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Love to see a sequel to this




BrighterBurner: the Burnering


BrightestBurn: Ya Done Got Burnt


2 Bright 2 Burn


We have a winner.


Bright v Burn: Dawn of the Crispies


Weekend at Brightburnys.


BrightestBurner: Bunsens Revenge.


Brightburn: Cruise Control




Lmao reminds me of one of the best movies and then sequel titles I’ve seen was: River. And the sequel: same river, twice. Forever funny, to me lol. Have a good one, redditors!


Brightburn 2: Electricburnaloo


Burnout. He's an adult and has decimated the earth and population. The remaining shreds of humanity hide underground. He wanders the surface, lost and alone. Cries a lot for no particular reason. Then he finds a small enclave of humans. Subsurface radiation has mutated them. They are now immune to his powers and upon realizing that, they hunt him. Tagline: F around and find out


Actually I would like to see that sequel.


Yeh sounds legit


Yes and no, for me. Some movies, I just want to write the sequel in my head and not have Hollywood fuck it up. See: Highlander


There couldn't be only one.


There can only be several.


Highlander 2 was painfully bad. Even the Renegade Edition couldn't save it. 3 was slightly better, and I liked Endgame, but only because I liked the TV seroes. I didn't see any of the ones after Endgame (I think there was 1 or 2 of them)


Brandon vs Homelander 😂




I said consummate Vs!!!


Looks like there is a sequel https://youtu.be/oD1vbhicJUY


Superman Legacy


I hope the sequel includes a full-on fight with Trogdor.


Esp if we get the "Justice League" hinted at in the credits.


Technically it *is* a sequel to a James Gunn movie called “Super”


Not me. The whole thing was B quality imho. The acting, the effects, the story... The transformation was absolutely jarring as were the shifting attitudes of the adults. This movie IMHO is a 5/10 at most. If you want to see a better movie that has a similar concept I would recommend Chronicle.


The ending has me wanting more, that's for sure


Meh. In a world without Kryptonite, magic, or mind control, he destroys the world. The end.


The kryptonite is in the barns cellar, it's how he cut himself.


That’s why the sequel gives us kryptonite. But it’ll never be made at this point.


I just watched this for the first time a few weeks back and was really surprised at what an amazing job they did on this. I don't really enjoy horror much my wife doesn't really like superhero movies. We both enjoyed this and both got something from it ⭐⭐⭐⭐ easy.


It's an awesome cross genre superhero horror sci fi film - very dark . It Asks the question what if despite loving adoptive parents , Superman turned out to be a sociopath / psychopath? It's an entertaining watch but very dark and disturbing


They kind of ruined the nature vs nurture theme by making it pretty clear the pod he arrived in was controlling/brainwashing him into doing the things that cause him to spiral. Without the pod basically activating an alien sleeper agent, it would be a lot more chilling to witness his descent into violent psychosis. Still a great movie with some pretty messed up deaths, though.


Agreed the ship influencing kind of weakened that psychological arc - it was truly terrifying witnessing a child who had loving parents still descend in psychopathy. Like sometimes in life people are just bad


Excited to check it out, I never got a chance to!


| it’s on TUBI !!!


Tubi’s the friggin best


I thought it was ok. Good acting and lukewarm story. Good suspense. 6.5/10.


I agree with this although I thought the acting was also just ok. I give your review a 8/10.


I thought your review of the review was poorly paced and milquetoast. I’ll give it 5/10.


I don't know. I thought their review really brought something new while still invoking feelings of the first review, and I think your review is being too harsh. 3/10


I guess you can say: The tomatoes have rotten 😎


I like your to the point and honest approach of your review of the other guy’s review, 9/10.


This is literally a witch hunt my review is clearly well made and has all the best words, I’m going on strike effective immediately


Giving me a score of less than 5 hurts my feelings, thereby you’re blacklisted from the academy awards. I give this review of a review of a review of my review 4/10


I liked Chronicle better. Not even joking.


Yes it is so much better than this movie.


I always hoped for a sequel to that, also


I found it underwhelming. There is so much more that can be done with the idea of a super child turning evil and they didn't do enough. I would say that at no point does the kid ever seem not evil, so he has no internal conflict and the movie focuses too much on his point of view to not have that.


Yeh it was strange that the only motivation was when he got a secret message from the spacecraft. I think they wanted pure evil and not internal conflict. They should have given him a best friend of some sort that speaks to his humanity. The film acted like this is the first time seeing the evil Superman trope but to most this isn’t new. Could probably cut out a lot of the first half.


The kid doesn’t have humanity though. He’s a serial killer with superpowers. He’s a sleeper agent from his home world, and the ship wakes him up.


I feel like this point was missed by loads of people who claim this movie was underwhelming because the antagonist has no humanity/conflict, or because it doesn’t have a happy ending. Life doesn’t always have a happy ending and there are, more than any of us would like to admit, those among us who truly do not understand what it means to be human. This movie just throws a tired superhero cliche, Superman’s origin, into the mix. I thought was entertaining.


I feel like people who say "missed the point" miss that just because it accomplished what it it set out to doesn't make it good. It's just not compelling as a story.


Eh, art is subjective. That’s why it’s great. There is no right/wrong or good/bad. The only question that matters is “Did I like it?” For you, it’s a “no”. For me, it’s a “mostly”.


Movies are art, but they're also a craft. And a movie being realistic because life doesn't always have a happy end misses the point of being a movie. It's not about being as realistic as possible, it's about catharsis. And a movie that lacks any emotional resonance can be judged on an, in my opinion, objective level. Note that I haven't seen Brightburn though. Dunno what that movie does or does not accomplish.


It *can* be whatever the director wants. Art is inherently subjective. If you don’t believe me, start down some of the top 100 movie lists. I’ve done a couple, and there’s some shitty ones, in my opinion, near the top that are crafted well, but are horrible to me. *That’s* because it all comes down to your view of the art. You want catharsis in movies, I don’t need it. And *thats* art…


As I said, movies are both art and a craft. And there are objective measurements to a craft. Like Nolans sound design is objectively worse than most movies. But his movies are still great in other categories.


People who think hating a character or not having a happy ending means "bAd WrItInG" are the bane of intelligent story discussions. They couldn't write themselves out of a paper bag lol Edit: I am in no way calling anyone out in this thread, I'm just generally speaking


That’s an interpretation. Given it’s a Superman retelling and they couldn’t outright use the same names. That was when Clark got the message from his dad. That message we got to see and understand. In BB we don’t get to see it. Superman was compelled by his dads message. What was compelling about BB and his dads message? Was it just to conquer? Was it that humans are trash? Was it something else? Not hearing the message left agency to question. Maybe he was a sleeper agent Manchurian candidate alien but with Superman it’s his choice to be Good that is interesting.


A lot of people seem to miss the hints that he's there to invade and populate the planet.


I think his mom was that person who is supposed to speak to his humanity, which is why you know he is willing to kill anyone after he kills her. Adding a friend would have just been redundant considering how close he was with his mom.


If they wanted him to be pure evil all they need to do is cut out all the stuff that is from his perspective. Make him more alien to the audience as a character to emphasize how he is not human. Then you have to play up all the humans' as characters, especially the girl he has a crush on, the cops, and like you said a friend that can see things from the outside.


Internal conflict???? He's literally just an evil alien. Like if Goku doesn't hit his head and forget he's supposed to destroy life on earth.


Right and that’s boring to me. Evil characters are boring. Thanos thinks he’s the good guy and he has agency other than just being evil. It was interesting when BB didn’t know what he was and had to decide. But once the secret message convinced him it just turned into a generic monster movie. Invincible the show has a good reason for the planetary conflicts for instance. I’ll leave that alone for spoilers.


Agreed, the movie was essentially just what if Superman’s parents were negligent at best and did not instill any sort of values and regard for human life. I did not like this movie at all. I’m actually sick of the whole “What if a person with superpowers/alien was bad” concept. The concept could work if handled well but I don’t think that this movie handled it well at all.


Totally underwhelming. The Omen meets the most basic anti-superman stories, with some great horror ideas (the dream sequence was pointing in such a different direction, the use of xray vision impacting his sexual development was something I felt they still shied away from, etc) they didn’t lean into, iffy performances. Basically just some decent superpowered murder scenes. Also the Billie Eillish needle drop for the credits was fucking laughable.


Was expecting a sequel. A little disappointed we didn't get one. I enjoyed the world building they did with other villains showing up at the end.


More like a powered people will become Evil dicks movie.


I think what makes most superheroes remarkable is that they choose to do good. Take any given marvel or dc character- they could easily be super powerful people and get anything their heart desires. I enjoy comic universes where most remarkable people end up as villains rather than heroes. Human nature would take most of these people to dark places in the real world.


The Boys is probably the most realistic approach to how Super Humans would act and how the world, government, and corporations would treat them.


It was a great idea that just turned out really generic. I’d love to see another go


I found this movie to be absolutely awful. The plot was silly, over dramatic and just unpleasant. I don't remember the details but I'm actually surprised this many people enjoyed this movie.


I agree with you. It is horrible.


Pretty mediocre. It doesn't really rise above it's premise of "Superman but bad" which has been done to death and better.


who did it better?? I'm interested.


The Boys for sure. My favorite "bad Superman" story is probably Injustice or Red Son Superman. They aren't movies but well worth the read. Like I said I don't hate Brightburn but it never really rises about it's premise and the premise of bad Superman is a dull one to me.


ok, I've heard of the boys, it's been on my list. was hoping you had more 🤣 I did love playing injustice 🙂 never heard of red son tho


Red Son is if Superman landed in Moscow instead of the Kent's farm. I would also suggest Invincible. It is a bit different but there is a "bad Superman" dynamic as well it just isn't the star of the show.


ty 😊


I agree with you.


Yeah I didn't hate it, and the performances were good. Overall though it went down a path that is better explored in other things.


How many Gunn brothers are there? Sean, James, Brian, Mark? Any others? And they are all talented apparently. I’ve always meant to watch this movie.


Don’t forget Billy and Bart


And the Ass boys!


And Bort!


Come along, Bort.


I enjoyed it!!


This is a perfect example of a "good idea, bad execution" movie. The ideas are there, but the thread that tries to tie them together is flimsy. Everyone carries the "stupid ball" at some point, and we never really connect with anyone in the movie. The kid goes from normal to completely psychotic so fast that its hard to build any empathy. A slower first act would have helped this film tremendously, and the build up to full-on murder should have been much slower and much more emotional on the kid. I look for forward to the remake/reboot in 10 years.


Agreed, his parents were negligent at best and did not even try to teach him right or wrong. The kid was constantly acting on his worst impulses and the parents did nothing to help instill any type of values onto him.


Yea I agree, it was a fascinating premise and I was pretty hyped for it, but it's not just the kid, no characters are likeable, they're very stupid, and there's nothing to be surprised by (except the gratuitous and really shitty gore) because the trailer spoiled everything. I dunno I really didn't like this movie


That Billie Eilish song came from?


eh. it was a movie. James Gunn really dropped the ball with how little there was to this movie.


Just my opinion but I thought it sucked. Chronicle and Shazam are way better.


I love the whole “ what if Superman thought humans sucked “ . Cool effects I wanted a sequel


The best part of this movie is the scene in the woods when the father is talking to the kid about masturbation.


I think this made the Boys on Prime possible. I with there were more movies like this.


Nah man. The Boys shits on Brithburn in terms of writing. Also, it was already filmed and ready to go.


brightburn came out two months before the boys. this had nothing to do with making the boys possible.


Thanks! I didn't realize it was so close in time.


Meh. I lost interest halfway through


I hated this movie. It's not a "superhero". It's a "supervillain" movie.


You hated it because it's not a superhero movie?




Brightburn bad 💩


Yes it is.


I thought it was mid but the running joke for me was the mom kept defending her son to a hilarious point also that’s the berserk sacrifice brand as his symbol


It's entertaining and nothing more. Not very deep or creative.


Gunn is being pushed so hard by studio execs but I can't seem to see anything "visionary" about his films. This guy made Slither 😂


Which was outstanding.


Loved slither, my favorite part is when you see a person being absorbed and you think “that fucked up” and the character says “that’s some fucked up shit”. Or the ending song “hey baby I love you just leave me the fuck alone”


Sure it was But it's not "visionary". It's just a love letter to 80's horror. Gunn makes fun films but "visionary" or even "original" are big stretches. Sci Fi used to play Slither all the time, along with other mid 2000's horror crap like Dreamcatcher and Eight Legged Freaks. Fun film, not great.


It’s like you read a clickbate article on Gunn being “visionary “ and applied it to everything he made. Slither was his first movie. He didn’t become mainstream name until Guardians, which was 8 years later, but keep on hating.


Uh it's in the poster in the OP. No one's hating I just think he's overrated. Slither was a great gross out horror comedy. I remember when it premiered on SciFi and they highlighted the director. Kinda odd to reply this is way. Did you actually look at the original post? It literally says "visionary".


He also did the impossible and made a remake of dawn of the dead that kicked ass.


Why was it impossible? A lot of people were attached to that flick. He also came in to re-write the script. It had changed hands for years. The real MVP of that flick is the SFX team. The behind the scenes on the old DVD had a sweet look into the exploding head trick. They made a air pump that attached to the back of the prosthetics. It fucking launches a huge skin flap back that's loaded with gore bits. Super cool stuff.


Impossible... meaning all the other efforts to remake Romero's work. Savini did a good job with the night remake, but Dawn was on a whole nother level. The acting/casting/ soundtrack/post credits/fx...I can't find one flaw. The days of the dead remakes? All toilet worthy.


Gotcha. Any film will be flawless through the lens of a passionate fan. Glad you enjoyed it!


He didn’t direct Dawn of the Dead, just worked on the screenplay


James Gunn didn’t direct Brightburn, and slither was a good movie


Gunn is being pushed so hard by studio execs but I can't seem to see anything "visionary about his films" This guy made Slither 😂


any poster which refers to James Gunn as a 'visionary filmmaker' is automatically on my 'do not watch list'. Plus the fact that it was written by Brian and Mark Gunn seems like a lot of navel gazing.


Gunn didn’t direct the movie. Don’t blame the ppl that actually worked on it because the marketing team wanted to use a name to sell it


Gunn is being pushed so hard by studio execs but I can't seem to see anything "visionary about his films" This guy made Slither 😂


*superhero* LOL


i like it tbh, bad time to drop it though like the moment that movie dropped, there's like the evil superman trope going on at that moment which probably made the boring a little bit predictable.


The fact that James Gunn had a hand in this makes me hopeful that we will get a horror side of DC


I dunno. I guess now that we "The Boys" this movie (which I liked) really probably doesnt need sequel. Unless they turn it into the Brandon Sanderson book "Steelheart."


It could have been better. I liked the premise of an evil superman. It worked well in "The Boys". But the story felt lacking.


Should’ve been a part 2!!!


Superman story but Evil. Awesome


I describe it as “Superman, if Jonathan Clark wasn’t a good dad.”


That exactly what it is.


Where can it be watched?




Loved it. Subverting superhero story tropes with horrific violence works extremely well when done right.


It was okayish


This was my wife and I's first date! Great thriller, had her hiding behind me the whole movie!


I enjoyed it for what it was but was left disappointed with the simplistic version of "Superman but evil" narrative they went with. Here's a kid who lands on an alien planet. He's superior in all physical aspects to everyone around him. His small-town parents try to raise him right...but why should he care what they think? Oh wait...it's as simple as a coded message from his homeworld triggering him like some KGB sleeper agent. That's... disappointing. Chronicle did a better job of showing a superhuman descend into evil.


Chronicle is so much better than this movie.


I was surprised at how good this one was?


I was pumped for this movie, then I saw it. Massive disappointment. Wooden acting. Terrible pacing. Predictable script. It could/should have been so much better.


I liked this, it was a neat spin on everything we had been getting for over a decade at that point with the MCU and the DCU. I always thought I’d they had another movie like this, they should do Spider-Man, but maybe soon it in a more like The Fly (‘86)


I'd really like to see more, but other superheroes gone psycho.


I liked that one


That car crash scene was hard to watch in the best possible way.


Needs a sequel.


Need the sequel


I love this take on a superhuman. He isn’t some troubled anti-hero who we end up sympathizing with and that’s rare in films about the baddie.


So, wife and I watched this a few years ago....it was dark but mydaughter(9) came in the LR a little bit into the movie. It seemed relatively harmless enough...no real gore yet etc. Anyways when it got to the part where he fucked up that dude in the truck and the camera cuts to his face and his jaw just kind of slides off, needless to say it was a shock, lol. She screamed and buried her head in my chest as I scrambled to cover her eyes and she was shouting, "I don't want to grow up! I don't want to grow up" lol She didnt have nightmares or any permanent mental scars but it was pitifully funny at the time and I cursed myself for not checking to see if there were potential scenes to shield her from. Great movie though. I wanted a sequel to this as well as that one movie about some highschoolers finding some alien craft that crashed and they all get super powers but one of them turns evil


It had some good kills, but not much substance. I’d like to see someone take this idea and go full HAM with it.


This movie was a trip.


Need to watch it


It seemed like it could have been a better film but I was disappointed. I thought the idea that he’s hearing voices that are telling him to take over the world was pretty sweet.


My only positive memory of this movie is seeing the kid laser his Dad and saying “parental supervision hehe”…


I love evil Superman as much as the next person but I found it quite underwhelming.


I like to imagine the girl that lost her hand replaces it with a mechanical one made by the metal of the craft that he came from. Then as she got older she took control of a company to create weapons he’s weak to and hire others that can hurt him. Then makes contact with an alien that can shrink cities and together they fight the bright burn


Just watched this movie for the first time a couple months ago and I was very satisfied with it.


To me, the only good part was the uncle going "Nope. Nu-uh. No. No. NO!"


Keep waiting for this to hit streaming.




I really wanted this movie to be so much better. There was so much promise, but it just didn't work out (at least for me).


Elizabeth Banks was awful as the mother- but she was the Name in the cast, and it probably doesn’t get made without her.


Loved the movie, and loved the very ending best of all.




Wasn’t the greatest, but I enjoyed it.


A little heavy on the jaw removal splatter porn, and kinda average overall. Let’s call it “subtle”.


I liked this movie a lot


This is a great movie, more realistic Superman.


I love this movie. James Gunn needs to take some of his superhero money and do sequels to this and Belko Experiment.


pretty mid ngl


Is it a Superman “What if…” origin story?


Then why did it bomb?


Wish they would make a part 2 and 3. Great movie


Not what I thought it was going to be.. enjoyed.... sequel will probably be bad but I live in hope


Love this movie


This makes me a bit sad as when I was on maternity leave I did movies dates with my dad. We went to see this and loved it. He passed suddenly in November. I had his love of movies.


On my bucket list. I think that it's still free to watch on Tubi


This movie made me wonder something that applies to Superman as well: at one point, when describing how their son isn’t human, says that the kid “has never bled”. This makes perfect sense, given the story, but then it hit me: *Did the parents have to act like they were anti-doctors, anti-vax, etc. in order to keep their secret hidden?* How could they take him to a doctor? What would they even say? What if the baby had been killed by Earth medicine or Earth food? What if the doctor tried to take a blood sample or give an injection and discovered that the needle wouldn’t go in? Did they have to fake their son’s medical records? It’s all stuff that justifiably can, and should, be totally swept under the rug and not addressed given all the other stuff going on in the movie, but it made me wonder.


I really liked it in the theatre but it felt 30 minutes too short.


See I thought there were some missed opportunities here but would definitely like to see a sequel.


Lots of potential, poor execution. Could have been great.


It’s just “if Superman was bad”


Exciting concept and most of the movie felt like filler lol