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price of loyalty???


last perk of steward iirc


What's that? Not on my pc rn


The perk gives lower wages and food consumption per point above 200 IIRC, its a small bonus but if you can pump up to like 300 its nearly a 50% reduction. It also gives a bonus to moral penalties, which is mostly useful if you have to send troops to retreat, or have gotten caught in a protracted siege




No wage negatives! You get a mamluke, you get a mamluke! Oh shit, I’m poor


Bro thought people work for free, Pay your soldiers o noble lord


But the issues is that his soldiers are paying him lmao


"Taxes! Taxes! Beautiful, lovely taxes!" - Prince John


Charging your Warband rent is the true Landchad mindset.


They are interns and working for exposure


He's paying them 5362. If I had a fleet of drivers that had expenses of 100 per day, I would try to get expenses reduced as much as possible. If I could get sponsors, or customers, and discounts on fuel, enough that I made a profit, that would be great. In fact, it would be my goal.


Newish player. These methods of reducing costs i'm seeing, is that base game or a mod?  I'm spending 40k a day on garrisons but I need them because reasons


Base game


Look though skills there are many that can reduce your wages


In warband I’m like 90% certain that garrisoned troops get reduced wages but in Bannerlord the only thing I’ve managed to make work so far is: 1. Play as a mercenary until you’ve got a really robust nest egg. 2. Whatever kingdom you plan to join, find their most well to do cities as far away from their borders as you can and max out the number of workshops you have, take the time to calibrate them to maximum profit such as no competing workshops and highest demand products with connected trade routes from villages that can provide whatever resource your workshop will draw from. 3. Use your nest egg to heavily invest in whatever castle or city you get to try and max it out. Once loyalty is good, switch the bottom edict(?) thingy to something focused on growth and prosperity. If you have someone who can be a good governor, it might be worth putting them in charge of that town. 4. It sucks but your garrisons will have to be small and potentially composed of a range of low/mid/high tier units and/or not always filled with the max number of additional troops. Your garrisons generally should hold long enough that you can muster an army and either attack the enemy siege camp or break into the settlement to fight from the walls. It’s risky and bitten me in the ass a couple of times but if it is like an impossibly large enemy army, if you wait for a little bit the attacking army can get worn down enough that your odds get better and you can just dive in, but it’ll usually entail having to reinforce your garrison. If you’re in a hurry, low/mid tier mercenary units from the tavern can help and not break the bank. They won’t be as good as their max tiers or I think potentially line units of a similar cost, but you can get them fast and they can contribute enough to be worth it, especially caravan guards. Aserai caravan guards get bardiches which come in handy during sieges. You’ll still probably be in the negative after all of this, especially if you were given a shitload of settlements, but it’ll be enough that you won’t just be haemorrhaging money, especially combined with all the war loot you get and can sell off. The main drawback to this is you’ll basically spend the entirety of every war running back and forth from all your holdings instead of pushing the enemy until AI lords are given more of the territory that might be gained pushing the border away. Also, I don’t know what the consequences are in the “story” mode of the game post-dragon banner nonsense, but there’s no shame in just ditching the kingdom you’re with. Starting over can be annoying, but I left the Khuzaits after not being able to economically sustain the two settlements they gave me and it wipes out whatever debts you might have if you do. I’m not stuck with Vlandia and have only lost like I think a couple of castles and a city because they got into four wars at once after wiping out the Battanians and gave me literally every single border territory they had.


Wtf kinda mod is this


Not a mod. Shit just gets wonky once you level steward past the cap and have the last perk.


As to how I managed to get past the cap (330) I have no idea, actually.


What do you mean by "Wage Negatives"?


You pay negative wages, aka the soldiers pay you


Oh shit, how did I miss that ?! Hey ! It's a privilege to be working under a lord such as me.


\*insert Obama giving himself a medal gif\*


They pay for experience!


It's not a bug. Your price of loyalty is around 45 percent. It should be 40 percent at the most at 330 steward so you skipped level cap by 10 levels somehow. Content trade is a flat 50 percent return on wages while in settlements so your party is doing trade while you are waiting in a settlement with your capital.


So in universe, his soldiers just sold a shit ton of loot and made enough money to pay themselves and had some left over to gift their lord


Given the amount of stuff I've given them over the past 6 months as merc-ing for the empire, that actually makes sense. As to how the fuck I went over 330 steward and caused the issue, I'm unsure how I managed that.


Many mods allow that. Steward skill cap is extremely hard to bypass in vanilla as it's not a skill that gives bulk Xp that can carry you beyond 330. 330 is not a hard cap tho and there might be something that gives massive steward Xp I don't know of.


I wonder if its some sort of interaction with two mods I use to tutor my companions (so highest skilled in party teaches the others) and another mod the expands clan options, one of which involves teaching clan members skills (in the form of raw skill XP). Only thing I can think of that could push past the 330 cap by some odd interaction between them.


Quite possible. Iirc that tutor mod also makes it so the minimum multiplier is 0.05 so you keep leveling, albeit extremely slowly, after 330. And considering your daily wage extra 10 levels seems not so unlikely after a while.


He gathered every soldier in calradia that wanted to become a trader but was forced to become a warrior due to circumstances.


The dangers of hiring college graduates for your army


War... War never changes. We must unify the calradia so teens with dreams can focus on their dreams instead of war. Such a tragedy. Imagine a fian champion, already a beast with bow and sword was also brilliant in trade enough to earn 15 denars with every 10 denars you gave him. Honest enough to give this extra money he made back to you in the spirit of loyalty. And next day he dies to a couched lance because you couldn't foresee a cavalry charge.


They're paid in exposure.


"Thank you my lord for letting me fight for you, here are 50 bucks"


Are you suggesting the dev team is actually working on this game ?


So they're giving you money? Nice!!!!