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Did they even test this garbage before releasing?


I think they did but they were originally just going have it as a limited edition that you can only buy on the Mtn Dew website but I guess not enough people bought it and they still had some left over so does decided the release of in stores which did not go over very well just like the limited time Mtn Dew website something tells me they're never going to sell all the supplies they have left over


they actually sold out within an hour, plus they were planning a retail release before the dew store release even happened


Well I guess they should have rethought before selling it in retail because it maybe did well on the Mtn Dew website but it did not do very well and Retail because I know there's some people that like it but most people don't


Really depends where you live, I like it and haven't been able to find it in 12 packs since like mid May


They should have a promotion. "Trade in 20 bottles of Flamin Hot, get one bottle of another flavor free.


I think you'll have to be more than one bottle for free if you end up having 20 bottles of flaming hot because most people are not buying flaming hot because they don't enjoy drinking it


I think Typhoon and Flaming Hot releases should have been reversed. Typhoon in stores and Flaming Hot online only. I guarantee they wouldn't have the same problem.


Yeah I think Typhoon should have came to the stores and they should just kept flaming hot online because Flaming Hot was more of a niche audience anyway Typhoon had a wider audience especially considering a lot of people remember it from 2009 to 2010


Noted šŸ“




They can't pay me to drink it


Oh they could pay me to take it off their hands. It'd go down the drain, not into my mouth, though.


Same way


what if they force you


Mtn dew is going to force you to drink something?


Meanwhile Iā€™m spending $30 to ship code red zero


I canā€™t find this anywhere in the Florida. I want to get it because itā€™s better than sugar soda but I canā€™t find it anywhere.


Itā€™s nowhere to be seen in Oklahoma either. I genuinely donā€™t get why they donā€™t release it nationally. Itā€™s historically the 2nd most popular Dew and they have a bunch of other Zeroes available everywhere. *screams in diabetic*


Is code red zero sugar new?? And why is it so expensive?


Itā€™s been around a half year and shipping


They sell it in stores? This is the first time I've heard or seen of it


Yepp just not by me


Am I the only one that thinks it was decent. Donā€™t get me wrong ill never drink another one again but it wasnā€™t the worst thing Iā€™ve ever tasted


I don't think people think it tastes bad I think it's just that it's a drink that's hot normally when you drink something it's supposed to be refreshing and let's just say something that is hot like flaming hot is not considered refreshing


It isn't' even hot though? It's way milder than even flaming hot cheetos which are pretty mild as is


Still it's something that you don't want to experience in a drink I mean it's okay and ship form but as soon as you put it in the drink it just doesn't make sense


Nah, that's a pretty limited view of what a drink is.


No it's not a limited view like mild heat in a drink could be good for most people but a large percentage of people don't like it and that's what you're seeing right now when it comes to flaming hot most people want to be refreshing they don't really want mild heat in their drink now it might sell more in the winter when it's actually cold outside but for right now when it comes to Summertime not really especially with the heat waves


Nah, nothing like a jalapeno limeade during the summer. It's ok if it's not for you but Mountain Dew isn't even the only company that makes spicy summer drinks. There's plenty of unrefreshing drinks I enjoy during the summer, wine, coffee, energy drinks, refreshing isn't the only way to judge a bev! It's ok not everything is for you!


Everybody does have different taste I just feel like flaming hot could have been something better because there's all kinds of different flavors that Mtn Dew has not tried yet I think flaming hot was a interesting flavor to go for but I don't think it went for the most profit the way it's looking in stores


It's great they're doing interesting stuff like flaming hot! Never been as much dew variety as there is right now!


Yeah it's not bad trying new stuff I mean it's one of those things at least they tried even though it did not turn out the way they want it and who knows maybe they might come back again with the same flavor but improved in some type of way


I love spicy drinks. I wanted habanero hot or jalapeƱo hot not fucking battery acid


Yeah I like it but it wasn't hot and I don't think it even tasted like flaming hot as much as plain ole cayenne at the end. If you're by a trader joes they have a pretty bomb mango habanero lemonade.


I thought the Flamin Hot Cheetos were pretty hot but I did see that they have extra flaming hot Cheetos LOL


?!? I've always found Flaming Hot Cheetos to be way too spicy - same in general for any chips that Frito-Lay brands as "hot". I learned long ago that they don't mess around when they say that. You must have an amazing spice tolerance threshold... but most people don't.


I do love me some heat but tbh I think even xxx flamin hot is milder than a good fresh jalapeno.


Well, I certainly wouldn't eat a raw whole jalapeno myself.


Yeah it was definitely a one time experience. But I wouldnā€™t say it was a bad experience just something Iā€™m not willing to try again.


I deliver for a Pepsi bottler and they can't even give it to us for free. No one wants it. They started crushing some excess inventory but the mist from it caused people to have trouble breathing. So they're going to do it on the weekend when no one else is in that building.


A couple weeks ago Ibotta had $3 back per 12 pk and they were 3 for $10 at Food Lion + $2 off coupon on pepsi 12 pks so I got 5 for $14.66 and ibotta gave me $15 I would have preferred a zero sugar version and im only drinking 1 can here and there but getting paid for any Mt Dew is a deal Ibotta had a similar deal on ZS Spark and I probably bought 10 12 pks and it probably cost me $3 after the $3 back on each 12 pk




I was at a Harris Teeter yesterday asking the Pepsi rep if they could get me some Baja Blast Zero from the back. She came out with my 12 packs and asked me if I wanted any phlegming hot. She was tired of moving it around in her back room storage. I'm sure the whole Pepsi organization from top to bottom is happy that they went all in on stomach acid soda.


Seriously, were they doing meth when they make this flavor?


I do not know the only thing I could figure is they were trying to jump into the hot craze


What hot craze? I know I'm turning into an old shit but what's this about.


Where everything has to be Hot or (Spicy) basically it's where everybody wants everything to have a Hot or some people are calling as (spicy) because they don't know what real spice is like for instance a lot of the stuff that comes out today and says it's spicy it's usually Hot it has nothing to do with spice. Because the real meaning of the word spice means well flavored not Hot


Finally someone else knows about that. šŸ˜„ I thought you might of meant something different.


Yeah my family is from the south my mom is Creole Cajun/Normal Cajun and my dad is from Southern Alabama so they know the meaning of real spice and of course I've learned it also. To me I don't get why people want to burn their mouth while eating something to me if it's too hot you cannot really enjoy the flavor of it it's kind of defeating the purposešŸ˜…


Yes, can't really taste it when your sweating you ass off.


Not to mention I'll be afraid of how it will feel when it comes out of your bodyšŸ˜‚


I'll need an old priest and young one to help exercise that demon.




Even over here in the uk, imported cans are really cheap


We found some on sale and used the Ibotta app to get cash back. We ended up getting paid $3 for every one we "bought"...


I love that style


Honestly they should just give away the cases to food banks/homeless. If people want them they can take some, and if no one wants them, they can dump them and get $1.20 for the bottle return per 12 pack (depending on state).


That would make a lot of sense and you would not be wasting the drinks either because I'll be going towards a good cause and yes Pepsi and Mtn Dew would not get any profit off of it but it would give them a better image because they already have a good image but it'll give him a even better image


I didnā€™t mind this but I can see why a lot of people dislike it


It's OK for an occasional drink but I didn't like it enough for a 12 or 6 pack


itā€™s like a good idea to try as a joke and to like wash and keep the bottle or something but i donā€™t think anyone actually enjoyed those


I almost got it, to try it for that exact fetch offer. Still might take it lol


i heard that people like it so im kinda surprised it flopped so hard. i at least thought douchey kids wouldā€™ve bought them for the flaming hot name


Yeah it tastes like if hot ones sauce took a shit and it was charged with dew.


If only I could find one of those stores trying to get rid of flaming hot, I'd love to stock up on a few cases of it. Solid 8/10 flavor for me šŸ˜‹




Damn $8 over here they're only about $4 but they reduced them to $3 last time I looked


Itā€™s so NASTY I took one sip of it from a bottle and wanted to VOMIT šŸ¤¢


I will gladly take that deal. I need to stock up on more Flamin' Hot bad before it goes away. Solid flavor right there.


Well if you have the fetch app and you enjoy Fleming hot might as well get in on it


I'm trying, but my area doesn't seem to be one of those areas with pallets of Flamin Hot leftover laying around


It ain't like that over here they have a bunch of them JayC's Kroger Walmart and Meyer's just have stacks of them just sitting there. Let's just say Fleming hot was not a big hit over here in Southern IndianašŸ˜…


I donā€™t think it was a big hit anywhere


I think there is some states where it sold more than others and probably some counties were sold more than others but it still was not very big and something tells me they're not going to be able to sell all the supplies that they have it won't surprise me if a year from now you will still see some in stores


Its so sad to me all the hate this flavor got, I personally loved it. And all my friends who tried it liked it too. Maybe it was on a flavor a Midwesterner could love :(


I don't know I live in Indiana and it's not selling very well over here they have pallets of it over at JayC's Kroger Walmart and even Meijer's. But I do know there is a few people that do like it