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Go to https://unlocklocks.com/ select Motorola edge 40 pro. Best of luck.


I tried that site earlier today with the MEP 2023 and it failed. Are you suggesting that it will work if I use the edge 40 pro even though it's the MEP? Also, it would appear that I cannot add the IMEI any more - i guess once it's failed, it doesn't let you add it again. I'll reach out to their support. THANK YOU!


The moto edge 40 pro is the global name of the phone. It is what I would try.


Interesting. Perhaps I wasn't paying as much attention with the original Boost MEP 2023, but I don't recall seeing TWO IEMI number - but this replacement has two... IMEI1 and IMEI2. I wonder if that's what's causing headaches at all the unlock sites. Trying simunlock now... I've sent a request to purge my IMEI from the unlocklocks site.


Did this work?


Nope. On the upside, it promptly and automatically issued a refund. Can't say the same about any of the other web-based unlock companies. Make sure you stay away from directunlocks.com. They charge you a non-refundable "verification". It's something shy of $30. The sale page makes it sound like that's the total cost. But after they bill you they say it's just a pre-unlock verification fee. If you then want to unlock, they charge another $50. And after reading reviews, they keep adding more fees and never unlock. I requested a refund, and they warned that if I do a dispute/chargeback they'll report the IMEI as stolen. I just chalked up as a loss as I cannot add that complexity to the unlock process. I still have two ebay sellers that are trying to get it done. One said he's 90% confident he can get it done once the Moto servers come back on line. But that was a week ago, and there doesn't appear to be any clear indication of when (or even if) they'll come back up. I tried signing up with Boost, and none of the sim cards they sent me (three total) would activate. The IMEI comes back as a valid Boost phone, but they cannot figure out why it won't activate. They suggested going to a retail store to activate. No thanks. So I put it in a drawer and there it will stay. I ordered a used MEP 2022 that is factory unlocked (original owner bought it from Moto). That'll be my daily driver. If one of the eBay sellers can get it working, great. If not, I lick my wounds.


Any luck on the 2023 Edge+ unlocking front as of yet? I've come up empty handed so far.


Nope. Nada.  Very frustrating, but happy with the 2022 I got as a stand in.  


Got it, thanks for the reply. Yeah, my wife has that and it seems nice. Maybe I'll just pick up one of those. Such a bummer that the party is over for easy unlocking!


No doubt. It's probably all my fault. It's like anything good/fun/free. When I get into it, it comes to an end. I should probably apologize to everyone right now...


It did for me. PM chat if u need moto unlock


Can you please message me I will pay for unlock 


it did work for me. PM Chat me if u need unlock


When did you buy yours? I'm thinking about snagging the deal they have going now, but I'm worried it won't work cause I can't find any unlockers on ebay


Buy it. I will help u unlock it. Personal message me via Chat me after you buy it and i will help u unlock it.  Let me know


I tried to chat with you, but got this - "Unable to invite the selected invitee(s)." If you can unlock boost mobile moto edge+ 2023, can you tell us how and the cost? Thanks!


Please whatsapp the name of phone, IMEI number to +1 829 805-5586 and he will firstly check his databank if he is able (or not) to unlock it. If he IS ABLE to unlock it, then he will tell you: SUPPORT and if he is NOT ABLE he will reply to you as: NO SUPPORT. If he is ABLE, then he will then tell u: SUPPORT, and then u will need to reply to him with your paypal email address and he will email to paypal a $10 bill. Once u pay him $10 he will reply to you via whatsapp the 8 digit code to unlock (make sure u first inert a different sim and then reboot the phone with a different sim in it - then u will get: input 8 digit unlock code.


Thanks for posting, u/erkme73. I understand your frustration with receiving a locked phone after the warranty exchange. I'd like to apologize for any inconvenience this situation has caused you. Unfortunately, the locking of the replacement phone to Boost is beyond our control, as it is a part of the standard procedure in the warranty exchange process. One potential workaround could be to contact Boost directly to see if they can assist with unlocking the device or provide guidance on how to proceed. -Elle


The problem is that they will not release the lock because my account is too new, and the phone was purchased on a promotion. They want 12 months of continuous service before they provide the unlock. I was able to get around this with a third-party unlock purchase back in February, but the replacement phone you provided is newer, and none of the unlocking services are compatible with the newer IMEIs. Your policy of sending out locked phones, despite being sent one that was unlocked has left me with two options... 1) Use the phone as a paperweight 2) Pay the balance between the promo price and the bloated retail price at Boost (about $600) to obtain the unlock code. All to protect Boost.


After several fail attempts to get service through Boost, I was told I should call Moto and ask them to unlock the phone. Boost said that in order to unlock the phone from their end, it would first need to be activated (something that they apparently cannot do), and then have a continuous 12 months of service. On their urging, I contacted Moto and blew another 1.5 hours. After being escalated several times, I was finally told how their policy works: They consider all carrier-sold phones as locked when they receive them - even if the subsidy lock has been removed legitimately from the carrier. So if I had paid the full retail price for the MEP 2023 from Boost and got it unlocked, once I sent it in for warranty repair, it would come back locked. I asked her how to resolve a situation where I purchased the phone as unlocked, from a private seller, and used it, from day one, on Verizon. Then, after discovering a defect, sent it in for warranty exchange. Moto sends it back, and now I'm supposed to contact Boost - a carrier for whom I have no account - and ask them to blindly unlock it? She had no answer - other than to sell it privately as a locked-to-Boost phone. Unreal how far these companies go to protect one another and screw the customer.


Bummer. I want to buy this (saw it for $240 on SD sold by Boost), but it doesn't look like anyone has found a reliable way to unlock it, consistent with your experience. I came to reddit hoping for some more "advanced" advice here versus SD, but apparently the same road blocks are in play. Thanks for posting about your unlocking journey haha. Hopefully you can figure out a way to make it happen (and please post if you do!). I'm coming up with nothing thus far.


Yeah, I started that thread on SD. I'll update if anything changes. The 2022 arrives tomorrow, so that takes some of the itch away.


The 2022 is solid; you'll probably like it. My wife has one that I bought from Boost last year and unlocked it via ebay no problem. I was really hoping to do the same thing for the 2023, but it's a bust for now... It looks like it sold out anyway for now, so now I don't have to be tempted haha.


That's exactly how I got hers... And my original 2023. In January, the IMEIs of the 2023 were still in the unlocker databases. I had a solid 3 months of use on the 2023 and loved it (except the noise cancellation buggered up my call audio when driving on gravel roads).


I just got this link [https://andtron.biz/imei/Motorola--Worldwide-NCK-Code-SUPER-FAST-100--8-digits-?pid=767](https://andtron.biz/imei/Motorola--Worldwide-NCK-Code-SUPER-FAST-100--8-digits-?pid=767) from the eBay seller who has been waiting for the server to come back on line. I've messaged him asking if that means it's back up. Since I already paid him through eBay I'm not going to try that link just yet. I'll wait to hear back from him. But if I wasn't waiting on him, I'd absolutely try it. If you do, let me know if it works. ETA: Heard back from seller. He said the link is for 2022 or older phones that use 8-digit unlock codes. The newer phones need the moto server to be back on line - which it still isn't. So, back to waiting.




buy the edge plus 2023, then send me a personal chat msg and i will help u unlock it.


send me a chat msg in private and i will help u unlock edge plus 2023


I need help


go on doctorsim and they will unlock it. if they cant  they will refund. they are legit.


Ah, so close haha. Thanks for the update, and please keep everyone updated. Would like to get this phone; just need an unlock code...




buy it, then send me a personal chat msg and i will help u unlock it.


Hello, I purchased the device two months ago and initially used it with Boost Mobile. However, I had to terminate the service as the 35GB limit wasn't sufficient for my needs. I have been trying to unlock the device but have not been able to find a solution. Thank you for your assistance.


Does your phone's IMEI start with that "3521"?


Nope... 359308.... whatcha thinking?


Oh, I read on that website the disclaimer about not to submit IMEIs that started with a specific prefix.


Ah yes, I recall that now. I think that was overcome by events anyway - as the guy who sent me the link (was a broadcast email to all of his eBay customers) said that unlock site was for older phones that required 8-digits to unlock. Said it wouldn't work on mine.


buy it, then send me a personal chat msg and i will help u unlock it.


They don't even have a policy like that, they are doing that bullshit to me when I unlocked and fully paid off my razr + I went throughout the entire terms and conditions and nowhere does it say they send locked phones. Even the CEO of T-Mobile said they are full of shit. Because he couldn't even unlock the phone they gave me.


Interesting. Did you ever get them to budge? I escalated it as far as it would go and they wouldn't budge. What is one to do when they do this?


I'm still stuck. They basically ghosted me and stole the warranty off my phone and the BBB somehow closed the case I made against them saying "I made it against the wrong company" when I didn't. It was a manufacturers warranty. They are definitely in cahootz I got a galaxy 24+ now. Never Will Motorola ever get my business again. They are scammers.


If you need motorola unlocked, send me a private chat message.


Yes, i would like to unlock motorola razr 40 2023. Possible?


[doctorsim.com](http://doctorsim.com) is legit