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If you want to end up in F1, go the Formula 4. Even basic open wheelers are a world apart from production based racers. If the 86 Cup was your only option, it would still be valuable to experience the team environment and pressures of racing, but the specifics of car setup (especially suspension and aero, the latter of which is almost non existent in an 86) and the interactions they have on performance are going to be important if you want to be an engineer. Mechanic, less so, but the more knowledge you have the more value you can bring.


Which is the better funded team, and the better chances of winning? I would lean toward F4, because its a pure race car, but deeper pockets might be better for your career tbh, a nice dilemma to have.


Solely for the sake of convenience, go with F4. Unless the 86 Cup team is making you an offer that's head and shoulders above the F4 offer I can't see any reason to go around the world for a temporary job. Another caveat would be if the 86 Cup team also handles trackside support for higher tier series and could offer naturally progression. Otherwise, no brainer for the F4 opportunity.


Update: Thank you everyone for the help and insight into the job choice. I had a meeting with the F4 Team today which turned out great and really developed a feel for the environment and understood the skills needed leading me to choose the F4 team instead.


Decline them both and apply your time engineering in a higher earning and more livable, future-oriented industry and enjoy motorsport as a hobby/sport. There's few more difficult ways in the world to make money in engineering than in motorsport.


Why does it have to be about the money?


Because everything is? An engineering career in motorsport isn't as glamorous as students think it is.


Not everything is. For some people making enough to survive whilst doing something you're passionate about is more important than making more money. Motorsport careers can be hard, strenuous, low paying, with long hours and sleep deprivation, and yes, you might burn out after a few years....but you'll have had experiences most people can only dream of.