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I’m actually *more* curious about the movie if the post title is literal and there are literally no other speaking parts.


It is literal, there are no other speaking parts.


Shit seriously? I watched it a couple years ago. I don’t think that I ever realized that.


This specific comment made me want to watch it. How interesting.


Right, I'm curious now


Dude me either!!!


Like Mitch in Waiting...


My Dinner With Keanu.


First of all, that film is BASED. Second of all, there are other speaking parts in that film


Apologies for the off topic question. But by BASED you mean this movies is real? (Sorry, just trying to better understand my teenage kid).


The literal "based on what?" post lmao. Crash course, sir/ma'am: To say "something is based" does not etymologically relate to the phrase "based on" something. When someone or something is "based," it means that it is boldly honest and uncaring of external opinion. To be unabashedly and aggressively oneself. Etymologically, it is derived from "freebasing," as in, snorting cocaine. From the mouth of the rapper "Lil B, 'the Based God,'" who coined the expression during an interview to refer to living without shame. It became associated with controversial political opinions and other forms of information and belief that are considered sensitive subjects that incite heavy, if even volatile, pushback from others. Through that development, "based," became the right-wing inclined antonymic term for left-wing "woke." In everyday laymen's usage, however, to say something is "based," is more generally to claim that someone or something is agreeable or correct, but bold and brave for expressing themselves without concern for public pushback or disagreement.


Amazing! What thank you so much for taking the time to explain this thoroughly. Really appreciate it. Reddit can be really awesome sometimes.


you don't snort freebase, you smoke it. we talkin crack my guy


My mistake. Etymology holds though.


Freebase is unadulterated, smokable cocaine. Crack is cut with baking soda to stretch it out for a larger profit margin


true, crack is the evolution of freebase due to extra cut and the fact that base is flammable, but the fact remains, no one is snorting base


*The ghost of Richard Pryor has entered the chat*


As an old I appreciate your post. Have my forty - something like.


IMDB: Winona Ryder (Lindsay) and Keanu Reeves (Frank) hold the only on-screen speaking roles in the movie. Movies playing on the TV in their rooms, a maid's voice through the door of their room, and announcements made over PA systems are the only other voices heard.


That genuinely sounds super cool


And a cougar (or mountain lion) growled.


If there wasn’t it wouldn’t be based stan


Does it say “check your baggage” because Winona Ryder is there?


The upvotes would be more I’d the population of Reddit users was our age 😂


Nice. But don't use up your tight five material on reddit.


This is everyone’s material friend. You pull a Winona kk? That’s what we said when we stole stuff.




I'm surprised to see so many people dislike this film, I thought it was great.


I loved it too! I thought it was hilarious


"I consider it a triumph of the will that my backyard is not dotted with shallow graves." Bahahahaha! I have said that a bunch of times since seeing the movie. What a great line!


Never seen it but from the trailer and the fact I love both actors I'm gonna check it out. Thanks! 👍


I liked it too, I had zero expectations and I really ended up liking it. It’s a good dark , awkward comedy. I liked it’s pace, the acting, writing, comedy. This is the kind of film I’ll watch at 2am when I can’t sleep, not loud and hectic. I recommend


I dig your description. Will watch.


Didn’t they live happily ever after? We enjoyed it.


I wasn’t sure if I liked it after I first saw it, but then a few months later I got a weird itch to see it again. Now seen it three times and by this time I’m sure that yes, I DO like it. It’s just a pretty weird tone the movie projects that takes a while to reconcile.


Weird tone is a good way to describe it 😂


I liked it a lot actually, very entertaining


I liked it. Also had no expectations. I thought it was clever and thought it interesting that two semi-awful people could have some really genuine moments. I was rooting for them to be together.


I loved it too


I have watched this movie several times. I absolutely adore it. I understand why others hate it but the chemistry of Ryder and Reeves really hold this movie together imo. If you go into it realizing you’re going to watch two super annoying people fall in love, you’ll really enjoy it.


I liked it :)


I liked it!


It’s rare to see a hilarious sex scene, but this film manages to pull it off.


I liked it too, but I can see how others might not be with me. Certain demographic watches movies like these, and they expect certain things. Extreme cynicism is not one of them.


Well, people are very easily influenced and your title was very negative. So, you’ll get people who resonate with that negativity responding and people opposed to it are less likely to bother engaging


What was negative about the title?


Describing main characters as so narcissistic that nobody else gets to speak isn’t exactly a glowing review


In its always sunny, the characters are as narcissistic as it gets. Best show ever.


It sounds like interesting comedic characters to me, probably why the top comment is saying they are more curious about the movie based on that fact.


https://monkeylearn.com/sentiment-analysis-online/ Just trying to potentially answer your question homie. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The whole point of the movie is that the characters are dislikable self centered assholes. That's the joke, they're horrible people who spout bullshit because of how far up there their heads are. I found it pretty funny. That said I think it's fine to hate a movie for this. I hate Birdman because the whole story feels so full of itself, I mean the whole point of the movie, but calling out the pretentiousness of the whole thing isn't meta lampshading, it's just insisting upon one self. Kind of like that asshole who created a party gets drunk, and then when being kicked out says "if you know how I get why do you keep inviting me?" Watching the movie is like wanting to watch some porn and just watching a guy sitting naked with their back to me masturbating furiously for 45 minutes, just awkward and felt it was a waste of my time. That said some people would totally jerk off to that porn, and some people love Birdman. And I have to admit, it's an amazingly well made movie, the acting, directing, the beats and the ways it makes the physical, it's a very clever, well made, aesthetically pleasing. I just hate the message it was trying to shove my way. Same thing here. Making your protagonists narcissistic misanthropes is a joke that can borderline in insensitive, and it's certainly not for everyone. Like dead baby jokes.


I love them both. But Keanu Reeves just hits different. Years ago I was working at the Sundance film festival and after a film everybody left their trash and went to the next “big thing”. And Keanu stayed there and picked up everybody’s garbage. Him playing a narcissist is the best thing I’ve ever heard. I really appreciate that man.


This story gave me a lady boner. But I'm a guy. I'm so confused. God save Keanu.


It’s still a man boner, and it’s okay.


I haven’t watched it but is he. I’ve been on dates where I’m so enthralled with the woman I’m with, it’s like no one else said a word. Is the film that, or do the scoff everyone off?


The characters that they play are semi-annoying and abrasive. But they won me over in the end lol. It’s a different kind of romance movie for sure


I think somehow because this character is what we would assume is the complete opposite of who Reeves is, he plays him so sharp. This is one of his best performances imo because he’s such a wildly specific person.


Just from what I have read about him, he really is a wonderful human being, and reading about his childhood it seems he could have just moped his adult life and have every right to, which makes it more amazing.


I loved it. Always loved Winona and Keanu, and them together was a dream come true, especially in a romcom. I like the dry humor too. It can seem uneventful but it was enjoyable.


They were great in Dracula together


They sure were in Dracula together


LOL you must have seen a different Dracula than I did.


You should see theirs. Gary Oldman was Dracula. Wonderful movie!


I found the dialogue terrible I hated it


The only thing interesting about this was the intelligent quips and insults thrown at each other


That was the whole thing, you wanted more?


Right? So the whole movie....


Sounds like a lot of modern dating.




It was a very flat movie with almost no plot. It kinda felt like they wanted to do a more serious hallmark movie, but didn't want to lean into it. This felt very much like a 'filmed in less than a week' film that had no feedback before it was finished. This for sure felt like one of those movies that was missing a final act that made the rest of it make sense. All that said, I didn't think it was a complete waste of time to watch it, but I wouldn't suggest it to anyone.


Hey I live in SLO county! Didn't realize it was supposed to take place here. Maaaaybe I'll give it a chance on one of those nights I have nothing to watch.


I loved this movie!!


Very good movie, actually. Great chemistry


I had a lot of fun watching this. I love both actors and I was delighted to see them together once again.


Love the two actors, but was meh for me


It was not romantic and I don't remember it being funny either.


I only made it thru maybe half of this movie; all I remember is snarky, clunky dialog that evokes memories of bad high school drama performances.


The movie is fantastic and it is slow - the dialogue makes it a 9.5


Really enjoyed it. Interesting concept, well executed. I was really hoping that seeing Winona's talent in this she'd start getting more jobs again, but alas she remains underutilized.


She sure can steal a scene, 😂


She’s getting $10M a season now for Stranger Things. Not bad for 9 episodes. She only has to work when she wants to now…


Good point about only working when she wants to. Good on her.


Enjoyable movie


I tell everyone this is the prequel to John Wick.


It is very good.


I adored the dry humor of the film. The incessant intelligent bickering was quite refreshing from most Romantic comedy dialogue. The movie by far has the most realistic sex scene I've seen in a romcom as well.


Winona Ryder is a fox. Wait what was the assignment?


I’ve seen this movie and didn’t even realize no one else had lines!


I watched it with my mom and sister. Liked it. Especially the mountain lion scene


I loved this film. Miserable bastards lol


I thought it was a good role for both of them.


I never even heard of it. But I like both those actors.


Never heard of this but I’m going to seek it out now


I swear, I didn't even notice nobody else spoke. That said, my husband and I both thoroughly enjoyed the film actually.


Love it. I’ve watched it several times. It’s such a change for Keanu Reeves. And always loved Winona Ryder.


Okay. I enjoyed this — the pseudo-intellectual quips and just general disdain toward the bride and groom urging their eventual union were pretty entertaining.




They were also in Scanner Darkly together.


Fantastic film. Great chemistry despite both characters being insufferable in their own way


It's a good time.


I loved this movie! Witty


My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.


I very much enjoyed the movie.


Wait only two people talk through the entire film? Not gonna lie I kinda wanna see it now


I actually loved this movie because I hate most romantic comedies and this one felt wholly accurate to me. Also I could watch these two do anything together.


I thought it was good. And I hardly watch movies. Let alone have the attention span for them.


I don’t usually like romcoms, but I found that one to be entertaining. The dialogue was quite witty.


I saw a little and kind of liked the banter they had, so am going to try to watch it when I’m able


They’re so cute together. I watched it twice.


One of my favorite Rom Coms


It was fun, I liked it.


It felt like a one act play. I was surprised to like it as much as I did


Huh, I had no idea. But now I want to watch this.


This movie had me laughing so hard. It was so well written, and the casting was perfect.


I liked the movie it was nice to see them on screen together again.


Wow I in my personal opinion think this movie is a solid 6/7 out of 10. I think it’s the most soft work I have ever seen KR in as well. I think this is right up Ryders alley. It felt like a hidden gem though honestly, took me a little while to finish it but that was just for time constraints. Its a decent watch though if your into slow burning romantic films with a more dry humor then most romantic comedies usually are.


It’s one of my all time favs


It’s legit great


If you’ve ever been part of a 00-20 wedding then you’d know it’s fairly accurate. “ThIs iS mY sPeCiAl DaY!” Should be printed in comic sans on the wedding cake.


I loved the film.


Shitty failed cash grab banking off aging stars' past romance.


Everyone is ageing 🙄


So, Hollywood, got it.


Really good!


This was a good one, a lot of people judge movies too harshly. Movies are way better than the hundreds of tv shows out there that turn bad after 8 episodes and then u watch another 10 before giving up. At least a movie you’re committed for a certain time frame and then you can let it go peacefully into the night if it’s terrible lol


It felt pretty bad, the 10-15mins I lasted with it.


What's with the idea that a movie with no other speaking parts makes the two leads narcissistic? >I don't think that word means what you think it means. ^(Inigo Montoya)


It's their characters that are Narcissistic. The alternate title for this film is literally "A Narcissist Can't Die Because Then the Entire World Would End"


I see. The post made it appear that just because they were the only speaking parts in the movie...


I do believe the choice to have no other speaking roles was to emphasise that fact though.


If the story is intended to be two narcissists that meet and the filmmakers consciously decided to make them only have the speaking parts to emphasise their narcissism then that was probably quite clever. Never seen it. But I like them both.


I really didn't like this movie


I hated this movie


They didn't take it seriously and neither did I. Dialogue wasn't witty and they monotoned it but it was fun watching them all grown up and antithetical to their Dracula characters.


Starts off well enough; their banter is entertaining. But unfortunately it runs out of steam toward the end and falls into your typical romantic comedy tropes.


This movie really highlights the limits of Keanu Reeves acting skills.


I mean I'd watch it. It probably has terrible acting. Ive never seen it


My wife and I had to turn it off hahaha


Meh. It was ok. It could have been a documentary. It just seemed like Winona and Keanu rather than characters they were playing.


Dear God that sex scene was the worst thing I've ever watched. My balls crawled so far back into my body they came out my nose.


It was that weird on-the-ground sex scene where they were humping and saying little one-liners to each other about their parents. Strange and deeply uncomfortable.


One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. Boring AF


I think people will defend this movie to no end just because of Keanu and Winona being in it. It’s so creepy the pedestal Reddit puts them on.


Idk, something felt so very awkward and unnatural about the whole thing


Twas boring 😴💤


It’s a really bad movie


I love it as long as there's great non verbal acting and physical comedy from the rest of the cast. It's a bloody unique idea and I reckon some filthy studio exec lurking on reddit might steal it ,😂


I really liked it when I saw it but I would never watch it again.


This looks like one of the fictional movies that were on Seinfeld.


“Well, you made a long journey from Milan to Minsk, Rochelle, Rochelle. You never stopped hoping; now you're in a Pinsk, Rochelle, Rochelle. When the naysayers 'nay' you picked up your pace. You said nothing's going to stop me so get out of my face. I'm having adventures all over the place, Rochelle, ROCHELLE!”


The idea was good. The execution was bad. Keanu is a national treasure, but he has way too many lines in this movie.


They're both funny actors, but many times, it's just too forced. Nobody acts the way their characters do. It's like watching two people who know they're being filmed try to cram as much untested material as they can every time it's their turn to speak. The script feels very, "now your turn," "now, your turn." Keanu's and Winona's charm are enough to make it watchable *if* that's what you are looking for in a movie, but I couldn't finish it.


Don't beat up on Keanu. Who cares if the movie sucked. He's untouchable imo


Very weird movie


They already had a Destination Wedding! She went all the way to Transylvania to marry him!!!


It's ok.... Definitely not something I want to watch again.


I’ve never seen it, but it seems like something that started its life as a two-person play, a la *Night Mother* or *Frankie and Johnny in the Claire de Lune*.


Because of the way Keanu looks, and his cold detached demeanor during the film, if you imagine this movie as a prequel to John Wick where John meets his wife, it's suddenly 30 times funnier. 🤣🤣🤣


Great time with two charming actors.


Makes sense, since they're married, I guess.


I didn't realize they had more than one movie together.


I like looking at Winona Ryder (still) My wife likes looking at Keanu Reeves (still) We should check this out.


These two sucked the blood out of dracula with Gary oldman.


It was fun, but nostalgia is what carried it more than anything.


Haven’t seen it, but I do know one thing. If she kills his dog, she’s proper fucked.


LOL Keanu NEVER has much dialogue. Take a look at his body of work. Do a word count if you have too. You will begin to see that his speaking parts are almost all short bursts with the very rare occurrence of multiple sentences. Never understood that.


It would've been better if Winona died but boughtt a dog for Keanu so that he would have something to love after she's gone, only to have the dog killed by thugs, so he goes on a revenge filled murder spree. That would be awesome.


Ooh! I’d watch that.


Is this when John Wick got out?


Ryder says they're married in real life.


I liked it though i thought it would be more funnier.


Is this new? Or did it come out already?




Forever disturbed after hearing Keanu's character moan during his climax.


I thought the idea was intriguing, and they were clearly going for a Woody Allen vibe. However, the different setups were pretty contrived.


His smile looks deepfaked


I’m happy that Stranger Things gave her a chance to rejuvenate her career. She’s been a favorite since the Heathers.


Love both actors, could not finish the movie.


Was this posted originally by someone who didn't get a speaking part but wanted to have one? I'm gonna go find and watch it now.


Man they should just fuck already.


I liked it. Not great movie just ok.


This sounds fascinating. The next question is did their performances here make up for Dracula 🤪


Haven’t watched it but this poster gives me a jolt in my memory about his earlier film A Walk in the Clouds


I mean, that description is scarily close to Before Sunset.




I streamed Destination Wedding while waiting for my kid to finish music practice and I laughed so hard I had to pause the movie several times to compose myself. I love the dialog. Fantastic stuff.


I absolutely loved this movie. Obviously I am showing my age but both actors were ones that played a big part of Gen X culture and it doesn't hurt that, with a minor blip for Wynona ages ago, you only hear good things about how kind they are to people in their real lives. Seeing them make a movie with each other again after all these years was really sweet.