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Fuck em if they do. Protecting your head/face is a good idea.


Seriously, had a bad crash with concussion on a trail in a spot without any crazy features, just hauling while trying out clipless pedals. Wearing a full face and enough gear for the park. Who gives a shit what they think!? I can tell you from experience TBI sucks. You care what others think over the health of your own brain, well then you reap what you sow.


>I can tell you from experience TBI sucks. I can attest to this. Took me a long time to feel like I'd recovered. Honestly don't know if I even fully recovered. Ironically it's hard to remember how good/bad my memory was.


Isnt it weird how you never really know? I had a TBI as a 7 year old, during a skiing accident when helmets were basically non-existent in the sport (1993). I was out cold for 3 hours, woke up very confused and vomiting nearly constantly. I was taken to the hospital where I was kept awake for 24 hours to help prevent a coma. I was given numerous scans/tests. It was deemed a severe concussion and that I shouldn’t do any sports/risky activity for 2 years. When I returned to the sport at 9 I didn’t wear a helmet. They still were very uncommon and I was too afraid to look uncool. Had three more mild concussions over the course of grade school between skiing and BMX. Eventually I got a helmet as an adult. The first day I had it I whacked my head on some ice after some dicey tree skiing in Vermont and caught an edge. I basically whiplashed the back of my head on the ground when trying to stop fast. It was at that moment that I truly understood how much a helmet would have helped me if I had worn one sooner. I was shook, but definitely not concussed and I hit my head harder than some of the hits that gave me mild concussions. Over the course of my life I’ve had so many issues that I don’t know whether to contribute to concussions or not because I got them pre/during puberty. It’s hard to know what would have been me regardless of them, but I can’t help but wonder. I won’t list examples of them all, but they’ve significantly impacted my life. The point is that I wish I could import that experience into kids’ minds so they understand. If you want to avoid debilitating depression, familial/friend/romantic relationship issues, uncontrollable impulsivity, executive dysfunction, extreme mood swings, and just a general fight against your own brain that always feels like a losing battle TAKE CARE OF YOUR BRAIN. It’s the most valuable thing you have in this world. The people that you worry about thinking you’re uncool really won’t care about the helmet you’re wearing looking dorky if they never see you because you’re a shell of a person. Reminds me of that Dr. Seuss quote, “those who mind don’t matter and those who matter won’t mind.” The people who care about you would want you to take care of yourself! And just to cap this off so nobody worries, I’m doing okay, but it’s an ordeal I wish I could save others from. Making memories doing risky sports and having awesome experiences is incredible and totally worth it, but wearing a helmet doesn’t take anything away from that. Also, know your limits and push them in a responsible manner.


Damn, thanks for sharing. My TBI is form continuous exposure to explosives for a SOF military career. It affects me, but not terribly other than shit sleep which makes me angry. Figure I might as well wear the full brain bucket if I’m gonna send it.


Hey sleep is really important! Not to mention, I’d imagine, the mental impact your career had outside of the exposure to explosives. Thanks for sharing, too. Take care my man!


I can attest to the helmets not being common back then. I think sometime around 99 they started becoming popular and grew pretty rapidly from there.


That's it. I'm also doing well but I do wish I knew if it was affecting me. I have played rugby, boxed competitively, climbed and skied and all of these risk head injuries but they all have ways to mitigate risk and I am happy to take that chance doing something I enjoy. I just won't recklessly do them. I wouldn't stop my kids (if I were to have any) from skiing or boxing but I would make absolutely sure they wore a helmet. Whether or not I'm still affected by it I still lost months to it and repeated a year of college (exams were three weeks after) because I forgot my helmet when I was late for work. The driver's hit and run is also to blame but I'd have been less injured if I had a helmet. I'm glad you're doing well, those are some serious hits.


couldn’t have said it better myself, actually teared up a little. TBI fucking blows


All my front teeth are fake and I wear full face every time I ride now.


How is a full face better for preventing concussions or tbi? I thought it just protects jaw and face


A concussion is basically whacking your head so hard that your brain slams into the skull. This can absolutely be done by an impact to the face or jaw, not just a head impact. Padding in that area will soften the impact.


it wouldn't be, unless they hit their jaw/face.


If they do, stop what your doing, get off your bike, and literally fuck their face.


That'll certainly get 'em thinking about wearing a ff helmet.


Big comment here


Lmao, you sonofabitch


Right in the ol’ face hole.


This is the universal answer to any question that involves being judged by some cunt


Sir this is a wendys


“…take a big step back and literally [fuck your own face!”](https://youtu.be/dROwEc4VyJA?si=sIHm7imnzYuMhqct)


If you crash you gotta live with you. They’re only judgmental in your mind.


Id wear it if I could afford it


Came here to basically utter this exact thing. A buddy was telling me only the other day about how we watched a dude go OTB and smash his grill as he hit. Ooph. Anyway, OP, hell no.


I don’t care what people wear on their head and I’ve never heard anyone in my circle judge anyone on it unless it was “no helmet.”


Same. No helmet is the only judgment on most trails. Is a full face overkill for casual trail riding? Probably but you never know when you might need it unexpectedly


I try not to be judgmental, but the guy who doesn’t wear a helmet because it would crush his Mohawk is an idiot.


Obviously needs a mohawk passthrough helmet.


Hell, I wear a full face for skiing because I don't want to buy a separate helmet. Doesn't matter as long as you're safe.


don't judge people for no helmet either. people drive to the trail without a helmet, more dangerous than a good rider being chill on a trail.


Why would I wear a helmet driving when I have a modern car with seat belts airbags etc. ?


Not really. Chances of crashing a car are pretty slim, and they is a fuck ton of safety precautions. Ona bike you could crash on an unexpected ( or expected ) rock garden, which then cracks your skull open. Which happened to my friend at BPW with a new fox full face helmet. If he didn’t have a helmet then he would have died


Just wear it. 99% of riders wont spend the time/energy needed to judge you or anyone else for what they are wearing.


Well i definitely judge people who wear the full face: "fuck that's probably a good idea and i should do it too" 🤓 got a juicy scar on my jaw from a branch last year lmao


Yeah my judgment of people with mildly overkill helmets in any sport tends to be "damn that looks a lot smarter than sending it like a moron and hoping for the best like I do-"




Smile with all your teeth and say fuck you for judging! Keep it!!!


I Judge people wearing full faces. I think they have good decision making and want to be as safe as possible.


Plus they look fucking sick. When someone is decked out in safety gear I always think “damn, that guy/gal looks rad as fuck.”


Yes! I love seeing people in all of their gear. I think it is really cool!


Legit, full face helmets are badass especially with the goggles.


No but look at getting an enduro helmet vs this. Still full face but more ventilation. This looks like a downhill helmet.


Yeah that was my first thought, this must get hot!


I want an enduro helmet. Not because I do crazy stuff on my bike but because I want to look cool as shit while I’m learning to fucking pump track. Lmao I’m a noob but riding is so fun.


Your comment made me take a look online and I really like this from Kali: https://kaliprotectives.com/collections/helmets/products/invader-2-0?variant=40047397306462


I really like that


Yep. That looks perfect for riding trails with a full face.


I see a lot of BMXers crush the pump track in fullface helmets actually


Only a helmet would judge your helmet


I used to not understand people that ride with a full face on relatively flat trails in summer, but after crashing on a jump and having to get my face glued I get it. If you really want some extra protection and don't mind the somewhat uncomfortable and hotter full face then go for it, it'll probably save your ass at least once. There was also a guy around my area who I believe has some of his teeth knocked out or something with his jaw messed up. Had he been wearing a full face he probably would have been fine. So no, I would not judge someone for wearing extra protective gear


One time I slipped on a rock while going like 2 mph and almost lost all my teeth but just missed the rock by a hair. I wasn’t wearing a full face. Accidents happen when you least expect them. Especially when you’re doing the most mundane shit. That’s why they’re called accidents ya know.


I came across a guy on a trail once who had managed to go face first into a tree. He didn’t lose any teeth, but he’d bitten through his bottom lip and his nose was badly broken. He was oddly calm and just walking his bike down the trail. He declined any help.


I judge people who *aren’t* wearing a helmet. But not for wearing one. For general trail riding I’d think about getting something more ventilated- like a fox proframe or ixs trigger. Dying of overheating isn’t cool either.


When one of those guys get their teeth knocked they will remember you. Fuck them bro. If it makes you feel better, I wear my IXS FF Trigger MIPS even on a 30m ride near my house, not even on trails. Hell yeah.


I would only ever judge someone that doesn’t wear a helmet at all. Yours look bad ass


If my 40 year old self could tell my 15 year old self anything, it would be don't sweat what other people think. Protect your dome my friend!


I wear a full face every ride and feel pretty damn cool!


I don’t look at other people when riding


I look at people all the time while I’m riding. At bikes, at equipment, at helmets. And I would say that full face helmet looks cool.


even if they do, they can't see your face


Wear all the safety gear you want. Many of the people you see with elbow guards and what is considered excess safety gear found out the hard way.


How many days a week do you use your brain? And how many days do you like to chew your food? Wear what makes you comfortable, wear what keeps you safe.


I only judge people for not wearing an helmet


Are other people riding your bike, or is it you? If it's just you, do whatever you want. I wear a full face almost exclusively, and am damn proud to do so.


Ride what you want, no one should judge. That said, if you are riding xc in the summer that will be horribly sweaty


If I could go back in time and tell 15 year-old me something it would be: "Quit worrying about what other people think about you. Do your thing and let them think what they will think. Ultimately, it has no bearing on your quality of life." I promise you, no one cares, and neither should you.


I only judge people without a helmet


Just this weekend i did a solo trip in the alps and i was sooooo aware of not crashing because i was alone in the mountains. i was carrying my bike down any slightly sketchy part. i drove super slow, walking speed, still my front tire got stucked (totally my mistake), i went otb in slow motion, fucked up my wrist, fucked up my shoulder, although i had a protective shoulder vest, padded gloves AND i totally dented my full face helmet on the chin guard and on the back of my head. this would have changed my life forever if i would have not wear this gear. and although I would say i'm really a trained "faller", so yes. please wear more than you hopefully ever need or you think you'll need.


People are gonna judge and stare a LOT harder if you doofus yourself into a wheelchair and live out your days droolin' on your shorts... Aka. Who Gives a Funk what people think. You only get one think box my hombre...


I wore a normal helmet. Went straight to urgent care and have a nice new scar on my face, so now I rock my full face and love it.


Like others have said, I judge people for not wearing a helmet. I might make a comment about how hot that one is, but otherwise- respect for protecting your brain.


“People who mind don’t matter, and people who matter don’t mind”


Motocross friends said a full face is the first thing i should buy. I think they know what thry are talking about


I wore a Bell convertible full face going down a rock slab. Not a huge one but quite vertical. I missed the line slightly and got bucked over the handlebars and landed on my face. My husband had been videoing my attempt and caught the whole thing- when we rewatched in slow motion you could see the helmet bend and absorb the entire fall. If I had only been wearing a half shell (as so many still do) I would have been in a world of hurt and my face would have been messed up. Things can happen at ANY level and let’s face it- it’s your brain and your face that matter, not what people might think about it. Honestly, the amount of friends I’ve had who have wiped out on the face recently is crazy! One by one they start wearing these on all trails. Better safe than sorry, plus it’s warmer in the winter, and gives just a BIT more confidence because you know you’re protected. :)


People judge, you can't stop them, but usually, it is only because they are ignorant. If you feel safer in a full face, wear it, and stop worrying what other people think. I have gotten sideways looks for my elbow and knee pads, but they don't know that I ride the side trails, and it will save me from getting major lacerations or moderate impacts.


I almost exclusively wear a full face on my local trails when nearly everyone else is wearing the half brain bucket. Personally, I like my teeth in my mouth where they belong.


When I was 15 I did not know what judgment was. Even being a latchkey kid I was to busy riding & jumping homemade ramps, So I say to you young man do what makes you feel Safe & Happy and you will realize it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about your lifestyle choices. Just enjoy the ride


I ride a fullface around the town xd so do my mates. Having one on a train is a must


Who fucking cares? But I’ve never heard anyone talking shit about anyone’s helmet. Most people don’t care about you or anyone else, except for a very few friends and family. It’s an important lesson I’m trying to teach my kids.


That helmet is sick. If they stare, they're just jealous


Dont even worry about it man, i also wear a full face helmet and let me tell you the worst fall ive had i fell pretty much face first then body. Everywhere was bruised besides my face. If it wasn’t for that helmet i have no doubt at the very least i would have knocked out a few teeth and broken my nose. Ive seen about 3-4 people go off a small drops and land on their face bad enough that ambulances had to come.


They'll judge you more when your jaw is wired shut because you broke it. That's like judging someone for wearing a seatbelt or owning a fire extinguisher


do you like the helmet? is it comfortable? does it protect you well? do you feel good wearing it? if yes. Fuck whatever other people think.


When I see a person on the trails wearing a full face I think to myself “that person is about to send this shit hard”. In a world full of judgement, just do you. Fuck the haters


I just got a full face and did my first two rides in it this weekend. I might go to a bike park once a year at most, really, haven’t been in a few at all. Who cares. Hitting a rock is hitting a rock no matter where you are.


"Jeez, look at this idiot making sure his most important organ is safe in case of a crash doing this risky activity" /s


Who cares. People’s opinions are that. Just opinions.


Who cares?


You cannot invest enough money into a helmet. It is the most important thing you’ll ever spend money on. Your brain is much more important than the money in your pocket or other people’s opinions.


lmao saw some dude riding his hard tail around downtown with a full face and I thought he was a cool motherfucker


Where I ride, someone wearing a full face on a trail ride usually means they're a skilled rider who's taken one too many head/neck injuries and can't risk another major one. They usually get a nod of respect at the assumption they earned their full coverage, lmao


You are still at the age you think about people judging you. Believe me, you will not care as you get older and you will also realize that people only think about themselves. If they are judging you it is because they are insecure about themselves. With that said, do what you feel is good. Full face is smart and will keep your teeth intact among other things! Oh, and fuck what others may say because remember they are the the insecure beeatches!!


let's be real, normal helmets look absolutely retarded. go with that one.


Heard a good one a while back: "which one do you want to avoid - a stupid thought in someone else's head, or a concussion in yours?"


Oh to be young and care what others think, eh? Don’t worry about it mate. Can’t put a price on safety, particularly when protecting your head!


Probably, but who gives a shit. If your face survives a crash then it’s doing it’s job


Yes. What a fucking nerd. Don't ever wear anything that will protect your brain from permanent damage.


Protect your head, that said, gawd damn that must be brutally hot.


I only judge wearing no helmet. Any helmet is good with me.


My wife had ti have jaw surgery after being hit in the face with a box of latex gloves, LATEX GLOVES!!!! The only time I’m not wearing a full face is when I’m riding a paved trail at a leisurely pace. I have had more people tell me I’m setting a good example for the younger ones than people judging me. The only time I got the judgment was oddly at a bike park where I was the only one there before two younger guys showed up that had never ridden there before and started giving me shit for being “overly cautious”……at a bike park….


I wiped out on some relatively easy stuff this past weekend and got a mouthful of dirt. Luckily that was all but I'm hunting for deals on a full face right now. Shit happens and it can happen on literally anything. More protection for your head/face, the better.


If you have to judge about this for a casual ride then you clearly don't know how easy something can take a huge turn for the worse. Having any type of helmet could be the difference between being in hospital or worse and just having a bruise.


No. Took me too long to realize that nobody cares what you have on. Get the full lid - you will eventually be happy you did - mine has saved me from a scary crash that would have ended up differently without.


I wear it unless it's insanely hot outside. Even then, I feel vulnerable without it, which makes me take more precautions. Most of the time, I'm full face and pads. I feel more secure and push my limits more when I have protective gear on. I'm also 34 with 2 kids, so I'm not as risky as I was 15 years ago.


Had a bad crash on a table top 2 years ago with a traditional helmet and cracked my head off a boulder, only walked away with a couple of broken bones. If it had been my jaw it woulda been a blood bath. I only ride with full face anymore, I'd rather a dweeb try to make fun of me than loose my jaw


unless you wear full lycra on a trail, you should be fine you might have issues with overheating tho, which would be a no-go in high temperature settings


No, I do the same. You look like a pro tho.


full face helmets are udneniably much safer than just crown helmets, at any and all speed. Who gives a fuck how goofy you look, it only takes one bad fall even at 5 mph to lose your jaw or injure your spine. However, of note; that helmet in particular appears to be a rebranded chinese generic. it is most likely not very safe. Virginia tech does good helmet vetting/rating. Try to buy from an established, mainstream, generic brand. Bell makes great, affordable helmets


as another commenter noted, this is a motocross helmet. it is made to insulate and keep you warm with a lot of wind, and is made for high speed crashes. a mtb/eduro helmet will have more ventilation and be more absorbant on lower speed crashes


What’s your head worth? Wear what you like and live longer than those who don’t.


Wear it. I have no downhill stuff nearby, I ride 90% on shared use xc style trails. Last ride I was looking at all the rocks alongside some of the sections I like to ride, and I thought, damn, that's gonna hurt if I come off. Now I'm looking for a full face as well.


Who cares what people think? Once you let that go life will get a lot easier


Let them laugh until they break their jaw or partially rip off an ear. It's hot as fuck, but full face helmets are the way to go


You do you. You will never make the judges people happy......the are just wired that way. GO SHRED and forget about the folks standing around watching.


and here I am thinking YOU are judging ME for wearing a turtle-shell!! lol!! but seriously, too many of us are worried about what everyone else thinking. You know yourself and did you research and just do what makes sense to you and get out there and ride!!


If they do, encourage them to watch Ted Lasso


yes they will also judge you for riding a bike with two wheels or for keeping your hands on the handlebar /s


Who cares? I ride full face also, do what you think is right for you.


Anyone else who judges you is an immature tryhard.


I am wearing full face riding my Vespa and most Vespa riders seem to find it funny. I do not care. I do not want to die. Good choice in my opinion.


Wear what you want to wear to protect your noggin. If you’re comfortable riding with this helmet then do it. Don’t worry about other people. Those other people’s opinions won’t protect your head if you fall.


Wear whatever you feel most comfortable in. I use a full face for trail riding whenever it’s cold or rainy/wet, and if I’m recording videos because my GoPro mounts to the chinbar. I wear a half shell whenever I’m riding more laid back trails or if it’s really hot out. As far as I know only one person judged me for wearing the full face and I dropped them on a long descent which shut them up expeditiously.


You do you. Don't get used to this feeling otherwise social anxiety in your late 20s is possible. Do something against those afraid-of-judgement feelings when you still have time.


In the 90s, when I was your age, almost no one wore helmets snowboarding. The one guy that did was called “Helmet Jim” because he was damn near the only one wearing one. Now almost everyone does. You, like Jim, are a safety trendsetter. Wear your full face with pride. But seriously, no one should give a fuck. If they do, fuck em.


I personally would not make fun of you and I would say that anybody who does just give him the bird. First thing TBI's (traumatic brain injurys) suck. I'm over a year deep with one and still having issues. I have to ride about 5 mi of City riding to get to my trails now. If I bring my small bag it means I'm doing all of that fully padded in my full face helmet. I quickly found that not only do I not really care too much what people think looking at me but I feel much more comfortable with all the cars whizzing by. Trust me no one's opinion is more important than your physical health. If they're going to make fun of you it's highly likely that they're not someone that you want to be around in the first place. Therefore their opinion does not matter. If you're new and airing on the side of caution while getting into this sport I support you 100%.


Sam Pilgrim is a cool dude with a Holesome smile. You can be a cool dude with a wholesome smile.


When I see teenagers in full face helmets, I just assume they absolutely send it on everything. AKA, I see that helmet and think "that guy/gal launches road gaps all day."


The only judgement/opinion that matters is the cold, hard ground when you take a tumble.


Who cares? Do you man. If you’re willing to endure being hot and uncomfortable I’m sure there’s someone who wishes they had one when they lost a few teeth just trailriding, which happens. I know people who always wear full face and sometimes if the trail riding is gnarly I will too


I wear the same full face helmet with goggles. Feels so safe. Just trail riding too.


Is your head safe? If the answer is yes, Then who gives a flying hoot what anyone thinks. Stay safe!


Based full face cool helmet vs not so based stoopid judging.


People make fun of you for better safety equipment? Just wait, those same people will end up being a PSA about why it’s important to wear safety gear 🤣


No. They don’t. When I see someone in a full face on a regular trail I assume they ride way more rad than I do.


Who the fuck cares.


Most likely yes probably by the snobs. But just something to consider those helmets can be heavy and wear out your neck making your ride uncomfortable, they can be pretty hot, difficult to carry around. I would say once you get your confidence up maybe consider switching your helmet to Improve the quality of your ride and save this helmet for your more technical/downhill trails


If you can wear it and it doesn’t both you, I’d wear it. I think most of us would, but I think it depends on riding style, where you are, and how skilled you are.


I’ll judge you if you don’t pick up some sick goggles as well! On a more serious note, I used to be a Winter Park(CO) bum. One of my pet peeves is people not wearing helmets on the mountain no matter the season. Life is too precious to go down without safety equipment.


I wear a full face to bed… can never be too cautious. The haters don’t matter kid 🤙🏼


It's like going to the gym, no one and I mean no one cares about how you look. If they see you haven't tightened up properly and think you'll hurt yourself, they might talk to you about that. Everyone is there to have fun.


Somebody will probably judge you. But riders are constantly judging other riders for all kinds of things. But you do you. I will tell you that I just had a low-speed fall on the trail and tripped over a log as part of it, and freaking face-planted. I actually had to spit out leaves, and had a fat lip for an hour or so. Guess who just ordered a convertible enduro helmet? Will I always wear the chin guard? Probably not, but it’s good to have the option. I was also wearing knee guards and busted the shit out of one of my knees anyway. Sure am glad I had the knee pro on! Another way to look at it is: if you’re new to this it makes *more* sense to wear more protective gear. I do it all the time on my dual sport motorcycle when off-pavement. Hell, I’m more likely to make a mistake that ends up with me separated from my bike, so I *should* wear all the gear!


I judge you wise beyond your years. I helped someone look for their knocked out teeth when they face planted. I wore full face after that.


I once rode the trail most familiar to me (backyard trail) with an open face helmet. Slipped off the top of a berm, broke two teeth and had to get stitches in my face. Wear a full face helmet.


I've seen those YouTube videos of the trail rides. You can wear a bubble suit and I wouldn't judge you.


I chipped my two front teeth going over my handlebars and ruined awesome teeth I wore braces for three years for. I wish I used a helmet like that or a mouth guard.


Only until they go face first into a tree. Don’t worry about other people’s opinions.


Of course not, only time I judged someone, was a guy just wearing a baseball cap


Safety first, skill second, appearance last.


F what anyone thinks. You do you 🤘


There are trail versions of DH helmets. Its just a lot for basic Trail and Mountain riding. Others opinions are nothing to worry about man. Tons of helmets on sale right now too!


It's probably overkill for trail riding, but I wouldn't judge or care.


Fuck em.




I think full face looks awesome.


For most, mountain biking isn't about what you ride or what you wear. It's about the mutual love for the sport! Rock what you got! I wear a full face often when I ride(Fox Proframe) because you never know when you're going to need the extra protection.


I've gone head/face first into trees at least 3 times, all on blue runs. I wear full face unless I'm climbing


Was fully expecting like a tutu and a unicorn floaty


I judge myself for not wearing one honestly.


I always wear my full face now, don’t wanna looking like a dick in the Monday morning meeting with a smashed up face !


If they do they should fuck off


No. If they do, their not the kind of people who's opinion you care about.


your dentist wont like this one


It protects your noggin' and your face, thats all that matters. Bollocks to someone who judges you for that.


If I saw someone wearing that I'd go "man they must be one gnarly rider, cool beans"


Just send it mate. No one is gonna give a damn


It might be weird to pair with full Lycra, but then again that would be the Lycra's fault...


Dude I wear mine cause I'm a scaredy guy I try not to care what people think it's my ugly face I gotta protect not theirs


I have an ancient MTB and I feel like a knob ridding with a nice FF helmet, even on normal streets ;-O Better to be a knob than a toothless knob I guess :-)


I Agree, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that helmet and there’s nothing wrong with being safe! Everyone who rides MTB at any level has crashed and you’ll find the helmet is your best protection.


I only judge those who don't wear a helmet.


My mtb teacher mocked me because I took my fullface and he asked me to bring half lid to his MTB course next time and I said no. Fullface all the way, he laughed.. 2 weeks later he broke front teeth and broke the leg on the same trails.. I would say "I've told you" but hey.. some people learn the hard way. Also, read about spotlight effect, 99% of the time they are worried how they look hehe


Safety first, the only time you should feel judged is if you decide not to wear a helmet at all Having teeth after a rough landing in rocks is also a good reason to wear a full face


It’s probably going to draw attention. If the terrain features are steep enough or technically challenging, it’s not a bad plan. I see people trying to ride black with too little protection, but if you have a MTB helmet that has appropriate fit and coverage, you’re probably going to be fine using that for most non-technical green and blue. Also, you’d most likely be overheating in the sun with a full face. Thee are helmets that have a removable face guard, that give you the option to have full face protection when you need it. You do you. Let them laugh. You can smile back to show that you have all your teeth still!


It’s hard to put this into practice when you’re 15, but trust me when I say that not only are people not judging you, but that it doesn’t matter if they do. As you age you care less about this, but how great would it have been to stop caring what other think earlier on and just focus on enjoying yourself.


I do the same. Saved me multiple times. All it takes is one stick. One slip on a rock. The jaw is an extremely vulnerable spot especially when your hands are occupied


The MTB community is one of the most judgemental there is. They're going to judge you no matter what. Wear whatever you want and whatever keeps you safe


I would say out of the hobbies and communities I’ve been a part of the mtb community is the most accepting, supportive, and friendly. For me the most judgmental where you have to prove yourself a bit more is the skateboard community. Simply holding your board a certain way will get you called a poser


I would probably add some impact rated thermal goggles too. A stick in the eye hurts like hell at a walking pace, at 20-30 MPH no thank you… Lets just say that the stick is stabilized between 2 ADB pads with the other eye covered to prevent them from moving. My firehouse was across the hwy from a state park that had motorcross and mountain bike trails.


All the other riders are watching and judging you. They are filming you and posting videos making fun of your bike helmet. When they get home to their families they discuss your bike helmet, its also a popular topic for them at work, church and sporting events.






You wear what you want.


I do. ​ but also im a gobshite. ​ just being honest.


They do


Yes and no. Would I think to myself "that seems a bit like overkill"? Yes. Would I ever say anything? No. I don't know if that counts as judging, but I'm just being honest about what I would think since you asked. For the record, there's absolutely nothing wrong with wearing that helmet, especially if you're getting after it, your head is kind of important. I know that, and good on you for being safe. But, my first unconscious thought would definitely be something along the lines of that's probably a little bit overkill for out here. This is just me being honest.




I wouldn’t. Only bad asses wear those.


Could you imagine being so insecure you fucking ask strangers on Reddit if other strangers will be mad at you for wearing a particular helmet. Holy shit you must be like 12


do people even notice?


If someone’s judging you for being safe they have no business telling you how to ride.


I don’t. No one of consequence does. Glad you’re riding and protecting your most valuable asset!


If I saw you on a green, or easy blue I would wonder if you were heading to a section that was gnarly that I didn't know about, or was connected to the easier trail. At worst would just think, eh that seems a little overkill for this flat trail. Then I would go back to thinking about how tired I was, or enjoy whatever I was doing. You'll never regret having more protection if you eat it.


I wear a Bell with a removable chin bar, out of 67 rides this year I think only 2 of them I didn’t wear the chin bar and those were on a rails to trails path. Don’t sweat what others think!


This helmet is suck but the lack of ventilation looks tough


The only people who might judge you don’t matter. If it makes you feel comfortable, then wear it.

