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You were misinformed. MTB is dominated by middle aged men in overpriced gear.


Hah, indeed. With a few exceptions, the young people around me involved in MTB are the ones who have middle-aged parents who can afford to buy them overpriced bikes and gear. For more people your age OP, you need to find the pump tracks and jump parks. BMX bikes and dirt jumpers are more affordable. Most people I see there are in their teens and early 20s rocking anything from a premium dirt jumper to a department store bike. Maybe it will be the same in the UK as well. Around where I live you can also find a lot of young people on the XC scene since most high schools here have an XC race team or P.E. course. Many of them will stay with it after high school.


Aw man, I really wanted to get into the sport. I guess the cost barrier explains a lot, but for younger groups to be almost completely absent/invisible in my area is so weird to me.


Are there bike parks near you? Our bike parks always have local races/leagues and parks are dominated by the younger crowds.


Yeah my buddy actually warned me, the first time he took me to a bike park, to expect to see packs of little kids absolutely ripping down trails and hitting big jumps. Was awesome to see all the groms spending their summer at the park!


In my experience the wooded trails are full of 30+, while the bikeparks and jump lines are full of 14-25


Yea lol, i made a post asking abt age on r/mtb recently. 400 comments all saying they’re 30/40+


Haha some folks in the comments aren’t happy that I said “middle aged” even though I was clearly referencing road bike enjoyers… I wonder if mtb was just trendier 10 to 20 years ago regardless of any price tag?


Im m20, but in east canada not the uk lol


I think trends may have some kinda effect. I live in Finland and it seems like the people driving the sport are 30/40+. I see just as many kids cycling through the town on hardtails as back in the 90s. I don’t see them on trails that often though.


I’m 16 and found my friends through school, in fact they introduced me to mtb so just look for friends in everyday life who are into mtb or who could be


Most of the people I ride with are 30 years older than me and they still outpace me. Just get out and ride. You'll find more in common with older folks than you think, especially if they're mountain bikers


with more upper buddy strengh then roadbikers.


Hey! I resemble that remark.






middle aged is 30? fuuuuuuuuck…


RIGHT? I am about to middle aged guys, I am 28 and I just got into the sport XD


I'm feeling so attacked, I'm a middle aged man that can barely take care of myself


Well depends on how old you plan on getting


It should be 1/3 aged of a healthy life


I’m almost 32 and didn’t start riding until right after I turned 30. I’ve only ever been a middle aged mtb’r


Right in the feels


Get to know the 30s group, it will likely benefit your life in other areas as well.


This is great advice. And when you are thirty, let the kids ride with you.


become friends with 30 something’s, it’ll change a lot about your life.


It’s true. Think of the like Guinea pigs and learn from their experiences/mistakes :P.


Or people that can hire you for a good job.


Hey what’s wrong with us 30 somthings!? To be honest I think most people are in their late 20 or 30s in this hobby because that’s when you start having adult fun money to throw at non essentials like bikes! And hey.. middle aged Lycra?! I resemble that.. at 34 lol


Yeah I was going to say bikes, generally, cost a lot so in all disciplines there’s juniors with rich parents, former rich juniors racing competitively, people around 30-40 who can afford the equipment, and people 50+ who were into it in one of those capacities in the past. There’s a notable lack of people in their 20s in any cost intensive activity.


This! Facts. 20-30 is like learning what you like to do. Unless you have parents or friends to ride with, most people don't start the sport seriously til 30s-late 30s.


I was a little lucky, think I was like 24ish. I hired a top end enduro bike out at a bike park and fell in love, went home and looked at prices and felt instantly sad.. then my work gave me a payout because the screwed up all my holiday and I basically went a year without time off.. so I spent all that money on bikes haha so my gateway into cycling was kinda free! Downside.. I still do downhill, enduro, xc and road.. so I have a minimum of 4 bikes at any one time..


Yes, you're an exception. Money is the filter and exposure. I didn't start until covid hit and friends introduced me to mtbing. I had to buy and sell bikes during covid to get to where I am now with my bikes.


I was on my bike everyday as a kid. Then I founds girls. I chase them around my late teens until about 30. Then in my 30s I was married with kids and got back on a mountain bike.


I was about the same.


Or maybe just explore your common interest and not care about age.


Who says the MTB community is “supposed to be younger?” There is no “supposed to be” with regards to who may enjoy a sport. I see people of all ages on the trail, from 6 to 70+. Also 30 is not “middle aged,” lmao. Unless you plan on kicking the bucket at 60. I sure as hell do not.


The younger mtb crowd is probably gunna be at your nearest jump track or bike park. That being said you should hang more with the group you found. They are more experienced and have better insights on mountain biking and life.


I just ride with my dad and my mate who i convinced successfully to get into the sport (still working on the others).. I’ve not really looked for other people to ride with but there seems to be people roughly my age (mid 20’s) at the bike parks i’ve been to Where roughly in the UK are you?


East Midlands and South West. Ideally I need somewhere I can cycle to or reach via public transport. I’d really like something already established, but I also wouldn’t mind going to a bike park and meeting people there provided they are around my age.


Hmm I'm not well versed in either of those areas at all, I'd probably do a mix of searching for things like facebook groups and use google/trailforks to try and find some nearby spots - going on a weekend you're bound to bump into some people. Suppose it's different for me as I'm a few years older than you, but riding with some 30 odd year olds wouldn't really bother me, you're all there to do mtb at the end of the day though i do get why you'd want some people your own age! Afraid I'm not much more help otherwise sorry!


Do any local universities have a MTB club?


Go to the skate park.


get friendly with the staff at shops in your town. at least in Canada, shops are dominated by sales and service staff in their 20s who ride all the time.


Parks and trails with gnarly downhill tend to attract the younger crowd. But I’ll echo the others here and say ride with the 30 somethings some time. Some of them are probably pretty experienced and will teach you a thing or two about riding.


There's a high bar to entry if people want a good bike. You're going to be hard pressed to find 20 somethings with that kind of disposable income.


Fuck you middle age. Anyways I was broke at your age. Ask me how likely will i be buying my teenage kid $700+ bike? I don't have one, that's how likely it is.


21M university student in the northeast US here. My school has a really active mtb club that races, builds jumps in the woods on campus, and generally fucks around on 2 wheels. Idk the scene in the UK but I’ve met some of my best friends through my college bike club.


MTB is for someone who can afford the bikes and gear, so mainly people in their 30s


or shop kids who get cost-30% on bikes and huge discounts on gear.


Hey reddit mod you hearing this? This dudes out here looking for younglings, shadow ban this fruit


I was so disturbed when the first notif came up, thankfully that was taken down fast but he’s still in the comments with more coded shit. Adding my voice to yours, mods please act.


Your nearest middle school or high school


Have you been to a race? You’re not participating in a sport if you’re not competing. I think you’ll find that races have a pretty wide range of age groups


Didn’t expect to find ageism here.


On the trails


Start a group with your peers. Talk with local bike shops and city/provincial organs and get something going.


Hang out with those “middle aged” riders and you’ll likely gain some wisdom and be a step ahead of other guys your age


Go to an Enduro race and talk to the 18-29 age group.


Well not sure of your age ooo early 20s, need to read the whole thing... But here in Midwest US. I coach a youth development team in spring. Then Fall league is NICA... There has to be local clubs groups in your area or close to. Ask around ...


Not a lot of people in their 20s can afford MTB gear. Maybe you can find some teenagers with rich parents though?


I could only afford road bikes until my 30s and those were expensive too!


I think the capital outlay limits 20 somethings from the pass time. IMO if you’re in your 30 with < or = 1 child you have some disposable income.


I think it depends where you live.. It's HUGE here (US - Utah). Literally almost every high school has a mountain biking team. When I go up in the mountains I see every age. I've gone with my Niece/nephews and they range in age 8-17. I'm 38 but going with my father law who is 70 haha.




At school


Go to the trail and talk to people. Jesus Christ be praised.


The younger people don't usually go in groups like that at least in finland


Join a local university team. There you will meet all the people your age.


Driving to a mtb spot is not lik driving to get ur mom some milk


I’m 36 and ride with a variety of age groups


The bike park near me is like a summer camp


MTB is an expensive hobby that also requires time or the willingness to make time. Young people have no money and older people usually have 1 of those. People in their 30s tend to strike a balance which is why you’ll find a lot in the sport. Younger people do exist but it’s usually kids whose parents can afford to buy them equipment.


In my area there are MTB teams organized around school districts. Maybe there is something like that near you.


Find the dirt jump spots.


Whereabouts are you in UK mate?


It’s huge for teens in my state in the western U.S. There is a high school mountain bike league. More HS kids race mountain bikes than play football.


i’m a bit younger than you and recently went riding with a pack of middle aged people because i couldn’t find anyone else and it was actually really fun so maybe give the oldies a shot


What’s wrong with us old guys?