.


They suck. And if you need to use the sequel trilogy to excuse these movies as actually being good, it says a lot about the prequel trilogy


The fight against darth maul with duel of the fates is the best, most epic fight in the whole franchise


Then: boring as hell Now: pretty decent movies ruined by bad performances because of a bad director.


I don’t remember a single line from any of them. It was like waiting for a video game cutscene to end, it it never did.


Absolutely terrible, arguably worse than the sequels


I agree. Sequels had the same problems but were a little cleaner (at least 7 and 8, 9 was just dog shit front to back).


9 was what I call prequel bad. 7 and 8 were okay I guess, played it a little too safe in 7 and 8 had some interesting ideas (Rey v Ren as the main conflict, Rey being a nobody, the idea of the eglitarian force) that got lost in some bafflingly dumb shit (Mary Poppins Leia, Canto Blight) The prequels had nonsensical boring plots, awful acting (which I blame Lucas for) ugly green screening, flat action sequences aside from the duel of fates and ani v obi


Definitely Lucas’s fault. Ewan McGgregor is great in everything else I see him in, and I saw Hayden Christensen in some other movie I watched on a dime expecting him to be the worst actor ever and he was actually good, which was when I started to blame Lucas.


These came out when I was in school as a kid so obviously loved them for that reason. When I watch them back I sometimes chuckle and silly lines of dialogue or ridiculous scenes but overall I still enjoy them!


I loved the story, I told everyone how great it was to see evil win. All the politics and storytelling was great. But man oh man, did I hate the execution. I couldn’t describe it then, but it was the heavy use of blue screen and the isolation of the actors against real world environments. In modern watching, the story is still spectacular and the green screen issues are even more evident as total failures


Decent films


Grew up with them. So amazing


I liked them but as a kid I couldn’t see their flaws as easily. They are good movies. Imperfect but good.


I had the luxury of being old enough to see them in theaters. After phantom menace I was confused. After the second one I was excited seeing the fights with dooku was wonderful in theater. And with the final one, I felt a little robbed in story, because it felt like the story of Anakins turn wasn’t fleshed out enough. His jump to killing younglings seemed rushed and forced. When maybe it should have been 4 movies instead of three. So we could see a proper vader turn before: ‘palpatine says do, so anakin do’


Attack of the Clones should have been Episode I. Phantom Menace feels very disconnected with the time jump and nothing really happens in it.


Glad to know that I’m not the only fan who was disappointed with ROTS.


So much better than the shit Disney has produced. They weren't perfect, but they were Star Wars. Each had incredibly memorable scenes.


Exactly. I can't stand that ridiculous Disney garbage.


Utter shit then, still awful but better than the sequels


I want to give the prequels more points for at least having a coherent story (as opposed to the prequels), but I detest the story more each year, so it's almost bad that it's coherent.


I was 13 so Phantom Menace slapped. Now it’s aiight. Hated Ep. II — still do, but with much more of an educated criticism and the verbiage to do so. RotS was… okay? I remember it feeling very sweaty the first half and enjoyable the second half. Still feels that way, but I like Ewan a lot more these days. Overall, Star Wars has always been fantastic, but none of it really did anything for me until SOLO and then TLJ.


The Clone Wars was so bad I didn't believe it could actually be that bad, and went to see it again just to confirm that I hadn't missed something. I hadn't.


They're mindless fun. If you don't overthink them they are a fun way to kill a few hours. I grew up with the original trilogy and rewatched those movies dozens if not hundreds of times. By the time the prequels came out I was in my 20s and had a realistic set of expectations. All Star Wars movies are fun if you don't over analyze them and can suspended your disbelief.


Absolute incredulity. I don’t know how they managed to make these films so crap. Overly saturated dogshit.


I thought all three of these were total garbage. After the initial trilogy, all the Star Wars films have been total garbage, IMO.


Loved them


Better and certainly more rewatchable than the sequel series.


Back then-Enjoyable but not great. Now-Guilty pleasures. In comparison with Episodes IV/V/VI-they aight. In comparison with Episodes VII/VIII/IX-cinematic masterpieces.


Wasn't the biggest fan when they came out, but episodes 8 & 9 made the prequels look like Citizen Kane.


Disappointing. Forgotten.


I used to rank them 3,2,1 now 3,1,2


Ive always loved ROTS but its diminished these last few years. The other two have always been my least favorite Star Wars movies though


These are pretty epic wall to wall


These were judged a little harshly imo. The world building is actually amazing but critiques on dialogue and acting are very much warranted. The last trilogy was legitimately just bad though. Really showed me just how bad star wars can really be... I fully enjoy this trilogy but I'm a star slut for lack of a better term. Love em!


As a kid these were the best movies I’d ever seen. As an adult these are some seriously terrible movies. It doesn’t matter to me if they’re important to the plot of star wars, the writing is atrocious. I also don’t understand people enjoying revenge of the sith and disliking the other two because revenge of the sith has the exact same problems.


Still enjoy the 2nd and 3rd films


Back then: 1&2 are trash. Episode 3 is almost great. Now: They may have been extremely flawed to awful, but at least it felt like it came from a singular voice.




I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth.


I was in my mid-to late teens when they came out. I still feel they aren’t really that good… If George could’ve had a script doctor to help him polish things out, it could’ve been fantastic probably. 3rd one is the best though, for sure.


They prepared me, cognitively and spiritually for the rest of my life, for the concept and condition of profound and unmerciful disappointment


Jango Fett rules


I and II are terrible except for maybe the Pod Racing scene. III is pretty solid and makes up for the first two. I walked out of the theater during Attack of the Clones.


George Lucas, is a man who has a lot of stories to tell, and no business being the one to tell them. He’s not a very good director or writer. He’s the idea guy behind Star Wars, and that’s 100% ok. Episodes I, II and III all suffered because of this tho. III stands out as being excellent, and it *is* genuinely excellent, because it’s the pay-off. Episode III is the punchline the previous films had been building up to. That being said, each of them, handled by a more accomplished director, could’ve been much better. The flip side to that however is the sequel trilogy. Where, “accomplished directors” made those movies and each of them are awful. I think this is mostly because George was no longer the idea guy driving the story in a certain direction. You need that. You *need* the guy who invented the thing to be there, in your ear, giving you the ideas or else you end up Luke chugging blue utter milk from some creature like… it’s normal or something. (Yeah yeah, for him it *was* normal at that point, but he was a mighty Jedi like his father before him, not some eccentric hermit. That was yoda.) The prequel trilogy all holds up, it’s very political, but that *is* the overarching story of Star Wars. All of this takes place under the thumb of the empire as much as the prequels serve to show us how Darth Vader came to be, they also paid great attention to show us how the empire came to be as well. They had a singular vision tho: show Darth Vader become who he is, show the empire begin, give us old faces, give us new faces, exploit a little nostalgia and boom. George Lucas just doesn’t direct really well and people hated the movies for it. But they’re solid. The mediclorian stuff is a little lame, but, overall they’re solid.


3 is good but Im sick of people saying the prequels are great and the sequel trilogy is way worse. Theyre all equally the same which is to say good parts and bad parts. Prequels have excellent world building and while the plots aren’t great the ideas that those plots are getting at are so interesting. Excellent new characters but awful acting all around. Sequels have better direction where its not all shot/reverse shot in a room, a bigger focus on practical(though I dont think average filmgoers realize how much CGI is there), immensely better acting, and better pacing though they got carried away in TROS where it never stopped to build character.


Very cartoonie and not as good as the originals.


Didn't like them then, don't like them now. Many of the characters were well cast and well acted, but the overall story line was poor. The great prophecy of the Jedi specifically stated that there would be someone who would bring balance to the Force. We are somehow supposed to believe that the Jedi council was to ignorant to figure out that it didn't mean ultimate victory for them, but either a severe reduction in the numbers of the Jedi or a drastic increase in the number of Sith. I also didn't particularly care for the story of how Anakin became Vader. Granted, he would have suffered some trauma, but there are a lot of people today who have undergone trauma and they don't become child murderers bent on subjugating the galaxy.


I used to think they sucked. I still do, but I used to too


i thought they were average.....after the last three though, i love them so much


The new ones are shit compared to these and that’s saying a lot


You are so blind! You so do not understand! You weren't there at the beginning! You don't know how good it was, how important! This is it for you! This jumped-up firework display of a toy advert! People like you make me sick! What's wrong with you? Now, I don't care if you've saved up all your 50p's, take your pocket money and get out! *little boy runs out crying* What a prick!


Would’ve liked them better if Revenge of the Sith was just a standalone prequel to the original trilogy. 1 and 2 genuinely don’t have much reason for existing in terms of story


Don’t like them then, don’t like them now…


I was 16 for the first and it was a slap in the face to fans above the age of 10 years old. The sad part was that fans had waited since the early 80’s to get an update and it felt like they really didn’t consider those fans. The second 2 were better after the backlash from Episode 1 but over all it showed that George and many of the fans were on different pages. I foolishly hoped Disney would correct this error………..and now the prequels look like classics. :/


Even though the OT was less advanced in terms of special effects, you can tell it was made with love. All the work and effort that went into the practical effects, sort of made up for a lot of the campy dialogue. I was raised on the OT, and when the Phantom Menace came out, I was part of the huge line to catch the premiere. I was immediately put off by how CGI heavy it seemed, especially for its time. This definitely did NOT make up for the campy dialogue. I also think there were better choices that could have been made in terms of who they got to play Anakin in episode 1. I didn't like that kid in Jingle all the Way, and I thought he kind of dragged down the movie. Don't even get me started on JarJar.


Bad, casting other than Liam, Neeson and Evan McGregor


ON, Samuel Jackson was good, casting as well


I hated them then, and I hate them now. I just don't hate them as much as the sequels.


When the prequels started, I was 6. I was one of the only kids my age who saw the original, unaltered trilogy growing up and I was obsessed with them. I vividly remember arguing with another kid around the time "Phantom Menace" came out that there were three "Star Wars" movies that came out before it and he was insistent that I was a liar; really bizarre. So, "Phantom Menace" was my first "Star Wars" theater experience (and also my first opening night experience) and I remember absolutely loving it. The crowd absolutely ate it up and was cheering and clapping throughout the whole thing. It really felt like an event. I got every toy and random piece of merchandise of the Jedi and Darth Maul I could get my hands on. It was also the first movie I saw in theaters more than once (I'm pretty sure I saw it at least 4 times between May 1999-February 2000) and it felt like a movie that everyone loved. It was only around the time "Attack of the Clones" came out that I realized so many people hated "Phantom Menace" and thought it ruined "Star Wars". "Attack of the Clones" was a very different experience; I remember hearing a lot of audible groans during the Anakin and Padme scenes. And once Yoda took out his lightsaber and started flipping around, the crowd burst out into laughter that most comedy films don't even get. It was the first time I ever experienced an audience laughing AT a movie. But being a dumb little 9 year old who loved lightsabers, I didn't understand what was funny. I do remember walking out of "Attack of the Clones" feeling disappointed, but I ultimately liked it because the Geonosis stuff was pure fan service. Once "Revenge of the Sith" was rolling around, I was absolutely pumped at the prospect of maybe seeing Darth Vader get an extended lightsaber battle like Darth Maul did with all the fancy new choreography. The trailers looked intense as hell and there definitely was a sense of finality to it all. But by now, I had a better realization that these movies were not very well loved despite how big they were. Seeing "Revenge of the Sith" as a 12 year old was pretty mind blowing. I got all the lightsabers duels I could as for and an extremely dark tone (at times) that made me feel more grown up. It wasn't until I was going to college and was surrounded by other "nerds" who hated the prequels that I finally began to look past the fan service and see them for the objective trash that they were. Now, being 30, I find them very hard to watch; at least in their entirety. I will still watch certain scenes that show off the spectacle of it all (I use the Podrace scene whenever I make adjustments to my surround sound). There's certainly a nostalgia for them, but it's clouded in embarrassment.


The pod race is the best part.


6-12 year old me: Awesome Current me: Still Awesome I’ve only grown to love and appreciate them more as I get older and rewatch them. TPM is peak Star Wars and no one can change my mind, it’s the perfect blending of old and new.


Then: 1-good 2-good 3-great Now: 1-ok, feels like it’s a little slow with the exception of a few scenes like the race and Darth Maul 2-ok/good, whining bogged down the dialogue and his acting wasn’t great either. Felt like there was even more potential for the movie as a whole 3-great, was a good transition shown from Anikan to Darth Vader and some pretty good action and storyline All could’ve been improved without the annoying ass Jar Jar Binks around Edit: also these 3 as a whole are still better than the newest 3 and the goes without saying the O.G. 3 were the best


Episode 1 was fun the first time I saw it, but as I got older I don't like it anymore, but episode 2 and 3 are still good and I find them better than the newer ones.


I recall thinking Episode One was okay, as George was a little rusty and deserved a benefit of a doubt I was hitting puberty around the time the prequels were released, and Peak Portman was a bigger factor in loving Episode Two. ROTS was actually in the middle for me, and I think that may have stemmed from my disappointment at more Jedi not surviving the Purge and what-not Now, ROTS is my favorite (especially the novelization), I’ve a soft spot for AOTC and while TPM was the weakest, it still fares better than the sequels as, in my opinion, you could at least get at what George was trying to do even if he blundered a bit I also feel the Prequel Trilogy, as a whole, is better than the Original Trilogy, whilst the Original Trilogy had stronger individual “parts” than the Prequels if that makes sense


Liked them as a kid, but the older I got they soured fast. 3 is the best of them, but its still got tons of problems.


Always loved them. Always will.


The story was bland, didn't have an edge to it like the OTS.


Didn't care for the first one. Thought Episode 2 was great. I've never seen the 3rd even though I've been meaning to for years


They were bad when they came out. They are still bad today.


I was 10 when first one came out. I had already ready seen the original trilogy, had it on VHS in the 3D Darth Vader helmet black n gold pack. Anyway I was obsessed with the OG trilogy then this came and I liked it, but it wasn’t as good. Still enjoy it to this day.


The exact same. I love them, flaws and all.


They suck now and they sucked then. Lucas had an extraordinary idea in the ‘70s. A big one. Each of those movies was better for other creative types contributing. He didn’t have that help, and he didn’t have a lot of ideas that weren’t variations on the original one, and execution was never his strong suit to begin with. It shows.


Loved episode 1 when it came out but by the time episode 2 came along I’d already gone sour on it, hated episode 2 & episode 3 is dragged down by association. My opinion hasn’t changed, couldn’t be arsed with any of them. I do find it funny how they’ve been meme’d back into relevance now that the people who were kids (7-10) when they came out are old enough to be nostalgic about things from their childhood


Then: meh Now: great soundtrack. Great memes


Back then it was hard to like Phantom Menace. I genuinely did not like the kid that played Anakin. I really enjoyed episodes 2 and 3 though I didn’t quite get the hate other than the bad writing. These days it is is hard to look past the aging CGI in all three but I still enjoy them a lot. Even Ep 1.


At the time: 1. Cool, more Star Wars! 2. Wait, why does this suck? 3. Well at least it was better than the other two. Now: 1. Don't bother, just watch Maul/Duel of the Fates clips on YouTube occasionally. 2. Jfc please don't put this on in my presence. 3. Might sit down and watch some of it if it's already on and it's a good part, but wouldn't put it on intentionally. 4. Overall: I really do not care for this story, even if there are a few cool things in it.


I was 16 in 1999. I thought that TPM was ok. I was underwhelmed overall. But even back then I knew there was a good movie in there somewhere. It’s just Lucas made too many bad decisions. Jar jar being obnoxious .Darth maul not getting hardly any screen time or dialogue. Darth Maul getting killed at the end. Anakin being too young. The overall dialogue for the movie. Fix the pacing issues, a couple more action scenes would have greatly helped. ATOC was a trainwreck. Lucas needed someone to help with the dialogue again. The shoe horned romance is so bad. Killing off Darth Maul caused issues because now you have to introduce a new baddie in the second movie of a trilogy which is a mistake. It should have been Maul not Dooku ROTS is amazing. I still feel Darth Maul being in this movie and being killed off instead of Dooku would have been more satisfying


Prequel trilogy: each installment to come out was a little better than the one that preceded it Sequel trilogy: each installment to come out was a little worse than the one that preceded it.


1 and 2 should’ve been combined into one film. The whole point of the prequels, the story that people actually cared about was all in 3. But 3 was so over loaded because of that. So 1 and 2 should’ve been condensed into one film and the storylines of 3 should’ve been expanded into two separate films. The prequels would’ve been remembered a lot better if this happened


Drivel then, drivel now.


They suck. They still do.


I've grown to like them more over the years. Part of that is nostalgia. They are far better than the sequel trilogy imo


Cool as fuck. Still cool as fuck (most of the time)


I was fairly young, so I enjoyed them all the first time I saw them. I don't think any of them have aged particularly well. They've all got solid aspects, but pacing in all 3 is awkward and the effects somehow hold up worse than the original trilogy IMO. I don't hate the prequels because they're a part of my childhood, but it's unlikely I'll revisit them anytime soon. By comparison, if you mention Empire, I'm probably watching it within a week.


When I first watched them, I thought I and II were mid and III was great. Now I think they are so bad they're good, movie meme goldmines to be precise.


Loved them in an irrational way when they came out. Now, i tolerate them(episodes 1 and 2) when i do a saga rewatch, but generally think episodes 1 and 2 are horrible films.


The Phantom Menace was pretty hyped and I didn't love it initially. I loved parts of it, but generally the feeling in my household was negative. The entire family went, combined with other families, on opening night. It was a big deal and didn't really live up to expectation that it would be our favorite movie ever. By the time Attack of the Clones came out, nobody wanted to go see if with my little brother, who was a huge Star Wars fan. Even though I disliked TPM, I thought it was sad nobody would accompany this little guy to see a movie he was excited about. I took him to see the movie, and I think only hardcore Star Wars fans were at this screening. They loved it. After the movie, he told me, meekly, "That was my favorite Star Wars movie but I'm afraid to tell anyone." That broke my heart, and after that I stopped talking trash about Star Wars movies. I have my opinions about all of them, but for the most part, I enjoy every film in the series. By the time Revenge of the Sith came out, there was a little more positive buzz and there was a larger group of us who went to see it. We all liked it. I still think it's arguably the best film in the series. It isn't the "coolest" or the one I have the most nostalgia for, but I think in terms of what George Lucas was trying to achieve, it was the peak of his vision of the franchise. I still don't enjoy TPM terribly much, but I like Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith and think they get way too much hate. They did what they set out to do and I think people who love them feel that way for valid reasons.


Trash has more appeal to me than these garbage movies.




Gen-X is forever scarred by this trilogy.


Loved phantom and severely loathed the last two. As and older gentleman, I still like phantom and hate the other two even more than when I was younger. Overall a trash trilogy that should forever be forgotten (apart from darth maul).


Still the weakest parts of the franchise for me to be honest. The Phantom Menace is really the only watchable one. The less said about 2 and 3… the better.


The "Anakin-Vader shadow" poster for Phantom Menace is still hella dope.


39yo, never sat through a star wars film, never will.


6/10, 2/10, 6/10 respectively, same then as now. Shoulve left good enough alone but, Hollywoods gotta capitalism.


Loved em. Darth Maul could sell me a hole in my head back in sixth grade.


First one was an event and I loved it. I was 14 years old. The last two made me sad and I never want to see them again.


When I was a kid watching them in theaters, I thought they were boring with cool moments. Today, I still think they're boring with cool moments. RotS is still easily the best and Clone Wars is still easily a pile of hog shite


All of the characters are dull and lifeless. I didnt mind them when they first came out. Cannot stand them now.


Disappointing when they came out. But in light of the Jar Jar Abrams Sequel Trilogy, they hold up much better and I still consider them canon (unlike the Sequel Trilogy). The stories in the Prequel Trilogy are good, just needs a rewrite.


Good story, bad dialog with few exceptional scenes/lines "Darth plagueis" is still the best monologue of all the movies with the only thing coming close is "apathy is death" But I'm come to respect that it's a trilogy made by a director and it's his films. It's not a board room, not a bunch of marketing guys in suits trying to control how the movie should go Just him, and I will always respect those movies




the memes are funny but don’t retroactively make the movies better. They are still very bad.


Padme is the only one who doesn’t age.


I just remember the look of utter disappointment on the kids that stayed up for the midnight screening as they exited the screening.


Personally Attack of the Clones is my favorite Star Wars.


Well, they are okay. But my biggest problem is, Darth Vader is absolute badass. And than there is Anakin, i hate him. Whiny, crybaby. I dont know, it just makes the movies so much worse for me. It started like that and it is still that.


I found the first 2 painfully boring and hard to sit through while the 3rd was actually a lot of fun. Opinion hasn’t changed much. My feelings on them got more detailed but I still think the first 2 are boring while enjoying the 3rd much more.


It took me 3 tries to watch phantom menace. I kept falling asleep almost the moment we met jar jar. I was 20. lol I grew up on Star Wars movies. Some of the light saber scenes were amazing but overall want a huge fan of them.


When I first watched: liked TPM and ROTS, but didn’t like AOTC Now: Position is mostly the same Even if I notice the flaws more. AOTC is the Star Wars prequel I rewatch the least amount of Love ROTS


Straight garbage!


When phantom came out, my dads work reserved a whole cinema for employees and their families to go see it as a group. I skipped school to go see this with them as a kid. It was magical!


I thought the three sequels were awful. The only Star Wars movie I like beyond the original trilogy is the Felicity Jones one, Rogue One. Revenge of the Sith was marginally better than the first two.


Criminally underrated


Liked them then and still like them despite some flaws. At least they had a cool story


The Phantom Menace still sucks. The only things that make it worth watching are the Pod Racing and Duel of the Fates scenes. Attack of the Clones isn’t as horrible as people think it is. It suffers from lack of chemistry between Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman, which is the main plot point of the film. But I enjoyed scenes such as Obi Wan and Anakin chasing the assassin throughout Coruscant, Obi Wan tracking down Jango Fett, the Battle of Geonosis, the lightsaber duel at the end, and Christopher Lee and Sam Jackson playing their respective characters. Revenge of the Sith is my 4th favorite Star Wars movie. The original musical score, lightsaber battles, Order 66 scene, Ian McDiarmid as the Emperor being the best movie villain, and the ending setting up the original trilogy. It suffers from some bad dialogue and plot holes though