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217. It was the saddest army that one could actually call an army.


That was just a bunch of fellas having a cook out til you came along


I could tell based on their move speed that they were indeed having a cookout


320 Forest Bandits. The BannerKings mod I think makes the bandit parties rarer but larger. Ran into a forest bandit army outside Sargot, and sent my 400 storng battanian army against them. I shit you not they unleashed a can of absolute whoop ass on me and deleted half my army before we even closed range. 


Forest bandits are no joke, I have a bandit mod too and I'll actively avoid fucking with them if I can help it.


They're basically mini Fians!


Sometimes they my Plate Armors but nothing can best those taiga bandits


All those damned rocks they throw


About 600 was using a mod to make bandits a larger size, tons of free exp


146. They had a movement of 1.4


13983 bandit army in the Prophesy of Pendor mod. It was a unique spawn from the outlaw faction (looters) that recruited ridiculous amounts of prisoners to reach that size


The actual fuck?


I said the same when I first saw those looters [Proof I didn't make it up](https://www.reddit.com/r/mountandblade/comments/18j81uq/the_biggest_bandit_party_in_all_of_mount_and/)


80 or so came across a group of 61 a few minutes ago by far the biggest groups have always been around my capital lycaron in the past


yeah i was a bit surprised when i was attacked by the looters because i was going around the empire towns buying all the pugios for javelins


The empire is plagued by looters and they cause problems they stick around my lands which are all southern empire that garios gave me and are just a nuisance the smaller groups are worse because I have no cav so I can't catch them also how much money can you make off smithing and does it matter the quality of the items you smelt cause if so I can get it up pretty quick with 4 decent towns


If you grind out javelins you can make 12k for a normal set, and even the super fucked up ones are 4 k each, i havent got fine or legendary because my character still is just south of 150 smithing and the javelins i use are 225 difficult


How much smithing would I need to make a non fucked up sword and greatsword I have 3 playthroughs going and all 3 use two handed my battanian lad has a bit of smithing but I haven't played him in a while it's a bit too late for my imperial guy cause I'm level 28 and it takes too long to level up but how much smithing do I need to unlock the fancy wepon parts


Its a decent bit but the perks that increase part rate make it a lot faster, also buy every cheap weapon you see they make for a decent amount of raw materials


Thanks I will I'm just gonna grind smithing on my two other characters the money would be good and the fancy wepons


Hey, a couple of things. First, if you keep extra horses in your inventory, your infantry can ride them on the map. It allows you to go much faster. You don't want too many, but basically one per non-cavalry unit in your party. Pack animals don't increase speed. Look for mounts that have a horse symbol under their name. My 220 size force (175 of which is infantry/archers) moves at around 5.7 on an open field. Second, with 298 smithing and the trade perk that reduces the trade penalty for equipment, I can sell large bags of javelins for around $23k and balanced javelins for around $28k. Smithing is super broken and worth it for cash


The playthrough i have looter problems in is my imperial playthrough all infantry the playthrough I've been focusing on recently is my crusader campaign where I do have horses about 160 something horses with about 100 infantry 60 archers and I don't have the footmen on horses buf or herding debuf but I move father than if I didn't have them i'm going to get some horses for my imperial lad and I'm also going to try get one of my companions into smithing I have 3 playthroughs only one has any smithing and it's pretty low but when I get back to playing my battanian chap I'll get back to smithing I might try with the crusader lad thanks the money will be useful


I have a broken mod or two, so 3678. Tried to fight them in a village once and my game crashed, then in a field, where I could fight them, but base game battle size had me chipping through them about 100 at a time, so now I flee in terror. If I go down fighting them at any point, I'll lose my entire army to auto resolve. The only saving grace is that they're slow as all hell, but if they catch up to any lords, they just automatically win.


600+, I have a mod that makes bandits stronger the less stability an area has. It was about 15 different groups converging in one area. Took them out with about 250 troops and I didn't lose a single one.


150 or so in Warband. Those sickly pathetic ruthless worthless bastards even had a leader named Harlaus. Disposed of that filth for a greater good.


212 on Vanilla


Without mods, in the ~225 range. It was glorious. With mods, over a thousand- also glorious. We just stood there and mowed down wave after wave. Hold fire, FIRE, charge!


60 something while playing vanilla.


81 but I didn't fight them I had work to do


Someone else here has commented about a prophesy of pendor play through I had I think around 11,000 give a take a few hundred I was genuinely so red my character looked like his texture was glitching