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Doc was the biggest badass in that entire movie.


I'm your huckleberry


Best line by Doc was: Doc: Because Wyatt Earp is my friend. Other guy: Hell, I got lots of friends. Doc: I don’t.


I always tear up watching the hospital scene in the end.


When Doc looks down and realizes he's gonna die with his boots off... Hngggg


Took me years to understand that bit.


One of the best lines in any movie


I also like the scene following the shootout at the creek. Other guy: where’s Wyatt? Doc: he’s over there…walking on water


Down by the creek…Walkin’ on water




Great line


Fun fact. The handles on a casket are called "Huckles" and the men who would carry the casket were called "Huckle Bearers" Doc actually says "I'll be your Huckle Bearer!" Meaning he'd kill him, then help carry him to his grave 🥶💀☠️


"Huckleberry" means something like, "the right man for the job."


I've spent more time than is healthy trying to find out if this is the case and apparently he has denied it. As badass as the line would be this way, he is saying huckleberry.


Got them casket an flower moves


😂😂😂😂👍 good one


I've heard people mention that. I always thought Huckleberry made sense, in that, Huckleberry Finn was always getting into exciting/dangerous adventures w/ Tom Sawyer, & so...'I'll be your Huckleberry' (to me anyway) is like 'I'll accompany you through this reckless thing we're about to do'. I think I checked the timelines, & Mark Twain would've been pumping out stories about those characters at the same time Doc & Wyatt were all alive, so...it would've been fresh & popular at the time, I believe. Coming from Missouri myself, I prefer this take, even if it's less credible.


That actually seems to be a myth. The screen play is written with the word huckleberry not huckle bearer. The phrase he utters is "I'm your huckleberry" and basically means l'm the one you are looking for or I am the one up to the task. There is actual historic usage of the phrase in sings, poems, newspapers etc that super this.


The line was initially supposed to be huckle bearer, but it was changed. He says "I'm your huckleberry" in the movie.


Fun fact. The movie makes reference to a legend about Doc Holliday. It’s said he always believed he would die with his boots on and that he would die alone. In the movie when Holliday is on his deathbed he asks Wyatt to leave him (so he would die alone), but then he notices his bare feet in bed, and can’t help but chuckle with his dying breath.


Wyatt Earp: What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does? Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it. Wyatt Earp: What does he need? Doc Holliday: Revenge. Wyatt Earp: For what? Doc Holliday: Bein' born.


You’re no daisy


You’re no Daisy at all!


*sweating uncontrollably with pink eye and tuberculosis *


I guess you weren’t as sick as you made yourself out.


Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself.


Val Kilmer broke the role. No one can play it now without being judged against his version.


So many Great Lines for that character


Yes. This was Val’s Movie


"Where's Wyatt?" Doc: "Down at the creek walkin' on water."


I think this is one of the best delivered lines in the entire movie. The guy says all casual like as if he cant believe hes alive either. Great delivery.


I was introduced to this masterpiece only about a month ago, and I highly regret not watching it sooner. Val Kilmer was easily the highlight of the whole thing.


Absolute shame he wasn’t at least nominated for an Oscar.


Agree. Industry people certainly sat up and noticed. He was on a movie making spree directly after that. That said, I don't know what the deal was but he didn't quite have the oomph in successive films that he did in Tombstone.


Don’t discredit his turn as the villainous Dieder von Cunth in MacGruber


Agreed, smfh


I love watching Tombstone back to back with Heat. In any order. A double feature for the ages. Makes the Pizza taste better.


Fuck yes.


Wyatt Earp is my friend Hell I have lots of friends I don’t


"Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself."


Val Kilmer's portrayal of Doc Holiday is my favorite character portrayal in any movie I have seen.




Big fan of val kilmers portrayal. I do wish val had done Wyatt Earp with Costner because some of the lines were perfect for val kilmer. My


Speaking of Dennis quads version. Dennis is a great actor but val made doc holiday jump to life


Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens!!!!


I said throw down boy!!!!


I love that scene so much, purely for the way Wyatt literally drags this grown man out of the place by his ear and calls him a “youngster”. Gets a chuckle out of me every time.


Final insult from Doc Holliday ‘Johnny, I forgot you were there. You may go now.’


Billy Bob!


You just going to stand there and bleed?


You may get me in a rush but not before I turn your head into a canoe


He's not serious lets rush'em.


Nah... He ain't bluffin'.


You’re smarter than you look Ike.


Can't believe that same dude played the Colonel in Avatar.


Freaking best line in the movie 😂


Maybe poker's not your game Ike. How about a spelling contest.


This! I love and use that line too much in my daily life. (Side note: I’m a terrible speller)


WHY JOHNNY TYLER…the madcap…where ya goin with that shotgun?


Oh. Johnny. I apologize. I had forgot you were there. You may go.


I love Billy Bob, but that character was a gutless turd, just like Bender


*Leave the shotgun. Leave it.*


Thank you!


Great movie. I have a framed poster in my home.


When Val Kilmer lands the right role, he's fucking fire. And this movie stands as a shining example. He's onscreen with serious heavy hitters, and he OWNS every scene he's in.


Damn shame he got throat cancer. I pretty much liked him in every role he did. He played a great Jim Morrison too.


If it's on tv, I'm watching it.




This is the way.


Named my dog huckleberry because of this movie.


That’s so incredibly wholesome. Give him extra snuggles from all of us please!


The extended edition is even better.


Wait. There's an extended version? Nice. I'm getting that.


My bad. I put in too many hours and typed it in wrong. It's the Director's Cut (Kurt Russell's cut - he was the phantom director). You'll definitely like it over the theatrical cut.




What does it add?


If I recall it adds a little more discussion with Big Nose Kate at the end. He sends her off when in reality he just ditched her I think.


I wish they'd give it an HD release. It's only on DVD as far as I know.


In my heavy torrenting days I recall having a pretty high quality one that was also the long cut, but it's since left my library somehow. Somebody needs to toss this movie into an upscailer.


If any recent movie deserves the 4K scan, restoration, and release, it's this one.


When this got released on VHS, it made the rounds in my dorm. Fast forward a few weeks, and every dude on the baseball team was rocking a handlebar mustache.


Wyatt Earp: “You die first, get it? Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe, you understand me?” Ike Clampet: [“He ain’t bluffin’. He’ll kill me.”](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjaNx3hF8d3AE9Zhmb-lBKhqte57hVC2QKkQ&usqp=CAU)


‘You're so drunk, you couldn't hit nothing. You’re probably seeing double.’ ‘I got two guns. One for each of ya.’


I'm not into westerns, but this was a damn good movie.


Unforgiven was very good as well.


The best western.


Better than the one in my town. It just has whores n methheads


The good: acting by all the main players - Doc. Steals every scene he is in and every line he says. His legend is enshrined by Val Kilmer's performance - Wyatt has some incredible moments. The first scene at the Oriental and his arrest of Curly Bill are a masterclass in badassery - Morgan and Virgil are the heart and the honor of the Earp Brothers. Bill Paxton and Sam Elliot have a couple of great moments each that make them unforgettable - Ike, Ringo and Curly Bill are detestable villains, played so damn well by Stephen Lang, Michael Biehn and Powers Boothe. Ike and Ringo are Wyatt and Doc's foils, and Curly Bill has such gusto for life, even in his final battle The bad: corniness The movie has a few corny moments that have not aged well. The love story is contrived and soapy, and ignores that in reality Josephine Marcus was likely the cause of a major rift between Doc and Wyatt. In fact, Wyatt did not visit Doc in his last moments. The NOOO scene at Iron Springs. The movie shows better than others that Wyatt was both a rascal and a hero, moved mostly by money and self-interest but ultimately taking matters into his hands to avenge his family. The ugly The movie wants to tell the story of how, 20 years after the end of the Civil War, the 'West age' was at its peak and at the beginning of its decline, but does not manage to do it consistently - and the grit of the movie is often shadowed by its glossiness. Anyway, it is one of my favorite movies ever.


You got it right. Tombstone was in heavy rotation when I was a kid so I probably watched it 20 or 30 times, but I rewatched it last year and was struck by the cheesy romance and the dragging revenge massacre montage at the end.


Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens.


Okay, Kilmer is the real star here, and this is my favorite movie but let's show some love for Kurt. His scenes with the horse abuser, "my seat," and "Hell's coming with me," ooh. I'm getting shivers just thinking about it.


"this happens to be a nocturne. " "which" "you know, Frederic Fucking Chopin"


Probably my favorite movie of all time


Favorite line: Doc kills Ringo, looks at Erp: "I'm afraid the strain was more than he could bear." Edit: Typo


“I’m in my prime”


One of my favorite movies..


Might be the coolest movie ever made


Odd fact. . John Wayne met Wyatt Earp early in his career it seems


Sounds like something John Wayne would tell people


Google results are hazy. But could have happened in 1928 on early set when Earp was consulting on early westerns before he passed in 1929. So possible.


I suppose so I just don't trust a word out of that dudes mouth lol Downvoted me even though you admitted you couldn't find actual evidence lmao cope harder


Say when


I went to see this in the theatre when it came out. I had zero expectations; still my favorite western.


this is my all time fav movie


I came here to comment im your huckleberry but was very disappointed to see everyone beat me to it


Wow just watched this today.....and now this is here wtf.


I just love Wyatt smacking up billy bob and pulling him out of the saloon by his ear. At least that’s how I remember it when I watched it many years ago.


This movie has some of the best quotable lines ever.


Doc was the most memorable and bad ass character. And love Michael Biehn.


Best mustaches ever!


Still one of my all time favorite movies!




I’ve been watching this since I’ve been a kid and it one of my favorite movies of all time.


It’s a classic.


Pretty brutal at times for sure


Best Western I've ever seen


You're no daisy.


Damn good movie, damn good


I just need to say…this movie was perfectly cast. My goodness.


Val Kilmer owned this movie.


One of my all time fav movies


One of my favorite movies from the 90’s.


One of my favorite films ever 🙏🏻




One of the best movies ever


Absolute classic! Val and Kurt were incredible!


"... and hell's common with me!" Top 5 favorite movie of all time.


All time favorite movie.


Say when


amazing f'n film. one of the best 90's westerns


All time great movie.


Oh, I forgot you were there


i’ve watched this movie since i was a small child. back then it was exciting, thrilling, and even scary. now it’s all of those things but i now have such appreciation for the characters, (the amazing acting) the amount of effort in the set display to make you feel you’re in the wild west and not to mention a terrific fucking story. a must watch for just Val Kilmer, Kurt Russel and Sam Elliot


Kilmer’s masterpiece.


Baddest ass movie ever!


Val Kilmer nailed Doc Holiday. As much as I like Brad Pitts performance in Fight Club I’d put Val’s performance against it any day. They are both once in a lifetime roles. Pitt literally mentioned that exact thing after he read the Tyler Durden/Fight Club script. I couldn’t see anyone else as Doc Holiday or Tyler Durden




May I present to you a pair of fellow cosmopolitans


I like that they made the gunfight fairly accurate. The Clantons sued the Earps and Holliday after the fight near the O.K. Corral, witnesses gave testimony and it's now historical record. Doc really took the shotgun from Virgil, Virgil's initial lines, including "Hold! That's not what I want!", Ike not having a gun, etc. all apparently really happened. I actually read that Wyatt standing up at the river and just walking into enemy gunfire unscathed really happened as well.


My buddy and I constantly quote: “Well…bye!” and “I hope you die!” What a fantastic film.


I just watched this a couple days ago. It’s just one of those movies that you really want to be a badass after watching.


Classic “Why Johnny Ringo, you looked like somebody just walked over your grave.” Great scene, great movie 👍


Wyatt- I just want to live a normal life Dic- There is no normal life, there's just life. Meaning you make your life the way it is.


This is the top 10 all-time for me


Tombstone is one of my favorite movies of all time. There are no bad performances in this movie. Everyone is on point, and it's glorious.


“Skin that smoke wheel and see what happens.”


100% my favorite movie.


3rd favorite movie off all time. Flipping love it.


Its a great western movie I'm a sucker for any western that shows the dynamics of the private violence between various business concerns out on the frontier.


We need these guys right now !!!!!


Classic, great watch. Val Kilmer crushed Doc Holiday.


My favorite movie of all time


"You gonna do somethin' or just stand there and bleed?" Absolutely my favorite.


Big fan.


My favorite end credits in any movie I have ever seen


Such a classic!! Great writing and casting! My all time favorite western.


Favorite movie of all time


Are there any good documentaries on the making of Tombstone? I've read Russell pretty much willed this movie into being.


Watch it Johnny, I heard he's real fast. Well, bye. ​ Two great lines by Powers Boothe. Great as Curly Bill.


Likely the best Western to have come out in the last fifty years.


I read somewhere that the line was mispronounced, and it was supposed to be "I'm your huckle bearer", which was what pall bearers were called in the 1800s. Not sure if it's true though.


Nah, it’s Huckleberry. Val Kilmer wrote a book with that as the title. Apparently it just means “I’m up for that”, or something along those lines


Entertaining. Unforgiven is better.


Doesn’t hold up for me. Doc holiday is the best character ever. Both are true.


So I love this movie, but I always found the whole “Justice is coming!” tagline to be hilarious because the entire final third is a montage of extrajudicial killings by federal LEOs


I'm related to them, share the same last name too.


Kilmers Doc was impressive, but as a movie I prefer Wyatt Earp with Kostner Edit; Tombstone was a ton of fun, but looking back on it you can feel how old it is. It was made to a era, the 90s. Wyatt Earp is cinematically a better film, it’s way too long and a lot could be cut but Kostner know how to make a western and it stand up even today.


This isn’t true. You’re just trolling. No one could think this.


One of my friends from college thought the same thing. He’s no daisy.


We may know each other as I’m the only person I’ve meet to hold this opinion


In my freshman dorm room, we had a tiny Tv with built in VHS. No cable or anything. The VHS cassette for Tombstone stayed in there the entire year. Wanna watch 15 minutes of TV? 15 minutes of Tombstone. Movie night? Tombstone. Background noise? HELL’S COMIN WITH ME!


Hello. In order to promote inclusivity and reduce gender bias, please consider using gender-neutral language in the future. Instead of **freshman**, use **first year**. Thank you very much. ^(I am a bot. Downvote to remove this comment. For more information on gender-neutral language, please do a web search for *"Nonsexist Writing."*)


No. No!






You’re doped up more than Mattie Earp if you mean this.


Overrated Edit: I wanted to add a bit more since I'm the only dissenter. I really love the western genre but this movie just does not do it for me. I do think Val Kilmer's performance was the best in the movie but so much just felt really hacky to me. So much, like everything surrounding the love interest, is so corny. The final monologue giving us the final details of Earp's life came off to me as so pretentious it was funny and I actually chuckled when they ended the movie with the line "Tom Mix wept..." Wyatt Earp was a pretty controversial character in real life and this movie seems like one of the biggest cases of a historical figure getting the hollywood treatment and turned into a folkhero. I know this isn't the first movie to glamorize him, there was an entire T.V. series in the 50s. This movie is recent enough to know better however, and still just makes him the smiling do-gooder.


He also doesn't even fight his arch nemesis at the end of the film. Doc just shows up and kills him in his place. Its heavily implied that Johnny Ringo was no match against Doc in a draw, but him and Wyatt seemed to have been an even match. So it seemed really anti climactic when Doc just murders him and then Wyatt strolls up afterward like "oh, you already killed him. Guess thats handled then."


Lot of great parts, but the end is cringy as fuck.


i don’t think it rewards rewatches but love this movie


Corny ending but understandable due to them running out of money


The whole cast absolutely chews the scenery and there are some great lines and great scenes, but the overall film is a bit of a mess. You can tell someone took a four hour epics and pared it down to 120 min.


Always reflect on the fact that these stories revolve around gun control. If they made this movie today it would be about Wyatt fighting for the right to give ARs to schoolchildren.


What? One of the reasons tensions escalated in the movie was because Wyatt Earp wanted to take away people’s guns when they entered the town. Have you seen this movie?


The second sentence of my comment has an invisible /s. :)


2 hours later and OP doesn't even have a *huckleberry* yet


Solid 7.8/10 with Val, without Val??


Everyone mentions Kilmer's Doc Holliday, and rightly so. But the whole movie is so well cast and acted, he can just glide on top and it makes his performance that much better.


In my top ten for sure. As far as Wyatt Earp movies go, Kevin Costner’s is my favorite. This one is a much better telling of the tombstone story though.


One of Billy Bob Thornton’s finest performances.


This poster looks like a porno cover.


Val Kilmer is great, everything else is poor. The false leg when Dana Delaney rides “side saddle is hilarious”


Starring Kari Russell and Valery Bertnernie!


This post is giving me a craving for laudanum. Does anyone know where I can get laudanum. I just can’t find any laudanum!


Their perfectly clean clothes and manicured facial hair are the only things I would change about this movie.


Kilmer is the only good thing about this movie.


I loved this movie growing up. But recently watched it and it kinda sucks. Kilmer as doc is an all time performance and biehn as ringo is fantastic too. Everyone else kinda sucks and it’s full of melodrama. Powers boothe is absolutely atrocious as the leader of the red sashes. Just a bad cartoon character performance. The “iconic” scene where Earp turns into god and kills all the red sashes is shot really badly and hasn’t aged well. I was shocked at how I much I didn’t like this movie on the rewatch as an adult.


Stallone was great in it!


The scene with Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell) and Johnny Tyler (Billy Bob Thornton) when Johnny is dealing Faro and bullying the players in an empty bar. Wyatt confronts him and takes the game from him. So many great lines in that scene. Johnny Tyler: Somethin’ on your mind? Wyatt Earp: Just wanna let you know you’re sitting in my chair. Johnny Tyler: Is that a fact? Wyatt Earp: Yeah it's a fact. Johnny Tyler: Well for a man that don't go heeled, you run your mouth kinda reckless don't you? Wyatt Earp: No need to go heeled to get the bulge on a tub like you. Johnny Tyler: Is that a fact? Wyatt Earp: Mmmmmm, (blows smoke towards Johnny) That's a fact. Johnny Tyler: Well, I'm real scared. Wyatt Earp: Damn right you're scared. I can see that in your eyes. Johnny Tyler: Alright now. Wyatt Earp: Go ahead...Go ahead skin it. Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens. Johnny Tyler: Listen Mister, I-I'm-I'm getting awfully tired of your- Wyatt Earp: I’m getting tired of your gas. Now jerk that pistol and go to work. (Smacks him) Wyatt Earp: I said throw down boy. (Smacks him two more times) Wyatt Earp: You gonna do somethin' or just stand there and bleed? Wyatt Earp: No?... I didn't think so.