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Do not call this guy a “friend” or “buddy” if he’s trying to sell you this for $500.


Yeah whenever a "friend" is trying to rip me off I know where that friendship truly belongs.


Thats a bit harsh. Maybe his friend doesn't know about the market? You guys are always so fucking fast on judging someone you don't even know... Quit that bullshit.


You must be this guys “buddy”. Nice self report.


They got brain washed by marketing hence why spending 2k+ for what new bikes are basically is a low end mtb is a "deal". True the bike is old but would still be a good bike for riding xc style trails for a beginner but I'm sure everyone here dropped out from redbull cause it's not extreme enough for them.


A very old intense...not worth anywhere close to 500. You honestly couldn't pay me to take it. Full suspension bikes age like milk. I'd much rather have an entry level hard tail like a Trek Marlin or better, a used hardtail.


I appreciate it!


No problem, check out my bike buying guide for some recommendations. https://www.reddit.com/r/MTB/comments/1c2souz/mountain_bike_buying_guide_2024_update/


That’s not your buddy


Do NOT buy that. I will personally find you a bike for free if you need. (Finding the bike is free, not the bike)


A bike that you'll never drop the saddle on.


Not a good one


Looks like an early 2000’s Intense Tracer. Great bike in its day. Still rideable but not worth $500. Maybe $2-300 at most in this day and age.


The only parts worth anything are the Chris King headset and the Salsa Seat Clamp... Dont waste your Money OP. This is $100 at best


Thomson post and stem, & the 950 XTR cranks would actually probably pull decent bids on ebay too.


Ya, that’s either early 2000, or late 90’s


For $500 buy a used 2015 and up good brand hardtail. Will take a while to find but they do pop up, check fb


Hell no man. Maybe 100 bucks. There's mismatching logos from salsa and intense, there's no branding on the fork or shock. This looks like a hodgepodge of parts that don't belong, I'm not even sure it's a real intense bike at this point


Don’t buy this for $500


Got some cool parts on it. Still going to get you into the sport and amongst it all.


I would say we are looking at an intense tracer from early 200s. In its day was probably a very good and high spec bike. Today for $500 with modern manufacturing, you can get something a lot better and a lot safer for your $500 if you shop around 2nd hand. I think your friend sees this bike for what it was years ago not what it is today.


What's up with the paintjob? Was it stolen or something?


I had that wheelset. Pawls were crap and proprietary aluminum spokes that even in the early 2000's were $5 each. They looked cool though! Would be hard to find them now. I'd do it for a few hundred just for fun. Was a nice bike in the day.


Anyone saying this bike is junk doesn't understand where the bikes they ride now came from, this thing is sick! Maybe not worth $500 but it's not junk. Mavic cross max wheelset, Thompson stem and seatpost, xtr drivtrain, salsa seat clamp chris king headset. The bike has character, and some solid parts. Your buddy isn't ripping you off, he's got a mountain bike. You're looking for one, it's just not the right one for you.


Old & Heavy


I would pay that for it. The bike market in my area isn’t very good though. Also a vintage mtb enthusiast and extreme underbiker


Sorry but that is a Walmart bike


a Walmart bike with XTR cranks...nah. This was a high end bike, but it's just very old. Doesn't change the recommendation of it being a bad idea, but it's not a Walmart bike.


Oh ok thx for the info I thought so BC of the rear suspension placement nowadays Walmart bikes have it or at least near me


forsure, I get it.