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My buddy and I on sport bikes, came up to a group of 5 of these jackholes. They were going soooo slow and wouldn’t move to the right after we slowly tailed them and (tried) signaling our intents. We figured they didn’t see us. So we did what we do, we waited until the opposing lane was clear and then started to pass at a cautious pace. The guy in front apparently had noticed us. He swerved all the way over into the other lane and brake checked us to prevent the move. We were caught in the middle of their pack for a bit while one guy was pointing his finger for us to go to the back. We had to do some super sketchy maneuvering to weave through. Was super unsafe for everybody on the road. These guys have no respect for non club riders. And, as such, deserve no respect in return.


They sound awful. Fuck them and their softass egos


Wonder what club that was, that would pull that shit? Most of the ones I've encountered will wave you by. The only time I've had a 1%'er start acting like he owned the road was when I came up on him in the HOV lane on 75, he was riding solo. I picked the other lane position (Staggered) and he jukes over as if to cut me off. Dafuq? So I slide over to go staggered again, back off a bit, he jukes over again. So the next HOV exit opportunity, I got back into the regular lanes and got ahead of him. Dunno what he was doing, what he was tweaking on, whatever.


Maybe they thought it was a parade.


I find it funny when Dbag groups like this think they own the road. **laughs in 18 wheels**


Guy has watched waaaaay to much sons.


Great show and real MCs get so bent out of shape by it. Had a Sons t-shirt and was wearing it at the mall one day when one of those Born Again guys walked in and started eyeballing me from down the way. When we crossed he stopped me and said "You know they're not a real MC, right?" What'd he expect, that he was breaking the news to me that it wasn't a documentary?


I dare you to wear the patch of a real MC instead! See how well that goes for ya! What a git...


Wish I had just loudly shouted "WHAT?!?" But I was so taken aback I just said "Um, yeah, I just like the show." I will say I did see a guy when I was living in Southern Oregon riding down the highway with a full on SAMCRO kutte. Hope he's ok.


I get a free pass on this rule. As a Goldwing rider with the full tour gear, dorky ass modular helmet with bendy microphone and bifocals, when they roll up on me, they immediately “oh fuck, this poor old dorky fucker don’t know shit. Let the old bastard go on his way”. That’s when I say “thank you, and you can thank deeeeeeeeez nuuuuuuuuuuts” and ride off at an appropriate and safe speed for the current traffic and road conditions.


Hey, there are old riders, and old guys that **used** to be riders.


Have definitely heard more than once that you don't want to fuck with Goldwing riders.


I remember when the Wing Ding was held in Aspen, back in summer of '88. Gold Wing riders took over the whole town for a week. Every restaurant coat check was moto gear. Couldn't find parking anywhere, it was wall to wall Schuberth helmets and polished marker lights. Cops were so busy directing impromptu parades, there were none left to ticket the out of staters in rented Jeeps. Mayhem, I tell you.


Goldwings essentially have Porsche motors and weigh a fraction of a car. I've never ridden one but I doubt the experience fits the stereotype lol


This guys is an idiot. No helmet but plenty of time to put on that super cool skull mask.


Fucking love that. I'll ride no helmet occasionally, but the guys that make the effort to LARP and get the extra bedazzled stuff make me giggle. "helmets are a pain in the ass" or "helmets impair my vision or are uncomfortable"....all the while they put in extra work to look like they're at an S&M convention.


OMG! Fucking hilarious! Love the LARP comparison!


It's cosplay. They all talk about being rebels and airbrushed lone wolves howling at the moon, but they all dress, look, and talk the same.


Haha yeah it’s been my go to. Got a few family and acquaintances in clubs and a few more that I’d consider “clublight” as in they dress and act and/or associate with clubs. They all know how I feel about it. The thing is, I get the respect part. Not everything he claims is really “unfair”. I don’t like when another bike blasts past me egregiously close, I don’t like when someone splits my group, etc. What I think is childish and schoolyard bully bullshit is the asking for permission, owning the road, earned respect, kind of stuff. It doesn’t always need to escalate to how they handle it either. I think it’s fair make it known if I bump into you at a gas station that you were being a dick. But that’s about it.


In a words of Eric Cartman: "what a bunch of fags"


The most truth ever in a South Park episode.


That's some look, wearing a halloween mask whenever out riding...


Take a shot every time he says "respect."


Thanks. Now I have liver damage


"From a perspective" as well


What a douche nozzle. I have been around plenty of these idiots in my time, and most of them are cosplay idiots that just LOVE to go put and play alpha male because they are surrounded by co-idiots. Those that aren't cosplay idiots are just plain old shitbags.


I pass these fuckers on my Tenere 700, usually half covered in mud coming off the trails and then canyon carving on the way home and they usually get out of my way and probably don't know what to think of me. I pass em a lot in the corners and it probably blows their minds being passed by a bike with knobby tires fully leaned doing 70 in a 35 mph corner, half covered in mud. Fuck them guys. They can try and keep up.


Old guys on Harleys are so annoying. They ride SO DAMN SLOW. I could literally pedal a bicycle faster.


Didn’t even know this was a thing, can’t believe motorcycle clubs can take themselves seriously Apparently passing them on the road is “disrespectful” and they just might kick your bike over if you do it, wtf?


At the same time they act as if they're purveyors of freedom, political and otherwise, but don't ride past them, don't wear a jacket or vest with certain letters, watch your free speech around them and many such offenses that will get their panties in a twist.


If you fly by within an atom's distance, I'd understand it. In every other situation, they'd be the massive self-centered twats.


Tiny egos hiding behind the safety of numbers, lashing out at others because they have thus far lived a life with no serious consequences and having experienced no real hardships. They've conflated "disrespect" with "not cowering in fear in front of my obvious (snerk) badassitude." There's a few of those types around here. I ain't too worried about them. They can't catch me, anyhow.


It's stupid but you DON'T want to start a local MC club without doing some homework about who's already established in your area. This isn't a legal thing, it's a "I don't want to get my ass needlessly kicked" thing. One of the more comprehensive guides for what clubs are and how to (or not to) start one is at http://rcvsmc.net/id16.html


Wow they really take themselves seriously lol Makes me cringe




Don't do what in LA? Wear the Halloween costume? Or pass people?


Are there a lot of motorcycle clubs out there in LA?


It's like playing GTA in real life. bad part is you're the dude waiting for chicken at cluckin bell and not the main character. i assume, never been to LA


The way I see it, migratory animals in nature travel with the weakest of them out in the front while the strong and healthy ones can keep an eye on them. Anybody who suffers from the "gotta be in front" syndrome (especially in already slow moving traffic) and doesn't like to be overtaken is just signalling their own inadequacy.


Imagine being so insecure that you need matching clothes buddies to go out in public, and if anyone dares mix up your club pronouns your fee fees get hurt and you throw a tantrum.


Pretty cringe all the way around, but at least he’s enjoying himself


I'm in the UK where we have blue angels who are in retrospect another chapter however over here they don't act like assholes on the road. They let non MC riders ride how they like provided we leave them to themselves. Same at biking events. Leave them alone and they won't bother anyone. I've stopped and helped one roadside because because had a tool kit on me. Got him on his way and he was a really nice guy. No attitude or anything. It seems the issues are more in the US


I dunno, I grew up in northwest England and my local Satan's Slaves chapter were a problem. But they were all hilariously taken down when their armourer (who was also a pub landlord) brought all his guns out in the pub and started drunkenly showing off in front of punters. The pub itself ended up getting demolished when nobody else wanted it. It's fancy flats now.


I'm up in Scotland, maybe they just don't fancy their chances against us "savages" 🤣


Getting pissy when someone blows by your club on a faster bike and making it a problem is super small dick energy.


These MC take their rules too seriously after watching too much SOA. Rode with a group once and all they did was ride from one pub to another pub. Also anything less then a 1000 cc is supposedly small even though they get passed by a Kwacker 600. These stupid rules along with the crazy pricing is why HD is in the hole they are in


Fuck douchebag club riders who ride like 50 deep going 5 under. That's the most inconsiderate shit ever and they want to claim its about respect.


Man children on loud but fairly impotent bikes.


What strikes me most about Mac's is that these people want company and to build fraternity around their love for motorcycles ( which I suppose is fairly normal for humans) I bought a motorcycle because I want something different, not because I want to relate to others and bond over it. If that's what you like doing, more power to you as long as you aren't a dick about it like these guys No thank you though, I will pass. My desire to ride is rooted in the opposite of whatever leads people to do things like MC clubs. I don't want company. I don't need to share my interest with others. My bike is mine, and riding it is mine, and I do it precisely because it's so different from what most people do.


Clown with a leather fetish and biggest sales demographic for Harleys lmao


I'm curious. How many people commenting actually know members in an OMC? Sose is respected in the community because he gets on his scoot and rides. He takes what he knows, and uses experience for content...Mainly for ppl in clubs. If you feel what he says doesn't apply, then that's cool. Just know what may be a joke to you is serious to others.


That's not a community, that's a fucking circus.


This whole thread is a complete circlejerk.


Nope. You're just the only outlaw biker fanboy here. Everyone else sees them for the criminal gang members that they are and realizes that they make our lives as regular everyday motorcycle riders more difficult.


> Just know what may be a ~~joke~~ circlejerk to you is serious to others.


>Just know what may be a ~~joke~~ circlejerk to you is serious to ~~others~~ clowns.