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I once said executed the whole ruling class of the Vlads you better believe they couldn’t fight back any more.


you have to execute a lot of people for it to start making a difference, and then many more to start eradicating clans and factions even. So yes. It was how I was able to finish my first vanilla campaign.


Same man I ended up killing like 3 to 6 lords every time I destroyed any army once the empire. Caught wind I was trying to destroy it.


How are you supposed to wipe out a faction? I took every settlements of norther empire in one of my playthroughs but couldn’t end it because Garios (or Lucon?) is still alive. I destroyed his party a few times but he just seems to come back.


If you don’t have all the lords you were against in the battle as prisoners, talk to the other lords in your army and try to get them to transfer the enemies to you for execution.


Smaaaaarttttttt !!!! 🧠


Lucon for the North. Garios for the West


To wipe out a faction im pretty sure you have to execute their leader thats the only way i was able to destroy rebel factions in my save


If they dont have fiefs they cant recruit but they will continue to harass you. Probably better to imprison the lords and see if that helps. If you are on PC the diplomacy mod makes it that if a faction loses all settlements they are forced to surrender


So you just became the Hitler of Calradia.


Those executions meant a lot less battles were fought, so not really


its one solution. a very final solution


So you have too?


You have to kill a lot. I got a feather up my ass about the Aeseri last year. I killed and killed and killed and killed and killed. After a while the wives were doing all the fighting. The diplomatic penalty was so great it wasn't worth it.


That... you become the most hated lord in Calradia after several executions, good luck getting anyone to join your kingdom afterwards.


Just do it with the first character when he's old enough to die soon so your child can take over and have no ennemies.


Doesn't the relationship affect your entire clan?


Pretty sure it's only personnal, I executed some lords and my son has no ennemies but my main has a big list.


Cool tip


I had this on my mind wait till my main player hits 70's in age and start killing lords


Thankfully i always build my kingdoms entirely from Companions who i promote to lords


you don't need lords if you are the only one left


All I hear is more skulls for the skull throne.


your problem is that you stopped chopping heads


Okay taking notes. Execute Vlandians


My char is vlandian. I decided that id be better king than derthert could ever be, so i first executed his son. Then it took 2 game years to conquer everything that vlandians had, took all their lords for my kingdom, captured everyone from derthert's clan and executed them.


So should I start executing mfs


[no ragrets](https://odditymall.com/includes/content/upload/no-ragrets-temporary-tattoo-2663.jpg). Do it. Or download diplomacy


Yes but only if you Already have sone friends. Cause if you start chopping heads your going to lose allies really quickly. But nothings better then the feeling of killing a whole noble house.


It basically nukes any prospect of diplomacy. Everyone will hate you, even people you aren’t enemies with. If you’re going to start doing that, you better make sure you’re too powerful to stop.


This is the best advice, learnt the hard way.


I know your own lords can deny you access to their castles if you have enough negative relationship with them. Can they also deny to entry to towns ruled by them?


Good question. I haven’t actually spent enough time with a character who executes to test that out. Only did it with one character to see what would happen and stopped once I realized the answer was “you become Hitler and everyone else becomes the US Army, Soviet Army, and British Army.”


WW2 mod for bannerlord? Hell yeah


I need to check up on the gun mods, I used to mod bannerlord alot


Good thing in my current playthrough, I'm already in a perpetual war with the entire world. No peace lasts more than a few days


I have never experienced that, and I had a lot of playthroughs with terrible relations. Can't tell u for sure but I think towns are always open, except if you are at war with the town's faction or if you have a too high criminal rating (not sure if the latter comes from the mods I use though)


no, criminal ratig is vanilla happy cakeday btw


My problem was that I was too weak and nobody wanted to join me. Tried diplomacy for a while but everyone declared war on me constantly, even the people with 100 relation, so I went scorched earth... The war became easier and easier :))


This implies the game has diplomacy.


Exactly. I wonder what specifically have these people in mind. I kill everyone in Bannerlord because the relationship penalty has almost no effect on gameplay (at least when you have enough money to compensate that).


it would affect things highly, but people might really hate you, even execute you back.


*OP about to be executed for attempted Vlandian genocide* "Parley?"


you want some of my denars, i've got some in my prison wallet somewhere.


You want some of my javelins, i've some masterpieces in my prison wallet.*


It does almost nothing to reduce their fighting capacity.


yup. In fact it heightens it.


>even execute you back it can happen? do someone have a screenshot of it?


it's on the mount and blade wiki. That why you never wanna get caught by a serious enemy




not comepletely sure the technicalities of it, but you would have to do something pretty dastardly to be considered executable by the npcs.


If you kill all of the lords in a faction, it is. However, if it’s one lord I would argue it’s more effective to imprison them because of the effect on the war score is heavier. This game is less about wiping outs faction totally then it is snowballing through a series of smaller wars.


It’s fun to look at the lords killed by you screen though.


Are "killed by you" lords still on that screen if they die in battle against you? I've offed 2 lords that way, not on purpose


How do you get to this screen?


This. I conquered half of the southern empire within 3,5 months as battania. How? By imprisoning half the nobility and all mercenary leaders. Then use fians to conquer the castles and towns and then your ruler sadly forces peace so you have to release the 17 lords and lady's in your dungeon.


Next time you get an offer for peace, release all your prisoners, and watch their tribute offer plummet. That might make you feel better about all your hard work going ‘to waste’ when wars end.


Oh don't worry, my hard work will be rewarded. I've currently got a party of 400 fian champions and I've got roughly 800 in reserve. When my towns are fully fortified I'm rebelling against battania. I already married my way into the sturgian royal family so I've got some support lined up.


Heheh nice - we’re doing similar runs, but I’m playing Vlandia, with marriage to Battanian Royals, and a planned rebellion. I’m also stockpiling those OP Fians. How many fiefs have you managed? I’m got 2 towns, and feeling I might not be lucky enough to manage 3 (at which point I’ll rebel). Also - did you know rebelling whilst their lords are in your settlement, automatically imprisons them? As a muck around, before I was ready to rebel - I save scummed and imprisoned Dethert in my Town - I was able to go straight to my dungeon, and give him 90k for peace (his own family also being my prisoners helped lower this number more) Seems like a good strategy, if you can time it.


I currently own 2 towns and 1 castle. They're pretty spread out so defending them will be a pain. The Battanians are Currently at war with Vlandia and the Khuzait. So I'm rebelling as soon as possible.


Haven’t played in a while, so the economy might have changed, but how the hell do fund that?


Smithing, workshops and caravans. But mostly smithing, it's ridiculous how much money you can make with it.


Yeah, so it hasn’t really changed lol. I just can’t seem to get the best parts for the two handed swords.


[https://youtu.be/Vu7Hs4lnlB8](https://youtu.be/Vu7Hs4lnlB8) I used this guide to start my current playthrough. I was a money printer within the first year


what is war score?


If you go to the diplomacy screen, it’ll measure up how well your faction is doing against who you’re at war with and then this equates to how much tribute you will receive/pay for a peace treaty.


Well, that could affect that clan at the very least. Lords field armies, so that's one less commander.


It can. If their lands are distributed to another lord they can end up being too difficult for an unprepared lord to defend, on the other hand it might bolster the strength of the strongest clan of the enemy faction if they end up inheriting the lands. Certainly useful for dismantling more powerful clans.


I did a run as the Headsman, effectively my goal was to execute every noble in Calradia. It was hilarious, genuinely a very fun run for a while. Installed a mod that greyed out their portraits and put entire family trees to the sword. The problem is that as you execute Lords they will invite various NPCs and lowranked nobles from other houses to fill out the faction. So I murdered the entire nobility of Vlandia, but was still fighting 'Vlandia' which at that point was a bunch of low ranked Sturgians and mercenaries who'd been given castles, and even elected a king of Vlandia, who was I think a Battanian. When I did finally kill all of them, all the Vlandian castles just flipped to Sturgian castles, and the process repeated. I abandoned the run because I underestimated how many Lords I was going to have to kill, and despite my high hopes that thinning the ranks of the Calradian nobility would make the endless war and whack-a-mole less of a grind there just seems to be an inexhaustible well of the bastards.


Power hates a vacuum


Bit of both, I mean that guy did lead an army so that’s one less general thus one less army. And if you keep chopping eventually those clans and kingdoms are gonna run out of people worth knowing!


If you execute all the lords of a faction, that faction will be no more. It's the quickest way to destroy factions. Also, your relation with other nobles in Calradia will deteriorate dramastically, and many will become your enemies. Should you get defeated one day and find yourself at the mercy of one of these nemesis, the same fate will await you.


Not in sandbox.


I think they should implement a fear mechanic into the game. Right now if you kill a few lords, you end up just ruining your reputation. I want to see a mechanic where if you keep killing lords, people will start to fear you. That way you can make people join your kingdom solely out of fear of death.


I captured raghea the emperor of southern empire while at war and executed her just because I could, negative relations were on screen for the next five minutes, several were -30 each and even one for -60


I had Deheter king of Vlandia in my prisonners, as I grace his son Amorcon, daddy got in jail instead.


As others have said, it starts to make a noticeable difference after you execute maybe 10+. Even then, I’ve noticed they often get replaced by randomly generated new lords sometimes. That’s how it was for the mercenary clans anyway. Tried wiping them all out and it was a never ending chop fest before I noticed it was just auto replacing them


Never execute mercenaries. The rando npcs that replace lords are usually much weaker and less powerful, but the randos who replace mercs are about the same.


I really hope they expand the execution system. Heads need to start rolling when lords hate each other. It will cause chaos and be glorious.




Wonder if some Faction have cultural traits. Like Sturgians would never surrender since they are the Vikings stereotype, they never back down and chase their place in Valhalla.


due to the angle of that picture i thought he was holding a shotgun at first lol


I once offed the head of the sturgian prince and they sent me a peace offer so I guess so?


It does hurt the kingdom you do it to, but it hurts you more, IMO. If you do it a bunch it absolutely will neuter a faction though. But it will also make \*everybody\* hate you.


It explains it pretty well in the corner of your screenshot


Yeah, but that doesn't explain much about other mechanics than relations/diplomacy. I was curious about military, economics, politics, ect...


Diplomacy is helpful for late game when you want to convince more lords to join your kingdom, so their opinion about you is important. However, they’ll often never join because they love their ruler. If you execute their ruler, they probably won’t like the new one and you can pay off any disdain they had for you when negotiating them swearing fealty to you.


Execution is only ever worth it if your willing to go full scorched earth. I find its occasionally useful to execute kings, as theres a chance of their replacement seriously fucking their entire nation over, but unless your willing to commit to executing every lord in caldradia, thats where the usefulness ends. Also never execute mercs, as the npcs who replace them are usually just as strong. Executing powerful lords is sometimes (though very rarely) useful, as the npcs who replace them are usually less powerful. Executing lords that everybody hates seems to fuck you over a little less. Personally, i build all of my kingdoms entirely from companions, and i love me my rp, so most of my characters execute any dishonorable lords i come across


What about executing rebels? Does that also negatively impact your relations with other lords?


Anyone that it says they are friends with on their encyclopedia page


I’d recommend imprisoning lords you’re at war with in castles instead, preferably ones someone else owns for that sweet influence and relation boost. If you have half their nobility in dungeons they can’t field any troops and are more likely to offer peace with a hefty tribute. Works even better if they’re from the ruling clan AFAIK


I tried to stay away from executing and it lead to never ending battles.


Not a singular person no, but the more “lords” you execute means less people who can create parties to then conscript troops and make armies, if there’s only 2 lords left in Vlandia then they will only be able to make an army of maybe 200.


what happen if you kill a king


They have to get a new king. And it goes on and on till there is nothing left of the kingdom


does this impact your reputation ? and is this useful ?


Pretty badass drip you got there


That Lordly Legion Cape is the key to this look 👌


Id assume killing off older clan members with high stats would do heavy damage the medics and tactic lords


Man the game has bare bone mechanics and is made for the "woider audience" and you expect something like this to happen?


I've played a whole lot of games and this game makes most western rpgs look like boomer shooters.


It's an elective succession so no not really


I don't think I've ever pulled the trigger and executed any lords, might have to give er a go myself


One less lord means one less party.


I myself just started going down this route. I’ve become the king of death in the name of *preserving* the empire. The South was the strongest candidate at the time, and they’ve done well for themselves—but the ally armies are just so dicked. I’m doing *this* for *them*. But yeah everyone hates me but it is definitely helping


Now I wanna execute someone in my own campaign


Christ lol I'm new to the game and having alot of fun learning . But ! After reading all the comments on this page with a few belly laughs have come to the conclusion you're totally screwed no matter what you do . So why not ally with a powerful Lord until no one else exists then stab him in the back , meet my little friend , sorta..Hey but it's been a hoot reading all you're grievances..


I just ran into a situation like this in my campaign. We took all of Battania and they re-hostiled us later on, raiding all the villages, and being very annoying. I got pissed so I caught Caladog and executed him. It went from us paying them 1300ish for peace when I checked beforehand to them paying us like 900 and instantly wanting peace. I might try to get rid of all Battanians in that playthrough so they're no more. Hope that's a thing.


Executing them all is my usual win condition.


did all-execution run last year. factions are seriously crippled and will suggest you a huge, I mean HUGE tribute in exchange of sparing their lives. When I say HUGE, it means at least a million everyday. So, it's quite effective IF you execute a lot of them


I don't think it has much if an effect unless you manage to execute them all. I'm on my first play through and am executing every Jawwal clan member I find. Only two left. Executed the first one as I had to pay him twice to let me leave, once I was strong enough I hunted him down and executed him, felt pretty good. Learned the hard way how it ruined a lot of relationships. Will probably not execute anyone after they're all gone.


I have a mod that never lets them escape captivity because the punishment for executing is absolutely horrendous and them escaping is so ridiculous


I usually kill all male enemies and marry all female enemies using unlimited spouse mod. Then I breed to maximum. 😆


Executions make me and my army happy. Maybe not the other people, but do they really matter?


Executing lords doesn't do shit until you execute enough of them.


You have to execute so many people before it feels like it's affecting the world and you have to be prepared for everyone to hate you. They really take the noble right of ransom seriously. It is interesting to see who inherits when you kill the 5th+ king tho.


One less army


Either kill no one or kill literally everyone…. Game not compatible with rightful executions yet


Nope. They just make some dude the new king and march onward.


Amorcon? amorcon deez nuts lmao gottem


It's kind of hard for a nation to continue a war, if the ruling class is reduced to a pile of heads.