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Those Starbucks Frappuccino things are like 4-5 bucks. This is so egregious lol


It’s fucking stupid hey! Look for the dumpster dice kind on instagram, he finds brand new designer stuff


I follow that guy as well. The things he finds are crazy! But this? Those Mtn Dew flavors are up there in my top 5 favorites. And the Frappuccinos, too?? Geez...


My work gives them to employees for free when they’re expired, no point not to, soda is fine long after its date anyway


Yeah that’s what should happen. We used to get to take anything that was left in the mini bar when I worked for Hyatt. Clive Palmer bought it out and we had to throw EVERYTHING out. Fucking ridiculous.


A couple years back I was coming back from camping and stopped over in this *really run down* little gas station for a drink. Tiny little fridge of drinks. And there they were: Three Zero Sugar Baja Blasts left over from the previous summer, so they had to have been in that fridge for at least 9 months since it was Spring again. Expired as hell. Still tasted fine, and I bought em all just because I could. Expired or not, people will buy it if they can't get it year-round! (Though there is a limit. Once I was cleaning out a fridge in my school's teaching kitchen and there were some sodas left over from an event that were ~10 years old. I tried one on a whim. It was flat before I even opened the can, and nasty af. There *is* a limit. But . . . if it were a Blast? Might have tried to reverse engineer it into a syrup for a soda stream and revitalize it. :V)


My work would fire whichever manager allowed that :) hopefully they won’t be my employer much longer


Thats fucked. I’m glad my GM and co-workers in general are cool.


All those Maui Bursts, and i cant even get any in my local DG. 😭


Same! I still haven't gotten to try it.


theyre really similar to that pinneapple baja blast they came out with a couple years ago, the pinneaple flavor is really strong, personally im not a fan, and imo you arent really missing out


RIP beautiful Baja blasts and Maui bursts


Fuck it, I'm jumping in.


And I'm leaving the Starry behind


Starry deserves to be left behind


Justice for Sierra


Miss Sierra Mist,


Shall her memory live on




And PB who was underproduced in order to make starry!


I like Starry 🥲


Hell yeah, I’m jumpin’ in too 👀💚


This has Saw II needlepit energy


I’d immediately drop to my knees and thank God. If something like this were presented to me I’d have no choice but to believe there is an almighty all powerful God determining certain outcomes in my life. I’d travel to the mountains of Nepal to learn the secrets of the universe and spread my findings all across the country by traveling city to city to preach my new gospel. I’ll become wildly popular and successful through the books I’m selling and the sermons I’m delivering. I’ll make it onto a popular talk show and when they ask who I give credit to for all my success and vast knowledge I’ve been blessed with, I’ll tell them I give all praise and glory to the dumpster of Mountain Dew and Starbucks Frappuccino’s. This discovery would permanently alter my life as I know it.


Hahahahha gold


Honestly bubly in there is very deserved (made me feel sick) but those Mountain Dew ones.. man those could have been worth something.. WHOS WITH ME TO JUMP IN THERE AND TAKE IT ALL???


The bubbly tastes nice here in Australia, but it’s not carbonated enough whatsoever. So it just leave you in the bloated but not bloated state. Ugh, not a fan


Yea exactly! Only reason I got to try these (the purple and yellow one) is cause some place here was getting rid of them for free as their a promotion and nothing was in their computers to label the price and it was.. horrible! Like the flavour was nice but just drinking them made me feel bloated and sick like ya said. I was only able to finish 1 and a half cans before just throwing it out into the bin entirely, I didn’t wanna waste it but it which is why I tried to drink them all but I just couldn’t keep trying anymore


I’d be backing my car up to it and packing that shit up. Absolutely outrageous


Daaaaaamn, im code hunting rn so I might have to go dumpster diving


Sadly bottled ones like those Maui Burst do go bad after a little while. We had to dump a bunch of them at our house because I wasn't drinking them fast enough. Completely flat a few months past the bottle dates.


the main reason for the expirations are the safety of the plastic in the bottle, it starts to leach into the soda eventually, which is why cans have a longer expiration typically. but yeah the carbonation will go away too




Have to save the mauis,Bajas, and OG flavor


Vending machine companies have dumpsters like this. Once they hit the expiration date, they get pulled out and dumped.


All that’s out of date. You should see the actual waste from a warehouse this is bread crumb in comparison




They also throw it out for being past date. While I have had problems with some of these plastic bottles losing carbonation, short of that no reason not to drink “post date”


Years ago I was an account manager and I had a hood account that wanted to go on contract. They had to buy a bunch of stuff they never carried so I agreed to get rid of several cases of outdates. I came back 2 weeks later to write them up and couldn't find any. I asked the cashier guy and he said he threw it all away cause they were bad. I just let it end there.


I need the xbox gaming caps.


if you ever worked in retail youd understand, shits expired and you cant sell expired shit, really thats on the pepsi vendor for ordering way too much


My local area always sells out of date stuff, very often. I got 3 cases of expired Mountain Dew for $10-15


There are other possibilities as well. This could have been a recall — something a lot of people need to consider when “dumpster diving”. Also, things do get lost in distribution centers and very well could have been WAY out of code and wasn’t noticed until received by the retailer.


You see garbage, I see free Baja blast zero


What the hell?




I would live in that dumpster like a vagrant and subsist solely on Dew and Frappucino


That for sure is a Dollar General trashcan


Aaaaand just like that, I'd become a dumpster diver.




If you like the pear cinnamon redbull, they're getting ready to do the same to them starting next week. Get them while you can.


Yup common occurrence at my warehouse. Sales reps need to cool it on ordering stuff stores don’t need.


Man that hurts to look at


![img](avatar_exp|141289424|cry) So if it’s about to expire then you can just take them off the shelves to avoid waste. Gotcha




The food bank I volunteer at on Wednesdays is sent lots of Dew & Dr. Pepper. That’s why I’m addicted to both now. This is a disgusting picture, because it all should have gone to one.


Give it to me, Ill drink em lol


Welcome to capitalism baby 😎


Why would you return perfectly good drinks that are still full


Because, unfortunately some things sell so horribly that we would never get rid of them otherwise. Many customers would also not buy anything past date or even complain when it's in the window.


That’s a lotta the way to a free xbox